April 2, 2015

Cranky, fusty WaPo didn't appreciate Scott Walker's joke...

... yesterday.

But I did.


MAJMike said...

Why are DemCong such haters?

Wince said...

The problem with Scott Walker’s April Fool’s Day ‘joke’...

That he's a Republican, basically.

MadisonMan said...

Go Badgers! Beat the Wildcats, version K.

Anonymous said...


Be prepared to read this, about Republicans only, for the next 18 months or more.

Bay Area Guy said...

Man, I hope the Badgers win, and Walker is all over the Court with Bo Ryan and the players. That will shut up the WaPost and these other leftist mouthpieces.

Michael K said...

The commenters are at least as slow as the editors.

Skeptical Voter said...

Old Fuds populate the upper echelons at the Washington Post. They'd get down off their snit if Georgetown was in the Final Four.

Bobber Fleck said...

Humor impaired liberals...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I think Walker's April Fools joke was a disaster for him. The "joke" was too gloomy and he is depressing. Clearly he has disqualified himself from being President.

David said...

Gotta say that the comment section to the article does not reflect too well on WAPO readership. Complete knee jerking talking points.

Dale said...


Scott Walker should not tell jokes that are lame, but the Washington Post and NYT had writers yesterday lecture all of us about not understanding Noah whats-His-name Gonna-be-on-the-Daily-Show's special and profound Twitter humor.

RecChief said...

humorless scolds.

Beta Rube said...

The lefties were reserving their glee for destroying a small business in Indiana for expressing deeply and long held religious convictions.

Oh, and death threats (of course).

It's funny when it's smug.

Known Unknown said...

There is no end, is there?

Sam L. said...

East Coasters just can't and don't even try to understand midwesterners.

So why do they think they are smart?

Michael K said...

"The lefties were reserving their glee for destroying a small business in Indiana"

One, that thing was a setup and two, the pizza place owner is so far $142,000 ahead on donations. Maybe he'll retire.

Patrick said...

Typical Washington puts. Couldn't figure out that the joke was on them.

Paco Wové said...

"that thing was a setup"

Please explain.

Eric said...

How dare he inconvenience the journalistical class! He is clearly unqualified for any public office!

Big Mike said...

That's why you need to make fun of the Progs every chance you get. Humor to a Prog is like garlic to a vampire or silver bullets to werewolves.

bleh said...


glenn said...

If snappy comebacks get under the lefties skin so much maybe we ought to do it more often.

SteveR said...

The problem with people who get paid to write.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The pro-democrat hack media in action.

Tim said...

gofundme.com/memoriespizza is over $414k now. Well done "tolerant" left.

Dustin said...

Walker did this thing that Obama did, almost exactly, which was quite cool when Obama did it, but is clearly not cool when Walker did it.

Seriously, it's like junior high school.

More seriously, there is so much real news out there that is truly interesting, important, and unheard, but this is what the Washington Post, one of the most prestigious journalistic endeavors, has to say about the world.

BudBrown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
peacelovewoodstock said...

Reminds me of the "occupy" movement with their goofy "mike check" litanies where one person prattles inanely and everyone else echoes each word in unison.

Group-think in action.

bgates said...

I'm a little surprised they didn't criticize Walker for paying any attention at all to college basketball when there are so many other things that require his attention as governor.

garage mahal said...

What is the joke part?

Roger Sweeny said...

Has anyone done any research to see if there was any respectable media reaction to Obama's similar tweet in 2006? And was the reaction respectful?

Anonymous said...

What's not a joke is the way even his fellow conservatives are starting to see what Scott Walker is all about:

Deep down you know the truth: Walker is an opportunist who is stepping on this trivial state as he makes his way to the presidency.

But he’s not just stepping on the liberals who marched in circles around the Capitol, or signed the recall petition, or went to court over his emails.

No, he’s grinding his heels into the conservatives — the people who fought for him, and trusted him. People like you.

He’s betrayed you for something bigger and better and clearly planned to do so for some time.

That’s the reality. You can acknowledge it, fight for this state and hold him accountable; as a conservative you’re in a unique position to do so. Or, you can watch our state lose unprecedented opportunities while you hope “the old Scott” comes through the door.


Kyzer SoSay said...

Ha, nice try!

Drago said...

madisonfella: "He’s betrayed you for something bigger and better and clearly planned to do so for some time."

That laughter you hear is emanating from the Kremlin and Tehran.

You know, real stuff.

garage mahal said...

Deep down you know the truth: Walker is an opportunist who is stepping on this trivial state as he makes his way to the presidency.

And the country is getting the opportunity to see what a dumbass Walker really is.

Amy said...

I thought it was funny, in a gentle sort of way. Why does everything have to be hyper-analyzed, dissected and picked apart?
Can't it just be a little April Fool's joke?Geez, they are fusty, aren't they, over there at the Wapo?

Go Badgers (said from the east coast). They have really caught my attention - so much fun to watch all those threes swoosh in!

I Callahan said...

Humor impaired liberals...

But you repeat yourself...

I Callahan said...

What is the joke part?

Garage comes into the thread and proves the point.

pious agnostic said...

You play practical jokes on April Fools day.

When someone plays a (harmless) practical joke (on you) you can laugh it off with good humor, or you can get offended and say "that's not funny."

One of these two choices is likable and adult; th eother is neither.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I'm 100% sure cranky & fusty are both words you'll not be allowed to use to describe Candidate Clinton, Professor. You have been warned.

garage mahal said...

Garage comes into the thread and proves the poin

What was the actual joke though? What was supposed to be funny?

Drago said...

garage: "What was the actual joke though? What was supposed to be funny?"

garage pops back into the thread to doubly reinforce the point.