February 15, 2015

"When it came time for [Miranda] July to speak, she stood up and started singing. She was large-eyed and lithe."

"I don’t remember what song it was—something she had written herself, I believe. I was startled. Who was this woman? (Her performances and short films had not appeared widely enough to have caught my notice.) I was then mortified, not for her, since she seemed completely at ease and the audience was enthralled, but mortified for narrative structure, [the topic of the conference panel] which had clearly been given the bum’s rush.... Sitting next to Ms. July was the brilliant Denis Johnson, who, inspired by his neighbor, when it was his turn (figuring out one’s turn can be the most difficult part of a panel) also began to sing. Also something he had written himself. I may have laughed, thinking it was all supposed to be funny, realizing too late my mistake.... Then it was clearly, or unclearly, my turn. If not the wallflower at the orgy then I was the mute at the a cappella operetta (a condition typical of many a July character though not of July herself): I refused to sing. I don’t remember what I said—I believe I read from some notes, silently vowing never to be on another panel...."

Yeah, panels! Sounds like one of my nightmares, but I guess that really happened to the fiction writer Lorrie Moore. I don't know. Fiction writers! Talking about/singing about narrative structure, a topic "about which [fiction writers] are the most clueless and worried and improvisational."


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Some panels are better than others.

SHELDON: Dr. Koothrappali, would you care to join the conversation?

RAJ: Well, certainly. I'd like to raise two points. Number one, I think they are talking about penises. And number two, these mimosas are kicking my little brown ass!

And we all learn a valuable lesson.

traditionalguy said...

You have to watch out for those large-eyed and lithe ones. I think Julius Caesar first said that about yon Cassius.

Those types are the ones quick to restructure everything whenever they perceive the chess board of relationships is set up for them to lose the game.

Laslo Spatula said...

Did a Google image search of her.

Yes, there is a nude photo.

Second: large eyes can very easily become crazy eyes.

Eyes that say I would wear men's nipples for a belt. I would look good in that belt and a billowy skirt. I would wear the nipple belt and billowy skirt to fancy cocktail parties and drink fancy cocktails, and when people asked about it, I would say I like to carve the nipples off of men's chests. I don't know why I like to do this, but I feel compelled. Then I wash my hands, over and over. I believe it helps my writing.

Like I said: crazy eyes.

I am Laslo.

Wilbur said...

Laslo, I Google imaged her.

She wears her hair like Desiree Cousteau.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Laslo Spatula said...

Did a Google image search of her.
Yes, there is a nude photo.

With a name like Ms. July, how could there not be?

mccullough said...

Too many bookish people

Saint Croix said...

I really got a kick out July's movie. Kinda amazing.

Earnest Prole said...

I recommend both her movies, “Me and You and Everyone We Know” and “The Future.” Like the late David Foster Wallace, Miranda July tries to be (and mostly succeeds as) a post-ironic artist. For a delightful three-minute youtube introduction, google miranda july distraction video.

Earnest Prole said...

or if you have thirty minutes, google miranda july on strangers

veni vidi vici said...

The writing in the excerpt you posted makes the event out to be a throne-sniffer's bacchanal.