September 13, 2014

"This might be the worst week in the history of the NFL, with another despicable act by a privileged player taking Roger Goodell’s league to an unfathomable low."

Writes Gary Meyers in The Daily News.
Goodell can begin to make up for his mishandling of the [Ray] Rice case by immediately suspending [Adrian] Peterson for the season and then throwing him out of the league....

The personal conduct policy does not require a conviction in order for Goodell to impose discipline. One of the circumstances that allows Goodell to punish Peterson is "conduct that imposes inherent danger to the safety and well-being of another person."...

Peterson reportedly called the tree branch a “switch,” and the [4-year-old] boy suffered bruises to his back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum and defensive wounds to his hands... According to police reports, the child told authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” He also said he had been hit with a belt and “there are lots of belts in Daddy’s closet.”

The radio station reported that in an interview with police, Peterson appeared to believe he did nothing wrong. “Anytime I spank my kids, I talk to them before, let them know what they did, and of course after,” he said. Reportedly, Peterson regretted his son did not cry because he then would have known the switch had done more damage than intended.
The boy did not cry, and the boy calls his father "Daddy Peterson." Peterson smiles in the mug shot and claims to have experienced the same form of discipline when he was a child. The term "switch" — which Meyers treats as odd and deceptive — is traditional:
Switches are most efficient (i.e., painful and durable) if made of a strong but flexible type of wood, such as hazel... or hickory; as the use of their names for disciplinary implements...

Making a switch involves cutting it from the stem and removing twigs or directly attached leaves. For optimal flexibility, it is cut fresh shortly before use, rather than keeping it for re-use over time. Some parents decide to make the cutting of a switch an additional form of punishment for a child, by requiring the disobedient child to cut his/her own switch.
Here's Richard Pryor: "Anyone here remember them switches?"

And this was once the norm in school:
One of the most common punishments was getting a whipping with a hickory switch or a birch rod. Sometimes the strapping was so severe that students went home with red marks across their legs....

Are you too young to remember the ‘good old days’ when “Readin’ and writing’ and ‘rithmetic were taught to the tune of the hickory stick?”
That last line quotes the 1907 song "School Days" ("Dear old golden rule days...").

I'm not recommending or excusing disciplining children with switches or sticks, just observing that it is an old tradition. As a culture, we have abandoned that tradition, and it's hard to believe that Peterson hadn't noticed, but that's his story. It's a story that will be harder to sell coming immediately in the aftermath of the Ray Rice incident, and commentators like Gary Meyers are demanding that Peterson's punishment include punishment for what Ray Rice did.

Isn't it ironic that outrage at the unfair punishment inflicted by Adrian Peterson distorts thinking about how to punish him? Emotional overpunishment — it's the problem, not the solution.


Mark said...

Remember when having an out gay guy in the locker room was going to be a problem?

Goodell has dug quite a hole for himself. A grave, maybe.

Michael said...

The switch was a very effective tool when I was a child. You cannot speak hardhly to a child today much less let them feel the switch. As we have seen through the devolution of a culture, discipline is no longer in style.

Off with his head.

SayAahh said...

It is all about understanding other cultures.

PB said...

From the movie, The Quiet Man:

Fishwoman with basket at station: Sir!... Sir!... Here's a good stick, to beat the lovely lady.

Ah, the Irish and their fine traditions.

Birches said...

This is getting ridiculous. It seems like campus sexual assualt cases and the NFL are going the same way.

Accusations = Lifetime ban

But Big Ben Rothlisberger is still playing (btw, I think he did it). Good thing his rape accusation came a few years ago.

Mark Caplan said...

The "School Days" song presumably applied to children of school age. Adrian Peterson's son was four.

I say this laughingly, of course, but suppose the NFL invoked the personal conduct clause whenever a player impregnated a woman he wasn't married to. That would clear the bench and sidelines. Peterson has fathered literally countless children. Nobody seems to know exactly how many kids he has.

Woody Pfister said...

The media has declared that NFL players are to be held to higher standards of conduct than Democrat US Senators.

Opinh Bombay said...

A Carrington Event could throw us back to the stone age. We are not hardening our power sources. Ebola is loose. We have a President who routinely lies to us while letting Islamic groups run wild.

....and the "media" runs with a couple of small time misdemeanors / crimes from NFL players and NFL management errors.

Distraction? Yeah, I think so.

traditionalguy said...

The football world is a male world of authority and sever discipline. The lack of feminine influence is near total. It is more a survival school like the Navy Seal training we see in movies.

Even touch football or flag football can be a severe test of courage as well with blocking violence and stiff arms equivalent to a prize fight.

And guess what position is Target #1 with no protective rules except a survival instinct that does it to them before they do it to you.

That would be the position that both Rice and Peterson play, the Running Back.

chillblaine said...

"Peterson has fathered literally countless children."

Dats Raciss!

On a lighter note, sometimes my wife makes me cross, and to tease her, I say, "woman, now go and cut me a switch." It's only funny because it's vaguely menacing.

Gahrie said...

I'm not recommending or excusing disciplining children with switches or sticks,

I am. Negative reinforcement works. Every animal that raises its young uses pain as negative reinforcement. Perhaps if some of those innercity youth were beat with a switch, they wouldn't be killing each other daily. I hope Dr. Spock in burning in hell.

As a culture, we have abandoned that tradition

Says who? I know those of you on the Left have tried to....but it should be noted the first grand jury presented with this case refused to indict.

I rather hope this is the point at which the Left presses too hard...

Original Mike said...

I got the belt a few times when I was a kid. It tended to keep me in line.

traditionalguy said...

Incidentally Alabama wins its football games because the sophisticated and smooth Nick Saban is actually a severe disciplinarian who threatens his players over every move they make or don't make.

Any female who wants to analyze running backs being hit and hitting back to survive should watch UGA's game this afternoon.

Gurley is a headliner running back as big and fast as Herschel Walker once was, but the one to watch is a freshman named Chubb.

iowan2 said...

Diversity is the answer. Diversity of cultural upbringing, makes the rest of us better people.

Don't judge the diversity, embrace it.

(sarcasm, about the idiocy of diversity, not defending beating children, even if you're a protected class)

Curious George said...

Never got the belt but the threat of it was enough.

Sydney Ski said...

The child is reported 4 yrs old. What behavior warrants such punishment?

David53 said...

I'm not recommending or excusing disciplining children with switches or sticks, just observing that it is an old tradition. As a culture, we have abandoned that tradition

Our culture has not abandoned corporal punishment. It's still legally "applied" by parents and school districts across the country. Does it really matter whether a switch, a paddle or a hand is used? The key to this case is whether or not excessive force was applied.

oleh said...

When I was a kid in Poland - 80s - it was normal to receive, along with candy, a decorated switch for St. Nicholas Day.

Strangely I cannot find any pictures of these on Google. I assume the tradition has died an amazingly sudden death. Things change.

WaitingToBuy said...

A switch on a 4 yr old. Seriously, what can a 4 yr old possibly do to deserve that form of punishment.

exhelodrvr1 said...

When are we going to rename everything that was named after Ted Kennedy?

William said...

It's possible that he's more ignorant than malicious. Not that a four year old kid would be able to tell the difference.

oleh said...

Also absurd to claim that a four year old needs to be beaten to the point of bleeding to teach a lesson, even if one supports the practice of corporal punishment.

Michael K said...

We certainly can't have a black man punishing a black child with a switch. The old aphorism, "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is long out of date.

Apparently the birth control pill and its uses has not penetrated the black community, especially where multimillionaire football players are involved.

Sorun said...

"the [4-year-old] boy suffered bruises to his back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum and defensive wounds to his hands

There's a line that can be crossed, and if the boy had these many wounds (on the scrotum too?), it was probably crossed.

There was a line back in my day too.

Paul said...

"As a culture, we have abandoned that tradition, and it's hard to believe that Peterson hadn't noticed, but that's his story"

Says the lefty white lady living in lily white lefty Madison. In black culture corporal punishment is widespread. Maybe Petersen hadn't noticed the norms in your little cultural bubble.

Gahrie said...

I can't wait for the day that all of our jobs depend upon our private behavior./sarc

David said...

The mob is in full cry.

Sixteen female US Senators (standing at a microphone before the cameras of course) band together to call for a lifetime ban of Ray Rice. Finally, bipartisanship.

That was enough for me.

There, but for the grace of God . . .

Hagar said...

The kid looked like he had been in a major rumble.
This is not, and never has been, appropriate punishment for an adult to inflict on a child.

SteveR said...

If AP had received his reparations payment he'd never have acted this way

Christy said...

I had to cut my own switch. Here in the south we always had a forsythia bush handy. Oddly enough I've an outsized contempt for anyone who prunes forsythia closely and deprives us of those glorious sprays of yellow flowers. Upon reflection, I think instead of contempt, I'll start throwing up prayers for the soul of that householder, who surely must have been beaten severely as a child.

PB said...

What can a 4-year old do that might cause an adult to think the child was disobedient or out of control? Well if that child was given everything they asked for or were raised with absolutely no adult supervision, their behavior may be so unruly as to be bordering on feral.

Naut Right said...

Corporal punishment is alive and well in these parts. You may be able to raise a girl with little to none but not hardly a boy.
That said, multiple bruising is indicative not of punishment but meaness.

Martha said...

"the [4-year-old] boy suffered bruises to his back, buttocks, ankles, legs and scrotum and defensive wounds to his hands

From the number of wounds visible in the photos, the 4 year old child was apparently hit repeatedly with the switch-- too many times to count-- by a very large, angry male.

That is not discipline. That is attempted murder.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Profession sports should ban all convicted felons.

MayBee said...

It is no longer considered appropriate punishment, and I don't think it is, but I do believe Peterson was just doing what he was raised with.

I'm thinking counciling and supervised visits are the way to go for him, here. Not prison.

We need to remember not everybody was raised in the suburbs. Even when they make it to the big time, they weren't raised in the environment they find themselves in.

Also, maybe we could do some focusing on what happens to these young men as they are growing up. Ray Rice's father was killed in a drive by shooting. Peterson's father was arrested for dealing with crack cocaine.

Let's see if we can't turn these men into examples of how to right your wrongs and treat your family right so these don't become 3rd generation problems.

MayBee said...

Profession sports should ban all convicted felons.

Football can and should be a sport and career available to those who need redemption.

I honestly don't know why people are still going on about the NFL and Ray Rice. Yes, his original suspension was too short. The NFL changed it's policy before the whole bruhaha took place.

It seems people are really mad at law enforcement, and also think if they can take Roger Goodell and Ray Rice out then their issue will be made more important.
They need to see a sacrifice made to their cause.

But I say we see if Ray Rice's counseling works. Isn't that the ulitmate goal? Wouldn't that actually be better than prison (which is horrible and should only be used in the most dangerous cases).

dreams said...

My generation of children were often punished with a switch and sometimes we were force to procure the switch ourselves. Times have changed and looking back on those days I think there where some children who were punished too harshly though my parents never did that.

My earliest memory is being switched by my grandmother with every step back to her house, apparently my brother and I had been told to not wonder away from the yard.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Once convicted or pleading guilty of a felony, a person should never be allowed to play professional sports again. It's a very low standard.

dreams said...

I should have written one of my earliest memories.

Rockport Conservative said...

When I was a small child the Santa threat was if you were bad you got a bundle of switches in your stocking. That was in Oklahoma; in my husband's San Antonio hometown it was coal in your stocking and his mother who was born in 1906 actually got a stocking full of coal when she was a child.
Oh, the inhumanity.

exhelodrvr1 said...

What about the underlying causes? Any common threads in these recent cases?

MayBee said...

Once convicted or pleading guilty of a felony, a person should never be allowed to play professional sports again. It's a very low standard.

But why?
Should felons be able to work anywhere?
If not, why not?
If so, why not the NFL?

I can see why someone convicted of money laundering shouldn't be allowed to work at a bank. Or someone convicted of child porn shouldn't work as a school teacher.

But what it is it about football that someone who has been convicted is no longer qualified to earn a living playing?

jr565 said...

My mom and dad never hit me with a switch. But they did smack me a couple of times. And I remember those incidents a lot better than I ever did the scoldings which were a dime a dozen.
Granted, parents can take it too far, and maybe the switch is that. But lets not forget that previous generations had that done and didn't rat out their parents. In fact some of those parents might otherwise be exemplary.

MayBee said...

What about the underlying causes? Any common threads in these recent cases?

Yes, and that's what I'd like some focus on.

So many of these guys grow up fatherless or with troubled fathers. Peterson and Rice both did.
Football was their redemption, but it didn't teach them how to be husbands and fathers.

traditionalguy said...

Do you mean Scott Walker cannot attend Badger or Packer games? Garage says he is a felon.

Skeptical Voter said...

We were too poor to use switches so my Daddy used a belt. LOL

While he was a Texan he'd moved to the West Coast, so I never had to cut my own switch. I probably got disciplined a dozen or so times in my childhood. My brother got about the same, and my sister not at all. I will say that my brother and I had it coming when we got it.

But times change. I probably swatted each of my two daughters maybe three times in their lives (they are in their 40s now) and corporal discipline will not be a part of their children's lives.

But I can occasionally see a child anywhere between four and eight years old having a total meltdown in a public place, with parents absolutely unable to control them. Their behavior doesn't "verge" on the feral, it is feral.

jr565 said...

What if it was Michael Brown and his parents found out that he was strong arming stores. Wouldn't a severe beating from a parent do a lot more than putting him in time out? Too may kids today are hoodlums because their parents gave up on discipling them
"You lack discipline". If you're sticking your kids with cigarette butts you're going too far. But nowadays even a spanking can get child services involved. that's ridiculous.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Absolutely - but today's world encourages intentional single-mother families.

rhhardin said...

Don't let your emotions get into corrections. They have to be a passionless natural law consequence of the undesired action.

The correctee can then responsibility for the consequencs of his own actions, a handy habit in life.

As to what could a four year old have done, how about dash into highway traffic from a parking lot.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Of course ex-cons should be able to work. But not in all jobs and not in all roles. Sports Professionals are in the public eye and represent their teams and sport. So no ex-cons should not be allowed. They can move on to the jobs they planned to pursue after their sports careers.

rhhardin said...

I gave up on the NFL before it was even the NFL, probably, in 1971.

Too much hype.

So I miss any lectures on moral rectitude in the modern age.

dreams said...

"But what it is it about football that someone who has been convicted is no longer qualified to earn a living playing?"

Spouse abuse happens way too often but people don't get fired from their jobs because of it. I blame the self righteous mob mentality liberal sportswriters. I consider liberal sportswriters to be the most contemptible of any of the liberals.

MayBee said...

exhelodrvr1 said...
Absolutely - but today's world encourages intentional single-mother families.


But that's something getting rid of Goodell or banning Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson won't even begin to address.

So once again, people who say they want things to change go for the shiny object.

MayBee said...

Sports Professionals are in the public eye and represent their teams and sport. So no ex-cons should not be allowed.

So ex-cons can only work in jobs out of the public eye?
Could they work in the entertainment industry? Or as a spokesman for a charity?

Michael K said...

"I consider liberal sportswriters to be the most contemptible of any of the liberals."

Yes and they go out of their way to pontificate because it makes them think they are serious people. Sports is not enough for the leftist self image.

MayBee said...

Sen Gillibrand (a Democrat!) said ex-cons shouldn't be able to play professional football because they are seen as role models.

But the solution there is to stop treating them as role models if they don't deserve that. There are plenty of guys who play professional football for a living who don't get treated like heroes- who don't get much attention at all.

Mark said...

There is a line, he crossed it while hitting a 4 year old.

How many times does he have to hit the kid to make a point? Not this much.

jacksonjay said...

Black league - Black Culture! Very simple! Crack is right, you White people don't know much about Black culture. Domestic violence and violent discipline is the norm in Black culture. It is usually the Black mom or grandma meting out the punishment.

What did Mikey "Fat Ass" Moore say after the 9/11 attack?

“If the passengers had included black men, he claimed, those killers, with their puny bodies and unimpressive small knives, would have been crushed by the dudes, who as we all know take no disrespect from anybody.”

The often quoted Bill Maher said:

"I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt so you can see the gun in his pants. That’s — (in black man voice) ‘we’ve got a motherfu**ing problem here?’ Shoot somebody in the foot.’”

Our dear Attorney General, Eric "My People" Holder said we need to have a conversation, but we are all a bunch of cowards. He is right. We can't notice the elephant in the room.

Anonymous said...

We punished our children with a switch. But only when they were very young, like his four year old. We wanted the immediacy of the pain to follow the wrong doing. Now that my children are older, switches are a lesser form of punishment. Because they can remember what they did, and understand it better, they feel it more when they have electronics taken away, or are put in their room and unable to play, etc.

We used to give them the option, but they would always choose the spanking to other, longer lasting, less physically painful punishments. That's when we learned that the other punishments were more effective.

As to Peterson, I don't mind that he switches, it shouldn't be a crime.

On the other hand, if he beat his son, then that's another thing. I'll wait for the evidence.

Anonymous said...

I had a lengthy and unproductive Twitter debate with someone who kept referring to this as "spanking" -- but not to legitimize the switch, but to delegitimize spanking!

My impression is that spanking is still allowed and accepted. Is that not the case anymore?

Relatedly, the kid was 4. I think that was a little young to be beaten with a stick, in living memory.

jacksonjay said...

Saint Peterson's dad spent some time in prison during his formative years.

These athletes begin to develop a sense of invincibility in middle school. They often find themselves with friends and authorities who are willing to get them out of trouble. Johnny Football and Jameis Winston, the most recent Heisman winners, come to mind. We are to blame for worshiping their abnormal talents.

n.n said...

I though the popular standard was a separation of work and home. Since the moral violation occurred at home, why is the NFL, and Goodell specifically, subject to scrutiny in the press and politics? Why are the players subject to public recrimination when their behavior does not pose a threat to the public? The selective standards of progressive morality are undermining the legitimacy of the pseudo-religion.

Anonymous said...

@eric really? switches at 4? That's very VERY old-school, I think.

Maybe it's a cultural thing. I was raised in CA in the late 70s.

Anonymous said...

Dreams wrote,

Spouse abuse happens way too often but people don't get fired from their jobs because of it."

This is actually wrong. After Clinton changed the law in 1998, if you're convicted of spousal abuse and work for the US Government you're no longer allowed to carry a firearm. If you're a federal officer, and you lose your gun, you lose your job.

I've seen it happen.

The Crack Emcee said...


"As a culture, WHITES have abandoned that tradition, and it's hard to believe that Peterson hadn't noticed, but that's his story."


retired said...

When they are done punishing all the NFL players for drugs, crimes and violence, there won't be many left to play the games.

Anonymous said...

Not all whites Crack. Mostly just the ones who call themselves Democrats.

But you're racist mind might have trouble processing that. Aren't all whites the same?

Cedarford said...

Funny how the PC forces, the liberal-progressive jewish media masters, Congress, the NFL all gave Ray Lewis a pass.

But have made Ray Rice into a great demon of demons because he dropped a ho' spitting at him and initiating the physical confrontation. A ho' now happily married to Rice and who has asked the Forces of Righteousness to kindly back the fuck off. (not that they will, it just feels too good to stop the destruction of Rice and his Wife to advance the NFL tainted with domestic violence Narrative)
Murder though? Drugs? Weapons possession? That stuff is far less serious than smacking a ho' or spanking a kid.

The biggest lesson Ray Lewis gave other black thug athletes was to never wear a white suit multiple witnesses saw splattered with blood later - to a double murder. Lewis was charged with 2nd degree murder.

He worked up a deal where he plead to obstruction of justice, got a year probation and a record 250,000 NFL fine.
Never missed a day of football.
They built a statue of him in front of the Raven's arena in Baltimore to the cheers of the mostly black city.

Michael said...


I think you missed his point. He is saying that only whites have adopted the humane approach of not beating the shit out of their kids with sticks.

D. B. Light said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

Whats interesting about the linked article on One-room schoolhouse is how the settlers tried to get their kids some kind of education despite all the obstacles.

William said...

I'd like to add a further level of cynicism to this discussion. It is much easier for a multimillionaire to find enlightenment and charity in his heart than it is for an unemployed ex-con. Similarly it is much easier for the child of a multimillionaire to forgive his parent's wrongs than it is for the child of an unemployed ex-con. I don't think Peterson's crimes are defensible but they are comprehensible. I would like the NFL to act in such a way as to salvage and not further damage the lives of those caught up in this.

I'm Full of Soup said...

In the last week I can't help but notice America's sportswriters are some of the angriest, far left of liberals. Can't they just stfu about Petersen? The baby mama is trying to take him down I bet.

Beta Rube said...

It wasn't enough apparently to feminize the culture, the academy, the media, and what used to be known as the English language. The gals have to come after the NFL now, one of the last bastions of unrepentant maleness.

What Ray Rice did was awful, but certainly no more awful than black on white mob violence, sucker punching a 75 year old guy into a coma and calling it a game,vicious school bus attacks, and on and on.

But the treatment of these events is remarkably different.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Althouse is out of touch about this. Just because white, upper-middle class people no longer spank their kids does not mean that all of society has given up on it. People from the lower strata of society would be amazed at the idea that spanking was no longer the norm.

This is very much something we can no longer talk about rather than something that actually changed.

jacksonjay said...

Cedarford is right. They set a precedent with Ray Lewis.

Who did ESPN choose to speak-out on Ray Rice? Well, it was Ray Lewis. He jabberwocked his way through his comments and told us that there is no comparison to what he did. Of course he's right. He killed a guy.

With respect Mr. Cedarford, I would call the statue an idol.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

We are a deeply divided society. It's not that we disagree. It's that we are foreign to each other - without comprehension. I read some of the comments from people who oppose corporal punishment and I'm shocked at their ignorance. Take the question of the child's age. You discipline when they are young so that they will not need it when they are older. To do it backwards is to inflict pain to little purpose. The point isn't to hurt, the point is to use enough pain that the child's behavior will be formed appropriately. Corporal correction can be done well or poorly. AP did it poorly according to his own testimony.

It's worth noting that the same is true of verbal punishment. I see the negligence of those parents all the time. They tell their kids, "Don't do X." And then the child ignores them. "Don't do X" the parent says again. Again the child ignores them. And then the parent gives up (often) or gets overly angry (other times.) This is terrible for kids. And yet I'm not interested in trying to ruin the lives of these inept parents. I assume that they are doing the best they know how.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Not all whites Crack. Mostly just the ones who call themselves Democrats."

More partisan nonsense. Fingers in my ears and la-la-la-la-la-la. That's what it's worth.

"But you're racist mind might have trouble processing that. Aren't all whites the same?"

Yes. Racists. And evil partisans, pretending they're engaged in the business of a country, when really all they see is enemies everywhere to kill.

Just a silly psychotic people, whites,...

The Crack Emcee said...

W.B. Picklesworth,

"We are a deeply divided society."

Gee, can't blame blacks for that - we didn't run and establish white supremacy.

Blame that white idiot who was just blaming Democrats for our problems. He's the asshole. He's the non-citizen. He's the un-American. He's the one with no concept of country, but lives by exercising his petty grievances.

A divided country?

Oh, if only blacks could've been happy being slaves,...

The Crack Emcee said...

John Lynch,

"This is very much something we can no longer talk about rather than something that actually changed."

Totally agree. I don't anyone, but suburban whites, who doesn't spank,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"I think you missed his point. He is saying that only whites have adopted the humane approach of not beating the shit out of their kids with sticks."

And the results speak for themselves.


Revenant said...

As we have seen through the devolution of a culture, discipline is no longer in style.

Crime rates were a lot higher back when switches were popular.

We may have "devolved" as a culture (whatever that means), but kids and adults are better-behaved.

Anonymous said...

"Just a silly psychotic people, whites,..."

Nice punctuation, dimwit. Also, "a people" isn't properly applied to race.

You're stupid, Crack.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if academics who try to assuage their guilt by associating with any authentic-seeming black people they can find prefer black people who are articulate, or whether that ruins the sense of authenticity in their minds.

That is, I wonder whether, if Crack were intelligent, AA would get less satisfaction by having him do his act on her blog.

W.B. Picklesworth said...


I wasn't talking about black people, blaming them, making fun of them, etc... I don't really care about black people. I'm more interested in white people who want to control everybody while ironically fighting for tolerance.

Anonymous said...

Gee WB, I'm sure those parents are awfully happy you're not interested in ruining their lives. They were quaking in their boots before, terrified that WB might come ruin their lives with his commentary.

Anonymous said...

WB, presumably by "ruin their lives" you meant something like ... criticize them? Maybe? Except you're criticizing them.

It's hard to reconstruct that sentence in a way that implies something other than that you thought your commentary might ruin their lives. That's crazy.

cubanbob said...

The NFL is a business and not a government. It should stay out of the punishment business and leave that to the government which in the Ray Rice instance has determined that nothing much happened since they failed to really pursue punishing him. The people who actually watch and support the teams don't give a crap about what whiners are complaining about and they are the one's who make the teams and the league profitable. So the professionally indignant have a fit and if the NFL were to ignore them what would happen? Nothing would happen. The whiners ought to be bitching about the prosecutors and the judges who approve of the wrist slaps instead of the league.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

May Bee said, "So ex-cons can only work in jobs out of the public eye?"

Ex-cons should not be in jobs where they are in the public eye representing a corporation, organization or similar group.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

Don't be obtuse, D.S. There are are plenty of people these days who are hell-bent on ruining other people's lives because they don't conform to modern wisdom. And so you get sportscasters, FB commenters, female Senators, and so on who call for zero tolerance, who demand that Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson be thrown from the league. There are such people in this thread, if you haven't noticed. They know best, dammit, and others better get in line and conform to their "wisdom."

People like me, on the other hand, aren't interested in picking up pitchforks to punish those who do things we think foolish or even deeply wrong.

exhelodrvr1 said...

So anyone in the entertainment/news/political field who is an ex-con should lose their job? And the same for anyone who is higher up in their organization?

Mark said...

I'm fifty. I had the duty of picking my own switches on the few occasions it was necessary. I survived, even managed to become something of a rebel while still being an academic success.

The thing about corporal punishment is that once it's over it's over, It's also hard to game a system of discipline where the actual corrective is so stark. (In Skinnerian terms, a discipline system that relies on negative rewards -- taking away fun stuff -- relies on the fun stuff not being easily replaced. Relying on positive rewards to promote good behavior requires that (a) the child receive a steady stream of positive stimuli that they respond to uniformly over time and (b) that the inherent pleasure of performing the "bad" behavior be less compelling than the pleasure received from the externally supplied positive stimuli.)

In other words, without installing a morphine drip in your kid, getting the behaviors you want without using "positive punishment" has a lot of structural challenges, and most likely will result in raising a spoiled, self-entitled little game player. (Hence, the Greatest Generation raised up the Baby Boomers to be what they are. Yay.)

One that includes positive punishment as a bright line not-to-be-crossed cuts down on a lot of the nonsense. Unfortunately that isn't really much of an option in Modern Parenting as someone's likely to break up your family, all for the Good of the Child.

damikesc said...

Is he calling for punishment based on ACCUSATIONS?

That is a mob, not justice.

Heck, I don't hate Ray Rice getting a year suspension, but dang, a LIFETIME ban? For an overreaction to an attack? (and, let's be honest, it was an attack).

His wife did contribute to the situation by hitting him several times. It doesn't justify a KO punch, but a slap back at her would've been acceptable.

Gurley is a headliner running back as big and fast as Herschel Walker once was, but the one to watch is a freshman named Chubb.

Mike Davis is no slouch. Carolina likely has no prayer, but this might be the best collection of RB's in the nation playing on the same field for this season.

Wilbur said...

My father never laid a finger on me and my sisters. It just wasn't in his makeup. Good thing, too.

Now, mother used a stout yardstick on me when I was age 4-6. I'm quite sure I needed it. It definitely got my attention.

When she had to take me out with her for something (an event we both dreaded), she couldn't bring the yardstick so she carried a ruler in her purse. I was smart enough to recognize the measurement lines on it and connect it to the yardstick, so it sufficed for her just to show it to me.

I'm not much better inclined toward mall shopping today.

The Crack Emcee said...

W.B. Picklesworth,


I wasn't talking about black people, blaming them, making fun of them, etc... I don't really care about black people."

Ooooh - that's not good. Who do you think insures that freedom exists in this country?

"I'm more interested in white people who want to control everybody while ironically fighting for tolerance."

They're talking about tolerance - not fighting for it. You don't hear anyone but blacks and racist whites talking about the struggle. The rest are oblivious and let us do the hard work alone.

But attempting to control people?

Now that's what whites are all about,...

W.B. Picklesworth said...

Who do you think insures that freedom exists in this country?

Freedom, eh? Is there rule of law too?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Want to know another thing we can't talk about?

Children are cognitively different from one another. Discipline that works for one kid will not work for another. We're not all the same.

I meet high-IQ children from upper-middle class families and they are totally different in terms of maturity and self-control from the lower class kids. It isn't solely the environment they grow up in, because sometimes their parents are divorced and they have a chaotic home life. There is a genetic component, and we can't admit it in public. The way our society is currently structured the smart and conforming rise to the top because both of those qualities are necessary to succeed in the educational system. I'm not happy about this, but it's true.

We should not expect the same discipline to work on children who are not gifted with high cognitive ability. It's a huge mistake to extend norms for everyone on the basis of what works for a small minority of people.

The Crack Emcee said...

W.B. Picklesworth,

"Freedom, eh?"

"All Men Are Created Equal" woul;d mean NOTHING without us - but you can give whites credit for the racism that spurs our actions.

"Is there rule of law too?"

Not as long as white supremacy exists, there ain't.

But we're working on it,....

The Crack Emcee said...

W.B. Picklesworth,

I just told you whites are talking about tolerance - not fighting for it.

Here's one bit of evidence.

Whites are only fooling themselves that no one else notices how they behave,...

W.B. Picklesworth said...


I didn't say whites were fighting for tolerance. I said there were whites who were ironically fighting for tolerance. And in any case I wasn't talking about blacks one way or the other. Nothing is more boring than talking about race.

Birches said...

Maybee's all right again.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

"So anyone in the entertainment/news/political field who is an ex-con should lose their job? And the same for anyone who is higher up in their organization?"

I did not say that. It is up to the organization, but in general ex-cons should not be in the public eye or leadership roles where they represent organizations. Do you think organizations normally have ex-cons in leadership positions? Do you think it is a good idea to have convicted felons as politicians?

Guildofcannonballs said...

I find it interesting nobody has had the courage to point out the new ad with Steve Stricker addressing these points of savagery and beastliness and wildness.

This is a link to other than a coward.

Walter S. said...

1910 was different 2014. My grandfather became the lone teacher in a one-room schoolhouse when he was 17---an age when his authority might have been challenged. On the first day (so goes the legend) some boys followed him to school, at a safe distance, wondering what the new teacher would be like. So he stopped by a willow tree and prepared some switches. When he got to school, he put them in his desk drawer. They were never seen again, but they may have served their purpose.

Michael K said...

Another Crack invasion. See ya.

MadisonMan said...

Too many people claim the moral high ground.

Spiros Pappas said...

This sort of discipline is evil. But it's not big, bad men who inflict the most punishment. It's single mothers. Seemingly always on the edge of a nervous breakdown, overwhelmed by their responsibilities and with a brittle social network they can lean on, single mothers are dangerous. Stop the abuse and stop pretending that men are the problem.

Anonymous said...

Yes I understand WB -- that's why the comment is so strange. Unless you're secretly Bob Costas or similar, there isn't much of a risk that you're going to ruin some parent's life by pointing out that their discipline is insufficiently physical.

Actually having said that, I don't think there's much of a risk of anyone ruining someone's life by complaining their discipline isn't physical enough.

In any case, though, it reads as borderline delusional for you to magnanimously declare that parents whose kids ignore them -- remember, that's the group who you told us you weren't going to ruin -- can sleep easily because you've decided on forbearance.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Diogenes of Sinope said..."

Diogenes of Sinope has been dead a long time, and was a criminal for most or all of his life. A proud criminal I have tried to learn from who taught many others.

Interesting use of a moniker.

Like the YoungHegelian being old now, but still young for that age.

donald said...

"But what it is it about football that someone who has been convicted is no longer qualified to earn a living playing?"

Spouse abuse happens way too often but people don't get fired from their jobs because of it. I blame the self righteous mob mentality liberal sportswriters. I consider liberal sportswriters to be the most contemptible of any of the liberals.

Eh, yes it does. Just depends on where your work.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
clint said...

This is shaping up to be an interesting year for fantasy football.

Running backs thrown out for domestic abuse. Wide receivers suddenly back in after drug suspensions. Time was all you needed to worry about were injuries. Next year's fantasy football scouting reports will need to include character and potential legal issues. And potential retroactively changing league rules.

The Crack Emcee said...

W.B. Picklesworth,

"Nothing is more boring than talking about race."

Spoken like a white guy.

If you were black, and had to live with what it means here, your attitude would be so much different.

How's it feel to be free?

The Crack Emcee said...

W.B. Picklesworth,

How's it feel not to live outnumbered by hostile people?

How's it feel not to have a history filled with white plunder and having to live with it's remains (and without them)?

How's it feel not to hear your people referred to everyday as stupid or inferior, or hear people say impossibly silly things like your folks never invented anything?

How's it feel not to see your people regularly shot down in the street, and the folks who shot him raise half a million dollars overnight for the killer's defense?

Oh, excuse me, didn't mean to bore you,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K,

"Another Crack invasion. See ya."


The Crack Emcee said...


"I been lookin" at Civil war rosters and a lot of black soldiers had my last name. It makes me wonder if my family was robbed of a bunch valuable slaves. Have not been able to confirm yet, but will keep trying."

Let us know what you discover,...

Anonymous said...

Crack, it's pretty presumptuous of you to tell other black people how they should think and feel.

Anonymous said...

FullMoon -- how do we know ST wasn't black?

More specifically, how would AA have known?

ST's not welcome because he was hateful. I think he would have been gone even if he had been black. AA's perfectly capable of shutting down hateful black people.

So long, that is, as they hate gays. I'm quite sure Crack does -- or at least, the hoax character Crack plays would, if fully fleshed out -- but he knows what his boundaries are.

Anonymous said...

Crack's character is an angry black nationalist who (like any authentic black nationalist) blogs at The Macho Response (jeeeeezus so much revealed in that pathetic title) and revealed today that he favors severe corporal punishment, as does everyone in his community (he says).

This character, if fully fleshed out, would almost certainly be homophobic.

But, Crack likes the stage too much, and likes the approval of the whites who put him on the stage. He's not going to cross boundaries.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J Lee said...

Blogger Michael K said...

"I consider liberal sportswriters to be the most contemptible of any of the liberals."

Yes and they go out of their way to pontificate because it makes them think they are serious people. Sports is not enough for the leftist self image.

9/13/14, 12:17 PM

I'm only surprised that Ann, linking to Gary Meyers' comments, didn't link to Rush Limbaugh's comments about Gary Meyers' comments on Goodell from Friday's program.

Liberal sportswriters and the media in general have decided to put the NFL in the barrel the last few years, so it's not that there haven't been actions meriting punishment by league players, but that the inappropriate behavior by NFL players suddenly has become more important than similar violations committed either by players in other leagues or by people in the public spotlight in general.

It's starting to take on the look of Howell Raines' jihad a decade ago in the pages of The New York Times against the Augusta National Golf Course for their lack of female members -- the difference here is that, while Goodell and the league in general are the prime target, they're going to have to also make a lot of NFL players out to be the worst human beings in the world in order to get at the league management, team owners and general managers they really want to blame. And for a bunch of liberal sportswriters to do that in a league which is 75 percent African-American is likely to produce some future blow-back of its own in their direction.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I should note."

"I should like to think".

)*(&^)*(^ all you (*^)&^)S )()*^)^)(,
with your (^&(*^&(^ up the _)P&_)& of the P_OY)Y^^^(*Y.

Times ten doubled and then more than doubled more.

Bob R said...

Never used corporal punishment on my kids. My wife and I both got spanked occasionally growing up. Our parents received it regularly. (Wasn't everyone told that if you were on the "naughty list" Santa put switches and coal in your stocking?)

At any rate, it seems pretty arrogant to think that white bourgeois society has got this whole raising kids thing down to a science. I think we are too damned willing to use the force of the state against people who let kids play in parks alone, leave kids in cars, and, yes, use corporal punishment.

I think people who criticize using it on a four-year-old have it backwards. The idea that you can "reason" with a four-year-old and use techniques like "time outs" is ... unproven. Now, of course, four-year-olds are small and easy to injure, so the "line" is easy to cross (and Peterson may have crossed it.)

And the use of switches seems quite sensible if you are going to use corporal punishment. They hurt with little chance of serious injury. (Someone as strong as Peterson would have to be VERY careful even hitting a kid on the butt with an open palm.) Yeah, you can leave a mark with a switch, but it's hard to inflict a real injury with a light branch.

Anonymous said...

@Bob R, you say, "I think people who criticize using it on a four-year-old have it backwards." And the antecedent of "it" in your post is "corporal punishment."

So, to raise ourselves up from the Crack sewer and back to the point of the post, there's no disagreement here. Corporal punishment should be applied to 4-year-olds routinely.

The issue is whether that means beating them with a stick, or whether it means much more mild correction via spanking. I think you hit the nail on the head -- you can inflict plenty of pain on a 4-year-old (plenty to get into his little brain) with your hand. Beating him with a stick can be far too injurious, as here.

Geez, this debate has devolved into, can we beat 4-year-olds BLOODY all over their legs and scrotum with a stick, or are we pussified and don't understand the behavioral benefits of corporal punishment? Isn't there any recognition that when an adult starts hitting a kid there ought to be some concept of proportion, of keeping things under control?

Titus said...

I did a French Morrocan last night who is now texting me constantly wanting my white midwest cock

He is begging for my white midwest cock. I may have to give it to him again, which is rare for me.

Being in demand is difficult.


Derve Swanson said...

The idea that you can "reason" with a four-year-old and use techniques like "time outs" is ... unproven.
Enlarge your sample set.
It works on children even as young as 2 years old.

You start to discipline them when they start biting the nipple while nursing. "No!" said firmly, is where it starts... The sooner you start to take control and teach, the less trouble you have when they are older (and bigger).


Derve Swanson said...

Titus said...

I did a French Morrocan last night who is now texting me constantly wanting my white midwest cock

He is begging for my white midwest cock. I may have to give it to him again, which is rare for me.

So does he spank you first then?
(thinking that's the connection to the topic of the thread??)

Titus said...

I went out with a friend of mine last night who is on grinder. There were like 500 guys on grinder at the lounge we were at.

And 200 on scruff.


I don't do grinder or scruff. I am very anonymous.

tits and grinder and scruff.

Jupiter said...

"he Crack Emcee said...

"I think you missed his point. He is saying that only whites have adopted the humane approach of not beating the shit out of their kids with sticks."

And the results speak for themselves.


You know, Crackster, white people also used to beat their slaves with various implements handy to that purpose. Even after slavery ended, the practice continued in some parts of the country, but it is now essentially extinct, as a result of federal legislation.

Would you say the results of that experiment speak for themselves as well?

Titus said...

Mary no one touches my ass. I have an ass of a 15 year old (my doctor said) and I want to keep it that way.

My ass is precious, taut, firm and unadurated.

You can bounce quarters off my ass.


Cedarford said...

Why is it that stupid fish like DS rise up and swallow the Crack bait every time??
What is dumber than Crack trolling to disrupt threads?


His fish.

Topic is NFL, Ray Rice, corporal punishment of family members.

Jupiter said...

"So anyone in the entertainment/news/political field who is an ex-con should lose their job? And the same for anyone who is higher up in their organization?"

Right, and then we can work down from there. Meanwhile, we can make it a federal crime to discriminate against people because of their criminal convictions, and a tort even to ask about the matter in an interview.

Anonymous said...

The topic is "corporal punishment of family members?" Oh this should be good. What happened to Janay Rice was "corporal punishment," Cedarford?

FullMoon said...

Sports never had these problems before Jackie Robinson.

MayBee said...

Meanwhile, we can make it a federal crime to discriminate against people because of their criminal convictions, and a tort even to ask about the matter in an interview.

Yeah, I don't agree with that either. Employers should be able to judge and decide based on the entirety of someone's adult record.

rcocean said...

Cedarford, Crack, and Titus. Another quality Althouse thread.

The Crack Emcee said...


"So long, that is, as they hate gays. I'm quite sure Crack does -- or at least, the hoax character Crack plays would, if fully fleshed out -- but he knows what his boundaries are."

One of my gay friends just got killed a few weeks ago.
That's how much you "know" about me.

I wish you guys would quit stereotyping me:

I'm pretty sure you know it's racist but - being white - you can't help yourselves. Like picking on me at all:

You guys can't grasp you're white and I'm black and our entire interaction pretty much amounts to whites abusing a black guy.

It's just who you are.

A decent white person would get Ben Carson or some other Tom to do their dirty work,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Would you say the results of that experiment speak for themselves as well?"

I've said it LOTS of times.

It's whites who deny slavery is still part of our culture today, not me,...

Christy said...

We forgive our athletes much because they are our athletes. Witness all the women in Ray Rice's jersey at the game Thursday willing to talk to the cameras in Baltimore. Like congressmen, mine is fine, your congressman needs to go.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Sports never had these problems before Jackie Robinson."

It also didn't have many good players - which is why they needed Jackie.

Now we dominate every sport whites tried to keep us out of.

You fucked up,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Cedarford, Crack, and Titus. Another quality Althouse thread."

You're right:

Unadulterated racist shit is so much better than black and gay disrupters showing up to your daily Klan rally.


FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am hoping the 4-year-old can be the one to break the string of violent fathers in his family. One of my grandfathers was the one to do so in my family and I am a beneficiary.

Michael said...


For once you are right.

Blacks on sports teams are slaves to their team owners. They are paid chump change to perform, a pittance in respect to the value their efforts create for their very enterprising owners. The leagues themselves are cartels of slave owners and thus are ultra sensitive to race issues.

They prefer to keep the cat in the bag. The players think those multimillion dollar contracts are just fine for their labors. But they are a fast depreciating asset and their cash often goes before their knees.

But not to worry, the playgrounds of America are filled with truants shooting hoops. Endless stream of recruits.

Fuck up and knock your fiance out cold or beat the shit out of your kid and bingo, game over.

The leagues have turned their heads all these years but the day is coming when even the boredom of fans has a limit.

Anonymous said...

"Unadulterated racist shit is so much better than black and gay disrupters showing up to your daily Klan rally."

Be careful, you keep calling this a Klan rally and you're going to make the Klan look good.

Cedarford said...

There, there rcocean.......just because you are another Crack patsy boy, and people know it - is no reason to get miffed..

You can change.

Don't take the bait.

George M. Spencer said...
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George M. Spencer said...

Bill Cosby drugged women so he could "assault" them and in 2006 settled out of court with one of them.

His illegitimate daughter is in prison for blackmailing him.

Good thing his football days are far behind him.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Adrian Peterson’s Tweet About Helping Victims of Child Abuse.

The check mark reflects twitters authentication of the authors identity.

Help me help victims of child abuse and neglect. Please join me at my Eat Big, Give Big Texas BBQ on 9/10! Get tix

The event was held last year.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I'm sure that everyone will start boycotting anyone who sings/produces songs that glorify violence.

Humperdink said...
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Humperdink said...

Someone mentioned fantasy football. This is my first year playing. Geez, I lost Wes Welker to PEDs. Now, I need to check the police blotter everyday. If it wasn't for women and children, NFL players would be home free. (sarc alert)

As an aside, I see commenters are taking the Crack bait.

jr565 said...

The left has a problem distinguishing between extremes. If you discipline your child its different than if you best your child. One is not as bad as the other. If you spank your kid its not the same as if you are putting lit cigarettes out on their skin.
Likewise waterboarding ain't as bad as ISIS chopping off heads. It doesn't make us ISIS if we do things infintesally less harmful to those we capture than they do. It just means that the left has no sense of proportionality. Same thing as describing Christians as the Taliban or conservatives as Hitler. No, no, no and no.
Sure there're a slippery slope, and sure there's a line, but it doesn't mean that just because you go one millimeter past the line or even up to,the line that you've ran all the way down the slope.

jr565 said...

Michael wrote:

Blacks on sports teams are slaves to their team owners. They are paid chump change to perform, a pittance in respect to the value their efforts create for their very enterprising owners. The leagues themselves are cartels of slave owners and thus are ultra sensitive to race issues.

Let's all play our violins for,the sob story that is the professional Athlete. First off all, since whites make the same as blacks wouldn't they be slaves to,the owners too? And its kind of hard to call someone who makes more than 99% of the population a slave. If they are slave, what are the people working for minimum wage.
And sure they bring in the sales. But when they retire there is always someone else to fill the seats. So how valuable re they really? They are beyond well paid for their labor. Any millionaire athlete or movie star saying they are slave to the man should be kicked in the nads.

jaed said...

Just out of curiosity, has anyone talking about the need for corporal punishment seen the photos of the child's wounds? There are long open cuts all over his body, in pictures taken days after the beating.

Recall that this is a four-year-old.

Althouse, the writer used the quotes around "switch" not to make it sound sinister but because usually, when people talk about switching a child, they're talking about a flexible, thin bare branch, stripped of twigs so it's smooth. Such a switch can leave red marks, but is unlikely to slice skin, or even bruise. The point of a switch is to sting the skin, not to injure. Peterson seems to have simply broken off a rough tree branch, twigs and all, which helps account for the injuries. Whaling away with a tree branch and inflicting cuts is not what most people think of when they speak of using a switch. Hence the quotes: he means "this is the word Peterson used, but it isn't the usual usage of the word".

Bad Lieutenant said...

Titus, do you ever worry about picking up some rough trade, like what do you call it a muzzy, who will do you, and then will cut your head off?

Bad Lieutenant said...

the interesting thing, cedarford, is that crack doesn't go after you, because would you even deny that you are the biggest most blatant racist on the blog?and yet he steers clear. It's almost enough to make one wonder if you, Crack and Titus are all Althouse puppets.

Bad Lieutenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian said...

These days, you can expect journalists to be semi-literate. Here we have an individual who makes his living with words who never heard of the term switch as a kind of stick used for punishment.

Michael said...


Blacks, being the better players, are paid better than whites. Plus they make up the majority of the NBA and the NHL. White players are as much slaves as the blacks.

Short careers. Generally not the brightest bulbs from their respective high schools, colleges. Ill equipped to survive in the real world, having acquired a useless specialty. Often emotionally stunted and cant emerge from whatever hellhole they grew up in.

When their careers are over, usually in their early thirties they are the age of women and men emerging from their medical residencies.

You think pay is the only distinction between a free man and a slave?

Humperdink said...

In light of the recent domestic abuse allegations against NFL players(war on women, war on 4 year olds), maybe the NFL should start profiling.

Mark Caplan said...

and defensive wounds to his hands

Evidently the child put his hands up trying to surrender.

Anonymous said...

There should be no child-size cans of Whup-Ass.

MayBee said...

Birches- I thought of Big Ben, too. So gross.

trumpintroublenow said...

Crack -- Do you think AP crossed the line or not? I tried to read all your posts but didn't see an answer to this question.

Annie said...

I thought Titus was married.

Marriage means so much that we have to change it's meaning to allow diddling French Morrocans on the side. Got it.

The Crack Emcee said...

St. George,

Did I predict your reaction or what? Let Bill Cosby chastise blacks and he's a white god. Let him defend blacks and he drugged women so he could "assault" them.

Racism is as predictable as the days turning,....

The Crack Emcee said...


"Be careful, you keep calling this a Klan rally and you're going to make the Klan look good."

Says a white guy who says racist shit all the time,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"I see commenters are taking the Crack bait."

Back in my NewAge days, that was fine observation, but when it comes to the biggest, and longest-running problem in America - which whites are notorious for avoiding - then it's just more racism aimed to slander a black.

When I begged for colorblindness, I was suspect, to whites determined to slander blacks.

When I succumbed, I became the blog's racist, according to those whose racism I reacted to.

There's no out - except for doing what whites want - and they'll punish me until I do, whether it works or not.

And it doesn't. It can't. I tried it. Repeatedly.

And that's fine with them. Because making me do as they say is the goal, not helping blacks in any significant way.

If it was, the conversation wouldn't be necessary to begin with,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"It's almost enough to make one wonder if you, Crack and Titus are all Althouse puppets."

The three of us have been here, each with our own distinct personality, for YEARS - long before most of you showed up - and you still prefer indulging the insane delusion we're not real.

Conservatism's "paranoid strain" at it's best.

Next you'll be telling us the government was in on 9/11,....

The Crack Emcee said...


"Often emotionally stunted and cant emerge from whatever hellhole WE MADE FOR THEM."


Man, the racism you guys harbor in your hearts, is deeeeep,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Steve Uhr,

"Crack -- Do you think AP crossed the line or not? I tried to read all your posts but didn't see an answer to this question."

Crossed what "line"? Established by who?

Any fool can see - from Richard Pryor to AP to me - blacks use switches on their kids. The idea that we don't know our own culture is both racist and ignorant. Listen to a white observer of how blacks coach their kids in sports:

“They’re not different than you and me. They’re asking the same things we are—how hard is too hard, how intense is too intense, how far is too far? But they have defined it differently. Absolutely and uniformly, their answer is: We should be extreme.”


Because of you. Whites. White supremacy. America.

Black parents - alone - have to have "the talk" warning children whites will kill us for a mistake. Or a misunderstanding. Or nothing. Whites call black kids they don't know "thugs."

Whites are tripping on corporal punishment, knowing - for the billionth time - we're still dealing with life and death at their hands.

And whites will use that difference in outlook, as they will ANY difference with blacks, to make it easier to kill us. That's backed up by centuries of empirical data.

So, no, I don't acknowledge any imaginary "line" blacks haven't established ourselves.

Kill white supremacy and I'll consider changing my mind as well,...

RLB_IV said...

To the commentators who believe that Crack just rolled around I will attest to the fact that Crack was here in 2008 when I was advised to read the blog of Law professor Ann Althouse.

steve uhr said...

Crack --

However you want to define "the line" is fine with me. Based on your definition, did AP go too far or not? Seems like a straightforward question. Do you think it is okay for a dad to hit and injure his 4-year old child to the degree done here?

The Crack Emcee said...


"To the commentators who believe that Crack just rolled around I will attest to the fact that Crack was here in 2008 when I was advised to read the blog of Law professor Ann Althouse."


That is one of the few times, in all the years I've been here, that someone has backed me up (it's happened before but rarely). I'd be a LOT cooler if more did, but these fools leave me to be pummelled, like white supremacy deserves a chance to win with lies. It's wild.

Anyway, thank you:

You've honestly made my day - and given me a little hope for this crowd after all.

If we could nail down who's lying and who's not, we'd get a LOT farther,...

Bandit said...

Remind me again how many kids Peterson has with how many ho's? WTF do people expect? Where does the word respect come in?

The Crack Emcee said...

steve uhr,

"Crack --

However you want to define "the line" is fine with me. Based on your definition, did AP go too far or not?"

I'm sorry - yes, definitely. I laughed when I first saw it, as another example of whites piling on for nothing.

"Seems like a straightforward question."

Again, apologies. My answer is "yes."

"Do you think it is okay for a dad to hit and injure his 4-year old child to the degree done here?"

I couldn't, but it's his kid, and he clearly loves him. I have said many times that my earliest experience was getting hit with an extension cord. Did that make me hate my father? Nope. I loved him as much as anyone in my life - more even:

He was my Dad.

That whites are always screaming about the importance of fathers to black kids - only to attack and get him fired for not doing it the white way (which doesn't help us) - says all I need to know about the history of white hypocrisy:

We simply can't do right by y'all,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Jack Sherman,

"Remind me again how many kids Peterson has with how many ho's?"

I'm sure, if there was a way for Ann and Meade to screen out the obvious racists, they would.

But, just as in offline life, we're simply not there yet,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Jack Sherman,

"Remind me again how many kids Peterson has with how many ho's?"

In a good country, there'd be a swarm of whites telling this asshole to back-the-fuck-off with the stereotypes. If only because it makes whites look bad (some more). But no, they sit on their hands and let it pass, with no one to answer it but a black guy.

It's simply shameful, you guys, that you think you've progressed racially at all.

350 years of bullshit, like this guy, vs. 50 years of a kinda ceasefire.

If you ever learn to do math, maybe then, you'll also learn to act,...

Anonymous said...

Under a proper morality, a woman who in public assaults a man with her fists and spits on him, should expect in return a punch in the kisser, at the least.

If women seek, in consideration of their weaker selves, some deference and restraint on the part of men, let them act like ladies deserving of it.

Charlie Martin said...

It's no longer part of the culture for members of the clerisy living in university towns. I'd bet real money that an occasional switching is not uncommon out in the real world.

Michael said...


You might read the last sentence of my first paragraph before you go popping off with your accusations of racism. You really should take up another line of amusement.

You repeat yourself. You are boring and not very smart.

Michael said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bad Lieutenant said...

Oh, I know, Crack. Cedarford at least, sadly, is real, this is shown because he was finally invited to stop posting at Richard Fernandez's Belmont Club, a far superior site to this one - I have said before that a suitable fate for Althouse would be to be Wretchard's comfort woman, except that he is too good a person - with standards.

That said, why do you and he never clash? He is the only one here who actually thinks of you as a "nigger," inferior for your blackness, and would like to say so.

Titus is beyond, or should I say beneath, comprehension. I very much doubt he is real. Analyze him. Does he sound like he knows anything whatsoever about sex, let alone gay sex?

As for you, I have tried to deal with you fairly for a long time, and we used to get along, but now you are simply in a constant state of rage like a wounded animal. I've seen people having a long slow breakdowns and that is where I think you're at. You three probably are real, I guess, but you come across as caricatures.

Drago said...

Crack: "350 years of bullshit, like this guy, vs. 50 years of a kinda ceasefire."


The other day you used 300!

Before that you were using 400!

Timeline consistency is racist!

Some white guy must have told crack to randomize his white/black slavery timelines.

You know, for effect.

Unknown said...

A way out: Rice declares that he is, in fact, a woman on the inside where it counts. If it's woman on woman violence, who cares? And it WOULD rally everyone on the side of a poor, conflicted, transgendered soul who just hasn't been able to get the courage in the NFL to make the transition yet.

Unknown said...

Crack is incoherent.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

A black player beats his fiancee, another beats a child, lets find a white guy to blame.

Meade said...

The Crack Emcee said...

"Do you think it is okay for a dad to hit and injure his 4-year old child to the degree done here?"

I couldn't, but it's his [slave], and he clearly loves him. I have said many times that my earliest experience was getting hit with an extension cord. Did that make me hate my [master]? Nope. I loved him as much as anyone in my life - more even:

He was my [Master].