September 14, 2014

"I was not here in the run-up to Iraq in 2003. It would have been fascinating to see the momentum and how it builds."

Said President Obama to an unnamed set of persons just before his ISIS speech last week, according to some unspecified persons within that set, according to Peter Baker in the NYT.

It would have been fascinating... That's so professorial and distant. And read between the lines: He's seeing the momentum and how it builds now, in 2014, and he's projecting himself into the mind of George Bush, who experienced the momentum then and made the decision that seemed so wrong at the time to Barack Obama when he was not here in the White House.

Baker's source tells us:
Obama told his staff... not to evaluate their own policy based on external momentum. He would not rush to war. He would be deliberate.
I can't tell whether Obama thinks or meant to suggest that Bush responded to "external momentum," "rushe[ed] to war," and was not "deliberate." But I suspect that Obama remembers the way he judged Bush back in 2003, and he doesn't want to be what he thought George Bush was.
In forming a plan to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria using airpower and local forces, but not regular American ground troops, he searched for ways to avoid the mistakes of the past. 
Another way to put that is: Obama feels like George Bush, yet he must not be George Bush. Obama feels compelled to go to war in Iraq, but it must not be the same as what George Bush did. So he's grasping at distinctions: 1. He's taking it more slowly, being deliberate, and thoughtful. (Remember: Bush had no brain and was a cowboy.) 2. He doing it all from the air, so lofty and elevated. (Remember: Bush put boots on the ground. Ugh! Boots, so brutal! The ground, so lowly and filthy!)
“This will be a problem for the next president,” Mr. Obama said ruefully...
Ruefully.... see? Obama is not like Bush, he and his friends in the press are desperate to have you know. I've long seen "ruefully" an absurd adverbial boost to the good old verb "said." (Ask my ex-husband, the novelist, who I don't think ever used "ruefully" again after that one time I pointed it out, though I adopted "he said ruefully" to add punch to subsequent conversations. By the way, one of Elmore Leonard's 10 rules for writers was: "Never use a verb other than 'said' to carry dialogue." I'd add: Especially not "ruefully.")
“... and probably the one after that.”

But he alternated between resolve as he vowed to retaliate against President Bashar al-Assad if Syrian forces shot at American planes, and prickliness as he mocked critics of his more reticent approach to the exercise of American power.

“Oh, it’s a shame when you have a wan, diffident, professorial president with no foreign policy other than ‘don’t do stupid things,’ ” guests recalled him saying, sarcastically imitating his adversaries. “I do not make apologies for being careful in these areas, even if it doesn’t make for good theater.”
I laughed and laughed when I got to that line. Doesn’t make for good theater! But he is doing theater, the theater of thoughtfulness, the theater of reticence. He said "theater" because he was aware he was in a theater. Like an actor breaking the fourth wall, talking to the audience about the play within which he finds himself.

If we shadows have offended... That's Shakespeare. I'm trying to think of some 20th century play where an actor turns to the audience and says something close to I'm afraid this doesn’t make for good theater. It's a well-worn theatrical move. It's called "meta-reference."

And I know there's a Greek term for rhetoric like "I do not make apologies for being careful...." He's complimenting himself within the guise of self-criticism. Or are we just saying "humblebrag" these days?


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Drago said...

ARM: "Unable to think for yourself you hide behind crude simplistic slogans. A party hack."

Apparently, my supposed inability to think for myself somehow, magically, precludes you from giving credit for getting bin laden to anyone other than obama.

Could you take a moment and expound on this strange ailment of yours and the mystery transport mechanism which makes my supposed characteristics your limitations?


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago has no balls.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago the coward has no balls.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago the balless wonder.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago has no balls.

Michael K said...

ARM, you're getting weird. Have you been at the single malt ? Seriously.

" With Obama's ridiculous "surge" what did he hope to accomplish exactly?"

He spiked the casualties far above those who were killed and wounded during Bush's two terms. The ROE were ridiculous.

I think Bush was mistaken in trying any nation building in Afghanistan although Iraq was a reasonable prospect if any Arab country could have a modern society.

He was wrong about Iraq but he left Afghan at a simmer that Obama turned into a disaster.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

No balls Drago.


Drago said...

So, to summarize ARM's now quite public positions:

1) People who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq are brave and courageous.

2) Obama, and obama alone, was responsible for "getting bin laden".

Thanks ARM.

And thanks again for your service.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

'No balls' Drago still dodging and weaving.



Balless wonder.

Drago said...

ARM don't you realize that "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."?


Drago said...

I just hope ARM is not driving anywhere tonight.

Drago said...

garage, can you gin up (sorry ARM, "gin") a scriptbot for ARM.

It would make his life easier.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

No balls Drago.

Come one. Come all. See the balless Drago.

He's a freak!

Drago said...

ARM, you should write that 100 more times!

That'll show 'em!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...


Drago said...

Keep going ARM! You've got 'em on the run now!

You've never been more coherent!

You've never been more persuasive!

And to think that all it took to get this level of performance out of you was to simply ask that you give credit for getting bin laden to someone other than obama!!

Who knew that would be your "triggering" event!

It was right there in front of us the whole time.

JD said...

Drago, dude, are you drunk, or manic? Damn you're painful to watch.

JD said...

This Drago guy lives on Althouse, what can't get laid?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

ARM is, functionally, imitating Crack. And with the same degree of lucidity and intelligence.

Drago said...

Unknown said...
This Drago guy lives on Althouse, what can't get laid?

Again, hardly.

Take a hard look again at my true posting frequency and you'll see just how far off your comment is.

Although fair is fair and when I'm on here at times it can seem rather manic.

Drago said...

And "Unknown" (which I'm betting you're really not), anyone who can read the above thread and come to the conclusion that I'm the drunk one is either not paying attention or a sock puppet.

Michael K said...

ARM, sorry but you freaked out tonight. While I was watching the Bears come back from 17 down and beat the 49ers, you were conducting some odd tantrum.

Don't be a Crack.

Anonymous said...

I stop posting weirdness and everything ends up getting more weird. Maybe I should share my medications.

Original Mike said...

Very reasonable behavior, ARM.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
"Drago, dude, are you drunk, or manic? Damn you're painful to watch."

Let me guess. This is either ARM or another leftist Obama supporter who is unhappy about being called out. You people are worms.

The only painful thing on this thread is watching lefties pretend like they give a shit about soldiers or anything other than political power. You people stand for nothing.

Drago said...

MK: "While I was watching the Bears come back from 17 down and beat the 49ers, you were conducting some odd tantrum."

ARM underwent a classic cognitive dissonance meltdown tonight (as many lefties do when confronted with their inescapable hypocrisy and/or lunacy).

He glibly, blithely, almost unconsciously sent a big wet kiss to obama for "getting bin laden".

Of course, since this tactic on the left amuses me I simply noted that obama didn't do anything (yes, snark was deployed) and that credit should go to those individuals, intel/military etc who actually did all the work.

ARM doubled down with a very general and unspecific paean to those service members who have served in Afghanistan and iraq.

Of course, many terrific folks who were involved in the manhunt/trackdown and then killing of obama have never specifically served in those locales but still deserved credit.

Blammo! ARM meltdown!

And it was something to behold.

buwaya said...

The cause of our ongoing national disaster - the creeping paralysis of the economy by overregulation, corporatism and abuse of the law.
Its visible to anyone who has been in business here over the last 40 years, in any "real" sector of the economy, that is that which has to do with material things.
Its gotten so bad in many places, like California, that even the government is unable to construct public works except at extreme expense.
This situation has been brought about by the vile social class that owns and operates the Democratic party. It is nothing less than a criminal conspiracy.

Matt said...

Hey, y'all. Thanks for covering for us during our break. ARM is going to be a hard act to follow. (And an Inga cameo as "Unknown"! Awesome!)

Should we get started, Crack?

Crack, you are SO wrong, you ball-less coward!

Robert Cook said...

"'None of this made me agree with a single thing Bush did in response to the attack'
"Not even taking out the Taliban. My God you are an ass, Robert Cook. Whose side are you on, anyway?"

9/14/14, 7:11 PM

The Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11.

Robert Cook said...

Moreover, the people of Afghanistan, who are the victims of our war in Afghanistan, had nothing to so with 9/11, or even knowledge of it after it happened.

JPS said...

Robert Cook:

"The Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11."

The Taliban were a state sponsor of al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was able to train and plan with impunity anywhere they wanted in Afghanistan, with full knowledge of the Taliban. Unless you think al Qaeda had nothing to do with 9/11, in which case you are beyond reasoned discourse, that's not nothing.

Do you know why al Qaeda assassinated Ahmed Shah Massoud, the Taliban's nemesis, on September 9, 2011? So the Taliban would owe them one, and never give them up no matter what threats were applied to them. Which they didn't, hence the war.

"Moreover, the people of Afghanistan, who are the victims of our war in Afghanistan,"

The Afghans I know best would bristle at the idea that they're our victims. Not so much in our defense, but because they know they're not victims. There is selection bias here. The Afghans I know hated the Taliban. They hated what the Taliban did in the name of their religion, and took their lives in their hands to stand against them. We gave them that chance. I'm sorry there weren't enough like them to make the difference.

"had nothing to so with 9/11, or even knowledge of it after it happened."

As Hans Landa said, that last part's actually true. The ones I know didn't know why the war happened. But they'll be victims of our leaving, not our arrival.

JPS said...

To clarify - the Afghans I knew didn't know why the war happened at the time that they learned of it.

Rusty said...

Lets be fair.
If it weren't for Leon Panneta bullying and dragging a reluctant Obama to finally make a decision Osama would still be alive.

The Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11.

Facts not in evidence your honor.

Robert Cook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larvell said...

In his mind, I bet he spelled it "theatre."

Robert Cook said...

"The Taliban were a state sponsor of al Qaeda."

What does that mean? Does it mean they let bin Laden and his small band have refuge in their country, or does it mean they planned and plotted along with Al Qaeda, that they funded them and assisted them in their plot to attack America?

If we're waging war against state sponsors of Al Qaeda, why aren't we at war with (our allies) the Saudis?

Even assuming for argument's sake your unspecific assertion is in any way valid, once Al Qaeda escaped Afghanistan, what further purpose was there (or exists today) for us to remain in Afghanistan? Who are we killing? Why? What end result are we seeking?

(As for whether the Afghans you know consider themselves "victims" or not, the Afghans we have killed or maimed with our bombs and bullets--people who cannot be considered even tangentially connected to Al Qaeda or 9/11--are certainly victims of our violence.)

In reality, our entire purpose in entering the middle east militarily has to do with oil.

Robert Cook said...

"The Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11.

"Facts not in evidence your honor."

To the contrary, information available shows the Taliban warned us of al Qaeda's plans, and also offered to turn bin Laden over to us.

JPS said...


"Does it mean they let bin Laden and his small band have refuge in their country"?

Good enough for me, but their support was more material than that.

"If we're waging war against state sponsors of Al Qaeda, why aren't we at war with (our allies) the Saudis?"

We had no choice, if we wanted to do something about al Qaeda's having a nation-state as a haven, but to go to war against the Taliban. Satisfying as it would have been to me to declare war against the Saudis, they're split internally. Better to co-opt a faction that can materially assist us, since they have resources and connections and they are threatened by the very forces they've unleashed. I assume you'd rather go to war against as few people as possible?

"once Al Qaeda escaped Afghanistan, what further purpose was there (or exists today) for us to remain in Afghanistan? Who are we killing? Why? What end result are we seeking?"

Good questions. Damned if I know, at this point.

"(As for whether the Afghans you know consider themselves "victims" or not, the Afghans we have killed or maimed with our bombs and bullets--people who cannot be considered even tangentially connected to Al Qaeda or 9/11--are certainly victims of our violence.)"

But you didn't write that, did you? You wrote "the Afghan people." It is trivially true that those we've killed are our victims. We try as hard as we can not to kill innocents. It is also true that many Afghans were maimed and killed by our enemy, and they're not as picky.

"In reality, our entire purpose in entering the middle east militarily has to do with oil."

Of which Afghanistan has none. The world's much more complicated than the left allows.

Herb said...

he should talk to his secretary of State Kerry. Kerry knows all about the build up to the Iraqi war as he was for it and then against it. And of course he was against the first one under Bush Sr.

Robert Cook said...

"We try as hard as we can not to kill innocents."

This would be everyone in Afghanistan. So our policy is a failure.

Robert Cook said...

"'In reality, our entire purpose in entering the middle east militarily has to do with oil.'

"Of which Afghanistan has none."

But it would have been the site of an oil pipeline.

Also, by invading Afghanistan, the dogs of war had been unleashed, thus making it much easier to fabricate justifications to invade Iraq, the real goal from the start, even pre-9/11.

Drago said...

Cook: Also, by invading Afghanistan, the dogs of war had been unleashed, thus making it much easier to fabricate justifications to invade Iraq, the real goal from the start, even pre-9/11."

Is this this basis for your "9-11 Truther" and "October Surprise" conspiracy beliefs?

Peter said...

The trumpet's loud clangor
Excites us to arms,
With shrill notes of anger
And mortal alarms.
The double double double beat
Of the thundering drum
Cries, "Hark! the foes come;
Charge, charge, 'tis too late to retreat!"

-- Song for St. Cecilia's Day, J. Dryden

phantommut said...

And lest we forget, a lot of the soldiers who actually entered that compound and killed bin Laden were soon killed in action (assassinated is probably the more appropriate term). Because protecting the identities of the soldiers involved took a backseat to Obama's need to preen.

It was IMPORTANT that all that video of the raid be released. Really important.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Also, by invading Afghanistan, the dogs of war had been unleashed, thus making it much easier to fabricate justifications to invade Iraq, the real goal from the start, even pre-9/11."

-Uh . . . like we did in '92?
You are an incoherent fool, Robert Cook.

Robert Cook said...


We had a purported reason to invade Iraq in '92. None at all in 2003.

Anonymous said...

Crack: "The battle for reparations begins in January"

You're so amazingly stupid. Those who believe in reparations have been battling for it all along. The much larger cohort who do not will not start in January -- which, by the way, is not in any way a special month.

Of course, when we come back here in February and point at your sad little ass and laugh, you'll just keep on repeating your half-witted helf-sentences.

Anonymous said...

Crack, I enjoy the hell out of watching you come on this board every goddamn day and fail. It's becoming more enjoyable to watch you fail than to watch our hostess let you fail.

Please, don't ever succeed at anything.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"We had a purported reason to invade Iraq in '92. None at all in 2003."

robert Cook, at first you wrote that the US had plans to invade Iraq prior to 9/11. I pointed out that we had, in fact, invaded Iraq prior to 9/11, a trivial truth.
You are making no sense.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Also we had a "purported reason" to invade Iraq in 2003, Robt. Cook. Are you schizophrenic? You are not being coherent.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Has unreasonable bitch moved on to the phase where he starts throwing around homophobic slurs?

Fun times.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I really think the country would be better off if the Robert Cooks of the world were lined up against the wall and shot.

Robert Cook said...

"Also we had a 'purported reason' to invade Iraq in 2003...."

What was that reason, Terry? We had none, so we invented some.

We invaded Iraq in '92 because Saddam invaded Kuwait, a "crime" we could not let stand! I won't go into all the reasons now why it was all bullshit: at least we had a reason we could point to for attacking Iraq.

11 years later, we did not have any such reason to justify attacking Iraq, so reasons had to be invented: preventing them from "destroying us" (hahaha!) with a "smoking gun in the shape of a mushroom cloud" 'cuz they were rebuilding and stocking WMD and were gonna give a nuke to the terrorists!; because Saddam was a known consorter with terrorists, so, of course he was, (maybe, possibly, probably) friends with Al Qaeda, (no, he wasn't); and therefore kind of responsible for 9/11 (no, he wasn't); to "liberate" Iraq, (hahahaha!); and other lies. NONE of which would have flown if we were not already at war, if we had not already attacked Afghanistan. In the shock of our being attacked on 9/11, and with the desire by so many for revenge--doesn't matter against who, just gotta kick some middle east ASS!--it was easy to justify invading Afghanistan, and then to insinuate a connection between Saddam and 9/11, so...let's go get Saddam!!

Robert Cook said...

"I really think the country would be better off if the Robert Cooks of the world were lined up against the wall and shot."

That's very unAmerican of you, Prez. Mom Jeans...treasonous to the Constitution for which we stand and all. And not very nice.

Don't you believe in freedom of speech, differences of opinion, criticizing our government as a self-governing people do, (or should)?

Sounds like you're a Stalinist, asserting that every American must follow the party line laid down by our leaders in Washington...or be punished! Do you inform on your neighbors when you hear them calling the President names?

Drago said...

Cook: 'Sounds like you're a Stalinist, asserting that every American must follow the party line laid down by our leaders in Washington...or be punished! Do you inform on your neighbors when you hear them calling the President names?"

Things joked about in America but actually executed in leftist controlled societies with creeping attempts in the US by the left.

So laugh away all the while knowing the left has never had a problem with actual implementation of that which cookie jokes.

How many tens of millions died at the hands of the lefties in the last 100 years because they wouldn't follow the lefty script?

Too many to count.

Just a statistic said Stalin, whom the left adored.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Cancer requires removal.

Robert Cook is a cancer.

I don't worry about being called unamerican by an unrepentant Stalin apologist.

You should seriously consider pulling a Robin Williams Cooktard.

Did Unreasonable bitch sober up yet? He went full Inga.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

PMJ's bitterness is matched only by the likelihood of his sudden passing. Not an easy position to be in.

Why go out so twisted with hate? Learn to love. Let go a little and enjoy the beauty in the world.

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
It's a world of hopes and a world of fears
There's so much that we share that it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world

There is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all

Drago said...

It appears ARM has sobered up and is back in form.

I for one and glad.

Now if only he could credit all the non-obama's who actcually played a role in getting bin laden all would be right with this one part of this one thread on this one blog in this one corner of teh internets!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Robert Cook wrote:
"What was that reason, Terry? We had none, so we invented some."

The text of HJR 114, "Text of Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002"

Did you read HJR 114, Robt. Cook, before presenting yourself as an expert on the reasons for 1993 invasion of Iraq? It's kind of important. It gives the reasons why the US Congress authorized the military invasion of Iraq.
Why do I have to point you to a source you should have memorized by now?
HJR 114 was passed by a bipartisan majority in the House and the Senate. In the Senate, more than half Democrats voted for it, including current VP Biden, and past Democrat presidential candidates HR Clinton and John Kerry. Clinton and Kerry were later selected to be Secretary of State by Obama.
Please study HJR 114 before making foolish statements like "What was that reason, Terry? We had none, so we invented some.".

Robert Cook said...

"Cancer requires removal.

"Robert Cook is a cancer."

That sounds like Hitler.

Lewis Wetzel said...

" . . .the reasons for 1993 invasion of Iraq?"
Should be ". . . the reasons for the 2003 invasion of Iraq?"

Robert Cook said...


We did not have a self-defense justification to attack Iraq, and the United Nations Security Council did not approve or authorize our invasion. Therefore, our attack was a war crime.

Regarding HJR 114, we cannot create our own legal justification for invading a country if it does not comport with our obligations to the UN Charter we signed...otherwise, we're just Nazi Germany making up reasons to attack countries we want to attack for our own reasons.

Robert Cook said...

"HJR 114 was passed by a bipartisan majority in the House and the Senate. In the Senate, more than half Democrats voted for it, including current VP Biden, and past Democrat presidential candidates HR Clinton and John Kerry. Clinton and Kerry were later selected to be Secretary of State by Obama."

It means they're all parties to war crimes.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Your statements are becoming more bizarre, Robt. Cook. You never read HJR 114 before today, have you? Clearly we did not "make up" reasons to invade Iraq in 2002, HJR lays out the reasons for the authorization of force. Specifically it mentions multiple violations of the 1993 cease fire agreement (not a peace treaty).
I bet you thought that we were "at peace" with Iraq before the 2003 invasion before you read HJR 114, if you bothered to read it all.

DanTheMan said...

>>We did not have a self-defense justification to attack Iraq, and the United Nations Security Council did not approve or authorize our invasion. Therefore, our attack was a war crime.

Clinton did not get permission from the UN for Desert Fox.
Obama did not get permission from the UN for Libya.

Ergo, Clinton and Obama are war criminals.
Do you agree, Mr. Cook?

Robert Cook said...


We require authorization by the UN Security Council, or a pressing self-defense justification--another country has attacked us or is about to attack us or an ally--or we cannot attack another country without violating the law. HJR114 is self-serving legal malarkey to justify our crimes, (just as John Yoo prostituted himself to the Bush administration to write outlandish legal justifications for torture--oh, I mean, "enhanced interrogation," just as the Nazis named their torture program).

"No matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney."

DanTheMan said...

re: torture...
Combatants captured on the field of battle not in uniform are generally regarded as spies.
As such, they can be tried and shot by their captors.
Is it your belief that we can exectute them, but not waterboard them?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Go ahead and go Godwin Cooktard.

How is the hangover Unreasonable Bitch?

Why don't you post 50 comments calling someone a coward.

Or maybe just start throwing around some homophobic slurs. You and Alec Baldwin.

MDIJim said...

Ha! Ruefully I say that after supporting W's rush to war at the time, I have come around to agree with 0's criticism at the time.

We should go to war against only those who are an existential threat to our country or our closest allies - only North American countries, the UK, Australia, Israel, and maybe a couple of others. And then we should fight it to win total victory. Anything less would be to murder those American military who die in the conflict.

ISIS/ISIL is a threat to Americans who deliberately put themselves in harm's way, even though their motives are pure. There is no reason for this war. Worse yet, 0's strategy constitutes military assistance to the Assad regime as it continues genocide against its own citizens. Anyone who thinks American bombers are going to prevent a takeover of Iraq knows nothing about war.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Dear PMJ,

Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

...always look on the bright side
of life...
Always look on the light side
of life...

If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle
- that's the thing.
And...always look on the bright
side of life...

Come on.
Always look on the right side
of life...

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain
with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the
audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance

So always look on the bright side
of death...

a-Just before you draw your terminal breath...

Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true
You'll see its all a show, keep 'em laughin as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you

Always look on the bright side
of life...
Always look on the right side
of life...

C'mon PMJ, sing along

Always look on the bright side
of life...
Always look on the bright side
of life...

Worse things happen at sea you know.

I mean - what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing
- you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing.



Drago said...

Cook: "We did not have a self-defense justification to attack Iraq, and the United Nations Security Council did not approve or authorize our invasion. Therefore, our attack was a war crime."


Same old same old.

Drago said...

It's nice to have ARM back to normal.

Did someone hand him a snickers?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Robt. Cook wrote:
"We require authorization by the UN Security Council, or a pressing self-defense justification--another country has attacked us or is about to attack us or an ally--or we cannot attack another country without violating the law."
Read HJR 114 again, Mr. Cook.
The United States is subject only to the laws we choose to make ourselves subject to, Mr. Cook. I know that this a new concept to you, but you might ponder the meaning of the words "sovereign nation" and "Republic". We Americans rule ourselves. The UN (or whomever) does not rule us.
Perhaps you think that you are informed on this topic.
You are not.
Perhaps you think that your arguments make sense.
They do not.
Perhaps you think that HJR 114 (a law) was against the law. It was not. Obama is using it to justify his current aggression against ISIS. A few months ago Susan Rice said it was no longer in force and wanted congress to repeal it.

Robert Cook said...

>>We did not have a self-defense justification to attack Iraq, and the United Nations Security Council did not approve or authorize our invasion. Therefore, our attack was a war crime.

"Clinton did not get permission from the UN for Desert Fox.
"Obama did not get permission from the UN for Libya.

"Ergo, Clinton and Obama are war criminals.
Do you agree, Mr. Cook?"

Yes, of course.

Robert Cook said...

The United States is subject only to the laws we choose to make ourselves subject to, Mr. Cook. I know that this a new concept to you, but you might ponder the meaning of the words "sovereign nation" and "Republic". We Americans rule ourselves. The UN (or whomever) does not rule us."

By signing the UN Charter, it becomes the law if the land, as per the constitution.

You don't seem to see the contradiction in our referring to other nations "violating international law" while asserting we are subject to no law but our own. If we are not subject to international law, no other country is, and we may not use accusations of violations of nonexistent international law to justify our own aggression against these non-bad boy bad boys.

Michael The Magnificent said...

This blog is in desperate need of a twit filter.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"By signing the UN Charter, it becomes the law if the land, as per the constitution."
Utterly and completely mistaken.
Please educate yourself, Robt. Cook.

JD said...

Damn Drago, here you are again, posting one comment after another. Get a life!

Drago said...

Unknown said...
Damn Drago, here you are again, posting one comment after another. Get a life!

Number of Drago postings on this thread today: 5 (now 6)

Number of Robert Cook postings on this thread today: 15 or so

Lefty sockpuppet: hey Drago is posting too much.

Whats the matter li'l guy? Are you upset that Ann didn't make you Thread Monitor and give you an armband?

Rusty said...

Michael The Magnificent said...
This blog is in desperate need of a twit filter.

Betamax has a moderating influence.

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