August 2, 2014

"My personal favorite at this point is the 29-year-old Australian Michael Johns, who sang 'Bohemian Rhapsody' this week."

I wrote on February 14, 2008 in "Althouse eats chocolate, tweaks photographs, watches 'American Idol' and fails to keep all her body parts out of the aggressive view of the fisheye lens."


I was alone on Valentine's Day, watching TV in what was my temporary home in Brooklyn that academic year. Who knows what the future will bring — which way the wind will blow?

A year later, my Valentine's Day was not spent alone with a TV and a computer screen, but with Meade, who would materialize from my strange, half-lonely relationship with the computer. Michael Johns went on to finish 8th in the singing competition, and, yesterday he died — of a blood clot in his ankle. He was only 35.

Too late, my time has come...


Ann Althouse said...

Here's Johns singing "We Are the Champions," blogged here on March 25, 2008 ("Michael Johns singing "We Are the Champions" was okay. There's no way to approach the original though, is there?")

Ann Althouse said...

Blogged March 5, 2008: "Michael Johns sounded too much like he was just horsing around with the 80s the way he did 'Don't You Forget About Me.'" Here's the video.

Ann Althouse said...

Here he is doing "Dream On," the song he went out on.

Ann Althouse said...

Here he is with Dolly Parton.

madAsHell said...

I tried reading the linked article at PeepHole magazine. It never finished loading.

I'm glad that I can't sing because that Bohemian Rhapsody is a real killer!!

Tim said...

Never heard of Michael Johns, but I smiled thinking about you and Meade connecting through your blog. Happy life!

AmPowerBlog said...

You have a nice recollection style of blogging, heh. I should do that more often myself.

james conrad said...

Cool story, I like the Meade part best.

lgv said...

Sad news indeed. One of the most likable contestants from arguably the best season of American Idol.

EdwdLny said...

Life is better with a loved and loving traveling companion.

The Crack Emcee said...

A blood clot in the ankle - how weird, and tragic.

Here's to his moment in the sun,...

rhhardin said...

All you need, really, is a dog and a hobby.

Danno said...

So sad to hear of someone dying so young. I didn't usually watch Am. Idol, but thanks for posting the Bohemian Rhapsody clip. It was very good and I see how you were finding him to be your favorite.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

Death from "a blood clot in the ankle" is a physical impossibility. I know you are quoting/linking another source, but Really???
It's true that the source of the lethal clot is irrelevant to the theme of your post, but the Gell-Mann effect goes only so far.

Now, your medically untutored audience, which I believe includes many well-educated smart readers, will be afraid of yet another nonexistent threat to their well- being.
"My ankle hurts. I must have sprained it playing bell."
"It might be a blood clot. That could kill you. Better get to the ER."

Ann Althouse said...

I remember when Nixon had blood clots in his legs and "A potentially fatal 'pulmonary embolus' would result if the clot broke loose, drifted higher into Nixon's body and blocked circulation to his lungs." October 29, 1974.

Carol said...

ehh, never cared for Bohemian Rhapsody. It totally did not rock.

MadisonMan said...

I was gone at a big Meet over the weekend, so I missed this news. How tragic and surprising.

I liked Michael Johns' personality -- very affable. But I was a David Cook fan as soon as he sang Hello.