She's just filed for divorce:
"I have supported him for so long and neglected myself for too long and I feel like I'm finally starting to feel empowered again."And here she is last week on TV:
She is now wanting custody of their dogs - a Rottweiller named Oso and a mixed breed named Leroy - and a share of the money he gets from a lawsuit against NBC....
It was also revealed this week that she is reaping more than $4,000-a-month from his defense fund despite splitting from him weeks after he was cleared.
IN THE COMMENTS: Michael says:
There will be money and fame for her if she reveals her husband as a violent man with a hair trigger and a racist streak. Good for two or even three weeks on the talk circuit, modest book advance, a bit of coin in return for collaborating on the movie. Will be interesting to see if the money or the fame get spent first.That would be: She's the new Levi Johnston. How's he doing now? UPDATE: "Police later said they did not find a gun on Zimmerman's person."
I smell a setup.
Nobody could have predicted!
" . . . for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, as long as I feel empowered."
Things are not what they seem. Maybe it needs that tag, maybe not.
Puts me in mind of OJ Simpson.
Saw something on Ace where she had demanded that George buy a permanent life insurance policy naming her as the beneficiary...this based on a few years of marriage and no kids.
Sounds to me like she's planning on him getting killed and wants to make sure she gets hers. I'm not sure I would want to incentivize my ex-wife to kill me or have me sent to jail where the thugs will do it for her.
What DavidD said. There seems to be an asset protection strategy behind everything we've heard so far.
I suppose there'll be a lot of psychobabble about this, but it's just a sad personal story. The charges should never have been brought against Zimmerman, but they were, and that understandably could have put great stress on their marriage. Let it be.
There will be money and fame for her if she reveals her husband as a violent man with a hair trigger and a racist streak. Good for two or even three weeks on the talk circuit, modest book advance, a bit of coin in return for collaborating on the movie. Will be interesting to see if the money or the fame get spent first.
I think George Zimmerman would be ahead to cut his losses and get out of the State of Florida.
Anyone else glad the custody battle is only over pets (as in, this couple did not procreate)?
The screen subtitle says: Shellie Zimmerman: "I have a selfish husband."
Takes one to know one, babe.
way overblown
He didn't draw the pistol
He rested his hand on the holstered pistol
George Zimmerman will be harassed and accused for the rest of his natural life.
The dude needs to lose the gun.
"The dude needs to lose the gun."
"Robert Zimmerman Jr. says his family at times receives around 400 death threats each minute since George Zimmerman was found not guilty on murder and manslaughter charges in the death of Trayvon Martin."
Innocent man gets reamed by justice system. Dude loses the gun, gets murdered by sainted black gang banger.
"Robert Zimmerman Jr. says his family at times receives around 400 death threats each minute since George Zimmerman was found not guilty on murder and manslaughter charges in the death of Trayvon Martin."
The police are only minutes away.
Inga: "Puts me in mind of OJ Simpson."
OJ Simpson was jumped by an unknown assailant who then proceeded to straddle OJ, throw punches at OJ "MMA style" and bashed OJ's head against a sidewalk?
That's the first I've heard of such a thing.
What the hell is ABC's Good Morning America doing continuing to push the Zimmerman story? Totally irresponsible. What is it other than fueling racial antagonisms? And, of course, making life even more precarious for Zimmerman and his family.
I read the Telegraph story. Its very sensational, which is to be expected from the Telegraph. I started reading in between the lines when I got to the quote from the guy who testified for Zimmerman, and now suddenly thinks he's unhinged: George Zimmerman is suicidal. Can't say I blame him. That's why everyone is worried about him and the gun. But I don't think he's playing ok corral, even if that's what the media wants us to believe.
BJK said...
Anyone else glad the custody battle is only over pets (as in, this couple did not procreate)?
Not as happy as Trayvon and Rachel Jeantel not popping out new thugs and parasites...but I predict Jeantel will find several biodaddies.
How does America go to 3rd world status thanks to the forces behind welfare and open borders immigration and anchor baby births????
Just announced in the news Friday, for the first time, the majority of America live births came from Mommas on Medicaid..
I suppose he's got his side to this story, but it doesn't make him look good. He should be aware that a good portion of the media are just waiting to pounce. Lose weight, buy a blond wig, and move to Texas. Living well is the best revenge.
They didn't exchange a kiss or even a hug at his acquittal, which spelled trouble in Zimmermanland.
An interesting question: What if George had copped a plea to manslaughter or culpable negligence in return for serving only a year or two?
That's the difference between O.J. Simpson and Martha Stewart.
Zimmerman might be out now, having paid his debt to society, and without becoming a pariah. While he has his fans he is still a pariah to many, including now his wife.
This is, to some extent, the difference between O.J. Simpson and Michael Vick. OK, Vick didn't kill anyone.
Still, does your lawyer have an ethical obligation to present you with these considerations? The lawyer does better if you go to trial, but do you?
George Zimmerman will be harassed and accused for the rest of his natural life.
I know. Him and Chris Brown.
Maybe he should not take a gun with him when he visits his estranged wife or her family?
Among the rights of Americans is the right to be stupid. He seems determined to exercise this particular right.
The police say no gun was involved, and the wife is walking back her story AND apparently there are security cameras that have at least some of this in tape. His problem is the media and idiots like pbx and garage who convict first, trial later, then ignore trial if it didn't convict.
It is still his house too, and he goes there and finds his loving wife and father-in-law stripping it?
And there never was any reason why Zimmerman should accept a plea deal for anything. Certainly not after he succeeded in getting competent counsel.
I seem to remember a conviction for perjury in her recent past.
Just goes to show the damage done to him and his family by the mainstream media's slanderous, irresponsible depiction of him. He should get millions.
I think it's time for George(1) to record a rap album.
Or a blues song.
Here's Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee:
Hooray, hooray, this woman's killing me(2)
* * *
(1) In all soberness, I don't pretend to know what is going in George Zimmerman's mind, or his personal life.
Which is mostly my point.
Plus the shout out to Sonny Terry.
(2) You read Sonny Terry's autobiography and the guy is always ready to pop a gun at someone. Sonny Terry was legally blind.
according to TTAG she is now walking the dog back. turns out no gun was confiscated by the police
Looks like he didnt have a gun when SHE came to the house with her dad. Looks like SHE made a lot of statements that she had to refute. Looks like the kill Zimmerman crowd will shut the fuck up without acknowledging they are moronic bloodthirsty scumbags.
This happens a whole lot. It's a never ending pattern.
There is zero reason to carry a gun into the inlaws house. Just beacuse you have a gun does not mean it is wise to go everywhere with it.
Especially if you are hot headed and likely to get into an argument.
So many who love the second amendment seem to lack judgement and personal restraint.
And that '400 threats a minute' story is hilarious as he claims Starbucks employees were going to jump him ... somehow he never reported that to management and they were not disciplined?
My BS detector never stopped while reading that story. Lots of vague claims. 400 threats a minute is 576,000 a day. How many days did that last? You sure he didn't pull that number out of thin air?
"Hours later she changed her story and said she never saw a firearm, said Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell."
Nobody could have predicted!
David: "Maybe he should not take a gun with him when he visits his estranged wife or her family?
Among the rights of Americans is the right to be stupid. He seems determined to exercise this particular right."
Among the rights of Americans is the right to be stupid...and ill informed...and rush to judgement without all the facts.
What do we see this morning?
Mrs Zimmerman retracted her claim of being threatened with a gun. She now admits there was no gun and the police found no evidence of a gun.
But don't worry, by the time David, Inga, phx and NBC are done, they will have a gun photo-shopped into a picture or two to help advance "the narrative".
David: "Maybe he should not take a gun with him when he visits his estranged wife or her family?
Among the rights of Americans is the right to be stupid. He seems determined to exercise this particular right."
Among the rights of Americans is the right to be stupid...and ill informed...and rush to judgement without all the facts.
What do we see this morning?
Mrs Zimmerman retracted her claim of being threatened with a gun. She now admits there was no gun and the police found no evidence of a gun.
But don't worry, by the time David, Inga, phx and NBC are done, they will have a gun photo-shopped into a picture or two to help advance "the narrative".
No gun recovered at the scene, and the wife is retracting her claims. The plot thickens; you'd think we'd learn to stop jumping the gun with this guy and wait to get all the details.
"Puts me in mind of OJ Simpson."
-- O.J. Simpson was falsely accused of abusing of his wife? [Note: The police have said there's no evidence to substantiate the claims that Zimmerman hit -anyone- during the disturbance. Or that he had a gun. In short, the original story: Zimmerman kicking in the door with a gun and popping her dad in the nose, totally false. The new story: There was a vocal disagreement, the worst possible scenario is Zimmerman somehow hit her dad in a way to leave no marks and in such a way even he would refuse to do anything about it once the police arrived, and then Zimmerman magicked away the gun.]
The only possible parallel is that O.J. Simpson was tried by incompetent prosecutors, as was Zimmerman -- but their in-competencies are so different even that's a stretch.
Well, I'm wrong again. Seems there was no gun involved. And not an arrest, just an "investigative detention."
Stay away from this woman unless your lawyer is present, Mr. Z.
And good divorce decision. Avoiding another life sentence.
The police are saying that no gun was involved.
According to a blurb I just saw on Drudge the accusation is false.
And she's already recanted and says he didn't threaten anyone with a gun, after all. And the cops didn't find a gun.
But the story will float around forever and provide a convenient hook on which to hang the next non-incident. Which is the point of "news" these days.
Also, David he wasn't visiting anybody. He was at the home that they both lived in.
....just protectin Merica...
Was there a gun at the scene, and did he have his hand on it?
police found no gun at domestic disturbance call
Or is the wife making up stories because of a nasty divorce??
The rest of the story...
"We did not find a gun, did not locate a weapon," said Zach Hudson, public information officer with the Lake Mary Police Department. "Nobody ever saw a gun. A gun is not part of this story."
Shellie told dispatchers that officers arrived and had their guns drawn. She said George was sitting in his car. Fearing George would start shooting, she told the dispatcher her and her father were going inside.
According to police, George was not in his car when they arrived but was standing in the yard. They say he was also very cooperative and allowed police to search his person.
After being questioned by police, Shellie left the home with her attorney."
"According to police, because this is a domestic violence case, it is up to the state attorney's office to decide whether charges are warranted. They must first find out who was the primary aggressor, if there was one at all."'s now being reported that she claims she DIDN'T see a gun on the night in question, and the police DIDN'T find a gun on him when they responded to the call. Nice try, media.
Hey, at least he didn't have to go trial for months at a time for people to begrudgingly admit they were wrong.
I think this should go to trial regardless of the evidence. That way we can find out what really happened and it will make abused woman feel better about themselves.
She forgot that she isn't black so she won't be cashing in like the Martin's. Maybe she should be charged with filing a false police call.
Mathew Sablan: "Hey, at least he didn't have to go trial for months at a time for people to begrudgingly admit they were wrong."
Not to worry.
Machine is still doubling down on "teh stupid".
What if George had copped a plea to manslaughter or culpable negligence in return for serving only a year or two?
Zimmerman might be out now, having paid his debt to society, and without becoming a pariah.
Good thing this commentator wasn't on Zimmerman's legal team.
So many who love the second amendment seem to lack judgement and personal restraint.
Myself, I love all the amendments, even the repealed 21st, because it demonstrates our constitution is ultimately flexible and answerable to the people although not frivolously so.
But I'll admit I feel a particular affection for the first and second amendments. The second because it gives some protection from violence, and the first because it does the most to protect all the other amendments.
On this latest incident: Looks like Papa was intruding on Zimmerman's home, where a hot argument ensued with Papa taking up for daughter. Wifey and Papa, just KNOWING that Zimmerman would have his pistol on him, immediately called 911 claiming Zimmerman threatened them with it.
Someone smashed her iPhone to pieces. Hmm, if you taped your estranged hubby on your iPhone during an argument and wanted to accused him of threatening with a gun when he actually had not done so … well, then you might think you need to get rid of the record of the event on your iPhone, the record that might exonerate him and put you back in front of a judge answering to perjury charges a second time.
But he did not have a gun in his possession so wifey was caught in her own trap and had to retract. Zimmerman may be a bit smarter than given credit for. I predict we will hear no more accusations from wifey.
Ann Althouse said:
"Robert Zimmerman Jr. says his family at times receives around 400 death threats each minute since George Zimmerman was found not guilty on murder and manslaughter charges in the death of Trayvon Martin."
2.4 million death threats per week? Sounds like Robert Zimmerman Jr. is as big a liar as his brother.
I'm late to the party again. It's often forgotten that Shellie had walked out on George in the days preceding the Trayvon Martin altercation. She intended to divorce him then, but stayed because of the spousal immunity thing.
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