June 9, 2013

Why Kelly Ayotte could win the presidency.

Some say she "looks presidential," but I think she has a different superpower, and I don't just mean her gravitas, apparent good judgment, and ability to speak well in short, clear sentences. Here she was on "Face the Nation" today.

See if you can tell what I'm talking about. Here's some background reading: "Empathy Without Boundaries."


Sorun said...

My eyes see Kelly Ayotte while the voice in my head says Wile E Coyote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Isn't it odd how the mainstream pro-democrat hack pro-Obama cheerleader media (or - the media) have nothing but contempt for conservative women.

Must be a coincidence.

bagoh20 said...

Here we go again. It's always the same. At least she's Penn State, which means she's cooler than most people.

madAsHell said...

Can we go back to old white guys that have had some success in business, and have heard the snap of bullets flying past?

edutcher said...

I remember somebody else who "looked" Presidential, although it's been the closest he's ever gotten.

She's made some unpoular votes this time around, but more Conservative than most. Let's see how she does now that things are getting interesting.

Looks only count for the low info.

chuck said...

I'm sure it wouldn't take long before she was labeled an extremist dummy and tea party terrorist. Being female while Republican is a crime against humanity and she is bound to be excommunicated from the communion of real women.

rhhardin said...

She sounds like an asshole to me, on Shieffer.

The immigration system is broken because the executive won't enforce the laws that exist and undermine them in fact.

Bob_R said...

Who does team blue buzz about? I have a couple of lefty friends who are fans of Elizabeth Warren, but I think that's it. My redneck friends are on about Rand Paul, Jindal, Rubio, Cruz, Christie (mostly negative), and a couple more. I'm exposed to a fair amount of lefty media since my son watches MSNBC, but I only hear cheering for Obama and negative stuff about team red - no talk of the team blue bench. Is it the same everywhere?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah Ayotte's supporting "comprehensive immigration reform" because the Inperial City's muckitymucks have just refused to do their jobs for the last 20-30 years is not a good enough reason for me.

I'm Full of Soup said...

After Obamacare, I kneejerk oppose anything out of the Imperial City with the word comprehensive in it.

Simon said...

We must have watched different Face the Nations, because on the one I saw this morning, Ayotte did not seem particularly articulate at all. Actually there were a few times where I rolled my eyes and wished for the umpteenth time that we'd get to nominating some of the many intelligent, articulate female conservatives. Maybe she was having a bad day, I don't know, but if that performance was what people think of as exemplary of what makes her a good candidate... Eesh.

Ann Althouse said...

Think about the superpower: It's a quality in her voice.

I believe it will manipulate people in a subversive way.

Read that empathy article I linked to.

I believe that "crying" sound in her voice will stimulate feelings that will reach people subconsciously.

She's not actually on the verge of tears or even emotional at all. That's just the strange sound of her voice. Bill Clinton has a raspy voice... he may be reaching us subliminally. There's no defense to that... we're like that 94-year-old woman described at the beginning of the empathy article.

Laurie said...
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Laurie said...

Hmm. interesting - I read the "Empathy" article first, before watching video I did not get the same impression - I thought that the warbly, gurgling sound in her voice was distracting at best and gross at worst! It sounded like she needed to clear her throat, not like she was about to cry.

Chef Mojo said...

Ayotte? Never happen. After the disaster that was Mitt, a New Englander is not gonna get the next GOP nomination, no matter what her "superpower" is.

The only "superpower" that matters is viciousness, and the willingness to use it against opponents. Politics is a blood sport, and those willing to bring the blood are the ones who rise.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Oso Negro said...

She is from New Hampshire. Probably about as Republican as Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins.

The Godfather said...

OK, Ann, who's the Alzheimer patient in your fable? The American people? The Republican party? Me?

I guess I'm just too limited, but when I hear Sen. Ayotte mouthing the typical moderate Republican version of liberal talking points I am reminded that moderate Republicans have a lousy record for winning Presidential elections. I've crossed Sens. Ayotte and Rubio off my dance card.

Wince said...

I couldn't get past the two 45 second "boner pill" ads on CBS.

As for Ayotte, in the past I've noticed her voice can have a quiver, which I don't think is perceived as presidential.

Chef Mojo said...

I've crossed Sens. Ayotte and Rubio off my dance card.


Jon said...

No, any presidential aspirations she had were ended when she came out for amnesty today.

She's a two-faced fraud and coward who used the Tea Party to get elected, and is obviously just trying to appease Bloomberg so he will stop running ads against her for her gun vote.

I'll send money to her primary challenger in 2016.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

She sounds like a cross between Emily Litella and Katharine Hepburn.

bbkingfish said...

Ayotte for POTUS? In 2024, maybe. She would have a great shot at New Hampshire's 4 electoral votes, which is not lost on GOP kingmakers, I'm sure.

Lydia said...

The New Republic is not moved by the voice:

"Ayotte, who has been called on by the party to deliver responses to the State of the Union and to speak at the Republican National Convention, tends to get a distracting frog in her throat when she is nervous (which she appears to be in front of television audiences, but not before her peers on the floor of Senate). She speaks, during formal address, as if at half speed, a laconic space between each word that has the effect of making it seem as if she doesn’t trust the American public’s listening comprehension, or, thanks to a curious lack of inflection, occasionally as if she were a child who has recently learned to read."

The SNL skits are already being written.

Baron Zemo said...


No more Rhinos or Rhinettes.

We need a take no prisoners street fighter who will take it to the enemy.

Baron Zemo said...

Don't give me Christie either because he sees the enemy as conservative Republicans.

Baron Zemo said...

Walker/Haley in 2016!

Baron Zemo said...

Rand Paul/Cruz or Cruz/Paul would would work too!

gadfly said...

Some say she "looks presidential," but I think she has a different superpower, and I don't just mean her gravitas, apparent good judgment, and ability to speak well in short, clear sentences.

"I looked at this careful" (quoting the Senator from the always flaky east coast) is not even good english, let alone good judgement.

Nothing that she says about the so-called immigration bill is going to be in the final version, if it even passes the Senate. This will be "amnesty 2" with no border security and no way to enforce a one-on-one look at every illegal in the country. Not to worry, since the Republican House will blow it up.

Ayotte is another physically attractive Republican but she lacks the passion and real gravitas of Palin and the burning conservatism of Bachmann. Senators somehow think they just need to "get along" in order protect their pork.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Nope. No future for her. Much much too naive, like Rubio.

She exhibits the standard female weakness - doesn't really like tough, drawn out and perhaps acrimonious debates, so is looking for a "can't we all get along" moment, to move on.

She sounds smart, but I detect "confirmation bias" all over the rationalization of her immigration views.

I wonder what future historians will write about the womanification of American business and government - their role in our decline?

Unknown said...

I believe that "crying" sound in her voice will stimulate feelings that will reach people subconsciously.

Perhaps you are right and I'm completely wrong but I had the opposite reaction to her voice..and I'm a fan of hers. It never occurred to me that this was what you were referring to. i was literally thinking that the quaver in her voice was a liability, that it reflected nerves, and that she ought to get voice coaching.

I also don't think that was what the article was about (well, only in a very tangential way) so that's another reason I didn't anticipate what you meant.

Unknown said...

tends to get a distracting frog in her throat when she is nervous

Rubio and Ayotte on the ticket and they'll need lots of Poland Springs!

Unknown said...

She also mentioned that immigrants should learn English. Kiss of death for an R to do that, remember?

Titus said...

She will be very luck if she wins her next Senate Campaign.

Massholes are moving to southern NH big time and the state is starting to become pretty blue.

Do you know every state in New England has gay marriage?

Saint Croix said...

She's on twitter and re-tweeted Thank You For Data-Mining.


This reminds me of that Politico headline, Kelly Ayotte Is No Sarah Palin.

Politico thinks that's an insult. Palin is right on frickin' everything. Am I wrong in thinking that Palin would want to dismantle the spy program on American citizens?

The sharp divide in the Republican party between the big government statists and the Tea Party is going to explode one of these days. And Ayotte--despite claiming to be Tea Party--is clearly on the wrong side.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Some say she "looks presidential," but I think she has a different superpower, and I don't just mean her gravitas, apparent good judgment, and ability to speak well in short, clear sentences.

The ideal Republican candidate will unapologetically wear a pompadour and communicate in grunts and whistles.

Which is why I have such high hopes for this guy.

viator said...

A Romney in Palin Clothing: The Political Style of Kelly Ayotte

"Recently, John McCain has been squiring an attractive brunette Republican around town, a rising political star and young mother. The two have appeared together in high-profile press conferences."

"Thanks to the upcoming retirement of Joe Lieberman, there’s an opening in the so-called Three Amigos, the (formerly) bipartisan group of self-styled foreign-policy truth-tellers. McCain, along with South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, has adopted Ayotte just in time"

"Ayotte has another vital qualification: she is massively boring."

"And, like Obama, Ayotte is actually more aligned with her party’s establishment than the public might realize. She has rejected Tea Party moves like the attempt to block the Senate compromise on extending the payroll tax earlier this year, preferring to compromise. McCain compared her to Margaret Chase Smith, a trailblazing Republican woman and lion of foreign policy; others have contextualized her alongside such GOP moderates as Lisa Murkowsi and Kay Bailey Hutchison. Unlike many of the women (Nikki Haley, Susanna Martinez) with whom she was grouped in the 2010 election"


"The National Journal's scorecard pegged Ayotte as considerably more conservative than Rob Portman and slightly more conservative than John Thune. Overall, she was ranked the 17th most conservative Senator, and the Club for Growth scored her as the 8th most conservative."

“It’s my honor to endorse a Granite State “mama grizzly” who has broken barriers, fought off and locked up criminals, and battled all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to protect the rights of New Hampshire parents – and won,” Palin wrote in her important endorsement of Ayotte

“Kelly is the strongest common-sense conservative who can win in the fall,” Palin concluded. “I knew I liked her when I met her earlier this year, and I know this Granite Grizzly will represent New Hampshire with distinction in Washington.”

KCFleming said...

Hillary in drag.

rcocean said...

"The immigration system is broken because the executive won't enforce the laws that exist and undermine them in fact."

Yes, but if we give Amnesty, and then pass another -more stricter immigration law - that no one will enforce, then everything will be OK.

RH, I'm surprised a smart guy like you doesn't get it.

Carl said...

Because she has a uterus, of course. We need to get that out of our system, elect someone pretty much just because she's a girl -- of course we'll say it's 100% not because she's a girl, that there are of course many other reasons for her superiority, and any curmudgeonly Neanderthal who thinks differently better STFU or else. We need to learn that that works out just about as well as electing the undistinguished junior senator from Illinois because he's black.

Speed the day! Let us elect a girl, someone with Mexican parents, an Asian, and a gay as fast as possible. (We could in principle do some twofers, like a Hispanic lesbian.) That way we can someday this century get back to electing a president instead of a symbol.

Or maybe it doesn't matter. Arguably Barack Obama has proven the proposition that you can elect a complete pretty-boy airhead and the republic will nevertheless limp along.

gspencer said...

You are talking about the same Kelly in my neighboring state of NH?

Com'n, seriously?

Rick Lee said...

Vocal Fry

Renee said...

Locally, the negatively ads against her are here. The anti gun lobby, headed by the mayor of NYC, have been playing here in NH a d Boston market.

Renee said...

Mayotte was the DA in NH, not like Romney or Palin.

Alex said...

So if a New Englander has no chance, who will it be? Palin? Don't be foolish teabaggers.

Renee said...


Do you know every state in New England is getting old and dying?

Rosalyn C. said...

I didn't respond to her voice at all which I found adequate, and not gratingly irritating like some (Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann). What I found most appealing about Kelly Ayoute was the hard flat unwavering stare in her eyes. Certainly Regan didn't have that, nor did Clinton unless he was infuriated, and neither does Barack Obama so I don't consider that trait characteristically Presidential. But in her case it gives her a genderless quality, it neutralizes her femininity and feminine attractiveness but expresses genuine confidence.

Renee said...

NH had the lowest birthrate in the nation per recession. Maine's death rate is higher then it's birth.

Vermont cares about its low numbers, RI too corrupt to give a crap.

Anonymous said...

I believe that "crying" sound in her voice will stimulate feelings that will reach people subconsciously

So why isn't Sally Struthers already President?

Simon said...

Saint Croix said...
"Politico thinks that's an insult. Palin is right on frickin' everything. Am I wrong in thinking that Palin would want to dismantle the spy program on American citizens? "

Sarah Palin might criticize the program, she might even opportunitstically promise to shut it down, but, like Obama (we were surprised to learn) she is certainly smart enough to renege on that promise once in office. Sarah Palin would not shut down this program, and neither will anyone else likely to be elected, for the simple and sufficient reason that the people who criticize the program are wildly wrong.

"The sharp divide in the Republican party between the big government statists and the Tea Party is going to explode one of these days. And Ayotte--despite claiming to be Tea Party--is clearly on the wrong side."

There is no such divide. The divide in the Republican party is between conservatives, who accept the traditional functions of government, and the radical libertarians who masquerade as "real conservatives" despite having no idea what real conservatives believe and how we think.

rcocean said...

"So why isn't Sally Struthers already President?"

Because America doesn't care about the Children.

The Bastards.

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I'm Full of Soup said...

Simon- I disagree. The divide is between conservatives who believe small govt is doable versus the Repubs who have been in the Imperial City for years so they can't see the waste and fat and redundant programs and they can't see how far past we have gone when it comes to the constitutional limits of what the fed govt is allowed to do.

Simon said...

AJ, it is not, because I am on the small government side of that divide, and yet I support the program. As I've said elsewhere this morning, I am not a "big government" anything—I am in favor of small government confined to its traditional sphere of activities, and specifically a small federal government confined to its traditional and constitution sphere of activities. There is nothing about my attitude that could be described as favoring "big government," and that doesn't change simply because I would have the government be robust in carrying out its legitimate functions. And make no mistake, national defense is perhaps the very core of both traditional governmental functions generally and the federal government's mission specifically. The conservative always places tradition ahead of a priori commitment to some theoretical goal; the right to judge tradition against an idea (even one as noble-sounding as "liberty") is the distinctive claim of Liberalism, not conservatism. I would argue that there are virtually no big government conservatives, and the big government liberals are largely sitting this fight out, for reasons of their own. The split today is between conservatives, on the one hand, and on the other, neurotic, paranoid opponents of the use of any governmental power, comprising the Glenn Beck-type libertarians (who, ironically, believe themselves to be conservatives, but who would have been unrecognizable as such forty years ago) and the Glen Greenwald-type civil liberties loonies.

Methadras said...

Oh look, another NE'erner being vetted as a presidential candidate. When are any of you going to learn that they are all RINO's?

Swifty Quick said...
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