May 12, 2013

Obama frets that young people are getting "cynical"...

... but maybe they're wising up and becoming less gullible.


Mr Wibble said...

An optimist believes that this is the best of all possible worlds.

A cynic believes that he's probably right.

The Obama campaign has long maintained a cult of personality centered on Barack Obama. It's not surprising that they don't react too well when people question the Great Leader.

edutcher said...

Choom always saw government as the idealistic solution - as long as nobody expected him to do any of the real work - and the private sector as selling out.

Making a living - and getting ahead - are pretty compelling for most people, but, for Choomie, Mommy the Commie would never approve.

Unknown said...

I found the Perot personality cult disturbing what with his house to house search talk and his experts under the hood fixing stuff.

Turns out my worst fears were just a bit early.

Sam L. said...

They have much to be cynical about, and one great teacher...which is not what he thought he was teaching.

rhhardin said...

What we need is women getting cynical.

traditionalguy said...

Communists make cynics out of every honest person real quick. The miracle is that the Media covered for him and patted him on the back as if he is the mythical noble black man "unexpectedly" destroying the USA with every highly calculated strategy he could for this long.

Robert Cook said...

Obama has certainly contributed to the development of cynicism, to the extent people were had by his "man of and for the people" pose. Turns out he's just another servant of the establishment, here to enrich and protect the plutocrats and fuck the people.

(Anyone who thinks he's a "communist" or that hes doing anything other than what the elites want him to do is either an imbecile or a fool.

Tim said...

Cynical? Ha!

I bet every new bill he signs into law will somehow make something worse.

Marty said...

Well, is Obama leading our increasing national cynicism or reflecting it? I for one see Obama as an examplar of an alarming trend in America of settling for multiculti-entitlement-soft fascism, which, given our nation's contribution to human evolution by championing individual liberty over tribal straightjacking, is something all actual progressives must take responsibility for turning around.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Seeing incompetence in our elected officials makes people cynical and as Sam L. just said, Obama is without peer in producing cynicism.

Unknown said...

Getting older makes you cynical. If it doesn't make you cynical you're not doing it right.

TosaGuy said...

These young folks are not going to get hired in the new economy with a solid stock market for those in the game and declining unemployment rate due to fewer people seeking work.

Dems always cry that people don't have a fair shake at getting into the game, but they always pass policy that creates the outcome they claim to be against.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Cookie. ..Who cares why Obama is destroying the USA. Just quit covering for him and stop him with truth!

madAsHell said...

Hmm....someone got a whiff of Obama's rainbow farts??

sinz52 said...

Evidently Obama was drawing on results from polls that show that millennials' faith in government spending and warfighting is declining.

That doesn't sound like cynicism.
That sounds like realism.

Now THIS is cynicism:

"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country"
-- Michelle Obama

Kohath said...

Sunday May 5: President Obama repeatedly cautions against "cynicism" about government.
. . .
Monday May 6: Senior US Diplomat Gregory Hicks testifies that he was "stunned" and "embarrassed" when he heard the Obama administration repeatedly assert a false pre-election cover story about the terrorist attack that killed the US Ambassador in Libya on September 11, 2012.

edutcher said...

TosaGuy said...

These young folks are not going to get hired in the new economy with a solid stock market for those in the game and declining unemployment rate due to fewer people seeking work.

The market is highly speculative and volatile; right now it's anything but solid; in fact, a lot of the smart money is on the sidelines.

As for that "declining unemployment rate", that's an illusion.

The reason nobody is getting hired is everybody's scared. Of the 165,000 jobs added last month, 150,000 were temps.

gadfly said...

Frets means, among other things, "being constantly and or visibly anxious." In my wildest dreams, I cannot imagine our narcissist in chief as having an anxious moment involving someone other than himself.

Brian Brown said...

Yeah, they should be cynical because the mere act of finding a job is almost impossible thanks to Obama's policies.

Joe Schmoe said...

That woman in 2008 who thought Obama was going to pay her mortgage is probably feeling a tinge cynical.

TosaGuy said...

People have been crapping on the market forever. One has made a pile if invested in 2009. That doesn't mean you stick more in today. Those who are in will be fine, but those seeking to get in will lose a pile. Young folks will have it much harder investing than the rest of us had when we started, but that is what dems do, make it harder.

Larry J said...

If you aren't cynical about the government, you aren't paying attention. Perhaps the youth are finally putting down their smartphones long enough to realize just how badly they're screwed.

Robert Cook said...

"Cookie. ..Who cares why Obama is destroying the USA. Just quit covering for him and stop him with truth!"

Tradguy, if you think I'm "covering" for Obama, it's no wonder you think he's a communist: you demonstrate the too common comprehension error of "information in / garbage out."

I'm Full of Soup said...

If only Obama could include "Cynicism he produced" to our GDP, we'd be out of the recession!

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's the sound of the base slipping away.

All that hope and change requires a lot of salesmanship, and trust in the salesman.

It's a teachable moment where all that idealism meets the reality of politics.

edutcher said...

The base has been slipping away since '10.

Except for his sudden "rise" in the polls due to Sandy, he's been in the middle 40s for a couple of years and that's when the whole impeachment thing starts looking possible - the more people turn against him, the more feasible it becomes.

caseym54 said...

I'm more disturbed by naive cynics -- the low information folks who are sure that THEY are out to get them, when in fact it's their ignorance that is screwing them every time.

Robert Cook said...

"Yeah, they should be cynical because the mere act of finding a job is almost impossible thanks to Obama's policies."

If by "Obama's policies" you mean he's serving the interests of those who hired him, you're loosely correct; but then this is true as well of his predecessors. It's more accurate to say he (and they) are the factota implementing the policies wanted by (because beneficial to) the financial elites. This is where unrestrained capitalism inevitably leads.

Matt Sablan said...

I'd be less likely to be cynical if my political preferences weren't enough to justify being audited.

Carnifex said...

Now I thik RC has a valid point. The point I would make in return is that Zero is backed /paid for by several million/billionaires who are at best softly communist. George Soros ring a bell? How about all of Hollywood and most of the entertainment industry?

MadisonMan said...

The market is highly speculative and volatile; right now it's anything but solid; in fact, a lot of the smart money is on the sidelines.

That 'smart money' is missing a peaking market. That's not smart. That's overly cautious.

People are in the market now because there's no other place to put money. At some point that'll stop and things will decline.

Carnifex said...

Now I thik RC has a valid point. The point I would make in return is that Zero is backed /paid for by several million/billionaires who are at best softly communist. George Soros ring a bell? How about all of Hollywood and most of the entertainment industry?

Anonymous said...

Nigger worries that the cult of personality that pushed him to dictator status is waning.

The only solution?

More worship of the almighty nigger!

Amazing how Easy Annie A., the abortion-lover, will allow "dirty" language like cunt, cracker, chauvinist pig, bitch, asshole...

But anything that criticizes or hurts minority feelings is 1984ed away.

One must never insult the Supreme Negro People!

Enjoy the decline, sheeple!

Cody Jarrett said...

chauvinist pig is dirty?

Get a grip whore boy.

Brian Brown said...

Robert Cook said...

If by "Obama's policies" you mean he's serving the interests of those who hired him, you're loosely correct; but then this is true as well of his predecessors

I'm sure it is just sheer coincidence that the U/E rate was 4.6% and federal deficit at $248 B (and had declined for 3 straight years) when Harry & Nancy took over Congress and we have no chance of seeing numbers like that again in the next decade due to Democrats.

Anonymous said...



Keep worshiping at the temple of the Infallible, Unassailable Nigger, boy.

Because they run their neighborhoods so well.

Enjoy the decline, bitch boy!

Cody Jarrett said...

Yeah, cuz wondering how you arrived at chauvinist pig as being dirty...never mind. You're too nuts to deal with.

edutcher said...

MadisonMan said...

The market is highly speculative and volatile; right now it's anything but solid; in fact, a lot of the smart money is on the sidelines.

That 'smart money' is missing a peaking market. That's not smart. That's overly cautious.

I remember talking to a broker right after the market crashed in '91. speaking about the people who had lost heavily, he told me, "A lot of these people didn't want to get out; they wanted that last dollar. The smart money had already left. Always remember there's bulls and there's bears, but hogs always get slaughtered".

Anonymous said...


You're too nuts to deal with.

LMAO. Now, confronted with the fact that niggers are uncivilized subhumans who ruin everything they run...

CEO-MMP, like all leftists when faced one on one, runs away like a coward, putting his fingers in his ears, denying reality.

Poor wittle wiberal bitch. His almighty Negro idol is a false god! Deny, destroy, run away!

Enjoy the decline, denialists!

Drago said...

Jay: "I'm sure it is just sheer coincidence that the U/E rate was 4.6% and federal deficit at $248 B (and had declined for 3 straight years) when Harry & Nancy took over Congress and we have no chance of seeing numbers like that again in the next decade due to Democrats."

Cookie is simply doing what all leftists before him have done for close to a hundred years: as the evidence for the failure of leftist policies becomes more and more clear, it becomes paramount for the leftist to begin the "it wasn't really leftism that failed" campaign.

Next time, if only they get another chance to "run things", it will be perfect!!

Anonymous said...


Hey, it worked in teaching that fascism--a government policy of near-total control over the economy and social health of the people through massive government intervention, government on the board of corporations, government-run health care, government-supported unions---as some how "right wing" in nature.

Leftists have always believed in the Big Lie.

Enjoy the decline, liars!

virgil xenophon said...

"I try to be cynical--but I can't keep up!"

-----Lilly Tomlin, Great Political Philosopher..

ricpic said...

And now children, I, Cookie, will tell you the meaning of life -- KILL THE RICH!

Anonymous said...


I'm pretty sure I'm more conservative than you are.
---Lmao. typical leftist lie. Shades of that NPR whore who claimed "I was raised Republican" then proceeds to bash everything not aligning with Mao and Stalin.

I know that, to a lefitsts, it is the height of evil to every criticize black people, especially Big Chief Nigger. Their tiny little brains simply aren't equipped to handle it. Comes from double-digit IQs.

Enjoy the decline, stupid!

Anonymous said...

Is Julia now Cynical? I thought we were taking care of her Needs?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah - Julia needs an around-the-clock government husband.

Cody Jarrett said...

LOL @ whores.

Free advice: stop self medicating, it's doing you no good.

Anonymous said...

Wait! The generation that the boomers have absolutely robbed and plundered are getting cynical?

Time for the boomers to feed them some more Koolaid on racism, sexism, trans-gender-ism, homophobia to get them anesthetized so they can't feel you taking the last few cents they hope to ever have.

ricpic said...

Getting old makes you cynical. If it doesn't make you cynical you're not doing it right.

Skeptical. Getting old makes you skeptical. As it should. Cynical is giving up the fight. For truth. Justice. And the American Way. Easy to become cynical about those things. But you mustn't. You mustn't. In your darkest moments think of Churchill..."Never surrender!"

coketown said...

Doubting the efficacy of government is cynful. Cynners will be condemned to a regional IRS office, and have their tax-exempt status plucked out with burning-hot forceps.

Anonymous said...

Julia understood that Government Husband had a Life Away From Her. Lipstick on the collar, a zipper that would no longer zip: she Understood.

She did not understand Benghazi, but Who Did?: wasn't that the New Benetton?

David said...

Classic projection.

Obama is Cynic in Chief.

His disguise is slipping though.

Michael K said...

"It's more accurate to say he (and they) are the factota implementing the policies wanted by (because beneficial to) the financial elites. This is where unrestrained capitalism inevitably leads."

Says the commie wannabe.

What we see with Obama and Pelosi and Reid is fascism without the name. The Krupps in the 1930s thought they could control Hitler. I don't say Obama is = Hitler because Hitler was smarter and more cunning. If Obama wound up in a Vienna flophouse, he would stay there until he died.

Obama is the end result of affirmative action. He has never had to accomplish anything on his own. That's why we don't see hos grades or much of his history. As a friend of mine once wrote in the LA Times, Obama is the "magic negro" who is "clean" and has "no accent" unless he wants to have it.

He fits the left's image of the "good negro" who will take orders via TelePrompTer. My kids who voted for him think it is more important to have a "black" president than that he be competent.

It's too late to do anything about him but try to survive, just as capitalists survived Roosevelt until he needed them in 1940.

Anonymous said...

Many of Julia's Fears came from being born Male in a Female's Body: the Penis was Her's, though she Wished it were Not. Orgasm brought Happiness and Hatred, but always, always Stickyness.

Gahrie said...

What we need is women getting cynical.

I'd settle for rational.

I'm seriously beginning to think that the 19th Amendment was a terrible idea.

I will note that pretty much everything those opposed to it warned us about came true....

KCFleming said...

If they are not cynical after 5 years of Obama, they are invincibly stupid.

ricpic said...

Stickiness macht post coitum batribt.

Paul said...

Young people are just finding out how much of a bunch of rubes they were. Yes RUBES.

Obamacare has them saddled with debt for years, no good jobs, high taxes, etc...

They are now beginning to question his corrupt leadership and empty promises.

Anonymous said...

Julia understood that hr Uterus was constructed by Surgeons from Modern Acrylics and Turkey Necks, and would never bring her Birth. As such, Birth Control was a Right, not a necessity, but a plane ticket to Spain is still a plane ticket to Spain, regardless of whether you board the Flight.

Julia is traveling tonight on a plane
I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain
Oh and I can see Julia waving goodbye
God it looks like Julia, must be the clouds in my eyes

They say Spain is pretty, though I've never been
Well Julia says it's the best place that she's ever seen
Oh and she should know, she's been there enough
Lord I miss Julia, oh I miss her so much
Julia my Government Sister, you are older than me
Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal
Your Freedom have died, but you Take more than I
Julia you're a star in the face of an Excel Spreadsheet.

ricpic said...

Hey Pogo, will you make a broom closet available to me at Mayo when I'm reduced to under a bridge? Thanks in advance.

Tim said...

"Obama frets that young people are getting "cynical"..."

Ha ha ha.

Wait until young people see their federally mandated-to-buy health care go up between 30 and 50%.

He doesn't know "cynical" until the idiots who voted for him get screwed by his health care reform.

A crew of fucking morons.

Obama deserves his voters, and his voters deserve him.

Fucking morons.

Just to be, you know, "perfectly clear."

Anonymous said...

Julia doesn't want a gun
Julia doesn't want a gun
Her whole world's Paid in Sum
From piercing through her Tongue
What did Government Daddy do?
What did he put you through?

Anonymous said...

Half of what I pay is meaningless
But I pay it just to reach you, Julia
Julia, Julia Government child
calls me So I sing the song of Government, Julia
Julia, empty checkbook eyes, windy smile calls me
So I sing the song of Government, Julia
Goo-goo cashew.

Anonymous said...

I would like a Big, Frothy Orange Julia right about Now.

But I don't want to Pay for It.

Anonymous said...

If there was a tax on Masturbation Teenage Boys would have no Lunch Money.

THAT would make them cynical of Big Throbbing Government.

Bob Ellison said...

Betamax, are you actually trying to kill conversation? That is what you are doing. Can I be the first to say "please shut up for a while"?

Anonymous said...

George Harrison wrote the song "Taxman" at age twenty-three.

Sometimes Cynicism is simply knowing what the Government is Doing to You.

KCFleming said...


It's gonna be mighty crowded in there.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Can I be the first to say "please shut up for a while"?"

You would not be the First.

KCFleming said...

Cynics are philosopher-dogs.

Obama voters are not smart enough to be canine.
It's an insult to bitches.

Anonymous said...

Earlier post: Savoy Truffles and Glass Onion.
Glass Onion = John Lennon song.
John Lennon's mother Julia abandoned him.
Julia = Modern American Government Bride.
I connected the Dots with a Melody.
Don't Worry, Kyoko (Mummy's Only Looking for Her Hand-out in the Snow).

Anonymous said...

If Yoko Ono was President would the Walrus be Joe Biden?

Anonymous said...

Savoy Truffle = Goo-goo Cashew, or is at least in close Proximity in the Chocolate Box.

Mark O said...

I'm cynical.

Anonymous said...

Every aspect of Human Experience can and has been explained by Jesus, Shakespeare or the Beatles.

However, I do agree that the Beatles' Hamburg version of "I Wanna Hold Mein Kampf" was out-of-bounds.

Anonymous said...

Baby, You Can Drive My Volkswagen.

Big Mike said...

The real world's a different place than the Millenials were told. Pity.

Anonymous said...

After Jim Morrison died the Doors should've hired Yoko Ono as their new Lead Singer. That would have been seriously Great. Seriously. A medley of "The End" / "Don't Worry Kyoko (Mummy's Only Looking for Her Hand in the Snow)" would've been sublime.

cubanbob said...

Of course the young are becoming cynical. The way things are going its either that or become suicidal.

Anonymous said...

Yoko Ono singing "People Are Strange while Ray Manzarek noodled on the keyboards with a fifteen-minute Bagism interlude.

You Would Have To Have Been There.

Anonymous said...

Yoko Ono and the Doors doing a cover of Deep Purple's "Woman From Tokyo": I can Hear the Guitar Solo.

Anonymous said...

"Mute Nostril Agony,
Broken mirror, white terror,
the crystal ship is calling us
It's that faint, faint sound of the childhood bell"

Jim Morrison and Yoko Ono wrote in the same Lyric Book.

Anonymous said...

The Doors could play again in Miami without worrying that Yoko Ono would expose her Dick to the Crowd.

Anonymous said...

Yoko Ono performing "Riders On The Storm" while making all the rain noises with her voice: Side One.

Chip Ahoy said...

Real cynical frets.

Anonymous said...

Years later Patti Smith would join Yoko and the Doors onstage to sing "Gloria". Because of this there would be no Mister Mister.

Anonymous said...

After three decades very few would even remember that there was a version of the Doors without Yoko Ono. Times change.

Anonymous said...

"Five to One" would take on added poignance after the murder of John Lennon:

"Five to one, baby
One in five
No one here gets out alive"

Four Beatles + Yoko = Five.

Then there are Four.

The Drummer counts in --
and Yoko and the Doors blast into "Break on Through to the Other Side."

People would be crying while punching their fists. And lighters: lots of lighters, aloft and waving.

Known Unknown said...

For all his/her talents, Beta is a thread killer.

Anonymous said...

They are still alive: There is Time.

The surviving Doors, rambling around on the chords of "Imagine" before Yoko bursts into "Light My Fire": Magic.

Anonymous said...

Re: "For all his/her talents, Beta is a thread killer."

I think I've heard that before. Not intentional, but Probably Right.

Good Night.

traditionalguy said...

Betamax needs a Paypal Donation site. He earned one tonight.

I can imagine BetaMax doing a Talking Heads with Bob Wright and Wright's head exploding after begging for mercy doesn't succeed. But Wright would blame Ann for letting Betamax loose.

Hyphenated American said...

Robert Cook;

"(Anyone who thinks he's a "communist" or that hes doing anything other than what the elites want him to do is either an imbecile or a fool."

Are these the same "elites" that swooned over Lenin, Stalin, Mao and pol pot? Bobby, dear, I was born, raised and educated in the ussr, and i read obama's memoirs. And yes, Obama is a Marxist, although, if I want to to stick to the terms of my childhood, he is a "vulgar Marxist". And if you really think that I am an imbecile or a fool, then you need to show that you are familiar with Marxist-Leninist ideology. We can start the test right now, if you wish.

sakredkow said...

Seeing incompetence in our elected officials makes people cynical and as Sam L. just said, Obama is without peer in producing cynicism.

I hope not. I don't think Obama seems unusually incompetent for a President. I expect all our presidents and government officials to be somewhat incompetent. Considering where I thought the nation, the world, would be back in November 2008, I've been pleasantly surprised. But I'm always ready government mismanagement leading to disaster.

I favor awareness between cynicism and naiveté. There's a hopelessness to cynicism that warriors should eschew. Just awareness.

cubanbob said...

I hope not. I don't think Obama seems unusually incompetent for a President. I expect all our presidents and government officials to be somewhat incompetent. Considering where I thought the nation, the world, would be back in November 2008, I've been pleasantly surprised. But I'm always ready government mismanagement leading to disaster. "

You are pleasantly surprised? This is what I expected in November 2008 after the election. But then again I have no illusions about government in general and left-liberal governance in particular.

sakredkow said...

You are pleasantly surprised? This is what I expected in November 2008 after the election.

After the election in 2008 I thought it could easily go into a complete collapse, even a worldwide depression. I still believe we are probably on the cusp.

Robert Cook said...

:Are these the same 'elites' that swooned over Lenin, Stalin, Mao and pol pot?"

I don't know; did Wall Street and major American corporations and banks and financiers "swoon over Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot?"

"Bobby, dear, I was born, raised and educated in the ussr, and i read obama's memoirs. And yes, Obama is a Marxist, although, if I want to to stick to the terms of my childhood, he is a 'vulgar Marxist'. And if you really think that I am an imbecile or a fool, then you need to show that you are familiar with Marxist-Leninist ideology. We can start the test right now, if you wish."

I claim no expertise in Marxist-Leninist ideology, and that is moot. One need only look at who is benefitting by Obama's policies--and who is working as his advisors--to see that talk of his being a "communist" is risible. He is obviously a servant of Wall Street and the banks. Or do you suggest all our Presidents who have similarly been servants of the financiers--that is to say, all of them--have also been communists? If you are so certain Obama is a Marxist, "vulgar" or otherwise, you need to reveal the secret signs that prove this is the case.

ARThompson said...

I can't shake the sensation that it seems strangely similar to Jimmy Carter's 1979 speech on the general malaise of the public and people failing to trust the government.

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