January 20, 2013
"Please take away my Second Amendment right."
"Do more to help us protect ourselves because what’s most likely to wake me in the early hours isn’t a man’s body slamming at my door but depression, that raven, tapping, rapping, banging for relief. I have a better chance of surviving if I never have the option of being able to pull the trigger."
I'm depressed, therefore you should be denied a gun.
The logic is impeccable I tell you, impeccable.
Uh, yeah, she doesn't seem to be aware that the Second Amendment doesn't require anyone to own a gun. If you feel like you might be tempted to kill yourself if there's a gun atound, don't buy one. Problem solved!
I suffer from severe clinical depression, but it doesn't lead me to squawk to the government to take away rights; protecting myself from my illness is my business and my responsibility. As Maguro said, rights aren't requirements.
A very lame and predatory exploitation of someone's illness by the NY Times in order to support their revolting policy preferences
So, people with depression shouldn't be allowed to have firearms?
A lot of abused spouses have depression. Years of abuse do that.
The most dangerous time for an abused spouse is trying to leave. Get a DVO. See how long that piece of paper protects you.
So the ex wants to kill you, you're relying on a piece of paper.
And you can't get a gun because putting up with his or her shit all those years drove you to depression and anxiety.
Defenseless. Utterly defenseless.
How cruel.
I see no reason to prevent someone like this from notifying authorities that there is a reason why he or she should not be permitted to possess a gun... or a rope, or narcotics, step on a subway platform, accept a ride from a Kennedy, etc.
The same people who insist on restricting/outlawing gun ownership are routinely the same ones who advocate for suicide as a fundamental right.
Don't want an abortion?
Don't get one.
Don't want a gun?
Don't buy one.
Please tell me that's satire.
New government slogan - help me help you.
Well, if we really care about her safety, perhaps she should be denied the right to own sharp objects and enclosed garages, and forbidden from entering structures more than one story tall.
Anyone who can voluntarily commit herself for depression can voluntarily decide not to buy a gun. It seems like a prudent thing to do. I am not depressed, never have been, and I have good confidence that I will never be tempted to shoot myself. I fail to see how Ms. Button's situation has any relevance to mine.
I believe she still gets to vote, right? The same ideational excesses that unfit her for the one right should unfit her from the other, shouldn't they?
I really dislike the idea that we make public policy based on the loons.
I trust the authorities have taken note of this ridiculous op-ed and taken appropriate action to keep this deeply unstable attention whore away from firearms.
I'd be depressed too if I were a political speech writer for Senators John Edwards, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John Kerry. But the right to self-defense is unalienable.
It wasn't totally clear whether she was proposing that everyone be denied the right to keep and bear arms because the depressed are suicidal and likely to use a gun when available to accomplish such, or that since she was depressed and occasionally suicidal, that people like her should be denied that right for their own protection.
I think one big problem there is her unwillingness to require others who are depressed and get suicidal to show the same sort of self responsibility that she did when she decided not to buy herself a gun.
And, yes, if she was voicing the first opinion, then the additional collectivist view that we all must sacrifice for the community, and that part of the community might benefit from this change.
As we used to say, "Sounds like a personal problem to me."
This woman's inability to take responsibility for her mental health should cancel out the nation's failsafe against tyranny. Sure, why not?
Should be kept away from driving a car also.
My mind is very sharp, like a honed blade... no, it's beyond sharp... it's like a large calibre gun with a huge magazine full of armor-piercing rounds. My mind is a dangerous, dangerous thing, a weapon that might kill me one day. Maybe the government needs to take away my mind, to protect me!
Your mind may not be as powerful a weapon as mine, Ms Button, but make no mistake: it's your mind that's dangerous! It's your mind that's a threat to your existence! You need to cry out for the State to take away your mind or you will never be safe!
Like most of those who agree with her, Wendy Button's plea for more gun control is a complete non sequitor.
In light of the revelation that AG Holder has said he does not have the resources to prosecute those who lie as part of the background check process, perhaps it would be more effective to simply enforce the abundance of laws we already have on the books.
What's the ugliest part of your body? Some say your nose, some say your toes, but I think it's your...
Wrong, Suzy Creamcheese!
AA recently posted:
"If you have a fantasy of rescuing those who are in the process of committing suicide, you might think taking guns away will give you a better shot."
This woman has that fantasy.
Let's repeal the second amendment the day after there is a police station next door to every house in the country.
From the article...
My depression appeared for the first time in the late ’90s, right before I began writing for politicians.
Somewhere, there is a joke missing a punch-line.
Who besides the New York Times would have published this? Who besides the author would think this was a valid argument for anything?
Let's repeal the second amendment the day after there is a police station next door to every house in the country.
That's what they usually do in a police state. I'm sure that folks would be as happy having police stations moving in next door as they are happy when they see a police car pull up behind them in traffic.
Is it wrong that I can't tell if the "picked" comment by MY - Sonoma is sarcastic or not?
Didn't Rush say this, or was it Michael Savage, that the reason liberals are anti-gun is because they tend to be suicidal and don't trust themselves to own one? So of course they don't trust anyone else, either.
"But since most people like me are more likely to harm ourselves than to turn into mass-murdering monsters, our leaders should do more to keep us safe from ourselves."
This statement is puzzling to me. I care more about doing "something" to protect against mass murder than I do some anonymous depressive's inclination to kill herself.
Please take away her Nineteenth Amendment right.
Also, no one should have prescription or over the counter drugs, ropes, and we need to tear down bridges and tall buildings.
Whatever the article is, it's behind a paywall. But it's NYT, so the odds are that it's pretty inane.
I have a better chance of surviving if I never have the option of being able to pull the trigger."
Don't buy a gun then dumbshit. You have a better chance of not being able to pull the trigger if you don't own a gun.
You should also be kept away from:
Razor Blades
Cough Medicine
Plastic Bags
Drugs of any kind
Draino and other caustic chemicals
Cliff Edges
Subway Trains
The Internet
Honey Badgers
The list is endless of stuff you should not be near or have if you are depressed. If you can't handle this then you should be institutionalized .....for your own good, of course.
Of course if the problem is suicide prevention, we need to prevent folks from having rope, string, electical cords, razor blades, prescription medicines, rat poison, ...
May I suggest amputation of the index fingers?
Hat's off to you, DBQ, you beat me to it.
Especially them honey badgers.
Does this writer think the Second Amendment requires that he own a gun?
This is the quality of comment I've come to expect from the NYT.
"Wendy Button has written for Democratic Senators John Edwards, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John Kerry, and for Boston Mayor Thomas Menino."
So if you ever wondered why they sounded like such fools...no, you know.
That's noW
Perfect logic; the same kind of logic that caused the 1900's temperance ladies to lobby for alcohol prohibition so that their husbands wouldn't be tempted by alcohol. (We saw how well THAT worked...)
I, Life NRA Member that I am, would be willing to add one more "gun control" law to address her needs. We need database of people who have irrevocably renounced their right to purchase a firearm.
"It upsets me deeply that the NRA is fighting so hard to protect my right to be armed. They are more dangerous to me (and others) than I could possibly be to myself. More than a constitutional right to bear arms we need a constitutional right to live safely."
From the top comment. All that after he/she explains that they live in a rural area with frequent encounters of wild animals.
My impulse is to hand the woman a gun to off herself.
But then my impulse for the hoarders is to haul everything out and leave them with a 100% of space.
So right off, I see that I'm a terrible psychologist. But I tell you, the comments to that piece over there gave me the impulse to off them all myself and put them out of their psychological hells. They were the worst sickest most whinging creepy psychologically damaged string of comments I've ever read and then comments are abruptly cut off. Gee. Wonder why. NYT collected what they saw fit and then saw the tsunami of rebuttal so BLAM cut off comments, which really makes you want to punch somebody because all this could be handled over there by NYT isn't having it.
We're having a great dialogue talking past each other. Fact is, I don't give one single shit about their opinion either. Not one. I don't respect one single thing. Except to be pissed off by it. Best to ignore them, if possible then, their emotionalizing and their frenetic chatter only annoys.
I looked at some 150 comics relating to this, apparently all drawn by dicks with pens, predictable as all shit, and when put into words about at 2nd or 3rd grade level of discourse, every aspect as if viewed by a child with no knowledge at all about 2nd Amendment, history, armaments, NRA, law or anything at all just immediate emotion.
An American kid on a British cartoon site presented a cartoon he drew. In the thread that followed all agreed it was brilliant. It depicted a grade school as overly fortified castle brimming with advanced weaponry from every corner, razor wire, warning signs and such, loaded with military matériel overhead jets and such. Just so perceptive and incisive. A visual response had to be done quickly so I did it quickly, a rapid sketch of sheep pen loaded with sheep LOADED with innocent white sheep with targets drawn on them and signs on each rickety wooden fence corner saying explicitly so that even British antigun and American liberal children can see GUN FREE ZONE and CRAZIES GET YOUR KIDS HERE! and TWENTY FOR 2 CLIP SPECIAL and WALK RIGHT IN WE'RE ALL SWEET AND INNOCENT IN HERE my cartoon was much simpler than his but it drove the point and it was fast. So now I'm not really welcome there I don't think. I don't know, I didn't follow things after I posted the picture.
And I want to continue my campaign to see more suggestions that people's third amendment rights be taken away. Wendy should be forced to quarter troops in her apartment. A couple of marines sleeping in the living room would have made short work of that drunk.
I see a consistent thread of logic here.
In Woodstock (and Woodstock takes its cue from the NYT), the party line now goes something like this:
1. Any person who wants to own a gun is obviously mentally ill. Wanting to own a gun is proof of mental illness.
2. Guns shouldn't be in the hands of the mentally ill.
3. Therefore, nobody should be allowed to own a gun.
I, too, have depression and anxiety. I also have thought about suicide. I know there are many ways to off myself and doing so is entirely my own business. It is also my business whether or nor I own a gun which I do not.
What I object to is the possibility of being told I can't own a gun because I might kill myself and at the same time the possibility to be told that I should accept assisted suicide because I'm a cripple who's getting old and cost to much money to keep alive.
None are more self absorbed than the depressed.
What I object to is the possibility of being told I can't own a gun because I might kill myself and at the same time the possibility to be told that I should accept assisted suicide because I'm a cripple who's getting old and cost to much money to keep alive.
Ah...but you see, one represents free will and the other is the God given right of the Government to decide your fate because you aren't competent, capable or able to make your own decisions.
It is not good for you to choose suicide because that then is your own choice*** It is good for the government to make that choice for you.
***Truly, I don't want anyone to commit suicide and sincerely wish that anyone in that position get some assistance. Suicide is something that you can't take back. Suicide is not only a devastating solution, you think, to a current and possibly passing state of mind, it is devastating to those who love you and who survive. My uncle committed suicide, with a gun. No one blamed the gun.
Had we known his mental state, perhaps we could have made a difference. This is a guilt trip my father (his brother) has had to live with for many many years now.
Why stick at half measures? Why not "Please institutionalize me"?(1)
One thing is clear. Ms Button may want Big Nurse (2) to take away her second amendment rights. But don't you dare take away her first.
(1) I Wanna Be Sedated
(2) One flew Into the Cuckoo's Nest
Forget the gun. She ought go out and buy a vibrator instead of indulging in this sort of public self-gratification.
I'm not sure I even believe her story.
I think she was threatened by a "composite" burgler and went on a "composite" gun-buying trip.
Wouldn't loosening or eliminating her 14th Amendment rights (limiting civil commitment) be more effective in preventing suicide than limiting her 2nd Amendment rights?
You should also be kept away from . . .
The list is endless of stuff you should not be near or have if you are depressed. If you can't handle this then you should be institutionalized .....for your own good, of course.
Of course, we would need to add to the list all of those "how to kill yourself books," like Final Exit, by Derek Humphry.
America had sort of forgotten in its mad rush to claim rights and Free Entitlements for Freedom Lovers!!!
That rights and responsibilities go hand in hand.
You have a right to get a pet as long as you have right to have it on property you control. But you also have a moral and social responsibility to care for that pet.
Greedy seniors demanded and got their "rights" satisfied with free prescription drugs under Dubya. As with his neocon wars of adventure and nation-building, no one wanted to take responsibility for paying for it.
Guns are the same deal. People want the right, while none of the Freedom LOver advocates of mo' rights, mo' free stuff, mo' entitlements wants to talk about responsibilities.
Or like with abandoned pets, young workers taxed to pay for free drugs on a retired banker's yacht, society is left to clean up the mess of people who should never be allowed near a gun to begin with.
It means we have to go past Freedom!! - mo' free Neocon wars and food stamps and other good stuff - and talk that word so many liberals, conservatives, and libertarians HATE! - reponsibility.
The responsibility to pay for the cost of those "precious rights". The responsibility of affluent seniors to pay for their gravy boats.
Gun owners to keep guns from crazy people. To agree to sensible constraints much as we have had to do with other "precious rights"
I thought that article was from the Onion.
All they have to do, if they don't want their 2nd Amendment rights, IS TO COMMIT A FELONY! Then get caught and convicted.
And Vola! No guns for you.
There are plenty of non-violent crimes that are felonies. So skippie just needs to do a few, say steel over $1000 and get caught.
The ignorance of the anti-gun crowd is appalling.
It is entirely possible that this woman really believes that the Second Amendment requires her to own a firearm.
She is in the same league as the guy last week who asked me this question: "Why does anybody need automatic bullets?". I assured him that there is no such thing, but he didn't believe me and cited a Chris Matthews diatribe against "automatic bullets".
This is why it is difficult to have a rational discussion with these people.
The ignorance of the anti-gun crowd is appalling.
It is entirely possible that this woman really believes that the Second Amendment requires her to own a firearm.
She is in the same league as the guy last week who asked me this question: "Why does anybody need automatic bullets?". I assured him that there is no such thing, but he didn't believe me and cited a Chris Matthews diatribe against "automatic bullets".
This is why it is difficult to have a rational discussion with these people.
Well, speaking only for myself, I am not nearly interested enough in the survival of one morose and self-absorbed woman to give up my rights or surrender the rights of millions of others.
Lefties say that everyone owning a gun is no hedge on tyranny because the military has all the big guns, but they fail to understand that 80% of the military will not follow orders to kill the American people.
Typical leftie logic - I can't be trusted to take away everyone's God given rights.
The cultural gun gap is an unbroachable breach too far.
Venus vs. Mars
Venerdì vs. martedì
Venereal v. martial
"His Girl Friday vs. "Marty"
"Friday, I'm In Love" vs. "Ruby Tuesday"
I wish she would have given up her 1st amendment rights first and not bothered to write that inane piece of garbage.
She can choose to not own a weapon all she wants, but she wants to take away everyone else's rights as well. Nothing but a tyrant.
Shorter Button: Let's disarm the citizenry; what possible bad could come of it?
I agree with some of the other commenters. This journalist is expressing a veiled cry for help. She is uncertain of her capacity to self-moderate behavior. She is looking for someone to do it for her. Preferably with a side of benefits. She demands, and votes, for an election to exchange liberty for submission with benefits.
Well, some people never escape the dependence and never express a desire to leave the sanctuary of a child-like existence. These people pose a threat to free men and women in a civilized society because they are are incapable of reasonable compromise commensurate to the uncertainty of life. They support increasing risk to law-abiding people, while lowering risk to a criminal, and decreasing the opportunity cost for acts of involuntary exploitation by minority interests.
I wonder if she knows how lethal scalpels and vacuums are in the wrongs hands. They are more lethal than a gun (around one million lives lost in clinics), but less lethal than a mind which does not comprehend risk management and wields a vote.
the last depressed(medically induced...cancer treatment) person i personally knew who killed themselves did so with a belt.
Ms Button doesn't have 2nd amendment rights, she lives in Washington D.C.. I can see the the public official laughing out loud as she asked for the appropriate permit documents.
Ms. Button portrays the ideal citizen in the eyes of liberals. Willingly and happily, she throws herself at the feet of government. She prostrates herself and begs the government to save her from herself, from her original sin of depression. Liberals must have had simultaneous orgasms when reading the column.
It's not just about saving lives. Its also about having lives worth living. A life of subjugation to the government is for the pathetic cowards, for people who are afraid of life itself.
"Better starve free than be a fat slave."
- Aesop's Fables
So the government should save her from herself, and if the rest of the populace loses their rights, well, it's so worth it?
I just don't think she's that important.
Suicidal women are more likely to poison themselves than shoot themselves. And it's not like there's a constitutional right to Drano.
If Barack really loved Julia -- er, Wendy, he'd gently but firmly take away the guns.
Please take away her Nineteenth Amendment right.
Not only the second but the 19th and 14th and the first. And for good measure her penumbra right to an abortion and her statutory rights to 'entitlements'. Please let's repeal the 16th amendment to make sure she never becomes a burden to society. Here honey take Dr Barry's blue pill and it will be all ok. Only the NYT can publish this trash as a serious piece. Normal people would think it was published in The Onion. I feel bad for the writers at The Onion. It must be extremely difficult to write parodies when people like Wendy Button exist in reality.
Nice article, Miss. Now any perp with a few minutes on a computer can find where you live, and without much fear of being shot or overpowered by your tiny self or your slobbering passive dog, break in. Nice tip about the location of the police station, too. Gotta be quick, and use the far side of your house.
Did you actually think about what you wrote while you were writing it? Or did the speechwriter part of your brain kick in and you just went for what sounded good, without regard to what it meant?
Hopefully the criminal types in her area have already used up their monthly allotment of free NYT articles.
Women are more likely to kill themselves with pills or by cutting themselves with razors then putting a gun in their mouth. That's usually more of a guy thing.
But by that token, we might want to rethink Gilette's ability to sell razor blades in stores.
You don't even need a license for that and yet a woman can killl herself with it
That made me laugh, Maguro.
The funny thing is she is asking that her right be taken away. But she doesn't have to exercise the right. i.e. if she doesn't actually go out and buy a gun then she wont have a gun. problem solved.
The other funny thing is, in many places it is very difficult to buy guns, and yet despite that people still end up buying guns. So even when they don't have the right, many still end up having a gun anyway.
That says a little something about what she wants to happen. If her scenario were to play out she could still get her hands on a gun if she really wanted to.
mtrobertsattorney said...
The ignorance of the anti-gun crowd is appalling.
She is in the same league as the guy last week who asked me this question: "Why does anybody need automatic bullets?". I assured him that there is no such thing, but he didn't believe me and cited a Chris Matthews diatribe against "automatic bullets".
That's hilarious! However, "automatic bullets" do exist - they're used in MS Word and can be turned and off at will.
My second amendment rights.
@Bob Boyd,
The story starts with a statement about "my little house in Washington, DC."
Perhaps she succumbed to depression midway through the herculean effort required to figure out how to buy a gun inside the City of Washington, DC.
See some notes about Emily's efforts at doing this...
Or she doesn't know anything about regional variations in gun laws, and how hard it is to purchase a gun inside DC, vs. how easy it is to purchase a gun in Virginia.
C4, not that I ever care very much about what you say, but this time I didn't even understand it. You are beginning to get incoherent. I can't tell anything except that you are so full of hate it is running out your ears, and any kind of freedom is anathema to you. But we all knew that already. So, he asked trepidly, was there a point?
I thought we already had a solution for this. If you think you need to be protected from yourself, you can check in to a mental health facility to be taken care of until you are safe in your own presence. Just think if you weren't in your own presence. That doesn't sound safe.
I'm not surprised by this drivel. What surprises me is the NTY editor who thought this drivel advanced the case for gun control.
Wendy Button is a former political speech writer. The reason she's a former political speech writer is the politician she wrote for lost his bid for office. The reason he lost his bid for office was delivering speeches written by Wendy Button.
"And those knives, don't let me have knives.
Or aspirin. No aspirin.
And for god's sake, please make sure I don't have a gas oven."
"Or rope."
"Oh, better take away those curtain cords, too."
"Jesus! Razors! I almost forgot razors."
When I feel depressed, I go to the range and blow off a bunch of rounds. Nothing clears up a bout of depression like range safety awareness and concentrating on shooting well. Sending a lot of bullets downrange perks me right up.
The advice about people not opening their mouths to eliminate any doubt you're an idiot. The complimentary advice applies to young Wendy and her iPad. Back away from that keyboard!
"...that raven, tapping, rapping, banging for relief..."
How cool is it that she used that metaphor on the the day the latter day Ravens win the AFC. What a cool culture we have.
That's hilarious! However, "automatic bullets" do exist - they're used in MS Word and can be turned and off at will.
So I take it that in NY you're now limited to bullet lists of no more than seven items?
"So I take it that in NY you're now limited to bullet lists of no more than seven items?"
No one needs a bullet list of more than seven items.
Indigo Red said: What I object to is the possibility of being told I can't own a gun because I might kill myself and at the same time the possibility to be told that I should accept assisted suicide because I'm a cripple who's getting old and cost to much money to keep alive.
Well said. This person, this liberal speechwriter, would insist on the right to suicide and then stupidly insist that her right to a gun be taken away in case she exercised her right to commit suicide because she was depressed by writing speeches for John Edwards. And all along as a good lefty she is probably is also advocating killing medically-expensive people. She doesn't see the contradiction because it isn't violence if the left does it.
"No one needs a bullet list of more than seven items."
Actually some people need up to nine.
Wait, this was DC and "a few years ago"? Unless it was after Heller, I suspect she was making up quite a bit of the part about her search for a gun.
Live free or die is an interesting topic. Most lefties think the possibility of the USA becoming a one party dictatorship is small or that, if it happens, it will be a good thing.
Most conservatives realize that throughout history, democracies are always lost, it is just a matter of time. This means that preserving liberty is a much bigger issue to conservatives. Conservatives realize that the fed gov is the biggest threat to our freedom and that the best time to fight for your liberty is before you lose it.
Venezuela is a good example of how easy it is for a country to turn from a democracy into a dictatorship.
Imagine that you are facing a life sentence in prison but have the opportunity to fight for your freedom. If you win the fight, you are free. If you lose the fight, you go to prison for life. There is a chance that you may die in the fight.
What would be an acceptable risk for you to take in that fight to preserve your freedom, would you fight for your freedom if there was a 10% chance that you would die in the fight? How about 50%?
She needs protection. Let's take her Third Amendment right away, not her Second.
Maybe blowing the intruder's head off would have cured her depression for good.
I suspect there was no intruder. There was no gun search. No drunk in the back of a police car. No chair against the door.
There is depression. Her depression. Not yours, hers. And probably a dog.
I suspect there was no intruder. There was no gun search. No drunk in the back of a police car. No chair against the door.
There is depression. Her depression. Not yours, hers. And probably a dog.
The only Ravens depressing me right now are from Baltimore.
Women typically don't use guns to commit suicide. They tend to use drugs and other "not messy" means.
Men use guns and "messy" means.
I don't know if that difference is due to vanity ("leave a good looking corpse") or clutter-aversion.
If she's depressed it's because people don't vote for the candidates she writes speeches for. In election after election we as a nation have denied her validation.
That's why we all have to pay for her condition by losing our constitutional rights. You just have to know how a liberal's mind works.
So can we put the poor deluded woman out of her misery?
She should ditch the cats and scented candles and get a horny boyfriend
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