January 27, 2013

Gabby Giffords, ever smiling, struggles through an interview with Diane Sawyer.

Giffords can only get a few words out — "so slowly" — and Diane Sawyer has no compunction about supplying words all around Giffords's words, most notably at the end of the interview — you have to watch the video — when she turns Giffords into a puppet who voices the last word to a long sentence yammered out by Sawyer. Sawyer repeatedly assures us that Giffords understands everything and is able to think well, that her only intellectual deficit is in speaking. We're told how effective Giffords will be in pressuring Congress to enact gun control. She will be taken around to the members of Congress so they will be subjected to the ordeal — if they want to say "no" — of saying "no" to her face.

This is how it's done. At what point do you say "no"... enough?

ADDED: The most poignantly telling moment in the interview is when Giffords is invited to say what matters most to her. She says: "family."


edutcher said...

Erwin Rommel was a propaganda prop after he died, too.

Skipper said...

Did Congresswomen Giffords every say no to a constituent who asked her to outlaw abortion? Probably.

Anonymous said...

The guy who shot Gifford had a pistol.

Some of the crap they floated in that interview was flat ass wrong. An AR-15 doesn't shoot 6 rounds a second. 85% of the children killed in the world each year aren't killed in the US, even if you count all those teen killers in Chicago as children, but all the child soldiers in Africa as adults. What may be true is that of the child killings with guns that are reported to WHO (and the third world doesn't report), 85% are in the US.

Chef Mojo said...

This is the apotheosis of "All's fair in love and war."

Oh, well.

She's the gun grabber's Cindy Sheehan, and will probably end up the same way, once she's outlived her usefulness.

pm317 said...

At what point do you say "no"... enough?

But why does Giffords agree to go on these interviews?

Darrell said...

1500 to 3000 each and every day for forty years.

Automatic_Wing said...

Any word on when Sarah Palin is going to be arraigned for putting a bullseye symbol over her congressional district?

bagoh20 said...

Have you noticed that the spokespeople for gun control are damaged victims.

Those who have experienced the defensive value of being armed don't have a bloody shirt of their own to wave.

Pretty clear to me which side has the smarter approach, and which club I want to be in.

I've owned guns since I was about 12, but just last week I finally joined the NRA, because I'm crazy or something.

Chef Mojo said...

But why does Giffords agree to go on these interviews?

Because she - or her handler - knows that people who see her will pity her, and pity is a powerful political tool.

Shouting Thomas said...

Sawyer is the queen of maudlin.

I've never watched Oprah. Does Oprah spread on the greasy oozing concern even more than Sawyer?

AllenS said...

She will be taken around to the members of Congress so they will be subjected to the ordeal — if they want to say "no" — of saying "no" to her face.

The members of Congress that will be subjected to this ordeal, will be Republicans.

Democrats running for re-election in places like Minnesota will not be called on.

kentuckyliz said...

Just think, if she had an armed bodyguard with a weapon, she might be able to speak today.

kentuckyliz said...

Pardon the redundancy. I clicked post too fast.

Hagar said...

Gabrielle Giffords appear to be an attractive person, but I think she is brain damaged, and it is an outrage that her husband is capitalizing on her misfortune.

rhhardin said...

Tim Blair links to this video.

rhhardin said...

What woman, after all, hasn't been damaged.

It's an empathy play.

kentuckyliz said...

Bago, I've held a real gun exactly once and joined the NRA last week.

Darrell said...

We need a law making it a gun-free zone in a 600-yard circle around every Democrat politician. It will even say so on an illuminated sign on the hat they have to wear.

chickelit said...

Sawyer rhymes with lawyer like no other word does.

Lyle said...

... and like Republicans own slaves or something.

It's all just a game and we know what side Diane Sawyer is on.

LYNNDH said...

Waiting for them to outlaw cars, etc, since over 36k killed last yr in "accidents".

Seeing Red said...

Since it's obvious it's dangerous to be a politician, maybe we should send them all home and lock them away?

DADvocate said...

Now we're supposed to base national policy and law on the wishes of the brain damaged? I've worked with brain damaged adults, Giffords isn't at full intellectual capacity and it's highly unlikely she ever will be.

Should we expect and act of Congress any time any one of us suffers a misfortune? The left has no shame, no rationality and no respect for our rights. It's not about protecting anyone. It's about further subjecting us to an oppressive government.

Seeing Red said...

I'm actually thinking of not letting them out of their states and just do everything by vid.

No going to places for fundraisers, no flying, no driving, nada.

It's public service, after all.

William said...

The NRA should hire a photogenic rape victim to say, please, please don't take away the only mechanism that gives me the confidence to leave my house in the morning and face the day.

Gahrie said...

The Left is all about exploitation........

edutcher said...

Hagar said...

Gabrielle Giffords appear to be an attractive person, but I think she is brain damaged, and it is an outrage that her husband is capitalizing on her misfortune.

You're right about the brain damage and, according to the Blonde, who worked 5 years in rehab, her biggest problem is lack of control over her emotions, so I have a feeling, if we saw a full tape, with all the outtakes, Ms Giffords wouldn't be too pleased with Sawyers' attempts to manipulate her.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

By all means, let's have victims be in charge of policy. Only children wounded by drone strikes will be allowed to vote for president.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Gabby was shot with a Glock. Ironically, Gabby owned a Glock at the time of her shooting but somehow managed to avoid shooting herself with it. The stupidity of gun control in a nutshell.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Gabby was shot with a Glock. Ironically, Gabby owned a Glock at the time of her shooting but somehow managed to avoid shooting herself with it. The stupidity of gun control in a nutshell.

jr565 said...

Why is Giffords being used as the spokesman for gun control of assault weapons? She was shot with a pistol. So if you are pushing to ban assault rifles, what does that have to with Giffords, and how would that have stopped her shooting?

jr565 said...

Why is Giffords being used as the spokesman for gun control of assault weapons? She was shot with a pistol. So if you are pushing to ban assault rifles, what does that have to with Giffords, and how would that have stopped her shooting?

kentuckyliz said...

Well, ol' Gabby ain't so gabby any more.

cryptical said...

It's the continuation of the long con. Sarah and Jim Brady are getting old, they need a new poster victim to shame and blame the "NRA Lobby".

Her husband is involved in her new organization, I expect to see the passing of the torch sometime in the future.

No word if "Americans for Responsible Solutions" is a Joyce Foundation funded astroturf organization like most gun control organizations.

McTriumph said...

Gabby was doing Diane a favor, the victims Diane wanted to interview had already been buried.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could get some of those Obama political prop kids standing in the background with a dystopian video montage of 'assault weapons' firing behind the kids.

Turn up the pathos.

Out of such pathos the media can push for questionable new laws or at least give everyone a feeling that they all belong to something.

That's how you stay relevant in the wake of Obama's 2nd term leadership apparently, which even the finest political hacks of the left such as John Dickerson and EJ Dionne recognize should be pursued without compromise to anyone else.

It's tough to play your fiddle for money and constantly position yourself in front of the masses.

Chef Mojo said...

I suggest you go play with fireworks instead and maybe get some decent dental care, while you're at it.

Yeah. Go tell that to the Brazilians. They're all about playing with fireworks in crowded nightclubs...

Unknown said...

----Waiting for them to outlaw cars, etc, since over 36k killed last yr in "accidents".

I thought this was an astounding statistic...

On average, subway trains in New York hit about 150 people a year, killing a third of them.


Given the relative populations, Subway trains are more dangerous than assault rifles.

chickelit said...

Maybe go hog wild and break open your dress-up cowboy outfit for 4 year-olds. That would be cool.

As if you'd know the first thing about kids! Ha!

mccullough said...

Giffords still owns the Glock. Should brain damaged people be allowed to own a gun? Her husband recently bought a Glock at Wal-Mart. Should he be allowed to have a gun if his wife is brain damaged?

It's a lie to say Congress is afraid of the gun lobby. Reps and Senators know that almost half the country owns a gun and those people vote.

Known Unknown said...

Has anyone advocated that gun control is inherently racist?

Urban minorities most likely to be victims of violent crime have no personal redress, while whites living in safe, secure enclaves have no need for personal protection, or have the wherewithal to hire it?

AllenS said...

Giffords has expressive aphasia.

jacksonjay said...

You know he moved Gabby to Houston for rehab so he could continue his heroic career as Commander Mark! NASA could have easily replaced him, but NO Commander Mark needed to finish his career as COMMANDER MARK(echo)! He had piloted one shuttle mission and commanded another shuttle mission! How many shuttle missions does one Commander Mark need? He wanted to command the last Endeavor mission!

Now he's commander of a new mission! I was shocked that Gabby and Commander Mark were not at the Executive "Action" photo-op with the children!

Diane needs a laxative!

McTriumph said...

Never understood why libs continually bring up Dick Cheney's hunting accident. Libs believe the 2nd Amendment is about hunting, so what's up with libs criticising hunting accidents?

Rabel said...

"Gabby and I are both gun owners. We are strong supporters of the Second Amendment," Kelly said. "I bought a gun at Wal-mart recently and I went through a background check. Why can't we just make it more difficult for criminals and the mentally ill to get guns?"

The poor woman is missing part of her brain. She needs a Glock like she needs another ...

I can't say it. I want to, but I just can't.

Uncle Pavian said...

If more people said no to people like Diane Sawyer, we might have less bad journalism.

David said...

I have little doubt that Gifford is a proponent of gun control.

Whether she is enthusiastic about her current role is harder to know.

She probably could find ways to refuse doing this, if she is fully aware of what is going on.

So many ifs.

Uncle Pavian said...

If more people just said no to Diane Sawyer and her colleagues, there would be less bad journalism. Time to push back.

Bruce Hayden said...

What is interesting here is that the gun control conversation is really over here, and in much of the country. No one really trying to push "common sense" solutions like banning "assault weapons" (i.e. banning semiautomatic weapons with technology less than 50 years old) or "high capacity magazines" (i.e. anything greater than approximately half the capacity of standard capacity magazines today) any more here, because they are liable to get laughed at too much.

The national media, of course, living in their progressive bubble, keep pushing this nonsense, but make sure that they rarely give the opposition a chance to rebut their propaganda. Maybe even worse here than how they handled the two candidates in the last election.

My solution to this is to studiously avoid the leftist media, and like stalwarts like Althouse suffer through the NYT for me. I also disable CNN and MSNBC whenever possible on TVs, and skip the Sunday talk shows that I used to follow so regularly.

So, NY rushed through gun grabbing legislation so draconian that it applies to police, legally making anything they carry, except for their shotguns, illegal. Other liberal enclaves like IL, CA, and CT are rushing to follow, before the opposition can mass. And, yes, they are doing this to try to apply a band aid to the failed progressive welfare state experiment in their inner cities. Much of the violence in this country is limited to these father-free zones, filled with the resulting undomesticated males running in their violent juvenile packs. Their problem though is that gun grabbing legislation isn't going much further, not in most other states, and not in Congess.

Brian Brown said...

She will be taken around to the members of Congress so they will be subjected to the ordeal — if they want to say "no" — of saying "no" to her face.

Not only would I tell her no, I would point out that she is a sad, pathetic prop for a totalitarian political movement.

And she should be ashamed of herself.

Big Mike said...

@Darrell, anyone who can successfully hunt birds with a rifle deserves our deepest respect.

Assuming she's not lying, of course.

Chip Ahoy said...

Another of Washington's side shows for which they are known. Pelosi strikes me as the woman who produces these non session displays.

"Miss Gifford! So good to see you, it does do my heart good to see up and about."

(Bold spoken by Gifford)

"We just wanted to stop by and say ... hell ... o and emphasize the importance of passing sensible gun ...safety legislation. Gabby and I just wanted to remind you that the American ... people agree it is time to move on this now and do the right ... thing and pass sensible legislation regarding assault weapons. We'd like to know we can count on ... your vote."

Gifford as pull-toy is repositioned down the aisle to the next available congressman unable to graciously evade, the congressman just spoken to turn to his side and whispers,

"What a mess."

"I turn off all those zombie shows and they bring them right to you. I never did understand their popularity."

"She really should retire and relax."

"She looks like she what she wants that! To just say hello, look, I'm alive."

In another scenario she could be pull toy for euthanasia. Given a few more years and the legislative side show will be the cost of heroic measures to prolong compromised lives.

Kirby Olson said...

Victim strategies are the only rhetoric the left has got. They can't talk about competency because they don't have any.

AllenS said...

You said...
If conservatives can respond to allowing the greatest domestic terrorist attack on U.S. soil by declaring war on and invading the wrong country

Where do you think Bush got the idea from? After reading what Clinton and those in his administration, if 9/11 happened on this watch, who do you think they would have went after? Seems pretty obvious who they thought was the bad guy.

jacksonjay said...

The most beloved (only beloved?) Republican in America argued that we should go to war against the wrong country! He went to the UN to make the case!

He got some love when he discovered racism in Republicans! That would be AFTER they made him very famous and very rich!

bagoh20 said...

"Did you ever go to school? Ever do any homework, or get a passing grade?"

Son, we're all grown up now. Let us know when your teacher tells you you're smart enough to go out in the real world. We know you will do great things some day.

bagoh20 said...

"infringe [ɪnˈfrɪndʒ]
1. (tr) to violate or break (a law, an agreement, etc.)
2. (intr) to encroach or trespass"

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Darrell said...

Dick Cheney was given an apology because he deserved one--he did nothing wrong. The guy that was shot admitted to breaking protocol and all directions given at the start. He also admitted iknowing better because he had shot in such lines many times before--and they always had the same rules. He left the firing line to go off to the side and take a leak. Rather than rejoining the line from behind--as was the rule--he cut across the field diagonally (a big no-no)--actually and accidentally getting ahead of the shooters. At any time he could have shouted out the cease fire command (a single word) and he did not. He was not visible in the tall growth when the shot was fired. Cheney took responsibilty because he was at the end of that side of the firing line.

Darrell said...

Joe Biden would have claimed that he was in the sauna.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I would like to thank the Democrat party for turning this former non-gun owner into a gun owner.

ricpic said...

It's obvious that Scalia's wife had been all over him to "grow" in order to be invited to the right parties with the right people, and that pushed him into the error of designating some guns "dangerous and unusual weapons" so that Montana Urban Schmendrick's gods would "like" him. It was a mistake. I forgive Scalia, since he is a great man who faltered under intense pressure.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, to anyone who can still comprehend plain english, is unlimited, you puke.

Darrell said...

Trisha Meili, the Central Park jogger who lost part of her brain to the pack of jackals that night, might make a good rebuttal witness to Gabby. If she doesn't drink the Kool-Aid.

Anonymous said...

Ratmo, desperate hand-waving attention whore.

jacksonjay said...

Mr. Thomas sounds like the scolding schoolmarm.

Phil 314 said...

Gabby wasn't particularly eager to restrict gun ownership during her congressional career.

She understood her district.

G Joubert said...

It goes without saying that what happened to Gabby Giffords was horrific. But I need to say it anyway because of what I'm about to say. Media coverage of her shooting and recovery has been shameless. Right from the get go. You know and I know that if she hadn't been a left of center Democrat it all would have been portrayed quite differently. Imagine for a moment it was not Gabby Giffords who got shot, instead it was Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin. All this fawning press coverage? Please.

Amartel said...

So much misdirection, bad stats, one-sided framing in this interview. They ignore the real problem, the mentally ill, which only tells me that their motives are political, not practical. By "they" I mean the husband (and Sawyer). Gabby looks to the husband constantly for support, for words, for how to present herself. The husband is exploiting this political issue, and his wife's tragedy and remarkable recovery, for personal gain.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

This happened 20 or 30 years ago, the incident stuck in my head. I believe her name was Laurie Dan, she's a schizophrenic. Her parents tried to put her in a mental hospital because she refused to take her medications. The parents went to court but were told there was nothing they could do before Laurie had harmed someone eventhough they were very rich and didn't mind footing the bills to hospitalize her. Well, she shot up a roomful of kindergarteners, then shot herself.

Gifford's shooter was a mental case, so was Sandy Hook's. There simply wasn't anything their families could do to protect them and the society from them. That's wrong.

Btw, the law abiding citizens in Chicago are not allowed to own guns. Wonder how so many Chicagoans got shot up every year?

Goju said...

Maybe Sawyer should have asked Gifford how it felt to get shot by someone from her own side of the aisle? Or, did Gifford ever ask Sheriff Dubnik why his department covered up the mental instability of the shooter - which allowed the shooter to walk into a gun store to purchase that Glock and pass the background check?

Gifford got shot because of the failures of people from her own party to do their jobs properly. They played their usual elitist games (ala Gregory) and this time it ended up getting someone shot. Of course the Lamestream Media jumped all over the idiots blamingit on Palin, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. If the deliberately ignorant masses should ever get a clue, Dems would not get elected dog catcher.

Unknown said...

----The NRA should hire a photogenic rape victim to say, please, please don't take away the only mechanism that gives me the confidence to leave my house in the morning and face the day. ----

Yes. The NRA has featured rape victims in their First Freedom magazine who are speaking out to preserve the natural right to protect themselves.



Note that her rapist went on to kill another young woman.

Goju said...

Gifford's shooter had 3 known incidents of mental instability that the police were called on. The complainants in all three cases were told by the police that they (police) would handle it and that there was nothing the complainants could do because his mother worked for the county.

How is the Sheriffs Dept. not directly responsible for this shooting? Don't hold your breath for the media to ask tho - the sheriff is a Dem so it can't be his fault.

Seeing Red said...

Chicago - I think the tally was 7 last night or the night before.

AllenS said...

Seeing Red said...
Chicago - I think the tally was 7 last night or the night before.

Doesn't matter, they don't look like Giffords.

john said...

Whatever happened to the idea floating around a while back about having to pay based on number of comments?

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Ann Coulter had it right, as she usually if bluntly does, back when she criticized the trotting out of the "9/11 widows" to stifle debate in favor of an unquestioned and unquestionable Liberal view.

This is just the latest in an old, tired shameless tactic.

chickelit said...

This is just the latest in an old, tired shameless tactic.

This is just the latest in an old, tired shamefull tactic.

sdharms said...

Yeah, family is most important to Giffords. Thats why when she survived the shooting, she immediately quit Congress in order to concentrate on what is most important to her. Oh , she didnt quit? Well, never mind.

Emil Blatz said...

Maybe she meant "Family Dollar Stores", but only got out the first word and Diane Sawyer couldn't complete that.

sdharms said...

Yeah, family is most important to Giffords. Thats why when she survived the shooting, she immediately quit Congress in order to concentrate on what is most important to her. Oh , she didnt quit? Well, never mind.

The Godfather said...

Aside from all this stuff, let's not forget DC v. Heller. The Supreme Court held that the government cannot ban possession of an entire class of normal firearms, in that case pistols. The same principle means that the government can't ban all "assault weapons", which are otherwise known as semi-automatic rifles and pistols.

I wish I could think of a terrible enough punishment for the SOB who shot Rep, Giffords and those others. I'm sure it would be cruel and unusual. Yes, I know that cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional, but, look, let's compromise here: Let's agree to a one-time exception to allow cruel and unusual punishment for this guy, and agree to stop talking about enacting a gun ban that would violate the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms?

kentuckyliz said...

Thanks for the compliment, ORS!

cbinflux said...

Gifford's handlers should not be forgiven for holding her seat, Congressional representation from AZ voters. They should have honored the system in place.

cbinflux said...

Gifford's handlers should not be forgiven for holding her seat, Congressional representation from AZ voters. They should have honored the system in place.

Meade said...

AllenS said...
She will be taken around to the members of Congress so they will be subjected to the ordeal — if they want to say "no" — of saying "no" to her face.

"The members of Congress that will be subjected to this ordeal, will be Republicans.

Democrats running for re-election in places like Minnesota will not be called on."

Nice link to this comment by Instapundit.

Brett said...

Reminds me of Sarah using her husband, Jim Brady, as a gun control prop.

jacksonjay said...

Emil Blatz said:
Maybe she meant "Family Dollar Stores", but only got out the first word and Diane Sawyer couldn't complete that.

Maybe Gabby wanted to say Family Guy ! She likes the little mean-spirited smart assed baby, what is his name?!

DADvocate said...

the victims Diane wanted to interview had already been buried.

The interview Sawyer wanted would go something like this:


Segesta said...

I don't own a gun, never cared for them, and never gave much thought to the NRA. But when people I don't trust--like the president, Piers Morgan, Dianne Feinstein, Diane Sawyer, etc--unanimously oppose Something, I immediately consider supporting that Something.

So I joined the NRA last week. I still have no interest in owning or firing a gun--it's just my little way of sticking it to the Man.

n.n said...

She just doesn't get it. The Second Amendment is intended to secure a free State, and, in following, a free people, through the recognition that citizen "soldiers" should keep and bear Arms. This militia stands apart from a standing army or government security forces. This is a risk management strategy to mitigate the threat of exploitation by a minority or foreign interest, which would elect to prosecute redistributive or retributive change. The minority interest includes tyrannical governments (and their agents), cartels, and criminals.

The policies she supports grants power to exploitative and often parasitic minority interests, while leaving law-abiding members of society vulnerable.

It is only possible to conclude that she is either insane or possesses ulterior motives for her proposal.

traditionalguy said...

Gabby is a heart tugger from her injury and heroic recovery. I wish her well.

But her shooter could have killed her with another weapon. He was a schizophrenic and smart as can be.

She is more of an argument for mandatory carry like the Sheriff of Milwaukee County was telling his citizenship to consider.

AllenS said...

Meade, that's my second time on Insty. I feel like I'm almost famous. Almost.

Unknown said...

This sort of exploitation makes me sick.

I just took a moment to join the NRA, online about 4 minutes ago. While I have enjoyed target shooting and hunting in the distant past, I do not own any guns at present. I am formulating a decision on a personal defense gun, probably something simple and reliable like a Smith & Wesson revolver. Might consider one of those Rhino revolvers with the low barrel positioning.

I am infuriated by the leveraging of this horrific shooting at the school in CT, and the similar exploitation of the previous mass shootings. Obama can't lift a finger to address the real gun violence problem (urban youth, killing each other, with consistency, a few at a time, 24x7x365 in places like Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta,...) So, does the President recognize the problem, let alone take action directed at the problem? No, he shows a willingness to infringe on the Constitutional rights of the people who are not contributing to the problem, based on a cold calculation about what invigorates his base. Oy!

William Tell said...

Say "YES! HELL YES!" to her face and then vote NO. Punch Back Harder.

zefal said...

Republicans should have pictures of aborted babies at the ready to ask Giffords, and the media she'll have in tow, that they support their sensible abortion control bill.

Kansas City said...

Sawyer is very biased, but I did not think the interview was so bad. Her husband is sitting there. If Sawyer is putting the wrong words in Gabby's mouth, he could object. They both own guns. They may be responsible additions to the gun debate.

Is is true, as Sawyer claimed, that the Newtown gun shot six bullets per second. How could that be?

Kansas City said...

I think Gabby and her husband have the right to make any arguments they see fit. I am not happy about them seizing upon misleading stats (like the 85% claim) or the argument that the guy with the gun "almost" shot the good guy who tackled the killer.

I don't want to be harsh toward Gabby, but what in the devil is she doing with a gun at this point?

Rusty said...

Is is true, as Sawyer claimed, that the Newtown gun shot six bullets per second. How could that be?

No. It's hyperbolic propaganda. The gun fires with every trigger pull. The mechanism, in semi automatic, can't respond that fast. Two or three at most and at that rate there would be no accuracy.
Television aside. To be able to shoot quickly and accurately takes time and a lot of ammunition.

Hagar said...

I think Giffords brain damage is such as to make her like a child and eager to please. The frontal lobotomies they used to sometimes do on severely psychotic people often had that effect.

Brian Brown said...

Remember how crazy the NRA was for suggesting this?

Madison - Off-duty or retired law enforcement officers with the proper permit could carry concealed weapons into schools and some private properties, under a draft bill being circulated by a Milwaukee-area legislator.

A similar proposal by GOP Rep. Joel Kleefisch of Oconomowoc failed last session, but this new bill is likely to see more attention after the recent school and college shootings in Newtown, Conn., and other states.

"It's not in light of the (Newtown) shooting because I had this bill last session, but I think there'll be a lot more support for it," Kleefisch said.

A Democrat in the Assembly, former police officer Chris Danou of Trempealeau, will serve with Kleefisch as a lead sponsor for the bill. In the past, it's had the backing of key law enforcement groups in the state but not the active support of school associations.

Two other states announced over the weekend they plan to do this as well.

Andy Freeman said...

> Why is Giffords being used as the spokesman for gun control of assault weapons? She was shot with a pistol. So if you are pushing to ban assault rifles, what does that have to with Giffords, and how would that have stopped her shooting?


64 GCA, which passed after Kennedy was killed by Oswald using a rifle, restricted handguns.

68 GCA, which passed after Sirhan Sirhan killed Kennedy with a handgun, restricted rifles.

Sigivald said...

jr565 asked: Why is Giffords being used as the spokesman for gun control of assault weapons? She was shot with a pistol. So if you are pushing to ban assault rifles, what does that have to with Giffords, and how would that have stopped her shooting?

Because "they" don't care about "would have helped".

(Reminds me of one of my FB friends who was recently pushing "mandatory training for gun owners" as a "solution" to the "gun problem".

I didn't have the heart to ask what problem she thought that would actually fix - it's not like people who wish to commit single-or-mass-murder do so only because nobody ever bothered to tell them that was misuse of a firearm.

Actual negligent discharge injuries are relatively rare ... and frankly I doubt cursory training will help - a large percentage of them seem to be cops, who get plenty of notional "training".

The real way to stop NDs is to stop requiring carriers to take out and reholster their guns so much by having "gun free" zones.

Turns out guns don't go off if you don't monkey with them.)

Kirk Parker said...


That Rhino revolver looks interesting, but I don't think I'd buy anything from a manufacturer who thinks 0.7 kg equals 2.5 lbs!

tree hugging sister said...

Diane Sawyer is why we no longer watch ABC World News Tonight after 30 some odd years.