January 6, 2013

At the Ski Trail Café...


... the paths are well worn.


ricpic said...

Ach du lieber, der luft, schatzi!

CWJ said...

I envy you, Meadehouse. Since moving to KC, we've had very few opportunities to use our skinny skis, and when we do we actually stop traffic with the looky loo's. We've had two snows. Neither of which have been deep enough.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I have succumbed to the flu bug.

Not something to share.

Roger J. said...

From the looks of the ski tracks there are two courses: one for diagonal stride folks, and one for skaters--that's the way to celebrate diversity.

kentuckyliz said...

The snowmobilers groomed their trails near my sis' farm. She had to have her sons go out and put up caution tape to mark off rows of resting fruit plants and irrigation pipes. People don't always respect farmers' land, equipment, and crops, as they seek to just have their fun.

XC ski is schuss schuss schuss quietly in the still chill of the winter landscape.

Snowmobiling is drinking and loud voices and Harley loud pipes and does not respect the quiet restfulness of winter.

FleetUSA said...

Schatzi, zis ist better zan sieben hours flug a Tourkey. :--))

Carnifex said...

what is that hateful white stuff on the ground?

kjbe said...

I know that trail - I used to run it (sans snow) before the fence along the Beltline went up.

kentuckyliz said...

I used to XC ski to class because I'm cool like that.

Since moving to a subtropical climate, my skis rot neglected in the basement.

I should have left them at my sister's farm so I could ski whilst visiting.

kentuckyliz said...

Any Downton Abbey fans?

I wasn't watching the series, but my bro had the season 1-2 DVDs, so we had a Downton marathon on Christmas Eve Day and Boxing Day. I'm all caught up and raring to go.

My English rellies are offering to spill the beans with spoilers. No!

Don't look at Wikipedia. Spoilers.

Big Mike said...

The other day Althouse had a post about Al Jazeera. Well I watched the local AJ broadcast this morning and they ran a show about the Obama administration's campaign against whistle-blowers. Since the targets of the anti-whistleblowing campaign are people who talk to the press about waste and abuse, and who are threatened with serious jail time for talking to the press, you'd think the regular mainstream media would be all over the story.

Aside from a 60 minutes story that helped exonerate an NSA whistle-blower, you'd be dead wrong.

So much for the "most transparent administration ever."

Big Mike said...

Now back to watching RGIII versus Seattle.

Penny said...

Shocked that biking activists haven't demanded a snow-free bike lane down that well used ski trail.

Slackers! Pussies!

You got work to do to ensure your rights, and you slow down when it gets cold, then snows?

MadisonMan said...

The coming rain this week will do a number on that path.

Anonymous said...

Yup, I'm looking forward to Downton Abbey tonight! So lets not defund PBS. Oky Doky?

LuAnn Zieman said...

Looks like Seattle is in. I like both RGIII and Russel Wilson, so it was hard to root for either team. But I was happy to watch the Badgers men's basketball team beat Nebraska--barely.

Anonymous said...

Meine Schatzi, hast du etwas heis zu drinken? Es ist so kalt und ich bin so durstig fur dich.

edutcher said...

I'll bet she looks cute with the roses in her cheeks.

Lem said...

I have succumbed to the flu bug.

Not something to share.

My sympathies, senor.

You'll be sick sick for 2 - 4 days, but it's take a good month to kick it. Show your symptoms no mercy.

Carnifex said...

what is that hateful white stuff on the ground?

Since it isn't Colombia or the Bahamas, it must be sugar.

garage mahal said...

Have to root for the Cheathawks to win next against Atlanta, so we can serve up ice cold revenge on the tundra in the championship game. After we dispatch the 48ers, of course.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Yup, I'm looking forward to Downton Abbey tonight! So lets not defund PBS. Oky Doky?

Downton Abbey would have survived the downsizing--it's actually a moneymaker PBS. It's the Gwen Landfills and the other incorrigible lefties who need to actually earn their keep.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Meine Schatzi, hast du etwas heis zu drinken? Es ist so kalt und ich bin so durstig fur dich.

Translation: My dear, do you have any hot stuff to drink? It's cold and I'm so thirsty for dich.

Anonymous said...

Dich=you. Chickie forgot to mention that.

garage mahal said...

chickelit is a dich?

Anonymous said...

Nein, nein, Chickie ist ein Schpatzi.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Dich=you. Chickie forgot to mention that.

Don't get all accusative!

pm317 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deb said...

Happy Birthday to my daughter, who is 25 today. Born the day before a rare snow storm in Atlanta. Not one of those that leaves a dusting of flakes, but actual measurable snow. Of course the whole city was paralized. ;-) We were stuck at the hospital an extra couple of days. Dr. could not get there the day after she was born.

chickelit said...


Is that Yiddish? Sounds like cross between Schatzi and Pazzi (pl of pazzo)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Debs daughter! Capricorns are simply one of the best.

pm317 said...

Obama supporters shocked, shocked! Stupid fuckers. What does Obama care? He got his AFOne, the perks, the nice vacations, for another 4 years..

Shouting Thomas said...

Homer Simpson goes prepper!

I am a Capricorn! I am the best!

Deb said...

Downton Abby is good but I'm itching for Walking Dead to start up again. They left Daryl and Merle in the arena...surrounded by crazed Woodburyites.

Deb said...

Thank you Inga. She is the best.

Anonymous said...

Chickie, it's a homophone.

chickelit said...

"Justified" starts up again on Tuesday!

Shouting Thomas said...

Get your bug out bags ready!

Anonymous said...

Althouse is a Capricorn and so am I.

Deb, daughters are such a blessing, especially when they become adults. My oldest is 40, we're more like friends at this stage.

Shouting Thomas said...

Homer sets off an EMP! Springfield goes dark!

That's electromagnetic pulse for you non-prepper sheeple.

Time to bug out!

Anonymous said...

OK, ST, you made me turn to The Simpsons, it better be over by the time Downton Abby starts.

Elliott A said...

@chickenlit...TRINKEN! not drinken. Dein Deutsch ist schlecht.

Anonymous said...

Ja, Elliot, du hast recht!

Elliott A said...

I took some photos yesterday of a trail through the woods in First Landing State Park here in Southeastern Virginia. Thank heavens we don't get the white scenery very often!

Historical note: The Jamestown settlers landed at what is now Virginia Beach in 1607, fully 13 years before the Pilgrims. There was a group that settled in North Carolina in the 1580's but they vanished without a trace.

Big Mike said...

@Elliott and @Inga, you know each other well enough to use "du" to each other?

Freeman Hunt said...

Imagine NPR if NPR were as intelligent as NPR programmers think it is.

Or better: Imagine NPR as it once was, from its founding in the early seventies into the early eighties, when the fateful decision was made to transform an eclectic and discursive ragbag of cultural programming into the fabulously wealthy, grimly professional all-news-almost-all-the-time media colossus we know today. Myers worked at NPR off and on for nearly a decade, spending several years as arts editor for Morning Edition before layoffs from the new regime gutted arts coverage in 1983.

In its original conception, Myers reminded me, “NPR really was an institution devoted to preserving cultural treasures. By the time I left, that vision had vanished, a victim of multiculturalism, postculturalism, autoculturalism, and other fancies.” Myers fondly recalls bygone NPR series like “A Sense of Place: Sound Portraits of Twentieth Century Humanists”​—​a dozen documentaries on longhairs like James Joyce, Igor Stravinsky, and W.E.B. Du Bois.

“ ‘A Sense of Place’ would be unimaginable at NPR today,” Myers says. Today at NPR, as elsewhere, culture means pop culture. With occasional gestures toward jazz, NPR music is the rock music of aging children; the visual arts begin and end with movies and TV, though stage plays will sometimes rouse attention if their themes are sufficiently progressive. This falling off isn’t the fault of the programmers alone, needless to say. In its decline NPR has tumbled in tandem with the tastes of its target audience​—​affluent white people with meaningless college degrees who weren’t educated into an appreciation for richer music and art and who, accordingly, find the whole cultural-patrimony thing intimidating, hence vaguely off-putting, and finally a snooze.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

“Here is where the religious right and the secular left are in complete agreement: They both think God doesn’t care about culture.” The secularists believe this because God doesn’t exist; the religious conservatives believe it because God is beyond such questions. Which is why religious culture nowadays bears such a close resemblance to the larger culture, where most talk of religion is considered in bad taste.

That was a good article, thanks

Elliott A said...

@Big Mike- Allen hier sind Freunde.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike, I never did understand the the need for there to be a formal and a familiar in German. Also why do inanimate objects need a gender?

Das ist verruckt. I much prefer English.

Anonymous said...

Downton Abby, aufviedersehen!

Elliott A said...

Thank you Inge, I actually get to witness the word "gender" used correctly.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

kentuckyliz said...

XC ski is schuss schuss schuss quietly in the still chill of the winter landscape.

Snowmobiling is drinking and loud voices and Harley loud pipes and does not respect the quiet restfulness of winter.

There's an exact correspondence here in coastal southern California. Jet skis are the snowmobiles of the sea. Jet skiers don't seem to have any concept of the rules of the road, or even basic good manners. They wake other boaters and hog the launch ramps. We sailors are the cross-country skiers of the sea, gliding along noiselessly, communing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, my closest friends and relatives still call me Inge. Tschuss!

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I once complained to a German about gendered nouns. Some were obvious, but others just don't make sense. Das Mädchen? She confessed, Germans don't always get it right either.

garage mahal said...

Turned on Downton Abbey for the first time and switched it after 10 minutes. It's as boring as I thought it would be. Back to reruns of Shameless.

chickelit said...

@TS: It's the diminutive suffix "chen" which demands the neuter gender. All nouns fused with that suffix lose their gender. It's just rules,--nothing personal against girls.

Now, you might ask why do they add "chen" to the root "Mäd" cognate with our "maid" ; I don't have an answer to that. A boy gets to be either der Junge or der Knabe.

Deb said...

@Inga. Woops. Abbey.

Downtown Abby. That's another show entirely.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
Turned on Downton Abbey for the first time and switched it after 10 minutes. It's as boring as I thought it would be. Back to reruns of Shameless.

Why am I not surprised? It's too refined for your taste, garage. I could have predicted that.

Anonymous said...

Deb, hehe.

chickelit said...

Elliott A scolds...
@chickenlit...TRINKEN! not drinken. Dein Deutsch ist schlecht.

Hey, I was just cutting and pasting Inga's German. I knew better.

chickelit said...

@garage: The gents in DA don't go icefishin' which is probably why you don't connect. They do hunt, though.

Anonymous said...

Chickie's German is far better than mine. Plus my German is a very strong Scwabisch dialect that the Donauschwaben spoke for hundreds of years. Proper German is hard for me to understand.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Big Mike, I never did understand the the need for there to be a formal and a familiar in German. Also why do inanimate objects need a gender?

The formal and familiar is in most Eorpean languages--not just German.

As for gender, you might prefer Dutch which got rid of "der" and "die" altogether but kept "das"


der = de
die = de
das = het

Shouting Thomas said...

A good day here at Althousia.

No major flame wars.

Ritmo made a brief appearance and tried to piss off the entire world, but his heart didn't seem to be in it.

My new favorite TV series is Portlandia, but I'm never home on Friday night when it's on. So, I watch the reruns on Hulu.

Portlandia is a satire on Portland, the great hipster Whitopia. I recommend it.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Yeah, knew about the diminutive chen taking the neuter. Mädchen is formed by appending the diminutive to Mädl. So how come it's das Mädl?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

What ‘medication’ was Lanza on?

chickelit said...

So how come it's das Mädl?

It could just be a marker of sexual immaturity. Junge and Knabe are not exactly manly terms. Kids graduate from sexless things to der Mann and die Frau. Or at least they used to do.

You'd have a better case if Frau was das Frau which it's not.

Anonymous said...

Yes Dutch sounds far more sensible.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Yes Dutch sounds far more sensible.

Think of it as halfway between German and English. It has many French infusions too--not as many as English--but enough.

Shouting Thomas said...


Fred Reed brought up the issue of Lanza's medication a few days ago.

He suggests these possible candidates...Prozac, Depakote, Welbutrin or Ritalin.

garage mahal said...

Why am I not surprised? It's too refined for your taste, garage. I could have predicted that.

I kept hearing about this girl, Downtown Abbey, and I all I seen was some boring British dialogue.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Spanish is a lot easier. If it ends in "a" it's feminine, if it ends in "o" it's masculine, but there are some exceptions, such as la mano and el problema.

HT said...

el sistema and la radio.

My initial worries about RGIII have born out. Here in DC, they're saying it was the coach's fault to listen to him to stay in. Why is a man playing whose knee is moving laterally unless held in place?

Cousins won us one in Cleveland. The coach made a big error and in a way so did the player. Cousins should have come in from the start. So says B Mitch, and so do I.

They're asking how he'll be next year. Shanny tried to blame the 'bama doc for RGIII coming back in a few games ago when he originally injured it, but he wasn't having it.

I'm just glad it's been his knee this time, and not his head.

HT said...

Maybe it's just me, but there's got to come a day when having a superstar at QB (any QB) is going to be a liability. For the life of me, I just don't understand why the two QB system has not been implemented yet. The opportunities for creativity and unpredictability abound.

I don't mean to just disparage the one qb system. Afterall, I know I'm not alone in settling in with satisfaction to watch a well-coached, methodical New England team march up and down the field, executing plays with precision and competence, especially if I've just watched a whole day of NFL slop. It's refreshing.

I just think it is too much pressure to rely on one single man. But maybe I'm wrong.

HT said...

That no one has thought of the best way to use Tebow is a massive NFL failure.

CWJ said...


Try Frisian. One more step toward English than Dutch.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The Broncos are the best team in the history of sports with the greatest leader, a future POTUS, of the last two thousand years in P. Manning.

Denver isn't just gonna beat every team they face, they will score over 35 points and never give up more than 28.

This will happen for the next three years.

Denver became the greatest sports city in the history of sports the day Elway signed Manning.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

As milk is to cheese, are English and Fries.

HT said...

We're confident, aren't we? But this is what I'm talking about. Your greatness depends on some nearly middle aged man? Really? And if something happens to him, then you're just ... what? Average?

Freeman Hunt said...

A lot of people think it's uncouth to dislike NPR. For their sakes, I wish I'd thought of writing "Haw" instead of "Ha" before I'd posted that.

Laurie said...

Aside from Downtown Abbey & back to the OP, do y'all ever think ab how great Meade has been for Alt's heart? ...do you see what I did there?

Unknown said...


Chip Ahoy said...

If Downtown Abby is this thing on PBS that has Shirley McClaine in it then it's on right now and it's uckingfay ilarioushay.

ken in tx said...

House wife and milk,
Makes good cheese,
Makes good English,
And makes good Fries.

Friesian uses different spelling but supposedly the words sound the same.

SayAahh said...

..2 ski paths diverged in a wood, and I---I took the one less skied by,..

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