November 6, 2012

Live-blogging election night.

5:12 Central Time: Won't you hang out with me while we watch the results come in? Here's a helpful map, showing what times the polls close in the various states. Polls in parts of Indiana and Kentucky closed a quarter hour ago, but what will be rather thrilling is the top of the hour, 7 Eastern Time, when Florida (minus the part under Alabama) and Virginia close, and then half an hour after that Ohio and North Carolina. Perhaps things at that point will be so decisive we will more or less know. Drudge is saying "EXIT POLLS TIGHT," giving Romney NC and FL and Obama NH, PA, MI, and NV, and listing OH, VA, CO, and IA as toss ups. What? No Wisconsin? I'm thinking it will all be about Wisconsin. But I'm Wisconsincentric.

5:25: After all this time watching the election, I wonder what life will be like tomorrow. I hope it's not 2000-style craziness with recounts and litigation and accusations of fraud. Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?

5:50: I'm watching CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, and hanging out at MSNBC for the last few minutes, I get the feeling they think the GOP will do well. Why? They're going at the topic of the way the GOP isn't likely to take the majority in the Senate. I'm just getting the feeling that they are moving into that place of refuge.

6:00: Nothing exciting at the top of the hour. Virginia not called. But that's not surprising. It was expected to be close.

6:30: Romney wins West Virginia, unsurprisingly. NC and Ohio are now closed, but they're not calling it, unsurprisingly. CNN reveals exit polls: 49/49 in NC and 51% Obama, 48% Romney in Ohio. Impressive for Obama... if the exit polls are right.

6:41: Boring! Maybe you should go for a run, have sex, or guzzle an Ardberg along with a chocolate bar and then come back in 20 minutes or an hour or so. Wouldn't that make more sense?

7:00: CNN projects Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine (3 of the 4), and Rhode Island for Obama. Oklahoma for Romney. Many others not called.

7:27: On Fox News, Rove is on fire. Joe Trippi is stammering and looking worried. Good for Romney, right?

7:37: Watched ABC network for a while and there's a wild-eyed desperation that tells me they know Obama's in trouble.

8:00: CNN calls Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska (3 of the 5), North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and Mississippi to Romney. Michigan, New York, and New Jersey for Obama. (There goes Michigan, which had been considered possible for Romney.)

8:02: They can't call Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and my home state Wisconsin.

8:04: 52% Obama, 46% Romney — CNN exit poll in Wisconsin. That looks bad for Romney.

10:04: Oh, I see I've been away for 2 hours. I couldn't take the stress. It's not as though you're reading this blog for news updates. What do you want from me? Gushings of emotion?  I'm being mellow, distancing myself from the political fray, reconnecting to my old aversion to politics. The people will have what they have chosen, and I hope for the best, especially for the young people. Tomorrow there will be new things to talk about, I assume. The election is over, is it not? Obama will win, perhaps without the popular vote, like Bush. What will he do with it? Take us to a higher ground, at last? Or nothing at all.


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not sure I see that Ritmo. Actually, keeping the death penalty is morally consistent with the state's love of unfettered abortion.

In any event, it's not cheaper.

Sprezzatura said...

Are any cons here ready to say that Romney needs to concede fairly soon?

Get it over, please!

Unknown said...

People will have lots of explanations for why Romney lost, but it should be clear why the Republicans did so poorly in the Senate, bad candidates. Too many that were too much like Rick Santorum.

Bill said...

"Poor Althouse really believed all that propaganda on the right and thought it would be a huge night for Romney. When it didn't happen she stormed off in a huff. Tomorrow she'll act like she doesn't care, but we know she thought there was a silent majority that would storm to the polls to save America from the Obamanation. LOL"

Honestly, this is probably the most true of any of the comments here. If there's when thing we can credit Althouse with, it's that she was consistently wrong about EVERYTHING regarding this election.

That's what happens when you don't think there are other polls besides the always-biased Rasmussen.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


Peter Hoh said...

Palladian, as I said on that other thread, I do not favor replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote. I am open to breaking the "winner take all" system to one that broke states up according to congressional district. However, I would like to see some reforms with regard to gerrymandering.

Fox is currently promoting the popular vote tally as if it really mattered. If Romney ends up ahead of Obama in the popular vote, I certainly expect to hear Hannity, Rush, et al insist that the Electoral College is an anachronism.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Marshall, I'll consider your judgment on fairness and who's being an asshole the same way I'll consider your interest in every other sort of empiric judgment: By how successful it is.

SO, what was your empiric judgment on how the race would go?

Either way, settle down. Inga says you're just feeling sensitive and easily upset. Don't take it personally. I'm interested in issues tonight.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I later than Romney to this party.

Methadras said...

Thank god we won't have to see axeldouche without his mustache. I wonder if Rahm Emmanuel's stories about Obama that he was going to tell that little kid have made it to books on tape yet?

test said...


Aren't you going to explain to us how claiming a church is going to be closed is extemist bullshit but claiming Republicans are going to enforce the Handmaid's Tale is acute observation. Try to tie this into your "Republicans have moved to the extreme right and we lefties are the moderate middle" theory.

bagoh20 said...

"Do you agree that the west coast is the best place to watch these things?"

You mean the collapse? Yea, out here you can see the trailer way ahead of the feature, but I don't want to give away the ending. I'll just say it involves a bullet train.

jr565 said...

If Romney won the popular vote it would be pretty funny hearing those who argued bush stole 2000 and won the popular vote and we should change elections so that the popular vote wins suddenly change their tune.
I'm consistent on this. Even if Romney does win the popular vote that's not how you win elections.
And besides, if you base elections on popular votes it puts inordinate power into cities like California.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Where the fuck is Romney?...

I'm starting to remember why I wasn't enthused with him at the beginning.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah... like liberals are going to work on reform when it comes to voting. It's too useful to hate conservatives every time they suggest there is a problem. There is no fraud, Ritmo.

That's what the PA judge ruled when the conservatives admitted they had no evidence for it.

Also: Mike TUrzai.

Secretaries of State should not be political positions, if they're going to be charged with the process. It doesn't have to be bipartisan. It can be nonpartisan. It can be done. Certain states have a much greater problem with irregularities than others.

hombre said...

Obama will be building a financial Berlin Wall around America soon to prohibit us from taking our savings and leaving the country.

Methadras said...

Peter Hoh said...

If Romney ends up ahead of Obama in the popular vote, I certainly expect to hear Hannity, Rush, et al insist that the Electoral College is an anachronism.

No they won't. They will say this is the system we have and they will respect it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok. Speechifying time!

Anonymous said...

Marshal, you are a silly man. Ritmo dumps you so now you come bothering me? Have some chocolate and a drink, don't feel bad, things will look brighter in the morning.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Let me take an opportunity to congratulate Methadras for... keeping his cool.

Will get them next time dude.

Methadras said...

Lem said...

Where the fuck is Romney?...

I'm starting to remember why I wasn't enthused with him at the beginning.

He's clearly consulting with his lawyers. Somethings up and I don't expect him to concede until it's all over.

Palladian said...

Now that Obama has won, can I get at least one left-of-center person to admit that they're sick of listening to him talk and, even though they're glad that he won, they wish he'd shut up once in a while?

rcommal said...

So, not a dinner of crow for me, to which I referred a few days ago here on this very blog **as my preference**.

Instead, it's turned out to be what I expected, based on the math that I just couldn't see turning out otherwise. Not what I wanted, but what I expected. What I had to say, no matter what might be preferred.

: {

Thank God for all those in the upper generations of my family who (regardless of political bent) emphasized to me from early childhood that "wishin' ain't gettin'"and also that, regardless of whatever else happened and whatever else was going on, the first order of business is to keep moving on and to tend to and take care of your own, close garden of responsibilities. Personal purpose and persistence, and peace in doing that, first and foremost.

Compared to that, politics is, in fact, just bean bags.

bagoh20 said...

"That's what happens when you don't think there are other polls besides the always-biased Rasmussen"

Rasmusen called it as close as any, and better than most. In the last month they called it Obama +2, Romney +1, Romney +1.

john said...

Does anyone know what the popular vote count is now?

Bill said...

Palladian said...

Now that Obama has won, can I get at least one left-of-center person to admit that they're sick of listening to him talk and, even though they're glad that he won, they wish he'd shut up once in a while?

I like his speeches. I'm a liberal in Madison. But, holy hell--I cannot wait to GTFO this state and return to civilization (an actual city). Madison is too fanatical for me.

Sprezzatura said...

"He's clearly consulting with his lawyers. Somethings up and I don't expect him to concede until it's all over."

OTOH, he doesn't have a concession speech. Maybe he's thinking it would be weird to give his victory speech even though he lost.


Losing wouldn't have stopped Palin from declaring victory!

test said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
I'm interested in issues tonight.

Are you bipolar?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now that Obama has won, can I get at least one left-of-center person to admit that they're sick of listening to him talk and, even though they're glad that he won, they wish he'd shut up once in a while?

His speeches have gotten more boring lately. But his goal has changed. He's actually broadening his party, the same way the Republicans did in the 1970s when they went on to the huge electoral victories of Reagan and thereafter.

It's a less sexy process, but it's where he (and apparently, the country) are on track for next.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Issues... Substance... Whatever you want to call it.

I'm doing good tonight. Can I help with anything?

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

"Republicans, in particular, seem increasingly desperate for the satisfaction of an electoral outcome that does not, let's face it, seem particularly likely," says Megan McArdle. I suppose I see El Norte, northern Mexico and southern Texas, as an unofficial part of the American nation and Republicans aren't going to win without some accommodation in attitude there. Romney lost having eliminated Perry and appealing to angry Republicans on that issue, one of several issues where anger didn't serve them well with the general electorate. Also Romney may have been a better Bush; but, once Bush had allowed the leverage debacle, those able to control the money are whipping boys and will be perversely, because it is a Democrat song, 'the good times are back again' with wealth generating economic activity but the sons of Coolidge are going to have not to let leverage go to their heads or again their heads will be handed to them.

Sprezzatura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

His speeches have gotten more boring lately. But his goal has changed. He's actually broadening his party, the same way the Republicans did in the 1970s when they went on to the huge electoral victories of Reagan and thereafter.

It's a less sexy process, but it's where he (and apparently, the country) are on track for next.

Eh, interesting theory, but he just seems clueless to me. The Dems must now be wondering where they go now that Obama's on his last term.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Now that Obama has won, can I get at least one left-of-center person to admit that they're sick of listening to him talk and, even though they're glad that he won, they wish he'd shut up once in a while?

I expect him to talk even more... now that he is expected to perform.

Or is he?

People are so mean to keep Obama working working working... like a slave.

Peter Hoh said...

Wow, the ND Senate race is practically tied, with 94% reporting.

Sprezzatura said...


I like hearing him.

But, I stopped answering anonymous calls because they were always folks from the BHO campaign when I did pick up. [And, I'm a a very blue state, WA.]

They literally called me at least fifty times, it could have been a hundred!

bagoh20 said...

Right now the popular vote is near a perfect tie at 49%

test said...


Yeah, I'd run away if I was you also. That faux "can't we all work together" veneer comes off pretty quickly once people remember the real you.

Palladian said...

Can I help with anything?

Now that we've been fucked in the ass, do you guys have the goddamn common courtesy to give us a reach around?

jr565 said...

Loafing oaf wrote:

So, how many of you right wingers are gonna take InstaPundit's advice and "Go Galt"? ROFL!

how many kids coming out of college and not finding jobs and moving back into their parents basements are going to go galt? Not by choice of course, but still...

They better hope that there are a lot of openings at the Post Office or they know how to use a shovel for one of them non existent shovel ready jobs..

jr565 said...

Loafing oaf wrote:

So, how many of you right wingers are gonna take InstaPundit's advice and "Go Galt"? ROFL!

how many kids coming out of college and not finding jobs and moving back into their parents basements are going to go galt? Not by choice of course, but still...

They better hope that there are a lot of openings at the Post Office or they know how to use a shovel for one of them non existent shovel ready jobs..

Anonymous said...

Run away, nope I'm still here.:)

Sprezzatura said...


But the left (in more ways than one) coast isn't in that total yet.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Eh, interesting theory, but he just seems clueless to me. The Dems must now be wondering where they go now that Obama's on his last term.

It's going to seem less "driven" as they keep muddling through with the "middle" of the electorate and figuring out how they can merge it with the left.

Trust me, the right seemed like they were having pretty much the same problem for quite some time. Turning a partisan goal into consistent electoral goals involves a lot of open-ended meandering.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

They literally called me at least fifty times, it could have been a hundred!

You feed them and then you complain when they come back for more.

hombre said...

Average debt (so far) for each kid under 18 = $218,000.

Fifty+ per cent of the population is fiscally illiterate; a composite of rabid partisans, people committed to the unravelling of the nation, genitalia voters, other witless dupes and fraudulent votes strategically placed.

The US is toast. Fortunately, some of us have dual citizenship and can go back to Australia or New Zealand.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now that we've been fucked in the ass, do you guys have the goddamn common courtesy to give us a reach around?

Anytime! But I'm not sure that Marshall's into that. ;-)

Maybe you can line up beside him and perform the favor, while I'm, er, occupied.

Anonymous said...

Marshal I know you are disappointed and itching for a fight, but I'm not going to ruin my mellow to engage you, so shoo!

Palladian said...

Maybe you can line up beside him and perform the favor, while I'm, er, occupied.

Fortunately lust knows no political boundaries.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Run away, nope I'm still here.:)

Where is the euphoria?

I'm hearing a subdued Inga..

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Speechify! Speechify! Speechify!

wyo sis said...

All kinds of talk about the Republican party being out of touch. The vote is essentially 50/50 so that doesn't really seem to be true.

Winning the presidency is huge, and I don't think changing/replacing the electoral college is a good idea at all, but essentially the country is still divided in about half.

If you have convictions that are not popular, that's something you have to deal with, but changing your convictions in order to win means you didn't really win, you gave in.

This election was about as clear as a choice gets. The choice has been made. But, don't pretend it's a mandate. It's 50/50.

Peter Hoh said...

John asked: Does anyone know what the popular vote count is now?

Popular vote is very close. Most recent showed Romney up by 200,000 votes.

Anonymous said...

Nope mellow and a little bit drunk;)

Methadras said...

Well folks. I'm done for the night and probably for a little while. Now I'm going to have to figure out and plan for a little bit of a darker outlook on my business and finances. Research further where to move some of my investments, etc. I even hate to say this, but canada is looking more and more appealing. Australia too. I never thought of the idea of being an permanent expat. I've been an expat before, but never considered anywhere but the US as a really safe haven. Maybe I'll head up to Victoria, BC for a while. I love that place.

Synova said...

Yeah, I don't think Rush or Hannity will be calling for an end to the electoral college if Romney wins the final popular vote.

But they will absolutely bring up every last Democrat claimed the popular vote ought to be what counts. I'm sure they'll go on for hours and hours.

Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage Meth!

Sprezzatura said...

"Maybe I'll head up to Victoria, BC for a while. I love that place."

Stop by Seattle on the way.

You can scream at me in a restaurant. Of course I"m assuming that you'll pay my bill, as seems to be your MO post screamfest.

Anonymous said...

Baldwin won for sure now!!!

wyo sis said...

They used to say when the US gets socialized it will have about the same influence in the world as Brazil.
You could go there. I hear they're embracing capitalism.

LoafingOaf said...

Concession speech imminent.

Synova said...

I hear you Methadras.

Knowing it's not going to get better could be sort of clarifying, in a way. Tighten the belt and plan for the new normal. Spend less. Expect less.

Kchiker said...

Hopefully everyone can agree on the lesson that insulting half of the electorate is not generally conducive to electoral success.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thank you Mitt!

Anonymous said...

Romney being magnanimous, good for him.

Peter Hoh said...

Is Paul Ryan in Boston tonight?

Synova said...

Gawd, Inga. Did you expect him NOT to be?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

All this time I thought I was watching the Obama crowd...

Anonymous said...

Not better than Michelle.

Anonymous said...

No Snova, I did expect him to be quite decent, just thought it was worth mentioning.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mitt did a pretty good job, all in all, when you look at the map and what his options and what the Republicans had to prove. I hope his party learns from the things he did right.

Sprezzatura said...



Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Average debt (so far) for each kid under 18 = $218,000.

Word is that when adjusted for living standards, the average American owes way more than the average Greek... that the only thing keeping us afloat is that if there is something "too big to fail" it is us... not because we are indeed to big to fail (there is no such thing)... but because when we do, those keeping us afloat are afraid of going down along with us... so they are going about business, just like us, as if the Titanic is the unsinkable ship.

Nini said...

I can't believe that Obama won despite the record statistics on unemployment, federal debt, americans receiving food stamps.

Anyway, the difference in popular votes between them are just too close which means Obama does not have a very strong mandate and the populace are divided in the middle.

I'm very disappointed and I'm not even an american.

wyo sis said...

Romney very gracious in defeat. Purple tie.
Encourages citizens work together, to rise to the occasion, to build families and jobs.
He would have been a very fine president.

garage mahal said...

When do I get to smoke pot freely in Wisconsin is what I want to know reading these election results.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I just love being able to watch the opposing party cheer when the man making the concession speaks to nonpartisan themes, like his love of America.

I honestly feel so much less nasty about the guy now, that I can finally see how gracious he can be when he wants to.


Peter Hoh said...

Ryan is in Boston. Is he going to speak?

Anonymous said...

Ah here you are Garage! Big hug to you, Tammy won, damn right!

Palladian said...

In keeping with tradition, I'm now drinking this lovely scotch (thanks again, Pastafarian) out of the 18th century spirits glass that was found buried near a farmhouse in Maine. It's survived a hell of a lot worse than the re-election of this moron. Slàinte!

effinayright said...

Find another country like country, and move there as if your life depended on it.

Because as of tonight, it does.

In the meantime: ask every single person who you do business with who he voted for. If you get the wrong answer, leave them and tell them why.

We're in a low-level civil war now, and it's time we start acting like it.

Make people choose sides.

Synova said...

Your inability to see was a choice, Ritmo.


And now there is no more profit in demonizing a decent person.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

See Palladian? I don't Obama's speech can top the one Mitt just made. BUt that's a hell of a thing to pull off, and Mitt did it well.

Sometimes winning and setting out on something difficult is lonely, and not all that sexy.

Seriously, I don't think I felt anything as interesting as I did just now, watching Obama's crowd cheer on ROmney during a few key points in his speech. That's great.

bagoh20 said...

Just as many people voted against Obama as for him, so all you can say is "he won", and by far less than last time. Oh yea, and you can say we are still broke without a mandate, a budget, or a plan.

Once you get past the veneer of winning or losing by a hair, this was a truly wasted opportunity regardless if you lean left or right.

wyo sis said...

Ritmo "
I honestly feel so much less nasty about the guy"

(facepalm) (heavy sigh)
No one believes that.

Bill said...

Peter Hoh said...
Ryan is in Boston. Is he going to speak?

Don't be silly. The VP candidate NEVER speaks. Palin tried to do it in 08 and was shouted down by McCain's campaign manager.

This was Romney's campaign, not Ryan's.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama should speak softly now. There will be time for loud and lofty rhetoric, and for celebration. But I think Obama should try to be humble, as well.

Palladian said...

I honestly feel so much less nasty about the guy now, that I can finally see how gracious he can be when he wants to.

That's always been obvious to anyone not swayed by the ridiculous demonization heaped upon the man.

Sprezzatura said...

"And now there is no more profit in demonizing a decent person."

But, the professional cons can, for four years, continue w/ the obscene profit breaks re demonizing a demon person.

Anonymous said...

Civil war? Well it didn't take as long as I thought for someone to try to start the revolution.LMAO.

Beans, rice and bullets, run to Walmart!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No one believes that.

You don't have to. Why would I lie? SHould I feel things just to fit what you believe I would feel?

Just have a little faith in the people of your country.

Synova said...

The talk of moving out of the country is stupid. It's stupid when liberals do it out of emotion and stupid when conservatives do it out of practicality... because moving always puts you back. Fact of life.

I get the impulse, I do.

But it's math, you know?

test said...

Lem said...
Average debt (so far) for each kid under 18 = $218,000.

According to the left the only possible response is to increase our financial committments to all Democratic Party constituencies.
They all need one more bite from the golden goose, and then they promise that's it. What could possibly go wrong?

Palladian said...

But I think Obama should try to be humble, as well.

Fat chance. Obama is not a humble man, even though he is a man with much to be humble about.

wyo sis said...

I have faith in people. I have much less faith in you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's always been obvious to anyone not swayed by the ridiculous demonization heaped upon the man.

BUt the problem was that he lied a lot, and changed his positions way to opportunistically to be genuine and convictions.

But you can see what he means by context and body language. I think he realized he was going down, he's not stupid, and rose to the occasion. If he really does love the country like he says, he's doing the right thing handling it this way.

It's not how he handled a lot of the campaign, though - but he did the job then that his party felt he had to do. ANd not too badly. For crying out loud - he probably WON the popular vote! That can't be easy to deal with... conceding under those conditions. So yes, I give him credit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have faith in people. I have much less faith in you.

You don't have to. But if you stop obsessing and fixating on me, you might.

Peter Hoh said...

Bill, my memory may be foggy, but I seem to remember Quayle speaking in 1992.

Sprezzatura said...

"even though he is a man with much to be humble about."

Compared to who?




It's not insane to say that the guy is probably in the top 1%, by many measures. That's not so bad.

Anonymous said...

Ritmo, Obama won the popular vote and the electoral.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


jr565 said...

O ritmo wrote:
BUt the problem was that he lied a lot, and changed his positions way to opportunistically to be genuine and convictions.

and Obama hasnt't? particularly on Bush's terror policies?

bagoh20 said...

" if there is something "too big to fail" it is us"

I think that term is use to describe an entity that is too big to be ALLOWED to fail, as in, someone will always bail it out due to necessity. I don't know who is gonna bail out the largest single economy in history. The Borg?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But I think it will still take til the morning for all the votes to be counted.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I can't believe that Obama won despite the record statistics on unemployment, federal debt, Americans receiving food stamps.

I believe everybody who lived thru the great depression is dead.

It may be that people do not measure success by those same standards anymore.

Sadly, that only means (at least to me) that the mistakes that create a great depression will be repeated, bigger, cause we are bigger.

LoafingOaf said...

Awaiting Obama's speech.

BTW, several people have told me over recent months that if Obama won this election he would tackle reforming the War on Drugs and issues related to that in his second term. I'll be interested to see if that is true!

Synova said...

Nice Oaf.

Personally? I'd like to see him tackle the economy.

If it's not too much of a distraction.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

and Obama hasnt't?

People have a way of judging convictions and genuineness and always scored Romney lower on those scores.

But the GOP probably needs to go in a more moderate-progressive direction now anyway. Flexibility will have to suit them. Romney's their man... at some point, the rest will have to be as flexible to, once they are convinced of why.

Palladian said...

It's not insane to say that the guy is probably in the top 1%, by many measures. That's not so bad.

He's definitely one of the world's most prominent and damaging morons.

LoafingOaf said...

"I believe everybody who lived thru the great depression is dead."

Most economists I've been reading have been saying the economy is recovering and would continue to do so whether Obama or Romney was elected.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I don't know who is gonna bail out the largest single economy in history.

Me neither... if we dont change soon its only a matter of time.

jr565 said...

O Ritmo wrote:
I honestly feel so much less nasty about the guy now, that I can finally see how gracious he can be when he wants to.

he was always that way Ritmo. Too bad you couldn't see it through the endless demonization. I doubt we'll ever feel about you the way you feign to now feel about Romney. In other words, we're never going to find a lot of graciousness coming from you since of course it's hard to be gracious when all you have is snark. And your sudden call for reconciliation rings about as hollow as a porn star calling for chastity.

Palladian said...

BTW, several people have told me over recent months that if Obama won this election he would tackle reforming the War on Drugs and issues related to that in his second term. I'll be interested to see if that is true!

Oaf, considering that Federal raids and prosecutions of marijuana have drastically increased under the Obama administration, I'd say that's not bloody likely.

But, as with the gay marriage "issue", he might flip-flop on drugs too.

roesch/voltaire said...

Tammy Baldwin's speech showed what a class act she is showing graciousness toward Tommy T, and still showing her progressive concerns to move Wisconsin forward! A

wyo sis said...

Oh Ritmo
I will fixate on whatever I want to. I am/will be watching you because I know this moment of tenderness is a manipulation.

If you think I might have faith in you if I quit noticing or mentioning your pathologies that's another of your many illusions.

You'll continue to be a tool whether I fixate on you or not.

LoafingOaf said...

Synova: "Personally? I'd like to see him tackle the economy."

The economy seems to be recovering.

I actually think the War on Drugs is related to the economy. We have a disgustingly high incarceration rate in America that is part of the War on Drugs and it is destroying families and leaving many people with drug felonies on their records which cripples them in the economy.

Synova said...

"Most economists I've been reading have been saying the economy is recovering and would continue to do so whether Obama or Romney was elected."

It just about has to, doesn't it?

And maybe it slowly will, and four years from now unemployment will inch down from the new 8% normal a little bit and job growth will finally increase faster than the population and we can all have a party.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

LoafingOaf said...
Awaiting Obama's speech.

BTW, several people have told me over recent months that if Obama won this election he would tackle reforming the War on Drugs and issues related to that in his second term. I'll be interested to see if that is true!

Let's hope so and also hope that the Democrats make a serious effort to build bridges to libertarians. A lot of libertarians are primarily concerned with personal freedom issues, this would be a good place to start some bridge building. It is also an issue that should help the african-american community in the long run, too many black men are in jail on minor drugs charges.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ben Smith likens Obama's re-election "mandate" to Reagan's in 1984.

Not sure of what that means, but I think it does bode well for what he's building.

Anonymous said...

Wyo sis, you are a nag. Have a drink, cuddle with your hubby, mellow out, it's late.

Peter Hoh said...

Lem: I believe everybody who lived thru the great depression is dead.

Not yet. I have a father, mother-in-law, and several other relatives who were born before 1929.

wyo sis said...

Inga you are a creep. Hug your bottle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I will fixate on whatever I want to. I am/will be watching you because I know this moment of tenderness is a manipulation.

If you think I might have faith in you if I quit noticing or mentioning your pathologies that's another of your many illusions.

You'll continue to be a tool whether I fixate on you or not.

Ok, then you do that. And fuck you too.

Keep responding to kindness and the benefit of the doubt with ugliness, paranoia, armchair diagnosis and suspicion. It reflects a core reason for where your party went down tonight.

Just shut up already. THere are bigger things in the world than not only me, but you. But right now you see narcissism everywhere, so perhaps that elementary lesson is lost on you for a reason.

Peter Hoh said...

Not to mention the huge sums of money we keep spending on the War on Drugs.

Sprezzatura said...


You think Ritmo should have seen that Romney wasn't such a bad guy.

But, you're certain that BHO is a moron. There is no way that BHO is anywhere near a moron. In fact, he's a smart guy. Are you sure that your assessment isn't clouded by your political bias?

LoafingOaf said...

Palladian: "Oaf, considering that Federal raids and prosecutions of marijuana have drastically increased under the Obama administration, I'd say that's not bloody likely.

"But, as with the gay marriage "issue", he might flip-flop on drugs too."

I knew Obama was pro-gay rights the first time I saw him speak, at the 2004 Democratic convention. He just had to wait till it was politically okay for him to "evolve". Why can't the same happen on other issues in his second term? He's never gonna run for another election.

Anonymous said...

Now, now Wyo sis, bitterness doesn't suit you.

wyo sis said...

I seem to have hit Ritmos last nerve.

Chip S. said...

(Not that anybody ought to care, but I feel obligated somehow to show up here and post something. Some of it may sound like a personal attack, but it's not meant that way.)

The most depressing thing about this outcome to me is facing the fact that it looks like the "typical voter" is Inga--i.e., someone who's confident that her views are right b/c her motives are pure, so those of us who disagree are deluded or dishonest. What I hope to convey is some sense of what it is that I think a lot of us cons actually feel, altho of course I really speak only for myself.

I honestly don't understand how liberals can find joy in winning an election where your candidate offered no vision for the next 4 years, but instead simply painted his opponent as an evil, out-of-touch plutocrat? Where will you find a mandate in that?

Surely you really do know that the budget deficit can't even be halved--let alone closed--by raising taxes on the "rich". Sure, we righties love to taunt you about being math-challenged, but you really do understand that there's simply not enough money to take from those people, don't you?

This campaign leaves me feeling cheated--not by vote fraud, but by the complete lack of honest debate over any of these issues: Obamacare, entitlements, military spending, or foreign policy. Instead, we got month after month of inane scare-talk about some fictitious war on women and the desire of Republicans to revive Jim Crow.

So I can't simply treat this like some sporting event where we go at each other for 60 minutes and then shake hands. But don't mistake that for bitterness. I dislike the idea that politics is personal as much as I dislike the view that it's all just pour le sport. I'm going to try to refrain from snark right now, despite the terrific strain that may entail.

Synova said...

Ah, so... now Obama can be the president you always wanted him to be?

Good luck with that.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It could be, in some mysteriously divine way, that a moron and his moronic ways, will be what it takes to awake people to the economic realities we are not facing.

If I'm making any sense.

Palladian said...

You think Ritmo should have seen that Romney wasn't such a bad guy.

But, you're certain that BHO is a moron.

I didn't say Barack Obama is a bad guy. I just said he's a moron. History is full of fine, upstanding morons.

Anonymous said...

Wyo sis, your fixation on Ritmo is a bit strange, I'd say creepy even.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I seem to have hit Ritmos last nerve.

When people give you an inch, and you take a mile full of ridiculous, stupid, personal nasty insults, then they have a way of returning the crap that you throw at them.

But if that's the only comfort you can have tonight, I guess that just reflects how petty you are. Needing negative attention like this from one person in the wake of an election of global significance says something very small about you, wyo.

Please get better.

wyo sis said...

Bitterness is in it but, I'm going to be a good citizen and work as hard as I know how to live within the system.

You might consider just how much gloating you can indulge in before it gets even a person who's trying to swallow a bitter pill with grace can't take it anymore.
Your nursing skills are slipping.

chickelit said...

Darrell Issa, leading with 61% vs. whatshisname.

Four (2) More Years!

jr565 said...

O ritmo wrote:
Keep responding to kindness and the benefit of the doubt with ugliness, paranoia, armchair diagnosis and suspicion. It reflects a core reason for where your party went down tonight.

ritmo thinks that what he's offering is kindness and not the exact same ugliness, paranoia, armchair diagnosis and suspicion he accuses others of possessing.

wyo sis said...

"When people give you an inch, and you take a mile full of ridiculous, stupid, personal nasty insults, then they have a way of returning the crap that you throw at them."

Daymmnn assholes get mad when it gets turned back on them.

Palladian said...

Jesus, I didn't notice until now that this scotch is 54.2% alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Well, come here Sis , nursey Inga has a spoonful of sugar, it helps the medicine go down:)

Cedarford said...

Some time for Republican rethinking:

1. Reagan is 30 years in the past. Few outside conservative fanatics believe that voodoo economics and tax cuts for the rich creates a good economy and jobs.

2. Capitalism was partially discredited in the collapse of our economy and fiscal health in the last days of Bush.

3. Rape is not God's Will.

4. America is in no mood for a return of Neocons, and new wars of Adventure and nation building.

5. Republicans have a real problem with Hispanics, even as they write off the bulk of skin-voting african americans as a lost cause.

6. The liberals and progressive Jews controlling media are a huge democrat asset.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...
This campaign leaves me feeling cheated--not by vote fraud, but by the complete lack of honest debate over any of these issues: Obamacare, entitlements, military spending, or foreign policy.

You have chosen a funny set of issues to feel cheated on.

Obamacare was discussed almost endlessly for two years and is now settled law. There is not much left to say that hasn't been said already.

On the other two issues, there is a broad understanding that both entitlements and military spending will have to be cut. The only issue is how much. That is a negotiation that involves no great principles just haggling and playing chicken.

Chip Ahoy said...

This is the second time in my life I've felt ill seeing people celebrate. When Arabs danced at 911 and now. I cannot even stand watching my compatriots celebrating. It's come to this.

wyo sis said...

Nurse Inga has had a truckload of insulting gloating all night and she can stick her spoonful of sugar.

Bender said...


Bender said...


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Easing drug laws could go along way to easing the pain of becoming a third world country.

Silver lining.

Bender said...


Bender said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You might consider just how much gloating you can indulge in...

FOr 30 years, the left has seen the country go through slashed programs, bloated spending, giveaways at the top and takeaways at the bottom and decreased standing while priorities were wasted to the point of disaster.

They watched this happen, while they stood around and thought about how in the days before they became mere opposition, they built an industrialized country, won two world wars and the greatest peace known, overcame a depression (that they also did NOT start), only to be insulted by yappers on the radio who made everything into hyperbolic, and increasingly reality-deprived nonsensical insults about everything under the sun.

If their victory feels like gloating, just think of what the party that did as much for this country 80 - 60 years ago has had to endure for the last 30 years.

They have a right to claim some glory and stand where AMerica needs to be steered as the country entrusts them to make the best use of it.

Anonymous said...

Wyo Sis, OK go suck a lemon.

chickelit said...

I'm actually rather fond of wyo sis and her opinions.

Althouse needs more like her--and fewer Ritmi.

Synova said...

I have to agree with Chip. At least I think so. Can't speak for someone else.

It's not a game. The Republicans in the House are not "obstructionist" because they're racist haters who want Obama to fail. Math matters. Refusing to even engage the notion that your opponents are sincere and genuinely concerned for the economy and those who are struggling has been the hallmark of that last four years and this administration.

Does anyone *really* dispute that Obama honestly thinks his economic ideas will pull us out of this? Eventually?

But the Tea Party and the Republican Congress elected in 2010 have been continually vilified as obstructionist for nothing but partisan spite. Spite and racism.

No, it's not going to be all happy and friends now. It can't be. Because the Republicans who hold the house are still HONESTLY concerned about the pain citizens are in as they struggle with an out of control government. And I have every expectation that the blame and name calling will continue just as it has been. It will be the Congress's fault that Obama refuses to sign a budget and it will be because of spite and racism that he can't get anything done and it won't be his fault.

Same old, same old.

But like I said... expecting nothing at all is somewhat clarifying. Time to hunker down and endure.

Palladian said...

Speaking of morons, here's Bender to tell us why St Santorum Stylites would have had this one in the bag!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is the second time in my life I've felt ill seeing people celebrate. When Arabs danced at 911 and now.

Anyone want to second this attempt at reality?

Seriously, get a grip.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

53 to 47% of women voted for Obama. I told you sooooo. Sorry I just HAD to do that.

Chip S. said...

Obamacare was discussed almost endlessly for two years and is now settled law.

I would not describe what transpired during the legislative session in which Obamacare passed as a debate. And I think both the 2010 elections and the most recent polling made it clear that this was not a settled issue.

there is a broad understanding that both entitlements and military spending will have to be cut. The only issue is how much.

This is certainly correct, but to say "the only issue is how much" is to leave the entire issue undebated.

Zachary Sire said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

sorrrrrrrrrrrry losers.

jr565 said...

AReasonableMan wrote:

Obamacare was discussed almost endlessly for two years and is now settled law. There is not much left to say that hasn't been said already.

right, they passed the bill without knowing what was in it, and it has proven to be grossly unpopular. And the costs are about to kick in during Obama's second term. If you don't think there won't be more to say, you're going to be sadly mistaken.

chickelit said...

Hit me with your Ritmo shtick--Hit Me!

LoafingOaf said...

Rich Lowry is talking o FOX. He's had to fire several National Review writers in the past year for being hardcore white supremacists.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

wyo, go deal with your own family issues and try to stop projecting them onto others. Thanks.

Kchiker said...

Did anyone see Rove's temper tantrum?

Palladian said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

sorrrrrrrrrrrry losers.

Oh look! More of that good old American spirit!

How's the gay porn shilling business, Zach?

I hope you get a piece of the merch once in a while, if you know what I mean.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Chip said...

This is the second time in my life I've felt ill seeing people celebrate. When Arabs danced at 911 and now. I cannot even stand watching my compatriots celebrating. It's come to this.

If the people celebrating right now made for a dish in your Kitchen... what would that be Chip?

hopefully you understand what i'm asking i'm not sure i'm asking it correctly.

wyo sis said...

Thanks chicklit. I'm a nag and I know it. My better angels tell me to shut up and let it go.
To heck with my better angels for awhile until I can fine enough sugar to swallow the gigantic pill that is Ritmo.

Anonymous said...

I apologize for gloating, but I warned folks here as far back as 6 months ago that women's issues would lose this election for Republicans.

Almost Ali said...

Again, Thank You, Gov. Christie.

Anonymous said...

President Obama on stage!

Synova said...

Inga, women always vote majority Democrat. Not news.

Also... I voted for jobs... you voted for my lady parts.

Bless your heart.

Anonymous said...

Signed sealed delivered , I'm yours!

Palladian said...

I apologize for gloating, but I warned folks here as far back as 6 months ago that women's issues would lose this election for Republicans.

Women certainly do seem to have a lot of issues.

But I'm glad that you ladies will be around to advise on the choice of birth control to dispense aboard the Titanic.

Synova said...

I mean... it's sort of like saying that women vote like emotional ninnies. Well, yeah, they do.


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart Synova , your side lost the election.

LoafingOaf said...

Kchiker said...
Did anyone see Rove's temper tantrum?


Yeah. Althouse was saying he was "on fire" earlier this evening, but by the end of the night even the others on Fox News seemed to be worried about him, like he needed to have a psychiatrist break it to him that the election was over.

Palladian said...

Signed sealed delivered , I'm yours!

Eww. That's really gross.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...
Obamacare was discussed almost endlessly for two years and is now settled law.

I would not describe what transpired during the legislative session in which Obamacare passed as a debate. And I think both the 2010 elections and the most recent polling made it clear that this was not a settled issue.

It was prosecuted all the way to the supreme court. It was the subject of literally endless attacks on both Obama and then Romney in the primaries. How much more do you expect the country to take on this one issue.

Almost Ali said...

In listening to the pundits, conservatives are going to have to learn to **feel*** your lady parts (or repeal the 19th Amendment). And to hand out free birth-control pills, and kiss you goodnight, and then help kill the baby the morning after. That's what the pundits are saying, in so many words.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Also... I voted for jobs... you voted for my lady parts.

Nah, she just voted to not seal them off from the rest of her existence so that they could be outsourced to and controlled by a certain political party.

You might consider trying that, too. But that's your choice.

Wince said...

What strikes me most listening to Brian Williams on NBC on the ride home is how devoid their commentary is about the man of the hour, Barack Obama, and his agenda.

Their commentary is about the trappings of office. It's about Romney. It's about Boehner. I suppose now there's no more Bush to blame.

What seems to be sinking in is what is left: Obama and the empty campaign he prosecuted.

Peter Hoh said...

Trump fires the first salvo: "The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy."

Not that Trump is a conservative, but he is a voice on the right.

Synova said...

It's a feminist thing...

Being dependent on a msn is oppression.

Government dependence solves that problem.

Synova said...

I don't think Trump counts... Has to be Rush or Hannity at least.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

We are back to rousing themes?

Wining is a...

wait a minute..

shiloh said...

Fired up!

Ready to go ...

LoafingOaf said...

Trump fires the first salvo: "The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy."

Not that Trump is a conservative, but he is a voice on the right.


Trump is a disgusting low-life piece of shit who has apparently no morals, and maybe it's time these supposedly "high morals" conservatives stop getting in bed with him.

wyo sis said...

Loafing Oaf
You won't get any argument from me on that one.

test said...

AReasonableMan said...

It was prosecuted all the way to the supreme court. It was the subject of literally endless attacks on both Obama and then Romney in the primaries. How much more do you expect the country to take on this one issue.

This argument shows that lefties definition of settled law is "any law they support". For example, these laws have been enacted far more recently than the Bush tax cuts or the repeal of the Glass Steagal Act, both of which they bring up constantly.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

jr565 said...
AReasonableMan wrote:

Obamacare was discussed almost endlessly for two years and is now settled law. There is not much left to say that hasn't been said already.

right, they passed the bill without knowing what was in it, and it has proven to be grossly unpopular.

According to the exit polls it has become a winning issue for the Democrats, as is also evidenced by the election results, particularly in the senate.

Anonymous said...

What a guy, lucky Michelle. What a great family man, why do you people hate him?

Synova said...

Getting in bed with?

Can't win. It's either all criticism about supposed demands for purity or conservatives are held responsible for not expelling annoying people quite vigorously enough.

I think it's just an excuse to pretend there is a principled reason for representing honest and decent people as evil and horrible because they "got in bed with" a free individual who can say whatever he likes.

jr565 said...

Inga wrote:

I apologize for gloating, but I warned folks here as far back as 6 months ago that women's issues would lose this election for Republicans.

the war on women is a fabrication in your mind. And 47% of women didn't vote for your candidate. That's almost half the women in this country. You're talking about a difference of 6% of women. Not exactly a majority of women who don't share your view.
And sorry, but women getting jobs and being able to pay for their family is also a woman's issue, not simply what happens in their uterus.

Chip S. said...

Inga said...
I apologize for gloating, but I warned folks here as far back as 6 months ago that women's issues would lose this election for Republicans.

I don't think that's gloating. And I'm afraid you're right, if you're talking about Akin and Mourdock-style views. If you're talking about Sandra Fluke, tho, then forget what I said.

I understand that anti-abortion absolutists' views have a sound moral basis, and I respect that. My own views are tempered by considerations of practicality that do not persuade them. But I don't think that there will be even one less abortion in this country b/c Todd Akin was the Republican nominee in MO. I also don't think there will be one less abortion b/c of the Republican platform. So I think both of those were tactical disasters.

I think Inga's right that a critical number of women's fears of a Romney-appointed SCOTUS majority pushed them to Obama. I happen to think those fears were misplaced, but I do think they mattered crucially.

Peter Hoh said...

LoafingOaf, it would help if prominent voices on the right were to distance themselves from Trump. Too many thought that he was somehow useful. What they didn't understand is that Trump is first and foremost in it for himself.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Obama has never loved his wife more? but now because of the election?

This is what passes for endearment these days.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Marshal said...
This argument shows that lefties definition of settled law is "any law they support". For example, these laws have been enacted far more recently than the Bush tax cuts

The Bush tax cuts, which gave us much of our deficit blowout, always had sunset provisions, they term. Quite clearly not settled law.

Anonymous said...

Jr, De Nile is a river.

wyo sis said...

"According to the exit polls it has become a winning issue for the Democrats, as is also evidenced by the election results, particularly in the senate."

Of course it's the winning issue for the Democrats, and it will continue to be the winning issue. When they're applying to the local "medical" board for palliative care and getting told they're on a two year waiting list it will still be a winning issue for them.

They're stupid.

Synova said...

"And sorry, but women getting jobs and being able to pay for their family is also a woman's issue, not simply what happens in their uterus."

Don't be silly. I'm sewing my vagina costume just as soon as I can get a bunch of pink fabric.

jr565 said...

AReasonableMan wrote:
According to the exit polls it has become a winning issue for the Democrats, as is also evidenced by the election results, particularly in the senate.

that's because the actual ramifications of Obamas polices matter not a whit to most Obama supporters. Hence, have 3 years of record unemployment and 2% growth is an example of Obama doing a great job with the economy.

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