November 6, 2012

Live-blogging election night.

5:12 Central Time: Won't you hang out with me while we watch the results come in? Here's a helpful map, showing what times the polls close in the various states. Polls in parts of Indiana and Kentucky closed a quarter hour ago, but what will be rather thrilling is the top of the hour, 7 Eastern Time, when Florida (minus the part under Alabama) and Virginia close, and then half an hour after that Ohio and North Carolina. Perhaps things at that point will be so decisive we will more or less know. Drudge is saying "EXIT POLLS TIGHT," giving Romney NC and FL and Obama NH, PA, MI, and NV, and listing OH, VA, CO, and IA as toss ups. What? No Wisconsin? I'm thinking it will all be about Wisconsin. But I'm Wisconsincentric.

5:25: After all this time watching the election, I wonder what life will be like tomorrow. I hope it's not 2000-style craziness with recounts and litigation and accusations of fraud. Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?

5:50: I'm watching CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, and hanging out at MSNBC for the last few minutes, I get the feeling they think the GOP will do well. Why? They're going at the topic of the way the GOP isn't likely to take the majority in the Senate. I'm just getting the feeling that they are moving into that place of refuge.

6:00: Nothing exciting at the top of the hour. Virginia not called. But that's not surprising. It was expected to be close.

6:30: Romney wins West Virginia, unsurprisingly. NC and Ohio are now closed, but they're not calling it, unsurprisingly. CNN reveals exit polls: 49/49 in NC and 51% Obama, 48% Romney in Ohio. Impressive for Obama... if the exit polls are right.

6:41: Boring! Maybe you should go for a run, have sex, or guzzle an Ardberg along with a chocolate bar and then come back in 20 minutes or an hour or so. Wouldn't that make more sense?

7:00: CNN projects Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine (3 of the 4), and Rhode Island for Obama. Oklahoma for Romney. Many others not called.

7:27: On Fox News, Rove is on fire. Joe Trippi is stammering and looking worried. Good for Romney, right?

7:37: Watched ABC network for a while and there's a wild-eyed desperation that tells me they know Obama's in trouble.

8:00: CNN calls Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska (3 of the 5), North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and Mississippi to Romney. Michigan, New York, and New Jersey for Obama. (There goes Michigan, which had been considered possible for Romney.)

8:02: They can't call Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and my home state Wisconsin.

8:04: 52% Obama, 46% Romney — CNN exit poll in Wisconsin. That looks bad for Romney.

10:04: Oh, I see I've been away for 2 hours. I couldn't take the stress. It's not as though you're reading this blog for news updates. What do you want from me? Gushings of emotion?  I'm being mellow, distancing myself from the political fray, reconnecting to my old aversion to politics. The people will have what they have chosen, and I hope for the best, especially for the young people. Tomorrow there will be new things to talk about, I assume. The election is over, is it not? Obama will win, perhaps without the popular vote, like Bush. What will he do with it? Take us to a higher ground, at last? Or nothing at all.


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Peter Hoh said...

Huntsman was the best chance for the GOP, but they couldn't see it.

Sprezzatura said...

"No one cares."

No one cared that in the first debate R said that "pick a number" was his plan for making his tax plan balance.

Likewise, nobody cared that Rs are now the big scare mongers re Medicare cuts.

In fact you cons eagerly ate this stuff up.

Geraldus Maximus said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
No one cares. Hasn't it been obvious? The conservatives didn't really care, Obama people didn't really care, Obama doesn't really care. Everyone has been on autopilot for quite a while.

I don't buy that for a minute. They were on autopilot, and they DID and DO care. That's what's scare to us. The lack of concern for empiric argument and reason.

They were as confident as a motherfucker about Romney winning, while better models were available and staring the rest of us in the face. Doesn't that concern you?

Ritmo, now you are just being insulting for the fun of it. I was one who was quite clearly wrong. My source was Gallup. The polling came back that it was an R+1 electorate and it came out D+6. Obama lost swing voters in droves yet still won by actually getting better GOTV results than in 2008. That it happened doesn't mean it was likely.

chickelit said...

Issa 52%
Whatshisname 48%

4 more years of fly in the anointment. :)

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


sakredkow said...

I can't last here. Don't rub it in too much fellow libtards! Show a little class.

Nite all.

shiloh said...

ARM gets post #1000 ~ congrats!

It appears a minority of Althouse libs are dominating the conversation ...

as per usual.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

A dollar late and an election short.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks teabaggers....turn off the lights drama queens....

Lol ;-)

Triangle Man said...


Ecuador has what you are loking for.

I Callahan said...

No because the problem is the underlying policies. They are stupid. Endless war and tax cuts = deficits and decline.

Yup. Just as I thought. Doubling down. Does anyone with a brain now believe that there is a silver lining in this?

Anonymous said...

Phx, considering the way liberals have been treated here, I think we are being very magnanimous.

Dante said...

You folks will keep eating the crap they feed you, oh well.

I don't get it, Inga. Do you feel because a bunch of other people voted (D) therefore you have made a right choice? No, you merely made the choice of majority. It doesn't matter how many people think the world is flat, and at one time that was a lot, it's round.


Anonymous said...

We will get exactly what we deserve. Of course, some of us will not deserve it, but we'll be dragged down along with the retards.

Oh well. America, you were nice while you lasted.

Cosmic Conservative said...

We will see who is laughing four years from now.

Well, I don't think there will be much laughing at all.

Remember this day and when you all bragged and laughed about your vote for Obama.

One day you might just realize what you've done.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I have someone, who is not around right now, to thank for Romney's loss.

Crack bait!

test said...

machine said...
Thanks teabaggers....turn off the lights drama queens....

The moral of the night, hate wins. You must be proud.

Peter Hoh said...

Sullivan is on Colbert right now.

Dante said...

Phx, considering the way liberals have been treated here, I think we are being very magnanimous.

I'm not the one wanting to raid your kids piggy bank, or the money they will earn in the future, Inga. So that Obama can buy votes.

So stop forcing me to do what you want without my consent, and you might be treated a bit better.

bagoh20 said...

So the big surprise for us on the right is that so many Democrats came out and voted, even though they seemed too embarrassed to show much outward support. That fooled some of us. It really seemed like they didn't have any drive to do it, but they actually did.

It's not completely in yet, but I'm prepared to Congratulate you lefties. You got what you wanted, and I did not. Enjoy the victory - it's been a long fight, and you should savor the win.

So, back to work tomorrow, I'll have to be more careful than I had hoped. I'll have to fight a little harder to be optimistic, and I have to wait out the next four years for better weather, but I can do that, and I'll do alright, I'll enjoy life, work it, and succeed regardless.

I hope the best for all us, and I'll continue to work toward that.

Again, Congratulations, you guys!

ALH said...

The silver lining....those who were considering "going Galt", can do so with a good conscience

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Can you have some perspective, Marshal? Calling someone a "drama queen" is hateful? Seriously?

Triangle Man said...

I'll be damned if Nate Silver didn't run the whole table this time.

Unknown said...

Your racism, again, disgusts me.

Yet, I realize, humanity isn't like I'd what.


somefeller said...

Good game. See you next season.

Pastafarian said...

What the hell does that mean ritzy?

I think you are a callous ignorant asshole, so you assume that I think this of my employees?

You're an idiot.

When, after working sixty hours per week to find enough work to keep my employees busy, I have to lay some of them off, because the economy is shit, I'll blame you, and arrested development fools like you. Again, congratulations.

When you see that U6 number creep up from 14.5 to 14.6, know that this means thousands of men will be holding their heads in their hands and feeling like failures, not knowing how they'll pay their bills.

Not that it will matter, to you. Your side won, yay.

30yearProf said...

The 47% have spoken. They want government jobs paid for by the productive. Here's a sample:

I'm glad that I'll have no grandchildren to pass this mess on to.

Did you note that Romney, the moderate, and Brown, the moderate, both lost. Why vote for a "moderate" Republican when you can vote Democrat and get the real thing?

rcocean said...

"Huntsman was the best chance for the GOP, but they couldn't see it."

They may in 2016. All Huntsman has to do is flip flop on a few issues. It worked for Mitt and McCain.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Phx, considering the way liberals have been treated here, I think we are being very magnanimous.

But wasn't that the supposed reason why Obama won?

That we are the meanest worst people in the world?

Arent you glad?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Your racism, again, disgusts me.

Yet, I realize, humanity isn't like I'd what.


David said...

Here's hoping Obama governs better for his next four years than he did for the last.

Hey, it could happen.

edutcher said...

God help us all.

And God help this country.

shiloh said...

ARM gets post #1000 ~ congrats!

I see the little coward returns.

Must have been rough hiding out for a month

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks Bag. Glad the bullshit we went through is now over, at least for your part.

Obama will now have the credibility to enact things like Simpson Bowles and other conservative-moderate measures that Republicans wanted to do all along, but couldn't for fear of giving the guy a second term and a legacy.

Let's put that all behind us now and work for some very mutually agreeable and necessary goals.

It will happen.

but I am a robot said...

"Huntsman was the best chance for the GOP, but they couldn't see it."

I always wondered why no one paid any attention to him. I don't know if I agree that he was our best chance though. It's conceivable.

TWM said...

My one bright spot is knowing that the blue states are going to be the first to collapse. Public sector pensions are going to pop. California, Michigan, Ohio, New York, etc.

I'll be pretty well-off comparatively down here in Tennessee. Have some land. Low taxes. House paid off. Clinging to my guns. It'll be tough but much tougher for the blue folks.

So I got that going for me.

Sprezzatura said...

"those who were considering "going Galt", can do so with a good conscience"

Please, please, please Rs do go Galt.

There are plenty of rich business owning Ds ready to steal your business when you surrender the the market.

See ya!

ALH said...

BagOh, you are a better man than me. I love what you posted and wish i could keep that positive attitude going.

Anonymous said...

Ritmo, Marshal is having a bad night, he's a bit sensitive right now.

TWM said...

"There are plenty of rich business owning Ds ready to steal your business when you surrender the the market."

Taxes are bipartisan. They'll get hit too.

bagoh20 said...

"Thanks teabaggers....turn off the lights drama queens..."

We'll be back tomorrow, and so will the facts. The truth is a bitch.

I think the lesson will be: be careful what you wish for - responsibility awaits.

test said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
On to bigger things, Marshal. Make a sober argument about getting rid of that debt while NOT giving unecessary tax breaks. Obama just made it that much easier for you.

I see Ritmo's failed to make sense yet again. Obama promised to cut the deficit in half and instead doubled our debt. Somehow Ritmno has failed to note that as a problem. But if Romney hasn't spelled out every detail it's somehow disqualifying even if the absolute worst case is that he's as bad as Obama.

Lefties just can't be taken seriously.

Methadras said...

jr565 said...

Inga wrote

Jr. You wish it would get worse, what are you going do if it gets better?

you tell me. What is Obama's plan to grow our GDP or cut entitlements or lower the debt?

He has no plan especially now since republicans still have the house. They will hunker down and dig in deeper. Obama is basically back at square one. Inga thinks that executive orders will save the day for the left as a route. He has nowhere to go. It's like the last 4 years never happened. A reset except with more animosity.

Triangle Man said...

Marshal, glad you are still around. Here is a post I came across showing ideaology by political party over time. The Repulicans are trending strongly to the rightand dems are relatively stable overthelast 20 years or so.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Roberto said...

Tyrone Slothrop - you're full of shit.

Well, well. Spoken like a liberal.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks Bagoh, I sincerely hope your business prospers, despite your worst fears and you stay happy and healthy, keep flying!

rcocean said...

"I always wondered why no one paid any attention to him. I don't know if I agree that he was our best chance though. It's conceivable."

I agree - although its grey and fuzzy - so I may not.

Matt Sablan said...

Wait. People changed their votes because of Sandy?

AF said...

Hey guys, what happened?

jr565 said...

Supposedly next on Obamas agenda is card check and immigration reform.
This is not a legacy concerning itself with growing the economy, it's one designed to grow the Democratic Party. The problem with this is that just like real estate, govt is a great big bubble that is going to pop. Only far worse. Obama has suggested nothing that makes me believe he is for energy independence, or growing the private sector. Do you INga? If so, show me.
Were had somerthing like 3+ years of record unemployment. We've got anemic growth of 2%. What policy did Obama even suggest that would reverse that course? Seriously.
And what I dications do you have that he will cut spending?

He has no mandate but continuation of his existing policies.

And the worst part is Obama care hasn't even kicked in yet. And it has already spiraled costs out of control. It was backloaded though to not take effect until his second term. How will that affect on small businesses looking to hire? You are going to see a vacuum that swallows up those businesses. Obama will stress govt jobs as an alternative, but as we've seen based on how govt runs it will not create as many jobs. And it will be in federal jobs that bleed red ink, like the post office.
If Obama can't cut PBS funding, do you think he will cut federal jobs, especially if his mandate is to increase union power?
It here is NOTHING I see on the horizon that Obama even suggested during the election that would reverse that course.

David said...

"Inga said...
Phx, considering the way liberals have been treated here, I think we are being very magnanimous."

Oh, poor Inga, playing the damsel even in victory. Come on, Inga, you are tougher than that. Seems to me you get treated very well, except by a couple of idiots. You poor thing.

Roberto said...



Chip Ahoy said...

Please pass the shit mustard to spread on my shit sandwich weeeee la la la la la la my 16 trillion dollar shit sandwich la la la la la your grand kids are going to love me when I tell 'em how much I appreciate the shit sandwich they bought me la la la la la nomnomnonm nom nomn nom needs salt, nom nomnomnonon la la la la la, now even French people think we're smart la la la la la la.

You told me to take my head out of my ass and quit whigning. So I did. And this is me having a good time la la la la la look, I am making poop gougères to celebrate la la la la. With cheese! la la la 16 trillion dollars for poop gougères your kids get to buy for me. Toot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think you are a callous ignorant asshole, so you assume that I think this of my employees?

You didn't call me that. You called me a lazy, handout grabber. I object to that and your employees should, too.

You keep forgetting what it is that you said in your last statement.

Your employees (or people like them) voted their self-interest. It wasn't just for kicks. It's because the side forgetting its self-interest was management.

Economic growth and deficit reduction is better under Democrats than under the last 30 years of Republicans. That's because they know that those things are only possible when you approach the economy in a balanced way.

Take a note from Bag. Now is the time for both sides to come together. Things should get done, and I'm hopeful they will. The goal is no longer to sink the Chief Exec. It's no longer political. It's national.

Try for that. Live in the present. Let's manage the country responsibly and stop bickering and accusing people of laziness and nostalgia for living in countries that don't exist.


Pastafarian said...

Inga, I'll let you know when you need to lay off the first person. Would you like to do it in person, or by Skype?

Palladian said...

Nice try Althouse and your band of wingnuts! You've all lost. Mitt's magic Moron underwear couldn't pull him through this election. Suck it up bitches!

Again, there's that old American spirit, shining through, with a glaze of religious bigotry!

Don't you all feel so much better that these people won (again)?!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, good luck to Bag and his company also.

TWM said...

And with that I am outta here. I had hoped for a new beginning but instead it will be four more years of a worsening economy and failed foreign relations.

Contrary to what liberals here think, I don't want it that way. But just like I knew Barry would fail during his first four years I know he will fail during his second.

Sometimes it's a curse to be right.

Palladian said...

Maybe in a note of reconciliation to Romney supporters, Inga will agree to put up a different avatar so we don't have to look at her preternaturally proportioned face 1000 times per comment thread.

Chuck66 said...

jr...everything Barry does is designed to grow the Democrat party. But agree with the other poster.....I will enjoy watching California, Illinois and other blue states fall flat on their faces.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Seems to me you get treated very well, except by a couple of idiots. You poor thing.

Idiocy is no excuse for refusing to call out maliciousness.

LoafingOaf said...

At 7:27 Central Time Althouse was going on about how Karl Rove was "on fire". Has Althouse been watching Fox News after they called Ohio for Obama? Rove has been making a fucking fool of himself.

But I guess Althouse had to stop live blogging the election when it was clear everything the Republicans have been saying the last several weeks was crap. She is too sucked in to the Rush Limbaughs and InstaPundits. I didn't even vote for either Obama or Romney, but I've been telling this blog for a long time Obama would cruise to victory. My main beefs with Obama are not the issues most voters are focused on.

Anyway, when you say you're gonna live blog an election, you should see it thru to the end. Instead, Althouse goes off to cry in her pillow.

Palladian said...

Sullivan is on Colbert right now.

Are they blowing each other on top of the desk?

Unknown said...

Watched ABC network for a while and there's a wild-eyed desperation that tells me they know Obama's in trouble.

It's educational to review the pearls of wisdom that Althouse and her lemmings share here.

test said...

Triangle Man said...
Marshal, glad you are still around. Here is a post I came across showing ideaology by political party over time. The Repulicans are trending strongly to the rightand dems are relatively stable overthelast 20 years or so.

At quick glance it's worth about the same as "studies" which purport to show conservatives are stupid based on questions designed by liberals to make themselves feel better.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ritmo, Meth hasn't wished us dead yet, that's something!

Unknown said...

Try not to be bitter, Paladian.

Chip Ahoy said...

You see, I thought that I knew you but I didn't. How stupid I am. I feel you drifting. Yes, that's it, I thought I knew you but I didn't and now there is distance. I cannot hear you so clearly as I thought. For now on I must say, in order to make sure, is that you? Hey, is it you? Hey sixteen trillion dollars in debt, it that you? At each encounter to make sure that it's you and that I'm hearing you right.

harrogate said...

Oh, don't pick on Inga. She's being gracious. Remember graciousness?

LoafingOaf said...

OMG Karl Rove has been making a fool of himself on Fox tonight. Even Fox is basically calling him a nutter.

Palladian said...

But I guess Althouse had to stop live blogging the election when it was clear everything the Republicans have been saying the last several weeks was crap.

Nah, as I said up-thread, Althouse always craps out when she says she'll be live blogging.

Pastafarian said...

My employees are about eighty percent republican, ritzy, just like the rest of this county. This worker versus management fantasy you have isn't based in reality.

They didn't ask for what happens next.

I don't know Bagoh's business, but in mine,'s now hunker-down time. No investments in equipment this year. Why should I? As I said, RFQs are down, and orders will follow. We'll have four more miserable years just like the last.

In other words, it's time to celebrate. Woo hoo.

wyo sis said...

Blame Bush is not going to work anymore.

Number one on my new list of how this isn't the end of the world.

rcocean said...

I think this re-election of a black man called Barrack shows only one thing:

White America is still racist.

Palladian said...

Try not to be bitter, Paladian.

How can I not be bitter? Jill Stein got absolutely trounced!

Unknown said...

How many of the Althouse lemmings have already blamed the result on voter fraud?

but I am a robot said...

This election raises important questions about the future.

How long can big government and the entitlement culture last?

How long can votes be bought with money the government doesn't have?

How long will we continue on this road until the electorate wises up and chooses some officials that are willing to deal with the fiscal crisis?

dcm said...

so, all you folks who were sure that R would win. Can you step back and see that the rest of the country does not see the world as you do. please step back.

Chuck66 said...

Man, did Barry inherit a bad economy this year. He probably will blame the loser who was in office 2009-2012.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't know Bagoh's business, but in mine,'s now hunker-down time.

Manufacturing jobs did a hell of a lot better under Obama than at any other time since Clinton. You can't be talking seriously, or else you're representing some niche industry that isn't on the cusp of global trends.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Maybe in a note of reconciliation to Romney supporters, Inga will agree to put up a different avatar so we don't have to look at her preternaturally proportioned face 1000 times per comment thread.

I second that.

Methadras said...

Cosmic Conservative said...

I will say again, you lefties do not know what you have unleashed.

But you will learn.

Oh, they know exactly what they have unleashed. This is what they've been waiting for their whole lives. It all comes to this. Unfortunately, we will have to be involuntary observers of their folly. One cannot simply hide their eyes with their hands and not sneak a peak through their fingers. You see, that's the problem with leftism, it's an absolutely easy position and ideology to have. It costs you nothing, even if a conservative wins, you as a leftist haven't lost a thing other than bidding your time. Leftism requires no thought, therefore it's easy to be one. You are seeing it on display. Here. Now.

Tax policies? Easy, tax the rich. Social policies? Easy, give them anything they want as long as they continuously vote for you. Economic policies, no problem, just print more cash. Laws? Meh, it's whatever they want it to be.

It's fun to be a leftist. Anything goes with little to no consequences. Why should they care? See above. The party rolls on.

Cindy Martin said...

well, if Obama has a wealth tax, he better be taxing public pensions.

mz said... the sound of wingnut heads exploding all over the country. So happy you all lost, you seditious, selfish, ignorant, bastards. Bet you're all Bible thumpers to boot even though you could care less about the poor and needy. BTW, most people on food stamps are WHITE. So happy to have four more years of an adult in the White House. Also looking forward to Hillary in 2016. The Republican party is dead!

Chuck66 said...

dcm, for the 5th time tonight, I will ask. What is the Democrat plan to pay for $100 Trillion dollars in unfunded Big Entitlement? Obamacare. Medicare. Social Security.

Chuck66 said...

mz, you are a typical Democrat anti-Christian bigot.

Unknown said...

Althouse always craps out when she says she'll be live blogging

Unless it's something important, like American Idol.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My employees are about eighty percent republican, ritzy, just like the rest of this county.

80% of the country is Republican?

I'm having trouble believing that anything you post right now is true. Give me something more credible to go on and we'll see if you have anything worth discussing.

The time for fantasy is over.

Bill Harshaw said...

Let a Dem give advice? Jeb is your best shot for 2016.

Palladian said...

so, all you folks who were sure that R would win. Can you step back and see that the rest of the country does not see the world as you do. please step back.

Funny, that was the same council that I heard dispensed to disconsolate liberals when George W Bush won his second term.

Synova said...

"The book isn't talking about pandering to put people on the gravy train, but more examining issues like flex time for families."

Sorry deborah, but Romney talked about flexible schedules for families and he was branded anti-woman. It was "problematic" that he suggested it was important to be flexible and that he was flexible.

That's what it takes to be evil when you're Republican.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Blame Bush is not going to work anymore.

Bush didn't campaign for Romney...

Its still Bush's fault.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How can I not be bitter? Jill Stein got absolutely trounced!

Lol. Yeah, but so did Gary Johnson. Or whoever was running on THE "REAL" Ayn Rand ticket...

Palladian said...

Let a Dem give advice? Jeb is your best shot for 2016.

Sorry, I'd rather lose than continue with the dynastic politics.

Colonel Angus said...

Good game. See you next season.

That's assuming your side doesn't fuck the whole thing up by then.

jr565 said...

Jake diamond wrote:

How many of the Althouse lemmings have already blamed the result on voter fraud?

You tell us. Aren't you looking at the same posts we are?

Matt Sablan said...

Why would we run Jeb Bush, a moderate Republican who works across the aisle, when the last two times we've run moderate Republicans who work across the aisle, and they lost to an ideological opponent who often refuses to compromise? There is no reason for us to offer compromise; compromise loses.

Christy said...

Guess it's time to learn Chinese.

Bill said...

Huntsman would've had my vote. Not Romney.

Your party went with the wrong Mormon.

Also, LOL at all of you goofy commentators talking about the polls being "biased" and oversampling Democrats. Rasmussen is always wrong on the presidential elections.

Love the reactions here. Forward.

bagoh20 said...

"Take a note from Bag. Now is the time for both sides to come together."

Shit! I never said that. Just because half the people on the boat want to steer toward the iceberg because they and their leader never skippered anything more than a rubber duck before doesn't mean I'm gonna go along. I'm gonna fight you idiots all the way. You just won an election, and probably not even with a majority.

Oh no Captain Bligh, this is not submission, this is not a serfdom, it's a democracy. We'll see you tomorrow, and it's on! I'm pretty sure you'd feel the same if it went the other way.

Roberto said...

Chucky-Cheese66 is now the resident "Christian."

You of those Bible thumping hypocrites.

shiloh said...

Remember how pissed I was in 2004 for a couple days, but life goes on and (8) years of cheney/bush gave us Barack Hussein Obama! There's always a silver lining.

Again, the yin/yang of politics. Reps/cons problem is they feel they should never lose a presidential election regardless.

btw, thank you teabaggers for Akin and Murdoch! :)


Mutaman said...

Want to congratulate Ann for being consistently wrong about everything re this election.

Unknown said...

As expected, the Republicans have determined that they need to go further to the right to win next time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Like I said, it could be premature. Were any concessions or congratulations offered? NYT just flipped OH back to Romney...

rcocean said...

Comparing this thread to Election night 2008, it seems like the IQ at Althouse has dropped 20 points.

Goodnight all.

amba said...

Obama's strongest ally

Pastafarian said...

Jesus, ritzy. You can't even read.


Yeah, machine shops are just going gangbusters under Obama. You are out of your depth. I may as well be arguing with a trained chimp.

Gahrie said...

Ya'' grasshoppers better bring guns this time.

the ants

Cindy Martin said...

Gold goes up tomorrow. Gun stocks go up. Natural gas and oil goes down. Defense stocks go down. Health care stocks go down.

Cindy Martin said...

Gold goes up tomorrow. Gun stocks go up. Natural gas and oil goes down. Defense stocks go down. Health care stocks go down.

Chuck66 said...

Matthew...yeah. Remember all of those Democrats how, in 2000, said "I would vote for McCain, the Maverick Republican"? But when McCain was the candidate, suddenly he was evil.

In 2016, our side needs to run a right winger. No more compassionate conservative.

Baron Zemo said...

The impeachment hearings about Benghazi will be very interesting.

Remember Nixon.

Those who forget history are destined to repeat it.

but I am a robot said...

It makes it so much worse when Chip Ahoy is manifestly pissed off.

If he can't maintain a whimsical attitude, how can I?

Palladian said...

Lol. Yeah, but so did Gary Johnson. Or whoever was running on THE "REAL" Ayn Rand ticket...

But the purity!

If only Romney and Ryan had been really pure, like Gary Johnson, then they could have really been defeated!

Roberto said...

Christy said..."Guess it's time to learn Chinese."

maybe one of mitton's companies will give you a shot.

take chucky-cheese66 and poor little hoosier and tcm along, too.

wyo sis said...

"dcm said...

so, all you folks who were sure that R would win. Can you step back and see that the rest of the country does not see the world as you do. please step back."

We knew that. That is exactly what we knew and have known for many years. We can step back, and we will. Have a great time tonight.

john said...

Here is something I think we can all agree on:

Lets do away with the electoral college and go with straight popular vote. Tonight!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm pretty sure you'd feel the same if it went the other way.

It depends if you wanted to repeat the same economic policies in place from 2001 - 2008.

It's reality time. Quit flip-flopping. I guess your conciliatory tone earlier was just one of your shits and giggles memos.

COme on man. Time to stop fucking around. Name a policy instead of all the retarded rhetoric. SImpson-Bowles? It's likely to happen now. Pretend to be concerned, already. THere's no more scarecrow communist bogeyman to throw out of office.

Sheesh. For a second I thought you actually CARED about your country...

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The impeachment hearings about Benghazi will be very interesting.

Benghazi lacks a smoking gun.

Palladian said...

If he can't maintain a whimsical attitude, how can I?

Hey, I'm whimsical!

Unknown said...

Does Dean Chambers have his Unskewed Vote website up yet?

Matt Sablan said...

Guys, I'm socially moderate. I am fine with gay marriage; I understand abortion needs to be legal in some cases.

But, ideological divisions are too deep to try and split the middle. Republicans tried and failed to create an accord between the two parties. My brand of moderate Republicanism is pretty much shot.

test said...

Ritmo #1:
O Ritmo Segundo said...
They'll just have to suppress more votes next time, I guess

Ritmo #2
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Let's manage the country responsibly and stop bickering and accusing people of laziness and nostalgia for living in countries that don't exist.

Let's not impugn motives, try to accept that everyone is trying their best. Except you fucking racist conservatives trying to disenfranchise minorities.

What an asshole.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Here is something I think we can all agree on:
Lets do away with the electoral college and go with straight popular vote. Tonight!

That will mean a permanent one party rule.

wyo sis said...


What you said!
Fight on.

LoafingOaf said...

InstaPundit's response to the American people is to advise people to "Go Galt" and "I didn’t give up on America, America gave up on me". LOL.....oooookay InstaPundit...............


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, machine shops are just going gangbusters under Obama.

Oh, now I see. Machines. Yes, a real growth industry.

Manufacturing's up and being insourced. If it's not in your niche, maybe you should consider what the world is interested in manufacturing.

Palladian said...

Benghazi lacks a smoking gun.

Yeah, the attackers had plenty of time to leisurely cart that smoking gun away after they killed 4 Americans with it.

bagoh20 said...

"Can you step back and see that the rest of the country does not see the world as you do."

That would be half the country actually, and the other half has the House, the Governorships, and most of the jobs and tax revenues.

The power of the whine and the open hand is strong tonight, but that's no basis for a man, or nation. We can do better.

Palladian said...

...and most of the jobs and tax revenues.

Not for long they don't!

shiloh said...

You're all invited to the Althouse wake tomorrow er the next (4) years.

btw, as I've mentioned previously it's a win/win for the con pied piper ie Obama's election = even more intense con hatred for Obama = more Althouse blog hits. :)

And what do depressed/sad cons do to make them feel better? You guessed it, they buy more Althouse stuff lol.

Indeed, Althouse is a con cottage industry as free enterprise marches on ...

LoafingOaf said...

I hope Fox news refers Karl Rove to a good shrink, because he really lost it there on the air. I'm worried about him.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Yeah, the attackers had plenty of time to leisurely cart that smoking gun away after they killed 4 Americans with it.

I threw it, you hit it.

Unknown said...

There's a helluva lot of good stuff in this thread. I may have to collect the predictions of the Althouse lemmings for future amusement.

Palladian said...

Has Andy Ratto come in to gloat yet? Because I'd feel sick if I missed that. A day without listening to that ruddy, pudgy loser gloat about something is like a day without a ruddy, pudgy loser gloating about something.

Palladian said...

Wow, Karl Rove is still alive?

test said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
For a second I thought you actually CARED about your country...

I guess questioning people's patriotism is only out of bounds when the target is a leftist. I must say I'm shocked to find out there is no tactic low enough that Ritmo will abjure it despite his high-minded platitudes from mere minutes earlier.

Roberto said...

Matthew Sablan said..."Republicans tried and failed to create an accord between the two parties."

good lord...what are you smoking??

Baron Zemo said...

The problem will be that we have a "Jon Stewart" president. He will drift as he has done the past four years and will do nothing. Things will get worse and worse. All we can do is hunker down and try to survive.

Obama will have a great time going on entertainment shows and golfing and going on vacation. The House will pass budgets and the Senate will not.

More of the same.

It is going to be very, very bad.

mccullough said...


I dig the cut of your jib. It's all about fiscal issues and whether we're going to follow the policies of California, Illinois, and New York. Those states are going under on Obama's watch. And there is no appetite for any more bailouts. Europe is also going down on Obama's watch. By 2016, the electorate will be sadder and wiser.

Matt Sablan said...

Roberto: I'm looking at Romney and McCain's records of compromise and aisle crossing. I'm pretty much accepting that the moderates in the Republican party have no more arguments to hold the line against the more hardline right.

Sprezzatura said...

"I hope Fox news refers Karl Rove to a good shrink, because he really lost it there on the air. I'm worried about him."

How much dough has he made on this election?

The TV gig is small potatoes, what about the Crossroads stuff.

The guy has been selling BS. It's not good for the brand it hits the fan for all to see.

Poor guy. [Well, not "poor" in the financial sense.]

Peter Hoh said...

so, all you folks who were sure that R would win. Can you step back and see that the rest of the country does not see the world as you do. please step back.

Funny, that was the same council that I heard dispensed to disconsolate liberals when George W Bush won his second term.

If you go back a few months, you'll find that I was warning that this was shaping up to be a repeat of 2004: Opposition convinces itself that there's no way the incumbent will be re-elected, proceeds to nominate a Massachusetts flip-flopper that nobody really likes.

chickelit said...

Lets do away with the electoral college and go with straight popular vote. Tonight!

Disagree. A better route would be apportioned EC votes within the big states. CA bitches and moans about being "left out" of the campaign. If the prize were split, the electioneering would come back here.

Getting rid of the EC would destroy the Republican party so expect it to be a Dem-backed notion.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well Marshall, I respond to what I hear. If someone wants to be high-minded, I'll respond in kind. If they don't, then I shouldn't either. It's called reciprocity - look into it.

shiloh said...

Bart DePalma, an occasional Althouse poster.

About as delusional as the rest of Althouse con flock.

Palladian said...

There's a helluva lot of good stuff in this thread. I may have to collect the predictions of the Althouse lemmings for future amusement.

Your lemmings = fiscal conservatives metaphor is apt. Lemmings are the base of the food chain in much of their territory. When the lemming population declines, the higher predators starve.

After you predators have picked off all the lemmings, what will you do?

Pastafarian said...

ritzy: "machines. A real growth industry. "

No, dummy. Machining. The fabrication of plastic and metal products through subtractive methods. A fundamental part of all manufacturing.

But, but maybe you could make solar panels, like Solyndra, or cars that run on the magical motive force that comes out of those holes in the walls.

Derby derby derby do. I'm done discussing business with an overgrown twelve year old who's never run more than a Popsicle stand.

Matt Sablan said...

On the EC: I'm surprised it isn't by Congressional District-ish,

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Hey Ritmo, Meth hasn't wished us dead yet, that's something!

Oh I still do, but it looks like I can't get every wish I want. I would have traded that for an Urkel loss, but hey, shit happens. We have to deal with another 4 years of bitter ideological warfare where your ideology will further sink this country into a hole it barely had a chance to get itself out of. It's yours now. I wish you nothing but the worst in life. May a thousand curses be heaped upon your life and the decisions you and your collective have made for the rest of us.

LoafingOaf said...

Palladian: "Althouse always craps out when she says she'll be live blogging."

Oh please. She bolted the moment things really started to go bad for Romney.

Pragmatist said...

I just hope that we all remember that 50% voted for the Other Guy....focus on agreeing on the things we can agree on.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Now that Obama won re-election...

Will the anti-Islam video guy get out of jail?

Or will he stay there until he apologizes.

Roberto said...

Matthew Sablan- mccain votes conservative about 97% of the time and mittons fired up over 800 vetoes when governor, almost all of which were overturned.

Palladian said...

If you go back a few months, you'll find that I was warning that this was shaping up to be a repeat of 2004: Opposition convinces itself that there's no way the incumbent will be re-elected, proceeds to nominate a Massachusetts flip-flopper that nobody really likes.

I don't think Romney was quite as unlikeable as Kerry, but perhaps a good point.

Peter Hoh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh Meth, I'm glad you are back to your "normal" self, I was worried about you there for a minute, thought you might commit suicide or something. The meds will help, take a few pills extra tonight.

Peter Hoh said...

Seven and I never set a wager, but I bet that if Obama loses the popular vote while winning the Electoral College, there would be a lot of calls from the right to abolish the Electoral College.

He said that it wouldn't happen.

Looks like we might find out.

harrogate said...

Inga is on a roll. The soft strikes sometimes land the most ouchy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm done discussing business with an overgrown twelve year old who's never run more than a Popsicle stand.

ANd yet, I can tell that the price of solar power is dropping exponentially. Apparently, you can't. Maybe you're not quite the business analyst that you purport to be.

Yes, all energy ultimately comes from the sun. You should look into it. There's really nothing magical about it. Photosynthesis is real and has been around for a hell of a lot longer than your popsicle stand. And profits can actually made from it. If you resent that they're bigger profits than what you're making, then go turn on your CNBC or something.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

BTW.. Somebody please call Romney and tell him to give it up.

The body is going to start stinking soon.

john said...

Lem said...That will mean a permanent one party rule.

That hasn't been determined yet:

AP: Tough Choices If Obama Wins But Loses Popular Vote

Baron Zemo said...

When the final votes are counted it is quite possible that Romney will win the popular vote and the margin of vitory in the swing states will be razor thin.

Obama will overstep. Big time. Claim a mandate that does not exist.

Because we know what he is going to say.

I won.

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

@Ritmo: So far, liberal CA is keeping the death penalty, dumping school funding and sending DiFi back to break Strom Thurmond's record.

dcm said...

your damn right!

Tyrone Slothrop said...

dcm said...

so, all you folks who were sure that R would win. Can you step back and see that the rest of the country does not see the world as you do. please step back.

And if Romney wins the popular vote, as he very well might, will you step back?

Synova said...

"Roberto: I'm looking at Romney and McCain's records of compromise and aisle crossing. I'm pretty much accepting that the moderates in the Republican party have no more arguments to hold the line against the more hardline right."

True this.

And you know... those who are saying that Republicans ought to be more moderate, more like someone *they'd* vote for? They'll vote for the Democrat anyway so where's the win? No place.

Would any appreciable number of Obama voters have voted for Huntsman? No. They'd have voted for Obama anyway. A whole bunch of Republicans would have happily voted for Lieberman a few years ago, how did that work out?

Romney was moderate on everything but the economy, and even there he left most fiscal conservatives cold.

But that wasn't moderate enough?

So why not just vote for Obama? If a Republican has to be a Democrat clone why bother?

People voted for who they wanted and we'll get what we get and Obama will do whatever the heck he does and will tell Republicans in Congress to piss off and start complaining about how no passed budget just isn't his fault because his job is HARD.

LoafingOaf said...

So, how many of you right wingers are gonna take InstaPundit's advice and "Go Galt"? ROFL!

chickelit said...

Claim a mandate that does not exist.

The only man date Obama can claim is with George Clooney.

dcm said...

Tammy. Damn right.

bagoh20 said...

I hope all those people on twitter threatening to murder Romney voters will now take a page from our President and stand down. It's too late, we're all dead.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: But CA does love them some unions. Must be good for the economy. NOT

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, some things never change all that much, Chick.

But it does seem that they're finally starting to figure out just how much money it wastes to keep the death penalty. There's hope for them yet!

test said...

TWM said...
My one bright spot is knowing that the blue states are going to be the first to collapse. Public sector pensions are going to pop. California, Michigan, Ohio, New York, etc.

I wouldn't get too comfortable. When the states go bankrupt the feds will bail them out. As the lefty state economies deteriorate more and more of that baliout funding is going to come from the red states.

Palladian said...

Seven and I never set a wager, but I bet that if Obama loses the popular vote while winning the Electoral College, there would be a lot of calls from the right to abolish the Electoral College.

He said that it wouldn't happen.

Looks like we might find out.

Interesting. From informal personal discussions, though, none of my liberal friends have any idea how the electoral college system works, and they're all (with one exception) against it. All of my (admittedly few) conservative friends understand it and all think it's the best system.

But politicians thrive upon ignorance, so I'm sure someone can get a bunch of right-wingers whipped up about it, just as the left did in 2000.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Oh Meth, I'm glad you are back to your "normal" self,

The last time Ellie spoke to me she asked me were I was from, after I responded, she never addressed me again... despite my repeated attempts.

But, I'm the conservative hateful one... so i guess i have it coming.

mz said...

Now that the election is over Ann, perhaps you can go back to teaching? You are, after all, a professor at a public university. Regardless of what Palladian says, you work at a public institution, and the facilities you use and most definitely part of your compensation is taxpayer-based. Stop taking pretty pictures and making wrong political predictions and get you ass back in the classroom!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But CA does love them some unions. Must be good for the economy. NOT

As membership in them declined so did middle class wages. And the middle class itself.

If you think that you've got a viable economy at the expense of any growth for the middle class, then we'll just have to keep disagreeing.

Anonymous said...

I bet Garage is at Tammy's victory celebration, lucky dog!!


Sprezzatura said...


Do you agree that the west coast is the best place to watch these things?

There's no way I'd be hanging around for this stuff after midnight.

Palladian said...

Inga is on a roll. The soft strikes sometimes land the most ouchy.

Every comment made by Inga hurts. A lot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm in favor of keeping the electoral college. I like the fact that presidents have to compete in a few "battleground" states. But I do think that the corruption and partisan rulemaking we allow when it comes to how each state runs elections and counts votes is an absolute disgrace.

Let them continue having winner-take-all by state, but for God's sake, standardize the system for voting and vote-counting and make it as transparent as possible.

Anonymous said...

Lemmy, ,what are you talking about, do you think I don't like you because of where you are from? That's silly, I adore you, silly man!

john said...

The cries to do away with the electoral college have nearly always been from Dems. We don't know how the popular vote will end up, but it's apparently close enough for the Associated Press to worry that the "legitimacy" of the electoral win tonight will be questioned - by the wrong people.

LoafingOaf said...

Poor Althouse really believed all that propaganda on the right and thought it would be a huge night for Romney. When it didn't happen she stormed off in a huff. Tomorrow she'll act like she doesn't care, but we know she thought there was a silent majority that would storm to the polls to save America from the Obamanation. LOL

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

What was that line?

We all have it coming?

Something like that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not over 'til the speeches.

We all know how much you all love Obama speeches. ;-)

chickelit said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
Well, some things never change all that much, Chick.

But it does seem that they're finally starting to figure out just how much money it wastes to keep the death penalty. There's hope for them yet!

Not sure I see that Ritmo. Actually, keeping the death penalty is morally consistent with the state's love of unfettered abortion.

What they don't see is that prison is so expensive because the guards earn far more than teachers.

Anonymous said...

Comeon Palladian, I thought we were compatico now that we discovered that we use the same delicious Belgian chocolate.

bagoh20 said...

"Go Galt"

Not necessary. Over spending and taxation has the exact same effect anyway. We will be last standing though, but you? Well, we promise to be nicer than you were.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I, merely, hope Althouse feels for the SEALS she not in direction killed (BUT FER CHRISSAKES DID NOT MURDER AS THEY ARE PRONE TO PROCLAIM) and who were, human.

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Oh Meth, I'm glad you are back to your "normal" self, I was worried about you there for a minute, thought you might commit suicide or something. The meds will help, take a few pills extra tonight.

Why would I commit suicide. I'm not a fatalist. I try to be an optimist, if not rely on my pragmatism to carry my through things. You know, I'm not even angry that Urkel won. Know why? Because he won with a minority of votes, got zero mandate, and will have an even tougher time getting anything done. He will be starting from scratch. However, I'm sure that Medvedev has already relayed to Putin how flexible Obama will be for them. And probably China too.

If you thought Obama bowing was something to behold, I suspect his wrists and his ankles are going to get an awesome workout.

Palladian said...

Let them continue having winner-take-all by state, but for God's sake, standardize the system for voting and vote-counting and make it as transparent as possible.

Good fucking luck. Everything is, unfortunately, gamed by both parties in one way or another, and isn't going change.

Palladian said...

Comeon Palladian, I thought we were compatico now that we discovered that we use the same delicious Belgian chocolate.

All my barbs come topped with delicious Belgian chocolate, remember that.

test said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
Well Marshall, I respond to what I hear. If someone wants to be high-minded, I'll respond in kind. If they don't, then I shouldn't either. It's called reciprocity - look into it.

Funny. Note the order of those comments. You're treated like an asshole because you choose to be one. Reciprocity: look into it.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Lemmy, ,what are you talking about, do you think I don't like you because of where you are from? That's silly, I adore you, silly man!

After I told you were I was from you have avoided my gaze like the plague... even after I keep responding to you your snark over and over.

I may not like you but I love a good snark...

Synova said...

"Let them continue having winner-take-all by state, but for God's sake, standardize the system for voting and vote-counting and make it as transparent as possible."

Yeah... like liberals are going to work on reform when it comes to voting. It's too useful to hate conservatives every time they suggest there is a problem. There is no fraud, Ritmo. It's all a code-word for wanting to suppress the vote.

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