October 16, 2012

Live-blogging the second Obama vs. Romney debate.

7:14 Central Time: Setting up this post, I say "I'm so psyched for this debate!" And Meade says "I think you ought to lower your expectations. I think they will both look good, both look presidential, and there won't be any real change because of this debate." Perhaps. But I think it will have an effect... not because I think Obama has a way to change his image back into something we will love, but because we'll see Romney again, and that seemed to work last time, as people saw that he is not the villain the Obama campaigned tried to make us think he is.

7:33: Someone just asked me what I think will happen, and I said "I think Obama will try to be different, but not that different, because that would be phony. And Romney has the advantage of knowing if he just acts like the person he really is, it will work as a striking contrast to the way the O campaign has portrayed him, which is really what happened last time. I think that will happen again. But O will be more alert and engaged so it won't be so horrible." That's my prediction, anyway. What do you think?

7:57: I'm looking at the gathered throng of "undecided" voters. I don't feel confident that they're really undecided. And I think the moderator, Candy Crowley, favors Obama. But that's the way it always is. The Republican must overcome the disadvantage. ADDED: We're told by CNN's Erin Burnett that these supposedly "undecided" voters "in 2008, overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama." But they are "dead even split" in this election.

8:08: Both Romney and Obama jump on this poor Epstein kid who's going to college and wants  to be able to get a job. Both candidates talk about their economic plans generally. They are both wired. Obama is particularly intense. He wants everyone to know he is awake and alive. I don't know if he can keep that up or if we can take it. Crowley calls Romney "Romley."

8:13: The second question, with Obama going first, is about gas prices, and Obama launches into alternative energy, which seems quite unlikely to help people struggling with the gas prices. This is a great opening for Romney. Romney talks about how oil drilling on federal lands has been reduced under Obama.  R is for more drilling and clean coal, and he makes that clear. Candy invites Obama to respond and he accuses Romney of getting the facts wrong. Obama is for oil drilling and even coal plants. Romney, getting his turn, asks Obama a direct question, and both men try to control this time. There's back and forth bickering, and Romney ends up in control of the floor. The tension is extreme!

8:22: Obama says gas prices were lower when he took office because the economy was on the verge of collapse. He's not taking any responsibility for what gas prices are now. In fact, he's kind of taking credit.

8:23: Romney is able to stay relaxed while dominating. Crowley and Obama both seem cranked up and stressed.

8:25: A question about taxes. Romney is clear and focused. Obama's over there on the chair, hunkered down, crouching, oddly. Hey, Jaltcoh is live-blogging. Check it out.

8:31: "Governor Romney, I'm sure you have an answer," Crowley almost snarks. Her bias shows. She prompts Obama, suggesting the substance of the answer. Now, this doesn't really help Obama. It makes Romney look more dominant, and we get the impression that Obama needs a boost. It's actually patronizing.

8:34: When Obama speaks, Romney doesn't go back and sit down. He stands there, eyeing Obama, who seems desperate. Obama yammers quickly in a high, strained voice. I can't believe this is making the people in the audience feel connected and confident.

8:37: Why does Obama go back to the chair? Does he need the rest?

8:37: Romney sits down when an audience member speaks. Obama gets a softball question about women not making as much money as men. Obama repeats a story we've heard before, about his grandmother's career. He tells us about the Lily Ledbetter law, the first law he signed. Romney talks about work he did as Governor. He wanted women in his cabinet and initiated a search and found "binders full of women." He promotes flexible work schedules and generally strengthening the economy, which will help women. When it's Obama's turn, he brings up Lily Ledbetter again, then switches to health care.

8:45: A woman brings up Bush. She's afraid of Republicans because they remind her of Bush. Romney has a 5-point plan — all 5 points differentiate him from Bush. "President Bush had a very different path for a very different time."

8:53: Another question — why did they pick this? — about the stagnant economy. The man basically says: I don't feel so good.  Obama rattles off a lot of economic points. I think they picked this question because it gave Obama a chance to show warmth and caring. [ADDED: But Obama didn't take the opportunity. Not that Romney did.]

9:09: Crowley calls on someone named "Carrie" and Obama does a "Hi, Carrie" that sounds gentle and it's obvious he thinks it's a female. But it's a big old guy. "Cary," presumably. And he's got the Libya question. Uh-oh.

9:10: Obama's answer on Libya is all material he's said before. Nothing updated to deal with the newest revelations. Same old talking points. Investigate. Track down the criminals. Romney politicized it. "I am ultimately responsible"... that's new.

9:12: Romney acknowledges that Obama took responsibility "for the failure."

9:16: Obama, yelling, says it's "offensive" to suggest that anyone on his "team" would "play politics." "That's not what we do," he says, making eye contact with Romney, but then he breaks eye contact and looks down. Check the video on this. It's a moment.

9:19: Romney, in command, questions Obama about what he said the day after the attack in the Rose Garden. "You said it was an act of terror?" Romney asks twice. After the first time, Obama says "That's what I said." After the second time, Romney gives him a penetrating look. There's a pause. Romney raises his eyebrows in a way that seems to repeat the question again. "It was not a spontaneous demonstration? Is that what you're saying?" Obama bows his head. His eyes are closed. Obama looks up and with a little smile says: "Please proceed Governor." Romney gestures with his hand. "I wanted to make sure we get that for the record, because it took the President 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi and act of terror." Obama says "Get the transcript," and Crowley helps Obama by saying "He did in fact, sir... He did in fact call it an act of terror. It did as well take 2 weeks or so for the whole idea of there being a riot out there about this tape to come out, you're correct about that." Jeez, Crowley is way overparticipating! And the audience applauds her!

9:20: Romney got tripped up on a little detail there, so his theatrical presentation fizzled in the end. He stuttered a bit. He should have had the preparation for that moment nailed. Obama lucked out. [ADDED: We're checking the transcript on the Rose Garden speech and the word "terror" (or "terrorist" or "terrorism") is not in it! Am I wrong? That really tripped up Romney, so if he wasn't wrong, I condemn Crowley.][AND: He said "outrageous attack," but certainly nothing like "act of terror."][ALSO: The word "terror" does appear in the full transcript of the remarks, as opposed to the written statement, but not in the context of characterizing the attack in Benghazi, in a more general reference, quoted at 10:21 below. The answer to Romney's question "You said it was an act of terror?" was clearly no, and when Obama bowed his head and looked down, I think he knew he was being deceitful. I imagine he thought: This is what I have to say.]

9:21: Gun control. Obama's talking about the Aurora shootings. He wants "a comprehensive strategy" that includes getting "into these communities and making sure we catch violent impulses before they occur."

9:22: Romney stresses the 2-parent family in response to the gun control question, then shifts to a Fast & Furious presentation. He'd "like to understand" what happened.

9:44: I've gotten behind in the recording after getting distracted by that "act of terror" business. And now, I'm so outraged at Crowley's intrusion to make an incorrect assertion to side with Obama that I can barely pay attention to the rest of this. (But I will keep going and get to the remainder of the material.)

9:47: Obama interrupts Romney — who's talking about competition with China — and he has been interrupting throughout the evening.

9:48: The last question is: "What is the biggest misperception people have about you as a man and as a candidate?" Romney says "his passion" flows from his belief in God. He also ticks through his resume again, which isn't responsive to the question. Ignoring the question is kind of the theme of the night.

9:51: Obama's turn. People think he believes that government creates jobs. "That's not what I believe. I believe in individual initiative."

9:52: Obama brings up the 47% remark, while it's his turn and he's speaking last. Romney can't answer! But Obama didn't make much of it. He said "47%" but didn't dramatize the idea in a memorable way.

9:54: "The most rancorous debate ever" — says the CBS announcer.  Presidential debates are changed forever, we're told.

10:03: It's bizarre to think of all the pre-debate commentary about how the town hall format is used to reach out to the individuals in the audience and demonstrate the human connection! It must have been a surreal experience for these poor folks.

10:21: The phrase "acts of terror" does appear in the Rose Garden remarks at one point: "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for." But as Patrick Brennan says at NRO: "One could take that as a reference to acts which include the tragedy in Benghazi, obviously, but there was clearly no effort made to label it an act of terrorism. One reason why this might be: According to U.S. law, acts of terrorism are premeditated. The Obama administration’s line for days following Obama’s Rose Garden statement suggested that the attack wasn’t premeditated." Obama's supporters may want to say this is enough. I don't think so. But what is certainly plain is that Crowley's manipulation of the event was unjustifiable. The bias from the moderator tonight was disgusting. But I'm sure it was worth it to her to squander her reputation to help Obama out of what was a very uncomfortable jam.

10:27: Here's the transcript.  Sorry I didn't write anything about the immigration discussion. It's all there in the transcript.

10:37: Even though Romney's big moment got deflated, I think the focus now will be on what exactly is in that transcript, and hair-splitting about "No acts of terror will ever shake" isn't likely to sound compelling, especially as it becomes an occasion for focusing on the 2 weeks of lies/nonsense about the nonexistent demonstrations and the "Innocence of Muslims" video. There's a controversy over what Obama said, and even if there is one way to wriggle out of it, it forces us to spend time on the statements made about the attack, and this should hurt Obama. Whoever "wins" the debate, there's the post-debate discourse, and that must be won too.

10:53: Thanks to all the commenters for keeping the flow of opinion going on the second, third, and fourth pages. I haven't had the time to get in there and read things yet, but I wanted to express my appreciation for your contributions and my pleasure at being able to provide a place where people can talk.


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Pastafarian said...

Did he just say he wants to reintroduce the assault weapons ban?

Because that's not a very smart thing to say politically.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck66 said...

Most left wing Democrats I know don't care about true "assualt rifles" or AK47s. They want a total ban on firearms.

"My hometown of Chicago"? Actually you are from Indonesia. Not Chicago. You were the same age when you moved from Indonesia as Biden was when he moved from Scranton.

clint said...

Did Obama really call it an act of terrorism on the day of the attack?

Candy seems quite certain on that.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm still stuck back there wondering how in the world Romney blew the Libya thing so badly.

Seeing Red said...

--:16: Obama, yelling, says it's "offensive" to suggest that anyone on his "team" would "play politics." --

It's offensive he went back to sleep then went out and raised $$$$.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

4 weeks of "It was the video"
from all corners of this administration.

bagoh20 said...

So you really think he didn't present the attack as a mob reaction to the video? He may have used the word "terrorist", but we all know what he said, and frankly I don't want our people treated as expendable resources that can be buried with parsed words. It is disrespectful to those lives lost to let that lie slide.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Inga isn't angry at all, Romney screwed up, trying so hard to smear Obama, he doesn't care about answers.

It was Obama that was angry, good for him.

furious_a said...

Q: What are you going to do about assault weapons?
Prez: Send them to Mexico.

Hagar said...

This is BS from both of them.

What I heard was a simple question asking who denied the additional security asked for (I think that really was asked for in Tripoli - everybody is muddying that up!), and neither of them is responsive to the question asked.

And Romney is not doing well with the riot/attack dispute either.

jr565 said...

Yes - fast and furious bitches. Fuck you Obama.

wyo sis said...

Obama has nothing to be proud of with his mishandling of the Middle East. It's too bad Romney didn't handle that better. But that doesn't change what happened.
A lost opportunity.

JustJohn said...

For Inga and others

Statement by the President on the Attack in Benghazi
I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America’s commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.

I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.

transcript!!! do you see terror in here?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Romney didn't forget Fast and Furious.

Candy to the rescue.

Seeing Red said...

Awwww, poor Barry, why should he be angry? Some voters aren't buying the lie about the video?

Shouting Thomas said...

Romney recovers to beat on Fast & Furious.

Tim said...

Pastafarian said...

"Did he just say he wants to reintroduce the assault weapons ban?

Because that's not a very smart thing to say politically."

Listening now.

And keeping automatic weapons out of the hands of Americans.

...as if that wasn't already the law.

The man is an idiot.

wyo sis said...

Change the topic from Fast and Furious which IS an important issue to mass murders with assault weapons which IS NOT.
Great work Candy. NOT

edutcher said...

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm still stuck back there wondering how in the world Romney blew the Libya thing so badly.

I don't think he did. Let Zero run off at the mouth at let the post-game show bring up all the lies.

I think Romney wants Zero to hang himself.

In the process he's letting Bigfoot hang herself, too, but, if he makes too big a deal of it, he gets called a whiner.

Bob Ellison said...

I'm done. Fifteen minutes left, presumably, and the moderator and questioners have given up the pretense. This thing is a joke. Obama won by an electoral knockout.

Film tomorrow.

Chuck66 said...

Barry's zinger didn't work. Mitt Romney is no John Kerry.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I'm still stuck back there wondering how in the world Romney blew the Libya thing so badly..

He would have to point to the parsing they do and that takes time because its in the details.

Shouting Thomas said...


That's what I remember, too.

How did Romney blow that interchange?

He invited Obama and Crowley to contradict him. What was that all about?

bagoh20 said...

"I'm still stuck back there wondering how in the world Romney blew the Libya thing so badly"

He never expected Obama to lie so obviously, and now it has to be dredged up the way to the election. Including next debate. He could have put Obama down better, but then it would be over for the rest of the election. Winning!

edutcher said...

The Romster should still flatten Crowley.

God, what a disgrace!

Synova said...

Romney said that automatic weapons are illegal... which I think is true.

So what are they talking about? Hello Kitty AR-15s?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

back to teachers again?

wyo sis said...

So Obama thinks he has to push back. And he goes on to make NO POINT at all.

JohnJ said...

Terrific debate, I think--much to my surprise, given the format.

I do think Romney is getting the better of the President, both on substance and style.

Pastafarian said...

Rambling...what the he'll was that?

Anonymous said...

Mittens is shaky now - too bad - he had a lot of momentum going. He let Obama back in. It'll be a draw now.

clint said...


When Obama said that it's offensive to suggest that anyone in his administration would play politics with the issue...

A simple "Yes it is." from Romney would have been devastating.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, there was a moment when Romney asked 3 or 4 times for Obama to take a look at his pension to prove it has offshore accounts, irritating Obama.

Obama responded he doesn't look at his pension and it wouldn't take nearly as long because he's not so rich.

I saw a glimmer of that Marxist core. He's probably hated 'rich people; all of his life, starting with that Commie mommy.

virgil xenophon said...

Romney whiffed on the Fast & Furious issue--seems unsure of the facts. Could have hit it out of the park, what a missed opportunity--all he did was cloud the issue..

Shouting Thomas said...

"Trickle down government has never worked here!"

That's good!

He's being somewhat honest about the reason for offshoring, which is low overhead.

Titus said...

Althouse, your views on this debate are about the biggest bunch of shit I have ever read you writing.

You really are desperate for hits.

Obama sucked last debate.

Mitt sucked this debate.

Be honest you fucking hack.

JustJohn said...

How did Obama go from Fast and Furious and assault weapons to community colleges?

He has no record to stand on.

Peter said...

The guy's name was "Kerry". Which is indeed often a woman's name, but it's pronounced completely differently from "Carrie". Especially on Long Island.

Nick Carter M. said...

Titus you are wrong.

wildswan said...

Obama did not call it a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden

wyo sis said...

Make America the most attractive place in the world to do business!
Out of the park!

Nora said...

Obama, yelling, says it's "offensive" to suggest that anyone on his "team" would "play politics."

Really so what is their game then? Leading for behind?

Gahrie said...

When Obama said that it's offensive to suggest that anyone in his administration would play politics with the issue...

A simple "Yes it is." from Romney would have been devastating.

I thought exactly the same thing.....

Oso Negro said...

Thomas, Romney invited Obama to contradict him because he knew that what Obama was saying isn't so. Obama said he was calling it terrorism the day after the attack. But the day after the attack the Obama team was talking video. Romney did it for emphasis.

wyo sis said...

Romney missed some opportunities. That's too bad. I wish he'd done a better job of holding O accountable for his failures.

Alex said...

So Gov Romney how exactly are you going to STOP outsourcing of American jobs to China?

The real answer is nothing will ever stop it. Outsourcing is a force of nature.

John said...

Argh. Fully Automatic weapons are NOT illegal to own. You just have to purchase the ATF Tax stamp before taking ownership of the weapon. Romney blew the 2A questions, which is troubling given his interview American Rifleman (The NRA monthly magazine)where he seemed to hold the conversative view of firearm ownership.

Croppy Boy said...

Checked the Rose Garden video on the whitehouse.gov site. Romney correct O and his sugar babe wrong

Anonymous said...

He said outrageous attack. He did not say terror though.

jr565 said...

He didn't even respond to fast and furious. Fuck you Obama.
And no adding teachers does not grow an economy. It doesn't mean it's not necessarily a good idea to do so but it does not grow an economy.neither does adding money to education. How many people are out of work now who's haven't found jobs just graduated. Are they contributing to the economy? NO, they're looking for work. They need a functioning economy to find jobs. Education might get more skilled workers allowing them to get higher paying jobs, but they are not the creators of jobs or expanders of economies in and of themselves.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Obama did not call it a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden

He talked about a video for weeks.

Alex said...

Even if Romney only gets a slight "win" from this debate that's fine considering he's surging in the polls prior to it. Obama needed to land a knockout blow and he couldn't.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Candy is lying to protect Obama in front of a fawning democrat audience.

wyo sis said...

Obama is on the ropes on the economy.

clint said...

Romney is playing the timer game -- "Let me not stop there" right as his last five seconds run out.


Alex said...

Notice no response about why he was fund-raising during the Benghazi attacks and no response about Fast & Furious.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I believe in Romney's phoniness.

We all should.

bagoh20 said...

Soooo, The President lied about the Rose Garden statement, and the "moderator" backe his lie up. Nice - real nice. It takes two liberal to to fight one businessman, and they still get beat.

pm317 said...

Can't believe Obama lied blatantly about calling it a terror attack in Rose garden. Can't believe Candy stepped in to prop him up.

jrberg3 said...

Candy is so in the tank for Obama it's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Titus....what a tool. Mittens killed Obama in this debate until the botched Libya exchange. Last debate will finish your man and you'll move to Venezuela.

JustJohn said...

Obama just sounds so desperate. Romney sounds measured and confident.

sane_voter said...

Obama fuckin lied about his statement regarding the Benghazi attack as a terrorist attack.


Here is the official transcript:

Statement by the President on the Attack in Benghazi
I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.

I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.

On a personal note, Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States. Throughout the Libyan revolution, he selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi. As Ambassador in Tripoli, he has supported Libya's transition to democracy. His legacy will endure wherever human beings reach for liberty and justice. I am profoundly grateful for his service to my Administration, and deeply saddened by this loss.

The brave Americans we lost represent the extraordinary service and sacrifices that our civilians make every day around the globe. As we stand united with their families, let us now redouble our own efforts to carry their work forward.

Nora said...

I stopped watching, Obama shouts too much. I guess it will be painful to listen to this as well.

At this point I think Obama is passe, but who knows - with media in overdrive everything is still possible.

clint said...

Obama wants to lower the corporate tax rate? When did that happen?

Brad said...

Crowley is running interference for Obama.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

wait a minute did Obama just sign on to a version of the 47%?

he just said those jobs are never coming back.

I'll take facts, hold the narrative said...

What does Obama know about engineers.

He never took a science class after High SChool.

Shouting Thomas said...

Tomorrow, the video of the President in the Rose Garden will be replayed a thousand times.

Won't work out well for the President. At least, I don't think so.

ALH said...

"government does not create jobs"

Damn right.

Lyssa said...

What a stupid question to save for last.

Seeing Red said...

He knows engineers don't build things. Or design things.

Lyle said...

Obama totally failed at the gun violence thing in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

sane_voter got there first.

Did Obama really call it an act of terrorism on the day of the attack?

Obama only called it an "attack," and an "outrageous and shocking attack," then promised to work with the Libyan government "to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people."

Then he went into the "We reject efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others." Then he said, "But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts."

Obama never mentions that it was a military attack or a terrorist attack. He only mentions once towards the end that "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation..."

In now way did Obama explain that the attack on Ambassador Stevens et al. was a military-style terrorist attack. The impression he presented was that a riot based on the Muhammad video had gotten out of hand and led to the killings. Otherwise, why bring up denigration religious beliefs.

The discussion moved too quickly for Romney to catch Obama out, and of course, Candy was no help.

Inga, it would be nice if you would back your claims up.

515 said...


"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

Point - Obama

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Does anyone here really think Romney's winning this?

I know, you're too biased to give an honest answer. But the starry, gauzy-eyed look on Romney's face really seems to convey adoration and wistfulness.

Romney's reactions and Obama's skillful, informative rhetorical points really seem to have made the governor his bitch.

Romney is trying to pull off compassion and toughness at the same time, and it's fucking up his programming. He can't do it. He doesn't mean it. The two software sets are incompatible in his hard drive.

Enjoy watching your robo-candidate's wave fall.

B said...

Shouting Thomas, Virgil, and others:

Consider the subject of the next debate and that more damning information is likely to come out before then. If I were Romney, I'd give the impression that I'd be soft on F&F and Libya, and beat Obama senseless with them in the last debate when Romney isn't bound to answer audience questions.

By the way, I also think Romney anticipated Crowley. He is handling her as well as could be expected. 4 years from now, when some democrat tries to set up partisan moderation in the debates, President Romney have clout enough to set the terms. And it won't be journalists moderating.

515 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wyo sis said...

Comeback Romney!

Anonymous said...

Obama also did not say a word about any video in the Rose Garden.

515 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ALH said...

Romney looking very human and caring on the last question. Home run.

The ladies should like that.

Shouting Thomas said...

Effective closing by Romney.

clint said...

Shouting Thomas said...

Tomorrow, the video of the President in the Rose Garden will be replayed a thousand times.

Won't work out well for the President. At least, I don't think so.


Tag line: "Four weeks later. Still lying. America deserves better."

I'll take facts, hold the narrative said...

Obama says that he doesn't believe that government creates jobs????

Who is that pod person and where is Obama?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Romney looks flushed.

Remember, to you guys - image is everything.

Romney's image is pale, strained, and flustered.

This is the Romney of Republican cognitive dissonance.

THank you for showing up, Governor.

Gahrie said...

Can someone explain to me the president's plan to catch violent impluses before they occur? Because that would be a neat trick we should probably use in other places around the world...

Alex said...

Barry is a liar. He believes in government.

Shouting Thomas said...

Obama believes in free enterprise!

Everybody should have a fair shot.

The "fairness" issue is really where Obama fails in my opinion.

Obama gives the Diversity speech. Lawsuits and quotas.

Tim said...

Obama believes in none of this...but he knows some people are stupid enough to believe that he does.

Alex said...

Ritmo - Romney is surging in the polls. I can sense your utter panic.

Hagar said...

For Obama to talk of investing in new technology, etc., is not that a little dangerous ground for him to venture (word intended) out on?
That is what Romney used to do - successfully - and what Obama and his administration have proved themselves abysmal failures at.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Barry?.. the questioners name is Barry.. and his question was what was the candidates biggest misperception the public has of them?


clint said...

ALH said...

" Romney looking very human and caring on the last question. Home run.

The ladies should like that."

You know he was ready for that question last time. So much for the "Why didn't Obama attack on 47%" meme from last time.

wyo sis said...

Obama out there knocking down those strawmen!
Lame closing statement

Alex said...

Obama laying into Romney on the 47% comment. Devastating.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

GOod debate, though.

Oso Negro said...

Obama claims he believes in self reliance and individual initiative! Pinocchio meter pegs out!!!

sane_voter said...

Obama is a liar. Everyone knows it now.

KCFleming said...

The Crowley help to Oabama on the word 'terror' makes me strongly suspect collusion between them.

Ben said...

Just wanted to thank ABC for putting Obama's talking points on screen throughout the debate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Moby,

The pre-debate polls actually don't have anything with debate performance.

Apparently you are too flustered to comprehend the concept of time right now.

Maybe later.

Anonymous said...

Obama did well, appeared presidential, Romney appeared desperate, too eager to get in too many talking points.

Original Mike said...

"Romney's reactions and Obama's skillful, informative rhetorical points really seem to have made the governor his bitch."

Sure glad you only get one vote.

You are only going to vote once, right?

Synova said...

"Does anyone here really think Romney's winning this?"

How can I tell? I'm not undecided and neither are you.

I usually think that Romney sounds whiny. But I don't listen that often to Obama and I think that he sounds whinier. And he sounds whiniest when he pretends to explain what Romney really thinks.

bagoh20 said...

I don't think Obama really believes in capitalism, or even understands it well, but if you agree with him that its' the greatest engine for prosperity, then I would expect that you would prefer someone with some experience in the subject.

I'll take that as Obama endorsing Romney.

janetrae said...

Inga -- Malarkey. Of course the President referred to the video in his remarks: "While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, . . ." (what is that, then, a reference to something offensive the Ambassador did to make them kill him?) So did Hilary in her remarks.

Seeing Red said...

-- too eager to get in too many talking points.--

There are a lot of talking points and he doesn't get a lot of chances - see Candy.

Anonymous said...

Obama also did not say a word about any video in the Rose Garden.

Inga: He went directly from the attacks to "We reject efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others."

What bearing does that have on a highly-coordinated, large, military attack with RPGs?

There is no way to understand that as anything other than an allusion to the video.

And everyone herre knows how often you kept bleating about the video as a cause of violence.

jr565 said...

O Ritmo wrote:
I know, you're too biased to give an honest answer.

is that meant as satire?

Anonymous said...

Romney messed up twice BIG TIME, Benghazi and 47%.

Michael said...

Those were pretty dumb questions, actually.

Alex said...

Post-debate pundits are hailing Obama.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not undecided and neither are you.

I can read facial expressions.

Obama is confident. Romney is flushed.

When Obama slammed Romney for being to the right of Bush, that was a huge hit.

Romney is trying to convince the electorate that he's not the bitch of the right-wing base. But Obama won't allow it.

Have fun stepping around that.

wyo sis said...

At best a tie.
Romney did well, but stumbled.
Obama did well, but said nothing new.

Ben said...

Just wanted to thank ABC for putting Obama's talking points on screen throughout the debate.

Seeing Red said...

Foreign policy is the last one.

Ample targeting.

Alex said...

Inga - if Romney starts tanking in the polls I'll believe you.

Alex said...

ABC is disgusting with their post-debate fawning over Obama.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

OK. Easy win for Obama.

Mark said...

515, Inga, Ritmo, etc.:

The whole "Rose Garden Statement" thing will be very easy to put into very easy-to-understand commercials.

Statements where a single line (taken out of context) are used to refute the commercials will be harder to pull off effectively.

Meanwhile, everyone keeps their attention on Benghazi.

Sorry, friends, this doesn't work to Obama's advantage.

Two fatal flubs by Obama: $4 gas is a sign of a good economy; I said it was a terrorist attack, never mind the video.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't think Obama really believes...

And I, and most of the electorate don't think Romney really believes in anything.

But he does want the power to cut his own taxes.

THat's a great, if utterly narcissistic, reason for running for president. RIght?

Matt Sablan said...

Well... that was harsh.

Points to Romney for keeping up despite, again, being short on time.

janetrae said...

And, Inga -- It's nice to know the President actually managed to "appear presidential" -- Malarkey. More Malarkey.

Alex said...

A tie does not benefit Obama, he needed a Mike Tyson knockout.

Anonymous said...

I'd call it for Romney on points but it was close enough to say, no clear winner.

But Obama will continue to bleed from Benghazi and the debate will not help him there.

pm317 said...

That really tripped up Romney, so if he wasn't wrong, I condemn Crowley.]

Romney was shocked at the blatant lie and being ganged up on by the lying moderator even. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Romney also fell down on Immigration, Latino's won't vote for him.

Nora said...

Obama wants higher-payed manufacturing jobs?

These jobs need skills, that China and not the US can provide better. Does he realize how much the US education system has to change to supply skilled labor for higher paying manyfacturing jobs. Skilled labor is the only where there is still a shortage of supply.

edutcher said...

Crowley did what Martha Raddatz did, only more so.

Crowley actually lied for her Messiah to save him - and then changed the subject.

No more women moderators.

Suddenly, Jim Lehrer looks a whole lot better.

wyo sis said...

The biggest thing I remember is how Obama seems not to own his record. It's as if he thinks we don't remember it either.
He's not at all the new guy in town he wants to paint himself to be.

Alex said...

Romney did pretty good against a liberal moderator an 80% Democrat audience.

Bob Ellison said...

Where was the "who told Susan Rice to go on all five of the Sunday morning political shows and lie about what happened in Libya?" question?

There were lots of "I'm a stupid person, but I think I'd like a guy like Obama" questions.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama was informative, Romney was obfusatory.

And, Romney was rude - both to Obama and the moderator.

By extension, this shows rudeness to the voters.


Shouting Thomas said...

They duked it out pretty good.

As we saw from the last debate, the story line will be adjusted over the next week.

Alex said...

Inga - yes Romney won't promise shamnesty to illegal aliens. THus he can't win the Latino vote.

Palladian said...

Polish that knob, Ritmo!

Joshua R. Poulson said...

The word "terror" does appear in the full transcript: "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

But that statement is an denouement to the speech, not a central tenet.

I found the transcript here:

Michael K said...

Jabba the Hut, also known as Candy, was well into Soledad O'Brien territory most of the night. She was shameless but Romney did fine. Obama was better but, like Biden, lied outrageously and was not rebutted by Crowley. She also ran interference for Obama all night.

Alex said...

Ritmo is afflicted with cognitive dissonance as usual.

Meade said...

sane_voter said...
"Obama fuckin lied about his statement regarding the Benghazi attack as a terrorist attack."


Here is the official transcript:

Statement by the President on the Attack in Benghazi
I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.

I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.

On a personal note, Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States. Throughout the Libyan revolution, he selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi. As Ambassador in Tripoli, he has supported Libya's transition to democracy. His legacy will endure wherever human beings reach for liberty and justice. I am profoundly grateful for his service to my Administration, and deeply saddened by this loss.

The brave Americans we lost represent the extraordinary service and sacrifices that our civilians make every day around the globe. As we stand united with their families, let us now redouble our own efforts to carry their work forward.

10/16/12 9:33 PM

Good catch there, sane voter. Thanks.

Alex said...

Ritmo is an expert at knob polishing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Can anyone here answer one question:

What does Romney actually believe?

Take your time on that one. Romney now has forever to answer it.

Unknown said...

Romney did amazingly well in this, a few stumbles, but he was up against Obama, the Moderator, and a very left leaning set of questioners, and still came up ahead. Interesting to see how many of the people who asked questions are Democrat operative plants.

edutcher said...

One good thing comes out of this.

Anybody dependent of network news has finally heard about Libya and Fast&Furious.

Inga said...

Romney also fell down on Immigration, Latino's won't vote for him.

About half will.

And that's what Gallup says.

bagoh20 said...

"But he does want the power to cut his own taxes"

Yes, he does, and he does it by giving away more than you make in a lifetime.

But I'm sure you do your part too by paying lots of extra taxes just out of principle. You do follow your principles don't you?

Alex said...

You know about that 47%. Romney was right there. Why is it acceptable that an old person didn't save for his retirement and need a government check? Please explain me that one.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is a relationship-impaired loner accusing me of masturbation?

That's rich.

Matt Sablan said...

I think the problem is that Obama asserted he said a quote; where as Crowley inferred the meaning from what Obama said. I could see a generous reader reading that into Obama's statement, but Romney was also right: The exact quote was not in there.

Tim said...

"She also ran interference for Obama all night."

She's bigger than most fullbacks in the NFL.

Shanna said...

Just wanted to thank ABC for putting Obama's talking points on screen throughout the debate.


Obama did well in parts, Romney did well in parts.

Demeanor wise, Obama's yelling for help from Candy all the time was highly annoying to me, but then I'm biased. I'm sure it will be called for OBama, since I think the stories have already been written. There were definately points where Romeny could have done better, but personally I'd call it a draw.

NoraCharles said...

We still don't know who vetoed Ambassador Stevens' requests for additional security.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

So the question is who won?

bob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Crowley actually lied for her Messiah to save him - and then changed the subject

I think in the end that is going to come back and bite Obama hard. Too easy to just show the video, contrast it with the bald face lie, and end with text that goes something like "Four weeks of lying apparently wasn't enough for Obama."

Bruce Hayden said...

Post-debate pundits are hailing Obama.

Listened to Hannity and The Donald (Trump) today, and their prediction was that the "pundits" already had their "analysis" showing a big win for Obama written, and were just waiting to hit "send".

I think that most of us see what we want to see. I saw nothing that would indicate an Obama "win", and definitely not as decisive as he would need to turn things around. What I did see was "Biden Light" - which many had been expecting after the VP debates - the idea being that Biden could push the envelope, and then when Obama crossed the line, it would not seem as bad, and maybe even almost Presidential.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes, he does, and he does it by giving away more than you make in a lifetime.

But I'm sure you do your part too by paying lots of extra taxes just out of principle. You do follow your principles don't you?

One of my principles is using honest math.

Too bad you started the ball rolling again on huge deficits (and a huger financial crisis) that prevent you from doing that, eh?

khesanh0802 said...

I believe Romney is correct about the failure to identify the Benghazi attack as an act of terror. His comments in the Rose Garden were just boilerplate about not yielding to terrorism. His original statement implied that the video was the problem that instigated this "outrageous attack". It will be a draw because of MSM slant, but most damaging was the continuing reference to the video, when every one knew better. If O was so sure it was a terrorist attack why did his mouthpiece (Susan Rice) sell it as bring the video's fault. What was wrong with her intelligence.

Synova said...

So... how about the times Obama tried to tell the moderator how to do her job.

Does that go over well?

edutcher said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Obama was informative, Romney was obfusatory.

Wrong on both counts.

And the word is obfuscatory.

Tim said...

"What does Romney actually believe?"

That Barack Obama is a terrible president, that America doesn't have to settle for a terrible president, and that America can do better with Romney as president.

LilyBart said...

If Obama's team thought it was a Terror attack from the start, why did they send Susan Rice out to say otherwise several days later?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama is a liar on so many issues. It's just gross.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, I'm not particularly concerned with what Romney believes.

I'm interested in his competence as an executive.

The major job of the next president is financial management. Responding to reality at the moment is the essence of financial management.

Matt Sablan said...

I really think Crowley said it was time to move on way too often when Romney was hitting Obama hard. Particularly on Obama's pension dollars in China and the Caymans. That would be -brutal- to hear said if true, but she just moved on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Make sure you get the blog comments spell-check function down.

It's probably the most useful role you can offer here.

bagoh20 said...

Romney was also right in the big confrontation over drilling permits. In fact, it was even worse than what Romney accused him of, and Obama denied it. Obama really relied on lies when in trouble. It's gonna be a great week.

Alex said...

Look Romney is pretty much a RINO. Why Ritmo is so panicked about him being POTUS is beyond me.

Chip Ahoy said...

The hate I have for that guy burns with heat of a thousand suns.

That's some hyperbole I picked up from a comic book, sorry, it lodged decades ago and comes out in immature moments.

But you know what I love with the warmth of fine Corinthian leather? NFL team wallets from Amazon, that's what. I just got mine. The other one died in the wash. I'm team unaffiliated and mine has a star and says COWBOYS. Sweet. They're the only wallets on Amazon that get straight 5 stars. Turns out reviews are mostly about gifts. Reviewers report receivers were properly well chuffed with their excellent team wallet. So I bought two and had one sent to team-affiliated person here in town. They let you say something on a note so I said, go ahead and regift it, take the credit if you don't want this yourself, see if I care. Available with the ease of one-click shopping through the Althouse-Amazon portal.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm interested in his competence as an executive.

Liars are notoriously competent at making you think they're competent, while making sure they get off the sinking ship while the abandonment's good.

Enjoy. Make sure Romney gives you a lifeboat as good as he'd push ahead of you to get into first.

Shouting Thomas said...

Is a relationship-impaired loner accusing me of masturbation?

Ritmo makes an ass out of himself, as usual.

Alex said...

Obama is not only a liar, he relied on Crowley to bail him out over and over. We really need to rethink these "debates". Make them do it like Lincoln/Douglas. A railroad tour.

Synova said...

"Can anyone here answer one question:

What does Romney actually believe?

Take your time on that one. Romney now has forever to answer it.

Since you think he lies, your question itself is dishonest. Of course Obama spent a great deal of time letting us know what Romney believes. So maybe you should just go by Obama's campaign commercials.

Mark said...

Alex, you're right: if Romney were a Democrat he'd pretty much be Bill Clinton, policy-wise.

Probably wouldn't have to worry about the interns as much...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama is a baby.
He had his Candy there to help him. Pathetic.

bagoh20 said...

I agree with Ritmo! "Obfusatory" is a better word.

Seeing Red said...

--Liars are notoriously competent at making you think they're competent, while making sure they get off the sinking ship while the abandonment's good.---

Hope & Change, BABY!

Shouting Thomas said...

Abandon all hope when Ritmo shows up at the bottom of a comments thread.

Here we go with his one and only tactic...

Restate his opponent's ideas in the most radical, extreme manner, then proceed to do battle with the fantasized strawman.

_Jim said...

Didn’t say ‘terror’
Only need to check the WH transcripts ..

jr565 said...

If Obama said it was an act of terror, why then did Susan rice come out and say it wasn't that it was a response to a movie. Why did Obama appear on the view, and when asked if it was an act of terror say they were still looking into it.

And why did we have a whole conversation here on althouse talking about the movie in question, if Obama and co. said it was an act of terror and not about the movie.
Remember Inga, on these boards blaming the filmmaker for inciting violence. Why did we have that conversation if Oama and co were, from day one talking about it as an act of terror?

Frankly, if that we're the case, the issue if the video would never have come up in any context.
Nor would Obama be talking about respecting the religions of others at the UN.

Alex said...

Romney is Clinton without the blowjobs.

I'll take facts, hold the narrative said...

The question about AK-47s.

Romney should have said that Obama wants to deny you the opportunity to defend your home and family while his administration is send weapons to outlaws and drug gangs in Mexico. Actions that are a technical act of war.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, Romney is the very definition of a RINO.

Alex said...

Obama just wrote another commercial with his lie about Benghazi.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama is not only a liar, he relied on Crowley to bail him out over and over.

Lol. Apparently asking the moderator how much time the opponent would be allowed to steal and filibuster from what was allotted to him is a form of "bail out".

You obviously don't know the meaning of playing fairly by the rules.

ANd neither does ROmney.

Titus said...

I love watching Anne Romney mingle with the common man. She hates them and is disgusted by them trying to touch her and I love her for her visibly agitated facial response.

She's a major diva.

edutcher said...

Well, I think Ahhhnold finally dug the Establishment Media's grave tonight.

O Ritmo Segundo said...


Make sure you get the blog comments spell-check function down.

It's probably the most useful role you can offer here.

No, I'm more than happy to be also part of the throng calling Ritmo on his many lies.

Shouting Thomas said...

If Obama didn't say the word "terror" in the Rose Garden, the aftermath of this debate will be a disaster for him.

Bryan said...

I love how this Cary fellow questioner plugged his place of work, awesome!

Alex said...

I mean to me Romney weaseled about outsourcing, not telling the audience the real reason for it. Our education system horribly sucks and we don't produce enough IT workers, engineers, scientists. What can be magically done to turn that around in 8 years? Nothing.

Hagar said...

I think a slight edge for Romney.

Obama is not a "come-back kid."

Synova said...

"Look Romney is pretty much a RINO. Why Ritmo is so panicked about him being POTUS is beyond me."

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Shanna said...

Liars are notoriously competent at making you think they're competent

Then why is Obama so, so bad at it?

bagoh20 said...

"Is a relationship-impaired loner accusing me of masturbation? "

Are you denying it? No wonder you think Obama did well.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

CHANGE: THE NEW YORK OBSERVER ENDORSES ROMNEY. “The Observer endorses Mr. Romney’s candidacy and urges readers to support him. Four years ago, Barack Obama captured the imagination of many Americans with his thrilling message of change. Given the challenges confronting the president—two raging wars and an unprecedented global economic collapse—the desire for a quick fix was unrealistic. America supported that candidate (as did this newspaper), but his presidency, so filled with promise and potential, has failed to deliver the change America needs.”

Does this mean that Romney has become respectable in Manhattan? Well, probably, and this may be the key: “The president comes to town on a Monday, takes our money, shakes our hands and tells us how much he values the CEOs and innovators of New York. And then on Tuesday, he turns around and refers to business leaders as fat cat bankers whose success was created by the sweat of others. That’s not a friend. That’s not a leader. That’s a politician. . . . While we admire Mr. Obama, we believe he squandered an opportunity to bring positive change to Washington—and what change he did bring will burden future generations. We continue to rack up debt, buy services we cannot afford and allow unfunded liabilities to continue to grow. This has to end.”

Alex said...

Ritmo - yeah Alinsky defined what fair play is all about.

Shouting Thomas said...

Play the videotape from the Rose Garden, guys!

That will be the story that comes out of this debate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here we go with his one and only tactic...

Restate his opponent's ideas in the most radical, extreme manner, then proceed to do battle with the fantasized strawman.

AKA: Awwwww.... I'm so BUTTHURT that Romney's microscopic sense of honesty can't be combed over with a fine-toothed comb to see where it actually exists.

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