7:14 Central Time: Setting up this post, I say "I'm so psyched for this debate!" And Meade says "I think you ought to lower your expectations. I think they will both look good, both look presidential, and there won't be any real change because of this debate." Perhaps. But I think it will have an effect... not because I think Obama has a way to change his image back into something we will love, but because we'll see Romney again, and that seemed to work last time, as people saw that he is not the villain the Obama campaigned tried to make us think he is.
7:33: Someone just asked me what I think will happen, and I said "I think Obama will try to be different, but not that different, because that would be phony. And Romney has the advantage of knowing if he just acts like the person he really is, it will work as a striking contrast to the way the O campaign has portrayed him, which is really what happened last time. I think that will happen again. But O will be more alert and engaged so it won't be so horrible." That's my prediction, anyway. What do you think?
7:57: I'm looking at the gathered throng of "undecided" voters. I don't feel confident that they're really undecided. And I think the moderator, Candy Crowley, favors Obama. But that's the way it always is. The Republican must overcome the disadvantage. ADDED: We're told by CNN's Erin Burnett that these supposedly "undecided" voters "in 2008, overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama." But they are "dead even split" in this election.
8:08: Both Romney and Obama jump on this poor Epstein kid who's going to college and wants to be able to get a job. Both candidates talk about their economic plans generally. They are both wired. Obama is particularly intense. He wants everyone to know he is awake and alive. I don't know if he can keep that up or if we can take it. Crowley calls Romney "Romley."
8:13: The second question, with Obama going first, is about gas prices, and Obama launches into alternative energy, which seems quite unlikely to help people struggling with the gas prices. This is a great opening for Romney. Romney talks about how oil drilling on federal lands has been reduced under Obama. R is for more drilling and clean coal, and he makes that clear. Candy invites Obama to respond and he accuses Romney of getting the facts wrong. Obama is for oil drilling and even coal plants. Romney, getting his turn, asks Obama a direct question, and both men try to control this time. There's back and forth bickering, and Romney ends up in control of the floor. The tension is extreme!
8:22: Obama says gas prices were lower when he took office because the economy was on the verge of collapse. He's not taking any responsibility for what gas prices are now. In fact, he's kind of taking credit.
8:23: Romney is able to stay relaxed while dominating. Crowley and Obama both seem cranked up and stressed.
8:25: A question about taxes. Romney is clear and focused. Obama's over there on the chair, hunkered down, crouching, oddly. Hey, Jaltcoh is live-blogging. Check it out.
8:31: "Governor Romney, I'm sure you have an answer," Crowley almost snarks. Her bias shows. She prompts Obama, suggesting the substance of the answer. Now, this doesn't really help Obama. It makes Romney look more dominant, and we get the impression that Obama needs a boost. It's actually patronizing.
8:34: When Obama speaks, Romney doesn't go back and sit down. He stands there, eyeing Obama, who seems desperate. Obama yammers quickly in a high, strained voice. I can't believe this is making the people in the audience feel connected and confident.
8:37: Why does Obama go back to the chair? Does he need the rest?
8:37: Romney sits down when an audience member speaks. Obama gets a softball question about women not making as much money as men. Obama repeats a story we've heard before, about his grandmother's career. He tells us about the Lily Ledbetter law, the first law he signed. Romney talks about work he did as Governor. He wanted women in his cabinet and initiated a search and found "binders full of women." He promotes flexible work schedules and generally strengthening the economy, which will help women. When it's Obama's turn, he brings up Lily Ledbetter again, then switches to health care.
8:45: A woman brings up Bush. She's afraid of Republicans because they remind her of Bush. Romney has a 5-point plan — all 5 points differentiate him from Bush. "President Bush had a very different path for a very different time."
8:53: Another question — why did they pick this? — about the stagnant economy. The man basically says: I don't feel so good. Obama rattles off a lot of economic points. I think they picked this question because it gave Obama a chance to show warmth and caring. [ADDED: But Obama didn't take the opportunity. Not that Romney did.]
9:09: Crowley calls on someone named "Carrie" and Obama does a "Hi, Carrie" that sounds gentle and it's obvious he thinks it's a female. But it's a big old guy. "Cary," presumably. And he's got the Libya question. Uh-oh.
9:10: Obama's answer on Libya is all material he's said before. Nothing updated to deal with the newest revelations. Same old talking points. Investigate. Track down the criminals. Romney politicized it. "I am ultimately responsible"... that's new.
9:12: Romney acknowledges that Obama took responsibility "for the failure."
9:16: Obama, yelling, says it's "offensive" to suggest that anyone on his "team" would "play politics." "That's not what we do," he says, making eye contact with Romney, but then he breaks eye contact and looks down. Check the video on this. It's a moment.
9:19: Romney, in command, questions Obama about what he said the day after the attack in the Rose Garden. "You said it was an act of terror?" Romney asks twice. After the first time, Obama says "That's what I said." After the second time, Romney gives him a penetrating look. There's a pause. Romney raises his eyebrows in a way that seems to repeat the question again. "It was not a spontaneous demonstration? Is that what you're saying?" Obama bows his head. His eyes are closed. Obama looks up and with a little smile says: "Please proceed Governor." Romney gestures with his hand. "I wanted to make sure we get that for the record, because it took the President 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi and act of terror." Obama says "Get the transcript," and Crowley helps Obama by saying "He did in fact, sir... He did in fact call it an act of terror. It did as well take 2 weeks or so for the whole idea of there being a riot out there about this tape to come out, you're correct about that." Jeez, Crowley is way overparticipating! And the audience applauds her!
9:20: Romney got tripped up on a little detail there, so his theatrical presentation fizzled in the end. He stuttered a bit. He should have had the preparation for that moment nailed. Obama lucked out. [ADDED: We're checking the transcript on the Rose Garden speech and the word "terror" (or "terrorist" or "terrorism") is not in it! Am I wrong? That really tripped up Romney, so if he wasn't wrong, I condemn Crowley.][AND: He said "outrageous attack," but certainly nothing like "act of terror."][ALSO: The word "terror" does appear in the full transcript of the remarks, as opposed to the written statement, but not in the context of characterizing the attack in Benghazi, in a more general reference, quoted at 10:21 below. The answer to Romney's question "You said it was an act of terror?" was clearly no, and when Obama bowed his head and looked down, I think he knew he was being deceitful. I imagine he thought: This is what I have to say.]
9:21: Gun control. Obama's talking about the Aurora shootings. He wants "a comprehensive strategy" that includes getting "into these communities and making sure we catch violent impulses before they occur."
9:22: Romney stresses the 2-parent family in response to the gun control question, then shifts to a Fast & Furious presentation. He'd "like to understand" what happened.
9:44: I've gotten behind in the recording after getting distracted by that "act of terror" business. And now, I'm so outraged at Crowley's intrusion to make an incorrect assertion to side with Obama that I can barely pay attention to the rest of this. (But I will keep going and get to the remainder of the material.)
9:47: Obama interrupts Romney — who's talking about competition with China — and he has been interrupting throughout the evening.
9:48: The last question is: "What is the biggest misperception people have about you as a man and as a candidate?" Romney says "his passion" flows from his belief in God. He also ticks through his resume again, which isn't responsive to the question. Ignoring the question is kind of the theme of the night.
9:51: Obama's turn. People think he believes that government creates jobs. "That's not what I believe. I believe in individual initiative."
9:52: Obama brings up the 47% remark, while it's his turn and he's speaking last. Romney can't answer! But Obama didn't make much of it. He said "47%" but didn't dramatize the idea in a memorable way.
9:54: "The most rancorous debate ever" — says the CBS announcer. Presidential debates are changed forever, we're told.
10:03: It's bizarre to think of all the pre-debate commentary about how the town hall format is used to reach out to the individuals in the audience and demonstrate the human connection! It must have been a surreal experience for these poor folks.
10:21: The phrase "acts of terror" does appear in the Rose Garden remarks at one point: "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for." But as Patrick Brennan says at NRO: "One could take that as a reference to acts which include the tragedy in Benghazi, obviously, but there was clearly no effort made to label it an act of terrorism. One reason why this might be: According to U.S. law, acts of terrorism are premeditated. The Obama administration’s line for days following Obama’s Rose Garden statement suggested that the attack wasn’t premeditated." Obama's supporters may want to say this is enough. I don't think so. But what is certainly plain is that Crowley's manipulation of the event was unjustifiable. The bias from the moderator tonight was disgusting. But I'm sure it was worth it to her to squander her reputation to help Obama out of what was a very uncomfortable jam.
10:27: Here's the transcript. Sorry I didn't write anything about the immigration discussion. It's all there in the transcript.
10:37: Even though Romney's big moment got deflated, I think the focus now will be on what exactly is in that transcript, and hair-splitting about "No acts of terror will ever shake" isn't likely to sound compelling, especially as it becomes an occasion for focusing on the 2 weeks of lies/nonsense about the nonexistent demonstrations and the "Innocence of Muslims" video. There's a controversy over what Obama said, and even if there is one way to wriggle out of it, it forces us to spend time on the statements made about the attack, and this should hurt Obama. Whoever "wins" the debate, there's the post-debate discourse, and that must be won too.
10:53: Thanks to all the commenters for keeping the flow of opinion going on the second, third, and fourth pages. I haven't had the time to get in there and read things yet, but I wanted to express my appreciation for your contributions and my pleasure at being able to provide a place where people can talk.
October 16, 2012
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«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 981 Newer› Newest»Ritmo -- The official time has Obama speaking for more than three minutes longer than Romney.
Who was stealing time and filibustering??
FULL transcript shows Obama did say "acts of terror". Just saw it replayed on tape also. Romney fucked up.
Ritmo - yeah Alinsky defined what fair play is all about.
You sure seem to know a hell of a lot more about this guy than I ever did.
"Our education system horribly sucks and we don't produce enough IT workers, engineers, scientists. What can be magically done to turn that around in 8 years? Nothing."
Not so. If the jobs are here we can import the labor. It's done all the time. No reason we have to only import agricultural workers.
On the issue of "act of terror', Romney was attempting to impeach the witness by asking the same question three times - and then that "oh really? Are you sure?" look. A Texas lawyers would have then added that legal term of art, "Yeah. Sure. Un-huh."
Too bad Romney let Obama squirm away.
Synova - then there's the fact that Americans will never be willing to work for the conditions and wages that Chinese workers do to produce iThings.
Inga - oooo Romney fucked up so bad. No doubt he's gonna lose now because of that. Don't worry.
Okay Inga since you found the full transcript... did he say "acts of terror" as a catch all or as a description of the specific attack in Benghazi?
Plain and simple: Romney tries to intimidate people. His overwhelming sense of entitlement makes it so that he can't help it. But Obama wouldn't tolerate being talked down to. He wouldn't tolerate Romney's lies, either. And Romney's strained facial expressions indicate that he knew that this is exactly what happened.
Folks, it's a good idea to remember just how powerful Althouse is.
She's outraged by the President's lie (or what seems like a lie to me) on Benghazi and his response.
You can expect, I'll bet, that Althouse will be talking about this for days. Her influence will be felt throughout the media.
Get ready.
Inga: He says acts of terror; but he does not say: This was an act of terror. You can read it that way, and it is probably what he meant. But it is a much different statement than what Crowley and Obama said he said.
"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."
i'm not really up to getting into it with Ritmo, but it would great if he were more interested in specifics.
The primary reason for outsourcing is that in many industries, if you don't do it, someone else will, and put you out of business. The reason it starts is that having employees is extremely burdensome in the U.S. Thanks to liberal policies at the federal and state level, you practically adopt a person when you hire them.
Link for transcript.
Inga, was it "or acts of terror?"
The question isn't whether "acts of terror" should deter us or not (even Obama won't admit that he's deterred by them) but whether he characterized the Benghazi incident as an act of terror.
He did not.
And really, it's immaterial. The Romney attack ads write themselves, Obama's campaign has to respond, and it keeps the whole disaster front-and-center in the public eye.
It's political poison for Obama, and now he has to drink and hope his liver (composed of CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NYT, and WT cells) can keep up.
Anybody got a link to the speech?
I'm still waiting for President Obama's answer to the Fast and Furious question. Exactly why did we provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that killed hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American?
We are the champions, my friends. Weeeee'll keep on FIGHTING till the end. We are the champions, we are the CHAMPIONS, no time for losers, for we are the champions . . . of the world.
Uh, sorry about that. Carry on with your comments.
At lease Crowley gave Rush a lot to talk about tomorrow. A lot of undecided voters listen to Rush so she may have scored points for Obama tonight, but they will be taken away tomorrow.
Not so. If the jobs are here we can import the labor. It's done all the time. No reason we have to only import agricultural workers.
You're talking past one another.
Most outsourced jobs are manufacturing or customer service ... jobs that don't require a hefty amount of education or pedigree.
Alex does make a good point on education.
Ann you don't have the right transcript. Instead of getting outraged, do a simple google. Here is at fox!
He did say terror, so get off your high horse and admit you were wrong.
The primary reason for outsourcing is that in many industries, if you don't do it, someone else will, and put you out of business.
Welcome to Bag O's Race to the Bottom. A more creative executive would be interested in creating a workforce that China's can't compete with, like they have in Germany. But not Bag O'. No Siree. He thinks that if a sweatshop can hum along in a totalitarian Communist autocracy, then so should we. That's what he finds efficient!
Obama was lucky to dig up a veiled reference to save his butt from two weeks of talking about YouTube.
And dupes like you are why he even tries.
If you listen to the "President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi" video, he does say "acts of terror" about 4 minutes in. The "read the transcript" button is incomplete.
Althouse (and apparently Romney's team) has been thrown by the white house website. When you go http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/2012/09/12/president-obama-speaks-attack-benghazi there is a video of a Rose Garden speech and a link to "Read the Transcript." When you click that, you are given what purports to be the transcript, but is in fact a press release that the white house put out. The actual video contains the terror word.
He used the word terror.
Kudos to him.
But the admin narrative moving forward was protests that got out of control because of a film.
That's the issue. Not the syntax.
Watch it for yourselves, he says it @6:01. Whitehouse site.
3rd debate where the democrat gets more speaking time and the Republican is challenged and cut off by the moderator.
Yep, no bias in the media...
(Except if it's in a Chinese totalitarian communist autocracy. Or in a country that aspires to fashion their own economy and labor force along similar lines).
Okay Rimto, here's your challenge:
Open a business that produces something en masse.
Hire American workers. Pay them prevailing wages.
Then, see what happens.
Maybe everything will be awesome.
The attack on the consulate in Libya was watched in real time by the intelligence agencies but Obama didn't know. He goes in front of the UN and blames a movie no one ever saw and had the poor fellow arrested. So much for our second amendment. Obama blames Romney for Bush but his unemployment numbers and growth number for the average of the Bush administration is twice as good as Obama's. Obama wants the top 5% who already pay 60% of the income taxes to pay even more as their 'fair' share. When was the last time a poor person signed a paycheck? If you are a business owner with a mortgage and other fixed expenses, what is the easiest expense to cut? You are. But Zero wants to raise taxes on employers to hire more government drones.
Zero wants taxpayers to fund abortions despite tens of millions of people are opposed to abortion. Zero wants menopausal woman to pay higher insurance premiums so other woman can have birth control. He wants policy holders and tax payers pay more subsidize other people's sex life.
Zero wants to get tough on China but needs them to buy his junk bonds. Right. He wants to push fantasy energy as if cars run on unicorn farts instead of oil.
Magical thinking.
An "act of terror" is consistent with a spontaneous demonstration that opportunistically gets out of control.
Obama did not use the term to describe a coordinated attack by a terrorist organization.
So Bag, what's your take on anti-suicide nets around factories? Pro or anti?
Showing up at the end to spin is the job of the president's minions. They do it better. Spare us the snark or show up for the whole thing.
When you click that, you are given what purports to be the transcript,
I guess Susan Rice just read the transcript too.
Inga: Some members of a mob killing the Ambassador during a riot could be called an act of terror and that's the impression Obama's Rosegarden speech left one with.
Whereas calling it specifically a "terrorist attack" is a very different kettle of fish and Obama did not call it a "terrorist attack."
And for some time afterward all we heard from Obama reps was blah-blah-blah about the video and respecting Muslims -- NOTHING about an organized, military-style terrorst attack until just recently.
Watch it for yourselves, he says it @6:01. Whitehouse site.
Then he and Rice went out and repeated the same lie for two weeks straight.
So, pretty much wipes out your piddly reference.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
(Except if it's in a Chinese totalitarian communist autocracy. Or in a country that aspires to fashion their own economy and labor force along similar lines).
10/16/12 10:06 PM
Just like progressives in the US
I do agree it's a 2-pronged problem. Outsourcing of high-tech jobs like engineers, scientists, lab technicians. The lack of ability to establish high-capacity manufacturing(Foxconn) in America is another.
Education is to blame for the first one. Our environmental and labor laws are to blame for the 2nd one.
Inga, why then did Biden say in the debate when asked why the administration stressed the video for WEEKS after the incident that it was about the video that that's what they were TOLD at the time and that the story later changed.
The issue is, why was the Obama administration out for weeks talking about how this was in response to a video and a riot and not a planned act of terror?
He said "outrageous attack," but certainly nothing like "act of terror."
Bullshit. He called it a terror act.
Read the transcript.
“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation”
So who won?
I thought Romney won... but I'm a partisan... I'm not a member of the chosen undecided few.
Bag, you might "polish your own knob" in America, but in Shanghai, you'd be really swinging it.
And your employees would sing your praises no matter how much you temptation you might feel to degrade them.
Wouldn't that be grand? Isn't that what it's all about for you... I mean, at least on a personal level?
Ritmo thinks it's better to have millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs in China instead of America. At least we aren't treating our phantom workers poorly.
Obama harped on the Youtube video for days, Susan Rice blamed the video on five Sunday talk shows. Hillary blamed the video. The ads on this write themselves and will be devastating to the liar Zero.
Today's NY Times article answered, at least for me, where the idea that a video was to blame originated.
The Times noted that the Jihadis refer continually to videos whenever they have a grievance. Referring to YouTube videos is a repetitive tactic. Anger that YouTube does not enforce anti-blasphemy laws is always among the reasons the Jihadis give for acts of terror.
So, the Obama administration seized on this grievance that is always stated in every situation by the Jihadis to explain a specific incident.
Ask yourself this.
Why did it take 6 minutes and end with an ambiguous sideswipe when it is clearly a terrorist act and was from the beginning?
Showing up at the end to spin is the job of the president's minions. They do it better. Spare us the snark or show up for the whole thing.
Sorry, I had better things to do.
Like watching a debate. Intently. Without the need for instant, pre-fabricated, knee-jerk reactions and opinions.
You might want to learn the concept sometime.
Ritmo, you know nothing about the subject.
My company's only competition is China, I have had more of my inventions copied by them than you have sticky underwear saved up.
Our company motto is "Made in the USA" It's on the back of the company shirt I'm wearing right now. We kick Chinese ass all day, but only by providing something they can't. If a customer only cares about price they win every time. You want someone to blame for outsourcing, check the labels of the stuff in your house, bitch.
It's still going to be a very close election. Think 2000.
Whine all you want.
The president kicked his ass.
"Synova - then there's the fact that Americans will never be willing to work for the conditions and wages that Chinese workers do to produce iThings."
I'm not personally convinced that "outsourcing" or whatever is necessarily bad. Americans like buying cheap iThings. More expensive iThings doesn't necessarily make anyone's life any better. Otherwise why not just go full isolationist and refuse to eat what we haven't personally killed? Why not? Because it would suck like North Korea, that's why.
Obama wants to punish "big" business for the crime of being successful. At what point does that create new jobs? At what point does that encourage American factories? It's not all iThings.
Technologically we're at a place where individuals can build home machine and tooling shops, or print 3D items one-off. You're sitting in front of more computing power than it took to fly to the moon.
And we can't get jobs because no one is hiring because?
Obama harped on the Youtube video for days, Susan Rice blamed the video on five Sunday talk shows. Hillary blamed the video.
Yep. That's right
Longer Ritmo: I refuse to acknowledge the complex economic forces that control labor costs and business trends throughout the global economy. So I'll just resort to a mindless bumper sticker slogan.
For the next debate, Obama and Romney should be in separate rooms and the camera and microphone in their room should be turned on only when it is their turn speak.
Ritmo thinks it's better to have millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs in China instead of America. At least we aren't treating our phantom workers poorly.
Alex the Moby is thick enough to think that only two industrialized countries exist. Germany doesn't. Brazil doesn't.
Only America or China. Either/or. That's all the options we have, folks.
In the mind of a moby...
It was a boilerplate statement about "acts of terror", NOT that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.
Otherwise, who the hell sent UN Ambassador Rice out to lie on all the political talk shows the following weekend, saying it was the video that caused the attack?
I thought they were going to start bumping shoulders.
Inga - Did he not say what I posted.
Yes or no?
Maybe they're meeting by the flag pole after gym to sort things out.
Obama on Lybia: When told the consulate was under attack and the ambassador was missing - Obama went to bed. The next day, he goes campaigning in Las Vegas.
This is the truth.
Empty chair. No clothes.
“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation”
Then why the need to harp on the video and demonstrations as the motivating force?
I'm serious. I don't really understand the thought process.
The white house has scrubbed the rose garden speech link. Althouse.... that deserves a post in of itself
Ritmo can't explain the relevance of Germany to the American/China issue. He just throws out these other small countries as though it means anything. China is going to be the #1 GDP nation by 2020.
For those who keep saying that Romneys Libya ads will "write themselves"... are there actually any ads to this point from the Romney camp regarding Libya?
(honest question- i havent watched t.v. For several weeks and havent seen any on the internets)
JT: What link is scrubbed? This one: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/09/12/remarks-president-deaths-us-embassy-staff-libya clickable link works just fine for me.
@Matthew Sablan if it got physical who do you think would win?
It must be so easy to be a liberal. You just believe in 5 talking points and repeat them ad nauseum.
You know the president won when the ONLY argument you have is the consulate whine.
“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation”
A platitude on the the general subject of 911 which had nothing to do with Egypt or Benghazi, or so he and his Ambassador told us, repeatedly.
Romney should have chosen a more direct approach, however. As he will.
the regulations a company like Apple would have to go thru to make their product here.
Thats a big job killer right there.
Actually Roberto, I'm in agreement with you, sorry.
Mitt - I mean, Bag O', I not only buy American, I buy and encourage local production.
And if you're so pissed about China stealing your inventions, try encouraging an economy that produces EVEN MORE things that they can't.
LIke Germany does.
Your own company is not and does not have to be the end-all-be-all of the American economy.
Instead of calling you a "bitch", I'll just say "myopic". It's more civilized. And helps you preserve your apparently fragile sense of dignity.
Here's Rice on meet the Press on what they think was the reason for the attack.
It kind of sounds like they are saying it was in response to the video. Am I wrong about that?
phx - Romney would kick Obama's ass and he's an old dude.
I think Romney did not argue well Libya with Obama because it's difficult to argue with shameless liar without calling him a liar.
This is a gold mine for Romney add though, several actually: Obama's lie during dabates against the photage of what he really said, against several Rice performances, against his speech at teh UN, against Axelrod interviews, the WH spokesman, and so on. I his campaign make the best of it.
Romney was fumbling all over himself tonight. There is, simply, no way an objective person writes about his performance tonight as "dominating."
What made me mad in the debate was Obama's 'how dare you' comment on Lybia. We've (the people) have a right to know why the security was so lax, why they disregarded warning from the Lybian government, and why the 4 American are DEAD.
Obama was talking about that stupid YouTube video for DAYS!
Also maybe Ritmo can explain who will buy our treasuries if we decide to go into full on economic warfare against China.
@EMD I didn't understand the entire Libya operation and its failures. I'm really looking forward to the results of an investigation. But it didn't make the administration look very good. And I'm a partisan for the Obama admin.
Lunz group of Obama voters are almost all switching to Romney.
The white house has scrubbed the rose garden speech link. Althouse.... that deserves a post in of itself
Somebody got to have a sreen grab.
I do like that Romney is open to flexible hours so women can get home to make dinner.
Make my dinner bitch.
Romney was fumbling all over himself tonight.
LOL, yeah right!
Ritmo can't explain the relevance of Germany to the American/China issue.
Obama surely could. That's where the importance of education and more highly skilled manufacturing comes in.
BUt you missed it.
ANd focused on some guy named "Alinsky".
How about some actual facts, for a change?
Obama "Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts."
He doesn't call it an act of terror. He calls it senseless violence in response to the video.
Later in the speech he talks about terror. But not in reference to this attack.
And then jets off to Vegas and tells his people to never mention terror and blame the video. Which they all do. Until they are proved to be liars.
How many jobs have you created? How many people have you trained to support themselves? How many people and families do you support? How many people's healthcare do you pay for?
You don't really help at all, do you?
Oh oh..
Its Detroit 2 Yankees 1 top of the 9th.
"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."
Mitt was wrong.
What made me mad in the debate was Obama's 'how dare you' comment on Lybia. We've (the people) have a right to know why the security was so lax, why they disregarded warnings from the Lybian government, and why the 4 Americans are DEAD.
Obama was talking about spontaneous riots for DAYS!
Brit Hume on Fox saying the debate commission won't do this again.
Roberto said...
Whine all you want.
The president kicked his ass.
Try again. Even loyal Demo Joe Trippi said it was a wash.
Actually, Zero loses because the rest of the week will be about how he and Crowley lied about Libya.
the regulations a company like Apple would have to go thru to make their product here.
Steve Jobs told that to Obama, but fell on deaf ears.
Again the moderator gave the Democrat more time, interrupted the Republican and argued with or gave advantage for rebuttals to the Democrat.
Romney -did- dominate the debate, as in he decided where the debate was going and how it got there. The moderator only stepped in when he drew too much blood (like mentioning Obama's money from the Caymans and China.) He didn't execute perfectly, but with the time he had, he drove the debate well.
Inga, bad writing (assuming that's what it was) has its costs.
The whole "no acts of terror" thing is the subject of the thirteenth paragraph of the transcript. Coming after talking about the partnerships "Chris" had helped build, how "Chris" was a role model to his colleagues, how Obama goes to Arlington and Walter Reed, and how we're only as strong as the character of the poor schmucks who have to try to implement White House policy.
In other words, it's boilerplate that Obama didn't want anywhere near the actual event that just happened.
I'm hoping Obama flogs this horse into the ground. It needs to be buried with this Administration's policies.
Fundamentally serious.
Yeah, there an oxymoron.
2 females (obama supporters) in the Lunz group are worried Romney is going to take them back to the stone age and steal their lady parts.
The rest of the group laughed.
"For the next debate, Obama and Romney should be in separate rooms and the camera and microphone in their room should be turned on only when it is their turn speak."
I sort of like the idea of a direct connection between the timer and the microphones. No one then gets to drone on because "this is really important."
Also maybe Ritmo can explain who will buy our treasuries if we decide to go into full on economic warfare against China.
LOL. ALex thinks a more highly skilled and better educated workforce is a form of ECONOMIC WARFARE against CHINA! THat's hilarious.
I'm so sorry Mr. Jiang Zemin (or whichever faceless bureaucrat is running the place) for having a better educated workforce producing better products. Please do not put me in a gulag.
That's the attitude of how bootlickers like Mitt and Alex approach a global economic policy.
Very stupid. Very shortsighted.
At least Mitt can find ways to profit off it. Alex just wishes he could.
"For the next debate, Obama and Romney should be in separate rooms and the camera and microphone in their room should be turned on only when it is their turn speak."
10/16/12 10:11 PM
I'm all in favor of this. I'm getting quite tired of seeing these candidates in each other's faces. Our Presidential and VP debates are turning into the Jerry Springer Show.
My initial judgment - it was a draw, simply because Obama didn't act like a limp dishrag. Romney was the same as in the first debate. He missed a golden opportunity to challenge Obama (and Crowley) on Lybia, but I don't think a missed opportunity is going to cost Romney.
I thought Romney scored well with the Obama's funds in Caymans and China and overseas too.
No way Romney dominated the event though. That's partisan wishful thinking.
"how powerful althouse is..." oh give me a break. DT you post thoughtful comments then go into this fawning mode. No one reads thru this crap - if they do, it certainly doesn't shape opinion. You give this blog way too much credit...
Candy Crowley Embarrasses Herself, Falsely 'Corrects' Romney on Libya
The Rose Garden comments are a mixed bag...
Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.
So, that's the reference to the video. As I said above, referring to YouTube videos as blasphemous is standard Jihadi strategy, apparently used as a justification for every attack.
No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation...
The meaning of this in relation to two weeks of insisting that a video was responsible for the attack will be debated at great length over the next week. I think we can be sure of that.
bago shit - He's created 5,000,000 jobs.
Oh Jesus. I love how Althouse is saying Obama was "yelling." What a right-winger.
@EMD I didn't understand the entire Libya operation and its failures. I'm really looking forward to the results of an investigation. But it didn't make the administration look very good. And I'm a partisan for the Obama admin.
Wouldn't it be easier to say "we botched the security in Benghazi, but we've learned a lot and we are changing how we do things so this never happens again, along with the justice for the killers stuff?"
That way, you don't have the incredibly bad fallout that's been happening ever since?
You own the bad right away, and then you're not always covering your back. And then the furor dies down because you're being proactive and honest about it.
I just hate that politics means you can't be up front about anything.
I can always appreciate the difference between liberal and conservatives in my facebook feed. The libs give nothing more than generalities "You go, Obama!" "whoo, Obama!" that sort of thing, while the conservatives are either commenting on substantial issues or making somewhat humerous and unique observations.
Maybe Ritmo can explain how we can produce millions of highly skilled workers on the ashes of our "edumacation system".
If the economy is your number one issue, Romney beat Obama handily.
Also its pretty clear Obama and the moderator lied about Libya. Sad that the moderator would interject herself. Thats the last debate she will moderate.
You don't really help at all, do you?
I don't think "helping" in the way you do entitles anyone to forget the direction in which the labor force and the make-up of our economy is going. I don't think any business owner should think it's only about his business alone.
It's about whether the country's businesses as a whole reflect the status of a first-world nation, rather than a third-world nation.
Why don't you care about that? Is that disinterest really a good way to "help"?
Luntz focus group of "undecideds" seems quite sure Romney won. I'm voting for Romney and I think it was a draw.
I'm so sorry Mr. Jiang Zemin...
That was the guy under Bush... that was the last time Ritmo had something to say btw.
Isn't it interesting that Crowley was prepared to insert herself into Romney's discussion of the Rose Garden "terror" speech? Was Romney set up?
bago shit - He's created 5,000,000 jobs.
The private sector created 5 million jobs.
"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."
Obama did say the words "acts of terror" in that speech but it was a generic 9/11 reference. If he thought Benghazi specifically was an act of terror he certainly didn't let us in on it. Not in that speech and not since.
Mitt was right, had him dead to rights. You could see it in Obama's body language, appealing to Crowley for an out, then clinging bitterly to words, words. Lying sack of shit.
Nice to see Ritmo has his full-on racism for Chinese people going.
I mean dominate in the control sense, not the rout we saw in Denver. Romney directed the conversation repeatedly to where he wanted to have it.
@carrie I think Crowley made a serious mistake that won't help her career. But it was a mistake, I don't think she planned it.
Once again, Romney was in control from start to finish.
Obama at least showed up and got some jabs in, but in the end, all Romney has to do is articulate the numbers of Obama's economy, and they are devastating.
Every Romney ad from now til election day should have his wonderful answer tonight about Obama's economy.
And LOL @ Candy Crowley trying to save Obama with a lifeline about Libya. Its hilarious to see these press people claim there is no bias in the media, to only have themselves prove otherwise on a daily basis.
Luntz - sorry.
Oh Jesus. I love how Althouse is saying Obama was "yelling." What a right-winger.
Obamas voice had a high pitch tonight, like a victim. Not attractive coming from the most powerful man in the world.
CNN is investing a lot time in cleaning up the acts of terror quote. Too bad they won't invest the same amount of time asking the question that Cary asked. Who vetoed Stevens' request for additional security? Simple question and an important one.
As Patrick Brennan says at NRO: “One could take that as a reference to acts which include the tragedy in Benghazi, obviously, but there was clearly no effort made to label it an act of terrorism. One reason why this might be: According to U.S. law, acts of terrorism are premeditated. The Obama administration’s line for days following Obama’s Rose Garden statement suggested that the attack wasn’t premeditated.”
Alex has now lost it completely. He thinks being against the economic emulation of a communist totalitarian autocracy, with all its gulags, is a form of racism.
Nice. And incredibly stupid.
Look at the spin machine spinning, re Romney's "terror" stupidity. Blame Crowley! Even with the transcript there for all to see, that'll work! Althousian logos.
Alex - 5 million or not???
AprilApple: don't forget, Romney's gonna take away their tampons too!
Oh dear.
Amazing that conservatives will spin their own meaning into what Obama said about acts of terror.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed Obama's high pitched voice.
Isn't it interesting that Crowley was prepared to insert herself into Romney's discussion of the Rose Garden "terror" speech? Was Romney set up?
Without a doubt.
They colluded and set the trap knowing that the transcript omitted it while the full video said the magic word.
It was spider to the fly.
. I don't think any business owner should think it's only about his business alone.
You'd make a pretty bad business owner.
If you own it, it consumes you. There are very few part-time business owners.
Obama lied, our ambassador died
Roberto - go ahead and play those games. I will not.
carrie said...
For the next debate, Obama and Romney should be in separate rooms and the camera and microphone in their room should be turned on only when it is their turn speak.
I'm thinking there might be a couple of these booths still sitting around somewhere.
The tigers are one strike away from leading the series 3 games to nuthing.
ST, last time I'm going to say it: anything that keeps the public eye focused on Benghazi is very bad for Obama.
Sort of the opposite of "any press is good press as long as they get the name spelled right." Obama wanted this under the rug; instead he's leaving bus-kill all over the place.
Once again Ritmo shows his collectivist colors. Again how many jobs has he created?
"It's about whether the country's businesses as a whole reflect the status of a first-world nation, rather than a third-world nation."
What does that even mean?
Because all I'm doing is flashing on tawdry Regency romances where the nobility looks down their noses at anyone so vulgar as to engage in "trade."
We could be like Saudi where having a job means you're low status because only low status persons actually work. Because that's a winning strategy.
Or we could attack anyone who suggests that children in poverty would be helped by having crappy labor type jobs. Or we could attack anyone who suggests that, perhaps, a technical education is a better plan than a degree in Sociology.
Oh wait, we *do* that.
Ritmo, no wonder you support the President. When you get your ass handed to you, you start blabbering meaningless rhetoric too. He must be very inspiring to you. This election is gonna hurt you, but it will be OK. Your hero will end up quite wealthy, and he can go back to donating a very tiny fraction of his sizable income to charity like he used to, and giving speeches about how much he cares. You guys do have a lot in common. Is that you Obama? I smell a sockpuppet.
Not attractive coming from the most powerful man in the world.
He's not the most powerful man in the world. He has suceeded in downgrading himself along with this country.
"When someone doesn't do the job, you've gotta let them go" - Clint Eastwood
@Lem your argument is at least contestable. It has the whiff of respectability.
Saying Obama was "yelling" is just total bullshit.
And her, a college professor!
Obama lied, our ambassador died
Actually i think that was the other way around.
Our Ambassador died and then Obama lied.
FWIW, both CBS and Fox flash polls say the Romster won it.
CBS - 2 to 1.
Fox - 9 to 1. (hard to buy that one)
Alex - so now it's Obama's high pitched voice?
Pulling out all stops, huh?
You'd make a pretty bad business owner.
If you own it, it consumes you. There are very few part-time business owners.
So this sounds like an excuse for business owners to care about national economic policy. You realize that you are saying that owning a business means that you should support a low-paid, unskilled labor force, and that you are a slave to the nation's status quo.
Thanks. You're making the flaws in Mitt's case much clearer than he ever could.
Amazing that conservatives will spin their own meaning into what Obama said about acts of terror.
So what. What happened for weeks after the speech? That's what is more puzzling, Inga.
Really. I don't get it.
If they knew and believed it was a terrorist attack that was planned and premeditated, they would have acted like it.
There wouldn't be these conflicting stories about what State said versus what Rice said or Biden said.
"Our education system horribly sucks ..."
Wrong. It's Godless, helpless men who aren't willing to work or able to lead who suck. Education has little to do with the problems we face you idiot.
@Lem your argument is at least contestable. It has the whiff of respectability.
Well thank you.
Your blustery cheerleading indicates that you just lost the argument, Bag.
eddutcher that Fox one is way too hard to swallow. I'm going to send them a copy of your comment and say "See? Not even eddutcher belives you guys!"
Phx, I don't recall Obama ever yelling either, what malarkey!
I remember Inga earlier asked why Latinos should vote Republican. Fast and Furious resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Mexican nationals. Is that a good reason? Because the GOP doesn't play games with the lives of Mexicans?
I don't think any business owner should think it's only about his business alone.
Good god. You have to be kidding me.
Yeah, people start a business for shits and giggles.
I had to personally sign my house and my personal possessions to obtain a credit line for my business 3 days ago. Stop telling me that a business owner shouldnt put him/herself first when they are the ones taking the risk.
F'in idiot.
Yeah let's see. Who has more credibility on business. A business owner like bagoh or a collectivist activist Ritmo? Hmmm I'll have to think HARD about that one...
You realize that you are saying that owning a business means that you should support a low-paid, unskilled labor force, and that you are a slave to the nation's status quo.
Did I say that? Show me the words.
New Balance makes shoes made in America. They retail for $135. But, they also make shoes in Viet Nam. Those retail for about $75-$85.
Care to guess why?
"Amazing that conservatives will spin their own meaning into what Obama said about acts of terror."
Pot and kettle?
It took us over two weeks before we found out it wasn't a riot over a movie. YOU believed it was a riot over a movie and went on and on about it too.
How is it possible that Obama was saying "the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack" and no one knew? NO ONE understood him that way. And now it's spin?
Try this instead.
Jason - why aren't you working right now? LOL
@Lem if people keep it real I'm good with that. Wherever it falls.
Well, I thought it was a draw. But:
"In the @CBSNews Instant Poll, 65% say Romney won on the issue of the economy. 34% say Obama won on the economy."
So what do I know?
Oh shit..
The yanks have two on, with two out, down 2 to 1 in the 9th.
"He wouldn't tolerate Romney's lies, either."
You mean the lies about oil leases and coal ? Or the ones about Benghazi ?
Sorry wrong guy.
"Acts of terror" is mentioned in a later press release, but not in Obama's remarks. Apparently someone thought that needed to be put in there someplace at the end, however ambiguously, just in case. But then they said video video video for 2 weeks.
Alex believes that everyone in business and finance agrees exclusively with Romney.
This must be because he is a massive tool - one whose mind can follow stereotypy alone.
Premise: Romney is a "business owner" (not that he is).
Conclusion: All business owners or financiers agree with Romney.
Nice display of idiocy, dude.
"In the @CBSNews Instant Poll, 65% say Romney won on the issue of the economy. 34% say Obama won on the economy."
George HW Bush feels Obama's pain.
I love to visualize a binder full of women. Imagine all the tits.
Tits being stuffed in overflowing binders.
I am going to pull out this tit binder.
Women and tits are very Affirmative Action.
On another note, Aleister Crowley would have been a more tolerable debate moderator. Does Hell have a furlough program?
If you listen to the Rose garden video this is what you hear:
Attack, attack, attack.. and then a general sentiment about “no acts of terror will blah blah..” right after talking about 9/11/2001. COWARD and his cowardice. He did not say Benghazi WAS a terror attack much less call it a terror attack by Al Queda. There was a lot about religion gobbledygook and the little Greek(it was an ABC video) introduced the segment talking about the video that they said for the next two weeks was the cause of the attack.
Defeat the bastards.
educher - you're full of shit:
In CBS News Instant Poll, 37 percent say President Obama won the second presidential debate, 30 percent say Romney won with a margin of error of 4 points
Via Twitter: Candy Crowley just now on Romney's Libya flub: "He was right in the main, but he just chose the wrong word."
As for this: "But I'm sure it was worth it to her to squander her reputation to help Obama out of what was a very uncomfortable jam."
That only matters if it hurts her reputation. Which it won't.
CNN post-debate poll: Obama 46% to Romney 39%.
Eat it.
EMD's correct about CBS, my bad.
Barry wins debate as a whole by only 6 points.
1/3 say a tie.
I'm sorry, but Meatloaf was just a terrible moderator.
PMS317 - Reading comprehension lacking??
"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."
One strike away again.
Obama doesn't help himself by saying that he called it a terror attack the day after it happened. Since he now claims that he knew it was a terror attack right away, and we now know that there was never any evidence that it wasn't a terrorist attack, then he is essentially admitting that the spontaneous demontration theory the his administration was pushing for two weeks was clearly a lie and that it was pushed for politcal purposes. Of course, maybe no one told him what his administration was saying.
New Balance makes shoes made in America. They retail for $135. But, they also make shoes in Viet Nam. Those retail for about $75-$85.
Care to guess why?
Because business taxation and regulation have made profit margins so thin in this country that its pointless to take the risk and cost of producing it in the USA when they can do it for half the cost elsewhere.
People dont start a business in the private sector for the common good. They do it to make money. And anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
Raul is going to get a hit.
@LilyBart Good one. Classy.
PS Roberto's an expert on shit, of course.
Crowley just admitted Romney is right in the "main" but chose the wrong "word". These reporters are incredible. For 2 full weeks Obama blamed a youtube video. The producer is now in jail on "probation violations". Not to mention the Obama and Clinton anti-film ads in Pakistan. Did everyone forget about the ads?
Yankees finally die. Its like fatal attraction bathtub seen with them.
Roberto, the spinning that these conservatives are doing must be making them awfully dizzy.
Raul strikes out..
Detroit is one winaway from the world series.
If we got rid of the teachers unions and the dept. of mis-education and do what the Germans do and train people in skilled crafts for those who aren't college material we would have a decent manufacturing industry.
My brother-in-law makes a high tech optics for robotic vision and can't find enough skilled people to cut the lens elements so he has to sub-contract that to Japanese mom and pop shops and then assemble the here for re-export back to Japan and Germany among others. The Japanese don't care because they aren't interested in small batch jobs. His $50,000 lens in a minor detail in a million dollar machine. Just recently I had an interesting conversation with a Honeywell executive who said his particular division is off-shoring because they can get enough skilled Americans to meet the demand. Apparently a starting job for a well educated high school graduate with real math skills isn't good enough. Doesn't have the cache apparently for university graduates in 'studies' that dee[, deep in debt and will never earn what the skilled high school graduate with a tech skill can earn.
Romney won because...
The debate about what happened at Benghazi is now front page news, whether or not the legacy media wants to cover it.
Romney appeared to have botched it, but the issue is now on the table.
Althouse, I guarantee you, will pick the interchange between the candidates, and the "help" that Crowley provided to pieces over the next few days. The Wall Street Journal follows this blog closely. Read into that what you will.
Obama got in his punches, but he failed to kill the issue, and now the issue will be vetted in every segment of the media. I don't think that will play out well for Obama.
Obama lost. Big time. In the same way that Biden lost big time when his statements over Benghazi were vetted in the aftermath of his debate.
Stop denigrating Meatloaf.
educhter - you were wrong.
I think Obama threw the first debate to encourage the Republicans to start migrating durably toward the middle.
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