October 16, 2012

Live-blogging the second Obama vs. Romney debate.

7:14 Central Time: Setting up this post, I say "I'm so psyched for this debate!" And Meade says "I think you ought to lower your expectations. I think they will both look good, both look presidential, and there won't be any real change because of this debate." Perhaps. But I think it will have an effect... not because I think Obama has a way to change his image back into something we will love, but because we'll see Romney again, and that seemed to work last time, as people saw that he is not the villain the Obama campaigned tried to make us think he is.

7:33: Someone just asked me what I think will happen, and I said "I think Obama will try to be different, but not that different, because that would be phony. And Romney has the advantage of knowing if he just acts like the person he really is, it will work as a striking contrast to the way the O campaign has portrayed him, which is really what happened last time. I think that will happen again. But O will be more alert and engaged so it won't be so horrible." That's my prediction, anyway. What do you think?

7:57: I'm looking at the gathered throng of "undecided" voters. I don't feel confident that they're really undecided. And I think the moderator, Candy Crowley, favors Obama. But that's the way it always is. The Republican must overcome the disadvantage. ADDED: We're told by CNN's Erin Burnett that these supposedly "undecided" voters "in 2008, overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama." But they are "dead even split" in this election.

8:08: Both Romney and Obama jump on this poor Epstein kid who's going to college and wants  to be able to get a job. Both candidates talk about their economic plans generally. They are both wired. Obama is particularly intense. He wants everyone to know he is awake and alive. I don't know if he can keep that up or if we can take it. Crowley calls Romney "Romley."

8:13: The second question, with Obama going first, is about gas prices, and Obama launches into alternative energy, which seems quite unlikely to help people struggling with the gas prices. This is a great opening for Romney. Romney talks about how oil drilling on federal lands has been reduced under Obama.  R is for more drilling and clean coal, and he makes that clear. Candy invites Obama to respond and he accuses Romney of getting the facts wrong. Obama is for oil drilling and even coal plants. Romney, getting his turn, asks Obama a direct question, and both men try to control this time. There's back and forth bickering, and Romney ends up in control of the floor. The tension is extreme!

8:22: Obama says gas prices were lower when he took office because the economy was on the verge of collapse. He's not taking any responsibility for what gas prices are now. In fact, he's kind of taking credit.

8:23: Romney is able to stay relaxed while dominating. Crowley and Obama both seem cranked up and stressed.

8:25: A question about taxes. Romney is clear and focused. Obama's over there on the chair, hunkered down, crouching, oddly. Hey, Jaltcoh is live-blogging. Check it out.

8:31: "Governor Romney, I'm sure you have an answer," Crowley almost snarks. Her bias shows. She prompts Obama, suggesting the substance of the answer. Now, this doesn't really help Obama. It makes Romney look more dominant, and we get the impression that Obama needs a boost. It's actually patronizing.

8:34: When Obama speaks, Romney doesn't go back and sit down. He stands there, eyeing Obama, who seems desperate. Obama yammers quickly in a high, strained voice. I can't believe this is making the people in the audience feel connected and confident.

8:37: Why does Obama go back to the chair? Does he need the rest?

8:37: Romney sits down when an audience member speaks. Obama gets a softball question about women not making as much money as men. Obama repeats a story we've heard before, about his grandmother's career. He tells us about the Lily Ledbetter law, the first law he signed. Romney talks about work he did as Governor. He wanted women in his cabinet and initiated a search and found "binders full of women." He promotes flexible work schedules and generally strengthening the economy, which will help women. When it's Obama's turn, he brings up Lily Ledbetter again, then switches to health care.

8:45: A woman brings up Bush. She's afraid of Republicans because they remind her of Bush. Romney has a 5-point plan — all 5 points differentiate him from Bush. "President Bush had a very different path for a very different time."

8:53: Another question — why did they pick this? — about the stagnant economy. The man basically says: I don't feel so good.  Obama rattles off a lot of economic points. I think they picked this question because it gave Obama a chance to show warmth and caring. [ADDED: But Obama didn't take the opportunity. Not that Romney did.]

9:09: Crowley calls on someone named "Carrie" and Obama does a "Hi, Carrie" that sounds gentle and it's obvious he thinks it's a female. But it's a big old guy. "Cary," presumably. And he's got the Libya question. Uh-oh.

9:10: Obama's answer on Libya is all material he's said before. Nothing updated to deal with the newest revelations. Same old talking points. Investigate. Track down the criminals. Romney politicized it. "I am ultimately responsible"... that's new.

9:12: Romney acknowledges that Obama took responsibility "for the failure."

9:16: Obama, yelling, says it's "offensive" to suggest that anyone on his "team" would "play politics." "That's not what we do," he says, making eye contact with Romney, but then he breaks eye contact and looks down. Check the video on this. It's a moment.

9:19: Romney, in command, questions Obama about what he said the day after the attack in the Rose Garden. "You said it was an act of terror?" Romney asks twice. After the first time, Obama says "That's what I said." After the second time, Romney gives him a penetrating look. There's a pause. Romney raises his eyebrows in a way that seems to repeat the question again. "It was not a spontaneous demonstration? Is that what you're saying?" Obama bows his head. His eyes are closed. Obama looks up and with a little smile says: "Please proceed Governor." Romney gestures with his hand. "I wanted to make sure we get that for the record, because it took the President 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi and act of terror." Obama says "Get the transcript," and Crowley helps Obama by saying "He did in fact, sir... He did in fact call it an act of terror. It did as well take 2 weeks or so for the whole idea of there being a riot out there about this tape to come out, you're correct about that." Jeez, Crowley is way overparticipating! And the audience applauds her!

9:20: Romney got tripped up on a little detail there, so his theatrical presentation fizzled in the end. He stuttered a bit. He should have had the preparation for that moment nailed. Obama lucked out. [ADDED: We're checking the transcript on the Rose Garden speech and the word "terror" (or "terrorist" or "terrorism") is not in it! Am I wrong? That really tripped up Romney, so if he wasn't wrong, I condemn Crowley.][AND: He said "outrageous attack," but certainly nothing like "act of terror."][ALSO: The word "terror" does appear in the full transcript of the remarks, as opposed to the written statement, but not in the context of characterizing the attack in Benghazi, in a more general reference, quoted at 10:21 below. The answer to Romney's question "You said it was an act of terror?" was clearly no, and when Obama bowed his head and looked down, I think he knew he was being deceitful. I imagine he thought: This is what I have to say.]

9:21: Gun control. Obama's talking about the Aurora shootings. He wants "a comprehensive strategy" that includes getting "into these communities and making sure we catch violent impulses before they occur."

9:22: Romney stresses the 2-parent family in response to the gun control question, then shifts to a Fast & Furious presentation. He'd "like to understand" what happened.

9:44: I've gotten behind in the recording after getting distracted by that "act of terror" business. And now, I'm so outraged at Crowley's intrusion to make an incorrect assertion to side with Obama that I can barely pay attention to the rest of this. (But I will keep going and get to the remainder of the material.)

9:47: Obama interrupts Romney — who's talking about competition with China — and he has been interrupting throughout the evening.

9:48: The last question is: "What is the biggest misperception people have about you as a man and as a candidate?" Romney says "his passion" flows from his belief in God. He also ticks through his resume again, which isn't responsive to the question. Ignoring the question is kind of the theme of the night.

9:51: Obama's turn. People think he believes that government creates jobs. "That's not what I believe. I believe in individual initiative."

9:52: Obama brings up the 47% remark, while it's his turn and he's speaking last. Romney can't answer! But Obama didn't make much of it. He said "47%" but didn't dramatize the idea in a memorable way.

9:54: "The most rancorous debate ever" — says the CBS announcer.  Presidential debates are changed forever, we're told.

10:03: It's bizarre to think of all the pre-debate commentary about how the town hall format is used to reach out to the individuals in the audience and demonstrate the human connection! It must have been a surreal experience for these poor folks.

10:21: The phrase "acts of terror" does appear in the Rose Garden remarks at one point: "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for." But as Patrick Brennan says at NRO: "One could take that as a reference to acts which include the tragedy in Benghazi, obviously, but there was clearly no effort made to label it an act of terrorism. One reason why this might be: According to U.S. law, acts of terrorism are premeditated. The Obama administration’s line for days following Obama’s Rose Garden statement suggested that the attack wasn’t premeditated." Obama's supporters may want to say this is enough. I don't think so. But what is certainly plain is that Crowley's manipulation of the event was unjustifiable. The bias from the moderator tonight was disgusting. But I'm sure it was worth it to her to squander her reputation to help Obama out of what was a very uncomfortable jam.

10:27: Here's the transcript.  Sorry I didn't write anything about the immigration discussion. It's all there in the transcript.

10:37: Even though Romney's big moment got deflated, I think the focus now will be on what exactly is in that transcript, and hair-splitting about "No acts of terror will ever shake" isn't likely to sound compelling, especially as it becomes an occasion for focusing on the 2 weeks of lies/nonsense about the nonexistent demonstrations and the "Innocence of Muslims" video. There's a controversy over what Obama said, and even if there is one way to wriggle out of it, it forces us to spend time on the statements made about the attack, and this should hurt Obama. Whoever "wins" the debate, there's the post-debate discourse, and that must be won too.

10:53: Thanks to all the commenters for keeping the flow of opinion going on the second, third, and fourth pages. I haven't had the time to get in there and read things yet, but I wanted to express my appreciation for your contributions and my pleasure at being able to provide a place where people can talk.


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ad hoc said...

The body language of these three people (candidates plus moderator) is so interesting. Candy looks like she is now standing and when she speaks to Romney she pushes her hands out as if to physically push him away.

Earlier the candidates did the same thing as the approached each other.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Oh shut up, Jabba.


Bryan said...

Does it seem like Obama is Attacker-in-Chief and Romney is Explainer-in-Chief? I'd rather have someone who can explain the difficult issues we face as a nation, rather than someone who is good at blaming others.

Chip Ahoy said...

Candy, Candy, Candy, Candy, that is soooo bad. Guess what. Fuck you, Candy.

Chuck66 said...

Barry says his Bank VP grandmother was a victim.

Gary Kirk said...

This is so rigged I'm expecting Biden to stroll in and take a seat next to Candy and be the laugh prompter for the audience.

furious_a said...

"John, do you think it is right when the rich purchase an $800,000 home and can deduct the full interest expense?"

$800K in No. Calif buys a 1600 sq ft bungalow.

Gahrie said...

wow..she just tossed President Obama an underhanded softball....if he can't hit this out of the park....

Econophile said...

Ughh that 72 percent figure is nonsense.

BarryD said...

Uh, a single mom with two kids putting herself through school probably didn't work 80 hours a week like the man who ostensibly got paid 20% more for the "same job."

AFAIK no study has found that women, on average, have done the "same jobs" as men, for 72% of the pay. In my field, women get paid a bit MORE than men, even. And that's IT, not nursing or something.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

When Obama talks about money his ignorance glows!

Good one.

Chuck66 said...

But who is going to pay for their abortions?

Shanna said...

Glass ceiling wah wah wah...

wyo sis said...

Obama---My Grandma did this.
Romney---I did this.

Shanna said...

Aren't there already more women getting college educations than men? Obama's answer isn't really keeping up with the times.

furious_a said...

"Single Mom"
The President was raised by his well-off grandparents (Punahou) while his mother went off to Imdonesia to play Margaret Meade.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Nice Romney is hitting that women in the workplace thing out of the park!

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, the 72% thing is bogus.

Women, in general, choose different job paths than men, chose to stay home and raise kids, etc.

Pay discrimination is a non-issue.

Renee said...

Love Romney talking about flexibility, and in a good economy employers WILL BE flexible.

wildswan said...

You can send a comment on the way Crawley is cutting off the Governor at

Rob said...

If this turns into a fight between Romney and the tag team match of Obama and Crowley, Romney's sunk. That woman looks like a linebacker.

S said...

Obama is kinda funny about empty chairs these days...


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Obama is attacking Romney like Romney is the president.

Shouting Thomas said...

Who can pander most to women?

Tiresome on both sides.

KCFleming said...

Sorry, I have to mute Obama.

Everything out of his mouth is a lie or in service to a lie, so
why bother anymore?

jr565 said...

Free Contraception is tied into women not being paid the same as men how?

virgil xenophon said...

Between Candy running interference for Obama and Obama's lies my hair hurts...GAAAKK!!!! GOD how I UTTERLY loath simpering weasel Obama...the phrase "uncontrollable urge" comes into play..

wyo sis said...

Did Obama just refer to politicians making health care decisions for people in a way that suggests it's a bad thing?

Oh, he's talking about birth control.
That's different.

clint said...

Did Obama really say that Romney wants bureaucrats in Washington to make health care decisions for individuals?


Shanna said...

Romney: Women need jobs!
Obama: Women need free birth control!


Pastafarian said...

Oh Jesus, it's bushes fault.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

That lady is as undecided as my ass.

Gahrie said...


How they helll did they ever let that question get through! If I was Romney I would have thrown down my mike and walked off stage!

furious_a said...

"GW Bush" 1st plant of the evening.

Renee said...

If I had a job, I could pay for my own contraception.

But I'm Catholic, so we have to pay for yours.

Synova said...

OH GAWD... Obama is worried about his daughters not having opportunities like men. What kind of fantasy is that?

Anonymous said...

Women's issue not done particularily well by either candidate.

wyo sis said...

Good! Back to the economy. Finally in spite of CC's efforts to stack it.

Econophile said...

Obama is starting with childish interjections... a good sign.

S said...

Obama is sinking in the polls with women... so of course he's going to give them EVERYTHING...

Lyssa said...

Romney seems surprisingly ready for this (stupid) let's run against GW Bush question.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I don't ever watch speeches or debates - I just read the play by play here.

And Lem- you are on fire tonight! Great comments.

Pastafarian said...

Wow, great answer by Romney.

Anonymous said...

Obama's not looking down...he's Leaning Forward!

Anonymous said...

Bush, whoosh, under the bus!

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Tyrone Slothrop said...

That lady is as undecided as my ass.

The implication being that my ass is not undecided. My ass knows exactly how it's going to vote.

Shouting Thomas said...

Obama is doing a better job tonight.

He's constantly promising to raise taxes. How is that going to play?

Chuck66 said...

All you gals care about is getting free birth control pills.

A little hint....there are some nasty stains of gonariha going around now. Hey Barry, hate to see those nice girls of yours get some carzy untreatable social bug.

Synova said...

The woman's issue question wasn't done well by either because the question was moronic. Obama can't say how he's going to address the "inequity" in pay because there isn't any that isn't related to personal choices. Romney can't point out that the question is stupid because he'd sound bad.

wyo sis said...

What job growth. When Obama says we've had months of job growth. It's pretty hard to take him seriously...
About anything.

clint said...

I have to say -- the quality of questions is much better than I'd feared.

Anonymous said...

Tough on China, right, neither one will do a damn thing, China owns us.

Shanna said...

A liberal friend of mine started griping about Bush’s high deficits and I used Romney’s exact answer, which is that that’s great but Obama’s are worse. How is that better? Romeny’s answer is awesome.

Obama: Blahblahblah, no president has ever had to start out with a recession. BS.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the only females who like the pandering to women are Sandra Fluke types. Lets hope this nation isn't full of them.

Chuck66 said...

Bill the comentator is undecided my ass.

jr565 said...

Obama, I wouldn't talk about China so much. how many of the Solyndra type jobs were outsourced to China. Sally we produce a list?

Anonymous said...

Love that undecided woman, whose issue just happens to blaming Bush and going back to Bush.

Synova said...

The job growth holds us even with population growth but boy doesn't "millions" sound like a lot?

Econophile said...

I can't believe Obama is not better taking advantage of the easiest question even from this "undecided" voter...

And Romney should be talking about the similarities between Obama and Bush in foreign policy.

Pastafarian said...

Last word for Obama AGAIN. Wow.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Romney seems surprisingly ready for this (stupid) let's run against GW Bush question.

What I think is that we have Obama Romney's narrative crammed down our throats so now when we see Romney w/o the filters he looks way better.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Has anyone else ever noticed the a many of the far left commenters tend to use only first names for their used ID's? Jeremy, Bill, Titus, etc? Garbage is an exception.

edutcher said...

Lem said...

Obama is attacking Romney like Romney is the president.

Perhaps he knows something we won't find out for 3 weeks.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Obama is taking credit for the Bush tax cuts.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Obama is on the complete attack and Crowley is completely in the bag for Obama. Is it just me or has she cut off Romney replies repeatedly?

Renee said...



"Condom Use Drops When Young Women Use Hormonal Contraceptives"

furious_a said...

Diff from Bush: A.wouldn't have signed McCain-Feingold.
B.made tax cuts permanent.

Obama: campaign bus made in Canada.
Fisker Automotive energy dept loans for cars made in Finland.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What did Bush do to hurt women? I forgot.
Did he steal all their lady parts?

Emil Blatz said...

Quite pleased that Romney was able to interject the obvious by saying that Obama did indeed take Chrysler and GM into bankruptcy, in well coordinated prepackaged filings, brokered by his "car czar." Obama's claim that Romney was recommending liquidation is ludicrous.

Mark said...

Tough on China, right, neither one will do a damn thing, China owns us.

On this I agree with Inga. Romney even saying it decreases my respect for him a notch.

Lyssa said...

If Rommey doesn't bring up Libya in his response here, he's falling down on the job.

Shouting Thomas said...

I wish that both of them would actually answer the question asked.

The black guy said high prices are killing him.

Obama isn't answering, except in very vague generalities.

Let's hope Romney can do better.

Genevieve Netz said...

Excellent response from Romney on his difference from Bush.

Pastafarian said...

Mr president, please give me your standard stump speech. And don't forget to mention that osama is still dead.

Michael K said...

Jabba the Hut keeps cutting Romney off. She doesn't seem to be as neutral as Lehrer was. Romney is the same as last debate. Obama lies through his teeth and Jabba stops Romney from replying.

Anonymous said...

Wow before this speech Obama was up 3 minutes. Could Candy be more biased?

Synova said...

I killed Bin Laden!

Renee said...

@AprilApple, There are plenty where I live.

Econophile said...

"The promises I've made, I've kept. And those I haven't kept..."

Didn't hear the rest--was laughing too hard.

bagoh20 said...

Man, I am glad I am not a woman. Apparently it really sucks, and you need to be treated like a child or you get all but hurt. Both candidates agree on this, so it's not in dispute.

Tim said...

charlescwcooke "These are not undecided voters, they're disillusioned Democrats."


From NRO.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Is it just me or has she cut off Romney replies repeatedly?

It could be that Romeny is runing long to make Candy cut him off.

Anonymous said...

Dream Act!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...


Gahrie said...

On another site someone made the comment that Obama is up by almost three minutes in time used....

Anonymous said...

Low blow, food stamps, people are out of work, poor.

Shouting Thomas said...

Must be frustrating to ask a pretty precise, good question and have both guys filibuster.

clint said...


When she has to cut off Obama... she lets him go on for twenty seconds more without talking over him.

Contrast with how she cuts Romney off and won't let him speak without her voice on top of his.

bagoh20 said...

I think Biden is the most quoted man tonight. A genius of our time.

wyo sis said...

If you like what you've had in the last five years you know what Obama will bring to the next four years.

I'll take facts, hold the narrative said...

If Obama lives another 50 years, he will still blame Bush for everything.

Anonymous said...

Some military families eligable for food stamps!

Portia said...

It sounds as though Obama is stuttering a bit. Or is that just me?

furious_a said...

The President needs to control the pitch of his voice, the higher he goes the more whiney he sounds. Romneu's keeping it low and gravelly. Better audials.

wyo sis said...

Oops. 4 years

Chuck66 said...

You should have called him "Mr Romney" or "Governor Romney".

No, lets talk about your illegal immigrants....

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great group of Indy voters. Did David Axelrod write the questions? Will Brittany with Downs be a questioner?

Anonymous said...

Kick out the Dreamers says Romney!

wyo sis said...

Green card stapled to their diploma!

Shouting Thomas said...

Romney actually comes out against illegal immigration.

Does he mean it?

edutcher said...

The Romster is killing Zero on broken promises and failed policies.

Somebody should tell Barry to wipe the smirk off his face.

And what's with the fluttering eyelashes?

He is on something.

Anonymous said...

WOW - no forced rebuttal to that devastating Mittens attack! OBAMA HAS COLLAPSED!

jr565 said...

Is the guy he's talking to(Obama) in manufacturing and/or education or in a union? What if he's not in one of thse jobs. What if hes not in an Industy that has shovel ready jobs (not that such jobs were actually there).

Damn Romney just hit that one out of the park, pointing out Obama's failures.

bagoh20 said...

"We shouldn't have to hire a lawyer..."

Well, that does it for me. I'm voting for him.

Chuck66 said...

How come no questions about how Catholics are discriminated against in an Obama world? Its almost as though only lefty questions are being allowed.

Synova said...

"Some military families eligable for food stamps!"

Join as an E-1 with a family and you're not making enough to support them. This doesn't shock me, having been there. Used to be the military would FORBID enlistees from marrying... can't do that any more. Can't tell a private that he or she can't have five dependents. What level of pay is fair for entry level technical work?

clint said...

Now Candy's telling Obama to go back and sit down... and he's doing it.

The whole "sit down, Mr. President" thing seems ripe for combining with the empty chair meme.

furious_a said...

TrooferAllie: Low blow, food stamps, people are out of work, poor.

Yes, "low blow" pointing out President's failure swelled food stamp rolls.

David Gray said...

Interesting. Obama's whole approach seems to be "here's what I want to do if I get to be President someday."

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

That was a good response on immigration from Romney.

Romney essentially I think turned down Lorenas idea of granting amnesty to illegals.

Renee said...


because I don't exist.

Anonymous said...

Latino's won't vote for Romney. You cannot punish innocents, children who were dragged here by parents.

Mark said...

He is on something.

I tell you, he has the worlds biggest Patch on his back. And the heat from the lights is probably making the nicotine transfer rates a lot higher than normal.

Anonymous said...

Obama has cut immigration by ruining the economy! Great plan,

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Interesting. Obama's whole approach seems to be "here's what I want to do if I get to be President someday."

We should make sure... We should make sure... We should make sure... We should make sure.

Anonymous said...

Point out another Romney flip flop.

jr565 said...

Now would be a good time to mention Fast & Furious Romney.

bagoh20 said...

Obama just told a doozy!

wyo sis said...

David and Lem
You both have it right. It's as if Obama isn't the president yet. He acts like he had nothing to do with the last four years.

Oso Negro said...

Inga - So you think that amnesty for the children of illegals is the DOMINANT issue for legal voters of Hispanic descent? I don't.

Anonymous said...

What's with the 3 tiers of suits stage right? Right next to Romeny - wonder why??

Anonymous said...

Candy always want to go back to Romney if she thinks the issue isn't on his side, not so much if she thinks he's winning.

KCFleming said...

It's gotta be tough depending 4 years of colossal failure.

I'm sure evasion and outright lies is his tactic, but Obama's on mute so I'll just have to read about it.

Seeing Red said...

--"Some military families eligable for food stamps!"--

That's been going on at least a couple of decades.

furious_a said...

Romney just blew off Candy to rebut. BOOM!

Obama do-nothing on immigration reform. BOOM!

Anonymous said...

Romney cheating on time.

wyo sis said...

Fist fight!

Shouting Thomas said...

Romney scores.

Obama also has foreign investments and offshored money.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Romeny get on Obamas face!

KCFleming said...

Inga, he's following Candy's lead on that.

Chuck66 said...

Barry is talking to left wing activists. Being weak on illegal immigrants isn't a winning position for him.

Seeing Red said...

--Low blow, food stamps, people are out of work, poor---

Yet they still want to vote for Obama.....

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Romney cheating on time.

Go home and cry to mama.

Tyrone Slothrop said...


Now Obama is doing a Biden, don't you think? That interruption was rude and uncalled for.

wyo sis said...

Have you looked at your pension plan.
Dangerously close to Dingle Norwood.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Woman asks question about pay equity for women.

Obama gets 2 minutes.

Romney gets 2 minutes.

Obama gets ANOTHER 2 minutes.

Romney does NOT get another 2 minutes like Obama did.

Candy then moves onto another question, starting with Romney.

That's bullshit.

virgil xenophon said...

Romney snaps back on Chinese investments! And Obama continues to interrupt like the ass he is..

Mark said...

Romney cheating on time.

Seems like he needs to.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Sounds like the same Romney showed up as was in the 1st debate. Viewers will feel good about that.

And sounds like the same futile, unarmed Obama showed up.

Gary Kirk said...

Obama's now letting Candy wear Hillary's big-boy britches.

Shouting Thomas said...

This bit has mostly been a waste of time.

Slight difference. Romney calls illegals "illegals."

Obama insists that illegals are "undocumented."

alan markus said...

I'm watching a feed at Real Clear Politics - ABC. They keep running banners along the bottom of the screen. Just ran some snap poll asking if Obama has redeemed himself with this debate: 4247 Yes, 1093 Maybe, 1596 No.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Benghazi. F.I.N.A.L.L.Y.

Shouting Thomas said...

I like the feisty interchange.

Have at it boys!

Pastafarian said...

Here's a good question. Libya. Let's watch it be evaded for two minutes.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The Bengazy baby.

Is Obama going to Abort and take responsability?

Anonymous said...

Obama should know them they are his biggest donors, I guess Steven's didn't send a check.

wyo sis said...

Libya! At last.

"Nobody is more concerned about their safety and security."

He's cooked.

furious_a said...

TrooferAllie: Romney cheating on time.


Michael The Magnificent said...

So Romney complains that that wasn't fair, and Obama and Candy insist that the timekeepers are "working," to who's benefit they don't say.

Again, bullshit.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Obama is talking about romney in the context of Bengazy?

Tim said...

Stupid man, with stupid ideas, elected by stupid voters, with four years to prove he wasn't stupid.


Next, please.

Shouting Thomas said...

"You don't turn national security into a political issue!"

Softball pitch to you, Romney.

Can you hit it?

the co-owner said...

Obama just stepped in it on Libya, taking the same answer as Biden, and doubling down. And he STILL hasn't answered the question!

Synova said...

I shut the barn door after the horses were gone!

Yay me!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

He got Libya and Iraq confused.

Anonymous said...

WOW like he didn't make I killed Bin Laden a political issue.

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Synova said...

Bin Laden is still dead!

cubanbob said...

Crowley is such a shill. Gives Obama extra time and tries to cut off Romney.

Anonymous said...

20 minutes since Althouse last commented. Big thougths brewing.

pauldar said...

It was already too late, Mr President, once the embassy was under siege! Rubber bullets don't kill terrorists. But hey, thanks for thinking of them while you went to Vegas

wyo sis said...

Romney sums it up well.
Good question about why didn't we know?

Tim said...

In more important news (who doesn't know by now Obama was never qualified to be president?), the Tigers lead the Yankees, 2-0, going into the bottom of the sixth.

Anonymous said...

Obama has to answer for his decision to go to Las Vegas. No excuse.

David said...

Why does Obama go back to the chair?

You think he wants any empty chairs on the stage?

jr565 said...

You don't turn national security into a political issue, especially when it's happening? How about telling patreus he thinks the surge will fail, while its happening. How bout the democrats entire response to Iraq (from ALL the dems) WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING? Fuck you OBama.

Pastafarian said...

Again, last word to you, mr president.

furious_a said...

Why does Valerie Jarrett have a (Secret Service) security detail but Ambassador Stevens had none?

clint said...

Camera just showed Michelle Obama over the President's shoulder -- she looks really unhappy.

NoraCharles said...

And Candy throws a lifeline to Obama...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Bullshit.. Obama was talking about a video all this time.

Shouting Thomas said...

Romney could have done a lot more with that softball.

How, Obama does the "How dare you routine."

wyo sis said...

Greeting the caskets and evading responsibility. This is a fact we can all see and THAT Mr. President is offensive!

bagoh20 said...

Well somebody tried to sell that shit to us.

furious_a said...

Grieving at Andrews: at least you found some marines to act as pallbearers.

Lyssa said...

I'm disappointed in Romney's arguments on Benghazi. He could have been a lot stronger.

Synova said...

He stood in the rose garden and complained about a movie.

Anonymous said...

Sincere anger. Romney thinks he got him. Romney fell on his face.

wyo sis said...

Help me here!

SukieTawdry said...

Obama's playing the injured party as regards Benghazi.

Shouting Thomas said...

Romney flubbed it bad.

Anonymous said...


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Romney stumbled on the timeline of what Obama said and didn't say.

Seeing Red said...

And Inga loves the pack o' lies.

Shouting Thomas said...

Romney just blew it on his strongest issue.

Michael K said...

Jabba the Hut was just defending Obama on Libya. Too bad he didn't send her to the Sunday shows instead of Rice.

wyo sis said...

Inga is angry that Romney wants accountability.

Where is the anger about the dead ambassador? And the cover up?

Chuck66 said...

Ak 47's?

Chip Ahoy said...

There's a man sitting in jail because of a YouTube video and Obama claiming it caused riots.

Pastafarian said...

Fast and furious, anyone? He fucking PUT AK47s in the hands of criminals.

LilyBart said...

I hate CNN - Can we have a balanced debate with actual, undecided voters?

Shouting Thomas said...

How could Romney have screwed up that bad on Benghazi?

He even started appealing to Obama.


SukieTawdry said...

These questions are unbelievable. How about someone who asks "Mr. President, what have you done to protect Second Amendment rights"?

I'll take facts, hold the narrative said...

The door just opened for Romney to bring up Fast & Furious.

the co-owner said...


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

He stood in the rose garden and complained about a movie.

Thats what I thought..

Romeny looked like an amateur lawyer asking a question he didn't seem to know the answer to.

edutcher said...

The Romster calls Zero and Godzilla both liars.

Good for him.

wyo sis said...

The mock rictus of grief! Obama is practically a criminal in these areas. what a hypocrite.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Romeny is not good on detail.

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