October 3, 2012

I identify myself as the outlier at Instapundit.

AM I THE ONLY ONE OF THE INSTAPUNDIT BLOGGERS AND GUEST-BLOGGERS who loathes the Daily Caller’s exploitation of the 2007 video of Barack Obama stirring up the black churchfolk? I don’t think this is helping Mitt Romney with the swing voters at all. Like last week’s playing and replaying of the Obamaphone lady’s ravings, it repels me from Republicans. I’m a swing voter — I voted for Obama in 2008 and Bush in 2004 — and I am genuinely undecided this year. Those of you who are pleased with these seemingly exciting new weapons to use in the fight to defeat Obama are losing perspective. You are not thinking about how you look to the people you need to convince. Here’s a clue: You look ugly.


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Ed Mahmoud said...

The LDS have some goofy ideas, like posthumous baptism and all, but most of the really weird stuff (massacres of migrants from Arkansas heading to California and plural marriages come to mind) is over a century ago. I knew Mormons in the Navy, and they seemed decent enough. The 'magic underwear', in its own way, is no different than the frum wearing tzizit or kippah.

As far as opposition to gay marriage, while the LDS may be the most visible, most Baptist churches and the Catholic church also forbid same sex marriage.

Nobody ever seems to see Harry Reid being a Mormon as an issue...

Baron Zemo said...


Q said...

I hate being called a racist. It's a fucking cheap shot.

It's an especially cheap shot coming from a person who is, at a minimum, defending a racist.

Freeman Hunt said...

Oh, nevermind, found it now. Interpersonal awareness, got it.

I guess I look at it like this: if Althouse votes for Obama over this kind of stuff I'll think, "Wow, that's crazy. How weird." And then that will be that. People sometimes do strange things that don't seem to make any sense. So it goes.

KCFleming said...

@Freeman Hunt

I think vbspurs was referring to 'poisoning the well', but I dunno.

Balfegor said...

Re: Ed Mahmoud:

It is my understanding that if the polls in the swing states used 2010 instead of 2008 turnout models, Romney narrowly trails in most of them, and has narrow leads in others.

That may be the case, but the biggest reason people are suspicious of the polls is that they are registering Democratic likely voter turnout way in excess of historical norms. Pollsters generally weight by demography, but not by party (because weighting by projected party turnout basically just assumes the outcome of the election). That said, it's easy to imagine a skew in the party affiliation of the people who are responding to the pollsters.

Freeman Hunt said...


Hey, that's Obama's line.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andy Freeman said...

Shorter Ann Althouse: "I respect a race-baiting ward-heeler more than I respect you."

Althouse can choose to vote for whomever she wants for whatever reason she wants.

However, history shows that ignoring legitimate concerns because they weren't expressed submissively enough, as Althouse suggests, ends badly.

And the folks arguing for one-sided civility are to blame for that.

In other words, re-electing Obama to punish Repubs for not being genteel will make things worse.

But, it's not about making things better. It's about feeling good about yourself.

Anonymous said...

"Here’s a clue: You look ugly"

Here's a clue, you ARE stupid.

edutcher said...

Is it racist to point out, if DevGru had taken bin Laden alive, Choom and Holder wanted him to be tried.

That'll win votes - for the Romster.

shiloh said...

Indeed, her con flock is getting more and more pissed as the election nears knowing Willard is going down in flames!

He is?

Funny, the polls all show a dead even race again (what could have happened to turn people against the Messiah?)

As always, the yin/yang of winners and losers ...

Here's one the little loser can stick in his yang, Politico puts the Romster up by 4 in swing states.

Dan Hossley said...

I think the professor doesn't understand that this election will probably be decided by turnout, not by "undecided voters".

The Crack Emcee said...


1) My outrage isn't fake.

All well-and-good.

2) My outrage, while partly directed at black people for being do damn racist, is much more directed at moronic white liberals like Altouse who feel it is their duty to enable bad behavior on the part of blacks.

Because blacks - those racists - have no reason at all to even feel slighted in America, and no whites should ever side with them.


3) I'm distinctly unimpressed when the aforementioned moronic white liberals try to shield their own behavior from criticism by invoking the supposed magic of Black Skin, May Peace Be Upon It.

Whatever, dude. This country suffers from a racial pathology but, if you ask me, whites suffer from it no more or less than black people - you feed off of each other. Your sense of betrayal is just as corrosive as theirs. As Glenn Reynolds said, he doesn't care, while expecting everyone else to magically do so - ain't gonna happen:

You're all damned, with me caught in the middle:

Fuck all y'all,...

Baron Zemo said...




ricpic said...

As usual it falls to me to make the comment that explains EVERYTHING:

Althouse has never been mugged by a black yute.

Martha said...

If that 2007 video of Obama in Al Sharpton/ Rev. Wright mode had been fully reported by the media in 2007, Hillary would now be the President.

The speech delivered by Obama was ugly.
He was promoting racial divisiveness.

I live in New Orleans and survived Katrina.
I am a white person. Katrina hit Black and Whites without discrimination. The government responded to help ALL victims.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ed Mahmoud,

Nobody ever seems to see Harry Reid being a Mormon as an issue...

I've been over all of that. My question is, What do you know about them now?

And if the answer is "nothing," why not?

And, considering everyone's so fired up to elect one as president, why don't you care?

This Rev. Wright obsession just highlights the hypocrisy,...

Baron Zemo said...





chickelit said...

vbspurs writes: There is that, and it hurts how little she cares about this topic -- if she loses commenters, she must think to herself, well, she'll always get others. Pageviews, baby!

Victoria: I valued your opinions more than Althouse's on many topics here and also felt an affinity. So when you left, I felt a loss. I think others did too.

TheFop2 said...

I'm Jewish, and throughout our history, the Jewish people have been subjected to horrific hatred and violence. But anytime someone stuck their necks out for the Jews, we've always been grateful, and we never forgot them, from Alexander the Great to Harry Truman to Anwar Sadat.

Maybe a Blond haired, fair skinned person of Teutonic descent, like Ann Althouse, thinks it's perfectly understandable for the likes of Sonny Carson, H.Rap Brown, and Jesse Jackson to convince Black people that the proper response to White America finally wanting to make amends for the terrible way that Black people were treated in this country is to give White America the middle finger. But as a Jew, I find this response to be ugly and unacceptable.

Over the past 40 years, America has absorbed a large wave on non-White immigrants who have been subjected to less bigotry than Italian and Irish immigrants in the 19th Century. Black Americans stand alone as the one group of people who feel animosity toward these new immigrants.

That's because during the same period of time that White America was instructed to bend over backwards to be tolerant to anyone who is different, Black Americans have been instructed to hate everyone who isn't Black.

Ann Althouse is an enabler of this destructive double standard, and worse, she seems to take great pride in being a part of this problem.

The Crack Emcee said...


I hate being called a racist. It's a fucking cheap shot.

You KNOW I hear you, but my question is, when are you (and others) going to start ripping down the other frauds that allow such fraudulent claims to flourish?

We have created a society where NOTHING can be trusted - so why should anybody believe you when you say you're not a racist?

I rail about homeopathy - a problem that should be EASY to fix - have you done anything to eradicate it? Why not? It's survival leads to all sorts of other frauds to survive. Where's the fight for credibility begin, if it can't be (and won't be) accomplished using the low-hanging fruit?

"I'm not a racist" doesn't do anything to advance the fight for critical thinking - it has to start somewhere else,...

NoMook said...

Two questions for Ann:

1. If this was Biden instead of Obama giving the speech, would you feel the same way (ugly to show it)?

2. Are African American Romney supporters ugly for thinking these videos are relevant?

If we vote based on our feelings, I feel we will get the government we deserve.

Q said...

blacks - those racists - have no reason at all to even feel slighted in America, and no whites should ever side with them

I didn't say, or even imply, any of that. You just did imply that whites should always side with blacks when they "feel slighted" though.

This country suffers from a racial pathology but, if you ask me, whites suffer from it no more or less than black people

As evidenced by Ann Althouse, a lot of whites do suffer from a racial pathology. But it's a very different one from that which blacks suffer. Blacks are like an alcoholic, and white literals are their enabling spouses who justify and make excuses for any and all bad behavior on the alcoholics part.

I grew up in such a family. The behavior is depressingly familiar to me.

Breaking out of this cycle of pathology requires both the sick parties to recognize that they have problems. The enabler is often even more deeply sunk in denial than the person who is seen as having the problem - the alcoholic in the analogy.

I think Obama's a reasonably smart guy. Tell him "That behavior is unacceptable" and he'd get with the program pretty quickly. The people with the really severe psychological problem are those like Althouse. As she admitted, her "emotions around race are deep and complex".

The Crack Emcee said...


uring the same period of time that White America was instructed to bend over backwards to be tolerant to anyone who is different, Black Americans have been instructed to hate everyone who isn't Black.

Yeah, sure, that's how I became who I am.

Man, some of you seriously believe your own bullshit.

Stupidity is really the biggest problem this country faces,...

Baron Zemo said...






Q said...

Thank's for that comment, TheFop2.

I think that there are some Jews who fear that, if bad behavior on the part of blacks can be publicly condemned, Jews will be next.

cf said...

I think you succeeded in turning me off you entirely today. When I want legal argument, I'll stick with Volokh. When I want to learn how the windsock is blowing, I can go to Noonan or Sullivan. Maybe if the mobs take over Madison, I'll drop in again.

roa said...

I personally think the statement John Lewis made at the Democratic National Convention “That if Romney is elected we will see a return to segregation “is more offensive than showing a video of an actual speech Obama made. But you didn’t think that even warranted a direct post. You just referenced it through a post by Charles Pierce. It apparently didn’t reflect badly on Obama

Vice President Biden’s warning to African-Americans 'they’re gonna put y’all back in chains,' also seems more offensive, but that didn’t you. You just thought it was idiocy, not hate, not ugly. It didn’t reflect badly on Obama either.

Baron Zemo said...

Put it all together and what do you get?

edutcher said...

From Insta, another rejoinder, this from Elizabeth Price Foley

YES, ANN, TALKING ABOUT RACE IS UGLY (INHERENTLY): But ask yourself this: Which side of this political debate is talking about race in a way that suggests that there is an “us” and a “them” that are inherently at odds? And which side is talking out it in a way that suggests there should be no “us” versus “them”?

The reason the recently released Obama speech video has caused such an outcry is because it has shocked a lot of people (mostly independents) who, in good faith, believed the President would usher in a post-racial era of color blindness. Not only have the President’s policies over the last 3.75 years failed to fulfill this “hope,” but the new video reveals a man who is far, far from color blindness and an ability to view all Americans equally.

If pointing this fact out is “ugly,” then we simply cannot criticize anything the President ever does or says on the issue of race. That, to me, is a much greater ugliness, and a dangerous one at that.

I think her point about "the President would usher in a post-racial era of color blindness" is right on the money.

effinayright said...

The Crack Emcee said...

Because blacks - those racists - have no reason at all to even feel slighted in America, and no whites should ever side with them.


In a world of Straw Man arguments, that is a Wicker Man.

rick rogers said...

You mean they look ugly to you. One person's perspective does not represent all of swing voters. Even when that perspective comes from a highly esteemed person.

rick rogers said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...


I didn't say, or even imply, any of that.

Wait - if you're not saying that, then you must understand this "bad behavior" you're so upset about, right? And if you do, then what are you bitching about Ann for?

You just did imply that whites should always side with blacks when they "feel slighted" though.

"Always"? Really? I implied that? Shit, I hardly ever side with blacks for bad behavior - you're their understanding buddy -so I'm having a pretty hard time thinking of how I'd imply it.

I think you got the pathology.

As evidenced by Ann Althouse, a lot of whites do suffer from a racial pathology. But it's a very different one from that which blacks suffer. Blacks are like an alcoholic, and white literals are their enabling spouses who justify and make excuses for any and all bad behavior on the alcoholics part.

As a black person, I think you're far off the mark with that one. The vast majority of black people aren't doing shit to anyone. As far as they're concerned, it's been that way since before their ancestors were ever put on a boat - and that's the problem. I thought you understood these things?

I grew up in such a family. The behavior is depressingly familiar to me.

That's called "projection." Do me a favor:

You keep your fucked-up family as yours and I'll keep my put-upon one as mine, deal?

Breaking out of this cycle of pathology requires both the sick parties to recognize that they have problems. The enabler is often even more deeply sunk in denial than the person who is seen as having the problem - the alcoholic in the analogy.

You first - admit you're fucked up and how.

I can't wait to hear this.

I think Obama's a reasonably smart guy. Tell him "That behavior is unacceptable" and he'd get with the program pretty quickly. The people with the really severe psychological problem are those like Althouse. As she admitted, her "emotions around race are deep and complex".

No, she said THE "emotions around race are deep and complex". See, I've discovered two of your problems already:

You're delusional and a liar,...

furious_a said...

Balfegor: If you want them to vote for your side, you have to be sensitive to their feeling[s].

Well, OK. Ms. Althouse is a law professor...hmmm...at the risk of getting snippy'd-at I'm going to presume here...

This blog is her appellate courtroom. She is the presiding judge. Before her is a case appealing one of her earlier decisions (Obama v. McCain) in which she had found for the plaintiff. Assume this is a Dane County court where she won't recuse herself. To secure a reversal, appellant must prove their case, not simply assert it, within the constraints imposed by the bench.

The bench has ruled certain evidence (racial in nature) inadmissable, as either irrelevant or prior acts). Flogging inadmissable evidence, ridiculing the prior decision, questioning the bench's judgement,introducing the bench's husband and gender, insinuating racial pathologies, playing Michael Corleone (You're DEAD to me!), etc., only antagonizes the bench.

Certain avenues remain open: Political thuggery (e.g., anti-Walker protestors' behavior), misappropriation of public assets (UW-Madison's in-kind contribution to the Obama/Baldwin campaigns) and constitutional protections(Mohammed video) seem to engage the bench's interest (and/or ire). Rule-of-law issues (Chrysler bankruptcy, regulatory waivers, recess appointments) may apply, as well.

Will need to request a continuance.

rick rogers said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...


In a world of Straw Man arguments, that is a Wicker Man.

Hey, everybody, I'M DOWN WITH THE WICKER MAN!!!!!!

Set me on fire,...

rick rogers said...

Crack Emcee said,

"Yeah, sure, that's how I became who I am.

Man, some of you seriously believe your own bullshit.

Stupidity is really the biggest problem this country faces,..."

After reading some of your posts and visiting your website I can say that you have the same problems that you are criticizing others for having. And it does not seem to be a question of degree with you.

alppuccino said...

"Where be yo dollah? Where be yo Staffot monah?!"

"Did you see those rubes Harry? I have a gift. They were buying it all."

This little operetta was brought to you by the facts. Facts that by now, you must certainly know. The Stafford rule WAS WAIVED for Katrina 2 weeks before the speech after Congress approved the waiver. A vote that included a "Nay" from Obama himself. The one time he doesn't vote 'present' and then he goes out and whips up his ethnic base by lying to their faces.

Enjoy your vote Ann.

Ross said...

Pogo is right.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Althouse is probably the only undecided law prof in the entire country.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I liked those, too. Also, further down, was an excellent on-the-ground-in-NOLA comment from Elizabeth.

Good times.

What did Don Draper say about nostalgia? It's the pain of remembering? Something like that.

Q said...

"I didn't say, or even imply, any of that."

Wait - if you're not saying that, then you must understand this "bad behavior" you're so upset about, right?

You're incoherent and delusional. There exists a continent sized difference between the position that "blacks have no reason at all to even feel slighted in America, and no whites should ever side with them" (which is the position you attempted to attribute to me) and the position that white liberals enable bad behavior on the part of blacks, as demonstrated by Althouses defense of Obama's racism.

Saying "white people should not defend blacks regardless of the behavior in question" is not the same thing as saying "white people should never ever defend black people".

It does not reflect well on you that I needed to explain something so painfully obvious.

Balfegor said...

Re: Crack Emcee:

Hey, everybody, I'M DOWN WITH THE WICKER MAN!!!!!!

Set me on fire,..

Sumer is icumen in
Loudly sing cuckoo
Groweth seed and bloweth meade
And springs the wood anew
Sing, Cuckoo!

O Mighty God of the Sun, accept our sacrifice!

(I have no point to make. I just like the song).

TheFop2 said...

Crack Emcee,

"Yeah, sure, that's how I became who I am"

Sure does sound like the shoe fits you perfectly, as others here have noticed.

Q said...

I think you got the pathology.

Naw, you're the poo-poo head!

"Blacks are like an alcoholic, and white literals are their enabling spouses who justify and make excuses for any and all bad behavior on the alcoholics part."

As a black person, I think you're far off the mark with that one. The vast majority of black people aren't doing shit to anyone.

You're living in a dream world. Do I really need to run through the statistics on problems among blacks - the crime, the violence, the poverty, the out-of-wedlock births, the children growing up in single parent homes, the racism, the low educational attainments, the reliance on government programs, etc? I certainly can recite all those dreary statistics, if you demand it.

The racism is right here - Obama making racist remarks in his racist church - and the white liberal leaping to the aid of the poor put-upon black man (who happens to be the President of the United States!) is here as well. So I'm not sure why you're so desperately denying what your own senses are telling you.

Libs Oncrack said...

Do you mean you're undecided between Jill Stein and Gary Johnson?

I'm just curious. You didn't indicate the choices you were considering.

The Crack Emcee said...

rick rogers,

After reading some of your posts and visiting your website I can say that you have the same problems that you are criticizing others for having. And it does not seem to be a question of degree with you.

Pffft. I'm not the one shocked - SHOCKED! - about a video from 2007 featuring shit everybody knew already.

Nor am I trying to elect a fruitcake who thinks he can make me accept Native Americans are the lost tribes of Israel, or there's a planet called "Kolob" where the mother and father god are getting it on.

I mean, come on:

Why didn't you guys just elect L. Ron Hubbard when you had the chance?

Unknown said...

Obama speaks racism in 2007 and I look ugly.

See? Pogo gets it!

The Crack Emcee said...


There exists a continent sized difference between the position that "blacks have no reason at all to even feel slighted in America, and no whites should ever side with them" (which is the position you attempted to attribute to me) and the position that white liberals enable bad behavior on the part of blacks, as demonstrated by Althouses defense of Obama's racism.

You moron, she didn't defend his racism, she dissed you for yours.

Get a fucking mirror - and then try to get a clue,...

RAS743 said...

Professor Althouse confuses taking the high road with being supine.

In what sense is showing the truth -- Obama speaking to a safe audience, at which he obviously felt his implicitly racial speech would not be revealed -- being "ugly"?

If the MSM had aired this, there would be no describing this as "ugliness" or crossing racial Rubicons. It would be a simple matter of putting it out there, unabridged, and asking the man who would become the candidate, "What about this?" for the electorate's information.

But that wasn't done, and we know why -- because the MSM, for decades, has not been an honest broker in covering politics or political issues; it is a partisan protecting its own tribe.

And so the "ugly," "low-road" opposition has to resort to ... telling the truth, or at least truth as the unedited video reveals it. Was this Obama's fully fleshed out view of the matters he raises in the video? We can't know that. But if it's of a piece with other aspects of his history touching on race -- a 20-year membership in Rev. Wright's congregation; the reflexive reaction to the Henry Louis Gates dust-up; the Holder Justice Department's apparent belief that only whites can commit civil rights violations -- then at the very least the reporters of this video are entitled to show it and ask Obama to explain what he meant.

But we know, from recent and long-standing MSM malpractice, that a conservative in a similar situation would be accorded no space to explain such a revelation; the most damning interpretations would be put forward in a "raising questions about the viability of his candidacy" mode.

The Left has owned the MSM at least since 1972, and you can make a case for it going back to 1964, to the Johnson-Goldwater campaign. People make the mistake of thinking the press has abrogated its responsibility as a reporter of events and issues. It has done nothing of the kind. It has affirmed its membership in the Left, and acted accordingly.

The Crack Emcee said...


Sure does sound like the shoe fits you perfectly, as others here have noticed.

Yep - I'm here everyday justa hating on whitey!!!


Balfegor said...

You're living in a dream world. Do I really need to run through the statistics on problems among blacks - the crime, the violence, the poverty, the out-of-wedlock births, the children growing up in single parent homes, the racism, the low educational attainments, the reliance on government programs, etc? I certainly can recite all those dreary statistics, if you demand it.

Pretty sure the statistics do not show that these are problems for/with a majority of African-Americans. Just a minority. The majority of African-Americans live decent, middle-class lives not much different from European-Americans or Mexican-Americans or Asian-Americans, etc. The only social pathology that seems really widespread among African-Americans is bastardy (see page 8, table 1, but as you can see from the table, it's pretty widespread nowadays among all the racial classifications used by the American government.

The Crack Emcee said...


You're living in a dream world. Do I really need to run through the statistics on problems among blacks - the crime, the violence, the poverty, the out-of-wedlock births, the children growing up in single parent homes, the racism, the low educational attainments, the reliance on government programs, etc? I certainly can recite all those dreary statistics, if you demand it.

No, you can save it:

They're all better than slavery.

And, while they look bad in percentages, I know for a fact - in sheer numbers - more white people are waaaaay more fucked up than most black people I see or know.

If I were you, I'd whip out that tiny violin you keep handy and get to playin' a sad song for them - QUICK!

Them's folks in trouble,...

chickelit said...

The Crack Emcee said...

Yep - I'm here everyday justa hating on whitey!!!

That works if "whitey" is code for Romney. Otherwise, no.

Q said...

You moron, she didn't defend his racism, she dissed you for yours


So, by not saying anything about Obama's racism, but calling those who brought attention to Obama's racism the racists, Althouse (and you) are not defending Obama's racism?

If you and Althouse were defending Obama's racism, what would you say or do any differently?

Q said...

They're all better than slavery.

Fuck you and your "slavery", you whiny little bitch. You've never been a slave one day in your life. You don't get to hide behind that bullshit excuse.

Anonymous said...

"Because blacks - those racists - have no reason at all to even feel slighted in America, and no whites should ever side with them."

Ignoring for the moment the absurd hyperbole of your straw man are you seriously entertaining the argument that feeling slighted is an acceptable justification for rank bigotry?

Much less any actual slights one might have experienced?

Because last I heard there was no excuse for racism. Who told you otherwise?

NahnCee said...

Is this the beginning of a pivot to the left a la Little Green Footballs? Charles Johnson will be *so* happy to have someone else to talk to in his self-induced echoing asylum.

Rob said...


The Crack Emcee said...


So, by not saying anything about Obama's racism, but calling those who brought attention to Obama's racism the racists, Althouse (and you) are not defending Obama's racism?

This nonsense "brought attention to Obama's racism"?

God, you can't even understand what "news" is, can you? Here, let me say this again:


There was no - NO - newsworthiness to this what-so-ever. At best, it was "old news," but otherwise worthless.

THAT's why Ann focused on you:

Your obsession is the real story.

Balfegor said...

Ignoring for the moment the absurd hyperbole of your straw man are you seriously entertaining the argument that feeling slighted is an acceptable justification for rank bigotry?

Mmmmm, it's not bigotry as such in Obama's speech -- more just racist conspiratorial thinking.

Q said...

I'm not the one shocked - SHOCKED! - about a video from 2007 featuring shit everybody knew already

If everyone already knows that Onama is a racist, then I'm not sure why you and Althouse are so infuriated and upset about the video. Why all the hand-wringing about how "ugly" it is is when it's no more newsworthy than Obama going to Harvard? Why are you writing comment after comment here foaming at the mouth about "slavery" and "racism" in response to something which is utterly inconsequential?

Q said...

Here, let me say this again:


That's great, Crack. I'm sure most black people knew, or a least assumed, that Obama was a racist all along. But a lot of dumb white people allowed themselves to think that he was something else. They were aided in this by the media, which never really addressed his racist background.

The Crack Emcee said...

Q ,

Fuck you and your "slavery", you whiny little bitch. You've never been a slave one day in your life. You don't get to hide behind that bullshit excuse.

No, slavery's had absolutely no effect on blacks, economics, outlook - nothing. And whites are so much better off because they're what? More good looking?

Come on, explain me everything, without tying yourself into a Hitler eugenics knot.

I dare you.

And, please, nobody help this Klansman:

Let him hang himself for a change,...

Q said...

There was no - NO - newsworthiness to this what-so-ever. At best, it was "old news," but otherwise worthless.

Are you on the JournoList? That's their talking point.

It seems that Obama giving a racist speech in a racist church is not news - unlike some story about Romney and a haircut or Romney and his dog - THOSE are the sorts of stories which are news!

Anonymous said...


Crack's justification for black bigotry was in direct response to a comment by another

"2) My outrage, while partly directed at black people for being do damn racist, is much more directed at moronic white liberals like Altouse who feel it is their duty to enable bad behavior on the part of blacks."

not at Obama's speech.

Dante said...


Obama was elected as the post racial president. No one forced Obama to spew his lies and divisive rhetoric to that black New Orleans audience. It wasn't necessary. And as such, it is revealing.

Let's go through your Romney complaints.

When my wife asks "Is my butt bigger than hers," when I answer I say "No, Dear." It's self preservation. Same with Romney and the bitch reporter who forced him to lie. It says more about the reporter than Romney, and how people cling to silly notions about their deity.

Cold fusion is merely wishful thinking. I think it's bullshit, and there hasn't been any replicable evidence of it, but there are lots of things like this. What about Democrats pushing AGW, spending billions on it, and the whole Green Energy thing? Here in CA, we have a man who wants to spend something like $60B so that 30 percent of CA energy can come from "renewable" sources. The IPCC AGW models have all been wrong, significantly overestimating earth's warming, but that doesn't stop Scientists and Democrats alike from believing. Unless Romney is going to spend hundreds of billions on cold fusion like crazy leftists have on Green Energy, guess what. Cult of Romney is not as bad as Cult of Obamao.

Herbal remedies. You know my position on this. It's a bunch of hocus pocus. But so are MO's lunches. She believes a bunch of nutritionists when she says carrots are good for you, perhaps because they have vitamin "A" in them (despite that beta carotene has been shown to increase lung cancer in smokers). If only we force kids to eat them, they will lose weight, and be healthier. Is Romney pushing herbal supplements into school lunches? If not, cult or romney is not as bad as cult of the Obamao.

In my view, Cult of Obama is worse than Cult of Romney.

Q said...

No, slavery's had absolutely no effect on blacks, economics, outlook - nothing.

The Wicker Man strikes back!

explain me everything, without tying yourself into a Hitler eugenics knot

That's not difficult, mein Herr. The most racist cocksucker on this thread is you. Wrap your bigoted little brain around that fact and all else becomes clear.

Dante said...


Oh, but there are so many "D's" who don't know it, but need to.

The Crack Emcee said...


If everyone already knows that Onama is a racist, then I'm not sure why you and Althouse are so infuriated and upset about the video.

Find one comment of mine (1) where I say the video upset me.

Again - I dare you: (1) comment that says I was upset by the video.

Why all the hand-wringing about how "ugly" it is is when it's no more newsworthy than Obama going to Harvard?

She was talking about YOU masturbating to it, you idiot.

Why are you writing comment after comment here foaming at the mouth about "slavery" and "racism" in response to something which is utterly inconsequential?


Ask around: I rarely talk about this stuff. I usually ask everyone to shut up about it, but you morons had to announce a BIG STORY COMING and here we are:

Me talking to nutjob.

What a fucking life,...

The Crack Emcee said...


I'm sure most black people knew, or a least assumed, that Obama was a racist all along. But a lot of dumb white people allowed themselves to think that he was something else. They were aided in this by the media, which never really addressed his racist background.

You're just upset everybody doesn't share your twisted racist outlook. All those blacks engaged in "bad behavior" in your head.

It must be sad to be you.

Kchiker said...

Most of this thread's response to being called ugly is tantamount to a "I know you are but what am I" retort to being called childish.

Q said...


Behold - the Black Man speaks!

"By the power invested in me by my black skin, I, Crack EmCee, do hereby decree and proclaim that YOU ARE THE RACIST!"

You really need to get over yourself, you pompous blowhard.

The Crack Emcee said...


It seems that Obama giving a racist speech in a racist church is not news - unlike some story about Romney and a haircut or Romney and his dog - THOSE are the sorts of stories which are news!

You wouldn't recognize a news story about Romney if you hit yourself over the head with the paper yourself.

Don't you get that?

You're as devoted to protecting his crooked ass as Ann is to Obama - that's the point.

I've told Ann about her problem before but you're new:

And a LOTmore stupid,...

Michael said...

I am late to this thread but am I to gather that we are once again in upside down land?

A man makes a movie and nuts go mad and kill. We blame the movie maker. A man makes a speech that is blatantly racist and the viewers of a tape of this speech are the ugly ones.

I think I do not like upsidedownland.

Anonymous said...

Hello World!
When will Mrs. Althouse shut off commenting?
She's toyed with the idea in recent months...

Q said...

All those blacks engaged in "bad behavior" in your head.

Well, there's Obama, engaged in bad behavior in that video.

There's the other black people in the video, also engaged in bad behavior.

There's you, engaged in your usual race-baiting.

So I don't think we need to look very far for "bad behavior" on the part of blacks.

But in fact, in the comment which has you tossing the toys out of your playpen in rage, I did not single out blacks for special criticism.

What I said was - "My outrage, while partly directed at black people for being do damn racist, is much more directed at moronic white liberals like Altouse who feel it is their duty to enable bad behavior on the part of blacks."

With characteristic solipsism, you read this and went "Huh? What did you say about blacks?"

It's not all about you.

Q said...

You wouldn't recognize a news story about Romney if you hit yourself over the head with the paper yourself.

Don't you get that?

I'm not sure where you got this notion that it's your place to tell everyone else what to think, what is news, what isn't news, what is important, what is not important, what they should talk about, etc. You must be a "journalist" in real life.

You're sure spending a lot of time talking about something which you keep insisting IS NOT NEWS!

The Crack Emcee said...


In my view, Cult of Obama is worse than Cult of Romney.

Whew! Man, am I glad to have a Moron Break!

Look, I said I can't vote for Romney. I never said Obama shouldn't go. What I said was, we need to vet both candidates honestly - radical notion, I know - but this video is exactly the kind of "dog whistle" garbage we get instead:

Something that will please morons like Q while adding absolutely nothing to the national dialogue as it stands today.

And, good God, they've been so hands-off on Romney it's criminal. All I can think is - when faced with such an inviting target as the Mormon "church" - investigative journalism in this country is just dead. We're surely on our own. I know:

If they can't expose and destroy Scientology's concentration camps in California - mentioned in almost every article on the cult's inner workings - then why would I think they'd be able to unravel Mitt's bit?

Because I want a world where such shit wouldn't be ignored, that's why.

Anyway - I'm drifting - I see this inverse from you:

Romney will be the better president (my dog could be a better president) but his cult is worse.

Watch them - that's all I'm saying,...

The Crack Emcee said...



Oh, but there are so many "D's" who don't know it, but need to.

I agree, but you know as well as I do, there's not a single 'D' who will be moved by this video - I'm not even moved by it and I hate the sucker.

It was a waste of space,...

Dante said...

Why all the hand-wringing about how "ugly" it is is when it's no more newsworthy than Obama going to Harvard?

She was talking about YOU masturbating to it, you idiot.

Bullshit, Crack. She's on some delusional kick about her power in the middle, and she is bound and determined to prove it to everyone.

Now you, on the other hand, can be consistent when you gripe about people masturbating about this "wonderful gift" showing Obama's racism.

Frankly, Crack, when I first saw the Obamao, I was taken in. I thought Obama was going to limit himself to culture, as in this rally I liked so much I tracked down the music, and bought the CD.

Q said...

there's not a single 'D' who will be moved by this video - I'm not even moved by it and I hate the sucker.

If that's true, isn't it an important topic of discussion in its own right?

If some Republican candidate appeared at a KKK rally and the reaction to the news was that nobody registered as a R would change their vote based on the information, that would be something worth talking about.

vbspurs said...

Freeman, hope you see this reply!

...it was my usual obscure way of being funny -- something about the magical and oft-fragile properties of chemistry, like bonding.

Hope that clarifies it. :)


vbspurs said...

Pogo, thanks for the attempt!

vbspurs said...


/Family Guy

Nate Whilk said...

Hmm. So it looks like "ugly" is Althouse's code for "racist". Am I right?

The Crack Emcee said...


Ann's on some delusional kick about her power in the middle, and she is bound and determined to prove it to everyone.

Nah, that's conjecture and I don't play that game. She said it made the Right look racist - that's her beef as she stated it - and *some* of the response has backed her on that. Even worse are A) the idea everyone has to be in lock-step and B) Glenn Reynolds admitting he doesn't care how it looks.

He always lives up to how I think of him.

Now you, on the other hand, can be consistent when you gripe about people masturbating about this "wonderful gift" showing Obama's racism.

Yeah, hide your eyes, man. It's nas-ty!

Frankly, Crack, when I first saw the Obamao, I was taken in. I thought Obama was going to limit himself to culture, as in this rally I liked so much I tracked down the music, and bought the CD.

I was in France and it was about 4AM when he spoke at the DNC. Boring event, but then he came on and - yep - I thought, "This nigga could be president."

Didn't last longer than the next time I saw him.

He's a con man - just like Romney - and I wish our country would get over whatever the attraction is,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Dante - loved the video!

vbspurs said...

Sissy Willis wrote (long time no see, too!):

I myself read it back then and thought it interesting and convincing, but now, after four years of President Obama and the release last night of the full video and transcript of "Obama's other race speech," it RESONATES!


Q said...

She said it made the Right look racist

Yeah, she said that a video of Obama being racist made the Right look racist

Those of us with a eye for bullshit called her on that.

You behaved like Al Sharpton - whining about "slavery" and "the Klan" and "Hitler" in response to evidence of black racism.

The Crack Emcee said...


there's not a single 'D' who will be moved by this video - I'm not even moved by it and I hate the sucker.

If that's true, isn't it an important topic of discussion in its own right?

THAT (Dem denial) is an important topic. This video ain't. It doesn't even begin to address the issue.

If some Republican candidate appeared at a KKK rally and the reaction to the news was that nobody registered as a R would change their vote based on the information, that would be something worth talking about.

Not if the assumption was Republicans appear at KKK rallies. That's what I keep trying to tell you:

This video showed me nothing but what I know about Obama - he speaks to black audiences differently than he does everyone else.

And for the record, Tea Partiers do the same thing:

I went to a rally on New Years - that featured Mia Love - and the emphasis wasn't on economic issues but "creating Heaven On Earth."

Very religious, to the point of nausea.

And - get this - nobody cares. As I've been saying, everybody's lying - the politicians, the media, the public - it's just a gigantic clusterfuck, with no clear lines of escape, and I hate it.

I like Ann's move today - not because I agree with her - but because she, too, wants out. She's not running to Obama, as so many assume, but RUNNING AWAY FROM SOMETHING.

And I don't blame her:

It's getting ugly out there,...

The Crack Emcee said...


She said that a video of Obama being racist made the Right look racist

Who presented it like it was the most important document since the Magna Carta?

Those of us with a eye for bullshit called her on that.

You don't have an eye for bullshit, you have an agenda - and it's not for the country but for destroying Obama.

I, too, have an eye for bullshit and know the difference.

You behaved like Al Sharpton - whining about "slavery" and "the Klan" and "Hitler" in response to evidence of black racism.

I did no such thing - I was dealing with a crazy racist on his own terms.

He who smelt it dealt it,...

Q said...

THAT (Dem denial) is an important topic.

All right.

This video ain't. It doesn't even begin to address the issue.

Obviously the video itself does not "address" the issue of Dem denial. The Dem denial manifests itself in their response (or lack of it) to the video.

Then we give our response to the Dem denial, in this thread.

Then you accuse us of being racist for talking about that Dem denial.

Q said...

You don't have an eye for bullshit, you have an agenda

Oh, shut UP, you stupid jackass. I've rarely encountered anyone with as big an axe to grind as you. Fine, everyone is entitled to their own agenda. But spare me this adolescent bullshit about how you alone are the cold, clear-eyed, discerning observer of the passing scene.

Issob Morocco said...

You are projecting. The video speaks for itself. That is the Obama that Illinois residents knew. Playing to the crowd. African Americans one night and one style, While Liberals the next night and with that Joe Biden style.

Perhaps you are just mad at yourself for your vote in 2008. Don't blame the DC, blame yourself and the other deluded folks who bought this con man's package and now don't want to face the facts.

Nov. 6th.

Q said...

I did no such thing - I was dealing with a crazy racist on his own terms.

No, you did no such thing. You saw a remark which was mostly a criticism of white liberals, and you somehow turned it onto a "crazy racist" remark which justified you in raving on (and on, and on) about "Hitler" and "slavery" and "the Klan" and all the other stupid things liberals always say when they can't say anything intelligent.

Nothing says "I'm a fool who's lost the argument" like trotting out those particular words.

Ctmom4 said...

Here is fun fact, from the blog Neo Neocon : "Commenter “Ken” points out something I hadn’t been aware of before: Obama was one of a small minority in the Senate who voted against the bill that waived the Stafford Act in order to make assistance funds available to the New Orleans Katrina victims without their having to match them with a 10% contribution.

That’s the same Stafford Act he lied about in his 2007 Hampton speech, the waiver that had actually occurred several weeks before he made the speech, the waiver that he voted against.

See this for a list of those who voted for and against. You’ll note that Obama’s “nay” vote was one of only 14 cast against the act, almost all of them liberal Democrats. No doubt he would say he knew the act would pass and so he felt okay voting against it in order to protest the Iraq war funds that were also part of the bill. But there’s something profoundly distasteful and almost grotesque about him voting against the waiver, knowing the bill had passed despite his vote, and then lying to the audience to make them angry that the waiver hadn’t happened."

He voted against the waiver. Priceless.

Ctmom4 said...

It occurs to me - and I am not sure about the timeline - that it was probably at this point in the campaign that Hillary had the majority support from Blacks, because they thought Obama wasn't "Black enough". He was probably turning it on to pander to the audience.

Ctmom4 said...

I wonder if this continues to burn Al Sharpton . If only I was taller, and a little better looking, and could turn off the Black dialect when I chose to , he must think - that could be me on AF1.

effinayright said...

Anyone think Ann is sobbing softly into a scented satin-covered pillow tonight, ruing her 2008 idolatry of Teh Racial Redeemer?

And having spent the next four years watching with (first) a certain disquiet, and then---as The Won-- has trampelled on Constitution, the Law, the free-market system, weakened our national defence and delivered on NONE of his campaign promises--- seen her feelings slowly build to the point where she was faced with the stark reality that her Hero is just another anti-American radical, as American as Apple Pie?

Grab a couple of sleep-aids, Ann, and drift off into a temporary bliss.

Robohobo said...

Althouse - You have jumped the shark here. The only racist on that video was Obama. Pointing that out is not racist unless you are so deep in Liberal White Guilt that you cannot think. Frankly most of us are sick of that crud.

Doc Rampage said...

Ann, I get your point that Republicans should not do things that will hurt them with swing voters, but I think that a lot of the harsh disagreement comes from the fact that most Republicans honestly do not see how publicizing these things can look ugly. You say so, but they don't see how you can possibly really think that so they assume you are being dishonest in some way.

But it goes the other way, too. Republicans tell you that when they see the "Obamaphone" video they don't see it as racist because they don't think the race of the woman is relevant. To you, the race of the woman is so obviously relevant that you refuse to believe them, and insist that showing the video is racist.

I think a bit more charity might be called for on both sides.

I imagine that I understand where your discomfort is coming from with regards to the Obamaphone video. I don't agree with you (because I think race is irrelevant), but I can understand your thought processes. By contrast, I confess that I have no idea what you object to in showing that speech by Obama.

Doc Rampage said...

Ann, I get your point that Republicans should not do things that will hurt them with swing voters, but I think that a lot of the harsh disagreement comes from the fact that most Republicans honestly do not see how publicizing these things can look ugly. You say so, but they don't see how you can possibly really think that so they assume you are being dishonest in some way.

But it goes the other way, too. Republicans tell you that when they see the "Obamaphone" video they don't see it as racist because they don't think the race of the woman is relevant. To you, the race of the woman is so obviously relevant that you refuse to believe them, and insist that showing the video is racist.

I think a bit more charity might be called for on both sides.

I imagine that I understand where your discomfort is coming from with regards to the Obamaphone video. I don't agree with you (because I think race is irrelevant), but I can understand your thought processes. By contrast, I confess that I have no idea what you object to in showing that speech by Obama.

Nichevo said...

I've only got through the first page of comments, professor, but I have to ask: what is the problem with people telling you, or proving to you, that you are wrong? Where I come from, that is a favor.
Doesn't rejecting such make you out to be a low quality person, a low quality mind? Aren't you supposed to fear and shun error, rather than resent only being caught in it? To welcome correction?

I once implied, more or less sarcastically, that you had fucked your way through law school. But to have, not the intellectual incuriosity, not the blindness, but the intellectual CANCER both to actively reject correction and to present this defiance as a value, is to me far more immoral. Frankly it is quite consonant with the morality it shows for you to write of the girl delivering then murdering her child, then solicit pity for the murderer (I think she should be shot through the head while her mother watches).

I am not a Christian but Dante's conception of hell is intellectually pleasing to me. You may expect to occupy the ninth circle as a traitor to humanity along with Jude Wanniski, who I also had the exquisite pleasure of personally telling where he was bound, very shortly before he died.

Perhaps though you do not rate so high, and you will merely end up the plaything of such as the murderers of Channon and Newsom. That way you could expiate your race fixation. I'm sure you would try hard to please them.

The Crack Emcee said...


Obviously the video itself does not "address" the issue of Dem denial. The Dem denial manifests itself in their response (or lack of it) to the video.

Bullshit - I am a conservative Republican who is as unmoved by this as can be. As anyone in the real world would be. Look around:

It's not a big story to anybody - Drudge has already dropped it - it's simply not newsworthy.

Then we give our response to the Dem denial, in this thread.

No - you misrepresented what Ann said. That's not attacking Dem denial but trying to have your way. Try telling the truth and it might work out better.

Then you accuse us of being racist for talking about that Dem denial.

No, again - you're racist for trying to gin up race hatred by replaying some old nonsense I've seen a billion times before, in exactly the same way, and for no purpose what-so-ever. Nobody needs this shit, from you, Obama, or anyone else. Learn a new way to address these issues or stay out of it:

You're not helping,...

The Crack Emcee said...


Oh, shut UP, you stupid jackass. I've rarely encountered anyone with as big an axe to grind as you.

I'll say it again:

You must be new around here. I could give a shit about race, generally. I rarely talk about it, usually tell everyone they're nuts for even bringing it up. Just like all that imagined "bad behavior" you see everywhere, now you see my "an axe to grind" when it doesn't exist. What I did is engage YOU - some guy who showed up, foaming at the mouth, making crazy accusations about Ann, blacks, and me.

You know nothing about any of us.

Fine, everyone is entitled to their own agenda.

I have one agenda and everyone here knows it - I don't like cults.

Spare me this adolescent bullshit about how you alone are the cold, clear-eyed, discerning observer of the passing scene.

Nope, sorry if it makes you feel small, little man, but I am the cold, clear-eyed, discerning observer of the passing scene.

The Crack Emcee said...


You saw a remark which was mostly a criticism of white liberals, and you somehow turned it onto a "crazy racist" remark which justified you in raving on (and on, and on) about "Hitler" and "slavery" and "the Klan" and all the other stupid things liberals always say when they can't say anything intelligent.

Nothing says "I'm a fool who's lost the argument" like trotting out those particular words.

You are a conventional thinker, making conventional statements, none of which matter to me in the slightest. You think like a sloth. Black behavior and alcoholism, Godwin's Law, and of course, the stupid agenda you rode in on, thinking someone will be impressed by your righteousness. Well, sorry, but this is the Althouse and you're just going to have to up your game:

We be hillbillies,...

James said...

President Obama does a minstrel show in black face pretending to be all "street", and somehow it's the Daily Caller who looks ugly??

Godot said...

Undecided at this point? Shove your vote up your ass.

AlanKH said...

The one valuable thing about the video is that it exposes his hypocrisy over the Stafford Act. Obama voted against it and Dubya approved it, but he tells the audience that the opposite happened.

Dubya must care about Katrina victims fore than Obama does.

john marzan said...

If Prof Althouse saw Dinesh's movie 2016 today (instead of a few months ago), she would be bothered by the movie's racist elements too.

Unknown said...

There are three points I take away from this ugliness.

First, Obama's fake black accent is even less convincing than Biden's.

Second, this tape and the reaction to it perfectly illustrate the extent to which the media is trying to carry Obama over the finish line.

Finally, the tape shows Obama emulating Yasser Arafat. Like Arafat, Obama says one thing in English and another thing in Ebonics. When speaking Ebonics Obama panders to the black crowd and sends the message he would govern as a black President. When speaking to a more diverse crowd Obama plays the role of the racial conciliator. Who is the real Obama?

Like anyone speaking through both sides of his mouth, one listener will necessarily be let down. I would argue that, with some exceptions such as spiking the Black Panther voter intimidation case and the rather quaint Beer Summit, Obama has not governed as the Black President. On the contrary, Obama's policies have harmed black people the most and anybody leaving the hall after Obama's Ebonics speech must be sadly disappointed today.

The purpose of Obama's Ebonics speech was obviously to exploit black people in the service of winning the 2008 Democrat primary. He's since sold them out. I wonder if black folks watching this speech today will recognize the man they thought they voted for.

Griff said...

With all due respect, Ms. Althouse, how can you be undecided? Obama's casual contempt for the Constitution. Stimulus dollars ladled out to campaign contributers, the complete inability to accept responsibility for anything? Please, ma'am, tell us you were joking. And yes, I completely agree: most of the pushing of the video is in raging frustration at the treasonous lack of vetting the MSM did on their anointed candidate, as they decided it was time we paid for America's racial sins by having a black president, whether he was qualified or not.

Dr. Horrible said...

Here's how I'd sum up:

Ann voted for Obama.

Ann hasn't decided who to vote for this time.

Ann thought she was getting a post-racial healer.

Ann actually voted for a race-baiting darker-skinned version of Strom Thurmond.

Ann doesn't want to feel bad about her mistake in voting for Strom 2.0.

Ann might rather vote for Strom 2.0 than vote for someone supported by people who point out that Strom 2.0 is Strom 2.0 using Strom 2.0's words.

Sound about right?

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