October 3, 2012

I identify myself as the outlier at Instapundit.

AM I THE ONLY ONE OF THE INSTAPUNDIT BLOGGERS AND GUEST-BLOGGERS who loathes the Daily Caller’s exploitation of the 2007 video of Barack Obama stirring up the black churchfolk? I don’t think this is helping Mitt Romney with the swing voters at all. Like last week’s playing and replaying of the Obamaphone lady’s ravings, it repels me from Republicans. I’m a swing voter — I voted for Obama in 2008 and Bush in 2004 — and I am genuinely undecided this year. Those of you who are pleased with these seemingly exciting new weapons to use in the fight to defeat Obama are losing perspective. You are not thinking about how you look to the people you need to convince. Here’s a clue: You look ugly.


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traditionalguy said...

The American public grew up in an era when the President only spun a few lies when absolutely necessary, and then the news media crucified him for them.

So when Obama's campaign issues Big Lies 24/7 on every thought in the land, them most people believe him. After all, the media is silent except for ridiculing his fanatic tea party opponents for mentioning the truth.

edutcher said...

As I said, all the Lefty nut cases out today to try to misdirect attention away from their Racist Messiah.

Here's the fun part: The Os are having to run ads in Oregon.

Morris predicted this, but a lot of people were skeptical, myself included. Looks like he might win a lot of bets this year.

Andy R. said...

Then again, the American Family Association is a certified Christian hate group, so maybe this isn't too surprising.

Certified by whom, Dan Savage?

Hey, Fox and Drudge: Here’s Video of Mitt Romney Attempting a Southern Accent From March – Not Five Years Ago

Tain't the drawl, sugah lump, it's the words.

shiloh said...

shiloh said...
Again, Limbaugh, Drudge, Breitbart's ghost, fixednoise etc. "trying" to make Obama look like the boogeyman worked really well in 2008, so why not do attempt that meme in 2012 also.

Ah, but this time there's a track record to go with it.

$6T in debt.


GM bailout costing $25B.

22.8% unemployment



1. Denial and Isolation

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

lather/rinse/repeat ... blessings

Came up with that one all by ourselves, did we?

Noel Coward must be seething.

PS You were going to give us your take on that video, sweetheart.

Let's have it.

fixednoise mittens bush/cheney pants down

lol lol lol

Let's twist again like we did last summer

Tom Spaulding said...

The good news is, I'm happily canceling out Althouse's vote, and that is what I will say out loud when I push the button in November.

See y'all at the Straight Ticket Cafe...where you can vote for all the Republicans at once.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

And another thing.

We are not your captive law students.

You don't need to be telling us things like "It's ugly", as if we were not capable of noticing if such a thing were true.

I've read enough of your posts now to be confident in saying that yours is only an average intellect. Nothing special. Certainly not brilliant, as some have deemed you.

Many posters here are much more impressive thinkers and writers.

And tellingly, you never, ever engage them.

Anonymous said...

As Ruth Anne Adams noted, Bill Whittle commented earlier. For those who might have missed it in the blizzard of comments since, click here.

Bill says it as well as anybody. Excerpt:

I'm sorry if trumpeting video evidence of the kind of character you voted for in 2008 makes us look "ugly." Undoubtedly this is because of your moral superiority regarding the race issue, as you referenced with the Obama phone lady.

Conservatives pushed the Obama phone video to show how DEPENDENT Obama's people are, not how BLACK they are. And the New Orleans video is direct contravention of the "Reverend Who?" speech that suckered you and the other suckers.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes you are the only one. You also may be the only one who thinks "Republicans" when reading something a newspaper publishes. Tell me, why doesn't it repel you away from Democrats when they use racial division every single day, and their media enablers print the stupidest kinds of racial histrionics? Do you remember a full week of news about whether or not "Nigger" was painted on a rock somewhere in Texas? For God's sake, Althouse, grow a spine already! Republicans are hardly near the expert practitioners of racialism as the guy the you voted for!

sakredkow said...

I've read enough of your posts now to be confident in saying that yours is only an average intellect. Nothing special

And you. A college professor.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

"No shit. A couple weeks ago and two days ago, I got the sense of a co-dependent marriage between Althouse and her commetariat. One night they're cussing her up and down over the Obamaphone post, the next day she the best thing evah in the post about the journalist mischaracterizing her."

Because the sign of true intelligence isn't coming to your own conclusion, but either always disagreeing with Althouse or always marching in lockstep. Right. That makes perfect sense (only in the "reality-based" community, I suppose).

Colonel Angus said...

As I said phx, partisans like yourself will willfully ignore anything Obama says. Whether its lying about Libya or lying about aid to Katrina victims to generate racial animosity.

Perhaps its to assuage the pain of voting for a complete cipher.

Chip Ahoy said...

You know what's really super duper ugly to genuine swing voters?

Politicians renaming generous public programs as their own relying on the stupidity of their own demographic to not know the difference. That is, relying successfully to the base stupidity of your own constituency. That's very ugly indeed.

Politicians putting on accents and successfully ginning up racial animosity at a time of crisis by lying about how their government is responding. I love putting on accents, do it all the time, even at this late point, it surprises people when I do because it's so juvenile but for humorous effect, but this is for evil.

Behaving exactly like the ugly preacher, using that hateful preachers words, mentioning the importance of the preacher that you said you never actually heard or listened to in 20 years. The guy we all saw thrown under the ... whatever.

Know what else is ugly. Being called ugly when presenting facts.

Know what else is ugly? La la la la la la.

You are so wrong on this the whole place must now be fumigated for wrongness.

I always positioned myself next to the smartest girl in class, and then, at length, dismayed at their incredible impenetrability concerning certain particulars, and here we are.

Tom Spaulding said...

Many posters here are much more impressive thinkers and writers.

And tellingly, you never, ever engage them.

Exactly this.

Anonymous said...

wait, seriously, given ALL YOU KNOW ABOUT OBAMA, this "ugly" video could sway you not to vote for Romney?? Pardon me, but that.is.the.stupidest.thing.I've.ever.heard.

Unknown said...

"Couldn't you say that to Obama also? Just this once?"

Why not just say "it is out of bounds for whites to point out instances of black racism" and be done with it?

It would have the advantage of consistency.

c.t. said...

Just lost all respect for your mind, Ann. You're an acknowledged simpleton. Actually worse.

CharlesVegas said...

Is Rush playing the clip of Rev E. W. Jackson racist too?

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andy said...

Politicians renaming generous public programs as their own relying on the stupidity of their own demographic to not know the difference.

What are you talking about?

sakredkow said...

As I said phx, partisans like yourself will willfully ignore anything Obama says.

The trouble for you Colonel, IMO, is that you make it so easy for a partisan like me to ignore the issues that Obama is most vulnerable on, say the economy or maybe Libya.

You guys want to discuss racial issues...in October. And IMO that's what Obama's team would like you to discuss.

Unknown said...

"I've read enough of your posts now to be confident in saying that yours is only an average intellect. Nothing special. Certainly not brilliant, as some have deemed you."

Many intelligent people have ridiculous blindspots. This is clearly hers.

Mike Sigman said...

There's something really 'progressive' about the idea that if you object to racist speech by Obama, you are the ugly one. It's also intellectually pretty dishonest. If facts and honesty don't count and you don't hold people accountable for them, then you're committing cultural suicide.

Brennan said...

This video isn't going to change very many minds of voters. But I don't think that's the design.

Is the Romney campaign even talking about this? If so, are they starting it or just responding to questions?

This video is for the media to fight about.

edutcher said...

In the interests of full disclosure, Insta's rejoinder

SO, ANN, criticizing Obama’s racial hypocrisy looks ugly? I see your point, actually, but I think that’s largely in response to a media environment in which any pointed criticism of Obama has been defined as ugly. And that’s a common lefty-media trick, setting things up so that any effective argument is somehow pre-defined as somehow impolite. There’s an instrumental argument that folks on the right need to take this into account, but beyond that, I confess I don’t much care. Obama’s politics are, and have been, ugly in the extreme: Dishonest, personal, vicious. Compared to that, noting that the whole post-racial feelgood vibe of 2008 was, to put it in ugly-but-true fashion, a complete and total lie, seems minor. Perhaps it will nonetheless alienate swing voters, but if swing voters are that easily alienated, and that immune to facts, then maybe it doesn’t matter anyway.

And Ann's reply (both on Insta):

GLENN, I’M SYMPATHETIC TO MANY OF YOUR ARGUMENTS, and I agree that there’s been an effort to make people feel that we’re not allowed to criticize Obama and many people — in the media and in normal life — have an instinct to protect him from criticism. Politics, like any other human endeavor, entails human emotion, and unless you want to turn away from politics altogether, you have to play within reality that exists. The emotions around race are deep and complex. I recommend not toying with them. Move to something more optimistic and positive. That’s what Romney and Ryan seem to want to do with their campaign. They can’t control what their supporters choose to talk about, but this racial material is dragging them down.

(this is like listening to your parents have a really nasty fight)

n.n said...

It serves to educate people how the generational Left has gained power in America. They have extorted concessions through emotional appeals, promised to fulfill dreams of instant gratification without perceived consequences, denigrated individual dignity in exchange for votes from "minorities" and women, normalized dysfunctional behaviors in order for men and women to enjoy their base desires without perception of consequences, and promoted progressive involuntary exploitation (i.e. redistributive change) as an incentive for opportunists and leverage over the vulnerable.

The people who Democrats represent have been mislead through a combination of selective history, appeals to emotion, exploitation of prejudice, personal greed, and personal ambitions. This process has resulted in the corruption of individuals, culture, and society. This process is, however, reversible. We must end the profitable treatment of symptoms and address the underlying causes of progressive corruption: denigration of individual dignity, devaluation of human life, and dreams of instant gratification (i.e. material, physical, and ego) without perceived consequences (i.e. dissociation of risk).

Obama has confirmed that he shares the dreams of his father and that his prejudice is irreconcilable. The reversal of progressive corruption will not be possible while he, and individuals sympathetic to his cause, have authority over our lives and welfare.

The only advice I would offer to Americans is to not allow themselves to be entangled in a Tutsi slaughter Hutu slaughter Tutsi cycle. We should consider this a teachable moment and a reminder of the progressive corruption that denigration of individual dignity and devaluation of human life engender.

That said, there is fundamental (i.e. cultural) corruption and exceptional (i.e. individual) corruption. Both are present in our society. The latter will not and cannot be corrected until the former is resolved as the former defends and protects the latter.

Balfegor said...

Re: phx:

You guys want to discuss racial issues...in October. And IMO that's what Obama's team would like you to discuss.

Despite the source, I think this is exactly right. What Obama needs is for his race to be subtly salient to White swing-voters in the ballot box -- for them to think of him as Black, so the White Guilt engine will engage properly on his behalf -- but without his supporters pounding voters over the head with it, which could backfire horribly.

Salt Lick said...

"You condemn others as emotional/irrational, but take a minute to consider how emotional and irrational it is to engage in politics without trying to get more people to agree with you."

I get the appeal to pragmatism, Ann. The answer to that is you have to agree to some very ugly premises to get those people to agree with you -- those being that minorities shouldn't be held to the same standards as everyone else and that it's impolite to point this out. Those very premises elected Barack Obama.

garage mahal said...

I just used 25% of your post and made up the rest.

Yea, Romney sure is winning isn't he?

DADvocate said...

Ann said at Instapundit: "but this racial material is dragging them [Romney/Ryan] down."

Of course, Obama's racebating ocmments, his DOJ's failure to prosecute the voter intimidation by Black Panthers, etc are doing nothing to drag him down, especially in the warped minds of people such as yourself.

Rocketeer said...

The emotions around race are deep and complex. I recommend not toying with them.

For the - what, 383rd - time in the comments, I have to ask: How does highlighting a previously unreported video (sorry, Garage, what we were presented with in 2007 was not THIS) where the sitting POTUS "toys" with the "deep and complex" "emotions around race" make the The Daily Caller, tuicker Carlson, or any of the rest of us that find this important or compelling ugly?

You want "optimistic and positive?" Tell it to your President, Professor Undecided.

Colonel Angus said...

The trouble for you Colonel, IMO, is that you make it so easy for a partisan like me to ignore the issues that Obama is most vulnerable on, say the economy or maybe Libya.

Interestingly enough though, the Romney campaign has been talking about both of those things. Libya is an excellent example because the media and left villified Romney for taking the administration to task for its response and now even with proof vindicating Romney, you ignore it.

The reality is you don't accept any criticism of Obama. Don't think you're kidding anyone.

Rocketeer said...

this is like listening to your parents have a really nasty fight

And knowing, no matter how Mom yells and screams, that Dad is right and Mom is so very, very wrong.

I Callahan said...

Your rights are totally being violated.

Just where in my post did I say that? Straw man much?

LincolnTf said...

The Obama phone lady was one thing, but claiming that playing recordings of Obama saying racially inflammatory things is more persuasive than Obama actually SAYING those things, then you've ceded all reason for the sake of ephemeral "image".
Obama is who he is, it's not racist to point that out.

Squid said...

Ann responds to Glenn (and the rest of us): "The emotions around race are deep and complex. I recommend not toying with them."

We're not toying with anything, Ann. Your boyfriend Obama is the one toying. If you can call "stoking hatred against whites" toying, anyway.

You're upset because people are showing you the true Obama, the one you really should have seen in 2008. You're upset because you cannot admit that you made a colossal mistake, and so you'll dig in your heels and double down on stupidity, rather than admit to yourself or others that you were caught up in the marketing campaign and voted for an illusion who really is, and always has been, a race-baiting redistributionist.

Look in the mirror, Ann. Admit that you made a mistake, and that the man you voted for is not a good man after all. Admitting you were stupid is difficult, but it's even more difficult if you continue to build on your stupidity. It's too late to fix 2008, but you still have time to redeem yourself in 2012. Don't be afraid.

Modern Whig said...

Crack Emcee:

Agree, it's not a movie. Future of the country seems to be at stake though, and people are worked up. Barry Obama treating Republicans like he should be treating foreign adversaries(but isn't) hasn't exactly helped. I think the riot fear is way over-played. It may be up to Barry how gracefully he loses though. Then we'll see if HE thinks life is a movie or not.

davis,br said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
davis,br said...

@ann/instapundit They can’t control what their supporters choose to talk about, but this racial material is dragging them down.

Omigawd. And now you double down.

So. You have an issue with the presentation of evidence of racism by the president, but you have NO problem with the actual race-baiting the president is actually doing?


Again, to paraphrase my previous comment:

If the prosecution introduces as factual, evidence that they're still digging up scores of arsenic laced bodies in my basement, but the defence strategy is that I dress up all pretty in pink, then you're good?


Because the prosecuter has harshed your cool?

And I've got your prima facie for you with that right there, perfess'r.

neens said...

I...am...done....reading....Althouse. Her recent blogging efforts have come across to me as smarmy, disingenuous and profoundly unserious. I'm done

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Things that don't drive independents away:
1. Insinuating your opponent is a murderer.
2. Claiming your opponent is a felon.
3. Saying your opponent "will put ya'll back in chains" to a black audience.

Things that do drive independents away:
1. Showing video of your opponent being a lying, racial demagogue.

OK. Got it!

edutcher said...

FWIW, I applaud Ann's point when she says, "Move to something more optimistic and positive. That’s what Romney and Ryan seem to want to do with their campaign."

However, I have to disagree strongly when she says, "The emotions around race are deep and complex. I recommend not toying with them". How else do we deal with it, especially black racism?

Especially when we have a Janus-faced politician who tries to play both sides of the street?

Shouldn't he be called out as the liar and hypocrite he is?

And I disagree with her final assumption, "They can’t control what their supporters choose to talk about, but this racial material is dragging them down".

The truth is coming out some of us knew it when Choom called his grandmother, the woman who raised him and gave him a life of privilege, "a typical white person".

This destroys the illusion of likeability. This forces people to make hard decisions. This makes us all face the truth of the monster Barack Obama is.

This is the big game changer.

Not the speech itself - that was innocuous. His off-the-cuff remarks bring forth the true man.

That's why the trolls are here.

Shout down the opposition before word gets out.

Tom Spaulding said...

I just used 25% of your post and made up the rest.

Yea, Romney sure is winning isn't he?

Apparently so, judging by your panic about this video.

Now got get your fucking shine box and post that Indictment Update.

Governor Walker is waiting to hear his fate.

Crunchy Frog said...

Ah I see the bee keeper is shaking up the hive again, good job! Bees need a good shaking now and again, but it sure does make them mad.

Let's explore this for a minute. Why was 2008 such a disaster for Republicans across the board? two reasons:

1) The Obama cult of personality drew a record amount of youngsters and minorities.

2) McCain doubled down of Bush's betrayal of conservative principles to the extent that the normally reliable Republican base stayed home.

The bloom is off the Obama rose enough that the Democratic turnout should revert to the mean. Meanwhile, the Republican base is energized to 1980 levels. The only real fear is that Romney isn't conservative enough for them.

Therefore, it is imperative to keep the bees as pissed off as possible, so that they turn out at the polls despite the MSM attempt to discourage them. This video does exactly that.

Never mind the undecided squishes, the vast majority of them having already made up their minds regardless. Those typically break against the incumbent anyways.

Balfegor said...

Re: Salt Lick:

I get the appeal to pragmatism, Ann. The answer to that is you have to agree to some very ugly premises to get those people to agree with you -- those being that minorities shouldn't be held to the same standards as everyone else and that it's impolite to point this out. Those very premises elected Barack Obama.

Yah, and? Swing voters who voted for Barack Obama last time are exactly who Romney has to persuade to vote for him this time. If they're neo-Victorians who see non-Whites are adorable little savage children who cannot be held to adult standards, well, they're the voters you're stuck with. Just have to tiptoe around their prejudices.

Mr. D said...

From Luke 15:

25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27 ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’

28 “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’

Again, four of the least welcome words in the English language are "I told you so."

It's always tempting to be the older brother. A lot of prodigals are still out in the field, feeding pigs.

sakredkow said...

Don't think you're kidding anyone.

Okay, Colonel. You got me. I'll stop trying to kid you.

Spero said...

Ann is a typical liberal in that she makes decisions based on emotions, on a sense of what "people like her" would do. It seems that her logical side is fighting with her emotions, and her emotions are winning.

This attack on the people who present the video is just silly. She didn't like the emotions she felt about these videos; apparently they hooked into her feelings about race, and kicked off a whole emotional program. So she blames the people who caused her to feel these uncomfortable emotions. Then to top it all off, she attempts to get even by accusing the entire "team" that she sees as responsible of being "ugly", thereby attempting to dump some of her discomfort on the other side and blame them for *her* emotions. Wow. Talk about being irrational...

I think Ann plays at rationality, but it's not central to her decision-making process. She makes decisions based on emotions. So... Actually, I think she's wrong that these videos are a bad idea. I personally shrugged. There was nothing new in them to me. But if they affected Ann this way, other emotion-driven voters - more low-information types - might actually be influenced by them. After the initial intense discomfort wears off.

I do think that putting that post on Instapundit was childish and really really rude. She's spitting in someone else's soup. She should have stuck to posting the idiocy on her own blog.

hombre said...

Are you kidding? This presidential aspirant, now President, affects an accent he doesn't have, tells a black audience that the federal government discriminated against New Orleans black people when providing rebuilding funds and acknowledges the importance of a racist pastor, later disavowed, in his life.

And you're saying should be off limits because it might be perceived as racist and is therefore repellent? My God. It's now repellent to point out that this Prez, "the great uniter" has fomented racial division among us.

Evidently, as an "undecided," you are willing to ignore the state of the economy, the imminent conflagration in the MidEast exposing the Administration's dangerous ignorance, or worse, and the sleazy ad campaign attempting to "destroy" Romney personally (etc., etc.), while waiting to see what plucks at your heartstrings.

The future of our country is at stake, the information is out there. Anyone who is "undecided" either doesn't know what they stand for or they stand for nothing and are simply waiting to emote in the voting booth!

Balfegor said...

Re: Mike:

Things that don't drive independents away:
1. Insinuating your opponent is a murderer.
2. Claiming your opponent is a felon.
3. Saying your opponent "will put ya'll back in chains" to a black audience

Except I kind of think they were driving independents away.

Estragon said...

The truth is sometimes ugly.

The video PROVES beyond any reasonable doubt that Obama's big "Race" speech two months earlier was a big fat LIE. That his two repudiations of Wright were LIES.

And that he was willing to LIE about Katrina, excuse the LA riots, and ran racial animus for his own benefit, without regard to the consequences to anyone else.

Yeah, it's UGLY all right. But that's not Carlson's fault.

If you are dumb enough to shoot the messenger, it explains how this vile pretender managed to con his way into the White House in the first place.

God save us!

Matt Sablan said...

"What Obama needs is for his race to be subtly salient to White swing-voters in the ballot box -- for them to think of him as Black, so the White Guilt engine will engage properly on his behalf -- but without his supporters pounding voters over the head with it, which could backfire horribly."

-- That's over thinking it. It is quite simple. Anything that doesn't involve dead bodies caused by the Executive Branch's mistakes, either in Libya or Mexico, is what his campaign wants to talk about. Unemployment is a bad topic, but as long as we're not pointing at dead bodies and saying "See what the incumbent hath wrought," he's doing a-OK.

garage mahal said...

Apparently so, judging by your panic about this video.

I'm laughing pathetically at you dude. And it is quite pathetic. The bleeding heart in me almost makes me feel sorry for you. But that goes away in a few seconds.

I Callahan said...

The trouble for you Colonel, IMO, is that you make it so easy for a partisan like me to ignore the issues that Obama is most vulnerable on, say the economy or maybe Libya.

So you're just as easily swayed by emotion and illogic as our hostess. Color me unsurprised.

Foobarista said...

Don't talk about Obama's foreign policy. It's racial.
Don't talk about Obama's domestic policy. It's racial.
Don't talk about Obama's support for government unions. It's racial.
Don't talk about Obama's bien-pensant anti-suburb nonsense. It's racial.
Don't talk about Obama's Chicago Way political connections. It's racial.
Don't talk about Obama's golfing. It's racial.

Don't talk about Obama at all, it's racial.

furious_a said...

Balfegor: That message is only important if it helps electorally. Evidently, it does not.

Point taken. Thanks for the exchange.

Mark said...

Welcome to Cognitive Dissonance, Ann. You were (are?) heavily invested in an image of Obama -- that of an intellectual, emotionally significant, post-racial leader -- and what you got instead was a grifter willing to exploit the emotional vulnerabilities of whomever he is speaking to at any given moment.

You find the use of these tapes distasteful not because they stir up racial tensions -- I've not noticed anything changed much on the Caucasian side, at least -- but because you're distressed by the overtly racialist content coming from the side that you were taught couldn't be racist.

This analysis is entirely in keeping with your supposition that the emotional can and often does trump the rational when it comes to voting. Well, anecdote is not the singular of data, and of the truly undecided voters I suspect your perspective is part of a small minority.

paul a'barge said...

You know who has to be suffering the most under this revelation of the reality of the Althouse persona?


The poor guy had a life, dumped it, moved to Madison and married Althouse. And look at what he ended up with. The man has a sharp brain and a right-thinking outlook on things and now he's saddled with ... Althouse.

I give the situation 6 months and then Meade will be back where he started. Sad really. We all make terrible choices at points in our lives.

As for Althouse? She's going to be left with ... wait for it: Crack Emcee. How fitting. How pathetic.

Priscilla said...

I personally thought it looked uglier when Obama's campaign tried to make Romney responsible for a woman's death from cancer.

I'd bring up the ugliness of the "garbageman" ad too, but I'm still not sure that that's not from The Onion. Plus - and I hesitate to admit such elitism - I have never gone out at 7AM and personally thanked my garbageman (shouldn't it be "garbageperson?") for all that he has done for me. And my neighborhood.

I Callahan said...

Is the Romney campaign even talking about this? If so, are they starting it or just responding to questions?

Stephanie Cutter is already out there demanding a denunciation by the Romney campaign.

Darcy said...

@pastafarian (if he's around)

Remember when I called this at Ace?

Hate to be right sometimes.

furious_a said...

Chip A: I always positioned myself next to the smartest girl in class, and then, at length, dismayed at their incredible impenetrability concerning certain particulars, and here we are.

Freshman me sat immediately behind gorgeous sophomore cheerleader Lisa in Geometry for an entire year, all verklempt couldn't think of a word to say to her except "Thanks, Lisa" when she passed back the mimeo'd quiz sheets.

Matt Sablan said...

"Stephanie Cutter is already out there demanding a denunciation by the Romney campaign."

-- She can go hang. Obama stood by while Romney was said to be complicit in a woman's death from cancer and actively encouraged calling Romney a felon for not paying his taxes. If people want to play rough with Obama, oh well. Politics ain't bean bag. Obama had his chance to have a civil, pleasant campaign season. Just like with McCain, who spent money to literally run an ad congratulating his opponent on the night of Obama's nomination, Obama took the offer of a nice, clean fight and brushed it off. He chose to fight like this, he should not be surprised other people will fight as dirty as his campaign.

Anonymous said...

Please don't pollute Instapundit's site with this nonsense. I've been avoiding Althouse for a few days, but this emotional, racial guilt that Althouse carries is now spreading. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to sacrifice my children's future for such idiocy.

I simply do not understand how pointing out Obama's noxious racism -- making whites out the enemy of blacks in front of black audiences -- in any way makes Republicans look ugly.

Any sane liberal who truly believed in racial equality and racial healing should be denouncing Obama and Wright.

A responsible person, an elected official worthy of national leadership, upon hearing Wrights' "Audacity of Hope" sermon, would have taken Wright aside and said that his message of racial blame and division was wrong.

The video shows that Obama's big "race speech" after the initial exposure of Wright was pure hot air, and Obama's distancing himself from Wright and Wright's worldview was a lie.

But sure, the Republicans should just shut up about it, because.... why?

Obama's stock in trade has been racial and economic division, but Althouse seems to think that is okay. Point that out, though and she criticizes you for ugliness.

This is not going to end well. If you are in the minority of a town that votes to tear down the protective walls when danger is approaching, you can blame the other side for idiocy, but you, too, are doomed nonetheless.

chickelit said...

As for Althouse? She's going to be left with ... wait for it: Crack Emcee. How fitting. How pathetic.

They kinda deserve each other at this point. They'll have issues though--like Crack's support for Palin and Althouse's sympathy with her detractors. Plus, I don't know Crack's views on Wisconsin politics.

Plus, what will Meade do?

Tom Spaulding said...

I'm laughing pathetically at you dude.

No, you're not. You seem to think you can pretend that a 40-minute race-bating speech by Obama was "old news" because we were allowed to see/hear 9 minutes of it in 2007, and that the release of the "prepared remarks", (which had none of the race-bating), were described as a "transcription" of the speech.

No, I believe you are laughing nervously at the fact the you voted for this guy... and the more we know about him, the bigger an idiot you appear to be.

if that's possible, after your behavior during the recall.

Now, where's my Indictment Update? Maybe Governor Barrett has it? Can you ask him?

The Crack Emcee said...

Corre∫pondence Committee,

I want to know who my president is. I want all the information available.

That makes me "ugly"? Wow.

No, that doesn't make you ugly. But the fact you didn't know this about him, until now, makes you VERY uninformed.

And tell me:

If you're that uninformed, how much do you know about Romney and his "church"? How much do you want to know? Do you "want all the information available"?

If so, then why do you read Instapundit?

Anonymous said...

Nice regard you have for evidence there, Ann. You don't teach law, you teach feelings.

Salt Lick said...

Balfegor -- "Just have to tiptoe around their prejudices."

Well, neither of us has lock-solid proof (and neither does Ann, for that matter) that showing these videos will lose or win independents. What we do know, for a fact, is that the meekness white guilt produces gives us awful leaders and policies. To acquiesce in that simply prolongs a day of reckoning.

Freeman Hunt said...

The Video Vortex.

Althouse and Hannity are both sucked in.

I haven't seen this video or the cell phone video. They don't matter. They're entertainment noise that allow people on both sides to go, "Oh my goodness! How awful!"

The economy matters. International politics matter. Civil liberties matter. Competence in an executive leadership role matters.

How do these candidates differ on those things? That matters. These candidates differ tremendously. Shouldn't be too hard to draw up a pro/con list for each one. May the best candidate win one's vote.

edutcher said...

OT, but too good to pass up:

We'll have to start calling him, "Honest Joe".

Priscilla said...

I personally thought it looked uglier when Obama's campaign tried to make Romney responsible for a woman's death from cancer.

I'd bring up the ugliness of the "garbageman" ad too, but I'm still not sure that that's not from The Onion. Plus - and I hesitate to admit such elitism - I have never gone out at 7AM and personally thanked my garbageman (shouldn't it be "garbageperson?") for all that he has done for me. And my neighborhood.

Another time the Romster has the last laugh.

Wash your eyes, and your soul, out with this.

Tank said...

AA - Still in denial.

Stop with the BS already and just vote for Zero.

All this posturing to justify another vote to demolish this country is disgusting.

Have you no insight whatsoever?

John Fisher said...

What are you afraid of?

Nathan Alexander said...

"Stephanie Cutter is already out there demanding a denunciation by the Romney campaign."

If I were Romney, I would say something like:

"The Obama campaign has called upon me to denounce this video. I absolutely and wholeheartedly denounce the naked racism and race-baiting displayed by the speaker in the video."

And if asked which racism he objects to, he can respond, "Which racist comments should I not object to?"

Romney needs to make sure the media can't deceptively edit his words. To that end, he needs to make sure they don't put words in his mouth, and should attempt to get them to switch the discussion to the points he wants to make.

Lavonne said...

What I think makes some people uneasy about it, aside from all the substantive content issues, is that Obama basically acts like a white guy doing a rude and insulting imitation of what he imagines is a typical black Christian, complete with shuckin' and jivin' and praisin' almighty Jesus.

It makes him look kind like a stereotypical dumb racist white rube with a dash of anti-Semitism, which defeats the whole purpose of voting for him in the first place.

Alex said...

But this stuff makes my stomach knot.

Typical squish. The use of this video makes your stomach knot, but what Obama and the Democrats are doing to this country does NOT.

Fucking amazing.

sakredkow said...

Yes, I'm pretty sure Althouse will close down her blog (she's hinted at it recently) just because some of you guys are so unlikeable. She doesn't want to deal.

So I have no clue, to whose blog can we go from here? Don't try to ditch me now!

hombre said...

Althouse wrote: Here’s a clue: You look ugly.

Possibly, but Althouse looks embarrassed, and therein lies the real rub:

It is now evident from the video that not only was Obama unqualified in 2008, he was a race hustler just like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson and she voted for him.

Time for the dupes to double down.

Nathan Alexander said...

If you're that uninformed, how much do you know about Romney and his "church"? How much do you want to know? Do you "want all the information available"?

If so, then why do you read Instapundit?

It wasn't directed to me, but I'll answer.

1) I know pretty much everything about Romney's religion that you do. I object to the religion just as strongly as you do. But I have no fear that his religion will corrupt his performance as President, because I have trust in the institutions, and the fact that there is now way he could ever get a critical mass of Mormons into govt to make any changes on the basis of his religion...even if he wanted to.

Why do you lack trust in the institutions of our govt to resist religious tyranny?

2) I read Instapundit because the blog is the best way to keep on top of a wide variety of interesting and relevant topics. Glenn Reynolds doesn't push his own views much...at worst, his views inform his links. I don't limit myself to Instapundit, and no one should...but if someone were silly enough to only read one website, Instapundit would be a good choice. Or Hot Air, or Drudge, since all 3 routinely link to liberal and conservative websites so that you can make up your own mind.

Why do you object to Instapundit so much? Because he won't link your site?

garage mahal said...

Now, where's my Indictment Update

Walker is on two witness lists for trials against his hirees, so it looks like he'll have to testify before the indictments. There's your update.

Seeing Red said...

-- and I agree that there’s been an effort to make people feel that we’re not allowed to criticize Obama and many people — in the media and in normal life — have an instinct to protect him from criticism.--

Affirmative action in a nutshell, the soft bigotry of low expectations.

Progressive policies.

His policies are not healthy for any American, no matter what color they are.

So much for trying to actually get to "all men are created equal."

A 50 year old man has to be protected because he's black?

Guess what, if he gets another 4 years, how far back do you think race relations will really be set back?

What are you teaching those youngsters subliminally?

chickelit said...

So I have no clue, to whose blog can we go from here? Don't try to ditch me now!


Baron Zemo said...

My friends you must calm down.

The blog will never close. The Nutty Professor gets so much of her validation from the tongue baths of her fan boys when she throws them a bone.

And Meade is not going anywhere.

Stop making it so personal.




Nathan Alexander said...

The economy matters. International politics matter. Civil liberties matter. Competence in an executive leadership role matters.

I've been thinking that no matter what question someone in the media asks, Mitt Romney's first response should be to say, "What did Obama say when your organization asked him that question?"

If they admit they haven't asked, he can say, "Well, I'm glad you trust me more than him so you asked me first."

If the original question is about so-called gaffes, Romney can say, "What did Obama say when your organization asked him about his gaffes?" No matter how the reporter responds to that, it is an opening for Romney to talk about "You didn't build that", or Obama's skipping intel briefings the week before 9/11 that resulted in the death of our Ambassador in Libya, etc.

If a reporter asks about the Obamaphone video, Romney's response could be, "What did the Obama campaign say about renaming the Bush-era program to 'Obamaphones' for his political benefit?"

If a reporter asks about this Hampton video, even if it is a leading question echoing Ann's assertion that releasing the video is somehow ugly, he can say something like, "What did Obama say about the ugliness he displayed in this video when your organization asked him about it?"

The point being to highlight the media's incompetence, and to point out that he must be more Presidential, since he's getting all the tough questions. In fact, he could even say that at some point:

"Hey, thanks for asking me that. It really helps bolster my case that people should vote for me for President since I'm open to taking whatever tough questions you can throw at me instead of going on The View and taking softball questions from 'Tiger Beat' and 'Jack & Jill' magazine."

Alex said...

Baron - I admit that I'm getting tired of this back & forth shit from Ann.

I Callahan said...

he was a race hustler just like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson and she voted for him.

That's basically what a "community organizer" is. I called it 4 years ago - Obama is Sharpton or Jackson, with a better vocabulary.

Baron Zemo said...

But Alex....changing from liberal to conservative is your gig...try not to be jealous.

Think of it as a homage to your art.

sakredkow said...

he was a race hustler just like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson and she voted for him.

That's basically what a "community organizer" is.

And yet you're personally offended by the idea that moderates may be leary about your own ideas about race.

buster said...

Notice Althouse's arrogance in claiming to speak for undecided voters. I doubt there are many undecided voters as irrational as she is.

effinayright said...

If emotion plays such an important role in politics, then by extension it ought to play an important role in jurisprudence, right?

I don't think so, and the "Majesty of the Law" is supposed to be built on reason married to customs and values, but that's where Ann's reasoning---that emotion in life leads reason around by the nose---seems to take us to.

So I guess we have to rein in women in authority when they go emotionally wobbly each month, right?

Therefore, I propose that female jurists and law profs forgo deciding/analyzing cases while in the midst of monthly raging hormonal imbalances.

Feminism...it was all just an emotional flight of fancy, wasn't it....

garage mahal said...

Who runs EBL?

Sunslut7 said...

Am I being unreasonable to be offended by the demagogic political rabble rousing behavior of the President? First his basic arguement ignores that facts tha tthe Federal government did eventually waive the stafford Acts requirements as regards NOLA's contributions or it reimbursed the NOLA government for its expenses.

His more objectional assertion -in my mind - is that white people in general and productive people in particular have soem sort of obligation to fund people who are suffering from poverty. A statement that I reject totally.

BTW, if the MSM had done its job this video would have been widely distrubted and analyzed in 2007 -2008. BHO would have had to face up to the consequences of his behavior and his remarks. Unfortunately, the MSM did not do their jobs and we are now stuck with this gentleman.

Baron Zemo said...


Amartel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baron Zemo said...

He runs it. He runs it hard.

MB said...

JimB said...
I am astounded. Politics ain't beanbags, as someone (forget who) once said. And if Obama's rantings don't turn you off....

It's "politics ain't beanbag" from Mr. Dooley in Peace and War written by Finley Peter Dunne

New York Mag implies that Romney is stupid for misquoting it. (Bet he knows all 57 states!)

Alex said...

Baron - I never pretended that I was really a swing voter. My shtick was playing devil's advocate while not explicitly advertising it. Ann is a real "swing voter".

The Crack Emcee said...

paul a'barge,

As for Althouse? She's going to be left with ... wait for it: Crack Emcee.


I was already laughing hysterically at the nonsense going on, but that one takes the cake!

You heard the man, Meade - hand 'er over! (LOL!)

You guys are so trapped in your bubbles you miss everything:

The (very-non-racial) Daily Caller has a HUGE scoop they say. What is it?

Obama's college transcripts - finally?


The ties between him and Bill Ayers are tighter than we knew?


He keeps dead babies he personally aborted in the back of Air Force One?


Here it is:

When Barack Obama is with black people he tells an alternate history and drops the 'g' when he speaks.


I had no fucking idea.

Forget that, when Mitt Romney is with Mormons, he claims revelations are real but when he's with reporters he says nobody's heard one in about 2,000 years.

That wouldn't be the same - or news - even though it was on the news here in Utah.

Forget that Mitt Romney doesn't understand "basic science" - that wouldn't be news - even though he revealed it to The Washington Examiner.

Forget that he assisted in covering up the Mormon bribery and steroid scandal during the 2002 Olympics - that wouldn't be news - nor would the fact everyone convicted in that case is giving the full amounts allowed to his campaign for president.

I could go on and on and on, but none of it would be as important to report as being re-reminded Barack Obama is as fake with his base as Republicans are with theirs - but his are black and, good Lord, we can't have THAT.

You guys are clowning yourselves,...

sdharms said...

Ann, can you say that you think Obama does not look ugly when he is racebaiting? Face it, you are not "truely undecided" you are just pained knowing that you will think yourself a bigot if you dont vote for Obama.

Baron Zemo said...

My dear fellow. You must know that everything on the internets is "pretend."

Anonymous said...

"You know who has to be suffering the most under this revelation of the reality of the Althouse persona?


The poor guy had a life, dumped it, moved to Madison and married Althouse. And look at what he ended up with. The man has a sharp brain and a right-thinking outlook on things and now he's saddled with ... Althouse.

I give the situation 6 months and then Meade will be back where he started. Sad really. We all make terrible choices at points in our lives.

As for Althouse? She's going to be left with ... wait for it: Crack Emcee. How fitting. How pathetic."

10/3/12 2:14 PM

Unbelievable. Truly vile. You think that Meade will dump Althouse because they may ( or may not) disagree on a political, cultural, social issue? Perhaps they LOVE each other, ever thought of that?

Amartel said...

"I propose that female jurists and law profs forgo deciding/analyzing cases while in the midst of monthly raging hormonal imbalances."

I propose that you forego humorous comedy jokes.

Alex said...

Baron - not if you use a site where Facebook login is the only option.

Baron Zemo said...

Stop making it so personal.

Some people are just stupid. Have some compassion.

sakredkow said...

Yeah, they don't get personal, do they?

Sissy Willis said...

I'm totally with Glenn Reynolds on this. Let the sun shine into this dungeon of denial we've been kept in these many years.

May I suggest you read -- or reread -- Shelby Steele's 11/5/08 Obama's post-racial promise re how black "'bargainers relieve [white-guilt sufferers'] anxiety about being white, and for this gift of trust, bargainers are often rewarded with a kind of halo."

I myself read it back then and thought it interesting and convincing, but now, after four years of President Obama and the release last night of the full video and transcript of "Obama's other race speech," it RESONATES!

FriendlyTxn said...

Ann, how can you be undecided at this point? What are you waiting to learn about Obama that you haven't seen in the past 4 years?

The Crack Emcee said...

Nathan Alexander,

Why do you lack trust in the institutions of our govt to resist religious tyranny?

I live in Utah. Figure it out.

Why do you object to Instapundit so much? Because he won't link your site?

He's linked to my site several times - just never when I challenge him.

Marginalizing dissenting voices seems pretty chickenshit, if you ask me,...

Baron Zemo said...

Well Meade does....that is why his appearances are limited.

He can't help himself.

Alex said...

phx - so 1 or 2 users got personal, why do you say "they" when the other 95% of us didn't?

sakredkow said...

I was refering to the guy who has Meade and Althouse divorcing over this.

I will testify that you did not get personal in this thread at this point, Alex.

You do get a little namecally now and then, however.

But your point is taken.

I Callahan said...

And yet you're personally offended by the idea that moderates may be leary about your own ideas about race.

I'm not offended at all, just confused. You see, that kind of thinking is completely illogical from top to bottom, and my mind thinks more in terms of logic.

Which brings me back to the point I made earlier about you, Phx: So you're just as easily swayed by emotion and illogic as our hostess. Color me unsurprised.

Anonymous said...

Althouse, it would serve your hive of angry bees right, if you burnt it down, bees and all. Retire to a hippy lifestyle with Meade and blog about living happily ever after. You and Meade do not deserve the personal assaults to your marriage and your intelligence.

Truly disgusting.

vbspurs said...

There once was a blogger named Althouse,
(She built up a following who made it a second house)
By writing about squirrels, and bats, and men in shorts,
Leading all who read her to chortle and snort.
Then she lost the plot and voted for Obama,
Called all who didn't, racists -- ooh, the drama!
Four years later, she's still in a snit,
Saying racism is propelling that Mitt,
(And her commentariat couldn't give a shit)
Now everyone just has a comment for Althouse,
Give it up, honey,
Before you lose your damn spouse.


I Callahan said...

Inga - if you clutch those pearls any harder, your fingers'll turn white.

Sheridan said...

Professor Althouse - the Lily St. Cyr of the blogosphere!

sakredkow said...

@I Callahan - you must have missed my comments on the emotion/logic dichotomy in recent threads.

Let's yell at each other over a beer about it sometime.

Amadeus 48 said...

Everyone here wants to talk about every possible point other than the one that Althouse made: if we think that substance of the 2007 tape is something that will affect those voters who at this late date are still willing to consider a vote for Romney or a vote against Obama, we should be aware that those voters may object to the constant hyping of the tape, seeing it as race-baiting. She then says that it hits her that way, and Obama opponents would do better focusing on the positive reasons to vote for Romney. It is hard to argue with that. This a sale. You can catch more votes with honey than vinegar, etc.
There is an interesting report on Breitbart right now on a talk that Susan Crown gave at a Republican Businesswomen's forum in DuPage County. Susan Crown is as wired into the Chicago business and philanthropic establishment as anyone can be, and the Crowns are longtime business and civic leaders in Chicago and big-time Democrats going back three generations or more. Susan's brother Jim is a big Obama fund-raiser. Susan, as she explained in the report, has had enough, and she is backing Romney this time for many positive reasons, including his character and competence. Alhouse is saying this is the way to go at it at this stage in the campaign.
No one needs to know any more about Obama in 2007. He was still months away from throwing Rev. Wright (and his grandmother) under the bus. No one can really be surprised at the 2007 tape. So why dwellon it?

Ed said...

Althouse, you are a fool - it's all about you isn't it? No wonder you voted for the Narcissist in Chief.

This story is important because it exemplifies the key political reality of our time, left wing media bias is massive and makes a huge difference.

If the media covered politics 50-50 instead of 95-5 or thereabouts, there might very well not be a Democrat Party today and ,if there were, it'd not be nearly as far left.

Anonymous said...

I Callahan, I ripped the damn pearls off of my neck and they flew every which way.

I Callahan said...

Let's yell at each other over a beer about it sometime.

Phx, I'd gladly take you up on that - honestly. If you're ever in Michigan, let me know.

kimsch said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, removing Obama from office removes Clinton, Holder, Geithner, Sebelius, LaHood (ban cell phones!), Vilsack, Susan Rice, Lisa Jackson at EPA, all the "Czars", executive orders bypassing congress, and more...

I Callahan said...

I ripped the damn pearls off of my neck and they flew every which way.

I actually pictured this as I read it, and I had to LOL.

Spero said...

Perhaps Ann would find that book that's discussed at the Weekly Standard useful - Overcoming Obamaddiction. She certainly seems like a classic case of Obamaddiction. At Amazon: 12 Step Guide For the Recovering Obama Voter.

sakredkow said...

I Callahan that would be a blast. Thanks. ; )

Baron Zemo said...

It has long been Inga the She Wolf's plan to have the Nutty Professor close down this blog.

She has been working on this from her first post.

My Dear Lady please do not be fooled.

Display Name said...

The rationale for releasing the video wasn't to "race-bait," or to spotlight any infelicitous remarks, but simply to show what Barack Obama would sound like as a redneck.

Take me home, country roads!

Unknown said...

kind of a rationalization don't you think Ann? I'm thinking you're trying to rationalize to the faithful why you might vote again for Obama yet still try to maintain the false facade of a conservative. Sorry - won't work.

Anonymous said...

Baron, you must really think Althouse is stupid. LMAO.

Actually you have said so several times. You think that she and Meade don't know what you are up to?

Q said...

So let me see if I follow you correctly.

When Republicans are racist, your reaction is: "Bad Republicans!

When Democrats are racist, your reaction is" "Bad Republicans!"

Althouse is a lefty at heart. She has internalized the core idea of the modern left - that certain people, including but not limited to blacks, cannot be racist (or at least it's no big deal when they are) while white Christians can't help being racist and it's a very big deal that they are.

I've got news for you, Althouse. You look ugly. And more than just look it .. your outlook is ugly.

alwaysfiredup said...

Assuming arguendo the video is racist, or the people promoting it are racist, or in some other way race is the motivating factor here: The Obama campaign is worried about this video because there are just as many racists in the Democrat party as the Republican party, and he needs to maintain his Democrat voters in order to win. Swing voters are mostly low-information voters and are also just as likely to be racist as Republican or Democrat voters, so the ad may well work despite triggering Althouse's "ew" reflex. Most voters who are educated and aware enough to have such a reflex are unlikely to be low-information voters.

jvermeer51 said...

Ann talks a good game but when push comes to shove and a decision has to be made, she rationalizes sticking with her group and voting liberal. Kind of like Daniel Moynihan.

grichens said...

Project much?

grichens said...

Project much?

Q said...

Everyone here wants to talk about every possible point other than the one that Althouse made:

Hey, I'm game. By all means, let's talk about the Althouse point, which is that we should not talk about the racism of Democrats, the racism of black people, the racism of the President of the United States.

She never offered any reason for her position, so perhaps you can do so.

Bill M said...

If you are STILL on the fence, you have engaged in the willing suspension of disbelief. Democrats have an excuse, their Democrats.

chickelit said...

vbspurs rhymed: Then she lost the plot and voted for Obama,
Called all who didn't, racists -- ooh, the drama!

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. That and as Ruth Anne once pointed out a lack of awareness of customer loyalty.

Bill M said...

Also, don't count on swype to choose the correct word

Mariposa said...

What is ugly is the con artist that Obama is and the gullibility of a good percentage of the American people. when the message is ugly, blame the messenger.

Anonymous said...

Amadeus: Great, you and Althouse agree that showing a suppressed video of Obama race-baiting in 2007 will strike swing voters as Republican race-baiting in 2012.

Possibly. Does Althouse have polls on that? Or are we just supposed to take her feelings about the video and swing voters as authoritative?

Althouse can speak for her feelings all she wants. But I have no interest in bowing to her feelings about what is race-baiting and who is ugly and what is good electoral strategy.

If she wants to make an argument, I'll be happy to listen. If she wants to lecture on the basis of her oh so special feelings -- count me out.

This is typical liberal bullshit that Ann believes she has some special moral and intellectual high ground from which she gets to lecture us stupid, ugly conservatives.

Corre∫pondence Committee said...

@Crack 10/3/12 2:26 PM

It was a straightforward comment. Don't feel like you have to put it through a sieve.

And just so you know: I have a high degree of confidence that I know at least as much about Obama as you do.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show, no amount of education can cure bone stupid.

Ed Mahmoud said...

How does Professor Althouse feel about President Obama abrogating the Article I powers of the Congress by nullifying duly passed laws and/or creating news ones by Executive Order? Or is the Constitution a document of negative liberties and archaic?

Alex said...

It doesn't really matter how Ann will vote. What about the "truth of her narrative" that using this clip is "ugly" and will turn off swing voters? Has anyone actually refuted that?

Lyle said...


I'd only tell you, as you probably already know, that all religious groups have their cult like issues. Lots of people thought Kennedy would only obey the Pope. Harvey Milk attended Jim Jones' church in San Francisco.

There are seriously bigoted and weird practices among Jews (only marrying a Jewish woman, otherwise you're children aren't Jewish.. or whatever their nonsensical rules are).

Ultimately, whatever it is, isn't that big of a deal. America survives. Utah can't be that bad a place. To me it looks successful from afar. E pluribus unum includes Mormons and Moonies, and everything else under the sun more or less.

Amadeus 48 said...

Is that really what we ought to talk about?
Racism in Democrats? OK
95%+ of black people are going to vote for Obama even though his administration has been a diosaster for them--racists.
Democrats have a plantation mentality towards black voters, they own 'em and black voters should be grateful for anything they get.
The president sat in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and then dedicated the Audacity of Hope to him--who is he trying to kid?
Now, does any of that appeal to any voter who isn't already opposed to Obama?
Althouse's point isn't that any of what I said isn't true, her point is that it isn't likely to appeal to the voters Obama's opponents are trying to influence.

Baron Zemo said...

In fact Inga the She Wolf everyone knows what you are doing.

The Dust Bunny Queen said it perfectly.


Q said...

"The emotions around race are deep and complex. I recommend not toying with them."

This seems to translate to "Don't hurt my feelings by exposing the fundamental hypocrisy of my position".

Alex said...

So what Ann is really saying is that while she agrees with conservatives on things like the need to do away with affirmative action, it has to be dealt with in a way that is "oh so sophisticated" and that has no connection to "hillbilly" types.

She is scared to death of that association!

Anonymous said...

DBQ said I was being a Queen Bee, so how does that relate to my dastardly plot to get Althouse to shut down her blog?

Oh you are attempting humor, I see. You are a funny one Baron.

vbspurs said...

Chickelit intoned:

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. That and as Ruth Anne once pointed out a lack of awareness of customer loyalty.

There is that, and it hurts how little she cares about this topic -- if she loses commenters, she must think to herself, well, she'll always get others. Pageviews, baby!

I think none of us genuinely would begrudge a decision based on a changed viewpoint or ideal. We are on the Right: our conceit is that we are pragmatists, after all. No. What is so galling is that it's a subject which is emotionally and generationally driven, such as racism.

If the Professor had always been a single-issue voter, maybe we would've understood. But she was cruelly neutral! Logic and reason only! Look at me, a real swing voter!

And none of that was true. None.


Ed Mahmoud said...

The video is relevant because it reveals how much the MSM covered for Obama in 2008, and are covering for him today, and his true attitudes about white people.

Recall, Obama presented himself as a post-racial healer, and he has been anything but.

That said, if the economy, lack of a budget, Obama's obvious dislike for Israel, the ever growing debt, the crony capitalism aimed at failing green energy companies owned by campaign contributors, the Fast and Furious coverup, and now the fudged truth about the murder of the Libyan ambassador aren't enough to convince people Obama is a failure and Romney can't be worse, nothing will.

Alex said...

Allie, it's no plot. You're just being the resident nitwit is all.

I Callahan said...

It doesn't really matter how Ann will vote. What about the "truth of her narrative" that using this clip is "ugly" and will turn off swing voters? Has anyone actually refuted that?

I'll bite - I don't think it will make that much difference for swing voters. Lefties feel the way they do, and righties feel the way they do. But most swing voters aren't wishy-washy about race, and won't be affected by this. Other heartstring issues? Maybe.

Q said...

Althouse's point isn't that any of what I said isn't true, her point is that it isn't likely to appeal to the voters Obama's opponents are trying to influence.

If that's correct (which strikes me as very doubtful) then it means that the typical "moderate" or "independent" voter is comfortable with anti-white racism. That IS what you are claiming, though you want to couch it in weasel words.

And of course what you said is not what Althouse said - she argues not merely that independents are indifferent to Obama's racism, but that they will turn on anyone who dares mention it to them.

Anonymous said...

Alex, you are the resident Moby, for both sides! LOL!

Island Court said...

You are not an outlier on Instapundit. You are an outlier on sanity.

Just this morning I told my son-in-law that the only people still undecided on this election are those too stupid or crazy to be allowed to vote.

Don't think I can bear coming to your site anymore.

Amadeus 48 said...

I might be wrong, but I think she has been pretty clear that she was talking about the the way the repeated play of the Obamaphone lady tape on Rush (whom she usually but not always appreciates) and the nonstop hype of the 2007 tape on Drudge, Daily Caller, and Hannity hit her as a personal matter, and then she wondered whether Obama's opponents have really taken into account the way these things would play to the voters who the Romney team is trying to sway. She is taking a lot of hits in these comments for asking a legitimate question which is not at all hostile to Romney and Ryan.

Anonymous said...

GLENN, I’M SYMPATHETIC TO MANY OF YOUR ARGUMENTS, and I agree that there’s been an effort to make people feel that we’re not allowed to criticize Obama and many people — in the media and in normal life — have an instinct to protect him from criticism. Politics, like any other human endeavor, entails human emotion, and unless you want to turn away from politics altogether, you have to play within reality that exists. The emotions around race are deep and complex. I recommend not toying with them. Move to something more optimistic and positive. That’s what Romney and Ryan seem to want to do with their campaign. They can’t control what their supporters choose to talk about, but this racial material is dragging them down.

After making a stupid post and getting the response she has, she then doubles down on stupidity by recommending that the Romney campaign re run the McCain campaign and not point out Obama's many flaws and lies and how the media protects him

Althouse get this idea through your head: The tape is not about racism it is about the MEDIA protecting Obama. If you continue down this road your are on you will join the likes of the Washington Post so called fact checker that can't bring himself to call an Obama lie a lie even after writing an entire article showing it is a lie.

Alex said...

Allie - I renounced my Moby-ism 2 months ago. Get with the program, nitwit.

Kirk Parker said...

Althouse, you're getting so little traction because the "door" you are showing us is to just continue the stupid racial charade. Why should we do this?

And if it's not enough for the racist outlook displayed here by Obama to disqualify him for high office all by itself, then surely the complete disparity between that and what he claimed in front of other audiences was.

Ed Mahmoud said...

Apparently Ann is hyper-sensitive about being perceived as racist, and while playing the race card no longer works against most conservatives, law professors in ultra-liberal cities can't take the chance other law professors in the faculty lounge might think they actually agree with the bitter clingers in Pennsyltucky on anything. Because people losing their jobs in this administration's war on US produced fossil fuels (coal and oil) MUST hate Obama only because he is Black. Ditto people concerned about national security and an exploding debt.

Heck, I voted against Kerry in 2004 only because he was Black...

Anonymous said...

No you didn't Alex, you are still Mobying, almost every time you comment. Once a Moby always a Moby.

Alex said...

Apparently Ann is hyper-sensitive about being perceived as racist, and while playing the race card no longer works against most conservatives, law professors in ultra-liberal cities can't take the chance other law professors in the faculty lounge might think they actually agree with the bitter clingers in Pennsyltucky on anything.

You hit the nail on the head. This is about Ann making sure her faculty colleagues know that "she is not one of THEM".

Alex said...

Allie can't prove Moby-ing activity in the last 2 months.

Crozetian said...

What's ugly are Obama's comments, and the failure of the press to bring them to voters' attention in 2008. Just as Obama's long association with Rev. Wright (singled out for praise in these 2007 comments) and his subsequent lying about it were ugly, not the nasty righties trying to make an issue of that association.
John Rosenberg

Anonymous said...

Alex, no one cares about you or your Mobying, get with the program, nitwit, LMAO.

jungatheart said...

As Bago pointed out, the (very slim) swing vote is who will be affected by this, at least those that actually get to see it. The surprised ones will be those who bought into the racial healing.

People have linked to Althouse's strong reaction at the Reason Libertarian conference. She truly has racial concerns that are not a put on. There was nothing in this vid to dissuade her from Obama, I think.

Alex said...

I'm just trying to set the record straight. I did Moby and now I don't anymore.

Alex said...

Yes I was a bad boy and Allie spanked me. Can we move on?

Ed Mahmoud said...

BTW, just because there are ignorant white crackers who will vote against Obama because of his race (probably outnumbered by liberal-guilt whites who'll vote for him, but that doesn't matter) is no reason to vote for him.

How far does this go? Does Professor Althouse agree any mention of Chicago is a 'dog whistle' for racists as the MSNBC genuises claim? Is references to Obama's preference for golf over work a subtle reminder that Tiger Woods is also Black and cheated on his wife? MSNBC says it is.

Just curious...

Any signs whatsoever anyone in the actual GOP hierarchy or the Romney-Ryan camapign inherently racist?

Anonymous said...

Sure Alex, NOW we can move on, sin no more.

The Crack Emcee said...

Corre∫pondence Committee,

I have a high degree of confidence that I know at least as much about Obama as you do.

So why the fake I-wanna-know-everything-I-can routine? You knew this already, just as I do. What makes you look racist (to Ann) is this fake outrage over black people, black people, black people. Did you hear?

Some think Hurricane Katrina didn't get handled well and it, too, was Bush's fault!


And Obama played on that - in 2007 - and on video!

Whoda thunk it!

That should dominate the news cycle for all of a minute.

Because you know it, and I know it, and everybody knows it.

Here's an idea:

Tell me something that I don't know - about either candidate - or something that's under-reported, like what all that "charity" money Romney lays out to the Mormon "church" really does. Funny how nobody cares about that:

A very-politically-active "church," that has even almost gone to war with the government, and nobody - not the NYT, or WaPo, or anybody - knows a damned thing.

Weird thing, considering you guys want every morsel about Rev. Wright out there (He attended Obama's speech in 2007!!!! He got a shout out!!!!)

It's all so crude and sick, it's no wonder Ann got fed up,...

edutcher said...

vb, shame on you! That's going to leave a mark!

Actually, whoever called Ann the Conservatives' lovable Liberal hit it as far as Meade's concerned.

I don't doubt for an instant they've agreed to disagree on many issues.

So those who try to scare her by making her think her "adorable husband" will leave her over this are kidding themselves.

It seems to me anyone who saw New Meadia Meade during the union wars of aught 11 came to the conclusion he's made of sterner stuff.

Amadeus 48 said...

Weasel words? I have never been accused of that before in my life!
Don't you think a lot of independents/moderates are quite tolerant of anti-white racism? I think they are--particularly if it doesn't directly affect them. As to what Althouse said, I think she was talking about persuasion. I think the point was not that moderates
would turn on anyone who pointed out Obama's racism, it was that moderates would turn away from such people.
The voters that are in play (and I include Althouse in this) have a lot of wrestling to do with themselves before they vote against Obama. It probably would be easier to influence them to stay home, and maybe the 2007 tape does that.

Q said...

What makes you look racist (to Ann) is this fake outrage over black people, black people, black people.

1) My outrage isn't fake.

2) My outrage, while partly directed at black people for being do damn racist, is much more directed at moronic white liberals like Altouse who feel it is their duty to enable bad behavior on the part of blacks.

3) I'm distinctly unimpressed when the aforementioned moronic white liberals try to shield their own behavior from criticism by invoking the supposed magic of Black Skin, May Peace Be Upon It.

Balfegor said...

Re: Q:

If that's correct (which strikes me as very doubtful) then it means that the typical "moderate" or "independent" voter is comfortable with anti-white racism. That IS what you are claiming, though you want to couch it in weasel words.

I don't think it's as cut and dried as all that. I think it's that they don't want to think about or be reminded of anti-White racism. They have an emotional feeling about racism and Black people and this and that, and they would like it all to go away. I think the Professor's reaction is a little different (she dwells on racism a lot more than the average American), but has a lot of elements in common with the emotional reaction of the median voter, as it were.

Re: boballab:

After making a stupid post and getting the response she has, she then doubles down on stupidity by recommending that the Romney campaign re run the McCain campaign and not point out Obama's many flaws and lies and how the media protects him.

You can point out Obama's many flaws and how the media protects him without talking about his attitudes on race. Indeed, his attitudes on race really aren't relevant to any of his big screw ups. And I haven't seen that Althouse reacts particularly negatively to any of the following:

1. The explosion in the debt
2. The already-collapsing structure of subsidies, tax incentives, and pettifogging regulations that make up Obamacare
3. The lethal screw-up in Libya
4. Selling guns to drug cartels
5. Obama's general cack-handedness, as exemplified by his flaking out during the debt ceiling negotiations

Obama isn't a bad President because he caters to Black racism. The significance of the handful of incidents in his presidency that you could link to sympathy for Black extremism (that Black Panthers prosecution and . . . what? That Harvard Professor that got arrested?) is utterly trivial in comparison to the substantive failures he's racked up in the past four years.

McCain was campaigning against a blank slate. Romney has a much richer field of non-accomplishment to pick from.

shiloh said...

"(And her commentariat couldn't give a shit)"

Coincidentally Althouse doesn't give a shit re: her commentariat!

Indeed, her con flock is getting more and more pissed as the election nears knowing Willard is going down in flames!

As always, the yin/yang of winners and losers ...


Anonymous said...

Ann and 2maggie2 - may I suggest that you take a look at the piece about Susan Crown at Breitbart? It is very balanced - just a description of how Ms. Crown crystallized her concerns over time and how, upon meeting Romney, came to his side. Well worth reading. Here's the link:


Unknown said...

I'm sorry...am I reading this right? We (I will use the term "we" to generalize conservative media, pundits, and voters) look ugly because we have to do the job that the MSM should have done to help fully vet Obama before the last election. They (MSM and liberal pundits) try to make a story out of the fact that Romney pulled an, admittedly, mean spirited practical joke on some poor kid in high school. They try to paint him as an ugly bully teenager and therefore, an ugly bully adult (because, although liberals believe in growth and forgiveness, Romney doesn't deserve it). They pummel him with it for weeks to portray him as a horrible person to the American people. At the same time, they are, in fact, deafeningly quiet about the fact that his entire life has actually been one of quiet service and generosity (so unlike Obama's "I" obsession).

We show a video of the President making a speech a mere year before his election, clearly showing his true belief system that he lied about (racially divisive, the exact opposite of what he claimed to be) and his close relationship with Rev. Wright (whom he conveniently through under his campaign bus when it was politically expedient)...that the MSM has actively tried to hide from the American people...and we look ugly?

So I guess we should just sit back and take the beating they want to give us. Well, we are in a tooth and nail fight for the soul of this country and the basic principles it was founded on and has flourished under making it the most powerful country in the world in less than 200 years. And guess what, fights are ugly. This one, on their part, has been uglier than most. I guess I'd rather be called ugly, than a cheater... which is what the MSM and Obama have done to the American people, cheated them. The MSM for hiding the truth about Obama and attacking Romney at every turn and hiding behind their journalism degrees like the in-the-tank, cowardly, Obama sychophants they are and Obama for cheating the American people out of the American Dream by force feeding them government interventionist and subordinating policies that make them dependent on a central government that can no longer support them because of the drag that those very policies are on the economy thereby forcing us to borrow money and creating an enormous deficit that he actually has no workable plan to shrink, making later generations even further dependent on the government.

Well, I for one hope we give as good as we get. I am tired of losing fights with these people because we didn't give it our best effort and weren't willing to take it to the mattresses. America deserves our best effort.

BTW, sorry for the long post but I was motivated.

Balfegor said...

And I guess more broadly, there are voters who thought they could vote for a Black president and they'd be done with all the whole, exhausting stupid American psychodrama about RACE. Hope and change, und so weiter.

Well, that was incorrect, and kind of foolish, but there's really no percentage in rubbing peoples' nose in it. It will only piss them off.

Baron Zemo said...

Inga the She Wolf was much more entertaining when she was posting as Maxine Weiss.`

Anonymous said...

Amadeus: Disagree. Althouse is doing more than asking a legitimate question. She has making strong statements in a lecturing, even mean-spirited ("You look ugly") way backed only by her feelings and how she frames the discussion.

Althouse believes that Limbaugh, Drudge, and Daily Caller are losing swing voters. But that's just Althouse's impression, no doubt informed by her own distaste, and that doesn't make her right.

Is Althouse the typical swing voter? Of course not.

If she is trying to persuade conservatives that these tactics are bad, she'll have to bring more to the table then her outrage and her reputed judgment. Few of us at this point are impressed by either.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think some of you care way too much about Althouse's vote. It's one vote. You'd never come back if she didn't vote how you wanted? Please. Her vote would somehow undo the blog you love? Silly.

I think that a vote for Obama is nutty and irresponsible, but I'm hardly going to drop artists or friends over it.

The people will get the country they deserve.

Michael K said...

"the nonstop hype of the 2007 tape on Drudge, Daily Caller, and Hannity hit her as a personal matter, and then she wondered whether Obama's opponents have really taken into account the way these things would play to the voters who the Romney team is trying to sway."

They have and most of their campaign is talking "soft" to let the former Obama voters (like Ann) know that it is OK to vote him out since he has been such a train wreck.

Her reaction to the Obamaphone video and the 2007 video shows just how difficult it is to get them, like Ann, to admit they made a mistake and correct it. her emotional reaction to the showing of video demonstrating the child-like behavior of Obama supporters shows just how child-like the whole Obama phenomenon in 2008 really was.

Of course, Ann could just be fishing for comment totals but it should show her what emotions are being suppressed by a lot of people.

Alex said...

I love it when Baron & Allie are going at it hammer & tongs. It's fucking hilarious!

Ed Mahmoud said...

Why are so many convinced Romney will lose. It is my understanding that if the polls in the swing states used 2010 instead of 2008 turnout models, Romney narrowly trails in most of them, and has narrow leads in others. Now, the fact that it is a very tight race, and that Obama might win despite his many failures, and his apparent disdain for the Constitution, is rather depressing.

Q said...

Weasel words? I have never been accused of that before in my life!

You have now.

Don't you think a lot of independents/moderates are quite tolerant of anti-white racism?

How would we even know, if nobody is ever allowed to mention it?

Althouse describes herself as a independent/moderate. It seems that not only is she tolerant of anti-white racism, she is intolerant of people point out that anti-white racism exists and is pervasive. If that is the mindset of a majority of people in America than it's really irrelevant who wins any election, because the country is rotten to the core.

I think the point was not that moderates would turn on anyone who pointed out Obama's racism, it was that moderates would turn away from such people.The voters that are in play (and I include Althouse in this) have a lot of wrestling to do with themselves before they vote against Obama. It probably would be easier to influence them to stay home, and maybe the 2007 tape does that.

If people like Althouse stay home, that's a loss for Obama.

Corre∫pondence Committee said...


I said: I have a high degree of confidence that I know at least as much about Obama as you do.

You responded: So why the fake I-wanna-know-everything-I-can routine?

I know a lot about Obama. I want to know as much as I can. You find those two remarks contradictory enough to call me "fake"? Really?

Now you're just trying to offend me.

Truthfully, I can barely muster enough enthusiasm to continue wasting time on this bullshit word-play. Discussions are fun, but people who just want to argue for reasons not apparent to me just bore me.


Okay, not really.

rcommal said...

Ruthie: That comment thread attached to the December 2006 Althouse post which you linked here at 1:11 today feels like a lifetime ago.

I still like the three quotes I posted in one of my commenrs there (as reader_iam, of course). Some things don't change.

Q said...

I think some of you care way too much about Althouse's vote.

I'm indifferent to her vote. I care that she's enabling racism though.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Baron, I don't have clue as to who Maxine Weiss is, but hey she must be a hoot. I haven't seen any Maxine comments here, will have to look her up.

Anonymous said...

Hey wait! Is she the Maxine from the Maxine, the old lady cartoons?!

The Crack Emcee said...



I'd only tell you, as you probably already know, that all religious groups have their cult like issues.

Yes, but notice how you know about them, but Romney's are off-limits? Isn't that weird? And isn't it patently dishonest to rail about Rev. Wright when he hasn't done half of the dirt the Mormons have? No bribery scandals, no massacres, no almost-wars with America, no secret oaths, no bishops who want to make $10,000 bets on television, no gays killing themselves, or people escaping and having to change their names - none of that - just a loud mouth with an attitude problem and he's the major issue that must be exposed.

It's so blatantly cheesy and racial it's pathetic.

Lots of people thought Kennedy would only obey the Pope.

Yes, but Romney took an oath to put his "church" above everything else - did Kennedy do that?

Harvey Milk attended Jim Jones' church in San Francisco.

I know - contrary to what some here would have you believe - I report on every belief system's nonsense. They believe what's in the movie, "Milk," and think it's history.

Now they're whitewashing Mormonism, and Romney, and expect me to drink the Kool-Aid by screaming "bigot."

They're idiots and cowards.

There are seriously bigoted and weird practices among Jews (only marrying a Jewish woman, otherwise you're children aren't Jewish.. or whatever their nonsensical rules are).


Ultimately, whatever it is, isn't that big of a deal.

There, my friend, we disagree. Just because a tree falls in the forest, where there's no one around to hear it, doesn't mean nothing's being killed. That's the lie that led to Jonestown.

America survives.

But individual lives are destroyed. Their families and friends suffer alone. They are harassed if they speak out, or are called crazy. The power of groupthink denies justice to the fallen. And the people and institutions lose credibility little by little, until you have what we have now:

No one trusting anything.

Utah can't be that bad a place.

No one EVER asks me about it's good points - which I find funny and revealing:

They're so intent on creating a false narrative - which I bat down daily - the real one is of no mind to them. I feel like that black guy in "Night of the Living Dead" fighting off the zombies.

To me it looks successful from afar.

If you don't study the details, it does look great. No doubt.

E pluribus unum includes Mormons and Moonies, and everything else under the sun more or less.


Cults go against every aspect of the American ideal:

If physical slavery is wrong, you can't fool me by doing it mentally.

I will be free - and I demand everyone else is as well!

vbspurs said...

Freeman wrote:

Her vote would somehow undo the blog you love? Silly

Not the vote. The JUSTIFICATONS behind it.

And I also see you flunked chemistry in school, Mrs H.

KCFleming said...

@Freeman Hunt

My problem with this is the direct insult "You look ugly."

I hate being called a racist. It's a fucking cheap shot.

I am sick of it. Everything is racist: PB&J sammitches, Chicago, cool, golf, etc. etc.

Goddammit, it's insulting.

zefal said...

Ain't no hate like the hate directed at those who stir up hate based on lies.

Makes me wonder when all those people will apologize for the hatred they directed at the nazis?

I'm a undecided voter so please don't point out obama's racially motivated speech or I'll stop pretending to be an undecided voter and only vote for obama three times instead of just twice.

holdfast said...

Let us take comfort that Althouse's oh-so-tender sensibilities are likely not shared by the white, suburban and exurban middle and working class voters of Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Florida. She's a law prof in friggin Madison Wisconsin.

Freeman Hunt said...

My problem with this is the direct insult "You look ugly."

I hate being called a racist. It's a fucking cheap shot.

That, I get.

vbspurs, is "flunked chemistry" an idiom or meme? I can't find it.

Q said...

I think it's that they don't want to think about or be reminded of anti-White racism. They have an emotional feeling about racism and Black people and this and that, and they would like it all to go away

No, that describes the attitude of "the intelligentsia" to anti-white racism - they know all about it, they think it's a necessary evil (omelets, eggs) or a form of "redistributive justice" but they think it should never be mentioned in public lest the natives get restless.

Christopher in MA said...

The people will get the country they deserve.

The problem, dear lady, is that they will take the rest of us down with them.

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