"... with the slightly tilted head and wan grin, is as grating today as ever - four years of that is going to be excruciating - as are the cutaways to his wife, who has the eyes of a bald eagle deciding what chunk of flesh to tear next."
I'm extracting a description that made me laugh from what is more or less a positive review of Romney's speech.
Isn't quoting Crack on Romney a lot like quoting Cedarford on the joys of Yiddishkeit?
There may be some insight there, but wading through all the baggage to get to it --- ay-yi-yi!
Crack dislikes a Mormon? There's a shocker for you.
I couldn't give two craps about what Romney does or doesn't do. I would vote for a puddle of thick, yellow-green, lukewarm pus on a sponge before voting for Obama. It would do less damage to have the White House sitting empty gathering cobwebs for 4 years than give that America-hating PoS further license to harm us.
If anyone has a better description of Romney's speech face than "that condescending-as-hell 'sad eyes' routine with the slightly tilted head and wan grin...," I will front-page it.
"that condescending-as-hell 'sad eyes' routine with the slightly tilted head and wan grin...,"
Describes Crack's picture used at Althouse to a tee.
I am really horny today.
Do you guys ever get really horny?
It can be all consuming for me. It's all I think about. I try and do things to distract me but it always cums back to my hard hog.
Sometimes, I wish I could stop it.
For example, in this post, I was thinking which Romney son I would do.
I don't care for whiteys much and especially ones that are really put together but if I had my choice I would do the blonde one. Second, I would do the one with the not great teeth. And the other three look the same to me.
If you don't agree with Crack, you're stupid. Just ask him.
Ann Althouse said...
If anyone has a better description of Romney's speech face
Pretty much any description that does NOT include the phrase "condescending-as-hell" in it, is a vast improvement.
What an un-kind ad hominem, at war with the plain facts of those many testimonies to his genuine generousness.
Shame on both of you. Crack for saying it, and you for thinking it clever and accurate.
You know, as theoretically good-looking guys go, I grant you that there's a high Leslie Nielsen quotient to Romney. I really wanted him to start his speech by saying "My name is Sergeant Frank Drebin, detective-lieutenant on the Police Squad."
The difference is, I realize this is kind of trivial compared to the difference between being a capable executive and being a Chicago machine hack who's done nothing but fail upward his whole life. Romney is just the boring CPA type we need. But honestly, I haven't been able to sit through any actual presidential speech since Nixon's resignation. I would hardly judge the presidency on that alone.
Crack has Ann Romney pegged.
If you like that description of his wife, check out this description of his grandfather: "One newspaper editor wrote of Romney, who had a well-known fondness for wine in spite of the Mormon prohibition against drinking, that he considered him 'a mass of putrid pus and rotten goose pimples; a skunk, with the face of a baboon, the character of a louse, the breath of a buzzard and the record of a perjurer and common drunkard.'"
How you appear or look is not supposed to matter much.. its what you say or dont say.
Yust saying.
You nailed it.
I doubt the sincerity of Crack Emcee doubting the sincerity of Mitt Romney. If you wanted to be a Moby posing as a conservative on an influential blog, doesn't it follow that you would trash the Republican candidate on some trumped-up charge, like his religion? Avoid issues at all cost! Never talk about his abilities!
Fess up, Crack, who do you work for, George Soros?
There've gotta be tons of better descriptions than those...for instance, all the ones that describe reality rather than the fun-house-mirror-of-a-mind of one of your commenters.
So Romney's "sad eyes" are "condescending as hell", and his wife's not-sad eyes are those "of a bald eagle deciding what chunk of flesh to tear next"? Is that about it?
Only a New Age bullshit artist can discern the inner intentions and beliefs of someone by divineing the cast of their jaw or the tilt of their chin. What horseshit. It is a cult thing for sure. Once on the inside of the cult I can teach you how to see the inside from the outside, I can do this with every single solitary Mormon that breathes. Just listen to me! Just listen!!!!
Crack Emcee is like a lot of cynics who believe their own bullshit. They're not content at simply ignoring that with which they disagree, they feel compelled to fight it. The irony is that their purpose in life becomes just as dictated and controlled as when they were on the other side; in essence they simply switch fanaticism for one religion for fanaticism for non-religion.
Perfect, Michael. Absolutely perfect.
Well, almost. You forgot the part about how if we don't just listen!!!! to our enlightened emcee, we are all in grave danger from the Mormons and---almost as bad---the people who exercise too much (because they are vain, like women) instead of eating ice cream (which is much more macho).
Did Jack Benny do that look? Now, RaaaAHchester.
Read the Crack's post. Very clever, and very funny.
Condescension was the point. He was condescending to the President and to the idiots who voted for him. He's not a failure, so empathy was not an option.
Crack has a gift for description.
I still laugh when I think of "an untrustworthy stork who just swallowed a lemon."
Wow, some commenters take descriptions of planned showmanship personally!
A speech like that is a performance. How it looked doesn't go to Romney's person. It's a critique of the performance.
He's right about Rubio too. Gotta figure out how to dial back the slick in the delivery.
Crack dislikes a Mormon? There's a shocker for you.
It's probably more accurate to say that Crack doesn't like Mormonism.
I'm extremely suspicious of cults and therefore find myself in agreement with much of Crack's analysis of Mormonism.
I have to reluctantly admit that Crack's description captures the essence of Romney's momentary but recurrent visage. It's not his best facial expression and I suspect Ann is sick of it. A little theatrical direction should help eliminate it.
Rubio should avoid over practicing. Maybe find some new material to work in and reorganize the thing. Maybe forego the teleprompter and work off of limited notes. Any steps to engage his mind more with what he's saying so that it doesn't come off like a recitation with technically acted moments.
It's not his best facial expression and I suspect Ann is sick of it."
After raising all those boys, I bet it's his O-face she really doesn't want to see.
He made that face because he is acting, and acting is hard. He's not just disappointed in Obama; he thinks the guy is a total incompetent, but he can't say that, and he doesn't want to come off like he's thinking that.
You know when you watch a great performance in a movie, and you feel like the actor is really feeling all those things? That's why you should appreciate great actors.
Why are you giving the stage to a bigot?
The Pope is the most humble man in the world.
Romney could maybe place second.
Why are you giving the stage to a bigot?
You know the mutt's internet domain name is for sale, right?
Buy it and taunt him with it.
Again, mittens is as phoney as the day is long. Let's move on, shall we!
I smell evolution.
As Orson Scott Card describes here, the Mormon church is the equivalent of Toastmasters International. Local churches are run by a lay clergy, so the average member ends up giving a lot of sermons (Mormons call them "talks").
Because the church promotes exclusively from within, this mutually-reinforcing speaking style influences, and is highly influenced by, how high church officials speak.
The gold standard of Mormon sermonizing, with a guaranteed audience of millions, is the semiannual General Conference. There's one coming up in October. Or go here and see where Mitt Romney learned how to talk in public.
My sister thinks Romney has adopted some of Thomas Monson's speaking mannerisms. Frankly, Romney's not that bad. But I can promise you that Monson has sounded like that for as long as I've been alive. It's 100 percent him.
Sometimes people have expressive faces. The muscles in their face, the jaw, the brow, the eyes, they contract when words are being formed. Other people know with absolute certainty they can analyze the contraction of another's face muscles and translate what that person is REALLY saying to rest of us rubes.
Thank you sooo much oh wise and all knowing face readers!
I think you may have hit the nail on the head with those links. Thank you for some light as opposed to more heat!
Romney speaks like a preacher! What a surprise! White politicians have run so quickly away from that model that we've forgotten that not too long ago white politicians used to speak like preachers as a matter of course. Just like the black politicians still do.
I agree that Romney can't say his real opinion of Obama in public and some of his mannerisms talking about him are acted. This is a guy who built a successful business and who hires people to work for him. When he looks at Obama he must be thinking, "How did that happen ?"
Have to agree with Kevin. His humility isn't as important as his ability.
Again, mittens is as phoney as the day is long.
No, that's Zero, the whitest white guy to ever live, but daring to call himself black.
Sure, it's a picturesque description and a nice turn of phrase, by a crack writer.
But we know (from comments in the Althouse post about Romney's speech, where we first heard about that "condescension") that the author predicates that description of Romney on his belief that all Mormons, Mormons in general, are condescending, that when Mormons do good works or charity or kindness toward others, they're practicing a form of deception and exploitation-- they're "nice" only because they think they're so superior to the people they're helping, don't see them as equals or as ends in themselves but are only using them as a means to confirm their moral superiority and get into heaven, merely following their cult's dictates.
That picturesque description may or may not capture something about Romney's expression at that moment, but we know (at least those of us who read his earlier comments do) that for the author this description of Romney wasn't restricted to Romney as a particular individual, but was part of a larger commentary on Mormons and the moral dubiousness of their acts of "charity."
There are excellent anti-semitic writers. But I wouldn't single out for praise a humorous, well-written description of a Jewish character's avaricious expression as an example of their good writing.
Crack, is that The Look of Mormon?
I buy pretty much anyone's claim of humility in the face of being elected President of the United States. I believe it humbled every man who ever got there, except maybe FDR after the third time. I also don't care, but is it really that hard to believe that such a thing would humble anyone. As for his facial expressions, he's a businessman, not a mime.
It wasn't that long ago that most voters never saw a candidate's face in live action, and not long before that when they never heard his voice either. I would hate to think of the people we might have disqualified for such minutia. Lincoln would never have chance. I can't believe it took so long to make a horror flick about that dude, and that he wasn't the monster.
I do wish this stuff got the coverage it deserves, which should be almost none, especially after the last election where votes seemed to be influenced by a pant's crease or conveniently acquired accent.
We are coming down to the wire and still most discussion is about the horse race, misspeaking, mannerisms, strategy, and luck. Although we certainly get agitated, I don't think we take this serious enough.
I can hear Dave Barry saying lukewarm pus on a sponge would be a great name for a rock band.
Btw, I agree with your comments, which is the scary thing about Romney. Luckily, Romney seems to be a rung or two higher on the ladder of humanity than lukewarm pus on a sponge.
"Why are you giving the stage to a bigot?"
She's a media genius.
Chip Ahoy nailed Romney's expression in a recent post. I see the comic he dreams of being done in the Manga style:
"I just now thought of a comic series based on the Romney 'look.' That look must be trademarked. The look is tilted head, closed mouth, largely expressionless save for dismay tinged with sympathy. Like Jack Benny.
frame 1. Daddy we were playing with matches and accidentally burned down the neighbor's barn. The look.
frame 2. Daddy I'm marrying Rochester. The look.
frame 3. Honey, I accidentally drove over the gardener. The look.
frame 4. Sir, Karzai's motorcade was bombed but Karzai survived. The look."
All along, I thought I helped people out of my love for Christ. But it looks like Crack knows me even better than I know myself. Bravo, Crack, bravo.
The Look of Mormon
Yashu - There are excellent anti-semitic writers. But I wouldn't single out for praise a humorous, well-written description of a Jewish character's avaricious expression as an example of their good writing.
Would you make an exception for Shakespeare and "Shylock"?
He didn't really flesh out (no pun intended) Rosenkranz and Guildenstern in "Merchants of Venice". They were just 2 stock villains.
I think the origin is back in his business days. This look of Romney is what I have seen in sessions when high level execs and engineers with lots of money to be spent but lots of money possibly to gain meet on capital investment decisions. Execs that believe their job as an officer of the company or military is best done if they listen to all sides, and not telegraph their parties and ideas presently favored.
The exec who listens to presentation after presentation and report after report with a certain fixed look that is slightly encouraging but doesn't want to give away where he stands.
I've seen the tilted head and wan smile affectation on several execs and perhaps a few senior military officers. (the tilted head interferes with looking straight into their eyes to get a "read". I have seen a senior VP that would go a couple of hours in a meeting twirling a pencil between thumb and index fingers - looking down.
There are ones that squint to conceal their eyes. Give a slight smile and deliver lots of low key "hmmmm!"s
The ones that will nod their head enough at meaningless parts in the presentation that you can't tell for sure what a head nod at the critical points really means.
A COO that had a bad "crafted image presentation" issue - she would look at each person there, several times, in any meeting. Eyes never stopped. And every minute or so, she would stop smiling, do an elaborate and slow lick of upper and lower lips with her tongue...which I expected each time it came out to be forked.
Cedarford, I don't really consider Shakespeare antisemitic, though he did employ some of the common antisemitic tropes of his time. And transcended them.
But it's fair enough for you to bring him up, because of the relevant contrast.
The great thing about Shylock (which is one of the great things about Shakespeare) is how complex, multi-faceted a character he is, as most Shakespearean characters ("villains" or not) are. Shylock performs something of the function of "villain" in a romantic plot, but I wouldn't say he's an out-and-out "villain" in any straightforward sense. He's a "problematic" character-- not a caricature.
"If you prick me, do I not bleed?"
Goes without saying, Shakespeare grants even the worst of his villains (or his buffoons) far more complexity and humanity and sympathy than the subject of this post has ever granted Romney.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Hamlet's college buddies, not sure if you're referring to them?
Sorry, that should be "if you prick us, do we not bleed?"
Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means,
warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer
as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us,
do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that.
If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility?
Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his
sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge.
The villainy you teach me, I will execute,
and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.
Remember, the situation is always where Romney is the focus of attention, but another person is speaking.
What Romney is communicating with that expression is that this other person now speaking is important and worthy of all our attention.
Agree w. Lem. Crack has nailed the "Eagle-eyed" look of Ann Romney square in the nuts, lol.
Oh man, now C4 is doing it. So we have at least half a dozen interpretations for a momentary look from all corners. That's real helpful. I'd leave the high science of dog whistles to MSNBC, even if they do all sound the same to them.
Remember the hidden radio Bush supposedly had on his back during the debate. That was wild.
Not for nothing but ce is kind of a cartoon.
I'm with the others on Crack's reaction to Romney's expressions. IT's reading an awful lot into what he must be thinking, based on his expression which is pretty subtle. The fact that he uses that expression more than once simpy means that that is an expression that he uses.
Trying to glean some inner monologue based on a few pictures taken out of context is the stuff that someone who says they are an expert at body language might do. But isnt' that yet another of those bogus sciences that Crack always rails against?
Also, do we expect, knowing what Crack thinks of Mormons, that his view of what Romney's expression means will be described at all fairly or without maximum suspicion?
Crack is great. Unfortunately his blog is so graphic intensive it kills my 6 Mbps connection. I grow frustrated with the herky-jerky page response and end up leaving.
Crack Emcee, however , believes that Obama was helping the poor by rewarding $535 millions of taxpayers' money to billionaire bundler Kaiser of Solyndra fame. He also believes it's alright to tell Solyndra's workers to apply for unemployment, then dished out millions of taxpayers' money as bonuses to the Management who have run Solyndra to the ground.
Really?? Doesn't jive with my take on Crack. Oh well - if it's true, everyone makes mistakes.
I like Crack. I think he is smart, with unique and valuable insights.
I also think he has become a cult of one. Given which, his cult might be worthy, except it is a cult.
The problem with living on an elevated plane is that you can't help but be condescending. Romney in all phases of his life seems to be quantum jumps ahead of the rest of us. He has a successful marriage with five healthy children. He's made hundreds of millions of dollars. He had terrific parents and a happy childhood. He's never doubted his God or his religion. Who has such a life?.... His life is not one I empathize with. It's not so much that he's unlikeable as that one looks for reasons to dislike him. He's had way too many blessings, and you want to knock him off that astral plane..... I think his smile is kindly but distanced. He doesn't feel my pain, but he knows where the analgesics are and how to administer them. I'll vote for him.
I blame adjectives.
Really?? Doesn't jive with my take on Crack. Oh well - if it's true, everyone makes mistakes.
Nope. Ask around:
Noone here has ever heard me say a kind word about Obama or his deeds.
We can now add elkh1 to the list of people determined to lie about me because I took a stand against putting cult members in the White House - a position everyone here knows would make me a HUGE hypocrite, if I didn't.
I have damned good reasons for my actions.
Does elkh1 have any for his or hers?
Crack's description of Romney is accurate. Romney has changed a lot of his positions over the last 10 years and is not very trustworthy. His Father-Knows-Best attitude is grating. This is a man with a 59-point plan. Although Romney could not possibly be as bad as Obama, there is no reason to trust him based on his record or his countenance.
You must forgive our dear friend Crack and his obsession with cults.
He was forever traumatized when he was forced to give a tongue massage to John Travolta.
"Romney in all phases of his life seems to be quantum jumps ahead of the rest of us. He has a successful marriage with five healthy children. He's made hundreds of millions of dollars. He had terrific parents and a happy childhood. He's never doubted his God or his religion. Who has such a life?"
Very few of us, but it the sort of life Americans once admired, even if their own professional and personal lives were less than perfect. That it is held up for derison says less about Romney than it does about his critics.
The day after Palin's acceptance speech, I spoke with some (liberal) women at work about it - and was stunned by their reaction, although I really should not have been. Remember, this was right after Palin's debut on the national stage. The Katie Corac interview, the Bristol and Levi soap opera, the Tina Fey skits were all in the future.
I was excited about the dynamic, attractive newcomer to the national scene. When I brought Palin up, the women at work reacted like I had thrown battery acid in their faces. They ranted - not about the substance of the speech, but about her looks, her husband's looks, her kids, her "superwoman" persona. They didn't hate her for any substantive reasons but because she had accomplished more than they had, had a goodlooking husband and family and most unforgivably, was beautiful herself.
It was like finding myself back in junior high. Needless to say, they relished seeing her "put in her place."
Envy is a very ugly emotion, but it is also a very strong one, and the Dems certainly have proved themselves adept at feeding and encouraging it.
"Romney in all phases of his life seems to be quantum jumps ahead of the rest of us. He has a successful marriage with five healthy children. He's made hundreds of millions of dollars. He had terrific parents and a happy childhood. He's never doubted his God or his religion. Who has such a life?"
Very few of us, but it is the sort of life Americans once admired, even if their own professional and personal lives were less than perfect. That it is held up for derison says less about Romney than it does about his critics.
The day after Palin's acceptance speech, I spoke with some (liberal) women at work about it - and was stunned by their reaction, although I really should not have been. Remember, this was right after Palin's debut on the national stage. The Katie Corac interview, the Bristol and Levi soap opera, the Tina Fey skits were all in the future.
I was excited about the dynamic, attractive newcomer to the national scene. When I brought Palin up, the women at work reacted like I had thrown battery acid in their faces. They ranted - not about the substance of the speech, but about her looks, her husband's looks, her kids, her "superwoman" persona. They developed an instant, seething hatred of Palin because she had accomplished more than they had, had a goodlooking husband and family and most unforgivably, was beautiful herself.
It was like finding myself back in junior high. Needless to say, they relished seeing her "put in her place."
Envy is a very ugly emotion, but it is also a very strong one, and the Dems certainly have proved themselves adept at feeding and encouraging it.
The problem with living on an elevated plane is that you can't help but be condescending. Romney in all phases of his life seems to be quantum jumps ahead of the rest of us. He has a successful marriage with five healthy children. He's made hundreds of millions of dollars. He had terrific parents and a happy childhood. He's never doubted his God or his religion. Who has such a life?....
William: Well-observed. Romney is quite a remarkable, fortunate, and accomplished person. I feel pretty humbled by him. If life were a decathlon, Romney's a guy who won an Olympic medal, probably a gold.
Exiledonmainst, you're generally right about "envy" bringing out the worst in some people.
"Green with envy".
But sometimes envy moves people to try harder.
"Keeping up with the Joneses".
And sometimes? It's a way to share with a friend that you agree, they're about to do something really, really cool!
"WOW! I wish I were you!"
I was excited about the dynamic, attractive newcomer to the national scene. When I brought Palin up, the women at work reacted like I had thrown battery acid in their faces.
exiledonmainst: Ain't that the truth! I know many liberal men and women, but I never heard the guys rank Palin down. However, the liberal women went C-R-A-Z-Y! They seemed to take her selection for VP as a very personal insult.
I think you've nailed it.
I laughed out loud at Crack's description of Ann Romney.
Not the one about the raptor's eyes, the other one. You know it, don't you?
See Crack, you thought you got no love around here, but if any number of other commenters here made the exact same observation they would not get to sit on the teachers lap. I suspect you may have Althouse handlers working behind the scenes, manning the valves and switches of the blog power machine.
I'm gonna vote for him, but that doesn't mean I trust him anymore than I have to to make that choice. Obama is more dangerous whether he's lying or telling the truth. In fact, the best part of the Obama Presidency has been his total inability to keep a promise.
"But sometimes envy moves people to try harder."
There is a difference between looking at a successful person and saying to yourself, "I want what this guy has. I want the house and the money and the nice car - so I am going to work my butt off to get it" and saying "It isn't fair that he has so much and I don't. I want his life destroyed. I want him brought down to my level."
The former emotion built this country. The latter emotion - well, it explains why Marxism still has such a hold on so many people.
Here's an old Russian joke:
A genie visits a peasant named Ivan and tells him he will grant Ivan anything his heart desires.
Ivan says, "I want 2 cows."
The genie then visits Ivan's neighbor Boris and tells Boris that he has given Ivan 2 cows and that Boris too can have anything he wishes.
Boris immediately says, "I want Ivan's cows to die."
"I want Ivan's cows to die" is the Dem party platform in a nutshell.
I do not much care what crack emcee has to say about Romney. I pretty much stopped commenting here when crack emcee promised to find me and leave scars on me because I had something less than adoring of Sarah Palin.
So who cares if he thinks Romney is sincere? I am not buying all that youbetcha crap either.
I did not think that the look crack emcee was referring to was sad. I thought it was a sort of Can you believe it look...a kind of exaggerated look of exasperation or frustration. It is not intended to be taken as sad or forlorn. Unlike some retail politicians Romney does not have the knack of feigning concern with the ease of a sociopath honing in on his newest victim. He is a businessman who is used to running things.
However, I have watched Romney greeting people at those rallies and one on one I have seen genuine good will there. If crack does not believe that...well I do not much care.
Ann Romney seems to me to be a shrewd, intelligent and forceful woman. She raised 5 boys who are relatively close in age.
But leave it to crack to be vicious and envious. That is what crack is all about...envy.
Hey Ann--any chance we get to comment on child sex predator tourist Mark Pocan or do you just vote for him?
Why does anyone care what a 'New Age' cult-crazed streetcorner philosopher has to say about what has now been coined a 'speech face'? Are we really all so bored as to try to out-clever each other in an exercise of dog-whistle politics??? PATHETIC.
And nothing about empty chair day.
Here is my 'no empty chair, disappointed face'. :-0
This 'supposition' plays right into the virtual reality narrative we are bombarded with 24-7.
Arrogance thrives in the absence of humility.
Choose wisely.
The great thing about this is that Crack lives in UTAH. That's like Obama working in the private sector. Or like Mel Brooks or Woody Allen living in Hitler's Germany.
If Crack was really so worried about Mormon world domination aspirations, I don't think he'd be living there. Kinda like Al Gore spouting about global warming, all the while living in a giant, energy-consuming mansion, flying all over the globe wherever he wants. In other words, I love Crack, but I'll take him a little more seriously on the Mormon stuff when he starts acting, through his actions, like they're really a threat. As it is, they represent something he can rail against without really feeling threatened by them. You know, how lefties castigate religious groups like the Catholics because they know the Catholics won't do anything back.
Joe Schmoe. If he really had balls he would go all in against Scientology.
Or the Islamic Republic, Michael.
Joe Schmoe said...
The great thing about this is that Crack lives in UTAH. That's like Obama working in the private sector. Or like Mel Brooks or Woody Allen living in Hitler's Germany.
I made a similar remark a couple weeks ago. I think Crack shows the same kahunas as Joe McGinniss did--moving up there to get right in the trenches. Perhaps he should write a book after the election.
Crack: I took a stand against putting cult members in the White House - a position everyone here knows would make me a HUGE hypocrite, if I didn't
So when are you going to start caterwauling about the Mormon Senate Majority Leader?
6 years on this blog and you've never brought it up.
Don't Tread 2012,
This 'supposition' plays right into the virtual reality narrative we are bombarded with 24-7.
I read that last night. It's been part of my message for years, but he plays it for partisan politics. That's it's failing.
Everything he wrote applies to Romney as well as Obama.
Don't you see that?
Joe Schmoe,
The great thing about this is that Crack lives in UTAH. That's like Obama working in the private sector. Or like Mel Brooks or Woody Allen living in Hitler's Germany.
If Crack was really so worried about Mormon world domination aspirations, I don't think he'd be living there.
I've explained how I got here (my best friend brought me here after my divorce) and why I'm still here (one big, easily identifiable cult vs. looking out for the mind games of thousands of little ones).
I think it's hilarious, all the assumptions you guys run with, merely because you think them up ("That is what crack is all about...envy.") You cultishly think Mormons are good no matter what bad things they do, also because that's what you want to "believe." Facts be damned.
Yes, living in UTAH gives me perspective, which seems to be the last thing you guys want.
You want to BELIEVE!
Very cultish, that,...
If he really had balls he would go all in against Scientology.
I find it fascinating how often those who don't read my blog accuse me of leaving out some belief system out of fear. Scientology, Islam - I was even accused of running from Christianity - all of it bogus.
Here's the Scientology post I did YESTERDAY.
I know - like all the rest, you don't have to be big enough to admit when you're wrong.
That's what makes us different:
I have ethics,...
Surprising that AA would choose a quote from Crack to start a discussion. I was trying to describe to my wife the very disingenuous face that Romney would put on during applause/pauses in his speech(she didn't catch the speech). I thought is was just too much humility and sincerity, that it achieved the opposite effect and just seemed artificial. I couldn't quite describe the face, but Crack nailed it. Crack's conclusions are, as expected, grossly in error and based on his boundless venom. But he sure tagged the decscription to a T. Mitt should meet with his advisors and practice a new face to emote with. I'm still voting for him either way though; it's pretty small flaw compared to BO.
It's surprising to see Ann quoting it because I thought everyone did like me and just skips over commentary from Crack Emcee.
So when are you going to start caterwauling about the Mormon Senate Majority Leader?
6 years on this blog and you've never brought it up.
You ALWAYS act like you have an original thought when it's the same pablum that's been repeated a billion times before.
I was asked this just last week, and provided evidence for YEARS of posts on Harry Reid and Mormonism. Do you know what it got me? More accusations of bigotry - not a concession my accusers are wrong and I'm braver than any of you are, or are willing to admit.
I expect the same out of you as well,...hypocrite.
Perhaps Crack could tell us when a "cult" becomes a "religion." Or does he consider all religions to be cults?
Crack's conclusions are, as expected, grossly in error and based on his boundless venom.
"Grossly in error"?
And that line came RIGHT AFTER you said "Crack nailed it"?
The cognitive dissonance around here makes me wonder how you guys are capable of even writing,..
Perhaps Crack could tell us when a "cult" becomes a "religion." Or does he consider all religions to be cults?
Been over that a billion times, too (Man, you guys don't keep up,...) I think it was addressed - again - just last week, too.
I posted this yesterday as well. It might help you sort out where I'm coming from. One suggestion:
You guys would all be smarter - or, at least, would SEEM smarter - if you challenged your assumptions more (like a guy who speaks almost exclusively on cults doesn't even know what one is) or stopped making them altogether:
Assumptions don't help anything,...
Assumptions don't help anything,...
Says the guy who lumps all the commenters in together. Crack, I don't try to believe all religious groups are benign; I merely made the observation that you living amongst Mormons says something about them and their threat to humanity.
Joe Schmoe,
Crack, I don't try to believe all religious groups are benign; I merely made the observation that you living amongst Mormons says something about them and their threat to humanity.
It does not - or at least, not what you suggest.
There's no escaping cults - America has more than any other nation on Earth - so I can be here or anywhere else, and the issue would still be the same:
The American people are losing their freedom to a legion of gurus, prophets, preachers, and the like - an issue that can break this country that they aren't even considering - and all for some issue (or plate of issues) that's ultimately manageable but they've blown out of proportion because they can't admit, when it comes to ALL OF IT, they created all these problems with their own immaturity.
This is a republic.
The people - not the politicians - are to blame.
Clint Eastwood:
"We own this place."
Emphasis on "We"...
Crack, this country has always represented a haven and opportunity for groups whose views are out of mainstream. I know you get that, and I think your beef comes from the occasions when the philosophies of these groups coalesces into public policy that affects everyone.
I agree that the movements of the 60s introduced emotional responses to many of the world's problems, and its inadequacies of solving those problems has led to the growth of alternative religions and spiritual groups. New age.
But I'm not sure there's another system that can handle it better than the one we have (at least up until recently). If Romney gets elected and tries to tilt this country into a Pan-Mormon empire, then we'll vote his ass out.
You seem to think Democratic rot is a byproduct of New Age, Boomer, or otherwise some sort of feel-good way of approaching the world. I think it's being received by a willing audience. Which seems to be the conclusion you come to frequently.
In closing, as I'm rambling, religious and spiritual freedom is a feature, not a bug. If you think we're not vigilant enough keeping these infinite churches out of the business of the state, then I'm inclined to agree.
Well, Crack, I have to admit I don't follow your posts with bated breath and certainly do not spend the time online that you apparently do. Why would you assume anyone tracks and reads your voluminous posts? Actually, I have to admit I usually skip your posts entirely - too often facile followed by some snarky personal attacks. I do note that you didn't answer the simple questions I posed. Guess I'll just go back to ignoring you.
I do note that you didn't answer the simple questions I posed. Guess I'll just go back to ignoring you.
Fine by me. If you can't do as I do and look up answers on the internet - when I have a blog full of them - then I can't really help you:
You're already clueless, or helpless, or a combination of the two.
Answering the same question a billion times in a billion different ways - which is never enough - ain't what I'm here for,...
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