July 15, 2012

"Reach for the stars everyone. dogspeed cadre. c out."

Sheen's last tweet.

And with a photo of a bottle of Tabasco sauce on the dashboard of a plane, he deleted his Twitter account.

The account is survived by 8 million followers.

Shall we just have a cigarette on it?


Chase said...


Smack lips.


Charlie said...

He's still alive???

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is he dead yet???

The Crack Emcee said...

Charlie's a good guy. I was a follower of his Twitter account, though I've hardly ever been on Twitter.

I like that he "broke the fourth wall" of celebrity culture for a while, not to mention coining some new catchphrases for us ("WINNING!")

People can act all whatever about him, but they're no better, and that was his point:

Charlie Sheen is one of us.

If you don't like the view, I know why,...

lemondog said...

Did he delete himself or just twitter?

edutcher said...

We can only hope he's finally getting a clue.

bagoh20 said...

I want to be him.

William said...

If you ever get a chance to go on a 72 hour coke binge with a team of porn stars, take it. I think Charlie's orgies were far more innocent and life affirming than those of Mick Jagger and David Bowie. Just for one thing, Charlie never wore glitter or eye shadow to his orgies. He wasn't trying to be decadent. He was just trying to have a good time.

jeff said...

"People can act all whatever about him, but they're no better, and that was his point:"

What an incredibly idiotic statement. His point was that people who dont cheat on their wives, do copious amounts of drugs , bang porn stars and are NOT 911 truthers are not better than him? And THAT was his point?

"Charlie Sheen is one of us."

The hell he is.

If you don't like the view, I know why,.."

Right. Another cryptic statement from the all knowing Crack Emcee.

rhhardin said...

I wonder what kind of plane it is.

wyo sis said...

I'd say he left his tweet folowers tha same way he's left everything else in his life.

Alan said...

Airplanes don't have "dashboards". They have glare-shields.

ken in tx said...
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ken in tx said...

That's right. Dashboards belong on sleds and carriages. They are there to keep mud and snow from being dashed up peoples faces by the horses hooves.

gerry said...

What does it take to get over a big asshole?