July 15, 2012

For Mayor of New York: Anthony Weiner.

Does The Big Apple deserve the big weiner?


ndspinelli said...

Normally I prefer NY weiners[mustard and kraut] to the overgarnished Chicago counterpart. This is an exception.

Michael K said...

New York politics. Ugh!

Richard Dolan said...

Since politics is an exercise in picking from among the available choices, Weiner may not be the worst of the lot among the willing and available Dems. Because the choices they offer tend to be so bad is the only reason we've had a (nominally) Rep mayor for 20 years.

A. Shmendrik said...

I can see it now, a fund raiser for Weiner promoted as "Whip it out for Weiner!"

Bayoneteer said...

Campaign slogan: NYC needs a mayor with balls!

lemondog said...

re: Weiner photo, why do their heads appear out-sized in the photo?

Photo-shopped wry commentary or true to life?

Bloomberg v Weiner....decisions, decisions for lucky NYer's....

Or does NYC have term limits

edutcher said...

Alec Baldwin or Anthony Weiner?

I get the feeling Broadway's about to do a revival of "Cabaret".

Rusty said...

Don't they already have a big wiener?

Carnifex said...

Any sufficiently large enough group of liberals deserves whatever insanity they foist on themselves. Go for it, I say. Least we won't have Mayor Bloomin'idiot making Rep's look like retards anymore.

Peter V. Bella said...

A vote for Weiner is a vote for hot dog government.

bagoh20 said...

For a change a candidate who we can see beyond his pants crease, a man willing to stand up and be measured for what he brings to the job.

Chip S. said...

I relish the prospect of this campaign.

campy said...

All his appearances will be brief.

William said...

Well, at least his scandal was entertaining. The scandals of the other NY pols are grubby and depressing.

Anonymous said...

Kenk: Campaign slogan: NYC needs a mayor with balls!

A weiner is not a ball! How many or much balls does one need to show one's weiner to an under-aged stranger?

Fun to watch though.

Humperdink said...

"Laws are Like Sausages. Better Not to See Them Being Made."

In Weiner's case, better to keep them under wraps.

Humperdink said...

Weiner could have a break through moment at anytime, however.

Chip S. said...

I'm not sure that "I stand with Weiner" is gonna catch on as a slogan, though.

Barry Dauphin said...

If he promises to bring back Big Gulps, he might get elected.

Chip S. said...

This probably won't work, either.

Inspiring, though.

Humperdink said...

It's not hard to visualize Weiner as mayor of the Large Apple. I think Weiner is better "positioned" to handle the hot dog eating contest than Mayor Doomberg.

ricpic said...

The one thing keeping New York from returning to the dark pre-Giuliani mug city is stop and frisk, which Weiner and every other certifiable lefty is dead set on repealing. Since the death wish is strong in most New Yorkers they'll probably make him their next mayor.

Bayoneteer said...

Revised campaign slogan:

NYC needs a mayor with balls! Wanna see 'em?

Chip S. said...

Wanna see 'em?

If you do, you'll have to ask Huma.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw - did Huma ever have her baby?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Vote for Weiner. He will provide a brief outline of his plans.

caseym54 said...

So, who else is running? Is this just a clever ploy to make, say, Al Sharpton look mainstream?

traditionalguy said...

A French's yellow Mustard bottle would make a good logo with the slogan, "Anthony Can Still Cut The Mustard."

He would make a great candidate.

ricpic said...

The only hope for New York is if Ray Kelly, the Police Commissioner, decides to run. All the rest are scary clown lefties who hate hate hate that racisss law and order.

Chip S. said...

Amanda Burden should run.

She already owns most of it.

jeff said...

Appears he never held a job outside of government, and got his first elected gig by "Weiner blanketed the largely white 48th council district with anonymous race-baiting leaflets playing on the voters' fears and racial hostility in the immediate aftermath of the Crown Heights race riots and tying his white opponents to black politicians who were deeply unpopular in the district." http://www.salon.com/2011/06/07/anthony_weiner_1991/

Sounds perfect for New York Mayor.

Critter said...

Weiner jokes are hard. wait.


He'll cover the City in a flash! no.

Throw the lefties a bone, elect Weiner.

i got nothin.

Mick said...

Idiot NYers would probably vote for him. They've been idiots since the beginning. The Declaration of Independence was only passed because the NY delegation abstained, and didn't show up for the vote. Unfortunately they come to Florida to tell us how great it is in NY, and make it possible to elect slime like Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Liberals have no shame.

Mitch H. said...

H. L. Mencken: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."