July 2, 2012

"Please quit posting pictures of your debit cards, people."

Twitpix nitwits.


Bayoneteer said...

It is said that a fool and his money soon go separate ways.

edutcher said...

They really are that stupid.

I guess calling them, twats is justified.

sakredkow said...
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Rabel said...

I see a fundraising opportunity for the Obama campaign.

LoafingOaf said...

LOL! But aw...the Hello Kitty credit cards are so cute.

john said...

"Just got my debit card in the mail .... mad as shyt they spelled my name wrong."

cassandra lite said...

Every time I wonder why those Nigerians would keep at it, or the obvious phisphers, something comes along to restore my faith in idiocy.

David said...

When I'm teaching business law, online privacy is an excellent way to teach the difference between expressed preferences ("I want strict privacy protections") and revealed prefereces("Here's a picture of my debit card").

Methadras said...

Idiocracy is here and on display.

Adam Li said...

Totally right. Please do stop posting or uploading your debit card on the net. You are more likely to be in danger or your money will be gone in just a snap.
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Unknown said...

Great post...keep it up..!!! Plastic card

Unknown said...

nice ...I Love business cards, the things which you have mentioned are very unique and it can help me in creating new ideas... :-)