June 20, 2012

Drudge propagates the "Obama is like Nixon" meme.

I've already mobilized my "Obama is like Nixon" tag for the occasion. That was the 13th time I used it.


Tibore said...

Given what's been happening about Fast and Furious, this is entirely appropriate. More web pundits than Althouse and Drudge need to pick up on this.

edutcher said...

Just saw that on Drudge.

Scary image.

If you're a Lefty.

We have met the enemy and he is us.

Ross said...

Oh Drudge. How I love your juxtapositions.

Paulio said...

Funny how you are treating this "objectively" when its Drudge, but you imputed all kinds of motivations to MSNBCs editing of the Romney tape. Isn't Drudge "mainstream media" by now? Don't you think if a Bloomberg poll had Romney up 13 points Drudge would have it up as the headline rather than some obscure ATF case that no one cares about except the unhinged right?

Tom Spaulding said...

some obscure ATF case that no one cares about except the unhinged right?

Brian Terry, his family and 300 dead Mexicans could not be reached fo comment, Unhinged Lib.

Ann Althouse said...

"Funny how you are treating this "objectively" when its Drudge, but you imputed all kinds of motivations to MSNBCs editing of the Romney tape. Isn't Drudge "mainstream media" by now? Don't you think if a Bloomberg poll had Romney up 13 points Drudge would have it up as the headline rather than some obscure ATF case that no one cares about except the unhinged right?"

It's a comic collage. To be like the MSNBC editing, it would have to be causing people to believe that Obama looks like that now.

Matt Sablan said...

Paulio: Why don't you care about 200+ dead Mexican civilians (and two American Border Patrol agents?)

Patrick said...

To be like the MSNBC editing, it would have to be causing people to believe that Obama looks like that now.

given the typical MSNBC viewer, that is entirely possible.

Especially as evidenced by Paulio's comment.

ricpic said...

Am I the only one who thinks the combo Obama/Nixon is better looking than either of the unadulterated originals?

Christopher in MA said...

Paulio, if you're trying to out-stupid Garage, you're going to have to do better than that.

garage mahal said...

Wow. Obama up 13 pts over Romney?

Time to really crank up the propaganda Althouse.

Why not just go Godwin on Obama's ass?

Anonymous said...

Garage steps in (it) to stave of the threat of Paulio.

TMink said...

Tell the widows that the ATF case is unimportant Paulio.


TMink said...

I think our current President has delusions of Nixon only to face the reality of Carter.


Tom Spaulding said...

Wow. Obama up 13 pts over Romney?

Yes, your confidence that everything you hold dear is not being permanently dismantled is palpable.

edutcher said...

Paulio said...

Funny how you are treating this "objectively" when its Drudge, but you imputed all kinds of motivations to MSNBCs editing of the Romney tape. Isn't Drudge "mainstream media" by now? Don't you think if a Bloomberg poll had Romney up 13 points Drudge would have it up as the headline rather than some obscure ATF case that no one cares about except the unhinged right?

MSLSD presented its creative editing as the full version.

That's called lying (you have to explain everything to them...).

And F&F is hardly obscure. Lefties like Paulio (why do we get custody of all the defunct blogs' village idiots?) only wish it was.

PS Rasmussen has the Romster gaining a point in its tracking poll and even Gallup shows no change.

garage mahal said...

Yes, your confidence that everything you hold dear is not being permanently dismantled is palpable.

So how do you think that +13 poll fits into all this permanent dismantling?

Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher in MA said...

Time to really crank up the propaganda, Althouse. Why not just go Godwin on Obama's ass?

See, Paulio, that's bringing your A game of idiocy to the party. Take note and emulate.

Michael K said...

Garage, I think you should hug that poll, wherever it is, to your breast until November 7.

Is the captcha stuck ? Same image x 3

BarrySanders20 said...

Dang. If Obama is like Nixon, then Mitt only takes his home state of Massachusetts in ObamaNixon's reelection.

Saint Croix said...

Need an Obama is like Satan tag.

Sorun said...

With those ears, I think it looks like a middle-age Alfred E. Neuman.

Scott M said...

So how do you think that +13 poll fits into all this permanent dismantling?

Citing a ridiculously-flawed Bloomberg poll you cherry-picked off a link from MSNBC doesn't help your case.

Anyone else notice that the numbers are gone from WV but that the new words aren't changing? I've gotten "fficeyo" and "some" three times now.

Bob said...

Barack Milhous Obama? Good, it finally sounds less Muslim.

Aridog said...

Paulio sez ... ...some obscure ATF case that no one cares about except the unhinged right?

Oh, please. No one cares more about it than the liberal left. It's their major distraction du jour and they want it to last way past November. It's right up there with high cheekbones and free contraceptives. The economy, unemployment, international affairs, terrorism, and all that other mundane inconsequential stuff , not so much, eh?

I'm not saying lying, perjury, and obstruction by federal officers is not obscure or unimportance. I'm a former "Fed" and Military person, so I've seen more than my share of it, and paid the price for whistle-blowing from time to time.

I am saying it is all the progs' have got at the moment, so they figure to dance with the date that brung 'em. Until a new political whore's fandango shows up for exploitation.

Anything, anything at all, to keep the focus on diversion from the economy. My opinion is simple on this F & F thing: The Feds over stepped the bounds of "sting" protocols, and actually broke laws rather than enticing others. I think they did so on the highest authority.

That and a couple bucks might get you a coffee at Starbucks. Good luck.

Chip S. said...

One of these polls is not like the others.

Garage thinks there's a pony in every pile of shit.

garage mahal said...

Citing a ridiculously-flawed Bloomberg poll you cherry-picked off a link from MSNBC doesn't help your case

Hahaha. I bet dollars to donuts if the results were flipped you would be singing a different tune. So what's ridiculously flawed about the poll anyway?

Tom Spaulding said...

So how do you think that +13 poll fits into all this permanent dismantling?

It raises your expectations ever higher, so that the crash of reality will be all that much sweeter for me in November. Lib tears and Maker's Mark are my ambrosia.

How does it fit for you?

Will you cite this poll as Truth on Election Night?

AllenS said...


edutcher said...

garage mahal said...

Yes, your confidence that everything you hold dear is not being permanently dismantled is palpable.

So how do you think that +13 poll fits into all this permanent dismantling?

Hate to pop your bubble (well, not really)...

Why not just go Godwin on Obama's ass?

Oh, Hell, I've already done that.

(just 'cause she's the bloggress here, why should she have all the fun?)

James said...

LOL... I just watched Andrea Mitchell's show on MSNBC. Even she and Chris Cillizza doubted the accuracy of the poll showing Obama leading by 13 points. They claimed the internals were to heavily weighted towards "minorities" and Democrats.

Cillizza also stated that he was taught early on to take an average of at least 10 polls taken within a one-week period.

But keep flogging this outlier poll; I guess Dems desperately need some good news.

Scott M said...

Hahaha. I bet dollars to donuts if the results were flipped you would be singing a different tune.

Wrong. I'm not an ideologue. Besides, if Bloomberg had Romney up by 13, I would be seriously suspicious of those numbers given everything that's going on. Just as I'm seriously suspicious of a Bloomberg poll that shows Obama up by 13. Take a look at the questions they asked if you want to know why its flawed.

garage mahal said...

This poll is a little tighter:

MU Poll: (WI)

Obama leads Romney 49-43 in WI in new Marquette Law poll June 13-16; in previous poll in late May, it was Obama 51, Romney 43.

Opinion overall on Obama is 53% favorable, 39% unfavorable. For Romney, 35% favorable, 43% unfavorable.

bagoh20 said...

I got an email from Nixon the other day. He went on and on about people spitting on is grave, trampling through his house, and puking on the Chinese. He closed it with:

"Miss me yet?

Dick "

Scott M said...

This poll is a little tighter:

That was amazingly fast, GM. Kudos.

Jaq said...

"In a second major retraction over its version of the the gun-walking scandal, the Justice Department has retracted Attorney General Eric Holder's charge in a hearing last week that his Bush administration predecessor had been briefed on the affair. "

Does anybody remember "That story is no longer operable"?


bagoh20 said...

You'll notice in those polls at RCP that the ones with Romney ahead are the two with the largest sample size 2- 3 times the ones most favorable to Obama which happen to be the smallest samples.

Just sayin.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

So how do you think that +13 poll fits into all this permanent dismantling?


Because that silly poll is like totally believable!

I mean, it isn't as if the 2010 elections didn't happen or anything. Obama has such a string of successes that would be like so popular.


Paulio said...

I love the friendly banter here. I feel so warmly welcomed. I actually think I'm only slightly to the left of Althouse but happy to provide a little entertainment for the regulars.

It's a reasonable point that any incident that produced 300 dead individuals and at least US widow is worthy of investigation particularly when the government was involved. I assume you all were clamoring for a thorough review of the decision to go to war in Iraq and the handling of the aftermath then?

Or could you be motivated by something else? What could it be?
I'll put on my lefty thinking cap and do my best to work it out.

avwh said...

Maybe the Zero crowd in the WH is working on this re-election slogan:

Obama: get the worst of TWO Presidents (Carter and Nixon) in ONE!

Paulio said...

Mexico has proven to be more of a threat to the peace and stability of the US than Iraq was in 2003. So can't we file it under the same category?

Brian Brown said...

arage mahal said...

So what's ridiculously flawed about the poll anyway?

Um, why don't you tell us what the cross tabs are, genius?

Scott M said...

Mexico has proven to be more of a threat to the peace and stability of the US than Iraq was in 2003. So can't we file it under the same category?

So, you're saying 300 less Mexicans makes their country less dangerous and thus F&F was a needed program?

Hmm. Slightly left of AA?

edutcher said...

Paulio said...

I love the friendly banter here. I feel so warmly welcomed. I actually think I'm only slightly to the left of Althouse but happy to provide a little entertainment for the regulars.

It's a reasonable point that any incident that produced 300 dead individuals and at least US widow is worthy of investigation particularly when the government was involved. I assume you all were clamoring for a thorough review of the decision to go to war in Iraq and the handling of the aftermath then?

There was. It was on TV and talk radio and in the Blogosphere and everything.

I guess Paulio (or is Jeremy back?) was in the padded ward back then.

Or does he have a secret communique in his possession that tells the REAL story?

James said...

Back on topic.

I've noticed that Drudge has stepped up his tweaking of Obama ever since he posted information on Obama's secret trip to Afghanistan a few weeks ago.

While all other news outlets blacked out news of the visit, Drudge was the only one reporting on it. Then when asked about Drudge's reporting, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said "There is nothing you can do about Drudge."

No doubt Drudge now feels emboldened.

Jaq said...

I still take the fact that Obama 2012 bumper stickers are rare here in VT as a bad sign for Bam Bam.

But I am sure that Obama +13 is correct. It must have been Wawa that turned it around for him.

bagoh20 said...


The Irag War was presented to the U.S. Congress, the U.N., and the whole world, and then authorized through public open votes, by elected officials. Bush took full responsibility for it and it's outcomes, like an adult with character. In addition, 100% of the entire worldwide press covered it every day for years.

Are you nuts?

Chip S. said...

Paulio shapes up as an excellent source of comic relief.

His initial comment says describes F&F as "some obscure ATF case that no one cares about except the unhinged right", and then he expects a big, warm welcome.

There's an unending supply of civility bullshit.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

So what's ridiculously flawed about the poll anyway?

It's a poll of 1,002 adults, of whom 734 'qualify' as likely voters. 38 percent were Democrats or leaned that way, while 33 percent were Republicans or leaned toward the GOP.

A great snap shot of the American electorate.


Brian Brown said...

Paulio said...

It's a reasonable point that any incident that produced 300 dead individuals and at least US widow is worthy of investigation particularly when the government was involved. I assume you all were clamoring for a thorough review of the decision to go to war in Iraq and the handling of the aftermath then?

Or could you be motivated by something else? What could it be?
I'll put on my lefty thinking cap and do my best to work it out.


Don't worry, moron. Everyone reading knows you can't think.

garage mahal said...

Um, why don't you tell us what the cross tabs are, genius?


bagoh20 said...

Compare and contrast F&F with it's death count to Abu Grab with it's naked touching and cruel photos.

I believe Abu Grab was on the front page of the NYT for 30 unbroken days and many more after that.

People in unkind photos, unhurt and alive.

Daddy Binx said...

garage mahal said...
Wow. Obama up 13 pts over Romney?

If I recall correctly, Nixon also had pretty high polling before Watergate broke.

GM, why are you bringing up these favorable comparisons between Nixon and Obama?

james conrad said...

I get the feeling Obama is going the EP route because the WH was most likely involved in this gun running scandal. Holder is to simple to do this all by himself, he's a water boy for whatever issues the prez has, AKA Marc Rich.

Jaq said...

"I'll put on my lefty thinking cap and do my best to work it out."

I can't stand the suspense! Is it RACISM?

Christopher in MA said...

I believe Abu Grab was on the front page of the NYT for 30 unbroken days and many more after that.

Along with casualty counts, bagoh. Remember all those "grim milestones?"

Paulio said...

tim in vermont said...
"I'll put on my lefty thinking cap and do my best to work it out."

I can't stand the suspense! Is it RACISM?

Nope, plum out of racism cards today. I do have some gum and crazy birther cards to share if anyone is interested.

I am well aware of the media's coverage of the Iraq War, but the "right of center commentariat" was defending the carnage that ensued as collateral damage of a worthy goal. Here, there seems to be deep, deep concern about 300 Mexicans and one US officer. I read Althouse back then too and I don't remember the commenters expressing similar concern over the rates of friendly fire deaths or innocent civilians being killed. Heck, I don't recall tears being shed here over recent incidents in Afghanistan.

"Scandals" in any administration are largely fueled by the opposition party for political gain. Fast and Furious seems like particularly weak tea to me, but I am (slightly) left of center so maybe that's all it is. I voted for Bush and thought many of his "scandals" were overblown too.

Synova said...

"...but the "right of center commentariat" was defending the carnage that ensued as collateral damage of a worthy goal. Here, there seems to be deep, deep concern about 300 Mexicans and one US officer."

So what was the worthy goal?

And why can't Holder release the files that have been requested? National security? Will it reveal our intelligence gathering ability or methods? Will it get our soldiers killed or put the lives of CIA agents at risk?

Are we at war with Mexico?

Christopher in MA said...

But the 'right of center' commentariat was defending the carnage that ensued as collateral damage of a worthy goal.

Except that Fast and Furious had no worthy goal. At best, it was a backdoor way to implement draconian gun control laws in the States. At worst, it was a deliberate attempt by the Obama administration to arm known drug cartels in order to foment violence against the Mexican government.

And can we please stop with the "if you didn't condemn THAT, you have no right to condemn THIS" silliness?

Christopher in MA said...

Ah, you beat me to it, Synova.

In any event, I have other things to do. Someone let me know if garage comes up with anything approaching a coherent thought.

Synova said...

This is what I don't get about scandals.

If they're no big deal, really, and they're already not at all a secret any more, wouldn't they go away the quickest if you just gave the Congressional committee what it has a right to ask for?

If there is no there, there, then it's over, just about that quick.

That was what was so entirely baffling about the Lewinsky thing. Why not just *say*, yes we did. Why drag it out? Why perjure yourself? Why make it about the cover-up?

Take your lumps and move on.

Brian Brown said...

I am well aware of the media's coverage of the Iraq War, but the "right of center commentariat" was defending the carnage that ensued as collateral damage of a worthy goal.

Your inability to differentiate between a war, and the activities of a law enforcement agency acting on US soil does not make your questions legitimate.

Charles said...

Here's what was wrong with the Bloomberg poll.

Yes, there were no crosstabs, so we have no way of knowing who they were actually surveying. Obviously, that's the big problem right there.

But beyond that,

1. They're calling this a "likely voters" survey. That's only if you accept their (non-traditional and wildly creative) definition of a "likely voter." They started with adults (not even registered voters) and then asked them if they're planning to vote. That's not a "likely voter." A likely voter is someone who is registered and has a history of voting. Someone who is unregistered has a microscopic chance of voting, no matter what they say to a pollster.

2. Not only that, but the "are you planning to vote" question was a few questions into the survey itself (which is bizarre). So they asked a few issue/preference questions before qualifying that the person they're talking to is (what they deem) a "likely voter." It's unorthodox, to say the least. You've got a self-selecting universe.

3. Finally, they proclaim this data is weighted based on age and race to reflect the "general population." Catch that? It's not weighted to represent the voting population, just the general population. So younger voters and under-voting minority groups will be wildly oversampled in this because they pegged it to the general population and not the voting population.

I could go on.

Original Mike said...

"Need an Obama is like Satan tag."

Obama isn't Satan. Obama is the guy who runs into the drug store to get Satan a pack of cigarettes.

Clyde said...

Keep that tag handy. You may be needing it quite a bit in upcoming months.

I haven't read through the comments yet, but has anyone mentioned that it was exactly 40 years ago today, on June 20, 1972, that the infamous 18-minute gap appeared in the Watergate tapes?

bagoh20 said...

"And can we please stop with the "if you didn't condemn THAT, you have no right to condemn THIS" silliness?"

Or at least consider that if you want to use that argument, then maybe if you didn't defend that, then don't defend this is also true.

bagoh20 said...

I knew Dick Nixon. Dick Nixon was a friend of mine, and you sir, ... are pretty damned close.

bagoh20 said...

Charles @2:04

All good points about the poll, but I like it when they fool themselves like this. They get so emotional when they lose, and when it's a surprise, it's just pure entertainment.

machine said...

So I am certain you will want a Congressional investigation of this then:

"New CIA docs show Bush ignored 9/11 warnings"


Scott M said...

Notice how machine's first appearance today is to bring up Bush. Sure, I'll bite. If there is proof that Bush knew what they were going to do and ignored it, let's see it. I'd like to read up on that.

Why is your first instinct to somehow tie this to the previous administration?

Chip S. said...

Notice also that machine provides no link.

Amartel said...

He's Carter! He's Nixon! He's both at the same time!

Well, he has to be somebody because I begin to suspect that this "Obama" person is a complete work of fiction.

Chip S. said...

But since machine brought up 9/11 investigations, I'm certain that he/she is in favor of setting up something like this to get the full details on F&F.


edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Paulio said...

I'll put on my lefty thinking cap and do my best to work it out.

I can't stand the suspense! Is it RACISM?

Nope, plum out of racism cards today. I do have some gum and crazy birther cards to share if anyone is interested.

I am well aware of the media's coverage of the Iraq War, but the "right of center commentariat" was defending the carnage that ensued as collateral damage of a worthy goal. Here, there seems to be deep, deep concern about 300 Mexicans and one US officer.

Yes, because the Administration is doing something illegal.

PS The worthy goal was ridding the world of a terrorist collaborator (Salman Pak ring any bells?) and the "collateral damage" was mostly Al Qaeda's doing.

No doubt Paulio was cheering for the bad guys just like the rest of the KosKidz.

PPS And the word is "plumb", genius.

machine said...

So I am certain you will want a Congressional investigation of this then:

"New CIA docs show Bush ignored 9/11 warnings"

Already had one.

Select Committee?

Lee Hamilton?


Strelnikov said...

I prefer "Obaxon".

Original Mike said...

No link. I'm guessing ThinkProgress.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger J. said...

I am wondering why in the world that Mr Obama would let the F and F thing get into the national news--the MSM was covering for him. This is a potential scandal that will (hopefully) be a drag on his reelection. Doesnt make political sense when he can diffuse it by firing that hack Holder--I just dont see Obama as very smart--unless, of course, Holder has some goods on Obama.

Original Mike said...

Or, Roger, they consider this a good distraction from the economy.

Aridog said...

Synova said...

This is what I don't get about scandals.

If they're no big deal, really, and they're already not at all a secret any more, wouldn't they go away the quickest if you just gave the Congressional committee what it has a right to ask for?

If there is no there, there, then it's over, just about that quick.

Thread Winner!

Concise and to the point.

Roger J. said...

OM: I thought about that but it does seem like a losing strategy--Oh well--David Axlerod is not my strategist so who knows--perhaps this is a corollary argument to Rahm's point about letting a crisis go to waste.

Scott M said...

The committee has voted to hold Holder (lol) in contempt of Congress. Insta's link makes a good point, I think. Even fence-sitter GOP types would have to seriously consider a vote for contempt now that POTUS has lowered the EP boom.

Chip S. said...

Strelnikov said...
I prefer "Obaxon".

I like the sound of "Nixbama" better.

Daddy Binx said...

Chip S. said...
I like the sound of "Nixbama" better.

I'm still waiting for a Checkers joke.

Aridog said...

Original Mike / Roger ...

You're both right. It is a obvious distraction effort to divert attention away from anything that directly impacts Joe & Jane Sixpack (also Jose, Joselita, Trayvon, La Quisha, et al.) in their daily lives. The never waste a crisis meme is the point for bumblers who tumble from one crisis to the next.

Aridog said...

Daddy Binx said...

I'm still waiting for a Checkers joke.

Nom nom nom....

Scott M said...

You're both right.


Chip S. said...

Quick work, Aridog.

DaddyBinx, Do you prefer to take it upscale or keep it midrange?

Nixon's favorite dog. Obama's favorite, dog.

Daddy Binx said...

Chip S. said...
Nixon's favorite dog. Obama's favorite, dog.

That's what I'm talking about!

This is sorta, kinda off-topic but:

Obama's parents did a huge disservice to future generations by not naming him 'Alex' or 'Alan'. Just think of the awesome Lynyrd Skynyrd cover they could have rolled out last election.

"Sweet Hope, Al Obama"

Roger J. said...

speaking of Mr Obama's favorite dog--anyone seen Bo lately?

Original Mike said...

"I thought about that but it does seem like a losing strategy"

Are you denying the existance of the no-win scenario?

Original Mike said...

"I'm still waiting for a Checkers joke."

Say what you will about Nixon, but at least Checkers didn't have to watch his back.

sakredkow said...

Say what you will about Nixon, but at least Checkers didn't have to watch his back.

I think the dogs looked carefully at both candidates and decided to sit this election out.

"Sit, boy, sit."

Chip S. said...

@DaddyBinx--Excellent point about the importance of naming your kids.

So, what were you thinking with "Jar Jar", anyway?

Saint Croix said...

House panel votes to place Holder in contempt of Congress.

23-17, along party lines.

Daddy Binx said...

Chip S. said...
So, what were you thinking with "Jar Jar", anyway?

Family name. My hands were pretty much tied.

Got a sibling named "Cup Cup", BTW.

Saint Croix said...

Washington Post has the story on their front page.

New York Times has the story on their front page.

I guess it's news!

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