March 30, 2012

Olbermann falls further.

Fired by Al Gore's Current TV, less than a year after getting fired by MSNBC. Ouch.
We created Current to give voice to those Americans who refuse to rely on corporate-controlled media and are seeking an authentic progressive outlet. We are more committed to those goals today than ever before. Current was also founded on the values of respect, openness, collegiality, and loyalty to our viewers. Unfortunately these values are no longer reflected in our relationship with Keith Olbermann and we have ended it.
Yeouch. Olbermann reacts:
... [Al] Gore and [Joel] Hyatt, instead of abiding by their promises and obligations and investing in a quality news program, finally thought it was more economical to try to get out of my contract.

It goes almost without saying that the claims against me implied in Current's statement are untrue and will be proved so in the legal actions I will be filing against them presently....

In due course, the truth of the ethics of Mr. Gore and Mr. Hyatt will come out....
Oh! The ethics of Al Gore, exposed in a lawsuit brought by Keith Olbermann. I can almost hear the Gore-haters of the world salivating.

Release the chakras!


dhagood said...

the crazed sex poodle has a bite?

and it couldn't happen to a more deserving moron.

Anonymous said...

Release the chakras!


KCFleming said...

Gee, if even the far-leftists can't get along, what hope is there for the rest of us?

Carnifex said...

Al Gore and Keith Olberman were in a room together? Had to be the size of the Superdome to hold their egos.

What am I thinking...the only thing big enough to hold those 2 egos is Zero's ego. He could sublet a small portion, and have plenty of room left over for his, and theirs, hubris.

rcocean said...

Thanks goodness. Now Keith can go back to MSNBC, just in time for President Romney.

And speaking truth to power.

Revenant said...

Honestly, now, hiring Olbermann and then acting surprised by his lack of "respect, openness, [and] collegiality" is like hiring Charlie Sheen and then complaining that he keeps bringing hookers to his trailer.

Amartel said...

Godzilla v. Mothra.
Pass the popcorn.

Kev said...

(the other kev)

There is not enough popcorn in the world for this.

Fen said...

"...Had to be the size of the Superdome to hold their egos..."

"...I can almost hear the Gore-haters of the world salivating..."

No. I'm rooting for the Superdome ceiling to fall and crush them both.

d-day said...

Just like the legal action he filed against Tucker Carlson over

Oh, wait.

Bender said...

What that headline says when you read it quickly, your eyes are tired, and you have occasional slight dyslexia --

Olbermann kills father.

Robert Pearson said...

Well, Joel Hyatt is an ambulance chaser so I don't know about his ethics, either. Indeed, these three were made for each other but just like Lightfoot's movie star "who gets burned in a three-way script" it was alawys going to end tragically.

John Burgess said...

I'm investing in popcorn futures! This is going to be epic, if the court permits TV cameras.

Now, I'm trying to figure out how the Harpies at HLN are going to deal with it. They seem to get their talking points from Spittle Man, but their core caring from ManBearPig.

Patrick said...

Can't lose with this one.

Tim said...

Who says there's no justice in this world?

Although, admittedly, this is just a small down-payment on what is due Olbermann.

TWM said...

Anyone else getting the impression the left is imploding? Like "black hole sucking stars in" imploding I mean.

rhhardin said...

Rule 1 of getting fired: always praise the place you worked at and how much you liked the job.

Your next potential boss will be thinking you'll do it to him too.

dreams said...

A lawsuit against Gore, it works for me. I don't see myself as a hater but I sure don't like Gore.

KCFleming said...

Whose tears are more delicious, Gore's or Olbermann's?

"Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! My-yummy!"

Rabel said...

From Current TV's website:

"Current’s programming shines a light where others won’t dare and boldly explores important subjects — opening minds, sparking conversations and forming deep connections with its viewers."

"The channel’s audience is comprised of affluent, curious, social and connected adults who crave the kind of entertaining, enlightening, witty and informative programming found on Current’s TV and online properties."

Sounds like they're describing the Althouse blog. Maybe you'll pick up a few of those affluent, curious, social and connected adults who are now disgruntled Olberman fans.

O2BNAZ said...

I love this... it's like marshmallows covered in chocolate surrounded by graham crackers…gimme someor’s

Rusty said...

Olbermann vs Gore.

Comedy ensues.

Geoff Matthews said...

Can't they both lose?
Why yes they can. If this turns into a protracted lawsuit, fortunes could be whittled away arguing over who is at fault.
The only problem is that this will undoubtedly enrich a left-leaning law firm.

Anonymous said...


FKACato said...

Makes me wish dueling was still legal.

Orion said...

No you fools! I've read about what happens when two titanic monsters clash; Usually the end up in some sort of hideous hybrid and return plague us all beyond the horrors of C'thulu!



edutcher said...

I hear Ubermoronn's ratings were even worse than the ones he had at MSLSD.

And I didn't think negatives were possible with Nielson.

FKACato said...

Makes me wish dueling was still legal.

Perhaps we can get a variance.

Or dispensation.

And sell tickets.

PS Somebody tell Bathtub Boy we knew about the Living Redwood's ethics after the vote for the Gulf War.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Al Gore, but I wish their statement have simply said, "we can't work with the Asshole Keith Olberman any longer."

Christy said...

I've always been strangely proud that English lacks a word or phrase for schadenfreude. Decades of pride in the American value of wishing the best for others and not understanding the Balkan concept of being happy that my neighbor's donkey died. Olbermann has taught this old dog to embrace a foreign value.

KCFleming said...

Gore v. Olbermann is like Werner Herzog arguing with Klaus Kinski, if you take away talent and intelligence.

Larry J said...

It's kind of like when the Oakland Raiders (the 4th point on the Axis of Evil) play the Kansas City Chiefs or the Chargers - I kind of hope both teams could lose. In lawsuits, that can actually happen. The expenses can make even winning a Pyrrhic Victory.

traditionalguy said...

Is there a job opening for an apostate Conservative?

Seriously, Olbermann just attacks too much. It's not so much ridicule as hatred. Humans get bored quickly by diatribes of hatred. Even the limits of what Progressives consider Human can be crossed.

Comanche Voter said...

Well let's just say that many of us are "aroused" at the prospect of a legal face off between two of the world's biggest jerks. This is a popcorn and beer event!

Methadras said...

Leftards begin to cannibalize each other when their precious ideology rams head on into the wall of reality. Olbie is a crank that forgot to douche his mouth out. Good riddance to that pustule on the ass of Urkel.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

This is gonna be painful, in a schadenfreude meets priopism kind of way.

mesquito said...

Is there a job opening for an apostate Conservative?

There's always an opening for an apostate consevative.

And I believe Kevin Phillips is retired.

Anonymous said...

A career based on bile and venom can only get you so far.

rcocean said...

Did anyone actually watch him? Bueller, Bueller, anyone?

Anyway, this is great chance for Current TV to raise their ratings by hiring Sam Donaldson or Dan rather.

kcom said...

What's the chance this leads to a real downward spiral for Keith? Who's going to hire him now? Will we find him drinking under a bridge in 10 years, muttering about what used to be? Or will he perhaps flame out a la Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston? It's hard to imagine him regaining even a shadow of his former prominence. I hope he saved plenty of money.

Kirk Parker said...

"... who refuse to rely on corporate-controlled media"

Oh, so Current TV is structured as a partnership? Gore owns it outright as a sole proprietor? This could get *really* interesting...

rcocean said...

Since KO might be through in News, what about s Sitcom with Rosie O'donnell.

It'd be like "Will and Grace" without any likable,good-looking people.

kcom said...

"Anyway, this is great chance for Current TV to raise their ratings by hiring Sam Donaldson or Dan Rather."

I was thinking they already did hire Dan Rather but actually he works for Who do you think has more viewers, Current TV or

Chip Ahoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip Ahoy said...

Okay, this is not off topic. Shut up, it totally connects. Did you notice the drunk singing the full on Bohemian Rhapsody while in custody in the back of a police car? The police we so entertained they let him finish the song.

And this Olberman and Gore thing is exactly like that in so many ways like,

Maaaamaaaaaaa ew ew eey eeeeeeeeew.

Seven Machos said...

This whole goofy thing just proves that taking a firm stance against assholery knows no political ideology.

Olbermann is the asshole, in case you aren't sure.

Bob_R said...

Can you get addicted to schadenfreude? I'm sure I can give it up any time I want to.

Clyde said...

Olbermann's shyster has promised a lawsuit vs. Gore and Current TV. Mmmmmm, tasty, tasty popcorn!

Bob_R said...

@Chip. I love that drunk! I was trying to think if I ever was that drunk. Don't think so. I have something to aspire to. Is it possible that Gore and Obey are like that ALL the time. That would be awesome.

Clyde said...

And they're replacing Olby with "Client 9"? Going from a guy who's famous for being a dick to a guy who's famous for using his dick!

You can't make this stuff up!

BigFire said...

The only thing that surprised me is how Oberman keep on getting gigs. He's burned EVERY single bridge at every single place he's employed.

ESPN, Fox Sports, CNN, MSMBC, and now Current.

It's not like his potential employer doesn't know his tendency of going postal on the job.

Lawyer Mom said...

Damn. What a hit to the global warming cause.

kcom said...

"ESPN, Fox Sports, CNN, MSNBC, and now Current."

Can you discern an arc in that list of names? And in which direction is it going?

"I love that drunk!"

Off-topic once removed - Does anyone know whatever happened to that homeless announcer guy with the golden voice who had his 15 minutes of fame a few months ago before he went off to rehab? Any word lately?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I thought I never say this but.. I feel terrible for Al Gore..


Well, maybe a little bit.

Let me guess, revenue could not sustain the contract?

bagoh20 said...

Hate to say it, but


Maintain Keith. You'll be happier when you find your natural level

You remind me of all the worst employees I've ever known, and they were very rare, just like you Keith.

David said...

Bush Leaguer v. Gore.

David said...

Does anyone know whatever happened to that homeless announcer guy with the golden voice who had his 15 minutes of fame a few months ago before he went off to rehab? Any word lately?

Back to the bottle, I'm afraid. The bottle is relentless once it grabs. The Federal Government of liquids.

bagoh20 said...

Obama is sure to win - it's been entirely too good for conservatives for a while now. We got something coming.

bagoh20 said...

Worst employee in the wooooooooorrrrrrlllllldddddddd!

Mary Beth said...

If his show had been this entertaining he might still be on the air.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Physical violence has been the least of my priorities..

Dispense with the handcuffs.. a severability clause.

*see Chips video

bagoh20 said...


or ManBearhole.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Worst employee in the wooooooooorrrrrrlllllldddddddd!


Lawyer Mom said...

Whoops! When I left my comment, I was as skiing down a link some may not have yet read.

After being sacked, Olbermann twittered, "In due course, the truth of the ethics of Mr. Gore and Mr. Hyatt will come out."

So, as I said, earlier: Damn. What a hit to the global warming cause.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I may have received some satisfaction upon hearing this. These days, I truly don't care. Olberman and Gore are relevant today only because they made news by breaking up.

bagoh20 said...

Finally liberals will stop saying:

"Sure, conservatives have Rush, but we have Keith."

Yea, they never said that.

Damon said...

Not an Al Gore fan but he is not a bad person. Olberman on the other hand... what a loser.

kcom said...

"Olbermann Falls Further"

P.S. Nice alliteration.

SteveR said...

Instapundit quoted someone “His viewer must be devastated.”

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

From Olbermann to Client #9?

In the Supreme words of Justice Kagan..

Wow wow.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A perfect cap to an otherwise.. conservatively lackluster week ;)

rcocean said...

Left-wing Media Execs (are there any other kind?) identify with Kieth Olbermann. If only they had the guts to go on camera, they'd be just like KO.

So, sadly we haven't seen the last of Keith.

bagoh20 said...

""Olbermann Falls Further""

I read it as Olbermann Fails Führer.

And if we're comparing them, I think Gore has done much more damage to all sides.

William said...

This is some kind of Gawker send up. The bit about hiring Eliot Spitzer as a replacement is the give away. Next installment they'll be telling you he's taken a position as an account exec with the Limbaugh ad team. This is all done to tease you. It's a very cruel practical joke they're playing.

Freeman Hunt said...

I can almost hear the Gore-haters of the world salivating.

I don't even hate him, and I literally salivated just now when I read this. Literally. Actual spit.

Maybe that was because my decaf was ready at the same time.

Olbermann and Gore. Have two men ever so richly deserved one another? Probably but rarely.

Freeman Hunt said...

Hate to say it, but


Hadn't thought of that. Hope that's not a real possibility. My annoyance goes only so far.

SteveR said...

Unlike someone like Rush Limbaugh, who can generate enough followers to exist in his own business universe, Olbermann inspires practically no loyalty. There are plenty of folks who love his snarky, hateful act, but he's just a pompous ass. Try going it alone Bath Tub Boy, you've proven nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

If an olberman gets fired in the middle of nowhere....

Does anyone care?

Chef Mojo said...

Friday night douche dump.


Michael McNeil said...

I've always been strangely proud that English lacks a word or phrase for schadenfreude.

English has “a word or phrase for schadenfreude.”

Joe Schmoe said...

Question: What do Bigfoot, the Tooth Fairy, and Current TV have in common?

Answer: None of them have ever been seen in my living room.

walter said...

The heat is rising..and it ain't AGW.
The debate is overt.

Carnifex said...

@ Damon

Re: Al Gore. Yes, yes he was a very bad man. What else would you call a man who gets rich telling other people how much energy they should use, while squandering prolifically on his own. Who rails about you driving your car, while flying all over the world to tell people your car is killing the planet.
Who tries to set up a world wide extortion scheme to "sell" carbon credits.

Hell has its own inner circle for Mr. Gore, the 8th bolgia.

stanchaz said...

Did Current TV simply use Keith to gain attention and higher ratings? They KNEW what they were getting! Keith injects emotion into his commentary, his intelligent and incisive reporting, his humor, and his relationships....all of which makes his program so interesting. You FEEL his pain, you FEEL his anger, and you FEEL his heart-felt sincerity when he covers a story. He's never just a talking head! If Keith is absent from Current TV, then I too will be absent from Current TV. Keith is one of the best- hands down; as shown by is coverage of OWS, which was outstanding. I wish him well and hope he is back on the air soon. We need his unique voice.

Clyde said...

@ stanchaz

What color is the sky on your planet?

Joe Schmoe said...

Instapundit quoted someone “His viewer must be devastated.”

Yes, Stanchaz is clearly devastated.

Toad Trend said...

SteveR at 3/30/12 10:23 PM

On target.

Olberdork getting fired, dirty catboxes, taxes.

Brian Brown said...

I suppose this is indicative of the left's effort to get Rush Limbaugh off the air.

Effective people, those leftists...

Rusty said...

Next stop for Olbermann?


Anonymous said...

Rosie is gone from OWN;Keith could fill the slot.

Gary Rosen said...

"Olbermann falls further"

This implies that he didn't start out at the bottom of the gutter. I've despised him since he was a "sportscaster" (who knew little about sports) before I even knew what his politics were. Olbermann becoming a political "commentator" was even more laughable than the conversion of theater critic Frank Rich at the NYT.

Saint Croix said...

Olbermann is the asshole, in case you aren't sure.

Dude! ManBearPig is the asshole. Olbermann is the annoying fly.

Anonymous said...

If Olbermann gets another job. I'll be surprised.

Irony is that with such a rinky-dink outfit as Current, KO may have some legitimate gripes. But his past doesn't get him the benefit of the doubt, not to mention its why he was at Current. He was out of major media outlets.

Jim said...

the problem here is does anyone care besides Olbermann and Gore care about either of those two wipes or what they do?