February 19, 2012

It was exactly 1 year ago today, at the Wisconsin protests, that UW doctors stood on the street corner, offering to writing excuse notes for the teachers who had called in sick to go to the protests.

"At first I thought it was some sort of comic street theater, but it was, apparently, real doctors, defending what they were doing...."
I asked if it was dishonest or unethical, and the answer was that everyone has symptoms, perhaps a migraine, diarrhea, or insomnia. I suggested "activitis."
Meanwhile: tea partiers came to town. Tea party video (including Andrew Breitbart).

A sign celebrates the legislators who fled the state, back before I'd seen the word "fleebagger." Ah, no, wait, the word "fleebagger" appears in the first comment on this post from that day, about a man holding an "Ask a Liberal" sign. He's standing amid the tea partiers, and I ask him what they are asking him.

A pretty woman has a sign that reads "Please don't teabag our children," and I interview her about the inappropriate sexuality.

Signs warn protesters to be "civil" and "peaceful" because "the nation is watching."

A born-again lady was not taking sides (except the side of the Lord).

The protest continues into the evening: "The people, united, will never be defeated."


edutcher said...

They would have gotten away with it were it not for you, Madame.

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and The American Way (while we still have it).

Sydney said...

What happened to those doctors?

Goju said...

And what happened to those
doctors? Other than a stern warning and a hearty naughty naughty.

mesquito said...

It was exactly 1 year ago today, at the Wisconsin protests, that UW doctors stood on the street corner, offering to writing excuse notes for the teachers who had called in sick to go to the protests.

Big government corrupts everything.

traditionalguy said...

I believe the suffering demonstrators all suffered from headache and a pain in the ass, called Scott walker Syndrome.

Garage still has found no relief.

I believe Doctors take the Hippopotamus Oath to first do no things you can get caught doing...or is that lawyers.

gadfly said...

As long as we are traipsing back into Wisconsin politics past, I direct the readers attention to the 2008 obit for Lee Sherman Dreyfus.

Having met the man, I remember him much as this tribute describes ... a governor with personality and vigor.

MadisonMan said...

LSD was great.

He inspired my father-in-law to buy a bright red vest.

ricpic said...

The Hippopatami congratulate themselves each evening as the sun goes down on the Serengeti
That they are soft smooth amphibians, not those horny crusty dry and dusty Rhinoceretti.

Goju said...

And yet it is the Hippomati that kill the most people.

Chip Ahoy said...

No, you have it all wrong. The Hippocratic oath came about at the time the hippos took power and established their hippocracy.

It's all right there in the Egyptian texts. The symbol is a mixed symbol. Good and bad. but gravely mixed. Gravely good and gravely bad. So it's a serious symbol. It explains why when any hippocratic symbol must be used for sacred texts it is drawn broken. This destroys its power and any mischief the symbol might get up to once tombs are sealed. Same thing goes for Seth crocodiles cobras and asps. Cannot have those hippocratic symbols in sacred places.

See Gardner's sign list E25 Hippopotamus

David said...

These docs will do well under government run health care. Cheat when you need to, which means code the diagnosis for maximum compensation.

David said...

Signs warn protesters to be "civil" and "peaceful" because "the nation is watching."

And between the lines tell us what they would love to do if not being watched.

The rule of Lemnity said...

How is the constitution going to evolve if we don't let the people do whatever they want?

Severe accountability.

Jason said...

My favorite part in all of this is to hear some of the doctors blame the teachers for asking them for the sick notes. "There were no fake doctors, just fake patients" - or something similar to that - was the comment I read.

Its like an alcoholic blaming the bartender for getting drunk.

Jason said...

The protest continues into the evening: "The people, united, will never be defeated."

Delicious irony, since Scott Walker has gotten everything he has wanted budget-wise during this whole circus.

The rule of Lemnity said...

In the words of Vice president Gore..

There was no controlling legal authority.

Meade said...

"Its like an alcoholic blaming the bartender for getting drunk."

Or a bartender blaming a drunk for drinking.

Chuck66 said...

My point I made last year about the doctors.....the people came up to them, complaining of dizziness and other symptoms that the doctors diagnosed as stress. So gave them a note and sent them on their way.

My family has a history of heart desease and the symptoms the teachers complained about are consistant with hypertension. The doctors didn't even take their blood pressure before giving them the notes.

I wonder what liabiltiy the UW hospital would have if one of those teachers would have had a heart attack that night and died.

Curious George said...

"Chuck66 said...
I wonder what liabiltiy the UW hospital would have if one of those teachers would have had a heart attack that night and died."

I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. "Solidarity Forever"...remember?

Fen said...

Signs warn protesters to be "civil" and "peaceful" because "the nation is watching."

David: "And between the lines tell us what they would love to do if not being watched."

Nailed it.

CMNF said...

Anyone watch BookTV on CSPAN2? This program was horrible. So I am sharing it.
