December 3, 2011


... win the Big 10 Conference Championship!


sonicfrog said...


(It had to be done)

MadisonMan said...

Woo Hoo!

Too bad about the Marquette game though.

gadfly said...

Sparty says: Gosh Coach, I thought the punter was a tackling dummy."

q12345q6789 said...

The Honey Badger's done pretty good too!

Geaux L-S-U!

Ahem...that is all.

Anonymous said...

Russell Wilson is a gamer, man. Great person as well.

q12345q6789 said...

(my comment from above should read: "done pretty well also.")

Peter Hoh said...

The Rose Bowl should be a lot of fun.

cassandra lite said...

Watching from 2,000 miles away and not having a dog in the fight, I found myself deciding during the national anthem that I would root for MSU. Most of their players sang along, while none of the Madison kids did.

Anonymous said...

Don't ever root for Michigan State. First of all, the school's football team is clearly cursed. Any rational person could only conclude this from history. Secondly, when they do ever win anything, like in basketball, the people in East Lansing just burn a bunch of couches and destroy property.

Petunia said...

Go Bucky! I really enjoyed the crowd shot early in the game that clearly showed the UW fan wearing a "Fuck Em Bucky" t-shirt.

What a STUPID penalty by MSU. If not for that, they'd be going to the Rose Bowl. Bucky's punter has a future in World Cup soccer with that flop, but the penalty was a good call.

Bielema needs to improve his play-calling, though, or the Badgers will lost two Rose Bowls in a row. Without MSU's stupid penalty, they'd be the ones in the Rose Bowl.

Wally Kalbacken said...


Meade said...


cassandra lite said...

"Don't ever root for Michigan State."

MSU was the college home of my second or third all-time fave athlete: Magic Johnson.

Anonymous said...

Magic Johnson is indirectly responsible for the pointless, wanton destruction of countless Broyhill love seats.

MayBee said...

Your punter is a fabulous actor.

Blue Ox said...

And Althouse cashes in!

Anonymous said...

Secondly, when they do ever win anything, like in basketball, the people in East Lansing just burn a bunch of couches and destroy property.

At least it gets the couches off the front porch.

traditionalguy said...

Wisconsin had a Ball against a very good team. Congratulations.

Psychedelic George said...

First Saturday Night skit featured bad-jurs.

We are out...of bad-jurs...Would you accept...a wolver-eene in its place?

Alan Smithee said...

And how about Katie Althouse winning that Dr. Pepper contest

Bill S. said...

Well done Bucky (from a Northwestern Wildcat)

AllenS said...

It takes a lot of players to win a game, and sometimes, only one to lose a game.

Phil 314 said...

We don't need no stinkin' Badgers!

Curious George said...

"AllenS said...
It takes a lot of players to win a game, and sometimes, only one to lose a game."

Amen. That #9 who roughed the kicker is also the guy that misplayed the long pass to Duckworth on 4th and 9. No way that pass should be completed.

TosaGuy said...

Go Marquette!!! Bucky needs some depth and Jordan Taylor won't be an end-of-season All American.

The Big 10+2 got exactly what they wanted when they started the latest round of conference musical chairs. If you didn't like that game, you don't like football.

drunkdebunker said...

Mythology is already becoming the "common knowledge" about this game. First off, the punter was hit and spun around while he was at his most vulnerable. His little embellishment notwithstanding, it occurred right in front of the official, who called it instantly. It was a legit call and would be called every time regardless of the situation. Second off, if he hadn't been hit, SMU would have had the ball at about their own 25 with 2 minutes and no timeouts. UW was making them work for their yards all 2nd half, and its a fantasy stretch to assume MSU would have scored a touchdown.

Curious George said...

"drunkdebunker said...

Second off, if he hadn't been hit, SMU would have had the ball at about their own 25 with 2 minutes and no timeouts."

Huh, MSU ran the punt back to Wisconsin's 5 yard line.

ndspinelli said...

Oregon over Wisconsin 45-21.

MayBee said...

I do agree with drunkdebunker that SMU would have had trouble winning the game between UW and MSU.

drunkdebunker said...

OK, oops, pre-caffein brain fart, but the call was correct, which is all that matters.

Anthony said...

One thing Oregon has Wisconsin beat on right up front is the cheerleaders. O.M.G. If you've never watched an Oregon game, you will be in for a treat.

For some reason, Wisconsin has a rather unattractive squad, comparatively speaking. Oregon makes the USC Song Girls look like a bunch of homely librarians.

Known Unknown said...

For some reason, Wisconsin has a rather unattractive squad,

Hint -- you used the word Wisconsin.