August 22, 2011

"I believe that she will run... I can’t see her sitting this election out... She is going to make a major, major speech."

The buzz about Sarah.

Do you want Sarah Palin to run?
Yes, because I want her to win.
Yes, because it will make the Republican field more interesting and better generally.
Yes, because I want to see the Republicans hurt.
No, because she will hurt the Republican cause.
No, because she will help the Republican cause.
No, because she would not make a good President. free polls 


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Bayoneteer said...

Sorry Sarah. Your time is up. Make another TV show appearance or write a another book or whatever but your time as a viable politician on the national stage is expired.

raf said...

Once again, the "don't care" option is omitted.

Freder Frederson said...

Where is the choice: "Yes, because it will be a constant source of amusement and the whole country needs a good laugh."

Andrew T. said...

I'm not a Palin fan, and I'd prefer if she didn't run, however I can see some Republicans, who would never vote for Palin, wanting her in the race. In particular, Romney supporters may want Sarah to run as a means for taking votes away from Perry.

Colin said...

I can support Sarah Palin jumping into the race, in the interests of potentially strengthening the eventual frontrunner. I can't see her actually winning the nomination. Her support is intense, but not broad. Probably better off sticking to the commentary at this point.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

I think it's possible that Palin entering the race will actually help Bachmann. If you have two women in the race, they might become the focus of attention, and the media could make this a Palin vs. Bachmann fight. It could be similar to how it may have helped both Clinton and Obama that there were two non-white-male candidates in the race. If either Clinton or Obama had not been there, maybe it would have been easier to Edwards to be the star of the show.

My personal hope, though, is that if Palin enters the race, she will appeal to the same kinds of voters who like Bachmann and Perry, and that she will take votes from the two of them and end up helping Romney. But that might be wishful thinking.

Fred4Pres said...

I want Palin to run because I am bored.

Shouting Thomas said...

I have no opinion.

It's up to her. I like her, but I have no vested interest in any politician.

If she decides to run and wins the nomination, I'll just her as a candidate based on her performance.

Chip S. said...

Over/under for comments on this thread? It's a tough call, 'cuz you've laid out such a sumptuous buffet this morning for us 'wingers, but I'll go with 225.

wv sated By Sarah? We'll see.

DaveW said...

As far as I can imagine the easiest way for Obama to get re-elected would be for Palin to be on the ticket.

I like her but she's made a hash of her opportunity to rehabilitate her reputation with serious work the last couple years. Instead she's done reality TV shows and written fluff books.

The only upside to a Palin run I can think of would be the excitement it would rouse in her loyal followers, but that has to be measured against the reaction she'll inspire in the Palin haters.

Far better would be if she enthusiastically endorsed and worked for a candidate, then full bore backed the nominee and helped get him/her elected.

Anonymous said...

You didn't offer the choice that it would harm her chances in the future when she may have more background on policy issues.

The Crack Emcee said...

There's too many comments here for me to zing, starting with KenK's, and with Ann's kid in the mix? Rooting for Romney? Naaah.

PALIN 2012.

Original Mike said...

I don't want her in, because I can see her winning the nomination but not beating President Double-Dip.

Ann Althouse said...

"Once again, the "don't care" option is omitted."

And yet you care enough to write that.

Saint Croix said...

What's amazing to me is that we're asking this question. Aside from David Duke--who was pretty much a neo-Nazi--I can't ever remember the Republicans trying to keep somebody from running.

I mean, why would you?

You don't hear me jumping up and down, worried about Rudy Giuliani coming into the race. Come on in! The water's fine.

Condi Rice wants to come in, that's awesome. McCain wants to take another whack at it? Sure, man, I'm up for a laugh.

So what is up with all this fear about Sarah Palin?

I totally get "I don't want to vote for her." What I do not get is this: "I do not want anybody else to vote for her, either."

Explain that to me.

Ann Althouse said...

"Where is the choice: "Yes, because it will be a constant source of amusement and the whole country needs a good laugh.""

I think the 2d option is close enough to that.

How finely granulated do you expect these polls to be, people. There are 6 options!

Original Mike said...

"So what is up with all this fear about Sarah Palin?

I totally get "I don't want to vote for her." What I do not get is this: "I do not want anybody else to vote for her, either."

Explain that to me."

I don't want her in, because I can see her winning the nomination but not beating President Double-Dip.

But I repeat myself.

Original Mike said...

"How finely granulated do you expect these polls to be, people. There are 6 options!"

You need a: "Can I get that to go?" option.

prairie wind said...

If Obama is the Dem and Palin is the Republican, who do you vote for, Original Mike?

Scott M said...

I don't want her in, because I can see her winning the nomination but not beating President Double-Dip.

This. 'nuff said.

Hagar said...

It's an unstable situation.

What if both parties split and we get a 4-way race for the election?

Qui vivra, verra.

Original Mike said...

"If Obama is the Dem and Palin is the Republican, who do you vote for, Original Mike?"

Palin. But then I'd vote for Jeffery Dahmer before I voted for President Double-Dip. [what's that you say? He's dead? ... All the better.]

Saint Croix said...

I don't want her in, because I can see her winning the nomination but not beating President Double-Dip.

I just find that a really odd, bizarre thought. You're afraid the Republicans will nominate her. Because, uh, she's the strongest candidate in our field?

And then you're afraid the American people will reject the Republican?

Because Republicans are hated and feared?

"We need somebody who Republicans don't like too much."

Chip S. said...

How finely granulated do you expect these polls to be, people.

If you always offer the option "These options suck," nobody will ever have a basis for complaining about the poll options. Plus, it would appeal to lovers of paradox.

Original Mike said...

I should say that I think there's a better than even chance that Palin would make a good President. But the misogynist liberals have made her radioactive to independents. It's not fair to Palin, but there is nothing more important than defeating Obama. The country's future depends upon it.

Original Mike said...

"I just find that a really odd, bizarre thought. You're afraid the Republicans will nominate her. Because, uh, she's the strongest candidate in our field?

And then you're afraid the American people will reject the Republican?"

You place too much trust on the rationality of the American people.

Ann Althouse said...

"If you always offer the option "These options suck," nobody will ever have a basis for complaining about the poll options. Plus, it would appeal to lovers of paradox."

If you have a boring fall-back "none of the above" it will make things boring. I force you to pick a real option so the final count is interesting.

People who want a "none of the above" option should just not take the poll. If you have something interesting to say, put it in the comments.

Ann Althouse said...

Glenn Reynolds often adds "That's above my pay grade" AND "Present" -- which is a funny way to say none of the above, but I hate the "none of the above" option so much I don't care if it's funny. Concentrate on getting good options that express the range of opinion in a balanced way and see what happens. That's what I do.

Aridog said...

The survey list doesn't include the only one I'd pick:

No, because I think she can do the most to defeat Obama from her current position.

I'll grant that #5 is close, but no cigar.

prairie wind said...

Thinking about Palin vs. Bachmann, I come down on the side of Palin. Bachmann signed that ridiculous Iowa pledge. A candidate who falls for that is not ready to be President.

I agree O-Mike--defeating Obama is the only priority.

prairie wind said...

'Only priority' is probably over the top. Defeating Obama is the top priority because even if the conservatives take both House and Senate, I don't see that changing Obama. He'd still be who he is. Truculent.

garage mahal said...

Palin has everything a Republican voter looks for. Why wouldn't she run?

Freder Frederson said...

I think the 2d option is close enough to that.

No, the statement said her entering would make the field better. I certainly can't agree with that.

prairie wind said...

garage, does Obama have everything a democrat is looking for?

garage mahal said...

garage, does Obama have everything a democrat is looking for?

Unfortunately no.

Andrea said...

Shorter KenK et al: "Get back in the kitchen, honey!"

Christopher in MA said...

Announcing you're running, then getting the nomination and then winning the presidency are three different things. One does not automatically lead to another. If it did, we'd be talking about President Huntsmann (God forbid).

Sarah has her rabid base, her casual fans (I'm a Perry man, myself, but I like Palin), her possibly-leanuing-but-might-be-distracted-by-others and the ones in both parties who wouldn't vote for her under any circumstances - on the left, because she's Caribou Barbie, on the right because she's simply too gauche for words.

Would she guarantee a second term for (as Ace's morons gleefully call him) the Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure? I'm honest enough to say I don't know. I do know that if she got the nomination the raw, rancid outright hate she would arouse from the left - broadcast nationally every day - might very well backfire.

But I'm honest enough to say I don't know. So I'd like her to enter, if for nothing else than to make people like Alpha, J and Garage soil themselves with incoherent rage on a regular basis.

Freder Frederson said...

Shorter KenK et al: "Get back in the kitchen, honey!"

I would settle for "Get back to the tundra, honey!"

Anonymous said...

I totally get "I don't want to vote for her." What I do not get is this: "I do not want anybody else to vote for her, either."

I agree with those saying that she might win the nom and lose the general; that's a fear (which is not fair to her, but she's been deemed radioactive by the media and I'm not sure that she can overcome that so soon.)

But another reason that I do not want her to run is that I do like her. I think that she might be a great president, just not yet. She's young, she still has time to do something else that will prove her chops- cabinent position, head the RNC, senate seat, etc. If she does that for a bit and does it well, then that plus some time might help to overcome the intense knee-jerk hatred out there for her (she'll never be loved, but she might be on par with other Republicans, rather than a special case of outrage.)

2020 looks good for her, IMO.

But I'd vote for Palin over Bachmann no question. Bachmann doesn't have the experience of an executive position, which, to my mind, is a near insurmountable negative (for the primary- no experience is still better than disasterous experience such as Obama's).

- Lyssa

Christopher in MA said...

"Garage, does Obama have everything a Democrat is looking for?"

"Unfortunately, no."

Oh, don't worry. I'm sure Holder and Big Sis are getting the reeducation camps ready as we speak. And who knows? In these uncertain ecenomic times, becoming a kapo might be a nice second career for you.

ricpic said...

All the usual suspect sophisticates do their usual condescending shtick when it comes to Sarah. A sure sign that she'll beat Barry like a rented mule.

Original Mike said...

"In these uncertain ecenomic times, becoming a kapo might be a nice second career for you."

Nah, he wants to drive the trains to the camp.

richard mcenroe said...

The closest thing we have to a conservative front runner right now talks like John McCain on immigration and legislates on it like Jerry Brown. Plenty of room for a conservative candidate yet.

richard mcenroe said...

"Garage, does Obama have everything a Democrat is looking for?"

"Unfortunately, no."

Unfortunately yes, it just doesn't work so we can't admit it.

J said...

Romney vs Sarah Klondike??

Better the Professor than a crack-smoking Mary Ann

(Mittens will lose big as well).

Saint Croix said...

I think what makes Palin so scary to some conservatives is the fear that she will bring genuine change to our government.

For instance, I can see Palin refusing to use Air Force One, and insisting that she will fly on a regular airplane, like all the other citizens do.

Compare her campaign now (hello! she's already running!) to Obama's campaign.

Compare her bus to his bus.

She's a populist. He's an elitist.

I think she will play very well with the American people.

Paul said...

"All the usual suspect sophisticates do their usual condescending shtick when it comes to Sarah. A sure sign that she'll beat Barry like a rented mule."


A lot of these same people were sure that Obama would win neither the nomination nor the general election last time around, while I was telling anyone who would listen he was the perfect storm candidate and likely to win the Presidency.

Too many "smart" folks are always looking in the rear view mirror and deem it sufficient to predict the road ahead.

Saint Croix said...

What you will see is that Palin revolutionizes the way we run for office. She will not have $50,000-a-plate dinners. She will skip all that stuff. You can donate to her website, or not.

I predict you will see an intentional deemphasis of "big money" in Sarah Palin's campaign. In and of itself that is why it would be an awesome thing for her to run.

Last week Michelle Bachmann flew into Charlotte for a speech. I wouldn't mind hearing Bachmman. But I skipped it. Damn if I'm going to pay Michelle Bachmann $100 bucks for the privilege of hearing her speak to me. What kind of democracy is it when a candidate flies into a city, raises money, and flies out again? It's like she wasn't even here.

It's money, money, money with all these guys.

When Sarah Palin shows up, you know it. And she doesn't charge admission for you to see her.

She is one of us.

Scott M said...

garage, does Obama have everything a democrat is looking for?

Based on the voting results from 2008, that depends entirely on skin color apparently. One group voted for him at over 90%, though which one it was escapes me at the moment. I need to google monolithic, maybe combine it with racist.

Paddy O said...

I'd like to see her in a debate.

She has definitely had some time to hone her global and national policy understanding, and a debate would put that to the test. My guess is that outside of the public eye she knows she has to go above and beyond on her understanding of substantive issues.

A few really substantive contributions and the bad reputation she has will be wiped clean. Because it's based on perception of stupidity/ignorance, that's pretty easy to overcome if she has put in the time. The way she has helped drive the national debate from the conservative side the last few years suggests she's as or more capable than many of the present candidates.

On top of this, she is significantly more media savvy now. She's exceedingly well vetted, anything that was there to find out has been found out. Which is some comfort.

I am far from being a definite supporter, but I think she could become very convincing very quickly. And I'd like to see her steer the primary conversations like she has steered the national ones.

J said...

She is one of us.

With "us" as like Alttards: that's sort of accurate, St.C--like you, Palin's a tasteless, semi-literate bag of white trash, probably binging on meth this very minute. Heh heh

Pastafarian said...

Perry seems conservative enough for me; and he seems willing to mix it up with Obama -- it appears as though he'll be a strong campaigner.

So now that Perry's in, I don't think we need any more muddling of the field with additional candidates. It's time to pick one and get behind him. (Unless Ryan wants in. Then I'll have to reconsider.)

I like Palin, but too many people get their current events information from Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show with Jon "The Scotsman" Stewart for her to ever run again. She's done. "Oh noes, Palin is teh stooopid."

Original Mike said...

"I think what makes Palin so scary to some conservatives is the fear that she will bring genuine change to our government."

Well, that's just dumb.

"For instance, I can see Palin refusing to use Air Force One, and insisting that she will fly on a regular airplane, like all the other citizens do."

We are in debt up to our eyeballs, and you think conservatives will get upset because she won't fly on Air Force One???? (Not that the Secret Service would allow it, but who gives a fig about what plane she flys on?)

Freder Frederson said...

What you will see is that Palin revolutionizes the way we run for office. She will not have $50,000-a-plate dinners. She will skip all that stuff. You can donate to her website, or not.

You are seriously deranged if you think anyone can win the presidency (or even be nominated) without serious big money fundraising. All her fans don't have enough money to finance the necessary campaign.

Pastafarian said...

Original Mike, I think they're referring to the article by Mark Steyn where he points to all of the heads of state, kings and queens, who fly commercial.

In the meantime, Obama takes a 500-seat aircraft that costs a million dollars an hour to operate and flies 150 miles from DC to Virginia.

Yes, this shit adds up. A million here, a million there, eventually you're talking about real money. And the symbolism of it is important.

Pastafarian said...

Freder, President Nincompoop can spend his billion dollars running ads round the clock, and he's not going to be able to convince anyone (but you and a few sycophants) that 9% unemployment, $3.50 per gallon gas, and trillion-dollar-deficits are good. Or that shit is mayonnaise.

KCFleming said...

I want her in just to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

She might just become Vice-President in the struggle.

Saint Croix said...

Obama is already in campaign mode. He's raising all the money he can.

Clinton and Gore did the same thing, charging big money for special access.

I think they all do it. It's appalling.

Money, money, money.

Sarah Palin can really rip Obama on this issue alone.

She can expose the hypocrisies of Obama, who is fundraising rather than doing his job.

Obama badmouths small business owners while he hobnobs with millionaires and charges them thousands of dollars for privileged access.

And unemployment goes up. Asshole!

garage mahal said...

Nah, he wants to drive the trains to the camp.

Where are these camps anyway?

Pastafarian said...

A more consequential question may be: Who will Obama have as his VP? He's going to pull out all the stops, and one move he could make is to name a governor from a toss-up state to replace Biden.

KCFleming said...

The only VP Obama would want is himself.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Beating Obama is NOT the “top priority.” It’s the FIRST STEP. IF, you could beat Obama with Huntsman, what have you gained?

We need to beat Obama AND have a Conservative, an effective Conservative. I’m a Palinista but could live with Perry. Anyone else just beats Obama and that’s not enough.

garage mahal said...

What's wrong with Hunstman? Belief in science a bridge too far?

prairie wind said...

The only VP Obama would want is himself.

Exactly. Wish I had said this. It captures everything about Obama.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

What's wrong with Hunstman? Belief in science a bridge too far

Does he believe in Science, he believes in Globull Warmening? Funny how Leftist “Science” can look a lot like religious belief.

edutcher said...

Gee, Freder and Garage and KenK and J are sooo scared of Miss Sarah.

If she's so dumb and so yesterday, why so afraid?

Maybe because she'd eat Herbert Obama's lunch.

Actually, I still say she won't run. She's the first to know her resume isn't complete enough and she wants her daughters out of high school before the media sliming starts.

All she has to do is endorse Perry and that will be plenty.

Saint Croix said...

You are seriously deranged if you think anyone can win the presidency (or even be nominated) without serious big money fundraising. All her fans don't have enough money to finance the necessary campaign.

We will see. I think that is the campaign she has in mind.

Palin is a genius at keeping herself in the public eye. Journalists cover her every move.

It is possible that Sarah Palin kills the 30-second campaign spot.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

I still say she won't run. She's the first to know her resume isn't complete enough and she wants her daughters out of high school before the media sliming starts

Uh EXCUSE ME, “starts?” I’m sorry, I don’t believe it’s ended…it started in 2008….it’s on-going. It’s one of the reasons she might as well run, because “they” can’t hate her more.

Christopher in MA said...

"What's wrong with Huntsman? Belief in science a bridge too far?"

No. But basic economics does seem to be a bridge too far for Little Black Jesus and his army of fellators.

In any event, ManBearPig's "the planet has a fever" diaper soiling notwithstanding, AGW is a crock. Huntsman's embracing of it, as well as his sneering dismissal of Perry as "anti-science" because he doesn't worship at the altar of Gaia, ought to be enough to highlight his lack of conservative bona fides.

And for a party that likes to proclaim itself so pro-science, you certainly have no problem dismissing it when it collides with your core belief of murdering as many inconvenient babies as possible.

mccullough said...

I hope she gets in. She's better than Perry and way better than Bachman. It would be great if Giuliani and Pataki get in as well. It would show the Republican party is a big tent with a lot of factions. Let them air their different positions. You want the pro-gun, pro-gay marriage candidate; the anti-foreign intervention, anti-entitlement candidate? The pro-Fed, anti-fiscal stimulus candidate?

Hopefully Paul Ryan jumps in as well. Anyway, the media will run out of ink, tape, and gigabytes trying to smear so many different candidates.

edutcher said...

Joe said...
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

I still say she won't run. She's the first to know her resume isn't complete enough and she wants her daughters out of high school before the media sliming starts

Uh EXCUSE ME, "starts?" I’m sorry, I don’t believe it’s ended…it started in 2008….it’s on-going. It’s one of the reasons she might as well run, because "they" can’t hate her more.

No, what you see now is merely maintenance-level sliming. If she runs, everything goes into overdrive.

Todd will be having threesomes with the Bachmanns; Willow and Piper will be headliners in the latest Heidi Fleiss bordello scheme, etc., etc.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

No, what you see now is merely maintenance-level sliming. If she runs, everything goes into overdrive.

Todd will be having threesomes with the Bachmanns; Willow and Piper will be headliners in the latest Heidi Fleiss bordello scheme, etc., etc

And none of it will stick, as usual…meanwhile gas will remain above 3.50, electricity will increase in cost, unemployment will continue above 9% and most Independents will say, “I don’t care about Willow and the cocaine. I say let’s give Sarah a try, she can’t be worse.”

garage mahal said...

Hilarious a Republican can't get any support for believing in evolution or global warming, because of too many mouthbreathing morons like Christopher. How embarassing.

KCFleming said...

"No, what you see now is merely maintenance-level sliming. If she runs, everything goes into overdrive."

Oh no.
Bachmann Palin Overdrive?

There, I've said it.

jr565 said...

I don't think she should run as I think she's better at galvanizing the base. However, I've seen her on shows in the past year and she's gotten a lot more comfortable on camera, and so doesn't make as many potential gaffes (or statements that her critics will seize on as gaffes, even though she is actually correct) when speaking. And she's a lot more dynamic than Michelle bachman.

Scott M said...

So, GM, are you saying that AGW is on par with evolution scientifically? Not how "mouth-breathers" view them, but you.

Scott M said...

There, I've said it.

You're like four weeks too late.

Paul said...

"Todd will be having threesomes with the Bachmanns; Willow and Piper will be headliners in the latest Heidi Fleiss bordello scheme, etc., etc."

Yes and the Garages of the world will believe it, but the non-insane will be disgusted and it will backfire on the Dem-media as they flail about sinking in the quicksand of their ruined credibility.

ic said...

No, she will lose all her leverages, money making opportunities, and followers if she run and lost. At present, whenever Sarah Tweets, the White House will have a heart burn; wherever Sarah goes, the MSM will follow. She should become a king maker (very undemocratic) and sits this one out. If she runs, her semi-dysfunctional family will be front page news. If she could not keep her underage daughter ...

The Crack Emcee said...


I want her in just to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

You're already hearing it - along with a lot of scaredy-talk over a hopelessly helpless putz who's dropping like a rock in the polls. It's almost like mentioning Palin is a sure-fire way to discover who's got a dose of "scared bunny rabbit" mixed in their DNA.

She might win the nomination but lose the election? To what? Four more years of this? Are they nuts? "Why yes, yes indeed, Crack, I sincerely think they are."

Delusional, actually. It's always delusion in America. Religious types, you know.

That's what steered the last election wrong,..

"The One" my ass,...

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Hilarious a Republican can't get any support for believing in evolution or global warming, because of too many mouthbreathing morons like Christopher

Cogently argued, Garage…no EVIDENCE, merely ad hominem

One, MOST people, religious or otherwise, believe in Evolution…we understand that Evolution, and “Science” as you would have it, does NOT conflict with belief in Yhwh…you merely try to sell a myth that the religious don’t “believe” and then follow-up with an insult “mouth breather” and your point, such as it is, is ILLOGICAL, the “mouth breather” talked about ABORTION, how that involves “science” is beyond me.

As to Globull Warmening, please do “prove it.” The Hockey Stick is gone, the evidence is poor, the analysis was cooked, and it makes NO falsifiable hypotheses to test, and the predictions it HAS made have turned out to be false…so please do inform all us “mouth breathers” about the incontrovertible Science that IS AGCC.

KCFleming said...

"You're like four weeks too late."

It must be said EVERY TIME!

I was merely following the 2011 Regulations on Bad Internet Humor, Politics Subsection.

Saint Croix said...

Obama fundraising for the first quarter of the year: $86 million

Romney: $18 million
Hunstman: $4 million
Pawlenty: $4 million (no refunds!)

Obama aims to raise $750 million this year, which equals what he raised in 2008.


Are you telling me that a smart candidate at a debate cannot flip this around and show just which candidate is independent, and which candidate sells access to corporations, to fatcats, to millionaires?


The hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Read Huff Post to see libs brag about how much money they have raised.


Are you running a government? Or are you selling something?

You are bought and paid for, Obama!

Too big too fail? Ha!

Christopher in MA said...

Did I mention evolution, garbage? Do you even know my view of it?

Did I say "global warming" or did I say AGW? Two different things.

And frankly, asking a dishonest party hack like you for advice on a Republican candidate would be like asking Ted Bundy for tips on how to make your marriage work.

Oh, one other thing - get cancer and die, dogfucker. Is that "mouthbreathing" enough for you?

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

No, she will lose all her leverages, money making opportunities, and followers if she run and lost. At present, whenever Sarah Tweets, the White House will have a heart burn; wherever Sarah goes, the MSM will follow. She should become a king maker (very undemocratic) and sits this one out. If she runs, her semi-dysfunctional family will be front page news. If she could not keep her underage daughter ...

WELL DONE, lotsa memes in that one, she’s in it for the money…she’s an “attention wh*re” she’s unfit because Bristol had a baby….

No one wants to be a “king maker;” Henry Clay didn’t he wanted to be KING, so did McGovern….please note that though they did make Presidents or re-mold parties, BEFORE they did so they ran for office. No one is a “king maker” with having had a run for the throne…and the King-makers weren’t too happy in their roles. “It’s good to be king.” Twitter and Facebook are NICE, but it’s better to be able to sign EO’s or legislation advancing your cause. Nice try though.

BTW, she loses the money, the Press and the followers if she DOESN’T run, after all in 4 years, assuming Mitt loses to Obama, she’ll be an “also ran” and in 8 years, assuming Perry wins, she’ll be an “unknown” because she won’t have the opportunity to be a gadfly, like she can now…after all she won’t as freely trash Perry, a fellow GOP’er.

No, if she wants to “be somebody” this is the year.

jr565 said...

Saint croix wrote:

For instance, I can see Palin refusing to use Air Force One, and insisting that she will fly on a regular airplane, like all the other citizens do.

I sure hope not. Because that would be STUPID. I recognize that she is one of the people, but that would be ridiculous. Imcan just imagine the security nightmare of the president getting on a flight with everyday joes. You think that people wouldnt bepatted down, scanned and whatever else security could think of to make sure someone didnt try to koll her?If she flies overseas shell need to do a stopover to catch the second flight? Would she be so much of a soak of the people that she couldn't even fly first class? (too elitist?)
If the president is traveling you'd need to also bring all the security along, along with various assistants. So they'd probably need to book a plane simply for the president and her entourage. In which case it would ultimately be more cost effective to simply keep the plane.

Scott M said...

She should become a king maker (very undemocratic) and sits this one out.

Let's contrast that dubious "kingmaker" roll with the very real, very institutionalized, and very undemocratic superdelegates the DNC uses to select presidential candidates.

Christopher in MA said...

Joe - thanks for responding on my behalf in a less combative way.

geokstr said...

The Community-Organizer-in-Chief has set a very high bar for the amount of accomplishment and relevant experience one must have to convince the media to persuade the American voting public to give him the most powerful position in the known universe, and he certainly has rewarded us all for our wisdom, non?

I agree with the very lovely redhead Lyssa that Palin would be better off with a powerful accomplishment somewhere else first, like, maybe Secretary of Energy. She could preside over the orderly dissolution of that disastrous department while unleashing an unprecedented increase of exploration, drilling, building nukes, and maybe even a Hoover Dam or two. The tremendous economic boom that would come from the subsequent reduction of energy prices, plus the spectacle of the Sheiks and Ayatollahs applying for food stamps, would boost her popularity even beyond that of the demi-god in 2008.

Freder Frederson said...

Gee, Freder and Garage and KenK and J are sooo scared of Miss Sarah.

Huh, do you even bother to read what I wrote, or do you just equate criticism with fear.

Original Mike said...

"Secretary of Energy [Palin]... could preside over the orderly dissolution of that disastrous department"

Capital idea.

Scott M said...

Huh, do you even bother to read what I wrote, or do you just equate criticism with fear.

I dunno...has that worked for Tea Party detractors? It seemed to be the only playbook they had.

jr565 said...

Maybe palindrome could cut further corners and say she won't live in the white house as it's too big a house for her and her family.
So they can build a small shack on the grounds and they can live there. They can call it the white Shack.
And instead of a limo they can use a jalopy.
Seriously, we're talking about the president of the us. They are elite, in that they are the only person in the world holding that position while they hold it. And the president needs some presidential trappings, if even just to do their jobs (and not out of any need to be ostentacious).
It doesn't mean Sarah palindrome can't still ding Obama on wasteful spending. He'll, she can still ding him on his previous campaign where he said he would only take small donations from the people, then turned off the credit card verification to get around that.
There's plenty of ammo Tories at obama,s way without turning the presidency into the Beverly hillbillies.

Scott M said...

Capital idea.

I said for a while now that a conservative president would be well-served by bringing in Ron Paul to oversee the dissolution of two or three cabinet-level departments.

Cedarford said...

If she does go in, it helps the centrists running as the social conservatives have to choose and split support between Mr. Opus Dei, RonPaul, Texas Illegal Alien Amnesty Champ, the hyperambitious IRS tax collector, and Goddess Palin.

But I'd vote for Palin over Bachmann no question. Bachmann doesn't have the experience of an executive position, which, to my mind, is a near insurmountable negative (for the primary- no experience is still better than disasterous experience such as Obama's).

- Lyssa

I happen to agree with you that Bachmann is unqualified...but I side debate between the newbie Congresswoman who proclaimed herself in the Congressional Leadership and Queen of the Tea Party without consulting Congressional Leadership or the Tea Party with Palin could be fascinating. Past the catfight aspect.
"Unlike you, Michelle, I have executive experience!"
"Oh, yes, you mean the two years before you quit that executive position?? Or, are you talking about being executive producer of your family reality TV show?"

"Well, juss call me a regular ol' housewife with kids inc one who served, one who danced, and one I saved from the abortion mills....but I kinda think hearing a IRS lawyer is coming to your home or business is no good thing, yah betcha!"
"I'm a fight-fight-fighter! I'll fight for Americans as hard as I fought for suing them on behalf of the IRS or fightingly submitting to my husband in gettin all that Fed moolah for our foster kid biz. I'll fight!"


Cain: "Immediately suspend 1100 regulations and commit to a 2-year moritorium on any more, Mt Obama. We need jobs!"
Romney: "Herman is right. We need to focus on jobs, and also do a complete strategic udit of the Federal Government to eliminate duplication, waste, and those bureacracies that kill growth."
Perry: "I'll try to do for the country what I did in Texas government - make Washington DC not your rulers, but your servants."

Original Mike said...

"I said for a while now that a conservative president would be well-served by bringing in Ron Paul to oversee the dissolution of two or three cabinet-level departments."

Federal Reserve Chairman Ron Paul.

jr565 said...

By the way, my referring to Palin as palindrome was not a slight. That is simply the autocomplete that you get on an ipad when typing in Palin. God, blogger would be so much better if it had an edit button so you could fix any typos after the fact.

J said...

Ah Leetle Joejo, the Stalinist shofar player pulling for Palin--maybe because SP follows orders from AIPAC,Israel and Bloomsberg, eh joe-joe the joto.

Cedarford said...

Original Mike said...
"Secretary of Energy [Palin]... could preside over the orderly dissolution of that disastrous department"

Capital idea.
And if she quits after two years, no real harm done.

Phil 314 said...

I'm not sure if this is taking on a "Mario Cuomo candidacy vibe" or a "Fred Thompson candidacy vibe"

Or maybe an iPad 5 vibe?

(But if Sarah does join the race I can imagine a lot of fighting between her, Bachman and Perry as Romney quietly watches "above the fray".)

Phil 314 said...

PS: Shouldn't Huntsman slogan be:

The Other White Meat

Saint Croix said...

So they'd probably need to book a plane simply for the president and her entourage.

I would love it if we could deemphasize the importance of the office and particularly the status and all the uppity-up horseshit.

You get on a plane. Big fucking deal. You go with some secret service guys.

Sure, there are some genuine security concerns. But I also feel that we have gone way the fuck overboard with the trappings of the office.

It might be helpful if the President had to go through all the TSA horseshit, yes?

Since we're all about "equality."

When they actually campaign, Presidents go into McDonald's and shit like that, yes?

They do it when they have to (i.e. I might get fired if I don't put in some time with the little people). They should do it all the time.

Get off your high chair, your highness!

Scott M said...

Federal Reserve Chairman Ron Paul.

LOL! Can you imagine?

Day 1 - "Please detail a schedule of your typical day and have it on my desk by tomorrow morning."

Day 2 - "You're all fired."

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

The Small Pathetic Voice is non-responsive as usual…

St. Croix it’s not just trappings of power…the POTUS in AF1 has access to a world-wide C4I system, allowing him/her to command, even in the event of nuclear conflict…they fly AF1 for the endurance and C4I. No POTUS is going to give up that, because the it’s a necessity, not just a perk…sure the POTUS could make some changes, I know I would… ( I wouldn’t fly to NYC or LA, I’d fly near them, land and ask my supporters to come to me, rather than tie up air space and grid-lock the roads. My Life Partner would wait the extra FOUR HOURS and fly with me to Martha’s Vineyard. And there wouldn’t be a ‘No Fly Zone’ up for a week, whilst I’m there.) but some things are simply not options.

I wondered how Cameron could “fly commercial” to the US. OK, did he leave the British nuclear “football” at home with the Liberals?

Saint Croix said...

I wondered how Cameron could “fly commercial” to the US.

How embarrassing for us that we have royalty (with actual power) and the Brits do not.

Michael said...

I happen to like Palin but she has been demonized beyond rehabilitation. Worse, and scarier, almost no woman in the country would vote for her because as every smart person knows Sara is D U M B. And women do not like to appear dumb. In fact, the dumber the woman the more opposed to Sara she will be.

J said...

Joe-jo the stalchek--you must be thinking of yr papa again-- "small and pathetic"

You're even more irrational than most Kissingerites, Joeski. The j*ws have mostly abandoned the GOP anyway, dumbass (and Palin doesn't stand a chance). Better pray that Bachmann doesn't get rolling or it's.....auf-veeder-zehen, schmutz

Sigivald said...

You left out "Yes, because it will throw the internet Left into a tizzy, and that'd be fun to watch".

Lucius said...

A Palin announcement would be breathlessly exciting-- but then we'd have to live with it, and there are a lot of bad scenarios that look plausible from that juncture.

I'm afraid her soundest option is to agitate for her side of the spectrum, keep the sane populists energized, and work on padding/ rehabilitating her experience as an executive leader-- which in its time was very strong-- and shoot for the WH later.

If she runs for Senate or takes a Cabinet post, there's little the MSM can do but seeth while time proves that she's not going to end the world.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

How embarrassing for us that we have royalty (with actual power) and the Brits do not

We DON’T “have royalty”…Obama was not “born to” anything…what we have is people with POWER…personally Obama galls me, but the In-Bred Jug-Eared Cretin Heir Apparent to the House of Hannover galls me WORSE…he has NO power, but many pretensions, and still flies VC-25’s.

All you, “Palin should be a Cabinet Secretary” folks…how’s that working out for Hillary? One is Secretary of State as a GOAL, not a stepping stone….The path to the “throne” runs, generally thru state governor’s offices…not thru the Senate/House/or Cabinet posts. Cabinet posts are for SUPPORTERS, not contenders.

Bachmann is a non-starter, for me, because she has NEVER been a Governor…her first two years would be nothing but gaffes and mistakes, amplified by the hostile Press, as she learns the in’s and out’s of actually running something larger than her House Office.

Original Mike said...

"All you, “Palin should be a Cabinet Secretary” folks…how’s that working out for Hillary?"

Why does it matter how it's working out for Hillary (or for Palin in the hypothetical)? How's it working out for the country. Palin would be a good choice for Secretary of Energy.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Why does it matter how it's working out for Hillary (or for Palin in the hypothetical)? How's it working out for the country. Palin would be a good choice for Secretary of Energy

How does it “work good for the country?” Cabinet Secretaries enforce Administration policy….IF Jon Huntsman is POTUS and Palin at Energy, it won’t be “Drill her, Drill now, baby” It’ll be Cap and Trade. Cabinet secretaries have discretion, but no real agenda-setting power…there seems to be some belief that Petraeus, or Panetta or Palin will magically divorce themselves from their Administrations and adopt independent policies. They won’t and they shouldn’t, it wouldn’t be Constitutional.

So if Palin is Energy and Paul Fed Chairman, they’ll do what POTUS Cain or Perry or Huntsman tell them to do, not what you THINK THEY OUGHT TO DO.

Again, Palin knows that…you want a Palin Energy Policy vote Palin 2012…don’t vote Romney/Huntsman 2012 and expect Palin’s Policies.

Lance said...

From a CNN article on Jason Chaffetz:
Last Thursday, Hatch received support from an unlikely person, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a favorite of many in the tea party movement.
"To your particular point about Senator Orrin Hatch, he is doing good in terms of trying to get a balanced budget and he has been for the last couple of decades. He has pushed hard for some fiscal reforms that we have got to see implemented," Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, said on the Fox News Channel.

Hatch is the very definition of squishy RINO Republican, and has always been thus. Calling him a long-time fiscal conservative reveals Ms. Palin's egregious ignorance, at least on this issue.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

BTW, Rasmussen has Palin losing 50-33 to Obama…20% of self-identified “Conservatives” vote Obama.
1) It’s early days and Carter led Reagan by 25 points; And
2) I’d like to meet those “Conservatives” voting for Obama…didn’t realize there were that many Frums and Noonans and Wills in the nation…they must all be “T. Coddington Voorhees VII” Conservatives.

garage mahal said...

Palin would be a good choice for Secretary of Energy.

A secretary in the Dept of Energy maybe.

Original Mike said...

"...there seems to be some belief that Petraeus, or Panetta or Palin will magically divorce themselves from their Administrations and adopt independent policies."

That belief only resides in your mind. Of course the top of the ticket is most important. It is the strategy of nobody here (I'd bet the farm) to have Palin as Energy Secretary divorced from any other conditions. Put another way, if Huntsman is President, Palin ain't gonna be Energy Secretary.

Luke Lea said...

If she is truly a rogue, then there's a chance she might buck the bi-partisan "consensus" on trade and immigration, so beloved by our hostile elites, so ruinous to the interests of blue- and pink-collar Americans. That would be a blessing.

Original Mike said...

"20% of self-identified “Conservatives” vote Obama."

And that didn't raise a red flag in Rasmussen's mind that his poll was kaka?

Calypso Facto said...

“Drill her[sic], Drill now, baby”

Freudian slip?

Anonymous said...

garage mahal said... "A secretary in the Dept of Energy maybe."

Here, distilled, is garage's opinion about women: let them be secretaries.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Put another way, if Huntsman is President, Palin ain't gonna be Energy Secretary

Ok, but what’s in it for her? She IS a politician, after all. Secretary of Energy is where you END your career, not advance it. So why would Palin put her fate in the hands of Perry/Romney/Bachmann and not only not be “second fiddle” but about third fiddle, and have her career end there?

I like Palin..I support Palin, but I don’t see her as a “light bringer/wonder worker” I see her as politician with good style and policies….she’s like Tom Brady…he plays for money, not simply love of the game…I don’t fool myself about that…I can admire his skill, but I never forget that he’s a paid athlete…he’s not just playing for America’s Team for the love of it…so, too Palin, or Perry or Huntsman or Romney…any politician is going to ask “what’s in it for me?”

Conversely, why would anyone APPOINT Palin to Energy…she “turned” on the GOP in Alaska (I’m glad and proud she did) but Palin is NOT a “team player” and any appointing official is going to wonder, “How is she going to advance?” Or “What’s in it for her?”

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Calypso I say “Curse Bill Gates and Outlook’s Spell Check”…still it’s not likely I swing that way, AND to quote Dame Palin, “Have you SEEN, Todd?”

Original Mike said...

"Conversely, why would anyone APPOINT Palin to Energy"

To. Shut. It. DOWN.

Please try and keep up.

Joe said...

((The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

To. Shut. It. DOWN.

Please try and keep up

1) You assume Palin would shut it down.
2) You assume Perry would shut it down.
You know what happens when you “Ass U Me” right? Only it would be you looking like the @ss, not me. Have EITHER of these worthies bruited that about as policy? Many TEA Partiers have, but as of yet is it in anyone’s campaign platform?

What makes you think Palin would want to shut it down? She had a bureaucracy in Alaska that dealt with oil companies, she knows she’ll need one in DC to deal with them…why would you believe or she believe that Energy is expendable?

Finally to “shut down” Energy, Education, Commerce…is going to take CONGRESSIONAL action, so you’d better pray for a massive 1932-style TEA Party Sweep, in the House and Senate, because Perry/Palin/Boehner/McConnell aren’t likely to be able to muster the will or the votes to end any of them.

Chip S. said...

Sarah v. Gabby in the ultimate Senate race.

It explains the house in AZ.

Original Mike said...

Man, you take these blog conversations way too seriously, Joe.

Would I, and a lot of others, like to see some Cabinet agencies shut down as wasteful and counter productive? Yes. Do I ASSUME that any given candidate would do that? No. I just want them to. Capice?

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

It was the Try.To.Keep.Up. that did it, actually…sorry if I over-reacted.

Cedarford said...

Joe - " Conversely, why would anyone APPOINT Palin to Energy…she “turned” on the GOP in Alaska (I’m glad and proud she did) but Palin is NOT a “team player” and any appointing official is going to wonder, “How is she going to advance?” Or “What’s in it for her?”

Very simple. Such appointments are NOT for her or him...but to mollify their supporters.
Like Rudy and his sidekick Bernie Kerik getting all sorts of plum deals after the 2002 Elections. No one thought "Mr. 9/11" and primo fundraiser Rudy was going to work out well as a policy maker in the Bush inner circle..but for Rudy lovers, they pretended he was. It was widely thought Kerik was a nasty little Corruptocrat....Tom DeLay had no problems with enriching Bernie after some of his own and Billy Tausin's stunts shaking down the money tree.

Giving Palin something after 2012 (if Republicans win) is par for the course. Keeps her Cult of Adoration happy, keeps money coming from older white male conservative rubes, might even give her a chance to prove she can keep a job without quitting.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Giving Palin something after 2012 (if Republicans win) is par for the course. Keeps her Cult of Adoration happy, keeps money coming from older white male conservative rubes, might even give her a chance to prove she can keep a job without quitting

News-Flash C4 it’s not “quitting” the new word is “Abdicated”…please try to keep up.

As to the quitting/abdicate meme it was stupid then it’s stupid now and has been de-bunked quite a bit, so I won’t bother to to do so here. Other than to say, she had the option of Personal Bankruptcy or “Quitting”. Get back to me o Cedarford’s decision in that case.

mariner said...

Crack Emcee,
She might win the nomination but lose the election? To what? Four more years of this? Are they nuts? "Why yes, yes indeed, Crack, I sincerely think they are."

Nice job, Crack.

Unfortunately ~40% of Americans (well, Americans and illegal immigrants) are in fact nuts and will vote again for Obama.

Let's hope there are enough non-delusional independents willing to pull the lever for Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Palin is a citizen politician like none other on the scene today, none.

She connects with millions and millions of other citizens nationwide and isn't even in the race yet.

If Palin jumps in and shows that she is up to speed, who among the naysayers will not pull the lever for her instead of the socialist poser that is staining the white house right now?

The choice will be crystal clear.

Even eggheads will know what to do.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Even eggheads will know what to do

Don’t bet on the Frum’s and Noonans knowing what to do…I’d bet a goodly number of Law Professors will vote for Obama…but they shall remain nameless.

Trooper York said...

I think Sarah will run and will win the nomination.

She will be a target of destruction by the main stream media and even establishment Rhino republicans.

She will return fire in kind and help speed up the marginalization of both of these evil empires.

I think enough people will be digusted by the wreckage of the economy by the Jug Eared Jesus and his acolytes that she will win a Reagan like majority.

Trooper York said...

Anybody that is hated that much by both Garage Mahal and Cedarford is doing the right thing in my book. Just sayn'

Scott M said...

This isn't a single-seat game. It's not just the oval office. We've got an opportunity to whisk the better part of 23 Democrat senators from office next year and hold on to a serious margin in the house. Winning the presidency cannot be accomplished at the cost of fucking up the congressional races, else we get more of the same and more gridlock for another two years.

Gridlock is usually a good thing. The challenges we now face dictate otherwise.

The Crack Emcee said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Don’t bet on the Frum’s and Noonans knowing what to do…I’d bet a goodly number of Law Professors will vote for Obama…but they shall remain nameless.

Let them. Bambi won with 53% of the vote before. That's a mere 4% that had to have changed their mind in the last 4 years.

That's doable.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
That's doable

From your lips to Yhwh’s Ears.

chickelit said...

She's still got my vote. She never lost it.

garage mahal said...

Anybody that is hated that much by both Garage Mahal and Cedarford is doing the right thing in my book. Just sayn'

Whaaaaaa! You can dish it but you can't take it. Giants fan. Typical.

Joanna said...

The (general) election is gonna be ugly. In that regard, having the most thoroughly vetted R win the nomination can only be a good thing.

Trooper York said...

Oh I can take it buddy.

It is just that someone so despised by both extremes should be acceptable for all the people in between. Just sayn'

garage mahal said...

Obama is in the same position as Palin then. Hah.

garage mahal said...

And me extreme? I'm against extremism.

Trooper York said...

Seriously garage? You are not extreme. Jeeez you coulda fooled me.

Trooper York said...

You are right though. Obama and Palin are the oppisite sides of the coin. Obama is very very left and Palin is very very right. I just think that the cycle will turn and it comes up conservative this time.

We shall have to see.

Scott M said...

Obama is in the same position as Palin then. Hah.

Or, conversely, Palin is the same position as Obama is...without the awful economy, "headwinds", "bad luck", ect. Yeah. Same position.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

I meant Obama is hated by both the far left and far right.

Trooper York said...

Obama is the far left. A Muslim communist is about as far left as you can get dontcha think?

garage mahal said...

Then why does the far left despise him? Hint: It's not because he is far left.

garage mahal said...

Muslim communist? LOL

Trooper York said...

You are right though. Obama and Palin are the opposite sides of the coin. Obama is very very left and Palin is very very right. I just think that the cycle will turn and it comes up conservative this time.

We shall have to see.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Or, conversely, Palin is the same position as Obama is...without the awful economy, "headwinds", "bad luck", ect. Yeah. Same position

And policies that should work, unlike Porkulus and ObamaCare. But other than that, they are EXACTLY alike, I mean except for he’s a metro sexual and Palin’s not, and that Michelle is not a pretty as Todd. I mean entirely alike, beyond that…and beyond the fact that Obama is an urban elite who has trouble connecting with the Masses and Palin seems to have an instinctive connection to her audience…they are EXACTLY alike….and that Obama’s kids are going to Sidwell Friend’s School and no doubt onto the Ivy League and the Palin’s children seem to be more public school, work and go to state college sorts..Again, EXACTLY alike. And beyond, and here we Do move into complete speculation…that Sasha and Malia will no doubt graduate with MA/JD’s and move onto hi-paying NGO/Bond House position’s a la Chelsea Clinton, whilst the Palin children are working, even if it is TV, or serving in the military or working, in the private sector.

Pretty much beyond all that, Palin and Obama are just alike. Oh and I forgot the whole, Bristol was “punished” with a child thing and of course Malia and Sasha should never have to suffer so…and that Palin has five kids, and held several full-time jobs, and Michelle had two…and hasn’t worked at a real job in her life…yeah I see the comparison.

Trooper York said...

Hey there are a lot of Muslim communists. They are just confused. Like the Jug Eared Jesus. That's why everything is so fucked up now.

He is just for everything and anything that will destroy America. He learned that with his mothers milk when he was in the Madrassa in Indonesia.

Scott M said...

Now...honestly...given the media bloodbath we're in store for next year, which side do you think will rue the following more;

While the commission voted in 1987 to do away with the rule — a legacy to a time when broadcasting was a much more dominant voice than it is today — the language implementing it was never removed. The move Monday, once published in the federal register, effectively erases the rule.


Scott M said...

Regarding the fairness doctrine, btw...

garage mahal said...

He is just for everything and anything that will destroy America

Uh huh, you want this country as fucked up as humanely possible so a Republican will win. You hate Obama for, uh, other reasons.

Trooper York said...

Plus he adsorbed the commie stuff from his mentors in College. He is like a super villain like the Red Skull or Lex Luthor or something that got elected President because idiots like the blogger lady couldn't bring themselves to vote against a black dude.

Scott M said...

According to the polls, GM, it doesn't need to be as fucked up as humanly possible for a Republican (Generic) to win. It only needs to be as fucked up as it is right now. Which is plenty, mind you, but there you have it.

Anonymous said...

Obama will not change course because he cannot change course. For him his brand of socialism is the best idea mankind has ever had.

It just hasn't been done correctly yet, he alone, knows how to do it correctly.

Obamas die are cast, for him there's no turning back, it's all about the legacy now.

He has already said that he'd rather be a really good one term president than a mediocre two term president.

The fly in his ointment is Sarah Palin.

garage mahal said...

It only needs to be as fucked up as it is right now. Which is plenty, mind you, but there you have it.

And if you want Obama to lose, you want this shitty economy to last. Or, get worse.

Anonymous said...

"You hate Obama for, uh, other reasons."

Garage your race card is tattered beyond recognition....

Scott M said...

And if you want Obama to lose, you want this shitty economy to last. Or, get worse.

Wrong. I want him to lose and I want the economy to get better. None of the major markers are showing that it WILL get better, however, so you deal with the cards you're dealt.

You win or lose the election with the economy you have, not the economy you wish you had. On the other hand, you should govern with the deficit you have and try to make it smaller, not triple it and crow about the other side not wanting to do anything about it that you would like them to do.

traditionalguy said...

The image is everything trump card is being played now that the GOP nomination has a value.

Both Palin and Steele were fine dummies picked to lose the 2012 by the Powers that GOBe.

As soon as Obama began tanking and Palin pumped the Tea Party rebellion with the Death Panel slogan, the GOP has run 2 stories a week about why she cannot be elected.

Palin is feared a lot for someone who is rated as a weak sister of the poor candidate.

The Dems fear her winning.

The Repubs fear her winning.

She is going to make a lot of "experts" look like fools.

Kirk Parker said...


"How finely granulated do you expect these polls to be, people."

Oh come on. Freder is special. Surely he deserves his own, unique choice.


Sure, if they're high-speed trains.

Trooper York said...

If you are not a racist you don't fear being called one by your opponent. Just sayn'

Original Mike said...

"You hate Obama for, uh, other reasons."

Little early for that kind of desperation, isn't it?

Scott M said...

Little early for that kind of desperation, isn't it?

You mean false accusations when the Black Caucus walked through the Tea Party rally weren't desperate enough?

Original Mike said...

Well, that kind of slander is about intimidation, so I guess it works better prophylactically.

garage mahal said...

"Well, that kind of slander is about intimidation, so I guess it works better prophylactically."

"But the misogynist liberals have made her radioactive to independents."

Anyways Trooper has stated he wished we could back to where old white men were running the country. Not much of a leap there.

Trooper York said...

You have to have the attitude that Sarah has about the main stream media.

They will tell lies about you. Say you are a racist because you dislike the Jug Eared Jesus. Throw all the shit they have against the wall. You should just laugh at them. Because they are stupid. Their time is past. Obama and his commie leftwing answers are past. It's time for a change.

Laugh at them. Because they are laughable.

Anonymous said...

"You mean false accusations when the Black Caucus walked through the Tea Party rally weren't desperate enough?"

Yes that was bad enough but worse was the sight of Jesse Jackson jr. and 3 other black caucus members holding their small video cams as high as they could during their foray into the Tea Party crowd and recording in hopes that something, anything untoward would happen.

Nothing did happen, so they fabricated racist lies and repeated them incessantly for 3 weeks before quietly capitulating.

I believe that Brietbart has a standing $100,000 reward for video of racist acts that day that is still uncollected.

That day flipped racism on it's head and now when a rabid lefty pulls it out it gets called and laughed at.

Original Mike said...

"But the misogynist liberals have made her radioactive to independents."

That's already happened. Past tense.

"Anyways Trooper has stated he wished we could back to where old white men were running the country. Not much of a leap there."

And you took the comment at face value. Not very perceptive.

garage mahal said...

It's always different if you're a Republican. Episode # 525,777

Original Mike said...

If that's directed at me, I'm not a Republican. Conservative yes. Republican no. Hell, I agree with half the charges you throw at them.

Anonymous said...

"It's always different if you're a Republican. Episode # 525,777"

Oh please Garage, as you speak I'm watching Maxine Waters saying "The Tea Party can go straight to hell" what would happen if Sarah Palin said the very same thing aimed at the Cong. Black Caucus?

Mayhem would ensue.

Paul said...

"Anyways Trooper has stated he wished we could back to where old white men were running the country. Not much of a leap there."

You mean like Sarah Palin? LOL!! You're so stupid I'd feel sorry for you if your beliefs weren't so malignant. Trooper cheers on a young good looking woman for President and you in your knee-jerk wooden headedness accuse him of wishing for a monopoly of old white men.

garage mahal said...

You mean like Sarah Palin?

Sarah Palin is not an old white man. So, no.

Phil 314 said...

Sarah v. Gabby in the ultimate Senate race.

It explains the house in AZ.

Uh, the house is in far north Scottsdale, near Carefree. That's the 5th Congressional District, presently held by Dave Schweikert, a Republican. Giffords' district is in Tucson, that's the 8th.

Having said that the 8th is still a target for the Republicans for 2012.

Paul said...

"Sarah Palin is not an old white man"

You're a goddam genius.

garage mahal said...

You're a goddam genius.

You're not.

Anonymous said...


Another one bites the dust.

"Huntsman says he could join
Bachmann as VP candidate"

Cedarford said...

Trooper York said...
Anybody that is hated that much by both Garage Mahal and Cedarford is doing the right thing in my book. Just sayn'

I imagine that both Garage and I are happy that hated bin Laden is dead, so by your logic you should by a bin Laden supporter and be unhappy he was whacked by US forces.
Just saying..

Trooper York said...

Well you are presupposing that I really believe that Bin Laden is dead and that they destroyed the body and the evidence before anyone other than the government could prove who it really was in that body bag that they threw in the ocean.

You are presupposing that I believe anything this administration does is legit.

That is a big presumption right there.

Trooper York said...

Besides why should I give Obama credit for eliminating Osama. I mean there can be only one Muslim leader who can get all the credit for destroying America and so far Barry is far ahead. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

I mean didn't your people hide out Martin Borman for a long time?

The Crack Emcee said...

Trooper has stated he wished we could back to where old white men were running the country. Not much of a leap there.

This statement is racist. Not only that but, if Garage is white, it's also self-hating. And then, on top of those two, it's a false accusation of racism against Trooper.

And, yet, nobody says a thing about it. It just passes as decent conversation/political discussion.

I can't stand it.

Trooper York said...

Governments do a lot of phony stuff that doesn't come out till much later when stuff gets declassified.

I mean I bet you didn't know that James Buchanan had a vagina. Just sayn'

Anonymous said...

Dang, I didn't know that.

garage mahal said...

It's okay to hate your country Trooper. We still have that right.

Phil 314 said...

A Palin post doesn't reach the 300 mark, let alone 200. A concerning sign for her "candidacy".

Joe said...

I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.

Peter Hoh said...

Phil 3:14 @4:52, you might want to rethink your analysis.

I think Palin will end up making an endorsement on September 3. I don't think her latest video included a couple of Perry supporters by accident.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

1) Don’t you DARE question my patriotism!
2) I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.
3) I believe the phrase is, “I love my country, but I fear my government.”
Isn’t that right, Garage?

Peter Hoh said...

Pastafarian: In the meantime, Obama takes a 500-seat aircraft that costs a million dollars an hour to operate and flies 150 miles from DC to Virginia.

You're off by a factor of 5, according to Mark Steyn.

Trooper York said...

garage mahal said...
It's okay to hate your country Trooper. We still have that right.

I don't hate my country garage.

I hate what Obama and his ilk have done to my country. He is doing his best to destroy it through his ideology and his incompetence.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Oh and Joe, Good Job! You are one-quick-witted, but that’s a hallmark of “Joe”’s.

Trooper York said...

The sooner the Jug Eared Jesus goes back to a sinecure in academia where he doesn't have to do anything then the better off we all will be.

garage mahal said...

I hate what Obama and his ilk have done to my country.

I hear that a lot, but when pressed to answer how Obama is destroying the country they can never really answer. It's the same people that have been trashing the economy since Day 1, at a time when it really didn't need it.

I thought killing muslims and making deals with the GOP would get some support from the Right.

Kirk Parker said...


Interesting, but it still wouldn't have changed the way I voted.

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