July 6, 2011

Obama made the economy worse.

A meme with legs.


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Fred4Pres said...

Obama made the economy worse? No shit.

Trooper York said...

You know they really hate Obama in Vegas. He tried to destroy them and is working at destroying them every day.

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

"They got everything they wanted in a decade of their policies, left the economy in fucking shambles, and still strut around like they own the place and had nothing to do with the economy or the debt they left behind."

So "it's Bush's fault" is the alternative to "Obama made it worse." Those are 2 memes competing to infect the voters' minds. Which will prevail in 2012?

It depends; "There's blame to go around", really doesn't improve the situation. If you want it fixed, you have to figure out who did what and how bad it was.

Reversing Little Zero's screw-ups (and a couple of Dubya's) would be a big start.

Seven Machos said...

Was Roosevelt still blaming Hoover in 1936? I don't know...

Hell, they were still blaming him in '66.

Original Mike said...

Can't stand the beach. Sand? Sun? Yuck.

Trooper York said...

His policy is tilted at destroying them and they realized it before most of America. But the rest of them are starting to wake up.

It just took them losing their jobs and their houses and stuff.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Obama stopped global warming in only two years! Remember how bad it was prior to the election, and now it's not occurring any more.

KCFleming said...

Obama 2012
If you want an omelet, you gotta break a few eggs!

Trooper York said...

You can't stand the sun! You can't stand sand! Why I am with you brother. That is why I am covered from head to toe in sunblock and a hat and a shirt and towels over my legs. But I like to swim in the warm water and sip a beverage on my beach chair while I read my new kindle.

Next week I am going to try the Hamptons. I might look up hdhouse and we will sit around making fun of all youse guys. I am going to get him to lend me a pair of depends so I won't have to take those annoying bathroom breaks. Sweet.

KCFleming said...

Obama 2012
It coulda been worse, I tellya!

Trooper York said...

Obama 2012
You got it from a Negro.

Original Mike said...

"Why does unemployment continue to stay above nine percent if this policy is such a wise one?"

What, you don't think these Einstein's can be relied upon to "target" their interventions where they'll do the most good?

KCFleming said...

Obama 2012
The flashmob knows who you voted for!

Trooper York said...

If Mort was awake he would say that was racist.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Well if you go to the Hamptons, say hello to all the folks at “HankMed”….and what happened to HDHouse? Did you all drive the man away, permanently or did his business get mentioned by Pres. Obama, and then go bust the next week…the fabled “Obama Effect.”

Trooper York said...

Hd is fine. He has his own blog where he does great work talking about classical music.

I don't think I will be where the HankMed people will be. I am in the lower class part. The wrong side of the tracks. Where Billy Joel goes to run his car into a tree.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I am in the lower class part. The wrong side of the tracks. Where Billy Joel goes to run his car into a tree.

I didn’t realize that the “Hamptons” was socially stratified, I thought it was ALL tony Upper Class “Toffs.” Coming from a working class background the haunts of the rich and powerful are all like “Fairy Land” to me. And as a Mid-Westerner Fire island, P-Town, “The Hamptons” are just mythical icons we hear about, dimly via jungle drums.

sorepaw said...

If anything Obama has been quite fair to business.

You wouldn't happen be a recipient of any of the direct Federal subsidies that Obama has promoted, would you?

One thing for sure—you have no connection with Ford Motor Company.

Anonymous said...

Joe -- Christ, man. Haven't you seen Jaws? That movie is a huge class struggle with a weird subplot about a dangerous fish.

Anonymous said...

fair to business

So Obama has given a space in the public square to that group of people that produces all wealth and runs the entire economy. That's awfully sporting of Obama. Lenin did no such thing.

Fred4Pres said...

The only reason that meme has legs is because it is true.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

I NEVER saw “Jaws”, I am probably one of 12 people in an OECD nation that hasn’t. I’ve only seen 4 of 6 Star Wars films.

Trooper York said...

That is the Hamptons of the Summer people. There is also the Hamptons of the people who live there all year round. They are your basic Althouse Hillbillies who wash the cars and cut the grass and fix the pipes and do all of the stuff that the summer people look down their nose at.

I am staying in a bed and breakfast. We are going with friends and it is our first time there. I bet we will end up taking over like we usually do and and cooking for everybody and having a good laugh. But they will most likely be the working people and not the hoity toity people. Just sayn'

Fred4Pres said...

Blaming Bush only goes so far. Sorry after 2.5 years, that excuse is not a good one to get reelected.

Anonymous said...

Trooper explains it. Basically, there is a huge service industry set up in the Hamptons for the rich people who are tourists there.

Also, every American needs to see Jaws.

Fred4Pres said...

The Hamptons are nice enough, but things have gotten so over the top that the Universe screams out for a tsunami to scrub the excess out of those dunes and tide marshes. I used to go there as a kid, but my parents did not have the cake to stay in the Hamptons. We mostly stayed in Montauk. Which I preferred. The fishing boats are all there too.

Long Island has some decent beaches. It would be so much better if you could remove about 90% of the douchebags. They are like a jelly fish bloom washed up on shore. Fucking worthless.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Also, every American needs to see Jaws.

Where are you going with THAT statement? I’ve got a birth Certificate, was born inside the US, AND my Dad was NOT a British CROWN Subject…I am “natural born”…I think.

You know, I’m just contrarian, I guess the more people talked about it the less I wanted to see it…I didn’t see the Exorcist until a decade or more after it came out.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen The Exorcist!


Roger J. said...

The economy be damned--I would like to go on record in support of american pussy--best in the world except for lefty chicks who just dont get it. They confuse their brains with their pussy and have neither.

American pussy rules

have a nice day yall

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I've never seen The Exorcist!

After the fact, I wondered what the big deal was…so it must have broken so much new ground that it had become “old hat” by the time I saw it.

Fred4Pres said...

I like the locals in Suffolk County (and the farther east you go the better they are). That part of Long Island is a different world than Nassau County. I like the locals in Nantucket, Marthas Vineyard, and Block Island too.

Going to the Hamptons and that part of Long Island to enjoy the beaches and sun and fish is great.

Going to the Hampstons to stand in line for overpriced and overrated restaurants and clubs? What a waste.

Fred4Pres said...

Mick for SCOTUS!

AllenS said...

Well, I saw Jaws when it first came out, and it confirmed what I always knew, once you step into the ocean, you immediately move to the bottom of the food chain. It's that simple.

Phil 314 said...


This always works for me

(their own words)

sorepaw said...

I'll give Republicans credit. They got everything they wanted in a decade of their policies, left the economy in fucking shambles, and still strut around like they own the place and had nothing to do with the economy or the debt they left behind.

I don't know who "got everything they wanted." Not even Dubya or Tom DeLay got everything they wanted.

Fortunately for the Republicans, Dubya is happily retired and DeLay is fighting to stay out of the slammer.

Meanwhile, how many Democrats in Congress objected to any of the wild spending that DeLay promoted and Dubya never vetoed?

I'll start taking Garage seriously when he criticizes one Democratic politician currently in office.

sorepaw said...

The reason I would not call a slogan a "meme" is that memetics is a failed theory.

For memetics to work, there would have to discernible units of knowledge or behavior or imitatable action that are analogous to genes.

No one's been able to identify such units.

The other problem with memetics is that, if the theory is true, we are all colonized by memeplexes, and memeplexes don't proliferate because they're true or useful—they proliferate because they're good at proliferating. Scientists, including those who believe in memetics, are as totally colonized by memeplexes as anyone else.

"Meme" might hang around in English, like some other hangovers from failed theories. Why give it the encouragement?

Anonymous said...

"...They got everything they wanted in a decade of their policies, left the economy in fucking shambles, .."

History will say of Obama 'he inherited shambles and left ashes'.

Loggerhead said...

"You could have used its wonderful telephone system…or taken a bit of time out to have to have seen the mani interesting furry animals of Sweden."

Including the majestic møøse.

WV: tortia - a Mexican ambulance chaser

Michael said...

"It's a potent charge. Not something that can be proven, of course, but that probably doesn't matter."

What matters is, it will feel right to voters.

Michael K said...

Forget Bush. I'm talking Republicans like Cantor, Ryan, and Boehner that all voted for policies like 4 trillion wars and tax cuts that we are still paying for, and still on our debt.

The left doesn't understand the subtleties of economics.

For example, the people elect a president who says he will raise capital gains tax rates even if it loses money.

Then he says that he plans to bankrupt coal fired power plants.

Then he cancels all oil drilling leases and, when a federal judge says he has to resume issuing leases, he says OK but none are issued.

Then the lefties wonder why nobody with money to invest wants to invest it here. Roosevelt thought he had the great idea to institute a wealth tax. Sort of like the one Mitterand introduced in France just before all the rich people fled the country. Fortunately for Roosevelt, World War II intervened and he needed the businessmen he had been vilifying for the previous 7 years.

Nancy Pelosi thinks food stamps are the best economic stimulus we have. That is the level of economic wisdom on the left. They just can't understand it. George McGovern finally figured it out when he tried to run a bed and breakfast when his years at the public trough finally ended.

Maryland passed a "millionaire tax" and wondered where all the millionaires went. They just don't get it. Magical thinking doesn't work well in business.

Some of them are capable of learning, though. Pass a tax on movie tickets and music CDs and see how the Hollywood left will lecture you on incentives.

SH said...

Rhymes with Han shot first.

I wonder what else I can fit on one shirt.

SPN Headlines said...

WARNING: Graphic Video - President Obama warned that millions of puppies and kittens will starve to death if the debt ceiling is not raised. http://spnheadlines.blogspot.com/2011/06/washington-d.html

Toad Trend said...

"...They got everything they wanted in a decade of their policies, left the economy in fucking shambles, .."


I've heard members of both parties wield this charge.

Both parties are guilty of 'Munchausen by proxy' in the name of politics. But its a bit of a reverse Munchausen in that many 'well-intentioned' (some not so much) pols are simply ill-equipped to consider effects of legislation.

Unintended consequences (again, some are intended) rule the day.

What has gone on is akin to socio-economic Darwinism directed by pointy headed elites.

I'll take the first 535 or so names in the Boston phone book to run this country ANY DAY over the arrogant clowns we have now.

Trooper York said...

I never go to the fancy smancy places if I can help it. I always make friends with the bell hops or the other service people. It helps of course that I am a ridiculous tipper but they usually give me the scoop as to the place to go.

Once we were staying in Maui and I helped the bell hop get the luggage out of the convertable. He didn't want me to do it but I told him it was so fucking heavy he would get a hernia. So we became buddies. One night we came late and wanted to take the shuttle to the little development about a mile down the road that had restaurants or what not. The last shuttle left at 9pm and it was around 11. So this guy is at the desk and goes whats up? I explain and ask him if he knows where I can get a cab. He goes "Wait a second" and comes around the corner with the golf cart they use to run the people to the top of the hill in the hotel. He takes us in the cart along the highway which was pretty funny with cars wizzing by at 65 miles and hour and us toodling along in our cart.

I bought a cooler and filled it with beer and stuff for our forays to the beach and when the week was over I left it for the bell guys stuffed with left over beers.

They were crying when we left.

Trooper York said...

Anyhoo they sent us to a couple of pretty cool restaurants where the regular people who live on Maui go. And pointed us to a couple of cool bars. It wasn't the typical tourist type stuff and was a lot of fun.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Fred4Pres, I used to go fishing every weekend in the summer with my uncle in Southhold at the "Port of Egypt" fishing station. We would have our outboard motor in the back of the Chrysler Newport and either go in Peconic Bay or to the Sound. We would catch about 200 to 300 fish in a days work and we we came back we often gave some to the locals or traded them for fresh vegtables from the stands by the side of the road.

Of course that was the 1960's and 1970's before the government took over everything.

Now they would lock us up and throw away the key for doing something like that.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don't see the left/MSM able to very easily overcome this meme. The problem is that no matter how bad it was when Obama took over the Executive Branch, the economy has gotten quite a bit worse under his watch. No matter the metric, it is worse: unemployment, debt, government spending, home prices, foreclosures, etc., and maybe even inflation (thanks to QE I and II).

I think it inevitable that the Republicans continue to ask whether you are better off today than you were when Obama took office. And, I think that most know that they are worse off (though, a lot of Democrats, and esp. Blacks, respond that they are just as well off - but independents follow Republicans here in a large majority indicating that they are worse off).

What I think will be interesting is whether the right can get a decent meme going about the level of corruption in the Obama Administration, and in particular, in the Department of Justice. Started with the dismissal of the charges against the black supremacists and refusal to follow up on any black on white discrimination or voter fraud. But the thing that is likely to break everything open for the DoJ is the GunWalker/Fast and Furious scandal. Apparently, today, evidence has come out that the agency heads of the FBI, ATF, and a number of other agencies, along with a high level asst AG political appointee, were at a meeting where the program was discussed in depth. A lot of the DoJ management now appear to have been in on the program. This is the program that provided the weapons that killed over 150 Mexican police and military, two U.S. agents, and hundreds of Mexican civilians. And, the Mexican government now wants to prosecute those involved. This is one scandal that I don't think is going away.

Mick said...

Fred4Pres said...
"Mick for SCOTUS!"

Thankyou Fred, can you answer the question?

Or how about why Thomas said that they were "evading the question'? (check out the ass-licking here)


And what about the flubbed oath. Does it stand as official? So why did they do it again the next day, in private, with no media present? If the first one was OK, then why do a second, and why did no one see it?
And what was that meeting about a few days before the Inauguration with Obama and 8 if them (minus Alito)?

Michael said...

Trooper: I too am a ridiculous tipper, a crazy tipper. I do it partly to offset my wife's insane penny pinching but more to reward people who have a hard lot and to whom that extra five or ten or twenty dollars means something. It has paid off handsomely in friends I have made through the years. There is a bellman in Manhattan that I have now known for thirty years. I never stay at his hotel any more but I do go by every time I am in the city to check if he is on duty/still alive. We trade Christmas cards.

Trooper York said...

That's the way to do it Michael. I mean when you are on vacation you are going in your pocket for a lot of dough anyway. Why not spread it to the waiters and work staff who actually come in contact with you and can do something for you. They work hard and really appreciate it.

I was on a cruise with the family and we ended up at a table with me the wife and eleven kids under the age of eight. Don't ask me how but that's what happened. Now I had grease all the guys the first day before this all happened so they knew the score. They were a little worried about all the kids but I told them not to sweat it. They were all from Bosnia or Transylvania or such shit like that there so I called them Vlad and Dracula and interchangable names like that. I said "Don't worry I am old school. These kids won't act up." And they didn't. They were little ladies and gentlemen. And instead of chicken fingers and pizza they got filet mignon, lobster and all the ice cream they could eat. The waiters loved them. And hated their fammily at the other tables that didn't tip for shit.

You get what you tip for. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

I bet Obama tips twenty five cents on a hundred dollar check.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trooper - has Obama ever had a job where he was rewarded for extra effort like a paperboy, caddie, bartender, waiter,etc? I don't think he has and it is one of the reasons he does not understand economics nor human nature.

Michael said...

Trooper: Obama has probably never broken fifteen percent. Black people are notoriously shitty tippers. Two of my kids had jobs waiting when they were in high school and college and they hated to get the blacks. Demanding, picky and crappy tippers.

I have had a good run lately and so my tipping has perhaps gotten a bit out of hand, but I am told that I will not be able to take it with me. Is that true?

Trooper York said...

Well Joe Dimaggio tried. He had his casket lined with money. Even had the first dollar bill he got for his first holy communion.

Trooper York said...

Obama never worked for tips. He most likely never had a real job a day in his life. Like most politicians. They never had to do menial work for people who looked down on you.

Obama is a looker downer kinda guy.

VanderDouchen said...

Trooper York,

You speak wisely. My first job was as a waiter. I tip like a mad man now. In fact, I've cured my wife of her frugal ways with the tip money. Odd that.

On to our President; Regardless of memes (memesis? wasn't that a character in the golden child?), if President Obama is not re-elected, I predict massive and widespread rioting by yutes in the major diverse cities of mercuh. You heard it here first.

WV: janesses:

Is it janesses or janess'? I forget.

Cedarford said...

Althouse - "Ann Althouse said...
"They got everything they wanted in a decade of their policies, left the economy in fucking shambles, and still strut around like they own the place and had nothing to do with the economy or the debt they left behind."

So "it's Bush's fault" is the alternative to "Obama made it worse." Those are 2 memes competing to infect the voters' minds. Which will prevail in 2012?

I think right now, Ann, the public is saying BOTH! It's not hard to see it is a LINKED MEME. Bush fucked the economy up, he had help from Republican K Street and Dems that went along or took the lead from 1976 through 2008 in creating the mess.
Then Obama made it worse

They believe the Bush supply sider/Big Gov't growth/gut America's industries and send them to China to let Ruling Elites have the extra profits/Neoconism and trillion-dollar elective wars/dereg and unshackle the banks and Wall Street! - and tax cuts that went mainly to a small wealthy class - did not grow the economy, did not create jobs. And Bush was so fixated on a couple dozen Evildoers in caves in Afghanistan that he was clueless to the financial wreckage going on under his nose courtesy of Corporatists, bought whores like Norquist, Barney Frank, Frist, DeLay and K Street Republicans, Billy Tauzin and Big Pharma, Chris Dodd, the Dem hacks of Fanny and Freddie - the more dangerous Evildoers that caused immensely more damage than Al Qaeda.

At the same time the public can ALSO believe Obama made the economy worse. The reasons are manifold. Obamacare. The bailout that did not say the banks had to do any thing with the money goven them (they held it, didn't put it into the economy,) No oil drilling, the stupid dream of green jobs, etc.

The Election could be:

Reps - "Bush messed up, everyone messed up. BUT THEN Obama made it worse. So we will do X, Y, Z once in office."
Obama and the Dems - "But X and Z just return the nation to the failed policies of Bush. And you can't trust the Republicans because they have free traders that want to send more of your jobs to China and Randians that want no regs on the Banks and Wall Street and the religious right/neocons that wish to control your morality and send your sons on new wars of adventure. Just like Bush.

themightypuck said...

The people really want to believe some magical person can make it all better and it is shameful that people on both sides of the ideological divide play this game. Everyone knows that Presidents are somewhat impotent in the face of dips in the business cycle. You can level things out a bit (if you buy keynes or friedman--in different ways) but like Tennyson said "Forward, forward let us range, Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change." FDR didn't save us and Obama didn't fuck us and unless you think a couple percentage points on your marginal tax rate is the end of the world, vis economics it doesn't matter who you vote for. This is why people draw the line at things like abortion. There you can make a difference.

Michael said...

I packed popsicles from two in the morning til ten thirty in the morning. I worked in a union warehouse where I was told to hide until three in the afternoon so that I could get my two hours work done between three and seven when we decided we had enough overtime.

I love to tip because my life has been spectacular and I think of the guys I worked with packing popsicles in the middle of the night and the guys hiding in the warehouse and I thank God that I made it out of that kind of life. I tip very big.

Alex said...

I leave 10% tip for excellent service, 0% for anything less.

Trooper York said...

When I was a kid my uncles worked on the docks in Brooklyn. They had to carry work gloves and hooks with a wooden handle that they used to haul sacks and crates in freezng cold weather. They didn't have all that down clothing shit that they have today. One year they got frost bite. I understand what hardy physical work is when I spend a summer helping load sacks of potatoes and cabbages and banana's in the broiling heat.

Later I worked as an accountant with a speciality in bars and restaurants. I saw how hard service people work and how many times they got stiffed. Or people skipped on the check. Or the boss ripped them off for their tips. So I always err on the side of generosity.

That is one of my main problems with the Jug Eared Jesus. I have a sense that he is never generous. Unless it is with other peoples money.

I bet waitresses and bartenders shudder when they saw the Obama's come into their joint and prayed that they would sit at someone else's station.

I want him to sit in someone else's oval office please.

Michael K said...

"Everyone knows that Presidents are somewhat impotent in the face of dips in the business cycle. "

This is true in a normal economy and with a normal president. Nixon had little to do with inflation although he is the one who took us off the gold standard. (For international claims). However, there are times when the president can have a huge effect. One such time was 1921 when Harding came in and reversed everything the progressives had done since 1912.

Another, and in the opposite direction, was when Hoover responded to the 1929 crash by trying to keep wages high (Just as Obama has done) and raised taxes plus raised import tariffs. Hoover was a progressive and acted that way. Then, it got worse when FDR came in with the same policies but with lots of public abuse of businessmen and the rich.

The next occasion when the president has a large effect is now with Obama. Bush should have vetoed spending bills and Greenspan should have popped the housing bubble by raising interest rates. The real reason for the financial collapse took 20 years going back to Clinton. A new book explains it. It's called Reckless Endangerment and I'm reading it now.

Bush didn't cause it but he could have stopped it.

Now, we have to deal with a president who knows no economics, who thinks raising taxes is the answer to almost every problem (Sort of like a national Mark Dayton although I don't think Obama is psychotic). I think he can put us over the edge. If he is defeated next year, the damage is reversible, although with pain. If he is re-elected, the country is lost for a generation.

Michael K said...

Trooper, when I was 16, I worked a summer for Coca-Cola. I was a helper on a truck. One week, my driver and I had the job of supplying for a Polk Brothers (A discount appliance store of the time) sales event where you got a case of coke for every $100 purchase, or some such number. It was hot and we wore uniforms that were a flesh color pinstriped with red plus blue military style web belts.

We sweated so much that day that the blue from the belts ran down on our pants. At the end of the day, the belts were white and the pants blue, in front.

At one point, the two of us sat down on the sidewalk and drank a case of coke between us.

Seeing Red said...

If Obama had done nothing, would the economy be better off now? That's ultimately the question, and I'll say there's no way of knowing definitively. That is, it can't be proven

Sure it can.

Remove his regulations.

& Obamacare.

If we could roll back the minimum wage, bonus points.

AlanKH said...

The meme has warp nacelles.

Fred4Pres said...

Trooper, I did the same with blue fish and stripers in Nantucket, but I took the fish to restaurants. One chef checked out the fish I brought, knew it was fresh caught and that he could put it on the menu that night, and offered me a $1 a pound for all I could bring him. For a 15 year old, that worked out just fine. It paid for the gasoline and bait with extra for me.

Trooper York said...

Bluefish are kinda oily though.

We like porgies that we cleaned and barbequed in a vingerette with olive oil. With corn on the cob on the side.

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