July 19, 2011

At the Blue Water Café...


... keep cool and happy.


Anonymous said...

Prof, what a lovely photo. I wish I was in Madison, WI. Thanks. I hope one day you can exhibit these photos in a blog museum/

ndspinelli said...

Loch Ness? I think I see Nellie!

ndspinelli said...

No..I think that's the ghost of the Edmund Fitzgerald. You should shoot over to Bobby Zimmermans hometown of Hibbing. Stop in Fraboni's sausage shop if you do.

pm317 said...


edutcher said...

Bless you, Madame. That looks sooo cooool.

Just what we need down here.

I presume you were up posting a little earlier than normal because it's just as hot there?

ndspinelli said...

Loch Ness? I think I see Nellie!

No, that's Nessie.

James said...

Police: Fla. Teen Killed Parents, Then Had Party

"A Florida teen is accused of posting a Facebook invite for a house party, killing his parents with a hammer and then hosting dozens of people while the adults' bludgeoned bodies were locked in the master bedroom.

Tyler Hadley, 17, was expected to make his first court appearance Tuesday in Port St. Lucie. He is charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Blake and Mary-Jo Hadley, who police believe were struck on their heads and torsos on Saturday, sometime after their son posted on Facebook to tell friends about the party.

Investigators believe the Hadleys were attacked outside their master bedroom and the bodies were moved into the bedroom and the door locked."

Rush might have something to say since these murders occurred in Port St. Lucie.

My guess is that Zanny the Nanny did it.

ndspinelli said...

ebutcher, you're correct. I always get Nessie and Nellie Fox confused.

Titus said...

Is it hot up there Helen?

Its fucking hot out.

bouncing tits on a raft on Lake Superior.

That is not Madison America Politico. Madison lakes are much much much smaller.

Like a small hog compared to Lake Superior which is a very large black uncut hog.

thank you.

Tank said...

Looks good to me.

Where are the Pina Coladas?

Original Mike said...

I jumped into that lake once in October. Thought it would be a good way to start the morning. The water was so cold I literally couldn't draw a breath. My diaphragm muscles, or whatever, wouldn't work. Fortunately, where I jumped in was not over my head so I just stood up.

It did wake me up. I'll also never do that again.

john said...

Because it was from Walmart, the likelihood of the receipt bearing the actual and true image of Jesus is rather high, IMO. Same if it had been on a KMart or Sams Club receipt, but probably less likely to find one on a Target or Costco receipt.

However, it hasn't shown up on Ebay yet; this casts doubt on it's authenticity. Haven't checked craigslist.

AllenS said...

All I see is a black picture. Even when I go to the flicker site, it's still a black picture.

chickelit said...


chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

AllenS: link

Republican said...

Does anyone ever use that lake?

Not a boat in sight, no docks, no marina, no beaches.

Sharc 65 said...

Via Instapundit, " Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows." What impact on race relations going forward?

AllenS said...

What does everyone else see?

Curious George said...

AllenS said...
What does everyone else see?

A photo of Lake Superior (I assume) no boats...grey blue water and sky.

AllenS said...

Again, all that I see is a black square. Clicking on the picture brings me to the flickr account and the picture is the same, nothing.

Quaestor said...


Try this shot again with a UV Haze filter.

Calypso Facto said...

"Does anyone ever use that lake?

Not a boat in sight, no docks, no marina, no beaches."

Republican, if it is Lake Superior (it looks like the view west across Chequamegon Bay, though it could be many places), it's a big lake:

"Surface Area: 31,700 square miles
Water Volume: 2,934 cubic miles
Shoreline length: 2,726 miles
Population living around the lake: 474,150 (Unites States) 155,675 (Canada)
Land use near the lake: 68 percent forest

Not only is Lake Superior the largest of the Great Lakes, it also has the biggest surface area of any freshwater lake in the world. It holds about 3,000 cubic miles of water - enough to fill all the other Great Lakes plus Lake Erie three times over."

ken in tx said...

Allen, you can see the Jesus receipt on Dave Barry's blog.

Original Mike said...

"What does everyone else see?"

A naked Selma Hayek, Allen.

wv: hotio

KCFleming said...

Does the Holy Receipt say
Jesus Saves
with Everyday Low Prices

Curious George said...

Pogo said...
Does the Holy Receipt say Jesus Saves with Everyday Low Prices?

When we were kids we used to say "Jesus saves...Makita rebounds and scores!"

Ha wv: hawknone: As a hawknone were better than Makita. (Well, except the Golden Jet)

Chip Ahoy said...

I'm starting to form a vague impression our hostess is having some kind of water-oriented holiday.

KCFleming said...

@Curious George:

Methadras said...

very peaceful.

Curious George said...

Lake Superior is not really a water oriented holiday location

Lipperman said...

Near Bayfield, Wisconsin.
Meade was spotted there last weekend.

MadisonMan said...

I hope you get to the town beach on Madeline Island. That's the best beach up there.

MadisonMan said...

enough to fill all the other Great Lakes plus Lake Erie three times over

What an odd sentence. How is Lake Erie not a Great Lake to begin with?

chickelit said...

Meade was spotted there last weekend.

You sighted a spotted Meade!
That almost as rare as the speckled Meade.

Michael K said...

The Great lakes are known for storms. Two people died in the Chicago-Mac Race last weekend. They were on a light weight "sport boat" and it capsized. A front came through and the wind flipped it. I was sailing on Lake Huron when a front came through. It gets hairy.

chickelit said...


Lake Mendota has enough water to fill all the other Chain of Lakes plus Kegonsa three times over.

chickelit said...

MadisonMan said...
That's the best beach up there.


James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul David Bauer said...

I love these "cafe" photos you post. Not sure if this was the conscious intent, but they always remind me that there is much to life that isn't politics or economics, and that (sorry for the cliche) many of the best things in life are, in fact, free.

On the other hand, man it's been hot in WI this week!

James said...

I'm starting to form a vague impression our hostess is having some kind of water-oriented holiday.

If you look at the EXIF metadata you'll see the GPS location when the photo was taken yesterday.

The reason I looked is that someone upthread suggested using a UV Haze filter so I checked to see the camera used. I doubt you'd be able to find a UV filter for a P&S camera or that it will have the threads to mount on the lens.

I'm surprised that Althouse didn't disable the GPS functionality.

KCFleming said...

"...many of the best things in life are, in fact, free."

Or at a special discount, if you act now!

Curious George said...

The Right Curmudgeon said...
many of the best things in life are, in fact, free.

You just pay shipping and handling!

coketown said...

Depressing. When I hit rock bottom, I'll think of this picture.

frank said...

I have spoken to the Provisional King of Superior and IT has graciously decided to treat Ann/Meade as "political asylum seekers" and thus while still, de jure, illegal aliens they will be granted "sanctury" status provided they immediately arm themselves with suitable automatic weapons and a King James version of Our Constitution. HEREOF FAIL NOT under penalty of SUMMARY CONTEMPT of IT, the Superior KING, to be immediately taken into custody for transport to the Kingdom of Madison.

chickelit said...

If they leave the state and head for a Duluth café, won't they be coffeebaggers?

Why is the photo depressing Coketown, other than being blue?

Patrick said...

On the hottest of days, the State Park on Madeline Island has a beach that cannot be beat. It's a large, relatively shallow bay that doesn't get very deep. It's great for swimming (esp. with kids), but you still get some of the Superior waves that can be so much fun.

Superior may not be the best for speed boats and waterskis, but it's great for sailing, and kayaks around the Apostles. Great place for a vacation.

rhhardin said...

Unusual 8 for 8 worst rating review of a baby monitor, obviously produced by some government organization.

I use the previous great analog model to send computer audio outdoors to a parent receiver on my hat.

Patrick said...

Eerie may be a Great Lake, but it's not a great lake.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Laser show has more gravitas than muddy chicken.

Rabel said...

Wendi Deng has set the bar for wifely defense. If Meade is accosted by one of those peaceful Madison protesters, will you be up to the challenge?

Ann Althouse said...

"Try this shot again with a UV Haze filter."

But what if it's a picture of haze?

chickelit said...

Isn't "UV Haze" superior to "Purple Haze" in the electromagnetic spectrum of filters?

Big Mike said...

It's really hard to feel "cool and happy" with what's going on in Washington right now. I read a bunch of articles linked by RealClearPolitics, and every d*mned one of them seems to be about "how can Obama win" or "how can the Republicans win." How's about "how can the people of the United States get back to a sane, stable economy"?

Nothing but stupid game-playing up and down the line, with Obama hands down the worst of the lot. Tom Coburn has always struck me as a reasonable person, and perhaps his rejoining the "gang of six" means that a solution has been found. I reserve the right to figure out whether he has been bamboozled or we the people have been bamboozled once again after I see a careful analysis of the final deal.

Ezra Klein seems to have almost gotten to the right place, but then he backs off. He wrote "... although markets are usually self-correcting, they occasionally enter destructive feedback loops in which a shock to, say, the financial system scares business and consumers so badly that they hoard money, which worsens the damage to the system, which further persuades other economic players to hoard, and so on and so forth." He then goes on to write that "in that situation, the role of the government is to break the cycle. Because businesses and consumers have stopped spending, the government breaks the cycle by spending."

Oka-a-ay, but what if the government is the source of the "shock to the financial system," and runaway government spending (as a sop to you misguided left-wingers who comment here, I'll amend that to "the perception of runaway government spending") is the source of people's legitimate fears? What then?

Klein goes on to hint that maybe the US should have planned for a second stimulus. Hel-l-l-lo. The first one put unemployment in the wrong direction and there are people seriously proposing to do it again???

I'm glad I live on the other side of the Potomac from DC. There must be something that the WSSC puts into the water that makes people go nuts.

garage mahal said...

Big election tonight in SD-30. Dave Hansen squares off against David "I don't smoke rocks" Vanderleest.

Polls open until 8:00pm.


David said...

garage mahal said...
Big election tonight in SD-30

Don't go out on a limb, Garage. The chances of Hansen losing are close to zero. You know that. You are just preparing to crow about the rising of the sun, which is quite predictable, even by you.

coketown said...

I doubt a UV filter would have any effect on this shot. Digital cameras are not sensitive to UV wavelengths in the way film is. Polar filters help reduce haziness caused by reflection in direct sunlight, but the clouds here prevent that from being an issue. In this instance, the haze is there and Ann is taking a picture of it. If she wants a shot without haze, she'll have to wait for it to dissipate.

chickelit said...

Haven't all the recall elections and primaries so far been a predictable waste of time and money?

@garage: which one, exactly, does your crystal ball foretell will be an upset?

coketown said...

@Garage: If it was really a "big election," you wouldn't need to remind us about it. We'd be fixed on our televisions, waiting for results with bated breath. The fact that nobody here was aware this election was taking place shows how inconsequential it is.

But don't take my word for it. Go track down that alleged black neighbor of yours and ask him. But if he charges, make yourself appear bigger than him by gloating about your money the way you do here, you progressive populist, you!

madAsHell said...

Hmmm....I'm thinking the Professor has a lot of distractions these days.

garage mahal said...

@garage: which one, exactly, does your crystal ball foretell will be an upset?

Hard to say what race would be an upset and what would not. Alberta Darling would be a big scalp, she is Chair of the JFC. And Harsdorf losing would be a big win.

chickelit said...

garage: thanks at 7:26

But why the talk about racial upset, dissing native Americans, and calling a woman a four-legged "JFC"?

garage mahal said...

Polls closed in the 30th:

Vandersloot, er, I mean Vanderleest with 43%, one precinct reporting!

Big Mike said...

Professor, if you and Meade are going to be by a national park on Lake Superior you might want to pick up a copy of A Superior Death by Nevada Barr. It starts out with what has to be the all time most exotic crime scene in detective fiction.

I don't personally care for all of Barr's Anna Pigeon novels, but when she's on, as she is in this one, Barr can be very, very good.

(Note for those of you tempted to check out and perhaps even buy the book, be sure to use the Professor's Amazon link.)

Titus said...

A Lake does not have a beach.

Only the Ocean.

I learned that on the Coast.

thank you.

And of course no one is there. It is Northern Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

"Don't go out on a limb, Garage. The chances of Hansen losing are close to zero. You know that. You are just preparing to crow about the rising of the sun, which is quite predictable, even by you."

Squashed flat, ain'tcha Garage?

garage mahal said...

Squashed flat, ain'tcha Garage?

That would Rocks Vanderleest, he got pummeled pretty good. Guess WI wasn't that mad over the Dem 14 leaving the state?


virgil xenophon said...

Those lakes are COLD in the summer at the HOTTEST of times. One of the better HS tennis players Chicago and St Rita HS ever produced, Tim Sheehan and his younger brother Mike (also a good tennis player) were capsized by a sudden storm while sailing in Lake Mich in summer of 62 (iirc) and drowned/died of hypothermia. The Midwest section, USTA/Jr. Davis Cup has an annual sportsmanship award named in their honor. I had the pleasure of knowing and competing against them both--was a crying shame as Tim especially had an unlimited future. (And young Mike--a real pistol of a personality--wrecked my car once--minor- when I loaned it to him at a tournament in Decatur, lol now, fond memories..) Another tennis-player survivor of that accident, Jerry Noyce, went on to be the Head Tennis Coach at Minnesota in later years.

Titus said...

St Rita HS.

St. Rita Ritanettes, an excellent Winter Color Guard in the 80's.

Absolutely loved them.

Titus said...

Marion Catholic HS is the most diva of HS winter guards in the Chicago area today.

And they have some blacks too, who knew?

Ken said...

I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff, BetaOffer.com

Ken said...

I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff, BetaOffer.com

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