June 7, 2011

Romney tops Obama in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

WaPo reports Romney ahead 49% to 46%, among registered voters. (Among all Americans, the 2 men are tied at 47%.) Obama is ahead of the other 5 Republicans, and "[a]lmost two-thirds of all Americans say they “definitely would not” vote for Palin for president."
The Post-ABC poll asked Republicans and GOP-leaning independents whom they would vote for if a primary or caucus were held now in their state. Romney topped the list, with 21 percent, followed by Palin at 17 percent. No one else reached double digits, although former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who has suddenly shown interest in becoming a candidate, is close, at 8 percent. Without Palin in the race, Romney scores 25 percent, with all others in the single digits.
Surely, a lot of that is name recognition. It's not really fair to Pawlenty. But let's see if the Republicans have the cohesiveness to resist tearing down Romney. Meanwhile, Democrats ought to make Palin their new McCain. Give her a free ride, until she's clinched the nomination... and then destroy her.


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Hoosier Daddy said...

Jeremy is fine with undeclared kinetic actions that have no national interest as long as no one on our side gets killed. Just other brown people.

There. I fixed my previous post and took out war. The rest still holds up.

Off to happy hour. Keep up the good fight Jeremy. Your stellar intellect and sharp debating skills are making your fellow lefties proud. Stand tall, be proud.

RuyDiaz said...

By the way, this is part of 'Great Moments in Hispanic Television', an ongoing series.

TELEFUTURA, a Spanish-television channel, just reported this same poll, with the numbers reversed: Obama 49/ Romney 46.

Yesterday, a highly rated TV program on Univision, called Anthony Weiner a Republican, twice.

If you think the MSM is biased, be glad it isn't Spanish-language television.

B said...

"B - The stimulus worked.
Read up on it and get back to me."

No, it didn't. The economy was never stimulated. There was no recovery. You say it did, so defend it.

"And...if you really don't think so...please tell me what you and the rest of the brilliant economist teabaggers here would have suggested in its place?"

Less taxes, jacka$$. The only government intervention that actually stimulates the economy.

"More tax cuts for the wealthy?"

Everyone, shithead.

I've been around a long time, you scrotum obsessed pissant. Long enough to know that smart comes from being intellectually honest and the application of critical and unbiased reasoning.

Sarah Palin knows and practices this. You haven't a clue.

mariner said...

Or the Clintons will make their move. Lots of dems and independents will probably be wishing Hillary had been the Democratic nominee in '08.


mariner said...

Chip S.,
Speaking as a loosely affiliated member of the VRWC, I assure you that Friedman is the very first person I think of when I hear the name Milton.

In connection with Romney, I thought of Milton the Monster.

Revenant said...

So earlier in the thread the poll is cited as an example of a left-wing media attempt to trick voters, and now Ruy is telling us that the Spanish media's reversed reporting of the poll is ALSO a left-wing media attempt to trick voters?

Is there any way of reporting a poll that isn't a left-wing attempt to trick voters? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Trooper York said...

You know Rev I have always admired you skepticism. I mean you skeptical about the little Baby Jesus and his father. So it is interesting that you put such blind faith in baised polling produced by a bias media. And when someone points out even worse bias you imply that it is silly to consider it. Why such blind faith in polls?

I don't know if Sarah Palin will win the Presidency against Barack Obama. I also don't believe the polls. I don't believe in Santa Clause either.

I think we will have to see. I will say that none of the other Rhino's in the herd have impressed me and if Palin runs against them she will clean their clocks.

Trooper York said...

Ronald Reagan was just as well know as Sarah Palin when he ran against Carter. He was just as demonized by the mainstream media which was a lot more powerful than it is now. We were told that "women" were scared of him too.

I have more faith in woman than that. Call me crazy. But I am a skeptic about the claims of such unbaised observers as the mainstream media, Jeremy and you.

All the best
Your Pal

Revenant said...

Trooper, I can't take a lecture on "blind faith" seriously when it is coming from you.

You still haven't offered up an explanation for how she can win. Either do so or bore someone else.

Revenant said...

Here is what you and the rest of the "the polls aren't real" crowd believe, Trooper:

"ABC and NBC and CBS and CNN and Fox News and GfK Roper and Rassmussen and the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post and Bloomberg and the New York Times and Gallup and USA Today and Quinnipac and Marist and Pew Research and Newsweek are all part of a vast conspiracy going back at least three years, dedicated to concealing the fact that most people DON'T really think Sarah Palin is an ignorant twat".

You're either idiots or you're insane. I don't care which anymore.

Trooper York said...

Wow Rev you are a feisty little minx.

I don't have to outline how she can turn it around. Anyone can see it. She needs to simply tell the truth. That Obama is a failure and he is operating out of bad intent to destroy the capitalistic system live up to the ideals of his communist and anti-american mentors.

I don't know if Sarah will run. But if she does she has shown a propensity of using the social media and new ways of communicating to get her message out. If she went on the offensive 24/7 against Obama it is guite clear she can drive his negatives even higher then hers. And he loses the "first Black President" bounce that he got the first time around. When he runs on his record he loses if his opponent holds his feet to the fire and doesn't hold back because they are "Old white men" who will be accused of being racists. So she has a very good chance at doing that. She has a talent for coining phrases and creating memes that would serve her well. So not being all knowing and all seeing like you I give her a good chance.

And I must appolgize to you. After reading your posts for many years I thought you liked boring.

All the Best
Your pal
Trooper York

Jeremy said...

Corn Cob - "That's typically what you call it when you send in the military to go bomb another country's military for the purpose of deposing the existing government."

So NATO is at "war" with Libya?


Jeremy said...

Trooper - Are you actually trying to make the case that Sarah Palin could run, be elected and do a good job as President of the United States?

With all you know, and have heard from this twit...are you really taking that stand?

Jeremy said...

B - Taxes are at their lowest ebb in decades.

You're just spouting the same old teabagger drivel as the rest of 'em.

Get some new material.

Jeremy said...

Corn Cob thinks America has declared "war" on Libya.


Revenant said...

I don't have to outline how she can turn it around.

You do if you expect to be taken seriously.

attestationservices said...
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