May 24, 2011

"U R the lowest common denominator. 30+ Bernie statues??? Your greed disgusts me more than your profile picture."

Milwaukee Brewers promotion goes predictably wrong.


shiloh said...

goes predictably wrong.

Sorta like the Republicans in NY-26 tonight.

God bless Paul Ryan! :-P

'nuf said!

William said...

To those who have had trouble posting comments on this site: The secret is to use new url while logging on. Don't tell wikileaks or jeremy about this secret.

edutcher said...

The sad part is the near illiteracy of most of the commenters at the link.

I suppose it looks cooler on Twitter.

PS False flag candidates and misrepresentation are about all the Demos have.

PPS I think the smiley is trying to indicate he drools.

le Douanier said...

"Sorta like the Republicans in NY-26 tonight."

This is what you get when the Rs attack the Ds for cuts in Medicare.

Oh wait, I thought this was the 2010 election, when the Rs were rallying voters based on Medicare cuts. My bad.

edutcher said...

Listen to the Demos scream when the Republicans when present it as vouchers vs. death panels.

shiloh said...

Again, when your political opponents er teabaggers are self-destructing, get the hell out of the way!

edutcher said...

No Tea Partiers, just another Lefty Demo who can't win on the truth.

PS The trolls think this is swell. And NY-23 was such a bellwether for '10, too.

Wince said...

Submitted for your approval:

All 30 Bernie dolls come alive at night and attack the hoarder with little baseball bats.

shiloh said...

Again, the Rep take-over of the House in 2010 and winning several governorships ironically, was very good news for Obama in 2012 as boehner/cantor, Rep governors continue to concentrate on social issues instead of job creation.

1948 all over again when Truman ran against the Rep "do nothing" congress.

Chip S. said...

A vote margin of about 5,000 in NY--too close to call by Kloppenburg standards!

It stands to reason that a post about garden gnomes would bring out the trolls.

traditionalguy said...

Greed is a good desire. It motivates people to go to work to get things. Give aways for free are always abused...surprise, surprise.

shiloh said...

It stands to reason AA would totally ignore the the NY-26 election as this totally in the tank for the Reps blog doesn't allow any negative winger news.

Wouldn't be prudent as her conservative flock must be kept happy with 24/7 negative Obama news.

Yea, that's the ticket!

take care, blessings

Automatic_Wing said...

How appropriate to have shiloh trolling in a garden gnome thread.

He's perfectly in his element.

Carol_Herman said...

Can't anybody here play this game?

The Bernie gnome was about sports. And, the gnomes were part of an ad campaign. For the Milwaukee Brewerw ... who are not a beer!

Beer would never be displayed in any park where it could be snatched for free.

eBay. What a snort.

Up there with Princess Beatrice's wedding headgear.

Chip Ahoy said...

And there they are on eBay presently bidding up for $120.00 each to $200.00 for immediate sale when the team is selling them outright at the Brewer's retail store for $48.00. See? That's just poor shopping skillz. Besides, flamingos with wire legs are better.

rhhardin said...

The Mets had good success with D-cell giveaways; and there's the Yankees acclaimed handgun night as a model too.

Toad Trend said...

"Barnes said it was unfortunate that a few people didn't play by the rules and leave ornaments for fans who showed up at the parks."

Gaming the system has become a penchant for many in this country. Fueled by the ever-demanded free lunch.

In the spirit of the unhinged Shiloh, I blame democrats for this, and I will bet that the folks that chose to scoop up as many of the statues were democrat. Why? Selfishness. Dems regularly demonstrate the 'I got mine' mentality and don't care about the face-rubbing optics.

This was completely predictable. Shamelessness and being a democrat go hand-in-hand.

Toad Trend said...



AllenS said...

While we're on the subject, how about those Brewers?

9dades CP said...


9dades CP said...

out is the problemem

9dades CP said...
