December 21, 2010

Sit down on the plush white upholstery...


... and talk a while.


chuck b. said...

Why, how very inhospitable of you!

MadisonMan said...

I liked the little crust on top today.

Penny said...

But I might fall through the cracks...

Unknown said...

That does not make me happy, Madame.

As Tweety Bird said, this is what I get for dreaming of a white Christmas.

(BTW, could I have a towel or something to dry off?)

Beth said...

My sister-in-law's house burnt last night. The cat didn't make it out, but the family did. We know to be grateful for that, but it's hard to feel anything at all right now. We won't be merry this year, but once we're with them later in the week, and feel the reassuring warmth of hugs, we'll be thankful.

chuck b. said...

Oh, how awful. What does a stranger say. /e-hug/ As a cat lover, I had a moment of silence for the lost kitty.

DADvocate said...

Similar to my deck in southern Ohio. The kids have already missed 4 days of school due to snow. The most before Christmas in memory.

Beth - terrible about you sister-in-law's house. This is the worst time of year for house fires.

Fred4Pres said...

Fresh snow is very clean and nice.

Urban slush snow, not so much.

KCFleming said...

Beth, that's terrible. I hope they have the strength for the aftermath. Glad they are unhurt.

traditionalguy said...

Just noticed the new slogan of the Blog. I understood that Madison folks consider brats to be one of the basic food groups, but I never knew about the intellectual satisfaction part. It must be a German thing.But does mustard add to or detract from the experience?

Ann Althouse said...

@Beth Sorry to hear that.

MadisonMan said...

Beth, I'm sorry. What a thing to have to push through.

Penny said...

"It must be a German thing."

Which is why I prefer my hot dogs mit kraut. They don't need to be intellectual, since they will merely idle in a frying pan until I eat them for my own lunch today.

Tg, can you pass the mustard, please?

Penny said...

Beth, that's tragic, and made ever more so because it happened in what should be a most joyous season.

Unknown said...

Beth, sorry about the house, and cat, but, yes, be very glad everyone got out unhurt.

And do make merry. That everyone's all right is something to celebrate.

Beth said...

Thanks, y'all. We'll be in a fog for a few days but we'll figure things out. Neighbors who are going on vacation for two weeks have offered them their house for that time so they won't be living in a hotel for more than a night or two.

This all began last night at 2 a.m. It's never good when the phone rings at that hour, and my stomach's been lurching pretty much since then. Oh goodness. But even then, simply hearing that the parents and three kids were all safe, outside, was grounding.

A few weeks ago, the neighbor in the other side of our shotgun left a cigarette burning on his back steps and our house caught fire. I noticed the smoke roiling out of the laundry shed and called the fire department. The solid design of the turn of the century home kept it from spreading to the roof and our side. We're fine. But I will never forget the primal response to fire, right there, above my head.

AllenS said...

Good luck to the in-laws, Beth.

AllenS said...

It is a time to rejoice. Tomorrow the days will start to get longer.

Beth said...

Thanks, AllenS. I wish you and your family well, too. I understand you've had your own loss recently.

Kev said...

What a contrast between North and South; it's 79 degrees in the Dallas area as I type this.

Beth, so sorry about the in-laws. And add my voice to those who are relieved that at least all the human inhabitants got out alive, while being sorry for the loss of the cat.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Sorry about that Beth..

AllenS said...

Yes, Beth, I did. It was my mother, but since she had Alzheimers for quite a few years, her death put her in a better place. I hope that the in-laws have insurance. You can always build another house.

Unknown said...

Allen, I hear ya. Went through this with my Mom and The Blonde's.

I know sometimes it just feels good to have the weight off - don't feel guilty about it. I'm sure you did your best, you're a stand up guy - it's a very tough thing to handle

You're right about the better place, too.

rhhardin said...

Neighbor's German Shepherd comes over to talk video

In this day of tied up and isolated dogs, dog-socializing has to be worked out.

Irene said...

Beth, I, too, am sorry to hear the rough news.

chuck b. said...

Beth nails the thread.

Too soon?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Beth...OMG how horrible. So sorry for your sister-in-law and family. You can replace can't replace your lives. As a cat lover, I feel terrible for the kitty too.

We are having a rather warm storm for us, the Pineapple Express current. Everything is a muddy sloppy mess. No snow..I'm hoping it will freeze. At least we will have frozen mud.

Freeman Hunt said...

Beth, so sorry.

Beth said...

chuck b! That made me laugh. Thanks.

Thanks, everyone. As the day has passed, I'm more and more struck by how lucky we are to have our family alive and well.

Penny said...

Rh...Very impressed that you're so cool about Miss Vickie finding a new friend.

And Beth, no doubt your sister-in-law will deeply mourn the loss of one of hers.

The true beauty in moments such as these is that we learn to extend our love and understanding... just a little bit more.

Eli Blake said...


And notice there are no footprints. Even you guys don't go out there!

Eli Blake said...

And Beth,

Best of luck to your sister-in-law and her family. Sorry to read about the cat.

Penny said...


And notice there are no footprints."

Eli, are you friggin' nuts?

This is the "Althouse Show", brought to you via the internet where we have no footprints, no fingerprints...merely your personal ISP, who is never seen without that daggum historian doing a bang up job of "capturing" you in enough snapshots, that one is BOUND to make you look good on plush white upholstery.

Trooper York said...

Sorry to hear about your in-laws Beth. Thank God everybody got out safe.

Wow the last few years have been rough for you in NOLA. Water then fire.

Stay away from earth tones.

All the best and Merry Christmas to you and your partner and the family.

Clyde said...

@ Beth

I'm late to this thread, but let me add my best wishes for your family in recovering from the house fire. My dad had a house fire several years back, so I know that it's an awful thing to go through. I'm glad that none of your family were hurt, although as a cat owner, I know how saddened they must be at the loss of their pet.

A "Shotgun" Gold said...

Seeing no butt print on the chair, I assume there were no takers.