October 30, 2010

Iconic Althouse...

... strikes again.


Synova said...

Every time I see that I have to wonder... what's up with your hair?

It must be so weird though, to keep seeing that. At least this time it's got you doing sort of lawyer-ish research.

le Douanier said...

Honestly, I don't think the picture fits the caption.

The picture is too student-cramming-ish, rather than corporate-schemer-ish.

Apparently the photo's price is nice (aka free), so applicability is a secondary concern.

Ann Althouse said...

"what's up with your hair?"

Uh... it's 3 a.m.... I have a 6 month old baby 15 feet away from me, and I'm trying to finish writing a take-home exam.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

That's hilarious. I was wondering how it kept coming up, but I just put "studying" into Google Images, and it popped up about of the way down the page. It must be the intensity of your gaze that gets folks. I'm surprised they keep using it, though--the glasses are obviously from decades ago. I had some similar ones. When I look at old photos, I wonder how I stood to wear windshields for glasses. Looking at modern ones, though, I don't know how people stand to wear such tiny ones.


Synova said...

I get the late night and baby thing. It looks like you've pinned the back up somehow so it's coming back over the top of your head.

Chip Ahoy said...

Tineye matches 19 instances of this photo online.


Steven said...

I love that this use is in an article about intellectual property.

Mark V Wilson said...

You look beautiful in the picture, hence it's popularity. Also, it's become well known by now.

Wince said...

"Iconic Althouse...
... strikes again."

Laconic Althouse...
... strikes again.

Unknown said...

You're the Masked Marauder of the Internet.

The pic really isn't that bad, you just have that, "Now how do I do that again?", look anyone has working out a problem

The Crack Emcee said...


Our entire society has lost it's imagination.

Unknown said...

that's an awesome photograph. no wonder it keeps getting used. also it is on the first page of search results when you do a compfight.com search for creative commons images of studying:

nice shot!

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