October 30, 2010

At the October Water Café...

... shimmer...

... ripple...


theMom said...

This photo is stunning. It looks like a Monet.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sending us in OH a beautiful, sunny day.

And thank you for sharing a part of your beautiful day with us.

le Douanier said...

“The battle for the American mind right now is between talk show hosts and comedians,” said Alex Foxworthy, a 26-year-old doctoral student from Richmond, Va.

Clearly this is a simplification so extreme that it doesn't mean anything. But, there's still a hint of the shadow of reality.

AST said...


jungatheart said...

re the second picture:

If Vermeer did Impressionism...

sunsong said...

Beautiful pics!

Fen said...

CBS News up to its usual shenanigans:

“Last night news broke that Anchorage’s CBS affiliate KTVA News 11 reporters were caught on tape discussing ways in which they could potentially embarrass the Senate campaign of Republican Joe Miller.”

/via Insty

This is why I prefer FOX.

Fen said...

“The battle for the American mind right now is between talk show hosts and comedians,” said Alex Foxworthy, a 26-year-old doctoral student from Richmond, Va. “I choose the comedians.”

What an idiot.

Conservative AM Radio was the market response to being pushed out of the MSM.

The Comedians are there to reassure Libtards that the Democrat Brand is hip hop sexy cool.

Your doctoral student would have suppoprted the Nazi because he thought the uniforms were fashionable.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Fen - I am glad that you are so impassioned about something, but is clear that you have no idea what that something is. That quote that you listed is from me. First of all, I would most definitely not have supported the Nazis and the fashion of uniforms is something that I certainly never take into consideration in a political discussion. You should also realize that that is a quote out of context. I was saying that the battle for the American mind is being carried out in public space between these two extreme and ludicrous groups. I find that to be very sad and wish very much that it weren't so. Were I forced to choose between these groups however, I would tend to side with the comedians. If you have specific points you would like to talk about or address, please bring those up. You don't know anything about me... and why do Nazi's suddenly end up in every political discussion?