April 8, 2009

Another pay-attention-to-me-while-I-lose-weight celebrity move.

Kathy Ireland pushes her stomach way out for a People Magazine photo. Gasp! The erstwhile bikini model gained 25 pounds! Please care now so you'll care about the next round of photos when she sucks in her stomach. Did you know how easy it is to take the before and after photographs the very same day?


Anonymous said...

Only some fat people are capable of pushing out their stomach. Skinny people can't.

I'm trying right now, and I can't push out my stomach.

And I consider myself fat. I only have a 4-pack, not a 6-pack. Very depressing.

Ann Althouse said...

"Only some fat people are capable of pushing out their stomach. Skinny people can't."

I've seen skinny people who can do it. But the issue is whether a normal weight person can make herself look ridiculously stomach-bloated. I say she can.

Ann Althouse said...

And wow, your life is tough, dtl. Don't kill yourself over the missing 2.

Meade said...

"erstwhile bikini model"

"Erstwhile" made me laugh. Have you been reading Jane Austen again?

Wince said...

Chris "Sparkles" Peterson, Handsome Boy Modeling School graduate, gets a taste of "the filthy side of this business."

(First scene, if you like Chris Elliot's brand of "Get a Life" humor, which is a limited audience, I know.)

paul a'barge said...

She maybe can suck in that stomach but she can't suck in those breasts.

Take a look at the difference in size.

ricpic said...

Kathy looks better at any weight than he-male Michelle.

Fen said...

I don't know, maybe I've gotten some cynical bug. Maybe its from serving overseas. But I look at things like Kathy Ireland and People Magazine and Botox and Prada etc with contempt and disgust.

This culture blows. Maybe its time to start over.

Fen said...

And how come they couldn't fit in the part about her "believing" in World Peace?

Fen said...

blah Monday morning mumps blah

on Wednesday

blah meh blah

Freder Frederson said...

So which is worse a pay-attention-to-me-while-I-lose-weight-celebrity or pay-attention-to-me-while-I-marry-one-of-my-commenters-blogger-and-part-time-law-professor?

Anonymous said...

Have you been reading Jane Austen again?

Why, Mr. Darcy, you know she hasn't been reading it; she's been living it!

Meade said...

Hey Fen, thank you (and everyone) for serving so Kathy Ireland, erstwhile bikini model, is free to make a fool of herself in People magazine... and so the rest of us are free to care/not care.

Wince said...
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Wince said...

This is exactly what I love about Althouse!

First she ignites these major ideological conflagrations in posts about Scalia, Paglia (what is this opera?), liberalism and the constitution...

And then where does she end up while all this is raging on?

Posting and making successive follow-up comments about Kathy Ireland's faux pouch!

Bissage said...

The thing that bugs me most about Ms. Ireland is that she’d never have broken into the modeling business had she not been a coffee heiress.

Anonymous said...

Those skinny people aren't skinny. They have fat under their abdomens. That's actually why it's hard to get a six-pack. You have to lose the fat under your abdomen before the fat on top of your abdomens go away.

I'm not killing myself over the missing two. I'm eating cookies right now, resigned to my fate.

Hoosier Daddy said...

And wow, your life is tough, dtl. Don't kill yourself over the missing 2.

Yeah. We would all be inconsolable.

For about 10 seconds.

Hoosier Daddy said...

So which is worse a pay-attention-to-me-while-I-lose-weight-celebrity or pay-attention-to-me-while-I-marry-one-of-my-commenters-blogger-and-part-time-law-professor?

Actually whats worse is your insufferable posting.

traditionalguy said...

A super model as my role model. Now I can lose weight too. What's 25 pounds? But when I am eating mostly high carb comfort food these days, just staying at my same stomach/figure will be hard. I think the dog needs to walk me more.No more Cincinnati Chili.

Fen said...

Hey Fen, thank you (and everyone) for serving so Kathy Ireland, erstwhile bikini model, is free to make a fool of herself in People magazine... and so the rest of us are free to care/not care.

Sigh. Yah I know I know. I'll snap out of it. I guess its the Somoli news last month, knowing that some of the people I connected with are now dead or soon will be. Blah.

There was this little girl in Baderra. Everytime our patrol came through her village of mud huts, she would charm us for the tootsie rolls in our MREs. She'd be in her early 20s by now.

And these two sisters in Surabaya. My crew thought about marrying them, just to get them out of that hellhole and into the US. Of course, our SNCOs knew better and shut us down. But now I wonder whats become of them.

Kathy Ireland blah People Magazine blah World Peace blah

Molly said...

It looks like she just ate an enormous burrito, and then ... you know.

Fen said...

Freder: So which is worse a pay-attention-to-me-while-I-lose-weight-celebrity or pay-attention-to-me-while-I-marry-one-of-my-commenters-blogger-and-part-time-law-professor?

Hoosier: Actually whats worse is your insufferable posting.

No kidding. Have we run out of topics for Freder to get self-righteous about?

Hey Freder, I want to apologize in advance. I really wanted to save you and your family from that terrorist idiot, but all I had left were Sabot rounds, and you know what the Geneva Convention says about depleted uranium. So...sorry.

Sofa King said...

No kidding. Have we run out of topics for Freder to get self-righteous about?

Perhaps we can come up with some more science topics to demonstrate his ludicrous ignorance of.

JAL said...
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JAL said...

Heh. Wasn't it Jamie Lee Curtis who appeared in her underwear with a late 40s body? In one of those rags....

Don't think she was looking for sympathy as much as evidence that she was part of the human race.

JAL said...

Hi Fen. Thanks for your service. Somalia, huh. Ouch.

I had some bumper stickers made which said "My son goes to work every day so you can put your bumper stickers on your car."

Anyway -- we lived overseas in a developing nation for about 4 years, many years ago. The culture shock coming *back* to the US was more surprising to me, actually.

I think that is when People magazine first hit the racks, and I remember standing in line at the grocery store wondering why on earth they would print a whole magazine dedicated to the opinions and looks of celebrities (and called, ironically, "People") Even then I didn't think they knew enough to opine on and on about the world (we had recently given up on Vietnam).

I really have no desire to know what Kathy or Michelle or Lindsey or whoever vote for or where they buy their chocolate. Or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Pay attention to your sons. Many times they know what is good for your health. My son told me if I wanted to lose weight I would have to do some serious 5k.

Yes he used some of the ex husband's tactic, and I saw that for what it was.

But I now can just do it no matter what the shoes.

Fen said...

JAL: Anyway -- we lived overseas in a developing nation for about 4 years, many years ago. The culture shock coming *back* to the US was more surprising to me, actually.

I think that is when People magazine first hit the racks, and I remember standing in line at the grocery store wondering why on earth they would print a whole magazine dedicated to the opinions and looks of celebrities (and called, ironically, "People") Even then I didn't think they knew enough to opine on and on about the world (we had recently given up on Vietnam).

Yup. You nailed it.

I don't think I ever adjusted after coming back. My wife jokes that *her* duty was to marry and domesticate me, so that I wouldn't be unleashed on an unsuspecting world.

I've got a kitty in my lap insisting I stop being such a downer. Funny how they can tell when you need a good purrr.

Christy said...

Yep, listen to the kids. They are the ones that ask you, when you're twirling with delight in a new sundress, "Why are you wearing your nightgown?"

JAL said...

Ahh Fen, we Americans are an exceptional people. We will survive and be strong.

And Kathy Ireland will look thin and lovely, and get old, just like the rest of us. And I won't remember a thing she said.

Scratch that kitty's ears for me. I don't have one (a kitty).

kentuckyliz said...

Skinny models look unhealthy to me. I think Kathy actually looks better in the meatier pic.

TMink said...

"So which is worse a pay-attention-to-me-while-I-lose-weight-celebrity or pay-attention-to-me-while-I-marry-one-of-my-commenters-blogger-and-part-time-law-professor?"

How about pay-attention-to-me-while-I-use-every-chance-I-get-to-demonstrate-what-a-dick-I-am?

Gets my vote.


Anthony said...

I thought the photo on the left was taken by one of her sons at home, not as part of a photo shoot.

I like her. She took a career as a bikini model and built a billion-plus dollar business out of it.

Although she really should have married me, of course.

Chris said...

Oh for the love of all that's Holy, just lose the damn weight. It's hard, but it's not THAT hard. The real truth is, losing weight is BORING. Celebrities doing it doesn't make it any less boring.

XWL said...

You want depressingly dumb body image stories, then look no further than the Daily Mail.

Now formerly deliciously curvy Scarlett Johansson is training with the freakishly sinewy trainer who turned Madonna into the freakshow she is today.

Too many women are way too screwed up when it comes to their body image, both with healthy women wanting to turn themselves into stick figures (and the stick figures looking to turn otherwise attractive women into bad copies of late adolescent boys), and unhealthy women making excuses for being grossly obese.

It's OK to be in the middle, and to live with the genes you have, whatever shape they lead you to be having, everyone has a different range of what's healthy and what's attractive, and those targets change with age, seems like simple common sense, yet people still pay attention to bad dieting advice and get depressed when they fail to achieve unattainable goals (or give up too easily when trying to get from fat to healthy).

veni vidi vici said...

I've always preferred Jill Ireland. Charles Bronson was a lucky man.

Joe said...



Good fuck.