November 9, 2008

At the Squirrel's Nest Tavern....

Squirrel's nest in an oak tree

... we're drinking whiskey and talking about television.

Did any of you see the History Channel's "Modern Marvels" episode about whiskey that aired yesterday? I was impressed.

I also watched the "Modern Marvels" episode about axes. I saw that my DVR had picked it up, and it really seemed too stupid to watch -- an hour-long show about axes? But now, I am simply overwhelmed with respect for the axe. And for whiskey.

I've been watching odd things on TV this weekend. One other thing that I watched was the post-election interview that Howard Stern did with a KKK guy. I saw it on Howard TV (which I subscribe to), but you can listen to it -- don't look at the irrelevant visual component -- here and here.

I also watched 3 episodes of "Little Britan USA" on HBO on Demand, which was recommended in the comments to the post titled "We've had enough British humor." I enjoyed the first 2 episodes, and then I couldn't take it anymore.


ron st.amant said...

Just bought a bunch of DVDs...felt like other than football and hockey I don't really want to watch television for a while (of course that didn't stop me buying some CSI seasons on DVD mind you).

I watched the documentary "No End In Sight" today and I thought it was very well done. Reminded me of the intelligent sort of work Frontline does.

Next up is "The Assassination of Jesse James" and "The Bank Job"

That is if I make it through the whiskey.

Crimso said...

If it was the MM I'm thinking it was, I received a surprise when I saw it some time back. They interviewed a master distiller at Maker's Mark. Turns out he was a classmate of mine when we were engineering students.

Darcy said...

I'm trying really hard not to talk sports here! But since you mentioned football Ron, this is an exciting ending to the Chiefs/Chargers game. I'm happy when a bad call is overcome like that.

Interesting, about the whiskey...and the axe. I don't like whiskey, not even the smell of it.

Trooper York said...

Rocky loved to drink. He would start with a beer in the morning, and then have wine all through the day. After five o’clock he would have a Manhattan or occasionally a Rusty Nail. He had a fully stocked wet bar in his trailer and the cast used to go in there to get tanked up. Boris was one mean drunk. He would take shots of vodka and arm wrestle everyone. And the Natasha, what a whore. Man she would get a snootful and would bang anybody and everybody. The worst was when she crashed the Chipmunks Christmas Party. She pulled a train with all the Chipmunks; even Alvin who we all thought was gay. Of course that all came to an end after that wild party where she vowed to take on all the Warner Brothers crew. She got through about ten of them and was going strong until Woody climbed on. Then tragedy struck. Because of course Woody had a wood pecker. The splinters were devastating. Natasha was never the same after that. Woody was ostracized. He became the Fatty Arbuckle of Cartoon town. All because of Rocky and his damn open bar.
(Jay Ward and Alex Anderson, Rocky and Bullwinkle, E True Hollywood Story)

Ron said...

Has Althouse seen MadMen?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The American ambassador of sadness who “has schmaltz routines that could ring sobs from a moose"

Unknown said...

I don't have a cable or satellite connection, but thanks to the Internet I'm discovering some interesting TV shows. These days I'm watching Jericho via the CBS web site. Thanks to a hacked AppleTV running Boxee, I can watch these videos in full screen on my TV in the family room instead of in my office.

Unknown said...

I love the History Channel and Modern Marvels, and it's a love that endures. My pet peeve, however, is this: The ax is not a Modern Marvel. It's one of the first tools ever devised by humans and has undergone comparatively few changes. I applaud the History channel for celebrating that which might seem mundane, and I really enjoyed the ax episode, but they should really renamed the show.

TitusGuessWho'sComingToDinner said...

I watched all of the episodes of Little Britain USA last night.

I wish I wouldn't.

The first two were great. My favorite was the weight watchers lady and the receptionist at the hospital.

It all became redundant the last 4 episodes.

TitusGuessWho'sComingToDinner said...

I also watched the movie The Bridge last night which I gave a play by play of here.

I thought it was fascinating.

A bunch of cameras perched around the Golden Gate Bridge to show the 20 jumpers that jumped from the bridge. Interviews with their families and friends. Very sad.

TitusGuessWho'sComingToDinner said...

I tried to watch True Blood but I couldn't get into it.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Hey Althouse. I'll have a pint of Fat Squirrel Brown Ale if you're buying.

TitusGuessWho'sComingToDinner said...

OH and I got depressed about the vote in California Prop 8.

I cried. I have some friends out there that got married. Not sure what is going to happen them.

Very sad.

Pastafarian said...

Titus -- sorry about the Prop 8 result. Maybe we Republicans will use our time in the wilderness to take a hard look at our party's position on things like this, that aren't really central to the conservative philosophy (or are even arguably at odds with it).

I doubt it, though.

Re "The Bridge" -- I saw that on IFC, or maybe Sundance, several months ago, and I thought that the voyeurism of it was absolutely sickening. I watched maybe ten minutes and turned it off in disgust.

Ann Althouse said...

"The ax is not a Modern Marvel."

Good point.

ricpic said...

I agree with the KKK guy that the daily dose of discrimination/humiliation handed out by the Obama administration - aided and abetted every step of the way by the MSM and Hollywood - aimed at non-elite whites will raise white consciousness.

How it will play out is anybody's guess. But that there will be millions of more middle class whites who know, not suspect as is the case today but know that they are under attack from their own government and the establishment propaganda machine by the time the Obama administration ends four years from now is a certainty.

Ann Althouse said...

"OH and I got depressed about the vote in California Prop 8."

Aw, come on. You knew that would happen. It's going to take another turn of the clock -- one-quarter to one-half of a generation. People don't change that quickly.

Chip Ahoy said...

I have a profound headache that will not ease. Therefore, to fake it out, I animated George Herriman's ink drawing of don Marquis's Archy. Except this time, Mehitabel is Archy, dead lo these 260 years and more, all dun up in a powdered wig.

Oddly, this did not cure my headache.

George M. Spencer said...

X kxxp hxvxng thxs prxblxm wxth mx kxybxxrd, bxt X dxn't knxw whx tx xx xbxxt xt. Xt sxxms xvxrx txmx X wxnt tx txpx x vxwxl, xll X gxt xs xn x xxstxxd. Xt's rxxllx sqxxrrxllx, xf yxx xx mx. Krxzx.

Ann Althouse said...

"I agree with the KKK guy that the daily dose of discrimination/humiliation handed out by the Obama administration - aided and abetted every step of the way by the MSM and Hollywood - aimed at non-elite whites will raise white consciousness."

Oh, come on. Obama's policies will be aimed at helping the lower classes, black or white. Whether he will actually help or not is a separate question, but he's on the side of equality. That KKK guy was laughably pathetic, a dying breed.

Ann Althouse said...

Chip... wow!

Will make new post for that.

Meade said...

Genius, Chip!

XWL said...

A squirrel's nest is more properly called a "drey", does this mean that everyone is having a "Dre Day" today?

(I've got my mind on my money and my money on my mind)

Also, speaking of Whiskey(Bourbon) . . .

Also, it's interesting how many spirits can be translated to "water of life".

(including the Uisce-Betha)

dualdiagnosis said...

I'm so excited!-

Planning under way for Obama holiday
The Capital-Journal
Published Sunday, November 09, 2008

Plans are being made to promote a national holiday for Barack Obama, who will become the nation's 44th president when he takes the oath of office Jan. 20.

"Yes We Can" planning rallies will be at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the downtown McDonald's restaurant, 1100 Kansas Ave., until Jan. 13. The goals are to secure a national holiday in Obama's honor, to organize celebrations around his inauguration and to celebrate the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on Feb. 12 1809.

At 7:30 a.m. on Inauguration Day, Obama Cake will be served at the downtown McDonald's, and a celebration is scheduled for 8 p.m. to midnight Jan. 20 at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, 420 S.E. 6th.

For more information, contact Sonny Scroggins, (785) 232-3761, 845-6148 or at; Lamont Lassiter, McDonald's general manager, 608-2739; Ava Chander-Beard, (785) 234-9138,; or Rhoda Carr, (785) 220-5883.


Darcy said...

That's soooo cute, Chip. And incredibly clever!

Maxine Weiss said...


"One of my producers - Kerry - got asked in our hotel by a hotel employee if she is a “working girl.” She said, “yes, I work.” He said, “but are you a working girl?” She again replied she has a job…the employee could tell she did not fully understand…finally she did get it and she made it clear she is not a hooker. Incidentally, she was not dressed in a provocative way….she had just been going in and out of the hotel often and apparently the staff was suspicious. "---Greta Van Susteren


(He should have asked "Are you a Pro"? Then, there'd be asbolutely no confusion.)

XWL said...

Noticed in this Boston Globe puff piece regarding the Obama's possible addition of a Four-Pawed American to their family, that the writer couldn't help themselves with a little Bush bashing,

"Owners say goldendoodles are friendly and less likely to bite than the disgraced terrier Barney."

Really? Barney, disgraced?

(the video shows the Reuters reporter foolishly lunging at the Scottie's face, and commenters at both Newsbusters and Times of London seem to be in Barney's corner on this incident)

Anybody have a guess as to when stories about the incoming Obama Adminstration won't have some sort of Bush bashing language about the outgoing Bush Administration?

I think most papers and wire services will keep up this nonsense even past the inaugural and possibly into early 2010.

chuck b. said...

Little Britain is not something you'd want watch all at once!

That's rarely a good idea, btw.

Computer says no...

The British version is slightly better than the American. My favorite character is Daffyd, the Only Gay in the Village. Much better in the original, and only appearing once in the American, and used poorly.

Ann Althouse said...

It's too easy to overdose with HBO on Demand and half-hour comedy shows. But with "Little Britain USA," it was the hunters that got me. Reminded me of humor from 30 or 40 years ago.

chuck b. said...

Hmm. I don't remember the hunters.

I tend to avoid the on demand television. Too stingy, I guess. But in all honesty, I do overdose on television-by-DVD.

I can't watch just one episode of Project Runway, I have to watch all four. Even if that means staying until 1 or 2 a.m.

Same thing with Helen Mirren's Prime Suspect. I recently finished consuming the entire season in about 3 months. Sigh...Now what?

Simon said...

TitusGuessWho'sComingToDinner said...
"OH and I got depressed about the vote in California Prop 8. I cried. I have some friends out there that got married. Not sure what is going to happen them."

Oh, calm down. Someone is going to make a federal case of it and the Supreme Court is going to strike down all these state constitutional amendments on gay marriage, and probably in the next two years if a case can be moved through the system fast enough. Frame your case so as to be allow summary judgment - bypass the bog of discovery - and start working on your appellate brief as soon as it's filed. I can see this case almost clearly enough to make out the caption.

Ron said...
"Has Althouse seen MadMen?"

I tried watching that, but Christina Hendricks sends me into a coma of yum. You can't focus on a story and salivate that much. She periodically spoils Life and Firefly by showing up with her carefully-studied acting and glorious looks, and it's more than a man's heart can take.

Simon said...

I watched one episode of "Little Britain" and that was more than enough.

dualdiagnosis said...

Ann said- "Oh, come on. Obama's policies will be aimed at helping the lower classes, black or white. Whether he will actually help or not is a separate question, but he's on the side of equality."

Good intentions are not enough.

chickelit said...

A little eye candy for Simon.

Unknown said...

Like all other Modern Marvels episodes, the whole 60 minutes was another advertisment. After watching that I got in my car and drove to the nearest liqour store to purchase some Canadian Club. I was visiting family in Detroit and wanted to cross the river to see if tours are still available too.

Did anyone else have these experiences or urges from watching Modern Marvels?

Ralph L said...

The show on leather was pretty cool. Urine was the first tanning agent. How'd they figure that out--when the crotch of their clothes softened?

Unfortunately, the History channel also has crap shows about UFO and JFK conspiracies.

Ralph L said...

Titus, I'm afraid your friends in California will be killed. It was in the fine print.

Kirk Parker said...

Too stupid to watch? Some time in the late pre-internet age, David Owen managed an entire article in The Atlantic about sheetrock--and it was interesting! Turns out he's expanded it expand it into an entire book.

reader_iam said...

"The ax is not a Modern Marvel."

True. Sort of.

But if you trace the iterations from which and whence it was birthed (and consider time lines and perspectives), and then also look at certain types and iterations of automation, is it so very clear that "Modern Marvels" is a misrepresentation?

As shocking as it may be, the concepts of traditional and modern, among other concepts (if not the names), have been around for millennia. Periodic calibrations and re-calibrations have occurred. Starting points have been set and re-set.

This is how one can connect, say--for crude, rough and inexact example and from a certain type of perspective--the development and crafting of arrowheads and the crafting and development of the ax.


"Modern" is a temporal description of current people living in their own times. It's a notoriously bad way to make larger statements--because, apart from the conceit contained therein--pretty much every current "modern" construct will ultimately become someone else's notion of "the past."


reader_iam said...

Also, "Modern Marvels" has presented a lot of material that is no longer, speaking in terms of our current "modern," no longer much of a marvel. So why make an arbitrary cut-off at all? (Not a challenge: A question.)

reader_iam said...

For myself, I think the point of the series is to make us marvel and to think (and re-think) the idea of modern, and of marvels. Certainly I could be wrong (always I can be). Still.

Revenant said...

Obama's policies will be aimed at helping the lower classes, black or white. Whether he will actually help or not is a separate question, but he's on the side of equality.

I've been wondering how many of Obama's black supporters will start viewing him as an Uncle Tom when he *doesn't* single out black people for special rewards and treatment. There certainly seems to be a significant portion of black America which is expecting a good long stint at the federal trough to follow from Obama's election. That would give Obama a choice between pissing off black people and pissing off everyone else.

bill said...

My favorite yard tool is the pick mattock, a wonderfully useful melding of a hoe/shovel/axe. Without it, trying to shovel through Georgia clay is a pain in the ass.

A squirrel's nest is more properly called a "drey", does this mean that everyone is having a "Dre Day" today?

Similar to those Reese's Peanut Butter Cups commercials, if you mixed West Coast rap with Judaism, you'd get Dr. Dreidel.

Ann Althouse said...

I have a terrible feeling about the mattock, because I learned the word reading the Supreme Court case Williams v. Taylor, which reprints the murder's confession:

"“ ‘I had gone to Dee Dee Stone’s house on Henry Street, Dee Dee’s father was there. No one else was there except him. He had been drinking a lot. He was on the bed. He asked me if I wanted a drink. I told him, ‘No.’ I asked him if I could borrow a couple of dollars and he told me, ‘No.’ We started arguing and things started going around in my head. I just wanted to get back at him. I don’t know what. He just laid back like he had passed out. He was laying there talking and moaning to himself. I went into the kitchen. I saw the butcher knife. I didn’t want to use it. I was looking for something to use. I went into the bathroom and I saw the mattock. I picked up the mattock and I came back into the room where he was at. He was laying on the bed. He was laying on his back. I took the mattock and I hit him on the chest with it. He raised up and was gasping for his breath. He fell over to his side and I hit him in the back with the mattock. He fell back on the bed. I went and put the mattock back in the bathroom. I came back into the room. I took his wallet from his pocket. He had three dollars in it. I got the three dollars from it. I left him there. He was still grasping for breath.’ ”

bill said...

To paraphrase George Carlin, "There are no bad tools. Bad thoughts. Bad intentions..."

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