October 5, 2008

The Needles Vlog.

I'm not needling you. I'm thanking you.


Maxine Weiss said...

Well, at least she's keeping her drawers closed.

Those drawers were wide open last time.

Darcy said...

Well, I've never viewed any of Althouse's vlogs before.

That was really delightful.

Meade said...

Maybe she was winking at you, Maxine.

Now, sending hairy balls of energy through the vlog screen, affecting the minds of all the men (and even some women) of America! And she, a law professor!

Ann Althouse said...

Meade, I was going to talk about you too, but I ran out of time!

Chennaul said...

The guy asking you about the flower-too funny.

Now for the other part-

Dear Titus-

The reason Ann might have deleted you -is because she was trying to protect you...

She thought you were being-"name -jacked"...

Go google that.

I have a friend that use to blog at a site that reached 60,000 on the sitemeter a day.

He rarely deleted anyone except for threats of physical violence-and being a lawyer-his pet peeve was name jacking.

So anyways...

It was not mal intended in my view.

Anyways what else-

Oh that place that blog fell in due to the sheer weight of itself.

Moderating is an art form-it ain't easy.

Blogs are falling in the way -one of the Greeks said would undo pure democracies.

So will see if Althouse can withstand the popularity..there is sometimes too much of a good thing.

And remember this is fleeting......it's almost not "real" .

Achieve a balance and get out sometimes.

Chennaul said...

Oh cripes the other thing that did it in was...

Well be careful who you give your blog to.

Who you....."highlight"....I'm thinking that could turn into a mistake.

I'm off to go take my own advice.

Anonymous said...

I love how Ann blushed a little when she was reciting her story about the "hairy balls" plant. She is so adorable. lol

Meade said...

Thanks, but you did talk about me but maybe you just didn't know it! Haven't I ever let you know that I am, in fact, a moth? Agrotis gonadus pubescentus or, known by my common name: Hairy-balled Bogong Moth

William said...

Chivalry can be defined as the wish of the insect to protect and defend the spider that has entwined him in her net....Chivalry is not a form of affirmative action for women. It is something much higher. Women spin webs of connectivity, sometimes called civilization. Men restrain their splurges and splooges in order not to rip the fabric of the web. And we all live happily ever after until we don't.

Unknown said...

My new goal is to one day be mentioned on an Althouse vlog or front-paged. I will have to modify my commentary to be a bit more sycophantic like the people she likes, but it will happen. I am convinced. It will happen.

Meade said...

For what it's worth, I'm starting to sort of like you already, Mixalhs.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to be a female hairy-balled moth, would you?

blake said...

You winked!

Did anyone else see that? She winked!!

Meade said...

I saw it, Blake, but I wasn't going to say anything because I was hoping it was a secret telepathetic wink meant only for me.


Ron said...

1000+ comments on this blog, and I can't get a tag?(sniff) Now I'm bugged!

Ron said...

and give a shout out to my G, Victoria!

I'm Full of Soup said...

BTW WTF happened to Bissage? He got a compliment from Althouse and he disappears? Althouse mention = curse? Could it be?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Meade said:

"Telepathetic" LOL unless it was a typo.

Brian Doyle said...

1:40 to 2:20 is pure gold.

Chet said...



Stupe said...


le Douanier said...

I wonder if Althouse understands the oddness of some of her fans.

I won't name names, because that would be mean. But, there are some very prominent regulars here who, on their own blogs, have discussed how great it is to be singled out by Althouse. And, they discussed the wonderful possibility that Althouse may read their own blogs--though she had never commented, so they didn't really have proof that she read their blogs.


I ran out of time!

Maybe you could have stopped rambling about moths. Instead of all that spinning of proverbial tires you could have been more succinct: moths are "also mavericks" compared to butterflies.

Needling is good!

knox said...

I wonder if Althouse understands the oddness of some of her fans.

I won't name names, because that would be mean. But, there are some very prominent regulars here who, on their own blogs, have discussed how great it is to be singled out by Althouse. And, they discussed the wonderful possibility that Althouse may read their own blogs--though she had never commented, so they didn't really have proof that she read their blogs.

1. Odd is good

2. Getting attention from Althouse has always been more a goal of trolls than the regulars.

3. You overestimate "Althouse"--great hostess though she is--and underestimate the "community' here.

4. why be so bitter on a happy topic? don't feel bad if you don't "fit in." If there's one place people don't need to "fit in" ... it's here.

5. Anyone who *does* get singled out on Althouse should rightly be pleased. It will increase their own blog traffic. I say this as someone without her own blog.

Anonymous said...
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Trooper York said...

I just hope Titus comes back. I miss his posts and what to hear what he thinks.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Thank you, Professor Althouse!

Ruth Anne Adams said...
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Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

The photos posted on this blog are really beautiful. I know that much of that is because of the skill of the photographer, but I'd like to know what kind of camera is used for these.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

I know it's been a while since she got it, but have we ever talked about Ann's new haircut? If so, I missed that. Great cut. I love it.

Now if I could just find the right cut for myself...

blake said...


I believe if you click on the photo, you can see what camera was used in the underlying FlickR page.


You could go with a total Natalie-Portman-In-V thing. Maybe not for the winter, tho'.

Darcy said...

Oh! Thanks, blake. I was looking at a D40. But I may have to rethink this. *groans* Camera envy.

Thanks again.

bleeper said...

I used to herd cattle with King Timahoe's grandson - grand dog, whatever - and that was a brilliant Irish Setter. That Gordon setter is one ugly dog, fully grown.

Wish I had a picture of Duffy - would go in the book of "Best Redheads I Have Known".

Anonymous said...

Trooper York, I am a Giants fan trapped in Cowboys country. Send help, quick!

Actually, its pretty fun to be here and listen to sports radio when Dallas doesn't win, because they are so unstintingly detailed in their analysis of all the blown plays, ‘what ifs’, and personal pain at watching the loss.

Most cities ignore losses. Dallas wallows in 'em.

Very gratifying.

section9 said...

You know, when Althouse winked at me, I felt the little starbursts all over my body.

Ann Althouse said...

Freeman, thanks.

Re the Gordon setter... too ugly! Irish setters... famously stupid, right?

I was thinking of a big white poodle!

Rachel Russell said...

Please, pick anything else besides a poodle. Personally, I would recommend a cat. They don't smell, and they don't constantly hump your leg in an effort to gain attention.

Ann Althouse said...

What's wrong with a poodle? I mean a standard poodle. They look great, they're smart, they don't shed...

Meade said...

I think a pair of standard poodles sounds perfect.

Meade said...

Would you like me to come and train you for them?

Ann Althouse said...

Meade, are you a dog trainer?

I must say that I like well-trained dogs.

I thought I might get one of those adult dogs that someone needs to get rid of... and already trained.

I don't need a cute puppy, but a responsible, reliable, tried-and-true dog.

Meade said...

Exactly. There are thousands of them, perfectly good dogs who need someone just like you. Rescue networks for every breed and nonbreed. You'll find them on the web.

Yes, I train dogs, but more importantly, I train and teach people how to live well with their dogs. Friendly reliable service, excellent rates.

Meade said...

"...a responsible, reliable, tried-and-true dog."

There - you've already named them: Tried and True!

Peter Stevens said...

Bravo on the dog's name.

blogging cockroach said...

sorry to break in
good dog names
although a dog once
nearly got me
chomp gulp
too bad about roger
i wanted to say
it warms my heart
tho tiny
to be appreciated
so thank you thank you
professor a
for the front page
i think some
of your fans
would like a
page 3 around here
but i know you don t
run that kind
of a blog
and a lot of us
would look pretty
terrible if we
sent pix

as everybody knows
not all of my efforts
are gems and then
i have problems
of a technical nature
for example
should i use commas
periods dashes etc
which are a lot easier
on the mac
than a typewriter
and how long should
i make my lines

i am big on readability
actually i m not that big
but i m not writing
a newspaper column
either so i ve been
using 25 or more
characters per line
than is traditional
for pieces written
by a cockroach
saving althouse readers
much scrolling
as you can see
the above is
traditionally spaced

but here i am in the modern mode with lots of
verbiage per line complete with--cough--dashes, etc.

so, if you don't mind, or,
if you don t mind
i am taking a little
poll myself and asking
the readers
especially althouse
which format unglazes
their tired eyes

see how i worked in
a little pathos
so you know
i really care
about your eyes
and i m not even
running for president

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Mr. Cockroach, that was magnificent. I like the small format myself.

Meade said...

I feel sure that with the help of consistent training, highly intelligent Poodles named Tried and/or True can learn to discriminate the difference between lowly disease-carrying vermin and a rescue-worthy valuable civilized insect writer who is after all a member of the pack.

Rachel Russell said...

I don't know if there's anything precisely wrong with a standard poodle (other than the fact that owners often insist on giving them ridiculous haircuts that make them resemble Q-tips). I was probably thinking of the smaller breeds, in which every experience I have ever had with them has led me to the belief that they are absolutely stupid.

If you really are looking for an older dog, I hope you'll at least give the Humane Shelter a passing glance. I doubt you'll find a standard poodle there, but there are always plenty of adult dogs there who have nothing but uthinization to look forward to. It's where I adopted my cat from, and she's the most loving, intelligent pet I've had yet.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Sadly, my only gimmick is using my real name. Unfortunately, it's the most common Irish name in the world. There's even another John Lynch her at Althouse.

So, I guess my job is to be the most boring commenter at Althouse. Someone has to do it.

On pound pets: cats good, dogs not so much. You can get the feel of a cat in about five minutes. Either they're friendly or not. A dog can have all sorts of undesirable behavior that you won't see until you get home. I won't adopt a dog from the pound anymore. That's too bad for them, and I'm sorry, but abandoned dogs tend to have a lot of problems.

Cats just need a place to live. About the worst thing a cat can do is miss the catbox or shred furniture. If all else fails they can sleep in the garage and go outside. Most cats seem to like living outside better anyway, so that's fine. That doesn't work for a dog.

Zachary Sire said...

I don't mind poodles, although they're not for me. Not cuddly enough...they have awkward fur.

Althouse, if you get a poodle, please don't do this:


Chip Ahoy said...

Did you see the video on Ace of the airman coming home to two border collies after a 14 month deployment? I could watch that thing a million times. And by a million times I mean once all the way through.

LoafingOaf said...

I had a black standard poodle named Molly for many years (technically she was my parents' dog). Those dogs rock. You'll be happy if you get one. I want another as soon as I have a place with a big backyard so she'll be happy.

Don't worry about training a poodle. They're easy. And you don't have to worry about them running off and getting lost because they're obsessive about making sure they always know where you are so you never leave their sight.

We took Molly to one obedience class and the instructor started using her to demonstrate to the others right off the bat. People came up to us, like, "How did you train her so well!?" We were like, "We have no idea! This was her first class and I guess she's graudated! Maybe she was waiting for us to learn how to walk with her properly....."

But dogs are easy to train in general. Just a few basic things and then I let 'em learn the rest on their own from there. With the potty training, you might have some issues even if you got a pre-trained dog, because they're still gonna have to adjust their pooping habits. My experience with poodles is that they're fussy about where they poop, so a new home could be a bit traumatic for them in that department at first. For example, if we had moved while we had Molly, I'm pretty sure she'd have tortured herself holding it in, waiting for us to drive her back to her old backyard to poop. She did that whenever she was away from home for hours.

LoafingOaf said...

I don't know if there's anything precisely wrong with a standard poodle (other than the fact that owners often insist on giving them ridiculous haircuts that make them resemble Q-tips).

We never gave our poodle one of those hairstyles.

Standard poodles are so much fun. They do all the righteously cool "serious dog" things that, like, black labs and golden retrievers can do, but with more brains and coordination. Poodles were originally bred to be retriever dogs for hunters, you know.

vbspurs said...

First and foremost, love the hair. I am not one to say negative things, but the current profile pic doesn't work for you, Ann.

Secondly, I loved the visual of Blogging Cockroach choosing the flowery command button on a Mac; although to be honest, most cockroaches would probably choose to sit on a piece of crap, but seeing how his owner doesn't have a Dell, that's okay.

Thirdly, as a foreigner to your great country, I have trained myself to distinguish regional accents. I can tell a Bostonian from a Midwestern one.

But can anyone tell me if Ann speaks with any kind of regional accent?

I admit she does sound like Joe Biden -- vaguely New Yorkish.


vbspurs said...


I would usually never link to Gawker, but this photo of the daughter of Sidney Lumet and Lena Horne (!) is seriously freaking me out.

What the HELL is that under her blouse? That's not a breast. That's a Volvo.


KCFleming said...

Don't put up my Thread and Needle—
I'll begin to Sew
When the Birds begin to whistle—
Better Stitches—so—

These were bent—my sight got crooked—
When my mind—is plain
I'll do seams—a Queen's endeavor
Would not blush to own—

Hems—too fine for Lady's tracing
To the sightless Knot—
Tucks—of dainty interspersion—
Like a dotted Dot—

Leave my Needle in the furrow—
Where I put it down—
I can make the zigzag stitches
Straight—when I am strong—

Till then—dreaming I am sewing
Fetch the seam I missed—
Closer—so I—at my sleeping—
Still surmise I stitch—

Emily Dickinson

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

vbspurs said...

I would usually never link to Gawker, but this photo of the daughter of Sidney Lumet and Lena Horne (!) is seriously freaking me out.

What the HELL is that under her blouse? That's not a breast. That's a Volvo.


6:11 AM

A whole leg of serrano ham??

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Good morning, everybody!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Oh, gosh...I just sounded like Young Mr. Grace...

KCFleming said...

Needle and the Damage Done< Neil Young

I caught you knockin'
at my cellar door
I love you, baby,
can I have some more
Ooh, ooh, the damage done.

I hit the city and
I lost my band
I watched the needle
take another man
Gone, gone, the damage done.

I sing the song
because I love the man
I know that some
of you don't understand
to keep from running out.

I've seen the needle
and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's
like a settin' sun.

vbspurs said...

A whole leg of serrano ham??

Una caja china!!


...just so that I'm not confused, Ernie that is your new ID, right?


Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Sí, Victoria, mi amor.

vbspurs said...

Bweno, don't scare me like that, me ohistes!

(BTW, not the daughter of Lena Horne, but the granddaughter. It's still freaky because since Lumet was once married to Gloria Vanderbilt, that means this girl is somehow related to Anderson Cooper)

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Those relations are more complicated than the European royal families.

Speaking of Cooper, am I the only one on this Earth who could care less if he was gay or not? He reminds me or Jorge Ramos, and both of them bore me to tears.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Of, not or...I need more coffee

vbspurs said...

Another OT:

Since our blogger-hostess recently came back from living in Brooklyn for a year, thought you might be interested in seeing the new "art installation" by Brooklyn's Waterfront Artists Coalition.

It shows Palin, Piper and a felled caribou as a backdrop.

Visitors are encouraged to pose with a rifle, like at Coney Island or Brighton pier.

But one guy had a novel idea on how he'd like to pose...

vbspurs said...

Those relations are more complicated than the European royal families.

Nothing is more complicated than the inner workings of Ernst-August of Hannover's mind...

Speaking of Cooper, am I the only one on this Earth who could care less if he was gay or not? He reminds me or Jorge Ramos, and both of them bore me to tears.

Hah! Good one, Jorge Ramos. Another prematurely grey-haired man, like McCain, Fabrizio Ravanelli, and Jack Cassidy.

They're all rogues and bounders, every last one.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Isn't Ernst the new hubby of Caroline Grimaldi?

vbspurs said...

Si, they've been married for a while now, though. He whizzed in public, because he felt like it.

Think about it. The would-be King of Hannover. Middle of a Monagasgque street, unzip, pee.

It was very recherché.

Meade said...

I could read Chip Ahoy's comic writing a million times. And by a million times I mean two million times except I'd have to leave some time to also read Trooper York.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

vbspurs said...
Si, they've been married for a while now, though. He whizzed in public, because he felt like it.

Think about it. The would-be King of Hannover. Middle of a Monagasgque street, unzip, pee.

It was very recherché.

7:54 AM

Well, he's still alive. I think he does things like this because deep down he knows he's destined to die a violent premature death. I mean, he did marry her.

vbspurs said...

I mean, he did marry her.

OUCH! The Black Widow...pobrecita. I've been told she's extremely nice.

ANYWAY, listen to us gossip like we're on Gawker, or Hola! or something. I'll be back later, but if not, certainly for the debate tomorrow. Since it'll be a Town Hall style, we'll see how much we can laugh at Senator Obama's stuttering replies.

Wouldn't it be awesome if they planted Palin in the audience, and Barry called on her?

My dear, the whole world is awaiting that photo particular op -- Obama and Palin together.

I think the internets will explode.

Hasta la pasta!

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

The Needless vlog.

Now Ruth Anne is needlessly needling Ann.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

LOL, Victoria, yeah, Hola! is one of those inadmissable pleasures of mine.

OK, I am also looking forward to the debate. I just hope I can pace myself this time. It is the middle of the week, and a Wednesday morning with a hangover is not pretty.

Lorelei Leigh said...

So, I guess my job is to be the most boring commenter at Althouse. Someone has to do it.

Great, now I have nothing to aspire to. Guess I should find a new haunt. Or else actually post something on my own blog that no one reads.

Oh, gosh...I just sounded like Young Mr. Grace...

Ha! There's a show I haven't thought about in a while. I really should own this on DVD. Thanks for reminding me, Ernie.

Palladian said...

"Oh, gosh...I just sounded like Young Mr. Grace..."

If I'm to spend an evening in this club, there'll have to be accommodation for my pussy!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Palladian, my dearest, thank you!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Lorelei, it is a great purchase, trust me! It will provide you with endless hours of hearty laughs. :)

Lorelei Leigh said...

Lorelei, it is a great purchase, trust me! It will provide you with endless hours of hearty laughs. :)

Oh, I'm sure. I used to watch it all the time on PBS. I haven't seen it in ages, though.

Triangle Man said...


I'm not an expert, but based on what I've heard from her vlogs, Ann has a (very neutral) "Midland" accent. If we could get her to take this quiz she might reveal a subtle regional variation.

Ann Althouse said...

I took that test once but didn't post about it because the answer it told me was stupid: Philadelphia. That conclusion didn't match the percentages for the different regions, which were all over the place, including the south and Boston, where I've never lived. I've never lived in Philadelphia either.

"Your accent is as Philadelphian as a cheesesteak! If you're not from Philadelphia, then you're from someplace near there like south Jersey, Baltimore, or Wilmington. if you've ever journeyed to some far off place where people don't know that Philly has an accent, someone may have thought you talked a little weird even though they didn't have a clue what accent it was they heard."

I did grow up in Wilmington, with a mother from Michigan. And I lived in northern NJ, New York City (with a husband who grew up in the Bronx), and Wisconsin (for the last 25 years, but not surrounded all that much by people with Wisconsin accents).

MadisonMan said...

Re: Ann's accent. I agree that it's the featureless Midwest accent. There are traces of the original east-coaster (I have them too), but after decades out here, one does acclimatize.

Ann Althouse said...

About the profile pic: I think I look emaciated in the tiny thumbnail. Not in the original picture, however. Don't know why. I'm not emaciated.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blogging cockroach said...

sr elcubanito mentioned something
about drinking on tue
talking with victoria in spanglish
which has become become la lingua
official de los estados unidos
well i thought i d take this occasion
to share a little poem
that jose the cuban cockroach next door
wrote about drinking on tuesday
but first i d like to ask if the elector
of hanover really was peeing in the streets
i didn t know the old guy was still alive
he must be at least 300 years old or something
and what s this about a black widow named grimaldi
classy name but never get near
a black widow let me tell you
i met one once who blew in
from the coast
huge and frightening
but she didn t make it
through the summer
a little like hillary

anyway here is the poem

el vino on martes is really too soon
muy borracho since mid afternoon
if you've got dinero to buy some cervesa
the hair of the dog is good for cabeza
but you'll be inutil is all i can say
si tomas on tuesday tu pagas wednesday
now you have trabajo that you want to keep
get your ass in the saddle and say not a peep
esperas till viernes to buy you some rum
hungover domingo will prove you're not dumb

next time i swear i m writing haiku

Freeman Hunt said...

Definitely a standard poodle. Smart, solid, friendly, no drooling, no shedding--really the perfect dog. I also agree with the adult dog thing. Everyone thinks puppies are cute, but puppies are, for the first couple years, a hobby, not a companion. They are hyper and a great deal of work.

My husband and I are waiting to get a dog until all of our children are at least elementary school age. Since we plan on having several more children, we probably won't have a dog in this decade. Oh well, we don't want to be the parents who walk in to find that the "nice dog" has maimed their small child.