September 15, 2008

"What's happened to John McCain? He's running the sleaziest ads ever. Truly vile."

"Dishonest smears that he repeats, even after it's been exposed as a lie. Truth be damned. A disgraceful, dishonorable campaign... It seems deception is all he has left."

That's the voiceover on this new Obama ad:

A list of thoughts:

1. Are viewers expected to get the references? I wasn't sure what the "sleaziest ads ever," the "smears," and the "lie" refer to, and I've been following the campaigning very closely and posting and analyzing ads.

2. It seems likely that the viewer is just supposed to accept the assertion that there have been sleaziest ads, smears, and a lie, mainly because the names of newspapers appear on screen next to quotes.

3. I think quite a few voters, like me, will feel very skeptical about generic assertions and quotes taken out of context. We American voters are competent ad watchers, and I don't think this will work on us.

4. This ad screams its negativity. The ominous music. The string of very ugly words: sleaziest... vile ... dishonest smears ... lie ... damned ... disgraceful ... dishonorable ... deception. And yet the ad seeks to inspire outrage about McCain's negativity. But we're not watching McCain's ads. The example of sleaziness is the one before our eyes now.

5. The ad has a title: "Honor." And the voiceover at one point says "dishonorable." Honor is a key McCain theme, one that reminds us of McCain's military service. Does Obama -- who tells us he once considered joining the military -- think he can rip away McCain's honor by quoting the Washington Post? McCain has nothing left but deception? Why would we be ready to accept that message? This ad puts a lot of stock in the viewer's reverence for mainstream media, but don't most Americans think the media are trying to help Obama?

6. The McCain ads I can call to mind are disarmingly funny. This Obama ad is completely devoid of humor or charm. It's got a cheap "nutroots" feeling to it.

7. "Dishonest smears that he repeats, even after it's been exposed as a lie." "Smears" is plural. What's the antecedent for "it's"? I thought Obama's campaign was largely built on his brilliant speaking ability. You've got to write the adscript in solid English -- especially when you're talking about deception and tearing quotes out of context. Otherwise, you are the one we will be suspicious of.

8. I hate lies, but I also hate the overuse of the word "lie." Don't say lie if you just mean exaggeration or saying one thing and leaving out something else. Now, what exactly was the lie? And speaking of saying one thing and leaving out something else, Obama left out what the supposed lies and smears are. Using "lie" the way this ad uses lie, is this ad a lie?

9. Obama got the message that he needs to attack McCain and not Palin.

10. This ad strikes me as a big whine: Hey, no fair. Your ads work better than mine. Quit it. Or I'm telling.


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Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

For those who don't know him, John Stodder is one of my favorite Democrats and a big reason why this place can be so great when the loons aren't around.

Donn said...


Yesterday you admitted that ALL campaigns go too far sometimes with their ads. I agree, but it's funny that the only ads you like to point out are the ones run by McCain. Why is that exactly?

Roberto said...

It is difficult to compare Sen. Obama's earmark record with Gov. Palin's -- their states differ in size, for instance, and the two candidates play different roles in the process.

But using the same calculation that the McCain campaign uses, the total amount of earmarked dollars divided by the number of working days while each held office (assuming a five-day workweek, every week, for both), Gov. Palin sought $980,000 per workday, compared with roughly $893,000 for Sen. Obama.

Anonymous said...

Donn -- Don't bother with that troll. Besides, he's too busy finding the next scandal, which will no doubt stick and finally bring McCain-Palin down in a glorious cascade of gory, righteous justice.

Roberto said...

donn, Please go ahead and post the Obama ads that transgress the line of honesty.

Go ahead...

Mike Tanis said...

Google "Obama's lies" = 19,500,000 hits. "McCain's lies" = 14,500,000 hits.

A well-deserved lead for Mr. Obama.

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI for everyone: governors cannot "seek" earmarks because they don't spend federal money.

Donn said...


Got it, thanks for the advice. He's on my list along with AL so far.

Peter V. Bella said...

What a country. Here we all are betting food on the outcome of an election. Man, this is great.

Why don't we just plan to get together in some warm climate on the first weekend after the election and have a giant tailgate party?

One of those parties that go on for about two days or so. Once the election is over, who cares who won or lost. Good food, good booze, and camaraderie. That is what life is all about.

Roberto said...

seven, You're just another right wing asshole who can never actually post anything that's honest or to the point.

Bitching about people with whom you disagree, referring to them as "trolls" is dishonest and just plain simple minded.

Roberto said...

donn, you csan suck on seven all you want, but the truth of the matter is this: You can't back up your bullshit.

Peter V. Bella said...

It is an Irish semi hard cheese. I get it at Costco. Ifyou cannot find it, shoot me an email via my profile and I will send you some. There may be a food quid pro quo.

Peter V. Bella said...

Oh, and we do not invite Alpha, michael or other trolls. No need to have them pissing on our party.

Roberto said...

seven, are you actually trying to say Palin didn't request and accept earmarks?


UWS guy said...

Titus already had fun with the "My fellow republicans..."

I'd go with a new avenue macho.

Roberto said...

peter, what in the world would make you think anybody but the fellow right wing suck-asses here would possibly want to attend a party with you?

That is funny.

UWS guy said...

And it looks like there are other centrists in this thread my apologizing for only naming AlphaLiberal.

My fellow republicans, I think we can all agree that our vote is best expressed by pulling the lever for Bob Barr this comming election, for the good of our heartland.

Anonymous said...

Number of federal earmarks Obama voted on: all of them, except when he pussied out and didn't vote.

Number of federal earmarks Palin voted on: zero.

As a lifelong Democrat, it saddens me that some of my fellow Democrats have no understanding of their own government.

Roberto said...

Still waiting:

donn, Please go ahead and post the Obama ads that transgress the line of honesty.

Go ahead...

Anonymous said...

UWS -- Perhaps you are missing the root of the joke. That's what happens to idiots who don't read the thread and interject half-assedly.

Peter V. Bella said...

But as the mystery around those per diems enters its second week, there has been no signal from the McCain campaign as to whether or not it will release Palin's tax returns.

Why is Pelosi protecting Charlie Rangel? He writes the tax laws but cannot account for or pay his own taxes. Why is he still a chairman of the Ways and Means Committee? Why doesn't some one force him to resign his seat and let an honest man or woman take it?

What is Pelosi covering up?

Roberto said...

seven, Palin can't "vote" on earmarks, you moron.

But she can certainly request and accept them.

You can't really be this dense.

Roberto said...

seven, you are way, way too dumb to be a lifelong Democrat.

Roberto said...


Still waiting:

Please go ahead and post the Obama ads that transgress the line of honesty.

Talk is cheap.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
peter, what in the world would make you think anybody but the fellow right wing suck-asses here would possibly want to attend a party with you?

Ya see Mikey,
Unlike you, who have shit pipe vision, some of us have found a common denominator in our political disagreements; food.

Yes, Mikey, some of us are adult enough that we can put aside our petty and major political disagreements and come together out of a common love for food.

We are adults. We have differences, but we also have common interests that transcend politics.

Now go and nuke your kids mac and cheese and play with your conspiracy theories.

We have a party to plan.

Anonymous said...

As a lifelong Democrat, I must say that I am happy that Obama has ditched the image of post-partisan uniter that worked during the primaries and the caucuses. We need a fighter now, like John Kerry. I am glad that Obama has taken off another pair of effete leather gloves with sheepskin lining.

Roger J. said...

ok--now garage, peter and I have done the gentlemanly thing, put our wallets where our convictions are. We are cool

back to the vituperation. still waiting for some gutless lefty to tell me what he or she predicts as the outcome of this election. Only garage has the stones to do it.Alpha? no guts man? UWS guy? Come on kids--suck it up. Youare pathetic cowards..cowards. surely you can do this.

Roberto said...


Wasilla had received few if any earmarks before Palin became mayor. She actively sought federal funds -- a campaign that began to pay off only after she hired a lobbyist with close ties to Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), who long controlled federal spending as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He made funneling money to Alaska his hallmark.

Steven Silver was a former chief of staff for Stevens. After he was hired, Wasilla obtained funding for several projects in 2002, including an additional $600,000 in transportation funding.

That year, a local water and sewer project received $1.5 million, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, which combs federal spending measures to identify projects inserted by congressional members.

When Palin spoke after McCain introduced her as his running mate at a rally in Ohio last week, she made fun of earmarking. She said she had rejected $223 million in federal funds for a bridge linking Ketchikan to an island with an airport and 50 residents, referring to it by its derogatory label: the "bridge to nowhere."

In the nationally televised speech, she stood by McCain and said, "I've championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. In fact, I told Congress thanks, but no thanks, on that bridge to nowhere. If our state wanted a bridge, I said, we'd build it ourselves."

However, as a candidate for governor in 2006, Palin had backed funding for the bridge. After her election, she killed the much-ridiculed project when it became clear the state had [to cover additional costs -mk]. She said she would use the federal funds to fill those needs.[Which means she canceled the project, but kept the earmark money. -mk]

This year she submitted to Congress a list of Alaska projects worth $197.8 million, including $2 million to research crab productivity in the Bering Sea and $7.4 million to improve runway lighting at eight Alaska airports. A spokesman said she cut the original list of 54 projects to 31.

"So while Sen. McCain was going after cutting earmarks in Washington," said Steve Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense, "Gov. Palin was going after getting earmarks."

Roger J. said...

How about you Michael--you're the big talker--whats your prediction? trash talking is for losers..lay it our for us bubba-why is it so hard for you?

Roberto said...

Petey says: "...some of us are adult enough that we can put aside our petty and major political disagreements and come together out of a common love for food. We are adults."

Good Lord...

Anonymous said...

As a lifelong Democrat, I am flummoxed. Why aren't these scandals sticking to Palin? There is a new one each day, yet none of them cling to her the way rural people in Pennsylvania bitterly cling to guns and religion.

What gives?

Donn said...

I'm a righty but I think that BO will win for one simple reason.

Most people want "change," and I think for most that boils down to a change from Republican to Democrat.

Of course, any major slip before the election could change this dramatically.

Roberto said...

Obama will win going away.

McCain and his insipid V.P. Choice will be seen as they really are: Losers.

But let me guess: YOU think Sarah Palin is someone who is qualified to be President...right?

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...


Still waiting:

Please go ahead and post the Obama ads that transgress the line of honesty.

Talk is cheap.

Anonymous said...

Obama is not going to win. The dynamics of the election are set. Bill Clinton was right when he called Obama's campaign a fairytale. Reagan Democrats are not going to vote for him.

Peter V. Bella said...

Hey Mikey,
How come you do not mention Obama's boss, Mayor Daley. He gets plenty of federal dollars to waste. He barks Obama gets the cash along with his partner in crime Dick Durbin.

That money disappears down a very deep abyss.

Roberto said...

Petey, what in the world does Daley have to do with your insane statement that Palin hasn't "voted" for earmarks?

You really need to get yourself an education.

Anonymous said...

The leftist loons here remind me of nothing so much as cargo cultists, waiting for some magical event that will sweep away all the evil and bring them grand and final victory.

How'd that work out for every other cargo cult?

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Good Lord...

Hey mikey,
I would be careful about how you talk. The progressives do not like the lord stuff too much. You know religion is dangerous and all of that. They may deduct points from you.

Roberto said...

roger, why would anyone your age still be supporting the bush administration and mccain?

What does your 401K or pension look like today compared to one year ago?

Anonymous said...

How does your 401k look today compared to 30 years ago?

Roberto said...

seven, You still haven't explained you inane comment about Palin "voting" for earmarks.

Cat got you tongue?

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Petey, what in the world does Daley have to do with your insane statement that Palin hasn't "voted" for earmarks?

You really need to get yourself an education.

I have an education. I know that governors are not senators and do not "vote" for earmarks.

I also know that Daley demands federal monies for all kinds of, for lack of a better term, bogus projects. He gets his senators to get that money. They write and vote on Daley's earmarks. Those senators are Obama and Durbin.

Maybe you should study more about the real Obama and quit reading the Audacity of Hope in one hand while masturbating with the other. Political porn is not good for the soul.

Anonymous said...

I generally don't respond to trolls. You should consider it a tremendous honor when I do. I suggest a masturbatory celebration.

Roberto said...

seven, Do you even know what a 401K is??????

And do you have any idea of how they've been devastated in the last year??

I have a feeling you really don't know.

JorgXMcKie said...

Miller, being wrong isn't necessary for Leftists to consider you a liar, merely disagreeing with them is adequate, as can be seen immediately below your comment in alphaliberal's comment.

Paraphrased, "Hey! When *I* say you're wrong and you repeat what you said even though I told you you were wrong, then you're a liar."

Keeps life simple for Leftists.

Roberto said...

Petey, the fact that you would be using daley as the crux of an argument at this stsage of the election says it all: You are a fucking dolt.

Roberto said...

Dave believes lies are okay.

Dave is a fool.

Roberto said...

Dave: Point out the lies to which you refer.


Revenant said...

I generally don't respond to trolls.

Dude, you respond to trolls all the time. What are you talking about. :)

Anonymous said...

One dollar invested in the stock market in 1973 is worth about $30 today. This is why there are laws against taking your money out of your 401k until you retire. Regarding volatility, any older person who still has all their money wrapped up in stocks instead of safer investment vehicles did not take virtually everyone's advice.

You may masturbate in celebration again. Make it a good one because this is probably it for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Work with me, Rev. It's a new day here at Althouse.

Roberto said...

rev, anybody who disagrees with you or any of the other right wing nutcases here are considered "trolls."

That encompasses about 50% or more of the population.

By the way, McCain feels the "Fundamentals Of The Economy Are Strong"

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

Seven, You really DON'T know what a 401K is...or how the economy could adversely effect it. And I bet you don't have much invested in a pension or you?

You're even dumber than I thought.

Anonymous said...

Peter -- Why are you letting it get to you, dude? We're going to win. Trust me.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Petey, the fact that you would be using daley as the crux of an argument at this stsage of the election says it all: You are a fucking dolt.

Obama is from Chicago, though he did not grow up here, as you insisted. Obama owes his position to the Chicago Democratic Machine. He is bought and paid for. He is the puppet, they pull the strings. He does what they tell him to do or else. They want earmarks, he gets them. The money disappears. It is called politcal corruption. The same kind of corruption you are accusing Palin of. Except for one little fact; in Obama's case the corruption is true. We affectionately call it the Audacity of Mope.

Who is the fucking dolt now, dumb fuck?

Anonymous said...

Only a few hundred thousand dollars.

It's just like the party of the rich, isn't it? Voting against their own interests.

Anonymous said...

I thought it would get shill

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

Seven, And by the way, if you actually believe a dollar invested in the "stock market" in 1973 is only worth 30 today, I have NO idea what you're talking about.

The S&P? Which index? Which stock? Which portfolio of stocks or investments?

You can't be this dense.

Roberto said...'re actually throwing out daley as an argument?

Even YOU can't be this stupid.

Peter V. Bella said...

Seven Machos said...
Peter -- Why are you letting it get to you, dude? We're going to win. Trust me.

I am not. I get great joy out of pointing out the hypocrisy of these people. It is entertaining. I have been around to long and living in the cess pool of coruption for too long to even get mad anymore. I just laugh at it all.

Now, since I have your attention, and Roger, garage, and myself are planning a food thing. What is your contribution? Be creative. Maybe even a good beverage or something unusual? So far we have ribs and two cheeses.

Roberto said...

seven, you haven't seen a hundred thousand dollars in your entire life.

Too dumb.

Unknown said...

ann, you have stooped to a new low. congrats on becoming a republican shill.

chickelit said...

Someone has brought up the topic of 401ks. I would just like to state that my personal losses have been been much much less than during the Clinton era dot com crash.

However to be fair, I have to say I was more cavalier regarding risk then. So too was president Clinton compared with Bush today.

What is the political point to be made here?

Roberto said...

Sorry, but I can't waste another minute with the most ignorant and uninformed group I've encountered in quite some time.

Between little if any knowledge relating to politics, voting and investments, etc. this is one small-minded group.

I'll bet not one of you attended college.

Anonymous said...

Peter -- I still am unclear what Garage is giving.

Roberto said...

chicken shit: And we can ALL assume you got into the Clinton years too late?

What a crock.

Anonymous said...

ann, you have stooped to a new low. congrats on becoming a republican shill.

You! A law professor! Stooping to a new low!

You shill.

Anonymous said...

Michael -- I thought you were leaving. What happened?

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...'re actually throwing out daley as an argument?

Even YOU can't be this stupid.

You keep bringing up Palin's so called earmarks for Alaska. You keep bringing up that it is somehow corrupt or dishonest. Yet, your messiah, Bambi is beholden to the most corrupt politcal regime in the country. Daley & Co. own him. They took a nobody from obscurity and made him what he is. Don't you think they want payback?

You really are that stupid.

You are a coward and cheap too. You will not make a prediction and put up a food bet. It must be embarrassing to live off of Kraft Mac and Cheese.

Peter V. Bella said...

Seven Machos said...
Peter -- I still am unclear what Garage is giving.

I think Wisconsin Cheddar. Roger is putting up ribs. I am putting up Dubliner Cheese.

Anonymous said...

I don't like cheese and I still want the Frenchy Fuqua picture. Where is Trooper York?

Peter V. Bella said...

Seven Machos said...
I don't like cheese and I still want the Frenchy Fuqua picture. Where is Trooper York?

Oh, beleive me, once he realizes food and drink is on the line he will appear. Now we need one of the nutroots or wingnuts to out up some entertainment; no Kumbayah shit either.

chickelit said...

Michael said chicken shit: And we can ALL assume you got into the Clinton years too late?

Actually I kind of did. I missed the whole '92 erection of Clinton. I was living abroad, pretending to be all multi-culti and piling up Swiss francs earned with my advanced degree.

Jim said...

michael -

My investments are in positive territory for the year to date. So much for your multiple comment rage fest about who knows what about 401(k) plans....

Sounds like some really poor decision-making on your part to have a 401(k) that lost so much. But it can't be your own fault, right? It has to be those evil Rethugs who are to blame because you don't know squat about managing your money. They should have created a government program to teach Capitalism 101 to the maturity-challenged like yourself. Curse them! Curse them all!!!!

You know who else thinks about things that way? Small children who haven't yet learned a little concept we adults like to call "personal responsibility." If you need to, Google it and take some quiet time to do some reading. It'll be a real eye opener for you.

You made bad choices: now your account balances reflect those choices. That's the way the real world works...

Here's a hint: if you actually understood the first thing about how capitalism works instead burying your head in the transcendent joy of an imaginary socialist utopia, you would be able to understand how to make money no matter what the overall direction of the market. Of course, it must be difficult to see market trends and the like with your head stuffed so firmly up your backside.

Good Lord, man, just take it out once in a while, give it a good washing and let the sun shine on it for a while. I guarantee you'll feel better and you won't need to go online to spew impotent rage in defense of someone who would eagerly throw you under the bus in a heartbeat if you stood in the way of his personal ambition...after all, it's not like you're his grandmother or anything....

former law student said...

Hey Alpha, How come the Democrats do not fire powerful corrupt fellow Democrats for not paying taxes?

8:43 PM

Two things wrong with that statement:
1. McCain is a Republican, not a Democrat
2. After Newsweek reminded him of it this summer, the McCains paid the four years' worth of back taxes they owed on their beach house.

But remember: When you own as many houses as the McCains do, you can easily lose track of one or two.

Roger J.: What's the bet about? Did I bet when I wasn't paying attention?

Roberto said...

John McCain was asked about Sarah Palin and earmarks. He said, ‘no, she’s not taken any as Governor.’

The Wall Street Journal today has a story that in fact Palin’s project list totals $453 million dollars.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
I'll bet not one of you attended college.

My, my, aren't you the elitist.

Bill Gates, college drop out. Larry Ellison, college drop out. Steve Jobs, college drop out. Thomas Edison, fourth grade education.
Henry Ford, education unknown. Andrew Carnegie, no education. Harry Truman, no college and no law school. He "read" for the law.
Abe Lincoln, self taught. No formal education.
Damon Runyon, no formal education
Mike Royko, high school diploma

All of these people achieved success in their respective fields with no college.

Barak Obama, Harvard Law and Harvard Law Review. The best he could do was community organizer and part time law professor; until he was plucked from obscurity by the politcally corrupt Chicago Machine.

What the fuck have you ever done?

Anonymous said...

What the fuck have you ever done?

Wasted a bunch of words on Althouse and a bunch of time in the fever swamps of the far left for a lost cause, flailing candidate.


Roberto said...

jim, i'm glad for you although i don't believe you're telling the truth, unless of course your "investments" are not associated with real estate or stocks.

lying isn't good for the soul, jim.

Roberto said...

peter, going to college doesn't make one an elitist.

how dumb are you?

Peter V. Bella said...

former law student said...
Hey Alpha, How come the Democrats do not fire powerful corrupt fellow Democrats for not paying taxes?

Um, I was talking about Charlie Rangel, the Chairman of the Ways and Means Commitee and his Federal income taxes, not some silly property taxes. He is the guy who writes the federal tax laws that we are expected to follow, yet he cannot even account for his own income.

As to the bet- make a prediction on the race and put up some kind of food. So far we have two cheeses and ribs.

Roberto said...

chickenshit demeans clinton?

while we have an entire administration that never spent a day in the military, sending americans to fight an illegal war that taken over 4,000 lives and 30,000 wounded??

that takes some balls.

and some real stupidity.

Roberto said...

jim, you're lying through your teeth.

Anonymous said...

As a lifelong Democrat and as a certified Doctor of the Law, I am deeply troubled by the fact that other people who call themselves Democrats would belittle anyone for lacking higher education. Are we not the party of the common man?

More importantly, how will the bitter, unemployed, gun-crazy wackos in Pennsylvania vote for us if we continue to speak arrogantly?

I believe this election is lost.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
peter, going to college doesn't make one an elitist.

how dumb are you?

You made the derisive comment that you bet none of us attended college. Quote: "I'll bet not one of you attended college."

Evidently, you think you are better than the rest of us because you may have attended college, yet you know nothing about the rest of us. You made yourself an elitist. You think you are smarter than anyone else. That is how dumb you are.

BTW, you still have not proven that Obama was grew up in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Furthermore, as a lifelong Democrat, I believe that every member of Congress who broke the law by enacting the legislation that allowed this illegal war should be tried and imprisoned. All of the soldiers should be tried and imprisoned as well.

We must stand for law and order, even if it means losing Congress and our vice presidential candidate.

Roberto said...

Saint Palin:

"Evangelicals and social conservatives have embraced McCain's vice presidential pick for what they call her "pro-family," "pro-woman" values.

But in Alaska, critics say Gov. Sarah Palin has not addressed the rampant sexual abuse, rape, domestic violence and murder that make her state one of the most dangerous places in the country for women and children.

Alaska leads the nation in reported forcible rapes per capita, according to the FBI, with a rate two and a half times the national average  a ranking it has held for many years.

Children are no safer: Public safety experts believe that the prevalence of rape and sexual assault of minors in Alaska makes the state's record one of the worst in the U.S.

And while solid statistics on domestic violence are hard to come by, most  including Gov. Palin  agree it is an "epidemic."

Despite the governor's pro-family image, public safety experts and advocates for women and children struggled when asked to explain how Palin's leadership has helped address the crisis.

And current and former officials from Palin's administration confirmed that an ambitious plan to tackle the crisis has apparently sunk into doldrums after arriving at the governor's office.

"She's really done a lot of work on oil and gas, but when it comes to violence against women and children. . . we haven't been on her radar as a priority," said Peggy Brown, executive director of the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

*42 Meth Labs reported in Wasilla...making it the meth capital of Alaska.

Anonymous said...

Michael -- As a lifelong Democrat, I hope this latest scandal that you have found in the hothouses of the left will stick. However, I have my doubts.

Bruce Hayden said...

seven, are you actually trying to say Palin didn't request and accept earmarks?

Two different propositions. Accept is one thing, but why would she request earmarks? After all, they are, for the most part, Congressional prioritization of monies that the state governments would better spend on higher priority projects. She wanted the money, sure. But not likely the earmarks, unless that was the only way to get the money.

The difference between Congress and governors is that Congress buys votes with vanity projects in the form of benchmarks. Governors are responsible for their infrastructure, and would, in general, far prefer the monies without being earmarked.

So, my guess is that you are reading something out of context if you think that Gov. Palin actually asked for an earmark.

Roberto said...

Palin won't meet with 'Troopergate' investigator

GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin will not cooperate with "tainted" Alaska probe into firing of state commissioner, a McCain campaign spokesman says.

Jim said...

michael -

Only an idiot would have been invested in financial or real estate related stocks at any point past the beginning of 2005-06 when it was obvious that there was serious trouble in the real estate market which was bound to spill over to the financial institutions that had overexposed themselves to that market. But then I actually have a level of awareness about the economy and the world around me that you fundamentally lack.

So I guess that makes you that sort of idiot, huh? You believe that my investments have gone south this year if it makes you feel better about the poor decisions you've made in your life, but it doesn't change the numbers on my balance sheet one whit. They are what they are, and they're certainly not anywhere near smaller than they were at the beginning of the year.

You remind of the abusive husband who must belittle and beat his wife in order to feel better about how inadequate he feels in his own skin. I pity those around you who must suffer your slings and arrows because you lack the self-awareness to understand that the failures in your life are the direct result of failures in your character not those of anyone else.

As far as the effect of lying on the soul, I have no fear for mine but I'd wager that when you get a little older and a little wiser you'll grow to appreciate the effect that your incessant spewing of bile will have on yours.

Anonymous said...

It is my firm belief, as a lifelong Democrat, that just one more posting about this trooper thing here at Althouse will blow the roof off the scandal. This will be the one that sticks if you will simply continue copying and pasting.

Roberto said...

bruce, the idiot said she didn't "vote" for earmarks.

i appreciate you taking the opportunity to suck up to a fellow wingnut, but you're off point.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Saint Palin:...

Hey Mikey,
Did you ever think of a career in political fiction? Man, if you can hammer out a book fast you can take advantage of this race.

You would have to add some murder or satanic rituals. You know people dig that shit. Maybe accuse Palin of killing a librarian or her husband killing one of the guys running the meth labs in cold blood.

I know, yeah, you could have Palin as a Satanic Priestess of the Loyal Order of Moose Killers.

You know, you may have a best seller on your hands. Maybe you and Alpha could co-write it. It coul be called Liars, lies, and Moose Blood.

Roberto said...

jim, get fucking real will you???

401K's and most pension funds are locked into specific categories of investment, generally fairly conservative.

if you really think their holdings exclude real estate reits, mutual funds , etc. you're an idiot.

like i said, if yours is thriving, good for you, but i just don't believe it.

chickelit said...

michael said: chickenshit demeans clinton?

Damn straight I do. Being almost the same age as Barry, I registered for selective service. Even Barry and Bush did more service than Clinton.

Roberto said...

petey, instead of merely attacking ME, why not show the mental fortitude to actually address what's posted?

all you ever do is whine about what i say, never actually responding to or defending what is posted.

do you dispute the report? do you think it's wrong? a lie? not important?

Anonymous said...

As a lifelong Democrat, Michael, I feel compelled to inform you that you aren't real good with apostrophes. It's surprisi'g f'or some'one s'o sm'a'rt. '

Peter V. Bella said...

*42 Meth Labs reported in Wasilla...making it the meth capital of Alaska.

Hey Mikey,
Have you ever been in a meth lab? Have you ever seen a meth lab? Do you even know anything about meth labs?

If there were 42 meth labs in the small town of Wasilla, it would have to be evacuated due to a haz mat situation. It would be the equivalent of a hazerdous waste site; the whole town would be off limits.

How dumb are you? No, I won't ask that. I will state it. You really are an idiot.

Roberto said...

chickenshit, what the fuck does bill clinton have to do with anything even remotely relating to this thread?

have you been living in a cave? out of touch? didn't know bill hasn't been president for quite some time?

being a clinton hater if really OLD, OLD news.

get with the program, dude...oabama is running for president...not bill clinton.

Roberto said...


Newly minted Republican superstar and vice-presidential nominee, Gov. Sarah Palin, may have successfully fought oil interests and corruption in her home state of Alaska, but in her hometown of Wasilla, where she was elected to two terms as mayor, her iron hand did little to curb growing social problems in the tiny community.

According to published reports, Alaska State Troopers have designated the Matanuska-Susitna area, in which Wasilla is the largest city, as the methamphetamine capital of Alaska. Meth use is apparently exploding in the borough, where production has expanded nearly seven-fold in the last five years.

In 2003, authorities uncovered nine meth labs in the area. By last year, however, that number increased to 42, said Kyle Young, an investigator with the troopers who works with the local narcotics team.

Roberto said...

Petey: Anything you want to add about the meth labs?

Dumb fuck.

Roberto said...

Troopers dub Mat-Su area the meth capital of Alaska
WASILLA - The Matanuska-Susitna area is the methamphetamine capital of Alaska, according to Alaska State Troopers.

In 2003, authorities uncovered nine meth labs in the area. Last year, the number increased to 42, said Kyle Young, an investigator with the troopers who works with the Mat-Su narcotics team.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
petey, instead of merely attacking ME, why not show the mental fortitude to actually address what's posted?

You keep posting the same stuff over and over; Palin is corrupt- with no proof. I keep posting that Obama is corrupt- proof, he is part of the corrupt Chicago Machine. You attack me for blaspheming the messiah.

Obama is a corrupt Democrat. You will not accept this, but you will accept that Palin is corrupt.

Then there is Charlie Rangel who does not pay income taxes. Another corrupt Democrat. Another untouchable.

What part of all of this don't you understand. You deal in gossip. I point out facts.

Now, this is all very entertaining, but it is time to go to bed. Pleasant nightmares.

Roberto said...

Peter V. Bella said..."If there were 42 meth labs in the small town of Wasilla, it would have to be evacuated due to a haz mat situation. It would be the equivalent of a hazerdous waste site; the whole town would be off limits. How dumb are you? No, I won't ask that. I will state it. You really are an idiot."

SO, you take this all back?

Anonymous said...

I know Althouse doesn't read this stuff but, as a lifelong Democrat, I worry that Michael is going to get her in trouble for fair use violations.

Roberto said...

rangel has something to do with obama - biden - mccain - palen?

Good-bye, dumb-ass.

Anonymous said...

And, finally, I just want to thank my fellow Democrats for really making such strong and convincing arguments tonight. That's the point, isn't it? That's really the way to get people to vote for our candidate.

chickelit said...


You made the point at 10:59PM :
What does your 401K or pension look like today compared to one year ago?

I was merely pointing out that under the last democrat, 401(k)s fared much worst.

Again I ask, what was the point of your remark at 10:59 if not to disparage the current and future republican administrations?

Jim said...

michael -

Now you're just putting your ignorance of 401(k) plans on display. The vast majority of 401(k) plans allow participants to choose from a variety of investments options that range from investing in 100% of the company's stock to a mix of mutual funds to 100% cash (CDs, money market, etc.). Your statement that

funds are locked into specific categories of investment, generally fairly conservative

is categorically false except in very rare circumstances. And I repeat, if you are locking your retirement savings into a vehicle which doesn't allow you to reallocate your investments at least periodically then that is a failure of your ability to intelligently manage your money.

It's your money and therefore your obligation to see that it is well-managed. If you think that blindly handing your money over to a third-party and trusting that they are making the right investment decisions for you and your family without doing your own homework constitutes sound financial management, then you deserve to rewarded for your laziness by quickly parted from it as fools usually are.

That being said, your obvious ignorance leads me to believe that you don't even have a 401(k) - you're just repeating talking points or making wildly uneducated guesses as to what you think people's fortunes are or should be in order to fit into your preconceived worldview. So which is it: are you a parrot or just plain ignorant?

Luckily for me and my family, our fortunes don't depend on your belief so feel free to believe that my house was foreclosed on last week and I'm typing this comment from a street corner while my family is huddled in a cardboard box if that makes you happy. I don't really care because no matter what you want to believe: your unsolicited and obviously uninformed opinion is of exactly zero importance to anyone but you.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Petey: Anything you want to add about the meth labs?

Dumb fuck.

Yeah, who cleaned up the environmental hazards. He fuck face, I have raided meth labs. I know what it takes to clean up even a tiny one. 42 meth labs? Shit, that little town would be on the EPA super-fund clean up list.

Now, asshole, you want to talk about YOUR FUCKING EXPERTISE in meth labs? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

chickelit said...

michael said: rangel has something to do with obama - biden - mccain - palen?

Yes and no. Rangel drinks from the same dummies-only koolaid fountain as Obama-Biden.

MCCain/Palin- not so much.

former law student said...

Um, I was talking about Charlie Rangel, the Chairman of the Ways and Means Commitee and his Federal income taxes, not some silly property taxes.

Ah. I went to your link and it said "Rangel didn't pay taxes on beach house." That reminded me of the beach house McCain didn't pay taxes on. I didn't realize Rangel didn't pay income tax.

People with complex finances should have an accountant do their taxes.

I can't say yet who's going to win. Although the Palin pick threw me, I may yet vote for McCain. I have to look like a liberal on this blog because the doctrine of cruel neutrality precludes criticism of the Republican ticket. Preferring blogs to be "fair and balanced" I have to stick up for the jugeared guy. Give me a week or two.

Wanting to keep my veil of anonymity, when I do make a prediction, instead of a tangible food item that has to be mailed, loser will have to do 50 jumping jacks.

Jim said...

michael -

Now you put on display your complete ignorance of both time and geography. The area you cite in your article is a 24,000 mile square area. You want to take a guess as what portion of that area is occupied by the little town of Wasilla?

Your own citation notes that during the time of Palin's stint as mayor there were virtually no meth labs in the area, but there has been a decline since she left office (prior to 2003 since you obviously didn't know that).

So thank you for showing us how effective she was as a mayor from keeping the scourge of meth away from the good folks of Wasilla while she was in office. What a great endorsement of her executive management skills!

I'm assuming that you will making up signs and marching on the office of the current mayor in order to demand a return to the levels that existed when Palin left office?

C'mon, Michael, you're making this too easy...At least take the time to read the article before posting your ignorance for everyone to see. Your family misses you and is sad to see it come to this. Time for an intervention...

Jim said...

michael -

BTW, that article was cited by Milky Loads Sullivan a day or two after Palin was named as McCain's pick. It was also thoroughly dissected elsewhere within 24 hours. His deliberate conflation of the town of Wasilla with an entire region; his ignorance that she wasn't even mayor at the time of the meth lab increase; the fact that even 42 meth labs in a 24,000 square mile area doesn't come close to the number of crack houses within a 10 mile radius of Obama's house, etc.

You are either way behind the curve or have completely run out of material and so are now recycling the old slanders in the hope that there may be someone who isn't already aware of the truth.

You're getting sloppier and sloppier with each comment...Put down the energy drink and get some sleep. You're obviously suffering from exhaustion and need some down time to recuperate...

chickelit said...

AlphaLiberal said at 3:54: PM: Repeating statements when you're wrong and you've been told you're wrong is lying.

That one needs to go down on his permanent record.

vbspurs said...

WTF. I like ribs too.


blake said...

I know! Garage, Peter, et al, are the only ones who are actually going to get something out of this damn election....

vbspurs said...

I don't want it to be over just yet, but I'm getting there.

My boyfriend, who is Canadian, teased me that his country are in the midst of a general election too, and they'll be over early October, with us still a month to go!

I just smirked, and called him a moose shooter.

blake said...

A sister bit my moose once.

Wait, that's not right.

Anonymous said...

You know, Sir Archy used to analyze "Lunaticks" around here in his 18th century way. Lately, he seems to have gone in for longish essays and forgotten his duties as "Surveyor of Lunaticks."

He should come back and prescribe some Physick, or perhaps a little stay in Bedlam for some of those who run threads like this to 500 comments, saying the same thing over and over again.

On the other hand, I think he wrote somewhere that he "stood agog" at the recent Lunaticks, and could no longer perform his duties.

Anyone would stand agog around here.

As a longtime (and lately, longsuffering) Althouse reader, I recommend THIS SITE for agogness. A well-known Althouse fave, too.

I mean, where else will you find posts like, "THE CREEPS ARE TALKING ABOUT THE CELERY-STALKS?"

Cream cheese, anyone?

Moose paté?

Anonymous said...

And just think of the poor people searching for Elvis who stumble on this.

stpaulieboy said...

John McCain and Sarah Palin will be the most incompetent, corrupt administration since well, the current administration. More of the same, more of the same, everything is going so well I want more of the same. Americans for torture! Americans for market meltdown! Americans for Empire! Boomers for passing on huge tax burdens to other generations! Knuckleheads...

Anonymous said...

All right everyone. It's Tuesday morning. Time to take a day off, or at least a day off from all things political.

Wrap it up. Move on to better topics like ribs, cheese, beer, breasts, cooking, bad joke of the day, toes, sex, football or whatever.

But please, in the name of God, let's have an acrimony-free day.

Hoosier Daddy said...

garage maahal said McCain and Bush clearly don't like one another, and I can hear Junior chuckling at seeing McCain crawling to religious extremists

I don't think McCain is counting on the Islamofascist vote.

Alexander Wolfe said...

Are viewers expected to get the references? I wasn't sure what the "sleaziest ads ever," the "smears," and the "lie" refer to, and I've been following the campaigning very closely and posting and analyzing ads.

What this means is, I am apparently too lazy to follow but the most superficial of coverage before I go writing lengthy and uninformed blog posts about the campaign.

10. This ad strikes me as a big whine: Hey, no fair. Your ads work better than mine. Quit it. Or I'm telling.

In other words, this ad wasn't totally funny like the "celebrity" ad which I loved because it was perfectly aimed at someone who hates celebrities and follows only the completely superficial in politics.

RJ said...

Running this ad is incredibly foolish for the Obama campaign. Imagine yourself as a typical independent or leaner who hasn't been paying much attention to the election yet. You probably have a general feeling of respect for McCain, regardless of politics. You see this ad. Woah! What could John McCain possibly have said to make Obama so angry? So you go to the McCain website, or Youtube, and check out the McCain ads. You end up looking at most of them, because you just can't find the one that caused all the ruckus. You did, however, have to chuckle at the portrayal of Obama parting the red sea, and how he said a light would shine down on people and make them vote for him. You still can't believe he actually said those things - how come this is the first you've heard of it? Maybe that's why he's so angry, because McCain made fun of him. Also, even though you think sex ed is generally a good idea, you have to agree with that one McCain ad. Kindergarten is just too early. Why would Obama support such a thing?

VekTor said...

"Repeating statements when you're wrong and you've been told you're wrong is lying."

This is not necessarily the case. It is, unfortunately, far too often the case that when someone is "told" they are wrong, they are in fact not wrong... instead, the person doing the "telling" may be mistaken, or simply have a different interpretation.

It takes more than "you've been told you're wrong" to actually establish that you are wrong. One needs to get at the actual truth of the circumstances, determine if there are different ways of interpreting and viewing those circumstances, and then mapping that information to the positions taken by each person.

If that is done, it can often lead to an understanding that neither party was "wrong", but instead that they each saw different components of the same reality, and misinterpreted the intent of the other.

To reach the conclusion of "lying" requires even more. You would need to first establish that both parties agreed on the underlying facts of the matter in question, that the "liar" knew this information at the time of the statement, and that there was a deliberate attempt to misrepresent the truth as the person believed it at the time. Being wrong is not the same as lying.

Partisan political opponents are rarely interested in reaching such an understanding with one another. This should surprise no one.

VekTor said...

Michael wrote:
John McCain was asked about Sarah Palin and earmarks. He said, ‘no, she’s not taken any as Governor.’

The Wall Street Journal today has a story that in fact Palin’s project list totals $453 million dollars.

And did the story break out how many, if any, of these projects are actually earmarks... rather than standard funding requests?

Does the author understand what an earmark actually *IS*?

Do you, Michael?

Do either of you understand what earmark abuse is?

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