September 16, 2008

"Am I the only one who believes that blinking is actually healthy?"

"I feel it clears out irritants of the eye."

This bit about blinking on "The Daily Show" really cracks me up. [NOTE: Start at 3:50 if you like Palin, or you'll be turned off before you get to the really funny part.]


Synova said...

Sometimes he's funny. He does seem willing to take on either side and some of his riffs are really good.

ricpic said...

No he isn't. He isn't funny. He's forced.

rhhardin said...

But Bush's certainty isn't certainty. It's determination.

That in turn leads to certainty elsewhere.

Sofa King said...

Willing to take on either side? I swear he hasn't so much as mentioned a Democrat since the RNC.

Steven said...

And he seems to have forgotten Obama's exchange in a recent interview, when a reporter asked if he ever doubted himself, and he simply said "Never." Funny, Stewart didn't seem to find that kind of certainty worthy of worrying about.

Bissage said...

Personally, I think it’s a step in the right direction that Jon Stewart’s back on coke.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Never got his humor but I have not been a Democrat for 12 years.

Max Power said...

Or, if you also care about issues, you can start at 1:56 into the video.

Simon said...

Blinkin' silly.

Roger J. said...

Stewart is indeed funny--and it was good satire. But in the real world, I wouldnt want that silly son of a bitch to be in charge of picking up garbage. Because once you get past being a smart ass, you have to do something. Jon relies on his writers and his delivery. And that does fucking squat to improve the lives of anybody. So while he does make me laugh, in terms of doing anything to make this country safer, or better--he's an abosolute dipshit.

George M. Spencer said...

Staring, not blinking, or blinking incessantly is one of the early warning signs of schizophrenia.

There's something about yawning, too. LIke, if you don't yawn, you're nuts.

George M. Spencer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

Start at 3:50 if you like Palin

Can anyone explain to me why Governor Palin looks like Chrissy from Three's Company?

Either that or Hannity & Colmes changed their scheduled interview.


Zachary Sire said...

I swear he hasn't so much as mentioned a Democrat since the RNC.

He hasn't had a show since the end of the RNC (last night was his first night back), so...

vbspurs said...

BTW, Palin will be interviewed by Katie Couric before the VP debate.

(In 1 week and a half)

Palin is bumped to Wednesday 9 PM on H&C, FNC.

And both Hannity and Colmes are eating of Suzanne Somers' hand. Boy, now I know how ugly feminists feel -- men really do like pretty girls, and let them get away with anything.



Roberto said...

I wasn't blinking, I was crying.

I can't believe how many here think this woman is ready to potentially lead this nation.

You have got to be kidding.

vbspurs said...

Hey! "Our" Cathy Young is on Greta, right now. Talking of feminists' hating Palin.

She looks good. :)

vbspurs said...

Hmm. She has a slight accent. Might be the time she spent in Russia.

Roberto said...

Cathy needs to take a speaking course.

I love the draggggiiinnnggg out of words.

Very strange cadence and, oh...what an outfit.

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
I wasn't blinking, I was crying.

I can't believe how many here think this woman is ready to potentially lead this nation.

You have got to be kidding.

I can't believe how you and a few other misinformed people here think that unqualified and inexperienced guy, Obama, is ready to potentially lead this nation.

You LIARS have got to be kidding.

Then you have Mr. Hair Club For Men. There is a real loser.

Roberto said...

Speaking of being qualified, here's one of McCain top economic advisers:

SAN FRANCISCO - Carly Fiorina’s nearly six-year reign at Hewlett-Packard Co. ended abruptly Wednesday as board members forced her out, disappointed by her inability to transform a plodding technology giant dominated by printer sales into a more nimble innovator.

H-P’s stock, which has gone nowhere for two years and is down two-thirds from its peak in 2000, rose almost 7 percent after earlier soaring almost 11 percent on the news of her ouster.

*Oh, and she walked with about 40 million.

Roberto said...

Peter, I generally never inquire, but are old than 40?

Roberto said...

Peter: Sorry, bad typing:

I generally never inquire, but are you older than 40?

Chip Ahoy said...

* grabs hat, runs away *

LoafingOaf said...

I can't believe how many here think this woman is ready to potentially lead this nation.

You have got to be kidding.

These are the same people who spent the last year telling us Obama was all hype and lacked qualifications and fitness for office.

Now we see how low their standards are. A woman who has only had the guts to give one interview on world affairs just weeks before election day, and in that interview (painful and frightening to watch) she exposed herself as someone who doesn't know a god damn thing except the talking points she had stuffed into her head in the last two weeks.

Meanwhile, Althouse keeps up this B.S. about neutrality. Even if she were to anounce on election day that she's voting for Obama, it doesn't matter. She'd only be doing that so she could spend the next 4 years telling Democrats they're being unfair to her. The fact is, her one-sided blogging on this campaign (peaking with her being completely in the tank for Palin) has more influence than her one teensy vote in Wisconsin. Anyone can see who Althouse wants to win, and she's doing her best to help it happen. Instapundit's been linking to her more than ever as a result.

I find it shocking that a blogger who went over what Democrat candidates said in the primary debates about foreign policy matters so closely does not even have a thought to blog about how idiotic, ignorant, and programmed Palin sounds on the very same issues. Unless we're to believe she thought Palin sounded like a foreign policy mastermind and she was blown away by Palin's expertise on the Bush Doctrine, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, etc.

Apparently all you have to do is repeat over and over that terrorists are hellbent to kill us and Israel can never be second guessed. That is, if you're a woman who likes to shoot moose so much that Camille Palgia is getting wet.

Roberto said...

chip translated: no defense, "i know nothing."

Alex said...

Stewart is a clown. His obscene behavior early in the clip is proof enough he has the mind of 14yo boy. SIckening.

Roberto said...

"Meanwhile, Althouse keeps up this B.S. about neutrality."

THAT is the most hilarious aspect of Ann Althouse.

She knows she's surrounded by sycophants and can act as if that is indeed the she does...because "they love me, they really do."

And to think; this is a law professor.

LoafingOaf said...

Oh, Jon stewart's bit was hilarious from minute one of the clip. And this is what will do Palin in: Ridicule. I'm happy for the people of Alaska that they like their Governor, but it's a joke to ask me to consider her qualified to be VP. In fact, I find it a disgrace that a major party would think I'm so stupid as to consider Palin fit to be potentially Commander in Chief in January. If she wants to be VP or President she should spend the next four years preparing for a legit run, and then she should enter the primaries in 2012. Well, she'll probably become such a national joke before November that those dreams will be over.

Roberto said...

alex, your are very funny.

saying stewart is a clown is like saying letterman is a wise ass.

no shit??

and what in the world is it that you consider to be: "obscene behavior???"

i can't even imagine...

Simon said...

Michael said...
"She knows she's surrounded by sycophants"

Sure, but even the most sycophantic commenter here doesn't agree with her all the time and says so. That compares pretty well with the echo chamber you find on most left-leaning blogs.

"And to think; this is a law professor."

At last - Michael resorts to "you! A law professor!" Who had today in the pool?

Trooper York said...

MacReady: Somebody in this camp ain't what he appears to be. Right now that may be one or two of us. By spring, it could be all of us.
Childs: So, how do we know who's human? If I was an imitation, a perfect imitation, how would you know it was really me?
(The Thing,1982)

Simon said...

LoafingOaf said...
"I'm happy for the people of Alaska that they like their Governor, but it's a joke to ask me to consider her qualified to be VP."

Then a fortiori, it's a joke to ask you to consider the even less qualified Barack Obama for even higher office! I'm with Newt on this - for the life of me I don't understand how you people kep bringing up this asinine talking point about her experience. Sarah lacks experience? You're a joke.

Every day, looking at the hysteria on the left about Palin, my conviction strengthens that the most apt analog for this election is 1828: the visceral reaction of a horrified elite to the realization that no matter how much scorn they might pour out, or how loudly, their time was up. They had lost. Old Hickory was coming to Washington. And so is Sarah.

Bitches, I have it on good authority, get things done. Deal with it.

Trooper York said...

Cosmo Kramer: You're wasting your life.
George Costanza: I am not. What you call wasting, I call living. I'm living my life.
Cosmo Kramer: OK, like what? No, tell me. Do you have a job?
George Costanza: No.
Cosmo Kramer: You got money?
George Costanza: No.
Cosmo Kramer: Do you have a woman?
George Costanza: No.
Cosmo Kramer: Do you have any prospects?
George Costanza: No.
Cosmo Kramer: You got anything on the horizon?
George Costanza: Uh, no.
Cosmo Kramer: Do you have any action at all?
George Costanza: No.
Cosmo Kramer: Do you have any conceivable reason for even getting up in the morning?
George Costanza: I like to get the Daily News
(Seinfeld, 1995)

Roberto said...

simon, do you not see the hypocrisy and obvious irony of you, one of the very biggest suck-asses on this site...literally sprinting to ann's defense?

probably not.

Roberto said...

Sooooooooo, simon...are you saying that YOU, woith all of the other possibilities...would have selected sarah palin as the potential v.p.?

Now try for once to be...honest.

Sofa King said...

"Sure, but even the most sycophantic commenter here doesn't agree with her all the time and says so. That compares pretty well with the echo chamber you find on most left-leaning blogs."

Or on the set of the Daily Show, for that matter.

Trooper York said...

Tales from Amy's Garden 7

Fiver: There's something very queer about the warren this evening...
Hazel: Is it dangerous?
Fiver: It's not exactly danger, it's... oh, I don't know. Something oppressive... like thunder.
Fiver: I feel it too. It seems like everyone who was nice has left the garden. All the brightly colored birds. The badger. That happy frisky gay otter. Even the blogging cockroach.
Hazel: Well I think the lady is getting strange. She is muttering to herself and playing her old records. The only ones left seem to be the slugs and the vermin. They just keep talking their disgusting talk. That only leaves a few of us, the rabbits.
Fiver: Yes. But the garden is comfortable. I don't know if we can move the warren. That would be very dangerous.
Hazel: I know. But sometimes you have to move on and get to a new place. Maybe it can be a better place.
Fiver: Bigwig heard her talking. Good riddance she said as she threw all that garbage out on her front step. I think that is what is attracting all this vermin.
Hazel: Some people call us vermin.
Fiver: Some people are stupid.
(Watership Down, 1972)

Roberto said... do realize the daily a tv show...right...that has a writing staff...and audience?

would you consider the writers or audience on the tonight show or letterman to be...sycophants?

KCFleming said...

No can watch ze John Daily no more. No. Too much the high school, yes?

Simon said...

Michael said...
"Sooooooooo, simon...are you saying that YOU, woith all of the other possibilities...would have selected sarah palin as the potential v.p.? Now try for once to be...honest."

You're an idiot. I was urging McCain to pick Palin weeks before he did. I'd been making positive noises about her since the start of June. By the end of July, I was firmly in the "pick Palin" camp. I said it the day Obama picked Biden. And the week of it. And I wasn't alone.

You people have started to believe your own press. You've concocted this fantasy world in which Palin was a last-minute bolt-from-the-blue substitute pick that no one saw coming. But many of us, for various reasons, had wanted him to pick Palin for a long time before he did.

Trooper York said...

All the intellectual critics hated F-Troop. The New York Times panned us and said we one of the worst shows ever to be put on TV. They decried the simple pleasures Americans felt sitting in front of their TV’s and watching lovable cavalry troopers and Indians swindle each other in a big scam. You know so they get lot’s of money from Washington without actually doing anything. They wanted us to talk about politics. We thought we were.
(Seaman Jacobs, Ed James, and Jim Barnett, The E True Hollywood Story of F Troop)

Roberto said...

simon, the fact that YOU were recommending this your defense...of actually selecting this dolt?

you're not the sharpest tool in the shack are you?

i was hoping you had some common sense.

silly me.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Simon was pitching hard for Palin way way back Michael. It was long before you found this blog.

Roberto said...

aj, you just don't get it, do you?

i don't care when simon started touting palin...she's a frigging dolt and doesn't deserve the honor.

Roberto said...

trooper, are you comparing the mccain campaign and its selection of f-troop?

that's not a bad analogy.

Simon said...

Michael said...
"simon, the fact that YOU were recommending this your defense...of actually selecting this dolt? you're not the sharpest tool in the shack are you?"

Michael, my mistake entirely! I thought you were just an idiot. In light of this most recent comment, I see that you're a disingenuous idiot. Let's back up to your 9:46 PM comment. You said:

"Sooooooooo, simon...are you saying that YOU, woith all of the other possibilities...would have selected sarah palin as the potential v.p.? Now try for once to be...honest."

(Notice how I quoted it in my reply, just to make sure you knew what I ws replying to? Neat, huh?) So: you post this persnickety little comment asking if I, with all the other possibilities, would have selected Sarah Palin, and when I demonstrate that not only would I have done but that I urged McCain to do so well in advance of his doing so, you bitch and moan like a little pussy about me answering what I would have done? You're a tool.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Peter: Sorry, bad typing:

I generally never inquire, but are you older than 40?

Hey, are you one of those hypocrites who pass laws against age discrimination then want to bash people older than you?

WHat difference does my age make?

Are you over twelve? Are you still trying to find the Obama ancestral home in Chicago?

I'm Full of Soup said...

You know Obama is a pretty impressive person to have gotten this far. But when you look for real, tangible accomplishments and achievements beyond his schooling and colleges, there really is nothing to report.

That is the basis for people rejecting him.

Now Biden is like the guy who had been a corporate Executive V.P. with a corner office for years and years but everyone asks "what the f does that guy contribute to the company?"". Biden has just been along for the ride . He has had no positive impacts in his 3o+ years in the Senate. IMO of course. Biden is like Kerry except he is a working class guy from Scranton LOL.

Trooper York said...

There was a lot of politics revolving around the show. It was the sixties and Vietnam was in full swing. Any show that portrayed the army in a positive light was hated by the radicals and the professors and the critics. They wanted us to show the genocide of the American Indian and the cruelty of the white man. We just wanted to get Wrangler Jane’s tits in as many shots a possible.
(Seaman Jacobs, Ed James, and Jim Barnett, The E True Hollywood Story of F Troop)

Simon said...

I amend my previous comment: I suppose it's possible that Michael is neither an idiot nor disingenuous, merely possesed of the skills in written English of your average tween. If I were him, I'd rather admit to being an idiot, but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

wow, michael, do take your medication.

michael said... do realize the daily a tv show...right...that has a writing staff...and audience?

would you consider the writers or audience on the tonight show or letterman to be...sycophants?

9:53 PM

Why is this an impossibility? Please do tell.


Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
And to think; this is a law professor.

And to think you are human. Or is it sub human.

Roberto said...

simon, you're a fucking moron.

i didn't know you loved palin before i posted my comment...why is that so difficult to understand?

the fact that you already did love her...just means you were dumber than i thought.

she'll implode...just hide and watch.

Trooper York said...

The feminists really hated Wrangler Jane. Betty Freidan once threw a drink at her. They didn’t want to see a strong independent woman who liked men. They felt she should be a symbol for women who needed a man like a fish needed a bicycle. So they attacked her in the press. Said she wasn’t a “real Woman.” Made fun of her accent and her hair. I think they secretly wanted to be her. Jealousy you know. Envy. She was everything they were not. But Wrangler Jane didn’t really care about that. She was really only interested in Sergeant O’Rourke’s cock.
(Seaman Jacobs, Ed James, and Jim Barnett, The E True Hollywood Story of F Troop)

I'm Full of Soup said...


Simon was on Ann Althouse forever now he has got Palin. I guess the guy can't be satisfied.

Roberto said...

erniecu73: so, you think the entire audience and writing staff associated with the tonight show and letterman...are sycophants?

i hate to ask, but YOU do know they're tv shows...right?

some have jobs, some get the free tickets.

you can't possibly be this naive or stupid...can you?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Here I thought F-Troop was just a funny sitcom! Now you are ruining it for me.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael=Axelrod Astroturf

Roberto said...

erniecu73 - Who' s der Krug, Sie oder das Petey?

Roberto said...

AJ Lynch said..."I guess the guy can't be satisfied."

Are you sure simon's a "guy?"

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
simon, you're a fucking moron.

From the idiot who claimed from his reliable sources Obama grew up in Chicago. Then claimed his lie was misspeaking.

Still looking for the Obama ancestral home?

garage mahal said...

You people have started to believe your own press. You've concocted this fantasy world in which Palin was a last-minute bolt-from-the-blue substitute pick that no one saw coming. But many of us, for various reasons, had wanted him to pick Palin for a long time before he did.

Why do you like her though for the job she is seeking, I've never seen that explained in any detail aside from putting pro-life eye candy to get the W. I never thought McCain seriously considered picking Lieberman or Ridge - it was just a false flag sent up the pole to surprise fundies with a Great Big Anniversary Present! "McCain DOES care about us after all!".

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
erniecu73 - Who' s der Krug, Sie oder das Petey?

Oh, my, he can speak German. Wow. He does not have the balls to insult some one in English, the language of our nation.

Trooper York said...

Sergeant O’Rourke was famous for having the second biggest cock in Hollywood. After the legendary Milton Berle. He was banging everything that moved. Marilyn from the Munsters, man he did her and her Aunt Lily too. Wilbur’s hot wife from Mr. Ed, the guy nailed her while Wilbur was currying the horse of course. The chick from Hawaiian Eye, man he butt fucked her so hard she had to wear capri’s for the next three years.
(Seaman Jacobs, Ed James, and Jim Barnett, The E True Hollywood Story of F Troop)

Anonymous said...

Well, funny, you added a new qualifier: "the entire". That is not what you said. And couldn't there be a possibility that some of these shows actually do attract the same kind of people? I mean, we are not in Obamaland yet, I don't expect they bus people in. However, can't those who go on their own free will be sycophants? Where is the contradiction? After all, you are calling people here sycophants, and unless you can produce proof to the contrary, I don't believe any of them is being forced to be here.

And do tell me, where did I say I believe one thing or another?

vbspurs said...

Buenas noches, Ernie. Night all. And in case I ease up on posting a bit, see you around and behave. :)


Anonymous said...

No, German is not my strongest foreign language. To paraphrase Emperor Charles V, German would be the language I would use to yell at my horse. Alas, I live in the city, have no horse and don't care much for German.

Anonymous said...

Buenas noches, Victoria. See you tomorrow at some point. I will be busy most of the day.

Have a great night!

LoafingOaf said...

Simon was pitching hard for Palin way way back Michael. It was long before you found this blog.

Of course. All the pro-life Christianists were. This wasn't Simon thinking for himself. It was Simon following the Religious Right, as always. McCain wanted to pick Lieberman or Ridge. He was forced to pick Palin at the last moment by the very people who trashed him for the past decade as a "Rino" Republican. The very people who approved of, or at least abided, Bush's smear campaign on him and his family in 2000. These very same smear artists say we're being too hard on Palin, someone who wants to be VP in just a few weeks but we're told we're not allowed to ask questions because it is supposedly self-evident she should not just be VP but President simply because she didn't abort a Downs Syndrom baby and she likes to shoot moose.

A question was asked in a previous post on this blog. What would David Foster Wallace think of McCain now? It's not hard to answer. He'd think McCain is a sell-out. When Obama's campaign put forth the question in a recent ad "What happened to John McCain?" it was wasn't just the Obama campaign wondering that. It is also people like me, who supported McCain over Bush in 2000, wondering that. He allowed the Religious Right to pull off a coup after they were defeated in the GOP primaries.

The hype on Palin is fading fast because she was a deer in the headlights in the ABC interview. How embarassing for all the people who were pushing Palin on McCain all these months. And now we know definitively who people like Simon consider the most fit for office in a time of war. He was all into John McCain's ads pre-Palin that asked of Obama, "But is he ready to lead?" Those ads don't make any sense anymore now that McCain buckled and went with Palin.

Simon said...

Michael said...
"simon, you're a f******* moron. i didn't know you loved palin before i posted my comment...why is that so difficult to understand?"

Let me help you out. In other words, you admit that when you questioned my integrity in your 9:46 PM comment, suggesting that I was dishonest if I suggested that I would have selected Palin, you were talking out of your ass. You admit that you had no idea what my views on Palin were or when I began supporting her, ran your mouth anyway, and now apologize for the insult to the extent it rested on nothing more than prejudice. You retract the implicit accusation that I was defending her for purely political reasons because McCain picked her and now I'm stuck with her like it or not.

Apology accepted.

Simon said...

LoafingOaf said...
"Of course. All the pro-life Christianists were. This wasn't Simon thinking for himself. It was Simon following the Religious Right, as always."

You're an even bigger idiot than Michael. I "follow[] the religious right"?! I'm an agnostic, you fuckwit!

Simon said...

Loafing Oaf, you're a liar. Give me one example - just one - where I've "followed the religious right" to a position that couldn't be reached but for that explanation. Abortion won't do it; there are secular reasons to be pro life. So name one. Just one. Any one. and have a URL to back it up.

Trooper York said...

Now the Indians on the show were real pot heads. They just sat around and smoked the peace pipe and got the munchies. They were the laziest bunch of complaining bastards I ever ran across. Most of them later went on to become community organizers. Now Bald Eagle wasn’t so bad. He just liked to talk and talk and talk. Of course he could never come up with anything original. He would always try to rip off other people but he could never get it quite right. “I will fight no more, whatever.” I heard he later ran for Senator from Delaware.
(Seaman Jacobs, Ed James, and Jim Barnett, The E True Hollywood Story of F Troop)

Roberto said...

erniecu73 : I can tell you're not very experienced.

TV shows give out FREE tickets, numbnut.

People from every part of the country make up the audience while visiting LA and a few in NY.

Simon said...

AJ, with all due respect, my affections are more complex than you suggest, but are not germane to this conversation.

Sofa King said...

I'm shocked, shocked! that they couldn't think of a single joke about Charlie Rangel. Surely, there is nothing the least bit humorous to be mined from that whole situation.

Peter V. Bella said...

Just think. Your car. Windshield. Michaelbug.

Anonymous said...

michael, what difference does it make?

Again, is it impossible that only people who agree with the host will show up? Or at least a large majority?

How would that be changed by people coming from everywhere?

Are you suggesting that people who share certain points of view are confined to certain geographic spots in the country? Couldn't people who share the same POV from different parts of the country, and while visiting LA and/or NYC, go to one of these shows on their own free will? How is that impossible, illogical or even unlikely?

And why am I not experienced? On what?

Roberto said...

Simon, let's give this another shot, since you're rather dense:

I said: "Sooooooooo, simon...are you saying that YOU, with all of the other possibilities...would have selected sarah palin as the potential v.p.? Now try for once to be...honest."

How does that in any way infer that I "questioned" your "integrity" if i didn't know you already loved Palin? I asked the question not knowing your position.

C' it again...think about it...


Roberto said...

erniecu73: For crying out loud...have YOU ever attended a show?

The audiences are shuffled in and out all day and are made up of Americans from every part of the country and every demographic.

Some obviously like the host, but 99% are there to see the celebrity guests, dipstick.

You're either just dumb as a frigging stump or merely argumentative.

Palladian said...

Does anyone else think that "Michael" is a shell script that Ann installed on her blog to drive up her hit count and therefore her ad revenue?

Roberto said...

erniecu73: And by the way, this entire discussion started when I suggested Simon is an Ann Althouse sycophant (suck-ass).

You don't think so?

Just read Simon's comments whenever she comes into play.

LoafingOaf said...

Michael, I know it's hard to believe anyone in their right mind would've been pushing Palin on McCain months ago, but I can attest that the extreme right wing of the GOP was indeed pushing her for months. They didn't really know much about her. The first time Althouse posted about her some months ago, all these people were just like, "Ohhhh, hot! She wears fur and looks sexy killing animals! Plus, she's against abortion! What more do ya need to know?!"

It's kinda funny that all the selling points from McCain and Palin from the convention about what a reformer Palin is have come crashing down as a bunch of hype and lies.

But they don't care.

These are people who watched that ABC interview last week and thought she came off as the most fit person to be Commander in Chief that they can imagine! It's not even a lesser of evils thing going on. This is their ideal of a candidate. A country that used to have people like Thomas Jefferson in the White House now has all these Religious Right clowns running around thinking Sarah Palin is the ba-all, end-all. They actually hope that McCain kicks the bucket in January so Palin can take over sooner than immediately. In case anyone thinks they are impressed by McCain's service to his country over his lifetime. These people actually despise John McCain, as they proved for years and won't be fooling me now that they think they've got McCain under their control and will endure him as long as he does as they say. McCain sold his soul and that pleases them. Well, congrats, you won a victory over McCain's soul that even the Viet Cong could not pull off, but you have your work cut our for ya if you think you're winning the general election.

Roberto said...

Palladian: Instead of trying to be cute, why not provide an opinion relating to the tops at hand?

Trooper York said...

All of our fans loved Wrangler Jane. You know the regular people in flyover country. They liked how she was a straight talker and they loved the fact that she was a great shot. I saw her shoot a buffalo once from 300 yards away and she even got a rabbit on the run. Of course there was the scandal about the time she shot Bullwinkle while he was walking past the set one day but she had a good excuse. She had been drinking all night and had been really reamed out by Sgt O’Rourke when he woke up next to her that morning. So she wasn’t too steady on her pins. That was why she missed the shot. I mean she took out a piece of his left antler but at least she didn’t kill him. Anyway it all turned out ok. It became a symbol that if you wanted everyone to know you were gay, you would chip off a piece of your left antler.
(Seaman Jacobs, Ed James, and Jim Barnett, The E True Hollywood Story of F Troop)

Roberto said...

LoafingOaf: Oh, believe me...I know why Palin's there, I just find it hard to believe thinking people would risk our country for pure hard Christian right politics.

Anonymous said...

I think, michael, that you are truly too stupid to see the point of your own idiocy. I am familiar with the process you describe. (I have never been to a talk show, nor do I desire to go to one, but I have known people who have. Me elitist? Absofrackinglutely) However, it would be fair to point out that the scenario you describe does not apply to the Daily Show, which is indeed the matter of this thread. And you know so.

Good night, Simon, Ann, Peter, trooper.


Roberto said...

VETS for McCain?

The [disabled]veterans, at Bally’s for their national convention, gave him a tepid reception, especially considering McCain’s life story. The Arizona senator was a Navy pilot shot down over Vietnam, tortured and held as a prisoner of war for 5 1/2 years.

Just one of 14 veterans interviewed by the Sun after his speech said he is a certain McCain voter, and the nonpartisan group’s legislative director expressed concerns about McCain’s proposed “Veterans’ Care Access Card.”

Palladian said...

kill -Michael $_pid

Palladian said...

Palladian: Instead of trying to be cute, why not provide an opinion relating to the tops at hand?"

I don't have to try to be cute, it just comes naturally. And I don't have any opinion of Jon Stewart, though I really doubt he's a top.

Roberto said...

erniecu73: Oh, okay.

I love it when someone has absolutely no real defense of their arguments, then retreat, using the time worn and stupendously stupid "elitist" slam.

Oh, and the Daily Show is exactly the same, dumbshit. Free tickets, celebrity guests...and hey...the show is also FUNNY.

You just can't stand the fact that there are people who do not agree with your hard right wing views.

Roberto said...

Pallidian says: "And I don't have any opinion of Jon Stewart, though I really doubt he's a top."

That's an opinion numbnut.

Palladian said...

Are you a top, Michael?

Palladian said...

ASL? Stats? No pic, no dick.

Zachary Sire said...

How's this for an argument: I like Obama. I don't like McCain. Obama represents my values, McCain does not. Obama has a better sense of what is going on in this country and thus can work more efficiently to solve its problems, I don't see McCain having any idea what is going in this country. Obama is highly intellectual and a good communicator, McCain doesn't appear to be that smart and doesn't inspire people with his words. These are just some of the surface, gut-level reasons why I'm voting for Obama. I don't think he's the best this country has to offer, but he's the best we have right now. Palin shouldn't even be an issue. She's meaningless.

LoafingOaf said...

Jon Stewart is more fit to be President than Sarah Palin.


Roberto said...

erniecu73 - ¿Es usted Simon que fecha, también? ¿Petey sabe?

Roberto said...

Zachary Paul Sire: GFL with this gang of crazos.

Roberto said...

palladian, oky, okay, i admit it...i'm above sea level.

Trooper York said...

I always felt bad about Corporal Agarn. He tried so hard. He would scream and yell and get his spittle over everyone. He wanted everyone to do things his way. To believe what he believed. He couldn’t stand to see anyone else have a different opinion. He would hit them over the head with his opinion like he used to do with his hat. He just couldn’t understand why no one cared what he thought. It was just everyone agreed after meeting him for five minutes. He was just a moron. I hear he is holed up in San Diego in his 92 year old mother’s basement posting comments on the internet while eating Cheeto’s and peeing in his Depends.
(Seaman Jacobs, Ed James, and Jim Barnett, The E True Hollywood Story of F Troop)

Palladian said...

"I like Obama."


"I don't like McCain."


"Obama represents my values"

Obama can represent almost anyone's values. Just tell him your values and he'll make a nice speech about them.

So you're against gay marriage? Are those the kind of values you share with Obama?

"Obama has a better sense of what is going on in this country"

He does? How do you know? What makes you think that? He actually seems pretty clueless about what's "going on in this country", other than outside a couple of metropolitan areas.

"...and thus can work more efficiently to solve its problems"

How so? What makes you think so? And what are the problems that he can solve? The economic instability we're experiencing? Maybe so, he does seem to have friends and supporters at the top of Freddie and Fannie.

"I don't see McCain having any idea what is going in this country."

Why? What makes you think that?

"Obama is highly intellectual and a good communicator"

"Highly intellectual"? What makes you think so? Is he a SOOPER GEENYUS? Because all I hear is a big ninny repeating the words "hope" and "change" and parroting failed social democratic political ideas, none of which seems particularly "intellectual". He might be a good communicator. I don't know. He's never actually communicated anything to me. He does seem to be able to gas people in clouds of pretty generalities. Perhaps that's what passes for communication. Or maybe you mean communicator as in communicable. Because his campaign did seem to spread mysteriously like an annoying nasal virus there for a while.

"McCain doesn't appear to be that smart and doesn't inspire people with his words."

He doesn't "appear smart"? What does "appearing smart" mean? Do you have to be wearing an Einstein fright wig or be in a wheelchair using a Stephen Hawking voice? Because using those criteria Obama doesn't "appear smart" either. In fact, I think Stephen Hawking is a much more interesting speaker than Obama. Maybe Obama should take some classes from him.

"These are just some of the surface, gut-level reasons why I'm voting for Obama."

Your guts are on your surface? Ouch. See a doctor. Of course, that does explain why you have this mysterious "gut level" reaction to the Obama virus (the highly communicable one)- your guts aren't very deep.

"I don't think he's the best this country has to offer"

You don't say!

"...but he's the best we have right now."

That must be a real bummer for Democrats.

"Palin shouldn't even be an issue."

Tell that to the Obama campaign and Obama's legions of followers. She's been their number one issue since the nomination.

"She's meaningless."

Fate is often meaningless. Resign yourself to it. Because it might be coming to smack you in the ass in November. It might be meaningless, but it sure will sting.

Athena DePaul said...

I love Sarah, and I laughed throughout. Loved Tina Fey too.

I'm trying not to let my defensive outrage at the media kill my humor gene. It's a lot easier when most polls have our team up.

LoafingOaf said...

It's a lot easier when most polls have our team up.

I'm not on a team. I just want what's best for America.

The latest polls have it a tie again, in case you're not up on things.

vbspurs said...

Athena, guys, I thought you might be interested in this little gem, since you liked the SNL/DS yucks.

You may know that Babs Streisand is hosting a fundraiser for Obama tonight (the evening's still young in LA).

But did you know that McCain can sing him a pretty good Streisand repertoire?

Do not drink milk whilst viewing.


Revenant said...

Obama represents my values

Wouldn't he have to reveal some values at some point for you to know that?

Palladian said...

"I'm not on a team."

I'm certainly glad you're not on my team, you miserable twat.

Roberto said...

Palladian just can't understand how someone just might not agree with him and his fellow McCain drones. Just can't get it through his thick, pointy head:

Roberto said...

rev, speaking of "values," tell us what YOU'VE ever done for America or its citizens.

Let's hear it.

Roberto said...

palladian, are you a teenager?

Roberto said...

palladian, this has to be one of the most inane comments i've ever encountered: "Fate is often meaningless."

now, where in the hell would you come up with something like that?
and what would possibly make you think it even makes sense?

as in what? the fate of the world?
one's fate in life?

you got it out of one of your comic books, didn't you?

AlphaLiberal said...

"palladian, are you a teenager?"

Now, I was just surfing by but have been wondering about that with a lot of the con's around here. They seem awfully, er, testey. As in too much teste-sterone.

And I'm man enough to admit, I blink!

Beth said...


I don't think I've seen you post here why you are voting for McCain. So far as I know, you just vote GOP as a matter of course. Why does he have your vote?

Beth said...

[NOTE: Start at 3:50 if you like Palin, or you'll be turned off before you get to the really funny part.]

Ruthlessly neutral, you say?

DaLawGiver said...

Does anyone else think that "Michael" is a shell script that Ann installed on her blog to drive up her hit count and therefore her ad revenue?

At first I thought he was Luckyoldson then I realized he wasn't as smart or profane as Lucy. He just a 3rd tier troll.

DaLawGiver said...


How's the Big Easy doing, all the media attention is rightly on the Houston area but did you guys get any damage?

I can't think of NO without thinking of my first taste of real red beans and rice, Popeye's Fried Chicken, and The Cafe Du'Monde. Now I'm hungry dammit.

Sofa King said...

I appreciate your honesty ZPS.

This campaign season is sending me into a spiral of loneliness. The phoniness is suffocating.

Beth said...


These two storms, Gustav and Ike, have worked a hurt on parts all around us, and below us. We're pretty much fine in New Orleans, but I have a couple of students just 30 miles from here, and they're still flooded in a low-lying part of Jefferson Parish, where levees didn't hold up to the wind pushing water up. Sitting here, high and dry in my house, it's hard to really understand the big picture.

But I am finding it so hard to read detailed reports about Houston and Galveston; it's just all too familiar.

Until you asked, I hadn't realized how much I'm compartmentalizing the whole last couple of weeks and just trying to keep my classes on track, clean up the storm debris in my yard, and appreciate the amazing, empty Gulf.

Here's a plug: A guy who lives down the street is renting a truck to drive supplies in to Galveston -- he's a Weather Underground blogger, and a New Orleanian who knows what we needed after Katrina. There's a Paypal link on his wunderground blog, if anyone's interested.

The good food is still in the pot, LG -- and it's about to be the best time of year to visit. I made a magnificent jambalaya Sunday for the Saints game. (The bums lost!) Red beans are in pots all over town, every Monday.

reader_iam said...

Oh, my golly Ned and then some, was there a stretch there when Stewart was channeling Red Foxx? (Oh, whatever.)

Since you asked, my impressions:

Funnier than Fey. Possibly aware of the two--nay, three--definitions of "fey." OK, whether he's aware or not of those definitions, he still managed to capture some of the humor inherent in all three. Which is more than I can say for Fey, or the 1) fey, 2) fey and 3) fey commenters here.

Anonymous said...

Start at 3:50 if you like Palin, or you'll be turned off before you get to the really funny part.

Oh noes! Avert your eyes! Put your hands over your ears and sing the "Happy Days" theme song! Keep your heads in the sand!

Jon Stewart is really really really nasty in those first four minutes. He can be such a big meanie sometimes!

Stewart is a clown. His obscene behavior early in the clip is proof enough he has the mind of 14yo boy. SIckening.

Yes! Sickening AND obscene!

Revised Althouse Advisory:
To be safe, only watch the part from 4:30 to 4:40 and then the part from 6:24 to 6:47.

Anonymous said...

it's possible that Michael is neither an idiot nor disingenuous, merely possesed of the skills in written English of your average tween.

Possesed? Hee hee!

Oops, sorry for the interruption. Please continue your lecture on skills in written English.

rhhardin said...

The new Princess Summerfall Winterspring was an immediate sensation on American television. The elaborate transformation ceremony not only turned a puppet into a girl, it also turned an unknown but precocious talent into the most popular character on daytime TV, overnight. It wasn't only the kids who were interested. Suddenly, for some reason not entirely clear to the kids, many of their fathers wanted to watch too. Judy was smart, curvy, and obviously young and dewy. There had never been anything like her on television before. Variety raved: ``The effect of the new Princess's dramatic entry] was like a breath of fresh air. The harshness and crudeness which so many parents objected to in Howdy Doody now appears to have been largely a case of too much masculinity.''

Everybody on the show was thrilled with Judy. All the men fell in love with her immediately. Bob Rippen remembers her as ``terribly bright and beautiful young girl who just bubbled. She was all show business and charmed the whole crew.'' But one cast member wasn't so thrilled. This was Rhoda Mann, who was fired again almost as soon as Judy was hired.

Say, Kids! What Time Is It? p.111

William said...

Hugh Grant blinks; Clint Eastwood stares; Jon Stewart squints. The way you look at the world determines how the world looks at you.

KCFleming said...

This time I got to about 1:21 in the video before being overcome by sophomore fumes. Nearly had to run out of the building.

The perpetual adolescent sneer of the left (and now alarmingly more often found on FOX) is the reaction of a moronic mob.

Unable to handle an open discussion of the issues, we are left with eye-rolling, mocking, deriding, and shouting down our opponents. The only weapons of teenagers lacking rhetorical skills and information.

Yeah, sure, I still laugh at fart jokes and all, but Hey, here's a spot where John Daily mocks a conservative just doesn't seem to merit more than a "Re-runs again?" response.

An old BBC show called Rumpole of the Bailey had very funny dialogue with witty cuts and jabs at the expense of the Conservative Party in England. Smart and funny. But our own Daily is about as clever as the host of America's Funniest Home Videos.

You'd think they could afford good writers.

Anonymous said...

The perpetual adolescent sneer of the left (and now alarmingly more often found on FOX) is the reaction of a moronic mob.

Sorry Gramps. :o(

For the record, we prefer "whippersnappers" to "moronic mob."

Hey, here's a spot where John Daily mocks a conservative

Okay okay, you've convinced me you're over 80 years old and you're struggling with that gosh darn television contraption. Are you spry enough to shake your fist at "John Daily" by yourself or do you need help?

Unable to handle an open discussion of the issues

Is this a snide reference to the McCain camp's determination to protect Palin from questions?

Yeah, sure, I still laugh at fart jokes and all

Of course, what could be funnier than aerosolized poop?

I know you're tooting your own horn (heh), but if you think your excessive flatulence makes you a funny guy, you should consider getting a second opinion. Maybe a medical opinion too. For example, your frequent anal volcanoes could be the result of too much anal sex. Do you shart? If so maybe you suffer from fecal incontinence. If you have daily eruptions of over 6.8 on the Rectum scale, you ought to have a professional look into it. Serious problems like IBS might be causing you to play the trouser tuba throughout the day.

You can see that I care Pogo. That's the kind of person I am. :o)

Take care Gramps.

Rich B said...

The first 3:50 was actually useful in understanding just how insular the Daily Show's audience is. Not for them any nuances about the Bush doctrine (or whether there really is a single Bush doctrine). She doesn't blink! Bush said he will not blink! The audience drools - they know what to do when the magic words are said. Bush! Idiot!

KCFleming said...

"Take care Gramps."

Oh, man, has I been pwned!!1!

Garsh, the left is full of comic genius these days.
krylovite is a regular Margaret Cho or even a Whoopi Goldberg. Nonstop laffs aplenty.

It's like I'm back in the lunchroom and Riverdale Middle School. Pretty soon, krylovite will talk with food coming out of his mouth. Gawd, funneee!

Hoosier Daddy said...

I suppose it's possible that Michael is neither an idiot nor disingenuous, merely possesed of the skills in written English of your average tween.

Michael is Luckyoldson guys. He may have a new name but he's the same old troll.

Bissage said...

Pogo’s exactly right.

"Mr. Stewart describes his job as 'throwing spitballs' from the back of the room and points out that 'The Daily Show' mandate is to entertain, not inform."

Anyone who takes “The Daily Show” seriously is a fool, by definition.

Most illuminating was Jon Stewart’s all-choked-up, robot-death-speech, spiel-of-contrition he delivered at the beginning of the first show after 9-11 where he compared himself unfavorably to the everyday heroes who actually, you know, do stuff rather than “sit in the back of the class laughing and throwing spitballs.”

That’s a quote from memory.

Maybe it’s on teh YouTubes or something.

You can look for yourself.

Rich B said...


I wondered what happened to LOS. I think you may be right about Michael - he's got the LOS MO. Sequential posts each expressing one thought nugget - "and foithermore!"

Simon said...

krylovite said...
"Possesed? Hee hee! ¶ Oops, sorry for the interruption. Please continue your lecture on skills in written English."

"Possessed of" is a fairly common locution, and a typo - accidentally omitting the fourth S - is hardly the same as the apparent basic incompetence in communicating a point demonstrated by Michael last night.

Jon said...

Rasmussen poll:

In hypothetical presidential matchup, Palin beats Biden 47% to 44%.

Would be interesting to see Palin vs. Obama (a matchup we are likely to see in 2012 if McCain loses).

Palladian said...

"The audience drools - they know what to do when the magic words are said. Bush! Idiot!"

That's one of the reasons I don't like to watch any show produced with an audience present. The hosts get soft and toss out applause lines and the audience dutifully honks and claps like some poor seal in a carnival. It's embarrassing.

TJ said...

Palladian, I take it you skipped the convention speeches then?

KCFleming said...

I skipped it all, except Sarah not-so-Plain and Tall.

MadisonMan said...

To bring the line of comments back to actual topic, I thought parts of the bit were funny -- the blinking part. Too long for the set-up though.

As for ages, Simon is very young IIRC. (That's less than 30). Is that younger than zps? Ann is the same age as my sister, who is 10 years older than I. I think Hoosier Daddy is older than I am, and I think pogo is too. Beth is younger. But I'm not sure what I base any of that on. But I've read Blink -- a great book -- so maybe I'm right.

Palladian said...

"Palladian, I take it you skipped the convention speeches then?"

Absolutely. I read the transcripts of the ones I was interested in "hearing".

Palladian said...

My aversion to audiences has nothing to do with political affiliation, either. I'm just as grossed out no matter the politics. I distrust the mentality of crowds across the board.

Crimso said...

"Possesed? Hee hee!

Oops, sorry for the interruption. Please continue your lecture on skills in written English."

I'm as much of a fuckup as the next person. No, I take that back. I am definitely a world-class fuckup. But I hope that any attempts I make at sarcasm don't fall as flat as that one. I would recommend spellcheck, but I am fundamentally opposed to using it in my own writing.

Simon said...

Jon said...
"Would be interesting to see Palin vs. Obama (a matchup we are likely to see in 2012 if McCain loses)."

Michelle promised us that we only had to beat him once and thereafter he wouldn't run again. I fancy that the runoff in '12 will be Hillary against Sarah, and I like those odds.

MadisonMan said...
"As for ages, Simon is very young IIRC. (That's less than 30)."

28 (it's in my blogger profile!) - although I note that I have a teenage (step)son, and you'd be surprised how quicky that ages you.

MadisonMan said...

and you'd be surprised how quicky that ages you.

No I wouldn't. I'm living it. :)

BJK said...

I remember stand-up Jon Stewart; loved his earlier work on Mtv and his old routines.

From that background, it's sad to see Stewart doing this kind of show. I wasn't alive to see Elvis, but I imagine that watching the Daily Show over the past 8 years has to be akin to seeing Elvis perform in Vegas: the voice is still there, and he's still a crowd pleaser, but there's nothing groundbreaking anymore.

Jon Stewart doesn't have to work for a laugh anymore. All he does is talk cynically about politicians, and the people who go to his show to hear that eat it up.

I didn't laugh at the clip at all...until he got to crab porn. That's the Jon Stewart I remember. If I didn't have to sit through 6+ minutes of indoctrination to get there, I might still watch his show.

Anonymous said...

Michael said...
erniecu73 - ¿Es usted Simon que fecha, también? ¿Petey sabe?

11:10 PM

Can someone slap this kid with a copy of Bablefish for Idiots? It will be much appreciated.


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