August 11, 2007

"As the example of Nuremberg suggests, journalists who act as propagandists for war crimes may one day find themselves on the scaffold."

"You would be well advised to strive for more balanced and accurate coverage in the future," writes 9/11 conspiracy theorist -- and erstwhile UW part-timer -- Kevin Barrett. He's displeased with the way a journalist covered the recent 9/11 "Truth" conference here in Madison.
The reporter's aim in offering such a wildly distorted view of the conference can only have been to libel 9/11 truth seekers as paranoid -- a task that Isthmus already accomplished last summer, to its eternal shame and perhaps its eventual prosecution.

This libel, like the 9/11 blood libel against Muslims, dehumanizes its victims and makes its author, editor and publisher complicit in the holocaust of the 9/11 wars -- a holocaust that has already killed more than 650,000 people in Iraq alone and destroyed the lives of more than 6 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan by making them refugees.
Paranoid about being considered paranoid, the paranoid want you to be paranoid too.

By the way, the last time I wrote about Barrett, he emailed me asking me to come on his radio show. I said, "No thanks. Sorry." Which I thought was pretty nice, considering. He comes back with: "Guess I'll have to update the Cowards List." With that is a link to a website with "a long list of gutless wonders who have publicly insulted him but chickened out of debate proposals." There, I'm listed as "chatter-blogger Ann Althouse."

My response to that email was one word: "Whatever." Which, again, I think is damned nice, considering. He responds with an insult: "didn't realize you were capable of brevity ; )."

And then I start getting cc'd on email between him and some other character:
I heard UW Law professor Ann Althouse has declined your invitation to be on your radio show.

That's pretty lame. She has been bashing you on her blog for over a year now, with childish comments. And this is a person supposedly qualified to teach UW students?

My ex-girlfriend had her for a professor a few years ago, and her controversial political views showed through according to my ex.

Republicans have some twisted views on the Constitution.

Most republican voters still think Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks, which gives you some idea of their lack of intelligence.

Talk about a wacked out view! The hijackers were linked to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, not Iraq. Only a racist would think that Iraqi's were behind it.

Good luck on your radio show.
Note the "you, a law professor" theme. I wonder what my "controversial political views" were. That the states might serve as laboratories of democracy? That Scalia is actually not the devil incarnate? That Al Gore in fact lost the election in 2000, quite aside from anything the Supreme Court did. I mean, what, really?

Barrett responds to his emailer:
You would think that if I were so crazy and my views were so baseless, a law professor of all people would be capable of publicly dismantling me and my views, and would jump at the opportunity.

The fact that nobody on the other side is willing to debate, and their ever-increasing hysteria when discussing the issue, suggests that they know they're wrong, which means that at some level they know they're complicit in covering up mass murder and high treason. No wonder they just ram their heads further and further up their...I mean, in the sand.
Again with the you-a-law-professor.

Funny how he can't think of some other reason(s) why I might not want to go on his show.

I do have some curiosity about how he could still -- after what's gone on in Iraq -- cling to a theory that requires bizarre hyper-competence from the government.

The other emailer responds:
I doubt Ann knows much about 9/11 so she is not going to debate you.

All she knows is that the Arabs did it, which I find a bit racist.

Both the airplane stewardesses on Flight 11 who called in said there were FOUR hijackers on board.

Yet people like Ann insist there were five hijackers.

How does she know this?

Because there were FIVE Arabs on the flight manifest.

Sounds pretty racist to me.

And the stewardesses gave the seat numbers of the hijackers, many of which were non-Arab passengers.

People like Ann presume to know more about went on board Flight 11 than the airplane stewardesses themselves.
Interesting to see the conspiracy mind at work, isn't it? I've never written or even thought about the number of Arabs on Flight 11. Yet somehow I'm insisting. And racist.

Barrett responds:
well if she admits her relative ignorance on 9/11 and apologizes for her ignorant insults we could always skip 9/11 and talk about things we're both interested in, like the Beatles and the Kinks ; )
Again with the emoticon. Are conspiracy theorists always winking at each other. And what's with this pathetic desire to get friendly with me? Yeesh.

I don't feel safe in this world no more.


Revenant said...

Sheesh, what a loser.

I especially like the no-so-veiled threat to have people like you thrown into prison if his view wins out.

Simon said...

"You would think that if I were so crazy and my views were so baseless, a law professor of all people would be capable of publicly dismantling me and my views, and would jump at the opportunity."

He's not really mantled enough to be dismantled, is he?

The problem is that Barrett's views have been endlessly and comprehensively refuted and repudiated up and down, and he has shown no inclination to change his mind, so why waste perfectly god time and breath trying to reason with a brick wall?

Simon said...

I second the inquiry about these "controversial political views" that "came through" according to an ex-student. That's a statement that begs for further exposition. Perhaps the ex is a reader and wants to elaborate?

Jennifer said...

That cc exchange is passive aggressive enough to give Dr. Phil wet dreams.

Fen said...

Barrett Sock Puppet: Most republican voters still think Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks, which gives you some idea of their lack of intelligence.

Barrett: well if she admits her relative ignorance on 9/11

Ironic. The "Saddam behind 9-11" meme is a liberal strawman. Barret lets it stand because he's either ignorant or deceptive. Or both.

Barrett: The fact that nobody on the other side is willing to debate

I'll debate you. Come into this comments section and make your argument. Coward?

Anonymous said...

"I do have some curiosity about how he could still -- after what's gone on in Iraq -- cling to a theory that requires bizarre hyper-competence from the government."

Ann, Ann, our incompetence in Iraq is a ruse!

Ann Althouse said...

Yeah, I suspected the other emailer of being Barrett too. There is a name. I'm just not using it because I don't know if it's faked.

Unknown said...

I do have some curiosity about how he could still -- after what's gone on in Iraq -- cling to a theory that requires bizarre hyper-competence from the government.

I dunno, it DID take us two tries to do it right, you know.

vet66 said...

Don't wrestle with a pig. You end up smelling like him. It would give his idiotic views a dignity to which they do not deserve.

He is desperately looking for validation.

jeff said...

"Republicans have some twisted views on the Constitution."

True. We tend to believe it means what it says.

"Most republican voters still think Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks, which gives you some idea of their lack of intelligence."

We do? I was unaware of that memo? I would be interested in a site on that.

"Talk about a wacked out view! The hijackers were linked to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, not Iraq. Only a racist would think that Iraqi's were behind it."

Again, excuse my ignorance, but I wonder if he could elaborate on this, starting with what race someone from Iraq is. Or SA, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.

Wonder if he has a list called "rational thinkers" I would imagine the two would overlap a great deal.
I would assume the people on the list would also not bothering people about:
Fake Moon landing.
Flat earth.
Hollow earth.
Reagan assassination attempt. (subgoup convinced the SS agent that put him in the car shot him. CIA plot of course)
holocaust myth

Note to crazy associate professor-
Just because we don't confront the lunatics doesn't mean the voices really exist.

jeff said...

Oh almost forgot.
The CC exchange is on the exact same level of two teenage girls holding a fake conversation in the rest room because they know the target is in one of the stalls. Frankly I would be embarrassed. He/they probably think it is clever. Which should be even more embarrassing.

Ann Althouse said...

Jeff: How do you know how teenaged girls act in the bathroom?

Chip Ahoy said...

No post is complete without a reference to Hitler. It gives it gravitas.

jeff said...

You're the lawyer, Perhaps we can discuss statute of limitations. Or I could use the "I have a little sister" defense, who has her doctorate and has written three of four books, one of which describe this sort of behavior. Apparently little girls can be quite vicious.

jeff said...

Chip ahoy: Hitler reference?

Charlie Martin said...

Jeff: Nurenburg?

Jim Fetzer is actually an old friend of mine, but he's also the person who eventually convenced me that the path to tenure and high esteem in philosophy is to come up with some really controversial idea and make a reasonably rigorous argument for it, preferably with a straight face. Do it well enough (see, eg, Peter Singer) and you get to be on TV, radio interviews, articles get written about you ... which leads to the CV growing without bound, which leads to better positions, fancier schools, named chairs, and so on.

jeff said...

seneca: you think that was it? I am a little baffled on that. It seems....odd.....that someone would consider that a Hitler reference. At least in the spirit in which I took Chip's comment. Maybe that was it. I took it to be a reference to Goodwin's law. Perhaps I misunderstood him.

Cedarford said...

We do have a current problem.

A discrepency between the restrictions on slander and libel against smaller institutions, and free reign for smearers to go after national institutions and the nation itself to harm it with fake facts, smears.

Where people that criticize and raise conspiracy theory or accusations against specific groups of the American public or it's institutions are subject to being called out and slammed back, even sued for damages. Like someone who says Miami's schools are trash, it's teachers are trash - can be expected to show their evidence. Or someone that says a Native American tribe are genocidal, violence-happy losers will be dragged out to substantiate their slurs and may face censure from political office or employment. And a specific libel at a person or group may cause legal action...

Our "local defenses" against people that seek to promote themselves through malicious lies are pretty robust.

Yet, we told to turn that around and are urged by various "civil liberties forces" - to accept those that slur the whole nation with groundless accusations or meta-institutions of national importance - are doing laudable actions. Because they are "dissenters" and many on a bent to promote tearing down the nation and it's core institutions claim such unsubstantiated sliming is "patriotic - because All Dissent is Patriotic and a Glorious Celebration of the Absolutist 1st Amendment Freedoms..."

And by accepting them, not censuring them, we somehow further glory the Blessed Constitution.

We, I think, have to shed that self-discrediting meme and recognize that people like Barnett seeking to tear America down as a nation are NOT patriotic. They do not hope for a better America, but one discredited on lies like his.

The history of English Common Law recognized a need to defend the nation and its culture and never allow it's citizens to become demoralized and vulnerable from a foreign or internal enemy - one tool they used was "sedition" - slurs against nation or Crown not defendable were prosecuted as malicious. Of course, the problem that many loudmouths had who did have a kernel of truth was that they had to defend against the Crown they slurred.

Sedition was always a crime in America.

Prosecution of sedition has fallen out of favor from time to time, though it has always been in US law - most recently in the last 4 decades or so on belief that the 1st Amendment trumps any harm done to the nation or it's people. And a belief we are so big and powerful anyways that "what is the danger from false stories that put America in disrepute and demoralize and endanger citizens?"

We almost lost Americans overseas with the "America created AIDS to kill black Adricans" conspiracy nuts, caused American travelers, embassy workers, and American medical people working in clinics to be attacked and denounced by the locals that believed "Truther" stories. We came very close to having Americans along with Muslims killed in the riots from the false Qu'ran flushing stories.

It may be time to bring sedition back as a crime and use prosecution to force "Truthers" to formalize their evidence in court. The 1st Amendment is not absolute. It is not, nor was it ever meant as total protection for those that assail America.
For the "Truthers" to formally prove their claims or be formally discredited and resonsible for the loss in lives, reputations, and property they inflicted with their "fake but accurate" stories.

If that is a "chilling effect" on wannabe liars out to slime the nation, the FBI, the military, etc., too bad. The days of "free shots" need to end.

A nation must protect its image and global interests from destruction by lies.
A nation must protect it's people from being endangered by forces enabled and encouraged to violence by false smears.

Anthony said...

>Barrett Sock Puppet: Most republican voters still think Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks, which gives you some idea of their lack of intelligence

I am a Republican. I know lots of people who voted for Bush in 2004 (I did). I know of NO ONE who thinks Hussein was behind 9/11

I think Hussein had ties to terrorist groups -- he was giving $25K to the families of each suicide bomber in Palestine AND both Abu Nidal and Abu Abbas found sanctuary in Iraq

Fen said...

From the conference:

One major non-controversy was the question of Flight 77’s alleged strike on the Pentagon. Every speaker who addressed this issue evinced extreme skepticism toward the government’s story, and suggested that the preponderance of evidence shows that no 757—and certainly not Flight 77 piloted by the ultra-incompetent Hani Hanjour—could have struck the Pentagon.

I witnessed the plane crashing into the Pentagon. I guess I didn't really see what my eyes showed me...

Simon said...

Fen said...
"I witnessed the plane crashing into the Pentagon. I guess I didn't really see what my eyes showed me..."

Yeah, but you're not a credible witness. Any true scotsman - I mean, credible witness - is viciously and implacably hostile to the Bush administration. You aren't, ergo you aren't. Case closed in Barretworld.

Tibore said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EnigmatiCore said...

Nice goth style pic with plenty of cleavage.

But on the topic at hand, how does he know you aren't racist?

Tibore said...

D'oh! I should spell and grammar check before hitting "Publish" next time.


I'm just waiting for the next Galileo or Aquaculture to come here and start faking reasonableness.

"I used to think the Arabs were behind 9/11 until those videos talked about the towers falling in free-fall, despite the fact that I've never calculated the rate myself to make sure".


"I didn't know the truth until Rosie told me fire can't melt steel, disregarding the fact that no one said melting steel was the reason the towers collapsed".


Regarding Barrett:
That man is himself a self-absorbed, self-important blowhard. I don't know how solid his scholarship is in Islamicist studies, but his scholarship regarding 9/11 events is every bit as shoddy as Fetzer's and Jones. But that doesn't stop him from self-promoting. Very narcisstic behavior, that. And to talk about the Cap Times being "propagandists for war crimes"... so delusional. And so pompous. There is no greater driving force than delusion free of doubt.

Revenant said...

How do you know how teenaged girls act in the bathroom?

Do we grill you about *your* hobbies?

Single Lane Media said...

Never been here before, just checking in from Canada, hence not an evil Democrat, but has this self-congratulatory group ever actually addressed Barrett's arguments? A review of the blog's 9/11 link reveals that Ms. Althouse hasn't.

jeff said...

"Never been here before, just checking in from Canada, hence not an evil Democrat, but has this self-congratulatory group ever actually addressed Barrett's arguments? A review of the blog's 9/11 link reveals that Ms. Althouse hasn't."

Lord, another truther. Ever see The Princess Bride? "self-congratulatory". I do not think that word means what you think.
Evil Democrat? I prefer the term deluded fool. And don't be so hard on yourself. Sounds like you qualify.
Why don't you tell me what argument of his you don't think has been addressed. Say about a billion times. Google can be your friend. So your up there in Canada. Aren't you afraid if you drive too far North you will drive of the edge of the planet? If you have some time, perhaps we can discuss the flat earth and those who deny it.

Palladian said...

I'd take a Democrat (evil or otherwise) over a Canadian any day.

As for Barrett and his "theories", he brings to mind an anecdote I once heard about the mediocre Victorian writer Martin Farquhar Tupper. During a tour of America, William Makepeace Thackeray was asked by an admirer of Tupper's work what he and fellow English writers thought of Tupper. Thackeray replied: "We do not think of Tupper".

jeff said...

"I'd take a Democrat (evil or otherwise) over a Canadian any day."

Hell, I didn't even think of that. It could be even worse. What if he is a FRENCH Canadian? Man, that would explain a lot.

Single Lane Media said...

Yes, I thought the replies would be along those lines. In other words, this is a place to enjoy the warm bathwater of certainty together. Enjoy yourself, fellas.

hdhouse said...

And you talk about Strawmen:

Fen said...
"Ironic. The "Saddam behind 9-11" meme is a liberal strawman. Barret lets it stand because he's either ignorant or deceptive. Or both."

Fen, the only people putting out info after 9/11 as to the source of the attacks was this current administration. Please see the following USA today poll and article from 2003

It is no urban myth that this administration tried to tie Saddam to 9-11 as a war run up.

Where have you been anyway? on Mars?

The Drill SGT said...

Revenant said...
I especially like the no-so-veiled threat to have people like you thrown into prison if his view wins out.

Prison? I read that as the leftist standard: "When the revolution comes, we'll stand you all up against the wall and shoot you"

amazing how the truthers have different perspectives on free speech.

Truthers are speaking out. good
reporters will be hung. bad

KCFleming said...

Kevin Barrett needs medication, not more debate.

His writings are a good example of the specious arguments in the Arab world about Zionism. He's a True Believer and cannot be persuaded. Nor is he open to inquiry; he's seeking only to dominate and for his kind, they magically determine they have won every discussion, every time.

The truthers, they are the logicians super-fantastic!

Michael The Magnificent said...

Anthony: I am a Republican. I know lots of people who voted for Bush in 2004 (I did). I know of NO ONE who thinks Hussein was behind 9/11

Same here. Somehow, polls show otherwise, though it does hinge on the definition of 'involved' when asked if Iraq was involved in the attacks on 9/11. I haven't seen any evidence to date that Saddam was behind the attacks on 9/11, but I keep seeing evidence that Saddam had contacts and provided support for al-Qaeda, which - to me, at least - says Saddam was 'involved' with al-Qaeda.

I think Hussein had ties to terrorist groups -- he was giving $25K to the families of each suicide bomber in Palestine AND both Abu Nidal and Abu Abbas found sanctuary in Iraq

Saddam provided funding, sanctuary, and training to international terrorists and terrorist organizations, which makes Iraq a legitimate target in the war on terror.

Wildmonk said...


If you read the USA Today article, the people who believe Saddam had something to do with 9/11 is indeed high. They also take pains to say that this number is made up of Democrats, Republicans and Independents. So saying that *Republicans* are stupid for believing it is, well, stupid.

In some ways, this isn't surprising: most people pay little attention to the news. Most people, busy with their own lives when asked this question, probably just reasoned that "we were attacked, we're attacking Saddam, there must be a link."

That this is *wrong* is common knowledge among the 10% of people or so who follow issues more closely. Tying it to "stupid Republicans" is just verbal masturbation for the likes of Barrett.

What amazes me is that your side doesn't acknowledge the real reason for the Iraq war: an attempt to establish a movement for Democracy in the heart of the ME that may lead to the overthrow of archaic police states and revolutionize world affairs.

It may be helplessly idealistic. It may be the triumph of naivety over common sense. It may be "wrong" to impose American political systems on others by force, etc. etc. But when people like Barrett get in a little circle-jerk about how the war is just a manifestation of "racism" or was "all for oil" (etc.) - and when they pretend to have some special insight into the "true" nature of 9/11 - they have just retreated from difficult realities into a callow and paranoid bubble.

Rather than engaging some very difficult issues and discussing the pros and cons of this action on an adult level, they act like little gossipy girls and wonder why no one but jeff (-g-) wants to hear them chatting in the girls bathroom.

Greg Toombs said...

He's not really mantled enough to be dismantled, is he?

Barrett's not mantled enough to make me get off the couch to dis.

M. Simon said...


I never knew you were a collectivist.

Wildmonk said...

Ok Single Lane,

Let's keep this very simple: every one of Barrett's arguments has been demolished or shown to be irrelevant. This has occurred over and over and over again.

The best demolition was performed by Popular Mechanics. You can start here:

So...we're not afraid to engage the issues. We're just sick of debating with people who won't or can't look at the real evidence and draw reasonable conclusions. And no amount of juvenile taunting convinces us that "truthers" bring anything to the table but, well, juvenile taunting.

Rich Casebolt said...

Barrett reminds me of some religious fundamentalists, who see others' disdain and disregard for their "enlightenment" as "persecution" that validates their beliefs ... when too often, it is not true persecution, just validation of their stupidity.

Still more stupidity ... the insistence by some that all aspects of the GWOT must be directly linked to 911 ... which fuels both the criticism that "we've not gotten bin Laden yet", and the accusations that the Administration is confusing the issue by "linking Saddam to 911".

Regardless of any link to 911 ... regardless even of the existence or non-existence of WMD stockpiles ... the invasion of Iraq and the destruction of the regime of Saddam & Sons was justified in the simplest of terms.

jeff said...

My comment "Why don't you tell me what argument of his you don't think has been addressed."

Single lane's response:
"Yes, I thought the replies would be along those lines. In other words, this is a place to enjoy the warm bathwater of certainty together. Enjoy yourself, fellas."

In other away, run away.

"...why no one but jeff (-g-) wants to hear them chatting in the girls bathroom."'s not like your there for the I hear anyway.

Off topic, can your believe it's been 25 years since Porky's came out?

Michael The Magnificent said...

BTW, if you're ignorant in assuming Iraq was behind the attacks on 9/11, you're no more nor less ignorant than those ignorant of multitude of reasons (besides WMD) that make Iraq a legitimate target in the war on terror, and God knows there's plenty of those people around, too.

jeff said...

Hd, I followed your link to the article in USA Today and all I could find to support your argument was this statement:

"President Bush and members of his administration suggested a link between the two in the months before the war in Iraq."

Nothing about what was said, who said it, or when it was said.

I found this link

Also in USA Today 2003 where it says:
"But President Bush, in contrast with comments Sunday by Vice President Cheney, said Wednesday, "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved."

Cheney had said on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday that "we don't know" if Iraq was involved but said some suggestive evidence had surfaced. He asserted that the campaign in Iraq is striking at terrorists involved in the attacks. Cheney also disclosed the new evidence about the 1993 suspect on the program, but he did not name Yasin."

So there is a "we don't know" and a "No evidence" in there.

What do you think about the possibility that Iraq was involved in the 93 bombing of WTC? The attempted assassination of GHWB? The veiled threats from the Iraqi Government starting in the mid 90's to use those non-existent WMD's in terrorist attacks against the US?
After 2001, do you continue to ignore this stuff? Toss the occasional cruise missile his way?
Do you continue to bet the lives and and security of the country you are responsible for that Saddam is just a paper tiger? Say pre-911 the odds of Saddam being able to carry thru is around 20%. Post-911 it's still 20%. Do you continue to act in the same way? What about 10%? 30%? Or do you wait until it's around 90% 100%? At what point do you endorse military intervention?

knox said...

Never been here before, just checking in from Canada, hence not an evil Democrat

I think you mean "hence a douchebag"

BBridges said...

Several times a week I pass a man on La Brea Avenue who is most often engaged in a terrible debate with a tree. Sometimes with a newspaper machine.

Sometimes, I guess when he's tired of the tree or paper machine, he wants to debate me but I always ignore him.

I think I am probably on his "cowards" list too.

tjl said...

"propagandists for war crimes may one day find themselves on the scaffold"

Why is the scaffold such a dearly cherished concept to the Left?

Lou Minatti said...

When I turn on the kitchen light at 3:00 in the morning and I see a cockroach running across the floor, I get the willies.

Reading the twisted logic 9/11 deniers use gives me the same feeling.

Luther said...


It's much less messy than the guillotine, they do have their sensitivities you know.

From Inwood said...


I have it on good information, from reliable sources, that Gerson had originally drafted a speech for Bush which said

“Yesterday, September 11th, 2001 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the air force of Saddam Hussein… I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Saddam, a Muslim or an Islam or whatever those folks are called, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Muslims or Islams and I’ve asked for a boycott of all Muslims & Islams, especially in Michigan and Brooklyn. And the Constitution be damned, full speed ahead, & no free speech for dissenters."

but that Sully was able to rewrite the speech.

I understand also that there is a poll out there showing that 86% of Americans believe that Osama is holed up in some place called “Wazzupistan”.

I'd love to get out & get on a panel & discuss this, but they won't let me out of this place, WHERE I'M BEING HELD AGAINST MY WILL!!!!! Oh, oh, here they come with my meds, again; gotta sign off. Be back to you. Soon, I hope

From Inwood said...

I’m back; my keepers don’t realize that I’ve built up a resistance to my meds & that they haven’t yet taken effect!

I know that TNR was prepared to publish Scotty’s latest article, but, unfortunately, the Army is blocking access to him. Seems Scotty saw that, rather than a plane as reported by the lying Army (you know, Bush lied & people died!), a Bradley hit the Pentagon on 9/11, having swerved deliberately to hit a dog.

Tibore said...

"... has this self-congratulatory group ever actually addressed Barrett's arguments?"

Which argument? The one about Muslims not being involved in 9/11, which has been addressed in many other forums and shown to be so utterly false it's a wonder anyone tries to argue against it nowadays? The one where the Capital Times rightly reported on the paranoia about the "Truth" conference being "infiltrated"? Or the implication that the Cap Times reporter was a propogandist for war crimes? Any of those are ridiculous on their face, nevermind all the scientifically unsupportable stuff about 9/11 that Barrett pushes.

Name the argument that we supposedly haven't looked at.

"Single Lane Media" = "One Track Mind".

Tibore said...

"... which has been addressed in many other forums and shown to be so utterly false it's a wonder anyone tries to argue against it nowadays?"

Okay, just parsed my own comment. Take 2:

"... which has been addressed in many other forums and shown to be so utterly false it's a wonder anyone tries to argue that it's true." Or, in other words, why has Barrett pushed that well disproven claim? Yes, I know simply by membership in the so-called "Truth" movement, he's pushing many well disproven claims, but I'm talking about the "Muslims not involved" one.

Anonymous said...

Barrett Sock Puppet: Most republican voters still think Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks, which gives you some idea of their lack of intelligence.

Here's one Republican that's actually read things like "Funding Terror" and "Alms for Jihad" (coming soon to an underground warez distribution network near you)

It's clear that 9/11 was mostly funded, directed and performed by Saudis. But there's that pesky problem with Ramsey Yousef's identity.

Yousef was the head of the WTC bombing plot in 1993. In 1995 Laurie Mylroie, an advisor to Bill Clinton in 1992, argued persuasively that Ramsey Yousef was an Iraqi intelligence agent, sent to America to exact revenge for the Gulf War. She also testified before the 9/11 Commission, briefly presenting the evidence she had gathered that identifies Yousef as a Iraqi agent. She points to several facts that led her to that conclusion. See

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, architect of the 9/11 attack on the same building, is supposidly Yousef's uncle, though no one can actually diagram the relationship between the two. If Yousef was an agent of Iraqi intelligence, is it really such a leap to think KSM was, too?

Fen said...

Fen, the only people putting out info after 9/11 as to the source of the attacks was this current administration.

No hdhouse, the only people putting that "info" out was the media and Democrats, celebrating "the GOP was wrong about Saddam being behind 9-11", which is not what we said. Its a strawman argument.

It is no urban myth that this administration tried to tie Saddam to 9-11 as a war run up.

Prove it. Immediately after 9-11, the administration rightfully speculated whether Iraq was involved in the WTC attacks. They concluded that no, there is no evidence of that.

As far as "tieing Saddam to 9-11", the only link they made was the danger of rogue nation states [like Iraq, Syria, N Korea] with WMD programs [like Iraq and N Korea] passing off WMDs to terrorist groups like the one that attacked us. Paraphrased: We can't wait until the threat is imminent, we must act pre-emptively.

The Ghost said...

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."

Problem is, if you really are a shit-chucking loon, you're never going to get past the "laugh at you" stage.

buddy larsen said...

Single Lane Medium, before my carpal tunnel syndrome acted up so bad, I used to play golf with Saddam and Osama every Saturday. They talked constantly about their plan to knock down the World Trade Center. I saw Saddam writing check after check, memo'd "911 expenses". So, there you have it, proof you can understand.

buddy larsen said...

But, really, SLM, the US Gov't was Machiavellian enough and unscrupulously intelligent enough to stage the 911 attacks in order to justify OIF, but then somehow forgot to plant the WMD evidence?

Damn, Cheney, who dropped the ball on that?

Tibore said...

Okay, back to the original subject (Kevin Barrett). The best opinion I've read about Barrett's stances, and his specific declaration that journalists "may one day find themselves on the scaffold" can be found in the James Randi Educational Forum (JREF):

"Barrett says he wants people like me to die. Wants me to die! And for what? Because I believe what logic and reason compel me to believe, what all the experts who have carefully examined the evidence first-hand unanimously agree is the truth. Against this, I have chosen not to accept at face value the CTist claims, since they appear to contradict common sense and rationality, indeed the laws of science itself. I have asked for proof of these claims, and been given nothing but uninformed opinion and paranoid delusion. When I ask the very questions that, if properly answered, would instantly convert me to their cause, CTists respond with dismissive sarcasm or simply run away.

For this, Barrett would have me killed.

I ask anyone sympathetic to the 9/11 CTist cause, anyone who may look to Barrett as a leader or role model: Examine the face shown in my avatar. It is the face of a common person, someone whom you see in the street every day, someone just trying to get by as best I can. I could be your neighbor, teacher, even a relative. Waking up in the morning, enjoying a good meal after a long day, seeing the seasons pass, watching my son grow, relishing the million little things that make life worth living. Barrett would like to snuff all that out, reduce me to nothingness, make me suffer a fate so terrifyingly final that many of us hesitate to inflict it on even the most despicable vermin society can spew up. All because I don't think and say and do as he wants me to.

Do you agree with him, that I should be killed? And if so, when the time comes, will you be the one to pull the trigger? If not, why are you following this man?"

(Source: "Barrett Responds to Coverage of the Madison Event", JREF forum, Conspiracy Theories subform)

Jim C. said...

Dear Kevin,

I work for the US government. I took an active part in the planning and actual 9/11 attack AND the coverup. (Prof. Althouse has zero involvement. She's just another one of the millions of dupes.) I know exactly what happened. You haven't gotten to the real truth yet, but you're on the right track. But it doesn't matter. Our campaign to discredit you is succeeding so well that there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

I've been to your meetings and I'll continue to attend. Hint: I'm closer to you than you could ever suspect.

Be seeing you!

(That should get a rise out of them, don't you think?)

Michael The Magnificent said...

(That should get a rise out of them, don't you think?)

Hell, while you're at it claim to have all the inside dope to the entire conspiracy, which you're willing to sell to him for, oh, $50,000, which he should wire to your numbered account in Nigeria.

Revenant said...

James Randi is my hero.

Henry said...

This libel, like the 9/11 blood libel against Muslims, dehumanizes its victims and makes its author, editor and publisher complicit in the holocaust of the 9/11 wars -- a holocaust...

Interesting appropriation of language by Mr. Barrett (my emphasis).

Pogo nails it.

* * *

Jim c. - If ever I'm cornered by one of these nuts and can't escape, I think I'll use your fallback. I once got into an incredibly inane argument with a black-helicopter anti-Clinton conspiracist. Given that nothing I said made any difference to his views, I've always wished I had just told him I believed every word he said, but preferred to be on the winning side.

Pat said...

Ann, you're very smart not to go on Barrett's nutty show; for one thing as the old adage goes it's not a good idea to debate an idiot because he will just drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. For another, these folks have reams of minutiae that they will cite that the average person who hasn't been studying 9-11 for the last several years just isn't equipped to debunk.

Linked from Screw Loose Change

Ann Althouse said...

It would be beyond ridiculous for me to get into a debate about principles of physics and engineering. Moreover, the premise that I need to go on his show because I've written about him is absurd when every post had a comments section where he could respond. And I don't want to be leveraged for publicity.

Original Mike said...

Where can I listen to the Kevin Barrett Show?

Potter said...

You're a Republican?! ;)

uh-oh, does using the winky emoticon make me a conspiracy theorist?! I sure hope not.

b. j. edwards said...

Barrett's "challenge" to debate is a well known ploy among denial movements desperate to gain perceived intellectual legitimacy. The act of assenting to a debate is all that is needed, in deniers' eyes, to achieve that goal.

The history of Holocaust Denial, for instance, is replete with such "challenges." Deborah Lipstadt, author of "Denying The Holocaust" made it quite clear why she would never put herself in a position of sharing the same table with a Holocuast denier nor a 9/11 denier:

"Free speech means people have a right to make complete asses of themselves. It does not mean that every idiot idea which comes out of a person's mouth -- however eloquently expressed -- should be provided with a place at the table."

Stephen Jay Gould said about "debating" creationists:

"Debate is an art form. It is about the winning of arguments. It is not about the discovery of truth. There are certain rules and procedures to
debate that really have nothing to do with establishing fact -- which they are very good at. Some of those rules are: never say anything positive about your own position because it can be attacked, but chip away at the weaknesses in your opponent's position. They are good at that. I don't think I could beat the creationists in debate. [...] (Caltech lecture, 1985)"

Kevin Barrett's e-mail "exchange" reveals an intellectually vacuous, emotionally immature individual who fully earned the dismissal Ann gave him.

Good job, Ann.

jeff said...

Niels Harrit has been Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, for 37 years. This is a translation of a feature article printed in the Danish Newspaper, Information, on 31 March 2007 (requires subscription).

... "WTC7 collapsed exactly like a house of cards. If the fires or damage in one corner had played a decisive role, the building would have fallen in that direction. You don't have to be a woodcutter to grasp this."...

We are not talking about conspiracy theories, absolutely not. We are talking about elementary physics and chemical processes, Newton's laws, gravity, the melting point of steel, and the like.

The World Trade Center was a complex made up of several buildings. The best-known, of course, were the two towers, WTC1 and WTC2. Together with five other smaller buildings – numbered 3, 4, 5 and 6 – they formed a perimeter around a central plaza. On the far side of building 6, over 100 metres from the North Tower (WTC1), was building seven (WTC7). It was a very large 47-storey office building.

The two towers collapsed on 11 September 2001, after each was struck by an airplane. Everyone on the globe who had access to a television set has seen the dramatic and tragic images. However, to this day, only very few people are aware of the existence of WTC7 or its fate. This building was not hit by any airplane, but still collapsed seven hours after the towers. This feature article is about that event.

WTC7 was built around a core of 24 massive steel columns, connected by an asymmetric pattern of steel cross beams. The building periphery was made up of 57 smaller columns. There was enough redundant capacity in the design to handle loads several times greater than foreseeable loads from hurricanes or earthquakes, etc.

The collapse of the nearest tower, WTC1, caused damage to the lower floors in the southwest corner of WTC7. Building debris from the high tower and large amounts of dust poured in through the windows. Randomly distributed fires then broke out on other lower floors in the building. One of the other buildings in the complex, WTC5, was much more seriously damaged by the collapse of WTC1, but the rest of the structure remained standing.

WTC7 after the collapse

WTC7 did not. After the building had smouldered for seven hours, it collapsed, perfectly symmetrically. It was quite literally levelled, and ended up as a pile that was basically confined to its footprint. The process took 6.4 seconds, which is equivalent to "free fall". If you had stood on the 47th floor and thrown an apple out the window at the exact moment the collapse began, your apple would have hit the ground at the same time as the roof.

How could it happen?
In the hours following the airplane strikes on the two towers, a global myth began to spread that the World Trade Centre collapsed due to fire and mechanical damage.

The only problem is that no steel structure has ever before collapsed due to fire, it is historically unprecedented. Over 400 cases of fire in that type of skyscraper are known prior to 2001, and none have collapsed. Not one.

During a well-known tower fire in Madrid (2005), the whole building was engulfed in an inferno of flames for 24 hours. It remained standing. We classify combustion based on how much oxygen is being supplied. In a Bunsen burner or a welding torch, air and oxygen are mixed with the gas prior to entering the combustion zone. Rather high temperatures can be reached, as can be witnessed in a welding torch. But when something burns on its surface, preventing access to large quantities of oxygen, as in the case of normal surface fires, the temperature is typically limited to 500-650° C.

Windsor Tower, Madrid, February 2005

The fires in the WTC1 and WTC2 towers were oxygen-starved fires of this nature, as could be seen from the large quantities of black smoke. The jet fuel was burned up within a few minutes, and the temperature would never have exceeded 650° C. This is true no matter how much jet fuel there was. It is also difficult to achieve high local temperatures in a steel structure, because the heat is conducted away and spread throughout the whole structure. According to official computer simulations, no components of the towers reached temperatures above 600° C.

Steel melts at 1,500° C, but begins to soften at around 425° C. Half of the structural strength has been lost at 650° C, and the steel begins to glow red. But even if only half of the structural strength remains, the structure can easily bear two or three times the load. It is only at 800° C that the structure would being to break down.

The fact that steel doesn't easily melt is something we should all be thankful for in our daily lives. Otherwise, your domestic oven would end up as a lump of cast iron, and frying sausages over a gas flame could also lead to unpleasant consequences. And if it was possible to bring down skyscrapers by setting fire to some office furniture, you could patent the method and set up a very profitable demolition business.

There is therefore no scientific precedent that justifies pointing to commonplace fires as a possible explanation for the collapse of WTC7.

Surely then, the explanation must be that the enormous weight of the debris from the collapse of towers WTC1 and WTC2 damaged the building or its foundations to such an extent that it collapsed?

After a delay of seven hours?

The WTC collapse
When tall buildings are exposed to extreme earthquakes, they tip over as they fall. If there is enough room, they sometimes tip right onto their sides. WTC7 collapsed exactly like a house of cards. If the fires or damage in one corner had played a decisive role, the building would have fallen in that direction. You don't have to be a woodcutter to grasp this.

Earthquake damage

It therefore wasn't damage to the foundations that caused WTC7 to collapse.

Two official explanations of the events in Manhattan on 11 September have been put forward by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).

In the final FEMA report, WTC7 is hardly mentioned. They note that there were fires in the building, but do not attempt to explain the collapse.

The final NIST report was released in September 2005, but the section covering WTC7 was left out, with the promise that a final version would be released later. Publication has been delayed several times, and we are still waiting for it.

In a draft summary of the WTC7 report from April 2005, NIST admits that they have only worked using the hypothesis that the collapse of WTC7 was a "normal" collapse. They try to make a case for this by presenting a diagram in which a bearing column is purportedly destroyed by the fires and the mechanical damage seven hours earlier. The vertical collapse of this column is supposed to have pulled the structure apart horizontally, after which the building collapsed in one synchronous movement.

The NIST report simply presents this hypothetical sequence of events. The authors do not go to the trouble of actually claiming that this is what happened.

In other words, we should picture a huge steel grid 47-storeys high, in which one of the vertical steel girders is torn asunder. It is difficult to reconcile this mental picture with the video recordings of the collapse available on the Internet.

NIST actually took the sensible step of engaging a company to construct models of the steel structure in the two towers. The models were then exposed to fires and damage. Even though temperatures were used which were significantly higher than what could have resulted from the attack, they were unable to provoke a collapse. The models remained standing. NIST chose, however, to ignore this result.

The attack on the World Trade Center was a tragedy for the people in the towers and in the airplanes, and a tragedy for their families. It also marked the beginning of the tragic war on terror. The current trends in Western society towards greater surveillance and the loss of civil rights can also only be called tragic.

If we have also been lied to, the tragedy is complete.

How did WTC7 collapse? We are not asking 'why'. This is no conspiracy theory. There is no burden of proof on us. Some extremely simple observations have been made, and we want to hear an official explanation that is consistent with elementary physics and chemistry, and common sense.

If you want to investigate the conditions described above, you won't find anything in the media. But Google something like 'WTC7' and you will find a flood of information. There are tens of thousands of people who have a feeling something is wrong.

But there is not a word about it in the media.

kentuckyliz said...

Good on ya, jeff.

I believe everything you're saying, but I don't care. I'm on the winning side gettin' mine and I just don't give a rip.

(heh heh heh)

Barrett better not get tenure, or it will seriously damage the institution's reputation. They should Ward-Churchill him before the state taxpayers vote to make the U a private institution.

b. j. edwards said...

I still marvel how people like "jeff" can still believe such debunked poopycock and not have a clue at the irrational nature of what he wrote.

Take this statement, for instance:

"Everyone on the globe who had access to a television set has seen the dramatic and tragic images. However, to this day, only very few people are aware of the existence of WTC7 or its fate. This building was not hit by any airplane, but still collapsed seven hours after the towers."

Did it never occur to jeff that the same people who had access to a television could still be watching hours later as TV networks broadcast repeatedly the news coming from the NYFD that WTC 7 "may" collapse and that they had their TV cameras focused on WTC 7 when it collapsed?

Then "jeff" tries the same tactic of pulling a fast one by exclaiming:

"The collapse of the nearest tower, WTC1, caused damage to the lower floors in the southwest corner of WTC7. Building debris from the high tower and large amounts of dust poured in through the windows. Randomly distributed fires then broke out on other lower floors in the building."

Does everyone spot jeff's deception? Of course we do. Jeff does not cite any authoritative account of what actually took place. Instead, he repeats 9/11 conspiracy claims that have been refuted long ago by firemen on the scene.

Now the most famous canard that "jeff" was foolish enough to repeat:

"WTC7 did not. After the building had smouldered for seven hours, it collapsed, perfectly symmetrically. It was quite literally levelled, and ended up as a pile that was basically confined to its footprint. The process took 6.4 seconds, which is equivalent to "free fall"."

As anyone can see by looking at the debris field of WTC 7 and the CBS video of the live broadcast that "jeff" claims no one could have been watching, WTC 7 neither collapsed perfectly symmetrically, nor did it collapse in 6.4 seconds.

This has been refuted so many times since it first came up in early 2002 one has to wonder if jeff has been hiding underground since then. The CBS video clearly and irrefutably demonstrates that the entire collapse sequence took over 13 seconds from beginning to end.

Then we have the silly canard every 9/11 conspiracy theorist finally gave up on: the Madrid Tower inferno. Jeff claims:

"During a well-known tower fire in Madrid (2005), the whole building was engulfed in an inferno of flames for 24 hours. It remained standing."

The Madrid tower had a concrete core. The top dozen stories had metal framework around that core.

Guess what happened?

The steel structure around the core on the top dozen stories collapsed completely. The concrete core of the building, resistant to the heat of the flames, stood and thus the building did not collapse.

Anyone can research and verify all of this for themselves, yet we have millions of gullible people like jeff who are wholly incapable of understanding why no rational person accepts the bogus claims of 9/11 conspiracy nuts like him.

jeff said...

I did not write the article above. As it says at the top: "Niels Harrit has been Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, for 37 years. This is a translation of a feature article printed in the Danish Newspaper, Information, on 31 March 2007".

b. j. edwards said...

Yet you were dumb enough to post it, jeff.

Feel free to retract it.

jeff said...



b. j. edwards said...

So you learned that from the moment the first internal collapse occurred when the left penthouse began to collapse until the end of collapse was more than 13 seconds.

And the picture of the debris pile shows you WTC 7 fell into the street as well.

Now, all you have to do is be a man, delete your silly comment here reprinting the nonsense from a newspaper, wouldn't you agree?

b. j. edwards said...

Sorry, jeffy, you don't get to choose to eliminate that part of the collapse of WTC 7 that is inconvenient to your 9/11 conspiracy theory.

Be a man. Admit you are wrong.

jeff said...


Please Take Notice That:

On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7.


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Sydney, NSW – Australia
Charles Stevens
Slinger, WI Chris Defendorf, Architectural Consultant
Corning, NY
chris hass, student
Sioux City, IA Chris Mahoney, Musician
Keene, NH
Chris Noth, Student
Davenport, IA Chris Owtram, Mr
Guildford, Surrey – UK
Chris Sarns
Placerville, California Christel Trutmann, Student
Ithaca, NY
Christopher Bibb, BSc (Hons), Software Engineer
Swansea, West Glamorgan – Wales Christopher A. Brown, Engineering Staff, Survey Party Chief
Santa Barbara, CA
Christopher Emery, Doc. Film Producer / Director / Writer
Oklahoma City, OK Christopher David Laskoski, Student
Fort Worth, TX
Christy McMunn, Student
Martinsburg, West Virginia Chuck Thurston, Citizen Researcher
San Francisco, CA
Coleen Young, M.C.J. Professor
Master's of Criminal Justice
San Antonio, TX Conrad Mancuso, A.O.C.A.D., Construction Project Manager
Barrie, ON – Canada
Constance Poindexter Durkin, M.Arch, Student
Fort Smith, Arkansas Cort Toland
Kent, WA
Craig M. Grismore, Materials Program Manager
B.A. - Liberal Arts
Phoenix, AZ Craig Ranke, Pentagon Research Expert
San Clemente, CA
Daniel Davis, JD
Casper, WY Daniel T. Wynne, Mental Health Professional
Birmingham, West Midlands – UK
Danielle Mascio, Appraiser
Las Vegas, NV Daryl A. Travnicek, SAS Admin/Statistical Programmer
BSME, UNL, MS, Math, The Ohio State Univ
Lincoln, NE
Dave Dana, Elevator Constructor
Seattle, WA Dave Heller, M. Arch.
San Francisco Institute of Architecture
Berkeley, CA
Dave Kushin, B.S. Secondary Education - Math Major
B.S. Secondary Education - Math Major
Clearwater, FL David Ancira
Austin, TX
David A. Carrig, Construction Manager
Greenville, SC David Chen, Software Engineer
New York, NY
David Cole
Arlington, VT David L. King, Trucker
Mineral Point, MO
David W. Laws, Business Owner
Manassas, vinginia David Short, Member Scholars for 911 Truth and Justice
Injury Prevention Specialist
Salyer, CA
David Taylor, Senior Writing Advisor, Univ. of Maryland
D.A., Univ. Mississippi
Savannah, GA Dean M. Jackson, Research Analyst
Washington, DC
Debra Ellis, Educated Citizen
Haddon Heights, NJ Declan Duggan, Intern Architect
Manchester, Lanchashire – UK
Diana Lea, student
Ogden, utah Don Green
Girard, PA
Don Plummer, Commercial HVACR Service Tech
Grand Junction, CO Donald W. Stacey, JD, MBA, Investment Banker (Retired)
Beverly, MA
E. Nicholas Milam, Esq., lawyer
Evanston, Illinois Edward Stroh, Mr.
Canyon Country, CA
Elaine N. Ramey
Kissimmee, Florida Elizabeth Ann Otto
Rock Hill, SC
Ellis Goldberg, BSEET, MBA, Marketing Engineering Consultant
Danville, CA Eric Penrose
BSc Mathematical Studies/MA Oriental Rel
London, Middx – UK
Erik Ferrill
Columbus, Indiana Erik Genga, Regional Planner
Drexel Hill, PA
Erik Kamfjord, Student
Oslo, Oslo – Norway Ethan J. Stroschein
American Falls, ID
Fahad Hasnain, Journalist Student
Queens, New York Frank Antonio Bird, B.A., Overeducated Carpenter
B.A. in English
Northridge, CA
Frank Shap, Local Government Manager, Degreed Engineer
Oakland, Maryland Franklin Smith, Millwright
Trafalgar, IN
Fred Henry Kinslow III, student
Fort Smith, AR Gabriella Sankovich
Richmond, CA
Gabrielle Weiss, Student of Life
Rushville, New York Gary Allen, MS/CS, Software Engineer
Raleigh, NC
Gary Anderson
Reno, NV Gary T. DelRosso, B.S. D.D.S. Dentist / Endodontist
B.S. Zoology D.D.S. Dentistry / Endodont
Ashland, OR
George Berman, BSc Hon, Systems Programmer
Winnipeg, Manitoba – Canada Gil Roetman, Engineering Consultant
Anchorage, AK
Graham Richardson, Building Services
Amersham, Bucks – UK Greg Cadman
Johannesburg, Gauteng – South Africa
Gregg Roberts, Business Analyst, Technical Writer/Editor
B.A., UT Austin, 1990
Austin, TX Gregor Huyskens, Physicist
Hamburg, Hamburg – Germany
Hamish O'Brien
Brisbane, QLD – Australia Hans Verbeek, teacher
Delft, Zuid-Holland – The Netherlands
Harrison Heitman, Student
Conyers, GA Henry C. Finney, Professor
PhD Sociology UC Berkeley
Los Alamos, NM
Hudson Luce, PhD, JD, Attorney-at-Law
Lawrence, KS Hughes Ryan, Asst. Winemaker
M.S. U.C. Davis
St. Helena, CA
Ian Woods, BLA, Graduate of Landscape Architecture (U of T)
Toronto, ON – Canada Jake B. McCrann, B.Sc.
B.Sc. (University of Melbourne)
Melbourne, Victoria – Australia
James Edward DiFrank, Consultant
B.S., Business, Univ. of Buffalo
Amherst, NY James Farber
Liberty, KY
James Franklin Holland, Student
Pleasant Garden, NC James F. Karlsberger
Williams, AZ
James Watson, BSc
Glasgow, South Lanarkshire – United Kingdom Jan Erik Gjestvang, Carpenter
Oslo, Oslo – Norway
Jan Hoyer, Graphic Artist
Lee's Summit, MO Janet Burroughs, Retired Teacher
Pisgah Forest,, North Carolina
Janis Danielson
Columbia Falls, MT Jason Carter, Land Surveyor in Training (L.S.I.T.)
Hazlehurst, GA
Jason Nilles, Security Industry Professional
Vancouver, BC Jason Northrup, Computer Tech/IT Consultant
San Rafael, CA
Jeremiah J. Mckenna
Bloomfield, NJ Jeremy J Begin
Oakland, CA
Jeremy Richard Morrison, Chef
Wellington, North Island – New Zealand Jillian Kosmuk, Student
Winnipeg, Manitoba – Canada
Jimmy Benito
Jersey City, NJ Joe Gregory Marquis, Computer Administrator
Las Vegas, NV
Joe Martin, Engineering Staff
Hartford, CT Joe Stokes, Artist, Teacher
Dallas, TX
Johan ikael Stenbeck
Stockholm, Stockholm – Sweden John Albanese, Independent Filmmaker
New York, New York
John Blacker, Physicist & Engineer
Lancaster, Lancashire – United Kingdom John Briggs, Student
Seattle, Washington
John Gannon, Director Of Photography
Los Angeles, CA John Mustanich, Airline Pilot (ret.)
Millbrae, CA
John Parulis, Licensed California Contractor
San Rafael, CA John Christopher Polifronio
Los Angeles, CA
Jonathan Christopher Deprez, concerned citizen
Raleigh, NC Jonathan Gill
Coventry, West Midlands – UK
Joseph Edward Hawkins, Dr.
Winnipeg, MB – Canada Joseph Thomas Kelley
Barstow, CA
Joseph Russell Wages, Engineering Staff
Richardson, TX Joshua R.N. Howland
Goshen, IN
Judson B. Witham, Esq.
30 years Commerical Construction
Provo, UT Julie Chin, Stay At home Mother
Shoreline, WA
Justin Keogh, Physics Student
Tucson, AZ Justin Lane, Engineering Technology Student
St Johns, NL – Canada
Karen Kahmann
Everett, WA Keif Larsson, Designer
Los Angeles, CA
Keith Crawford, Finance Manager
Houston, TX Kelli Mink, Legal Secretary
Grand Rapids, MI
Kenneth L. Burres, PhD, Historian
Sequim, WA Kenneth F. Eichler, IT Consultant
New Rochelle, NY
Kenneth Charles Parry, Engineering Consultant
Shrewsbury, Shropshire – UK Kieron Gary Golding, Student
Milton Keynes, BC – UK
Kim McDaniel
Burbank, CA Kim A. Wittenberg
Bear, DE
Kimberly Arasato, M. Ed
Masters Education/Counseling
Dallas, TX Kirk Jaskoviak, RLA, Landscape Archiitect
Hardwick, Massachusetts
Kristen Kepner-Coleman, B. Arch
Bachelor of Architecture, Auburn Univers
Atlanta, GA Lance Charles, owner / ceo wholearth development corporation
B.S. environmental design
Simi Valley, CA
Larry Patriarca, Proprietor of Universal Astronomics
Webster, MA Lester Collins
Morrilton, AR
Linda Jackson, Training & Change Management
Winnipeg, Manitoba – Canada Lon Waters, Ph.D., Mathematician
Albuquerque, NM
Lyle V. Sansom, Retired
Independence, OR – United States Lynn Foster, none
Austin, TX
Manal Mohammed, Architectual Technologist
Calgary, Alberta – Canada Maria Amy Hance, retired
B.S., Biology
Pevely, MO – United States
Marie Moneysmith, B.S.
Bachelor of Science, Sociology, Western
Beverly Hills, CA Mario & Marie Rolon
North Vernon, Indiana
Mark S. Gonney, Electric, Gas & Steam Emergency Representative
Brooklyn, NY Mark Holmes, none
Cypress, TX
Mark Allan Luxton, Physical Intuitive
Halifax, NS – Canada Mark Michel
BA - Sociology, U of South Florida
Saint Petersburg, FL
Mark A. Sauer, M.D.
Fort Myers, FL Martin Mellor, Engineering Consultant
Leuven, VB – Belgium
Marty Davis, Web Developer
Roanoke, TX Matt Hill, IT Tech Student
South Bend, IN
Matthew Bye, Mr
Essex, UK – UK Matthew Combes, Engineering Consultant
Lewsiton, Utah
Matthew Fiorito, Student
La Grande, Oregon Matthew Naus, Teacher
Milwaukee, WI
Meria Heller, Producer/Host
Payson, AZ Michael J. Garza, Technical Sales & Marketing Specialist
B.A. Business Management & Communication
Roscoe, IL
Michael Dennis Kaup
BFA Musical Theatre
St. Paul, MN Michael J. Smebak, Home Inspector
Madison, WI
Michael J. Taillon, Project Manager
Waldorf, MD Michael F. Treis, Pyrotechnician
Waxahachie, Texas
Michael Wells
Oakland, CA Michael Wolsey
Greeley, CO
Michelle Dick, Mrs.
Waimea, HI Mick Renner, PhD, Sr. Technical Writer
Berkeley, CA
Mike Curry
BA with EE minor
Hollywood, CA Mike Hawryluk, Professor Emeritus
Naples, FL
Mike Loser, B. Math
B.S. University of Wisconsin Green Bay
De Pere, WI Mike Mann, Security officer
B.S., Business Administration and Manage
North Las Vegas, NV
Nancy Griffith, None
B.A. Political Science
Wheat Ridge, CO Neil McCarthy, Multimedia Producer
Winnipeg, MB – Canada
Nick Chiro, Carpenter/ Activist
Highland Heights, OH Nicolas Signat, N.S.
Montpellier, Languedoc – France
Parris K. Butler, Artist / Poet
AFA 2D Arts and AFA Creative Writing
Phoenix, AZ Patrick Bowers, Civil Engineering Designer
Lusby, MD
Paul Edward Altman
Oceanside, CA Paul Doherty
Manchester, Lancashire – England
Pav S. Gill, Dr., MD, Medical Doctor
Southampton, Hampshire – UK Pedro Sttau Ortet, Pedro Sttau
Modern Literature
Lisbon, Lisbon
Peter Heinonen, Software Engineer
Great Mills, MD Peter Hinners, Realtor
Joliet, IL
Peter A. Sagi
Saint Louis, MO Peter Wakefield Sault
Walsall, West Midlands – UK
Phil Tompkins, Concerned citizen
Issaquah, WA Piper Miles
Sonoma, CA
Ralph Collins, ASLA, APA, Landscape Architect / Planner
Conifer, CO Ralph E. Lewis
Murrieta, CA
Randy Caruso, Web Designer
Beacon, NY Raymond Scott Creighton
Tampa, FL
Raymond John Heinsman, Engineering Staff
BA, Architecture, University@Buffalo
Bethesda, MD Regis Hohman, president
Braddock, PA
Rene Becerra, Student
Tulare, CA Renee Nancy Perry, Housewife
Jacksonville, FL
Riccardo Pizzirani
Bologna, Italy – Italy Richard Lowe, Counselor
B.A. Comm. and Theatre, Univ.
Boulder, CO
Richard Bentley Nichols
Santa Cruz, CA Richard Ricci, Ironworker Local 40 NYC
Yonkers, NY
Richard von Maur
Nassau, NA – Bahamas Richard D. Welser, Ph.D., Forensic Neuropsychologist
Morganton, NC
Ringhio Gattuso, Engineer
Milan, Italy Rita Hill, Software Engineer
Trinidad, CO
Robb L. Flores, Architectural Staff
Salt Lake City, Utah Robert C. Bennett, Owner & Lead Designer-Bennett Coachworks LLC
Milwaukee, WI
Robert M. Clement
Hartford, CT Robert S. Fritzius, Electrical Engineer (Retired, Non-licensed)
Starkville, Mississippi
Robert P. Johnson, Operations Manager
M.A., Information Management
Evergreen, CO Robert S. Lynch, Structural Steel Detailer
Falls City, TX
Robert Podolsky, M.S., Physicist / Engineer
Boca Raton, FL Robert M. Sardinia, Student
BS Computer Systems
Castro Valley, CA
Robert Sorenson, C.P.O., Orthotist and Prosthetist
Oceanside, California Robyn Richardson, Seeker of Truth
B.S. Information Technology
Litchfield, MN
Rocco R. Viera, ST. Contractor
Mission Hills, California Rolando Valle, College Graduate
Chicago, IL
Roman Dulgarov, Student
Goose Creek, SC Ron W. Conrad, Project Manager Commercial Concrete Construction
Chino Hills, CA
Rosie Wells, business owner
St. Thomas, VI Rudolf Georg Boukal, Entrepreneur
Theology, Philosphy
Roseville, MN
Rudy Scarfalloto, Chiropractor, Teacher
Atlanta, GA Ryan H. Gage
Bozeman, Montana
Ryan Kirk, Student
Clute, TX Sam Christmas, Technical Support Analyst
Brighton, East Sussex – UK
Samm Simpson, Ms.
Dunedin, FL Sean W. Bedell
Beacon, NY
Serge S. Schneider, SW
Columbus, Ohio Simon Klitscher, Licensed Surveyor
Bachelor of Surveying, University of Sou
Adelaide, South Australia – Australia
Snow Ann Ferguson, American Patriot
Roanoke, Texas Solaron Zim, Student
Los Angeles, CA
Spero Larres
BA Physics and Mathematics, Rutgers Univ
Newark, NJ Stacy Roland, Educated citizen
Salt Lake City, UT
Stan Carter, Author, Marketing Consultant
Clearwater, FL Stephen Bond, Geotech- Civil Construction
Perth, WA – Australia
Stephen Roger Dupont
New Bedford, MA Stephen A. Guerriero
B.A. Communication, Univ. at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY
Stephen Haggins
London, london – U.K Sterling Weeks, Student
Irvine, CA
Steve Banyai, Owner
Port Mansfield, TX Steve Pallister
Perth, WA – Australia
Steve Pheiffer
Jim Thorpe, PA Steven Groetken
Tucson, AZ
Sue G. Brand, Concerned US Citizen/Transcriptionist
Rushford, Minnesota Susan Macina, Domestic Engineer or Domestic Goddess
Hollywood, Florida
Teetle Clawson, CFO
Santa Cruz, CA Terral Lee Croft, General Contractor / Demolition Supervisor
St. Petersburg, Florida
Thomas Vibe Andreasen, [Master of Arts]
Master of Arts
Odense, Denmark – Denmark Tim Ingram, Inventor
Penetanguishene, ON – Canada
Timothy Cerar, Controls Engineer
Mountain Iron, MN Tom Parsons
Dripping Springs, TX
Tom Pollastrini, Retired
Alamo, CA Toni Starr, Veteran, Sgt. USAF 1980-84, 463rd TAW
BSc, Sociology/Psychology, CMU 1998
Cave Junction, OR
Tonya Morrison, Student
Houston, TX Traci Parris, F-16 Aircraft Product Support Engineering Coord.
Bachelors of International Business
Fort Worth, TX
Troy Seberson, Student
Albert Lea, MN Tyler Sims, Engineering Staff
Carrollton, TX
Victor Baker, Student
San Antonio, TX Victor Nott, Construction Engineering Technician
CET Diploma, Loyalist College
Wawa, ON – Canada
Victoria Ashley, Psychology Researcher
Alameda, CA Wally Trach, Web Consultant
Spokane, Washington
Wayne Williams, Teacher
BA, History, Carson Newman College
Psc 476 Box 9, FPO William J. Bry, Welder, Metal Fabricator, NASCAR Champion
MA Trade Certificate in Metal Fabricatio
Montague, MA
William Steven Burgess
Portsmouth, VA – United States William C. Carlotti, Retired Construction Mgr., Project Mgr., Super.
North Montpelier, VT
William O. West
Reseda, CA Wilmer H. Aygarn, Land Surveyor
Virginia Beach, VA
Yarrow Mahko, Radio Producer
Santa Rosa, CA Zachary Brehm, Engineering Student
Pittsburgh, PA
Zachary A. Keator, Student
Hoboken, NJ

b. j. edwards said...

It's revealing that you are unaware that the NIST report has not been refuted by anyone of your 9/11 Denial Movement, jeff. There won't be another investigation.

Time for you to give up your hopeless endeavor, jeff.

abdullah said...

Tile Adhesive: Apply tile adhesive (thin-set mortar) to the substrate using a trowel. The adhesive creates a bond between the tile and the surface.