July 6, 2006

Photo Booth.

I need to get out of the office, but I'm fooling around with the new computer. I discovered Photo Booth, which has various psychedelic effects:

Photo Booth

Photo Booth

Photo Booth

Really, I've gotta get out of here....


Beth said...

uh oh. My partner got a new MacBook Pro recently, with the camera built in and photo booth installed. She's spent several multi-hour sessions playing with it, and there's no warning when the urge will strike. It's just suddenly fun to make faces at the camera and start playing with effects.

It's summer. You have the time. Enjoy!

Ann Althouse said...

I just realized I have no idea if people can look at me through the camera.

buddy larsen said...

Ann D. Warhol!

Beth said...

Ann, do you mean if you're in a chat program? Probably they can, by default. But you should be able to change the settings. If you're in iChat, look for a little icon by a person's name, to see if they have AV capability.

Steve Donohue said...

You look about 20 years younger in the Andy Warhol-style picture.

Ann Althouse said...

Can I vlog? I want to do that Mickey Kaus "Blogging Heads" kinda thing.

Ricardo said...

Nice photos. To paraphrase the maxim, you're not getting older, you're getting, well, more hallucinogenic.

SippicanCottage said...
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buddy larsen said...

Ha--thanks, SC--I'll have some tomato soup, then she can publish the cans--

buddy larsen said...

I don't remember them seeming so shallow--reckon ya had to be there at the time, to really get into the spirit.

Anonymous said...

Such a diva.

Anonymous said...

Neat pictures!

"I am very jealous of your new computer." Me too. My love/hate affair with Bill Gates is developing into a real resentment.

chuck b. said...

Those are all really cool!

Anonymous said...
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Peter Hoh said...

Great profile photo. It has none of the problems that I noticed with the previous profiel photo -- you know, the problem I said I saw but you couldn't see.

Code word: erreeunx -- there's a prescription for when Tim Burton loses his touch.

Jennifer said...

I want this program.

I have no idea if people can look at me through my camera either. It kinda freaks me out. I always have a guard over it.

Anonymous said...

Steve does look like more spontaneous... Every time Bill comes over I have to sign another Agreement not to share his conversation with anyone.

Anonymous said...

What a delightful smile! They really are all great pix, but my fav is probably the 1st in thew last row. BUT, I think that one (at the top) has a certain enigmatic quality to it (see Lisa, Mona) that I really like, but I'm not sure the "modified Sunday cartoon" look suits it.

Ann Althouse said...

Marghlar: A lot of the books are sent to me free, and then a lot were bought on a book allowance and later a professorship. It is really cool to be able to buy all the books you want.

Robert said...

It's not the Andy Warhol filter that takes 20 years off; it's the smile.

High Desert Wanderer said...

I haven't used Photo Booth, but PhotoShop can keep me entertained for hours.

amba said...

The Lichtenstein-style one needs a balloon with a caption (something like "Omigod, I forgot to have children," except you didn't) ...

SippicanCottage said...
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Judith said...

Here are mine from the Apple store on 5th Avenue.