December 15, 2005

"We will talk to each other, and we will connect with each other, and we will weave the country together like a piece of cloth."

Voting in Iraq. Beautiful quote, isn't it? It's just something a retired mechanic said, which makes it even more beautiful, really. The encounter with democracy is so new, so deeply meaningful, that it moves the average person to speak poetry.


goesh said...

Well said - we have people living within easy walking distance of polls who won't vote, yet Iraqis will walk long distances and face real danger to vote.

Bruce Hayden said...

Yes, it is moving.

I started into my usual over-analysis, and then decided to leave it like that - that this is moving.

Alexandra said...

All Things Beautiful TrackBack 'Iraq's Purple Finger Of Democracy':

"Today belongs to the people of Iraq, and we wish them both a speedy and successful path to the freedom of democracy....Ann Althouse quotes an acquaintance: "We will talk to each other, and we will connect with each other, and we will weave the country together like a piece of cloth."

"The encounter with democracy is so new, so deeply meaningful, that it moves the average person to speak poetry." Indeed Ann."

AnechoicRoom said...

Tens of thousands of expat Iraqis have been driving across one, two, three, and four state lines to vote. For a couple of days now, here in the good ole U.S.A. Proudly so, L.A., San Diego, S.F., three other U.S. cities (I believe).

They are in love with the concept of voting. One of many local/feature articles (depending on your locale). All mirroring the same sentiment.

Anonymous said...

It indeed is beautiful, an expression of the divine in each of us, in a world that sometimes sells that short. A cranky ex-Democrat, I feel too something like love for Bush! At work, I try not to cry when I see their faces and hear their words. I wish I was there.

D.E. Cloutier said...
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Gina Cobb said...

Related Post:

"May God Bless Iraq"

D.E. Cloutier said...

Miklos Rosza: "Makes one wonder, just for one tiny second, what goes through the mind of Ramsey Clark as he rushes to side with Saddam."

My guess:

The same thing that goes through a bug's mind when the insect hits a windshield: excrement.