April 5, 2022

At the Early Spring Café...


... you can talk about whatever you like.


Joe Smith said...

Watch the video of Biden looking lost while everyone swarms around Obama.

It is sad, but would make an effective RNC ad.

Just roll the clip, and at the end bring up type that says, 'We all know who the real president is.'

Jill should be arrested for elder abuse...

madAsHell said...

I saw this on Instapundit, and also in the local Seattle Times.

Say good-bye to Squaw Butte!!!

Don't anyone mention Dyke Access Road on I-5, and the north end of Woodland, WA!!

gspencer said...

Wonderful time of year as the yard wakes up.

gspencer said...

Appalachian Spring is a treat in early Spring.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Polis(D-supported by 9 News Denver) just passed the infanticide Bill.
infanticide is now fully legal in Colorado.

Humperdink said...

Kudos to Zelensky distributing assault rifles, typically AK-47's, to the Ukraine citizenry. Shame they didn't already have them at the ready.

From the 2018 archives: California congressman Eric Swalwell (D-FangBang) "defended his support for an “assault weapon” buy back program, arguing that it would be a necessary step in a broader effort to ban “military-style semi-automatic assault weapons.”

A citizen responded: “So basically [Swalwell] wants a war. Because that’s what you would get. You’re outta your f--king mind if you think I’ll give up my rights and give the gov all the power.”

Wasting no time, "Swalwell reminded the dissenter that the U.S. government has nuclear warheads and that, if push comes to shove, they can be used on noncompliant citizens ..... "And it would be a short war my friend."

Hoping the Vlad doesn't take Swalwell's advice.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hunter’s Grand Jury Asks “Who Is The Big Guy”
Who is the Big Guy?

Never mind all that... Obama is here! Rich guy party! wooot!

rehajm said...

Teach a man to buy a cow and he’ll fish for a lifetime for free…

wildswan said...

I was looking at my Ukrainian war info site - the ISW site. Today the Ukrainians were passing on a rumor that the Russian regiment involved in the Bucha crimes has been dispatched to the eastern Ukraine theatre and sent right into combat. The idea is that Russian Army leaders are hoping that all the regiment members will be killed so that they can never testify. Who knows? I wonder if that eastern Ukraine theatre is going to be as dangerous for the Russian Army as this rumor suggests.

rcocean said...

Mitt Romeny wouldn't spend one cent on a border wall. Nor did he want to increase money for border security. Mittens fought Trump when Trump wanted to transfer a couple $Billion from DoD to building a border fence.

Millions of illegals are pouring accross the border. Drugs, crime, people with diseases. A-OK with Mittens. Doesn't bother him. He has 12 houses and $100 million. But now he's crowing about a Bi-partisan CV-19 deal to spend $10 Billion. And wants $Billions for the Ukraine. Mittens cares about THEIR Border.

$Billions for graft, not one cent for border security - Mitt Romney.

Bender said...

Russian media now reporting: "Ukraine is preparing provocations with the death of residents of the Kherson region."

This is horrific. Russia is preparing a massacre in Mykolaiv and projecting again. Or they have already committed the atrocities there and know it will come out soon.

Oleksandrivka is a small town located between Kherson and Mykolaiv and what scares me is both have seen unthinkable atrocities. So what is Russia preparing to do?

This worries me a lot because they are preparing something worse than we have seen


Narr said...

Read Strategypage and van Creveld on the Uke situation. Very enlightening.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Tusli - "Government has no place in our bedrooms"

She read the bill. Unlike democrats and other liars.

Maynard said...

According to the woke Marxists we are all dying of Whiteness.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

A flat tire is rare. Two flat tires in 6 days is a highly unusual. Road debris is a problem here in Georgia.

Gahrie said...

Never mind all that... Obama is here! Rich guy party! wooot!

I just watched a video on Youtube, I think Tucker Carlson, that had footage of what appeared to be a party at the Whitehouse. Former president Obama was there, being fawned over by everyone, meanwhile everyone is literally ignoring President Biden.



Including his vice-president. Even Obama himself shrugs off President Biden's hand at one point. It was literally pathetic.

What they are doing to President Biden is elder abuse, pure and simple.

Gahrie said...

@Joe Smith:

Wow, great minds think alike. I should have read the comments before I posted.

Christopher B said...

Anybody who thinks the Democrat PTB would have to think twice before kicking Biden to the curb needs to watch that video.

Confirming Brown Jackson is a great setup for installing the first black woman as President next, and a trial run for confirmation of the replacement VP. They now know they don't need to worry about a 50-50 tie with the usual suspects in the Senate.

MadTownGuy said...

madAsHell said...

"I saw this on Instapundit, and also in the local Seattle Times.

Say good-bye to Squaw Butte!!!

Don't anyone mention Dyke Access Road on I-5, and the north end of Woodland, WA!!

Next: Dyckesville, WI (misspelled as 'Dykesville' on one of the mileage signs on the northbound highway toward Sturgeon Bay.

MadTownGuy said...

Washington's unwelcome party guest: COVID crashes Capitol reopening (Yahoo News)

Buried deep in the article:
"Former President Barack Obama visited Biden, 79, at the White House on Tuesday. Obama tested positive in mid-March."

Was this made public before now? First I've heard of it.

Narr said...

For MTG@555PM--

I think the Obama Covid story was known; ISTR thinking that sure enough everyone would get it when it was announced.

There was a lot of malevolent gloating in the first 18 months of Covid or so--hoping that the presumably unvaxxed would die. There's a faint echo of that now, when others get to gloat over the infection of the multiply vaxxed. That's one reason I recall the Obama story from about three weeks ago.