October 16, 2019

"I’m into some cool sheet, some dark stuff."

From "Ronan Farrow’s Deranged Impressions on the Catch and Kill Audiobook, Reviewed" (Slate).

I think it's great that he does the voices! Both his parents are actors. Well, I guess it does make it comical... and the topic is dead serious.

You can get the audiobook here, at Amazon.


Shouting Thomas said...

No, the topic is dumb.

American women are the safest, richest, most powerful and most coddled group of humans to ever walk the planet.

This meToo stuff is utter bullshit.

Your lifelong bitch against men is a total, obnoxious lie, prof. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and, courtesy of tenure, you’ve had your ass kissed your entire life.

You’re an utter liar and fraud when you get on your feminazi horse. Spoiled brat bullshit. Stop it.

Howard said...

Falls into "don't give up your day job" catagory.

Bay Area Guy said...

I saw Ronan being interviewed by Judy Woodruff, on PBS.

Yeah, he's probably way, way left, but the guy is good. Real good. He's actually practicing old school journalism. Judy was a bit flustered, playing defense attorney for NBC, but Ronan held his own.

Yeah, a lotta the #MeToo movement was/is bullshit. A big component (the Al Franken part) was designed to force Trump outta office. But some of it is valid. The studio heads of NBC are mostly liberal geeks, who made it big, and act as if female actresses and producers and staff are there to be plucked. And, when trouble arises, they defend and protect each other, and isolate and NDA the complainants.

richlb said...

Ha. Both his parents. I know Sinatra was in a few films.

Earnest Prole said...

Both his parents are actors

Not to mention Woody Allen.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I think it's great that he does the voices! Both his parents are actors.

One of 'em is a singer as well!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Does his voice sound.... sort of Chairman of the board with a blue-eyed tone?

YoungHegelian said...

Farrow's speaking voice sounds a lot like Ben Shapiro's.

I don't consider that a good thing.

narciso said...

haven't heard him speak, but from what I skimmed from the book, he mixes rumor with confirmable fact, (he dismisses the Enquirer in almost the same breath,)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shouting T said.

American women are the safest, richest, most powerful and most coddled group of humans to ever walk the planet.


Jupiter said...

"...the topic is dead serious."

Well, no actually, it isn't deadly serious. And I was wondering about that. Does he explain why he called it "Catch and Kill"? Did anyone in the book get caught and killed?

Maillard Reactionary said...

Eh? Not getting this at all.

It could be me.

traditionalguy said...

Ronan does the female voice well. I hope it is worth the Audible credit.

John Christopher said...

I listened to this today. He does a hilarious Trump.

The actor Craig Wasson narrates the James Ellroy novels and gives historical characters the voices of recognizable actors.

Narayanan said...

I don't think it's "cool sheet" ...
like *Coool shiiitt* make sense more clear