January 26, 2014

David Gregory tries to drag Rand Paul into the war on women.

On "Meet the Press" this morning, Gregory seemed intent on extracting something from Rand Paul that would hurt him with women voters.

First, Gregory started the interview with Mike Huckabee's gift to the Democrats, the statement that birth control coverage implies that women "cannot control their libido." Gregory asks Paul whether that's "helpful," and Rand Paul goes meta, saying "a lot of debates in Washington... get dumbed down and are used for political purposes," which is a way of saying Gregory's question is dumb. Then Paul jokes, "if there was a war on women, I think they won," and proceeds to talk about the women in his family, who are doing well, and the fact that women now outnumber men in law schools and med schools. He concludes that he doesn't see women as "downtrodden." They are "rising up and doing great things." In fact, he worries about men, "because I think the women really are out-competing the men in our world."

Gregory tries to drag Paul back to the question — whether the GOP should be talking about "women's health, women's bodies." And Paul goes through the same tactics: cooling things off with a joke ("I try never to have discussions of anatomy unless I'm at a medical conference"), saying that the whole subject is "dumbed down" and political, and observing that way women are doing well. He adds another compliment, that the women he knows are "conquering the world," not complaining about how "terrible" and "misogynist" it is. He never says one thing about birth control, women's bodies, or the unfortunate locutions of other members of his party.

So that's how Paul is going to deal with the media efforts to lure Republicans into playing the Democrats' war on women game.

There are a number of other topics in the interview, but Gregory puts another woman topic at the end.  He's got an interview from Vogue in which Rand Paul joked about the polls that show Hillary Clinton beating every GOP opponent, and Paul's wife Kelley burst in with: "Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky should complicate his return to the White House, even as first spouse.  I would say his behavior was predatory, offensive to women."

Gregory asks if Paul thinks that "will be fair game and an appropriate part of a campaign" against Hillary. Paul says:
Well, you know, I mean, the Democrats, one of their big issues is they have concocted and said Republicans are committing a war on women.  
If our opponents are going to do gender politics, he implies, it's fair for us to do it too.
One of the workplace laws and rules that I think are good is that bosses shouldn't prey on young interns in their office.
Good. Sexual harassment law is serious, and it matters. But should GOP candidates forefront that?
And I think really the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this.  He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office.  There is no excuse for that, and that is predatory behavior, and it should be something we shouldn't want to associate with people who would take advantage of a young girl in his office. This isn't having an affair.  I mean, this isn't me saying, "Oh, he's had an affair, we shouldn't talk to him."  Someone who takes advantage of a young girl in their office?  I mean, really.  And then they have the gall to stand up and say, "Republicans are having a war on women"?  So, yes, I think it's a factor.  Now, it's not Hillary's fault.  And, I mean... it is a factor in judging Bill Clinton in history.
In history. Against Bill. But what about in the campaign against Hillary? David Gregory refocuses on the question asked, which Paul did scamper away from.

Paul says it's hard to separate the Clintons, then repeats the point about Bill's place in history. He adds that in his state, people would socially shun somebody who took advantage of a young woman like that.

So the idea is wafted that we shouldn't want Bill back in the White House, but with the risk of offending people who think a woman and her husband are 2 completely separate people or who think a 20-year-old woman who decides to have sex with an older married man is something more than a "young girl" who's been taken advantage of.

Like the birth control issue, the sexual harassment issue is touchy, and Republicans seem to have a special knack for saying the wrong thing — or something that can be spun as the wrong thing — whenever they talk about women's bodies.

If young women are "conquering the world" (as Paul said), why not credit Monica Lewinsky with her conquest of the world's most powerful man? She was enthusiastic and willing, from what I read. I think the sexual harassment problem in the case of Bill Clinton has to do with other women who were pressured to have sex and with the women and men who were not in a position to improve their standing in the workplace by interacting sexually with the boss.

If the GOP wants to make an issue out of sexual harassment, hone it so that it really is good feminism, based in women's autonomy and equality.

You know, Mike Huckabee was trying to use the idea of women's autonomy. He tried to say that Democrats are infantilizing women, but he botched it up badly. I can see that he was trying to be comical, stringing together ideas and using funny words like "Uncle Sugar" to refer to government as a giver of benefits, but he didn't have good control, and he didn't anticipate how another audience would be able to use it all against him.

I'm inclined to advise Republicans — if they want my advice — to just shut up about women, but I don't think they can, and I don't think the Democrats will let them. I watched Rand Paul very carefully, because I thought he might be close to figuring out how to retreat from the war on women. He'll be lured back again and again, and he — and other Republicans — need to work out exactly what they want to say on every women's issue and practice extracting themselves from the question traps. I think Rand Paul has done some of this work, but it's not nailed down yet.


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Saint Croix said...

"An ultrasound is rape" is another battle in the war on women.

When feminists use this sort of over-the-top violent imagery, they are fighting abortion politics. Specifically, they are responding to the pro-life accusation that abortion kills a baby. And their response is highly emotional. You are raping women (when you use an ultrasound). You are declaring war on women (when you vote Republican).

This feminist rhetoric seems insane to a lot of people. It's really an attempt to match the violent rhetoric of the pro-life movement. It's an emotional response more than a rational one. And, too, there's a lot of repressed guilt and anger over abortion. I think a lot of people feel tremendous upset over abortion. And so it sort of poisons our rhetoric.

David Gregory, by the way, is not upset about abortion. He is not feeling a lot of repressed guilt over the subject, or anger. He's not feeling much at all about the subject. He might have no idea that he's talking about abortion. My sense of David Gregory is that he lets other people do his thinking for him.

Seeing Red said...

"Access to health care"

If you read Insty today, tho, it's males who aren't getting access to health care.

Laslo Spatula said...

Sexy kitty, purr purr purr, I am cleaning my fur, stop watching.

n.n said...

Michael K:

I can appreciate your conflict. On one hand, you value human life and endeavor to protect it. On the other hand, you value the dignity of a woman and compromise to protect it. The abortion act creates a unique conundrum which is unlike any other behavior that humans exhibit. However, I would argue that abortion is a symptom and not the cause.

Why did they have an abortion? Was it elective? Was there cause to terminate the evolution of a human life? Was it capricious, for money, sex, ego, or convenience? Was it advised or inculcated for purposes of population control or some other agenda?

Abortion is not their first bad choice. Abortion is a symptom of other bad choices. It is a symptom of a disease. There is a predisposition in "civilized" society to treat symptoms rather than address causes, sometimes because we lack a conclusive treatment, while other times because it is profitable to treat symptoms in perpetuity. We know the direct and proximate causes of this disease. We should address them and not normalize a clearly dysfunctional behavior.

The causes lead those women to make a series of bad choices, culminating in the willful termination of a human life under their care. I suggest that not only are the consequences of their decision(s) not limited to themselves, but that their choice is a crime against the individual, society, and humanity. The cause that precipitated their series of bad choices needs to be addressed; otherwise, the disease will fester, and if we are to acknowledge precedent, will grow malignant.

Seeing Red said...

That old Gallup poll from mid-2012 suggested the majority of the citizenry has an issue with abortion. Who is really out of touch?

Seeing Red said...

Pregnancy is a disease. There's the cancer.

n.n said...


Today's progressive is tomorrow's conservative. It's a recurring cycle of rebels with a cause and often without a clue.

Wolf and Paglia to name a few. Perhaps even our own Professor Althouse. Their integrity was not captured by generational progressivism, even if their predisposition remains intact.

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote:
Tell it how it is regarding women. Say it loud, say it proud!

So tell us all, Inga, how is it with women? Are they really as infantile about their libidos as Hillary Clinton would have America believe? Don't forget to be loud and proud, OK?

Saint Croix said...

Here is a reprint of the Naomi Wolf article. It's quite good. Wolf compares abortion to a war, and her argument is that sometimes war is justified. So sometimes abortion is justified. But she wants to recognize abortion as a killing.

My suspicion is that Naomi Wolf wrote that article after she was pregnant the first time. In other words, she went through pregnancy and gained some knowledge of an unborn child. This was in contrast to the feminist ideology she had accepted in her younger days. And Wolf is honest enough that she wrote an article about it.

Paglia often refers to Wolf as "Little Miss Pravda," which is mean (and funny). But this article really is sharp and provocative. In this article Wolf is getting away from her feminist ideology, and that makes her far more interesting as a writer and thinker.

I find this is true with Paglia and Althouse, too. The most interesting feminists are the ones who question the orthodoxy and push against it. They are thinking for themselves. This is why Gregory is such a bad journalist. Any journalist who frames his question in terms of a "war on women" is a joke. He's on auto-pilot.

Revenant said...

The most interesting feminists are the ones who question the orthodoxy and push against it.

Is there a group for which the statement "the most interesting _____ are the ones who question the orthodoxy and push against it" isn't true?

There's not much of interest in listening to a person who can only repeat received wisdom, no matter what the source.

Scott said...

Republicans who do support abortion put the limit at around 20 weeks. Why do Democrats believe that women have the "right to choose" right up to the day of delivery? At what point does the "right to choose" cross over into the realm of barbarism and moral repugnance? Democrats never seem to be able to answer that without being glib or dismissive.

Seeing Red said...

Talk about re in forcing the stereotype that a female can't make a decision. Seriously, you need 9 months to make a decision like this?

Michael K said...

"Republicans who do support abortion put the limit at around 20 weeks. Why do Democrats believe that women have the "right to choose" right up to the day of delivery?"

Yes and the left does not want to know about Krmit Gosnell

I once knew a doctor's wife who was pregnant with twins and had an abortion hysterectomy. I cannot understand why someone who could obviously care for these children would do something like that.

There are many things I do not understand but that leads the list. I have seen girls who were desperate and others, like one student who had had seven abortions.

A friend, a GP, had done a vasectomy on a patient who then got his wife pregnant, having failed to have a post-op sperm count. He sued my friend for "wrongful life." I suggested the GP offer to adopt the infant. Needless to say, the plaintiff was not interested.

The world can be complicated.

Saint Croix said...

Sexual harassment law is serious, and it matters.

I actually think sexual harassment law is very unserious. Contrast the way feminists say that the use of the words "pubic hair" 10 years ago is sex harassment. But whipping out your penis and saying "kiss it" is not sex harassment.

It all depends on what political party you belong to. Clarence Thomas is accused of sex harassment, while Bill Clinton is excused of sex harassment. Thus feminism, which invented sex harassment, makes it into a joke.

I again suggest the subtext here is abortion. The attacks on Clarence Thomas were all about abortion (and Roe v. Wade). This was a highly emotional and personal attack on a human being. "Let us find some dirt on Clarence Thomas." And they went through his entire life, looking for anything. In particular they wanted to use sex to destroy him. Does he read pornography?

It was like one woman calling another woman a "slut." You're using sex to destroy another person's life. The idea was to portray Clarence Thomas as a sexual animal, a monster.

Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is pro-choice, so all his sexual behavior is excused.

I'm not at all convinced that feminists care about sex harassment. It's just another tool women can use to take money from men. Most forms of sex harassment are speech crimes. You said that bad word to me. Give me money.

We see in the case of Bill Clinton what they really care about. Abortion is the really important issue to feminism. That's the primal, emotional issue. Sex harassment is like #129 on the feminist agenda. It's a tool to be used against corporations and Republicans.

Anonymous said...

I think many Democrats would agree with the 20 week limit if abortion would be made easily accessible. Why are Republican states making access so difficult? Wouldn't it be better to ensure an early abortion by not making it nearly impossible to get one in some states? I think Democrats would be willing to re-look at Roe v. Wade to reform it to reflect the medical technological advances in the earlier viability of an unborn baby.

Revenant said...

I think many Democrats would agree with the 20 week limit if abortion would be made easily accessible.

So much for the idea that women's rights were at stake in the debate over late-term abortions.

n.n said...

A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: Language and the Abortion Debate

This was published in "Princeton Progressive Review" in 1996.

Though willing to grant the dimension of personal morality which attaches to abortion as a consequence of the humanity of the unborn child, we believe Wolf fails to carry through fully in her analysis; through to the conclusion that if the fetus is indeed human, then its harm or destruction must fall under the reach of any just society's public morality.

If this is the Progressive's official position on abortion, then who, exactly, is leading the charge to preserve it as a basic human right? It seems that the evolution of human life is not questioned; but, there is a going along to get along attitude. Perhaps to achieve some greater objective, which can only be realized through democratic leverage.

So, at one time there were people willing to publicly discuss the issue on its merits; but since then the debate about our unalienable right to life has devolved into rhetorical matches. Meanwhile, over one million human lives are terminated annually in America alone. For all of our intelligence, we still balk at addressing the most challenging issue facing humanity.

And now for some rhetorical flourish...

Abortion, huh yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

'Cause it means destruction of [wholly] innocent lives.

and its accompanying bumper sticker...

Make life, not abortion.

n.n said...


They keep stepping back. They are now on the defensive. This implies that the majority of people do not welcome the normalization of abortion, and they may even recognize that it is a symptom and not a cause.

This issue really needs to be brought forth in all of its gory and glory. It clearly cannot and should not be ignored. They think that the voluntary nature of abortion in America distinguishes it from the involuntary regime in China. They are wrong. Men and women have become far too uptight when it comes to discussing issues of life and death.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

Define " easily accessible."

Michael K said...

"We see in the case of Bill Clinton what they really care about. Abortion is the really important issue to feminism. "

Exactly. It's also about forcing the opposition to accept your agenda. Inga no more believes what she posted " think many Democrats would agree with the 20 week limit if abortion would be made easily accessible."

Than she believes in the tooth fairy. The Texas law that Abortion Barbie had her pseudo-filibuster about was a requirement that abortion providers have clean facilities, as opposed to Gosnell's, and have some staff membership in a hospital where they could take the patient if there was a complication.

Those are not serious barriers to accessibility. One problem the militant left, like Inga, has is that most doctors don't want to do abortions. When I did some I was on GYN admitting and the GYN residents hated it. I decided to help out. Eventually, the County hospital hired people to do them. We called them "mercenaries." Not all are as bad as Gosnell but it was significant that he was ignored for years for political reasons.

Seeing Red said...

I like a response I read at Instapundit? It was something like if the government has to guarantee free birth control, why shouldn't the government supply everyone with an AR-15 since the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms?

Seeing Red said...

Some of the more extremist feminist progressives want abortion available up yo 2 Years.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


"Texas Assistant DA Larry Thompson has said Texas legislators have demonstrated a commitment to protecting the unborn by including in laws that a human being is alive at every stage of gestation."

So does this mean they have plans for laws to bestow personhood on a zygote? The debate about late stage abortion was never a threat to women. Personhood on a zygote is a different story.

Anonymous said...

I hardly think I'm militant. I've stated many times that I'd be fine with limiting abortions to under 20 weeks.

Gahrie said...

Personhood on a zygote is a different story.


Literally every "person" born began as a zygote. Every zygote that has survived has become a "person". So isn't a zygote a person by definition?

Anonymous said...

"Some of the more extremist feminist progressives want abortion available up yo 2 Years."

1/26/14, 11:21 PM

OMG....she is so full of bullshit.

Fen said...

Inga: I think many Democrats would agree with the 20 week limit if abortion would be made easily accessible. Why are Republican states making access so difficult? Wouldn't it be better to ensure an early abortion by not making it nearly impossible to get one in some states?

It takes you more than 20 weeks to access an abortion clinic?

How are you even alive?

Anonymous said...

Because aborting a zygote and aborting a 20 week old fetus is not the same. Yes both are human and both are alive. The stage of development however is significantly different as you well know. If it has to happen the earlier
the better.

In a perfect world it would never happen.

Anonymous said...

"When I did some I was on GYN admitting and the GYN residents hated it. I decided to help out. Eventually, the County hospital hired people to do them. We called them "mercenaries." Not all are as bad as Gosnell but it was significant that he was ignored for years for political reasons."

1/26/14, 11:19 PM

Michael K, how could you do abortions? Even I would never engage in that kind of thing. I would've refused. That doesn't mean that I would outlaw it for those who choose to get one under 20 weeks. I'm actually quite shocked at you.

Michael K said...

"I'm actually quite shocked at you."

No you're not. You're just being a jerk. What you are willing to support, you should be willing to do. I didn't like it but I'm not a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

No more of a jerk than you have been to me tonight Michael K. And yes I am shocked at you. What a damn hypocrite you are. And fools here call me a baby killer. You are one, not me.

Chef Mojo said...

Michael K, how could you do abortions? Even I would never engage in that kind of thing. I would've refused.

So, let me get this straight, Inga: You're saying that doctors - and by extention, any medical personnel who assist those doctors - who perform abortions are immoral?

And yet you approve of allowing them to to perform, then, what is by your definition, an immoral act?

Anonymous said...

I support women's right to choose, I don't have to be willing to do it myself. There are other people here who have stated they would support early abortions, I'm sure they too would never do one themselves.

Chef Mojo said...

Inga, you need to get your compass adjusted. Michael K is not the hypocrite. You are, by a long shot.

Chef Mojo said...

You're saying that the people who perform abortions are immoral, and yet you're screeching about making abortions readily available? Incredible.

So, what happens if everyone able to refuses to perform abortions on moral grounds?

Shall the government compel doctors to perform them?

Anonymous said...

It's not my business, why a woman chooses to have an abortion. It is a private matter. It is not my business if a doctor chooses to perform one. I wouldn't have an abortion, I wouldn't engage in performing one, that is also my business.

It's hypocrisy that is immoral.

Matt said...

Inga supports a women's right to choose but condemns those who do it... so, coat hanger, then, Inga?

I, for one, don't think you are a baby killer, Inga. However, I would be surprised if you haven't "accidentally" tripped over the cord of an elderly patient now and again. Especially if you learned that they voted Republican.

Mary Beth said...

I started listening to this and thought, wow, that sounds familiar.

Freeman Hunt said...

There are many choices I would publically condemn but not want to make illegal.

Freeman Hunt said...

(Abortion isn't one of them. I think it should be illegal to perform an abortion. But the point is that Inga isn't a hypocrite here.)

Matt said...

"It is not my business if a doctor chooses to perform one."

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds...

Then why your comment directed at MichaelK? You are such a transparent phony, Inga.

Anonymous said...

Nope I do not condem them, or judge them. And if Michael wouldn't have been such a jerk for weeks now I wouldn't have called him on his hypocrisy.

Seeing Red said...

It's not my business but I have to pay for it and it is now state-sanctioned. If they can drive the Catholic Church underground, win-win!

Matt said...

But you DID judge him, you hypocritical fool.

Seeing Red said...

Obviously you aren't listening. It's out there find it if u want.

Anonymous said...

I judged him on his hypocrisy. I was surprised that he performed abortions yet condemns me, who never has assisted in one. Amazing.

Chef Mojo said...

It's not my business, why a woman chooses to have an abortion. It is a private matter. It is not my business if a doctor chooses to perform one. I wouldn't have an abortion, I wouldn't engage in performing one, that is also my business.

Oh yes, Inga. Lots of white people back in the last century took a similar view towards lynching. No, of course they'd never do it themselves, but they could certainly understand the need to keep certain segments of society in their place.

Inga, you're the type who, lacking the guts to act on your convictions, counts on the SS to put a bullet in the base of the skull of that pesky Jew, as long as it's done out of sight, out of hearing and out of mind.

Matt said...

Inga, show the quote or it is a lie.

Matt said...

Inga wrote...

"Michael K, how could you do abortions? Even I would never engage in that kind of thing. I would've refused. That doesn't mean that I would outlaw it for those who choose to get one under 20 weeks. I'm actually quite shocked at you."

1/26/14, 11:44 PM

You are "shocked" at the act itself (supposedly). Not any perceived hypocrisy, you liar.

You are also full of shit as you are not "shocked" by the act either as you are a supporter of it. You perceived an avenue of attack against someone you hate and took it. You misfired badly. All you did was again reveal your lack of character.

Seeing Red said...

For the young'uns out there, the American public has been pretty steady on abortion for decades:

Don't like it
Don't want to pay for it
Not going to tell people what to do

Obamacare changed that.

Seeing Red said...

Inga would never participate, but did she ever donate money?

Anonymous said...

"We see in the case of Bill Clinton what they really care about. Abortion is the really important issue to feminism. "

"Exactly. It's also about forcing the opposition to accept your agenda. Inga no more believes what she posted " think many Democrats would agree with the 20 week limit if abortion would be made easily accessible."

Than she believes in the tooth fairy. The Texas law that Abortion Barbie had her pseudo-filibuster about was a requirement that abortion providers have clean facilities, as opposed to Gosnell's, and have some staff membership in a hospital where they could take the patient if there was a complication.

Those are not serious barriers to accessibility. One problem the militant left, like Inga, has is that most doctors don't want to do abortions. When I did some I was on GYN admitting and the GYN residents hated it. I decided to help out. Eventually, the County hospital hired people to do them. We called them "mercenaries." Not all are as bad as Gosnell but it was significant that he was ignored for years for political reasons."

1/26/14, 11:19 PM

Seeing Red said...

Ahh, well, the State is slowly getting the doctors out of doing them, Ingas will be able to since Inga is a nurse.

Anonymous said...

You could assist Michael K, Seeing Red and just say you were "helping out".

Matt said...

Inga, you posted a quote but I see no hypocrisy. If you think it is there then you need to explain it.

Anonymous said...

Matt, I'm not going to explain two years worth of abortion debates and what was said in them to you here, feel free to look up all the abortion threads yoursel.

Anonymous said...

And if you support the legalization of marijuana, but don't smoke it yourself, does that make you a hypocrite? What kind of an alternate reality do you people live in?

Matt said...

Ah... tacit admission that you lied.

I asked you to provide a quote. You did but cannot explain how it proves your point (because it doesn't). So, now the proof is out there somewhere floating around you just don't know where. How convenient for you! Liar.

Anonymous said...

Matt, I really honestly and truly do not give a rats ass what you think. You people with the exception of Freeman Hunt have proven yourselves to be not worth engaging on any subject of significance.

Matt said...

Inga, you support abortion because of concern for the health of the woman, no?

If abortion were not legal, she would be forced to get it in a back alley with a coat hanger, no?

If there were no one willing to perform the abortion, then the woman would be forced into that situation, no?

But you expressed abhorrence when someone acknowledged that they did the procedure. You can't have it both ways! What if your criticism influenced people to stop performing the procedure you believe should be legal? Talk about a War on Women! Inga is on the front lines trying to shame people from giving the needed and crucial health care that desperate women need! I am shocked, SHOCKED that Inga would do this! (Well, no, not really... the War on Women is a Democrat domain.)

Alex said...

n.n - how old are you?

Alex said...

zygote rights!

Alex said...

Any zygote lucky enough not to be murdered by its mother will be bestowed full human rights.

Survival of the fittest and luckiest zygotes.

Zygotes of the world, unite.

Anonymous said...

Alex, don't forget about all those poor dying sperm.

Matt said...

Inga said...
Matt, I really honestly and truly do not give a rats ass what you think. You people with the exception of Freeman Hunt have proven yourselves to be not worth engaging on any subject of significance.

1/27/14, 12:39 AM

Translated, I called you out and hit the nail on the head. As such, you have nothing to come back with.

(Though an apology to MichaelK might be a way to start. Of course, being liberal means never having to say you are sorry.)

Alex said...

Trillions of the murdered sperms, unite!!!

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Fetuses, Organs and Brain Death The Bioethics Program

It's probably a waste of my posting this link for such extreme ideologues as yourselves. But maybe it's not too late to learn a thing or two.

n.n said...


Why do you ask?

Don't degrade the issue by following an unrelated path to a ludicrous extreme. Sperm are not on their own, and neither are eggs, on an evolutionary path to exhibit consciousness. It requires an additional source (i.e. fertilization) to motivate a living process.

It's similar to anthropomorphizing a human body where the brain has since ceased to function. However, there is no comparable duality between emergent and departed life. Perhaps you have a reason to offer distortions, but it is counterproductive to this discussion. If you disagree, then there is no common ground for any further conversation.

Anyway, this is the issue which needs to be addressed:

A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: Language and the Abortion Debate
-- published in Princeton Progressive Review, in 1996

Though willing to grant the dimension of personal morality which attaches to abortion as a consequence of the humanity of the unborn child, we believe Wolf fails to carry through fully in her analysis; through to the conclusion that if the fetus is indeed human, then its harm or destruction must fall under the reach of any just society's public morality. And that public morality is manifested in a society's laws. So when Wolf declares that "freedom means that women must be free to choose self or to choose selfishly," even though this means the death of another human being, we cannot help but respond that this simply is not, or should not be, the unqualified response of our society to the destruction of innocent life.

The question which must be answered by a civilized society is when and by whose determination does a human life acquire value. The current resolution waffles (i.e. pro-choice) in order to avoid answering this basic question and preserving a semi-stable state with a selective morality.

Alex said...

n.n - the reason I ask is you sound like the old guard fighting against the values of the new generation. I peg you at 60+.

Also like Rush Limbaugh, I demonstrate absurdity by being absurd.

Alex said...

Inga - just so you don't misunderstand. Just because I am pro-choice does not make me a socialist. There are millions more like me. We're called libertarians.

Anonymous said...

Alex, plenty of those who call themselves libertarians are actually just conservatives in libertarian's clothing. Not you perhaps, but most here.

Alex said...

Inga - I know that's true as well. But a significant % of libertarians are like me. Pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-socialist.

Lydia said...

Freeman Hunt said...
There are many choices I would publically condemn but not want to make illegal.

(Abortion isn't one of them. I think it should be illegal to perform an abortion. But the point is that Inga isn't a hypocrite here.)

But for that to hold in Inga's case, she'd have had to condemn abortion, right? I don't believe she has, except perhaps after the 20th week.

Revenant said...

I support women's right to choose, I don't have to be willing to do it myself.

Except you already admitted you don't support that right. You're willing to negotiate away abortions after the 20-week mark in exchange for government encouragement of abortions before that mark.

Like the old anecdote goes -- we've established what you are, now we're just haggling over the price.

CStanley said...

Inga said:
I think Democrats would be willing to re-look at Roe v. Wade to reform it to reflect the medical technological advances in the earlier viability of an unborn baby.

This is a giant crock of shit.

Our president, the highest ranking Democrat in the country, not only hasn't supported such measures...he has actively opposed the right of a baby that is born after a failed abortion to have the care of a physician.

Democratic voters like Inga, who profess to be moderates on abortion, willfully ignore this because the media convinces them that Republicans are the extremists. I can agree to disagree over the issue of early abortion, understanding that the right to life is in tension with the woman's right to bodily autonomy. What I can't overlook is the complicity with evil of those who look the other way when presented with Obama's votes on this issue. Sanctioning the abandonment of live newborn babies to die on cold tables is simply heinous.

Saint Croix said...

we believe Wolf fails to carry through fully in her analysis; through to the conclusion that if the fetus is indeed human, then its harm or destruction must fall under the reach of any just society's public morality...we cannot help but respond that this simply is not, or should not be, the unqualified response of our society to the destruction of innocent life.

That's one of the things that makes Wolf's argument so interesting. It convinces nobody! Pro-lifers disapprove of killing innocent people. And pro-choice people do not want to think about killing at all.

The Wolf position is close to the Althouse position. Acknowledge that abortion is a homicide (or often a homicide), and yet they also argue that women should still have a right to do it. It's a bad argument, I think, but at least it's a far more honest argument.

If I have read Althouse correctly, she would not overrule Roe v. Wade. In fact Althouse might take it farther, to birth itself, since Althouse thinks a woman's right to control her body and her pregnancy is absolute. Althouse questions the viability doctrine (as do many pro-lifers). Indeed the Supreme Court allows abortion until birth for "health" purposes, so this idea that Roe respects or protects viable infants is absurd.

Althouse's argument, like Wolf's, is that our public should recognize that abortion is a homicide. We should talk about the homicides and make clear to women that abortion is a brutal choice. Althouse would like women to be aware of pregnancy and their bodies and their choices before they get pregnant. Althouse is not fighting for legal recognition of the humanity of the unborn baby. She is not a pro-lifer. But, like Wolf, she wants women to see the humanity of the unborn child and acknowledge the truth of the violence of abortion.

Honesty (and free speech) is very important to Althouse. So while she likes Roe v. Wade and women's autonomy, she more or less despises the way our media covers up abortion and refuses to give women information about the brutality of the subject.

I don't want to put words in her mouth, but that's my take on her point of view.

Saint Croix said...

Trillions of the murdered sperms, unite!!!

Again the pathetic determination to turn the subject away from abortion to birth control.

This is a consequence of a society, of a media, that cannot talk honestly about abortion. All the arguments are submerged and go underground. Many people have this bigoted assumption that a) all pro-lifers are Roman Catholic and b) Catholics think that birth control is murder. The first assumption is ignorant and the second one is idiotic. Catholics have never argued that birth control is a homicide. Indeed, Catholics support natural family planning, which is a form of birth control.

Catholics dislike artificial birth control because they think it gives young people a glib and callous attitude towards human sexuality, and opens the door to lust and other sins. And when our birth control fails, we are shocked with a pregnancy. All of a sudden we realize how serious human sexuality is.

I feel that the Catholic Church's hostility to birth control is bad tactics for the pro-life movement. Glib and silly people think they are making some sort of point when they attack a straw man version of Roman Catholic theology.

This video is why pro-lifers are pro-lifers. It shows, in very graphic fashion, what an abortion is. Warning: it's far more upsetting than The Silent Scream (which I always found underwhelming because of the sorry photography). The images in Hard Truth are very upsetting, and hard to watch.

If we are to talk about abortion, then let's look at abortion.

virgil xenophon said...

Two good comments, Saint Croix. The problem for the "pro-choice" crowd is that time is not on their side. With each passing day/hour/second, science is marching back down the time-line pf fetal viability from fertilization onward. Granted, the "Does life begin at fertilization" question will probably remain a philosophical one during our life-times, but the vector of the inquiry is unmistakable. With each passing day of scientific medical advances it seems that Michelangelo had it more right than "progressives" are willing to admit when he laboriously painted "The Touch" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

damikesc said...

And Dami, oh but you ARE painfully dull.

Projection is not a great idea. Ever.

damikesc said...

And Dami, oh but you ARE painfully dull.

Projection is not a great idea. Ever.

Big Mike said...

My sense of David Gregory is that he lets other people do his thinking for him.

@Saint Croix, this true of nearly all liberals.

B said...

Freeman Hunt said...Abortion isn't one of them. I think it should be illegal to perform an abortion. But the point is that Inga isn't a hypocrite here.

Hypocrite? Maybe not, Freeman. I prefer the term 'good little german'.

I know you are well aware of Inga's position on abortion because you were as appalled and revolted when she clearly stated what it is as I was. According to Inga, she believes it to be murder, but as it is the policy of the state, she supports it. That is not hypocrisy in the exact sense of the word. That 'Well, I'M not responsible' philosophy is something far worse and has enabled unimaginable evil.

By her own words Inga is a perfect example of the idea that all it takes for evil to win is for good men to say nothing. Now I do not believe that she is a good woman. Her history here and in the real world belie that, but it does illustrate the general progressive mindset.

Some time down the road, the 10s of millions of lives lost and the destruction of whole segments of society that the abortion craze of the last 25 years or so cost will be considered analogous to the great progressive holocausts of the mid 20th century. Inga and those like her will probably be long gone then, but their legacy will be no better than the passive 'good little germans' forced to visit concentration camps and confront themselves.

Actually, since Inga is fully aware that it is murder and is still by no means passive in advocating it, she wouldn't even qualify for the 'good little german' excuse.

damikesc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
damikesc said...

Why are Republican states making access so difficult?

What other outpatient medical service doesn't have an expectation of access rights to a hospital?

Other outpatient services have boards and groups they must join that require that. Abortion providers have, literally, nothing.

And states do not cover them (see Gosnell, Kermit).

Hell, he was legal abortion. Was he safe? Do you truly think he was an aberration?

Wouldn't it be better to ensure an early abortion by not making it nearly impossible to get one in some states?

Wouldn't it be better to place ALL medical practices under strict scrutiny?

I think Democrats would be willing to re-look at Roe v. Wade to reform it to reflect the medical technological advances in the earlier viability of an unborn baby.

Given their psychotic opposition to any limitations on partial birth abortions...no, they would not be willing.

The debate about late stage abortion was never a threat to women.

Democrats said otherwise.

Because aborting a zygote and aborting a 20 week old fetus is not the same

Democrat policy says otherwise.

No more of a jerk than you have been to me tonight Michael K. And yes I am shocked at you. What a damn hypocrite you are. And fools here call me a baby killer. You are one, not me.

So you SUPPORT pharmacists who refuse to provide birth control? Because if they oppose it personally and still provide it...they're damned hypocrites.


Saint Croix said...

What annoys me about David Gregory is how unserious he is as a journalist. Here he has a United States Senator in front of him. There are all sorts of questions he could ask him. And yet he wants to ask him about some supposed gaffe that some media personality said?

Gregory is turning journalism into gossip. No wonder his viewers are fleeing.

Fen said...

No worries, Gregory will find his stride again... just as soon as a Republican occupies they Oval Office.

Fricken hack.

If the wallls ever come down, "journalists" would be wise to ditch their IDs, shave their hair, don disguises. Never tell anyone what they did for the Party.

Fen said...


Inga: "It's not my business, why a someone chooses to murder another. It is a private matter."

Anonymous said...

Once again you prove yourself to have an abnormal interest in all things Inga.

I am pro choice, NOT because it's a "state" position. Did you support the incubating of a fetus in a dead body because the state of Texas sanctioned it? I am against abortion being made illegal because driving women to have back alley abortions and the state brownshirts coming to the doors of women who miscarry to prove they haven't self aborted, is worse. Do you advocate forcing pregnant women into giving birth? If yes, than YOU not I, would be the good little nazi. As it is now, you are simply a weirdo.

damikesc said...

Not apropos or anything, but Davis supporters are now questioning whether Abbott needs a wheelchair and claim we don't know how he became a parapalegic in the first place.

Shouldn't ALL Democrats be forced to answer questions about this?

Hagar said...

I think I have seen statements quoting the "Black" population of the United States as 11.+%, though about 13% is also still being quoted. Is the 11.+% correct, and, if so, does it indeed show that the relative proportion of "Blacks" is shrinking, or is it just that fewer people self-identify as "Black" on census forms?

If the relative "Black" population indeed is shrinking, does it have anything to do with the statements I have also seen, claiming that Planned Parenthood operations are predominantly conducted in "Black" neighborhoods?

Anonymous said...

What is being missed here by all is the reality to which we can look forward to if abortion is made illegal. WHO here will volunteer to join the abortion police? Will you go to the homes and hospitals to check out reports of women who sought medical care after or during a miscarriage to ensure they didn't get an abortion instead? Are you willing to use the state to FORCE pregnant women to give birth? It's as if you don't really know what you are calling for.

As in the Texas case, it's clear that you people agree with state sanctioned enforcement of a woman, albeit dead, to carry and give birth, even against the wishes of her entire family.

Your ideology obviously trumps personal freedom.

Bruce Hayden said...

I was somewhat pleasantly surprised here that Inga was actually taking the moderate route in terms of abortion, that is somewhat in tune with the American public, which is to essentially allow 1st term abortions, and prohibit 3rd term abortions, unless maybe the life of the mother is at stake.

And, I think that everyone in this debate should keep these distinctions in mind. The pro-abortion side makes 1st trimester arguments when it comes to 3rd trimester abortions, and the anti-abortion side does the opposite, making 3rd trimester arguments when it comes to 1st trimester abortions. One big difference is that in much of the 1st trimester, the fetus is barely recognizable as human, while during the 3rd, not only does it appear human, it is viable, and capable of surviving out of the womb (with a little help from modern medical technology).

damikesc said...

Did you support the incubating of a fetus in a dead body because the state of Texas sanctioned it?

Do you support killing two lives instead of one?

I am against abortion being made illegal because driving women to have back alley abortions and the state brownshirts coming to the doors of women who miscarry to prove they haven't self aborted, is worse.

Look at Gosnell.

That was perfectly legal. And he had the same oversight on his practice you want on all clinics such as that.

And when did anybody check on whether anybody self-aborted? Can you provide examples of that ever happening?

Do you advocate forcing pregnant women into giving birth?

No, but Progressives use abortion more anyway, so it's simple math and demographics.

WHO here will volunteer to join the abortion police?

More "if you support it, you must do it" bullshit from the same woman who just called a man a hypocrite for working on an abortion when he opposed it?

Will you go to the homes and hospitals to check out reports of women who sought medical care after or during a miscarriage to ensure they didn't get an abortion instead?

Provide one example of that ever happening.

Otherwise, I'm not entertained by your shit rhetorical games.

As in the Texas case, it's clear that you people agree with state sanctioned enforcement of a woman, albeit dead, to carry and give birth, even against the wishes of her entire family.

I did find it baffling that the family wanted the baby dead that badly.

Karma, however, will be a bitch.

damikesc said...

I was somewhat pleasantly surprised here that Inga was actually taking the moderate route in terms of abortion, that is somewhat in tune with the American public, which is to essentially allow 1st term abortions, and prohibit 3rd term abortions, unless maybe the life of the mother is at stake.

Bruce, keep in mind, she has eagerly opposed any limitations on abortion after 20 weeks given her support of Davis' filibuster.

Inga is either a liar or a fool.

Fen said...

Good God. Now she's fantasizing about brownshirt abortion police roaming the streets and "forcing" women to not kill their children.

B said...

Once again you prove yourself to have an abnormal interest in all things Inga.

Don't flatter yourself. I'm responding to at last 20 comments you've made in this thread and in at least a half dozen you presented anecdotal personal information to support your comments. I'm just calling BS on them.

I am pro choice, NOT because it's a "state" position.

Not according to your own stated position on this blog. I'm far from the only one who remembered it, so save the BS.

Did you support the incubating of a fetus in a dead body because the state of Texas sanctioned it?

You gave no indication of any solicitude or concern for the unborn in your comments whenever this came up. If the mother was incapable of deciding to abort the 'fetus', why then in your mind, it's the right of the father. You say this regardless of what the mother's health was/is. Don't claim differently.

I am against abortion being made illegal because driving women to have back alley abortions and the state brownshirts coming to the doors of women who miscarry to prove they haven't self aborted, is worse.

No. You're lying. You are not AGAINST abortion for any of those reasons. You are FOR abortion because you are a stupid person who has been told by your political masters that there is a war on woman and it's most important aspect is the right to sport fuck without consequence.

Do you advocate forcing pregnant women into giving birth?

I advocate woman taking personal responsibility for their actions in appreciation of having the gift of being able to nurture an unborn life. I advocate the right to life for the innocent unable to advocate for themselves.

If yes, than YOU not I, would be the good little nazi.

That you can arrive at this using your logic is mindboggling.

I've mentioned this before. You, in this thread, say that you are personally against abortion and would not have one or participate in performing one. Yet you pride yourself and brag that you've raised your children as good progressives and express similar pride in your grandchildren. So how do you reconcile the very real possibility that your daughters took your teaching to heart and had a convenience abortion or two with you being personally against abortion (and of course, being no hypocrite). Do you believe that your good little german progeny would tell you if they left another perfect grandchild or two on the cutting room floor.

You know, being their right and all.

As it is now, you are simply a weirdo.

Everyone who engages you here without completely agreeing with what you say is eventually called a loon, weirdo....whatever. There is one commonality. They disagree with you. What does that say?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No one here is a loon B, only you.

Hagar said...

The woman in Texas was dead, and had been for a long time. If the hospital somehow had managed to open her up and extract a viable baby in the end, it would still have been something like "The Monkey's Paw."

Anonymous said...

The very real reality is that none of my daughters, ever had an abortion because as a good mother I made sure they had access to birth control. Do you think that by continuously getting personal about me and my children it will win the debate for you? No, it shows that you have an abnormal obsession regarding myself and it makes you look like a loon.

Anonymous said...

For those who think abortion will magically disappear if it's outlawed, it is you not I who do the fantasizing. But of course, you know this and are perfectly OK with more Gosnell style abortions. Hypocrites.

And Fen, you are merely a simpleton.

And Damikesc, "whaa, whaa, whaa" Charlie Brown style. Your formatting makes your comments almost unreadable. Very tedious and boring.

MadisonMan said...

Your formatting makes your comments almost unreadable.

I actually agree with this. It's very hard for me to read the bold/regular interweavings. My advice is to take apart one point, not a series.


Fen said...

Inga: none of my daughters, ever had an abortion because as a good mother I made sure they had access to birth control

Doesn't follow. Birth control is not 100% effective. A real nurse would already know that.

For those who think abortion will magically disappear if it's outlawed, it is you not I who do the fantasizing.

Strawman. No one is saying it will "magically disappear".

You should avoid accusing others of being "simpletons".

B said...

You are incapable of considering the subject of abortion in any way inconsistent with the right to sport fuck without consequence. The consequences of your position are completely lost on you. They won't be some time down the road when the future sees your position as genocide against the unborn in general and the black population eventually realizes what progressives have done to them specifically.

The claim that being against abortion means supporting what Gosnell did is as illogical and quite frankly as asinine as any other vacuous pro-abortion on demand rationale you spout.

You lie when you claim your position is that you are against illegal abortion. You have made hundreds of comments on Althouse that belie that. You are pro-abortion without reservations and anyone not in agreement - a politician or a commenter here - is not expressing a principled objection but is instead is just warring on woman. This is implicit in the very first comment you made in this thread and developed throughout.

BTW: I do not consider you a loon. Stupid, illogical, and morally vacant among other things yes, but not a loon. At least not as your defining characteristic. Your defining characteristic is your idea that you and by extension all woman are just cunts with legs. What horrible thing happened in your life to bring you to that pass.

Matt said...

The formatting makes it unreadable? The bold part is the quoted material, non-bold section is the response. How hard is that to follow?

Personally, I like damikesc's structure. It is easy to follow and answers every portion of the person's statement rather than just cherry-picking the most "vulnerable" parts and not even acknowledging the good points. (Not that Inga ever would.)

Anonymous said...

B, you obviously are not firmly tethered to reality. Hang on tighter, you're losing it. And quit obsessing over me.

Known Unknown said...

Why are Republican states making access so difficult?

What other outpatient medical service doesn't have an expectation of access rights to a hospital?

Other outpatient services have boards and groups they must join that require that. Abortion providers have, literally, nothing.

And states do not cover them (see Gosnell, Kermit).

Hell, he was legal abortion. Was he safe? Do you truly think he was an aberration?

This is a very pertinent point. Abortion is a medical/surgical procedure like any other. We should treat it as such.

Known Unknown said...

Your formatting makes your comments almost unreadable.

Bold = What you said
Not bold = Response

Not that hard, really.

B said...

none of my daughters, ever had an abortion because as a good mother I made sure they had access to birth control

You can't even be honest enough to accept the implications of your own position. It would never happen to a good little german family like yours. I've have at least a little respect for you had you come back with 'if one of my daughters had killed my unborn grandchild, it would be their right' consistent with your position when it concerns other mothers and grandmothers.

You're a fraud. The type of marching moron progressives have historically depended on to regurgitate whatever the pap of the day is without ever examining it in light of conscience, principle, or morality.

Anonymous said...

Fen sweetie, do you think all women who are on birth control get pregnant on birth control at some point? That's cute, but a bit silly. Did some girfriend of yours claim she was on birth control and then became pregnant? LOL.

Anonymous said...

B, you seem obsessed by the fact that some of my ancestors were German. Is that a way in which to prove you aren't a loon? Again, quit obsessing over me it's not healthy.

Fen said...

Inga: do you think all women who are on birth control get pregnant on birth control at some point? That's cute, but a bit silly.

No, what I said that birth control is not 100% effective.

So claiming that your daughter never needed an abortion b/c she was always using birth control is very stupid.

But I see that its already 11:45am here, so you must be deep in the sauce. Do us all a favor and switch to vodka. Same result, just quicker.

Anonymous said...

Fen, really, you are a simpleton. I was going to give you the benefit of a doubt.

And Fen the constantly accusing someone of being drunk is tiresome and stupid. But then again, it's you Fen.

hombre said...

sinz52 quoting Kathryn Jean Lopez: "Sex is meaningless unless a baby results from it."

Funny, I've been a Christian for many years, including attending Christian marriage encounters and I've never heard this preached.

I doubt that even Catholics who I believe hold that the purpose of intercourse is procreation would argue that it is otherwise "meaningless."

n.n said...

Saint Croix:

Your characterization of Professor Althouse's position corresponds to my own. The issue is morality vs coercion. Since coercion is the greater evil, it is sufficient to tolerate violations until morality changes people's character. This reflects my own predisposition, except in extreme cases. Elective abortion is one of those extreme cases which cannot be reasonably tolerated and should certainly not be normalized.

From a system's perspective, the problem with a lot of good intentions is that they circumvent natural or cultural feedbacks which are designed to preserve stability. In cultural terms, they sponsor corruption, which is cumulative and lead to systemic failure.

B said...

you seem obsessed by the fact that some of my ancestors were German.

You've mentioned it on numerous occasions so the obsession isn't mine. But that's beside the point. The good little german characterization is apropos whether that's your ancestry or not. I don't expect you to see beyond the superficial of the 'german' part of the phrase and understand what the phrase in it's entirety means though.

Is that a way in which to prove you aren't a loon?

This is a bit to stupid to answer directly.

Again, quit obsessing over me it's not healthy.

I do not obsess over you. If anything I normally just shake my head ruefully when you make yourself the center of many threads here.

I do share the opinion of you that the majority here quite obviously hold about you though. That doesn't necessarily include the opinion that many have that you are drunk when blathering. I think you are quite capable of being what you are cold sober

hombre said...

Igna wrote: "The very real reality is that none of my daughters, ever had an abortion because as a good mother I made sure they had access to birth control."

Can't you just hear the "good mother" conversation
accompanying the provision of birth control to a pubescent daughter?

Also, I think Igna meant to say, "None of my daughters ever had an abortion [that I know of]." Good lefty doctrine, after all, opposes parental notification.

That's just "the very real reality" of it. LOL.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

B, I'm pretty sure many here think you are a loon. When you consistently hone in on someone's nationality to make your very twisted points, it only exhibits the fact that you have no argument other than a personal one. Your comments to me smack of Stasi style interrogation. You resemble a Nazi far more than I ever could.

n.n said...


I am 30+. I have always been mature for my age. Some would describe it as unnecessarily serious. I have not been isolated from the range of human experiences.

As for the old guard, my characterization is: today's progressive is tomorrow's conservative. Today's "liberals" and "progressives" embrace old, ancient, even primitive ideas, then present them with a fresh veneer.

My interest is to identify objective standards (e.g. natural, reconcilable) and reject the selective doctrines which reemerge with each generation.

I do not characterize the normalization of abortion as an unprecedented violation of human rights with light consideration.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Inga: B, I'm pretty sure many here think you are a loon

Appeal to conformity. Inga surrenders.

And ironic. Check your self-awareness guage, its broken (likely from being soaked in Stoli)

B said...

I'm pretty sure many here think you are a loon.

I'm willing to put who is the loon, you or I, up for a vote and the winner refrains from commenting. You?

Anonymous said...

Hombre, you have no idea what the conversation entailed between myself and my daughters. If a parent whose daughter's come to them because they are sexually active and you simply think that telling them not to engage in premarital sex, you are a fool. Most teens will do what they want when they are not in the presence of their parents. If more parents realized this there would be less teen pregnancies and less abortion.

Fen said...

Inga: If a parent whose daughte's come to them because they are sexually active and you simply think that telling them not to engage in premarital sex, you are a fool. Your teens will do what they want when they are not in your presence. If more parents realized this there would be less teen pregnancies and less abortion.

The problem with this is that you misled your daughter. You should have warned her that birth control is not 100% effective, that there is still a risk of getting pregnant.

Again, how is a "nurse" ignorant of the basic facts surrounding birth control?

Anonymous said...

Fen, let the adults talk, ' kay?

Anonymous said...

Any serious abortion thread always devolves (although this one did not start out as one) It's sad really, that fools and loons always ruin what could be an enlightening conversation.

Seeing Red said...

Oh, brother! This is not the 1950s (although with the massive conform or be audited from the progressives...).

Abortion was legal in some areas in the 50s.

Now we have the pill, the diaphragm, spermicide, condoms, the morning after pill, implants ....and some of this will or can be dispensed out of vending machines!

Yet talk about making modest changes and bring back the coat hangers!

Hysterical women. If you're a feminist why do I keep seeing and hearing reinforcement of old-time stereotypical women?

Dr Weevil said...

Igna doesn't seem to have noticed that any thread in which she participates more than once or twice quickly degenerates into crap. She's a loon and a bore. So far from being "obsessed" with her, if she disappeared tomorrow, very few of us would notice anything but a general improvement in the average quality of the argumentation. Maybe after a few weeks someone would say "Gee, the Althouse comments are better than ever - it's a pleasure to read them! What happened? O right, someone who used to systematically fuck them up with stupid comments seems to have gone away. What was her name? Damne, I don't recall . . . well, it hardly matters as long as she doesn't come back."

Seeing Red said...

There the smug sanctimonious "I'm here to teach" Inga.

Seeing Red said...

I just saw your comment about me assisting Mike.

So you want people with no medical experience

I'm sorry of course you want people with no experience helping with abortions. I'm just not interested enough to pull out your defense of Abortion Barbie from that old thread.

Seeing Red said...

Hombre? You just can't help yourself, can you?

B said...

Inga said:
I'm pretty sure many here think you are a loon.

B said...I'm willing to put who is the loon, you or I, up for a vote and the winner refrains from commenting. You?

Well, Inga? Put up or shut up.

damikesc said...

I know who I vote for, B

B said...

Come on, Inga. Tell you what. Doesn't have to even be me. Pick someone else you call a loon or freak or whatever. If I may free with the good Dr Weevil, why not make the vote between you and he. You've called him a loon also if I recall correctly.

Give it a shot. See what the community really thinks.

B said...

'If I may be so free with the good Dr Weevil...'

Bit clearer.

hombre said...

@igna re: your post directed at me at 11:47.

Is it possible that you think you are imparting information in that post that is not known by everybody on this thread?

Is it possible that you think your conversation with your sexually active daughters about birth control was unique and not merely some variation on the, "If you can't be good, be careful," theme? (Although given the implicit endorsement of promiscuity in your posts, I concede that we may think of "good" differently. In that case, your conversation might have been more akin to, "Be g-o-o-o-o-d and be careful."

OTOH, a parent of your ilk might not be aware that many young people forego premarital sex because of their parent's teaching. We are aware of your world because it is crassly and continuously displayed by the mass media. Ours, not so much, which is why your ignorance of it is so evident here.

Revenant said...

Igna doesn't seem to have noticed that any thread in which she participates more than once or twice quickly degenerates into crap.

Correction: *you* don't seem to have noticed that making herself the center of attention in a flame war is the only reason she posts here.

You think she doesn't *notice*? She always starts out by making increasingly broad and insulting remarks until someone takes offense and engages with her.

Alex said...

Inga - if that's the case then those parents have poor control over their horny daughters.

Anonymous said...

Inga wrote;

"That would show all those women just how much you respect them and how you only want to protect them from themselves because of you know... Uncontrollable Libido!"

For once I agree with Inga. Women do not need to be protected from their uncontrollable libido. Hell, if anything, men are the ones with an uncontrollable libido.

Let's build upon our agreement, shall we?

Since we agree that women do not have an uncontrollable libido, can we also then agree that women don't need free medical hand outs for when they decide to have sexual intercourse?

Let them pay for their extra curricular activities. They don't need the government to be "uncle sugar" as Huckabee claims Democrats want, right?

Paco Wové said...

...and Revenant gets the gold star!

B said...

You think she doesn't *notice*? She always starts out by making increasingly broad and insulting remarks until someone takes offense and engages with her.

No argument. Nonetheless, her ignorance about how conservatives arrive at what I hope are ethical and moral positions and so conduct their affairs rankles. It rankles because she tries to school us without ever acknowledging that process and instead congratulates herself for lauding an activity she herself has called murder. And that occasionally deserves the right response - that what she does is condemn herself.

Revenant said...

Nonetheless, her ignorance about how conservatives arrive at what I hope are ethical and moral positions and so conduct their affairs rankles

You assume she's ignorant and not just deliberately misrepresenting conservatives in order to elicit a hostile response.

I'm not sure what your basis is for that assumption.

B said...

I'm not sure what your basis is for that assumption.

I don't question that she is seeking notice. That's obvious to the casual observer. That she is deliberate in her misrepresentation of conservatives to get a rise out of us is also obvious. However I see no distinction in her mindset when called on it from what a great many progressive tools firmly believe and I do not think that basic ignorance is feigned. When she is called out on for it she is affronted and makes it personal in the same nasty and vindictive manner characteristic of any ignorant person being challenged.

Kirk Parker said...


"No one here is a loon B, only you. "

Oh come on, I demand into that club, too.

The cognitive dissonance is strong in you, Inga--I wonder what it would take to get you to realize it?

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