January 26, 2014

David Gregory tries to drag Rand Paul into the war on women.

On "Meet the Press" this morning, Gregory seemed intent on extracting something from Rand Paul that would hurt him with women voters.

First, Gregory started the interview with Mike Huckabee's gift to the Democrats, the statement that birth control coverage implies that women "cannot control their libido." Gregory asks Paul whether that's "helpful," and Rand Paul goes meta, saying "a lot of debates in Washington... get dumbed down and are used for political purposes," which is a way of saying Gregory's question is dumb. Then Paul jokes, "if there was a war on women, I think they won," and proceeds to talk about the women in his family, who are doing well, and the fact that women now outnumber men in law schools and med schools. He concludes that he doesn't see women as "downtrodden." They are "rising up and doing great things." In fact, he worries about men, "because I think the women really are out-competing the men in our world."

Gregory tries to drag Paul back to the question — whether the GOP should be talking about "women's health, women's bodies." And Paul goes through the same tactics: cooling things off with a joke ("I try never to have discussions of anatomy unless I'm at a medical conference"), saying that the whole subject is "dumbed down" and political, and observing that way women are doing well. He adds another compliment, that the women he knows are "conquering the world," not complaining about how "terrible" and "misogynist" it is. He never says one thing about birth control, women's bodies, or the unfortunate locutions of other members of his party.

So that's how Paul is going to deal with the media efforts to lure Republicans into playing the Democrats' war on women game.

There are a number of other topics in the interview, but Gregory puts another woman topic at the end.  He's got an interview from Vogue in which Rand Paul joked about the polls that show Hillary Clinton beating every GOP opponent, and Paul's wife Kelley burst in with: "Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky should complicate his return to the White House, even as first spouse.  I would say his behavior was predatory, offensive to women."

Gregory asks if Paul thinks that "will be fair game and an appropriate part of a campaign" against Hillary. Paul says:
Well, you know, I mean, the Democrats, one of their big issues is they have concocted and said Republicans are committing a war on women.  
If our opponents are going to do gender politics, he implies, it's fair for us to do it too.
One of the workplace laws and rules that I think are good is that bosses shouldn't prey on young interns in their office.
Good. Sexual harassment law is serious, and it matters. But should GOP candidates forefront that?
And I think really the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this.  He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office.  There is no excuse for that, and that is predatory behavior, and it should be something we shouldn't want to associate with people who would take advantage of a young girl in his office. This isn't having an affair.  I mean, this isn't me saying, "Oh, he's had an affair, we shouldn't talk to him."  Someone who takes advantage of a young girl in their office?  I mean, really.  And then they have the gall to stand up and say, "Republicans are having a war on women"?  So, yes, I think it's a factor.  Now, it's not Hillary's fault.  And, I mean... it is a factor in judging Bill Clinton in history.
In history. Against Bill. But what about in the campaign against Hillary? David Gregory refocuses on the question asked, which Paul did scamper away from.

Paul says it's hard to separate the Clintons, then repeats the point about Bill's place in history. He adds that in his state, people would socially shun somebody who took advantage of a young woman like that.

So the idea is wafted that we shouldn't want Bill back in the White House, but with the risk of offending people who think a woman and her husband are 2 completely separate people or who think a 20-year-old woman who decides to have sex with an older married man is something more than a "young girl" who's been taken advantage of.

Like the birth control issue, the sexual harassment issue is touchy, and Republicans seem to have a special knack for saying the wrong thing — or something that can be spun as the wrong thing — whenever they talk about women's bodies.

If young women are "conquering the world" (as Paul said), why not credit Monica Lewinsky with her conquest of the world's most powerful man? She was enthusiastic and willing, from what I read. I think the sexual harassment problem in the case of Bill Clinton has to do with other women who were pressured to have sex and with the women and men who were not in a position to improve their standing in the workplace by interacting sexually with the boss.

If the GOP wants to make an issue out of sexual harassment, hone it so that it really is good feminism, based in women's autonomy and equality.

You know, Mike Huckabee was trying to use the idea of women's autonomy. He tried to say that Democrats are infantilizing women, but he botched it up badly. I can see that he was trying to be comical, stringing together ideas and using funny words like "Uncle Sugar" to refer to government as a giver of benefits, but he didn't have good control, and he didn't anticipate how another audience would be able to use it all against him.

I'm inclined to advise Republicans — if they want my advice — to just shut up about women, but I don't think they can, and I don't think the Democrats will let them. I watched Rand Paul very carefully, because I thought he might be close to figuring out how to retreat from the war on women. He'll be lured back again and again, and he — and other Republicans — need to work out exactly what they want to say on every women's issue and practice extracting themselves from the question traps. I think Rand Paul has done some of this work, but it's not nailed down yet.


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rhhardin said...

Women are so touchy.

Sorun said...

"I'm inclined to advise Republicans — if they want my advice — to just shut up about women"

They're the majority of voters, afterall. You don't want to be talking about them.

I'll spare you my mansplaination.

rehajm said...

But what about in the campaign against Hillary?

Democrats have taught us that in such matters Republicans are fungible. So with Democrats.

peacelovewoodstock said...

Metastasizing government is the problem. Talking about "women" is a distraction.

Of course, that's why David Gregory and Dems want to talk about "women" constantly.

Ann's advice is sage.

Sorun said...

He'll be lured back again and again, and he — and other Republicans — need to work out exactly what they want to say on every women's issue and practice extracting themselves from the question traps. I think Rand Paul has done some of this work, but it's not nailed down yet."

Hopefully we can get this nailed down in the Tuesday night workshops that all Republicans are required to attend. It's a high standard to set -- getting every last Republican to uniformly perfect their rhetoric -- but we can do it. We are the last remaining adults in America.

Bob Ellison said...

...Paul's wife Kelley burst in with...

I think you mean "busts in with".

I'm inclined to advise Republicans — if they want my advice — to just shut up about women, but I don't think they can, and I don't think the Democrats will let them.

They don't want your advice, and they don't want mine, because we're not in that business, and you might be a good political PR advisor, but I am not. But I would advise them, Rush-like, to be bold. State your principles and hold to them.

Ignore those who say Huckabee made some big gaffe by using the word "libido". (That even showed up on Fox News Sunday as a laugh moment-- the fact that a conservative, fat, white, religious man would use such a term!). So sex is off-limits? Fine, then back to the kitchen for you.

Ignore those who think abortion and contraception are paramount national issues. They aren't, as any lawyer smarter than Obama can tell you.

Ignore women who vote with their lady parts. If such exist, they're idiots.

Play to people who trust in principles. Women like principles as much as men do.

YoungHegelian said...

Ann's advice is sage.

And right on thyme?

Fen said...

Mike Huckabee's gift to the Democrats, the statement that birth control coverage implies that women "cannot control their libido."

Wrong. He was saying thats what *Democrats* must believe about women, based on the policies they push.

The takeaway is that no matter what the GOP says about women, the MSM will distort it and low information voters will swallow.

Wince said...

How hard is it to explain that it's a raw deal for women to get $10 worth of birth control "free" every month if they have to pay up to several hundred dollars more a month in health insurance premium and deductible?

chuck said...

She was enthusiastic and willing, from what I read.

Sure. Young women crushing on powerful older men is an old story. Some professors get quite the reputation for screwing the dewy eyed young things, and I suppose that is just one of the perks of the academic life.

Howard said...

A little "reading comprehension" is needed here since Huckabee did NOT imply that contraceptives caused increased libido, etc. in women. Huckabee said Democrats treated women as if they had no control over their libido, etc. At least get the context right!!!

n.n said...

Actually, the need for birth control coverage means three things. First, the guy is just not that into you. Second, you want your neighbors to share the expense, but not pleasure, of your sexual gratification. Perhaps it would work in a time-share commune.

Oh, yeah, third, the Democrats are desperately diving into the condom bowel (pun intended) to attract voters.

That said, Paul's jujutsu skills are improving.

David Davenport said...

I'm inclined to advise Republicans — if they want my advice — to just shut up about women, but I don't think they can...

That's pretty much the Lefty Feminist party line demand on Republicans and men in general.

Anonymous said...

I say throw caution to the wind Republicans. Tell it how it is regarding women. Say it loud, say it proud!

YoungHegelian said...

I've found in talking to my liberal friends that they have a hard time comprehending that they, too, have a large swath of low-information voters in their "big tent", including the contingent that Huckabee speaks to. Upper-middle class white Democrats somehow think that all Democrats are like them in their educational achievements. When you point out to them that it would be magic for, e.g. poorly educated minority voters, to somehow develop an acumen in politics that they show in no other aspect of their lives, there's usually blank stares followed by some attempt to paint the idea as racist.

Upper-class Democrats see their politics as an extension of just how smart they are, so getting lumped in with their own cadre of dummies is really painful. The dummies are all on the Right, dontcha know.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

The distinction between sexual harassment and rape, is that the former is a semi-consensual relationship between a superior and their subordinate, which is corrupted by the leverage of the man or woman's position.

Before the post-feminist world, Lewinsky would have been the poster girl for woman's rights. She would have been raised as a symbols of women's struggle to defeat the overbearing patriarchy. As it was, she was discarded along with other unwanted or inconvenient clumps of cells.

SteveR said...

Here's the thing, nothing said, or unsaid by Republicans about anything and in particular about anything to do with women, won't be used against them. By the Democrats and the MSM. If the voters are that uninformed and shallow in their political understanding then good for the Democrats, "hey we fooled them again" Perfect strategy.

Illuninati said...

"If young women are "conquering the world" (as Paul said), why not credit Monica Lewinsky with her conquest of the world's most powerful man? She was enthusiastic and willing, from what I read."

This line of reasoning raises the issue of sexual liaisons between bosses and their underlings generally. If women are not helpless victims, then perhaps the entire issue needs to be revisited. What about an executive at GM who has an affair with a secretary and then discards her?

Although Lewinsky was enthusiastic and willing, the outcome for her doesn't appear to be very good. She is apparently still struggling with the implications of her affair with Clinton. Considering the apparent damage to her, and to others, his affair would be a moral breech if not a legal breech.

David Davenport said...

As Steve Sailer at iSteve.com has shown time and time again, single women of all races tend to vote Dem., whereas married women tend to vote Repub.

Steve can back this up with survey results.

Chef Mojo said...

If young women are "conquering the world" (as Paul said), why not credit Monica Lewinsky with her conquest of the world's most powerful man?

Because, ironically, feminists won't allow it.

What would have happened if the affair had continued undiscovered? Clinton dumps Lewinsky out of boredom. Lewinsky retaliates by going public and howling "sexual harassment!"

The whole "conquest" narrative becomes so much specious bullshit at that point, because of the narrative shift towards the woman's self perception of having been harassed sexually by a very powerful and dominating man.

Is the feminist saying that the "conquest" narrative is valid only so long as the woman is comfortable with its validity?

I think Rand Paul nailed it.

Gahrie said...

who think a 20-year-old woman who decides to have sex with an older married man is something more than a "young girl" who's been taken advantage of.

People who listened to femisists tell us for fifty years that sex with female interns was de facto sexual harassment, regardless of the willingness of the intern.

Hagar said...

How about Juanita Broddrick and her black eye?
Kathleen Willey?
Paula Jones?
and on and on.

Titus said...

My advice to republicans is not to run a southern or northeastern candidate-neither region can win a general presidential election....

Go west or midwest.....young man.


sunsong said...

"I'm inclined to advise Republicans — if they want my advice — to just shut up about women"

I agree with you. But I also agree with you that they won't. The extreme base won't let them.
Abortion is their bottom line issue and it is women who get abortions.

It seems to me that Rand Paul is a better spokesperson than his father. 'They are winning" is a pretty good line. He needs to follow it up with suggestions to help single mothers and poor women, imo. Just as it is women who get abortions, it is women who choose not to and who raise children.

Hagar said...


Sorun said...

What Republicans need to do is whatever Democrats tell them to do.

Illuninati said...

If I were advising a Republican politician about the so called war on women is to tell the truth that the "War on Women" is fiction which was invented by Democrat strategists. It is similar to the question "do you still beat your wife?" To even deal with the issue as a serious subject is to validate it. The appropriate response to point out that the entire scenario is fiction.

Chef Mojo said...

"And B'rer Bill said,'Oh PLEASE, Sistah Monica! Please don't throw me in that briar patch!'"

The entire notion that Monica Lewinsky "conquered" an admitted philandering horndog like Bill Clinton is simply ludicrous.

John henry said...

Why is there no "More of Ann's bullshit" tag?

This would be an excellent place for one.

Particularly for your idea that it was empowering for an intern to conquer the most powerful man in the world.

Bullshit, bullshit and some horseshit thrown in for good measure.

Clinton, a the most powerful man in the world, took advantage of an intern, one of the least powerful people in the world. Or at least DC.

So what if she started it? So what if she enjoyed it?

Some of Jerry Sandusky's victim's may have enjoyed it too. Doesn't make it right.

Most importantly, it doesn't make him non-culpable.

Go Rand! I am hoping for a Paul-Palin 16 ticket. Or a Palin-Paul ticket. I'd like both, don't care who is 1 and who is 2.

John Henry

Michael K said...

"She was enthusiastic and willing, from what I read. "

So, if the girl is "enthusiastic and willing", then changes her mind it's not rape ? Tell that to all the guys expelled.

Bill Harshaw said...

Monica was born in 1973, so unless Paul knows something new, she was 22 not 22.

Unknown said...

Yet another obvious display of David Gregory carrying water for democrats.

Scott said...

Democrats are all about trash talk and bullying.

Republicans like to whine.

The problems of this country are big and obvious. The irrelevant "war on women" meme only plays within the bourgeois progressive bubble, which is getting smaller and smaller every day.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Paul/Palin 2016! What could be better?

Unknown said...

How about Juanita Broddrick and her black eye?
Kathleen Willey?
Paula Jones?
and on and on.

The media's lack of curiosity is demeaning to those women. So really, the pro-democrat media are at war with women.

Seeing Red said...

Huckabees gift to the dems? Seriously? The dems are the ones infantilizing women. I was watching Sleepless in Seattle. Rapacious & love-starved. What were those Colorado ads targeted to females again?

AB said...

Ann, I've read you every day since Instapundit started linking to you, and I can't believe you wrote this:

She was enthusiastic and willing, from what I read. I think the sexual harassment problem in the case of Bill Clinton has to do with other women who were pressured to have sex and with the women and men who were not in a position to improve their standing in the workplace by interacting sexually with the boss.

No, not it was not about the other women who were pressured to have sex. At least that's not what all of the sexual harassment seminars in the early 90's told us.

We were told, in no uncertain terms, that ANY relationship between a boss and an employee is de facto sexual harassment - even when the employee is a "willing participant." The disparity of power - one having control of the other's advancement, salary and position in the workplace - creates grounds for sexual harassment.

And then, when the most powerful person in the world hooked up with an intern, the sexual harassment police simply shrugged it off with a "well, she wanted it."

That's your position on the Clinton-Lewinsky affair?

Seeing Red said...

Say it loud and proud? Preface everything with "The Democrats say". .. senator congressman said.

CWJ said...

David Gregory replies, "right" or "uh-huh" to the White House point man, but goes for the gotcha questions with Paul.

I'd have an easier time agreeing with Althouse's prescription if the media's thumb, and all four fingers weren't so firmly planted on the one side of the scale. No one can play a perfect game all the time. And yet that seems to be what's required.

Granted, it is what it is.

Goju said...

Paul should have dragged Gregory into the lack of enforcement of gun control laws.

Chef Mojo said...

Inga, you crack me up! Reminds me of all the leftists back in 1979 who were salivating at the thought of Ronald Reagan getting the Republican nomination. They just cackled at the prospect!

MadisonMan said...

Why would anyone want a Senator on the ticket? Republican, Democrat, it doesn't matter.

Wouldn't it be dreadful if it was Warren v. Paul. What kind of horrid choice would that be?

Anonymous said...

No seriously Mojo, you guys should absolutely run Paul and Palin. You betcha!

Unknown said...

Forget a real interview.

How pathetic that an entire political party needs a media crutch. The David Gregory(D) gotcha squad.

Seeing Red said...

Available for taxes and sex.

Krumhorn said...

For once, I agree with Inga

- Krumhorn

Anonymous said...

...Republicans seem to have a special knack for saying the wrong thing — or something that can be spun as the wrong thing — whenever they talk about women's bodies.

You know what's interesting? Dems can offend the hell out of women like me (without their opposition having to spin it for me), and yet, that's a matter of no interest to political operatives. Same for Repubs, really, who also seem serenely unconcerned with the interests of people like me.

Which makes me wonder, how many IQ points do I have to lose to make anyone start giving a damn about not offending me and scoring my vote?

Darrell said...

You notice how Althouse quotes Huckabee using the words his lying enemies rearranged, rather than his actual words. Cruel neutrality indeed.

Bob Ellison said...

Chef Mojo, I don't think your analysis is correct. I think the electorate is lurching leftist.

It has happened before, in both directions. Voters are strange. They elected FDR four times. That was stupid.

They re-elected Barack Obama. That was stupid.

What will change their minds?

Seeing Red said...

Anyone read a blog post on rape stats on college campuses? Very interesting. I forgot where I linked it from.

Darrell said...

“If the Democrats want to insult women by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it.”

He added: "Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That’s not a war on them, it’s a war for them.”

Michael K said...

I like Paul but think the Repubs do better with governors. I still think there is a chance Romney might run again. There is a lot of buyer's remorse and there will be more by fall.

Seeing Red said...

When they look around I don't know how this happened... Who did u vote for?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The Republican Party does no want to be inclusive to libidinous women. They should work on that. Appoint Huckabee as the head of a commision regarding all things women.

Bob Ellison said...

Inga said, "The Republican Party does no want to be inclusive to libidinous women. They should work on that. Appoint Huckabee as the head of a commision regarding all things women."

This is the problem. People like Inga think that making fun of Huckabee is the whole game.

Why is that the game?

Shouldn't we want to make things better for people?

rcocean said...

"Women are so touchy"

But conquering the world, nagging all the way. Multi-tasking.

Humperdink said...

Inga, I hoping the Dems run Hillary-Monica-Benghazi-3AM phone call-sniper dodging-Huma(Muslim Brotherhood)Weiner Clinton myself. How about you?

Maybe her running mate could be Andrew "if you are prolife, for traditional marriage and the 2nd amendment, you should leave the country" Cuomo.

Anonymous said...

Bob, he is made fun of because his statement was absurd. Republicans either follow Priebus' advice or they open themselves up to ridicule when well known persons like Huckabee (or Limbaugh, or Gohmert, or Akin) says such laughable statements.

Bob Ellison said...

Inga, challenge yourself.

Michael K said...

"Appoint Huckabee as the head of a commision regarding all things women."

No, his statement was lied about by the Democrats and you are either not smart enough to see that or don't care. Some of us can read and know better. I'm not a Huckabee fan but this is just dishonest. No surprise with Democrats.

William said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

So the pro-democrat media are twisting what Huckabee said. What a surprise?

William said...

I just don't see how you spin a blow job in the Oval Office with some girl that is half your age into an act that is respectful of woman's rights.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that what Huckabee said doesn't need to be twisted in any way. It's ridiculous on its face. The more serious problem is that there are too many Huckabees in the Republican Party and they all want to be heard. We are listening.

Seeing Red said...

Insty linked to an old Gallup poll from mid-2012. I was laughing because adultery was frowned upon. So where is all this womanly libido? Today when a male looks on a female in what she perceives the wrong way, it's rape or rape- rape, not sure anymore.

Humperdink said...

Rand Paul shows up for the first debate with Hillary! First question from Candy "Momma Cass" Crowley to Paul is in regards to the R's war on women. Paul pulls a fat cigar out of his pocket and points it a both Crowley and Hilary! and reminds them of the D's war on "in"terns.

Unknown said...

The serious problem in this nation is the bad faith/blind faith liars on the left - and our unserious uncurious pre-programed gotcha progressive democrat crutch media.

The fake media cannot discuss democrat failures. Nope. So instead we get a parade of diversions, lies, twists, bad faith and bullshit.

Huckabee says...
“If the Democrats want to insult women by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it.”

Media urinate in their trousers.

proof? Like the cavalry riding in to save their dear sweet delicate democrats - David Gregory hacktastically peeled off the word "libido" and left the rest on the cutting room floor.

Bad faith.

Again - Sad that an entire political party needs a crutch. Why not debate the issues?

Sorun said...

What Huckabee said:

“And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it," Huckabee continued. "Let us take that discussion all across America.”

Huckabee wrongly believes that women are capable of dealing with birth control without the federal government's involvement. What a weirdo.

Fen said...

Dems: "Vote with your lady parts. Yes, we really think you are that stupid"

Fen said...

"Also, check out this car instead. It has a better vanity mirror"

Fen said...

Sadder still, "liberated" women like Inga still fall for that.

Sorun said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jacksonjay said...

Noted Obama voter advises Republicans:

1. Don't defend Christie
2. Shut-up about women
3. Monica wanted it / Bill gave it to her! Contract!
4. Hold your fire for IRS scandal

Noted nobody, me: Grain of Salt

“I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”

Nina Burleigh

Browndog said...

I often wonder..

Do today's women see themselves as individuals, citizens, part of society-

Or separate and apart. "I am just a woman. Appease me, and fulfill my needs, or there will be war!"?

Sorun said...

Inga sees the federal government as her surrogate husband, and birth control should be a joint decision between them.

jacksonjay said...

I just don't see how you spin a blow job in the Oval Office with some girl that is half your age into an act that is respectful of woman's rights.

Said act is an act of perversion on The Jerry Springer Show! It is a "private matter" in creepy DemocratVille!

Unknown said...

Every time a conservative, any R, or any Libertarian land in front of the camera on the institutionalized pro-democrat alphabet media –- they should start by asking the hack du jour (David Gregory, Andrea Mitchel, Matt Lauer, Brian Williams, etc...) the same question: "So, what sorts of unserious gotcha questions that cheapen the debate and aid the democrat party do you have for me today?"

It should become boilerplate.

traditionalguy said...

The Culture War is in a mop up stage. All white males over 60 are being rounded up to be dragged along behind the Triumph chariot of Empress Hillare,consort of Bill the magnificent.

Modern Family Politics is the new reality.

gk1 said...

This is just a whiff of things to come if the republicans are dumb enough to let the MSM conduct their debates again. Tendentious mischief by democratic operatives with bylines. No matter what the republicans say about women, it will be spun against them. So why play?

YoungHegelian said...

The "War on Women" campaign was an important aspect of Obama's 2012 campaign & I think is now being ginned up by the same players who ginned it up before.

I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that if Hillary is the nominee, the WoW meme will get quietly put to sleep, for exactly all the reasons listed here. No one who stood by Bill Clinton through his firestorm of bimbo-eruptions is in any position to accuse the other side of waging a WoW. Just like the Republicans, in choosing Romney, picked the one Republican who couldn't attack Obamacare.

Dr Hubert Jackson said...

It seems as if the preferred path is for Republicans to only be allowed to talk about heterosexual white christian men. Is that about right?

MayBee said...

I'm inclineed to tell women to stop seeing themselves as women,stop wanting to near about women, and just want to see and hear about people.
Women shouldn't be a trap We shouldn't see ourselves as a means to confuse and confound. .

n.n said...


I don't think Paul would stoop to their level; but, that would be a funny scene. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. He could use it as a pointer to better choices.

Hillary would think that it does make a difference now. Not everything can be solved with an abortion, rhetorical or literal. There are victims, some even wholly innocent.

FullMoon said...

Monica was a fat, slobbering pig/ lying sack of trailer park trash until she came up with that blue dress.
Then "sex" was redefined.

n.n said...


Don't discount the young 'uns yet. There is mental acuity in the next generation. Not all of them are hoping or expect a quick fix. Many even know that life is an investment, from conception to death.

Known Unknown said...

Particularly for your idea that it was empowering for an intern to conquer the most powerful man in the world.

How many handbags did she sell?

richardsson said...

Well, what to make of politics these days? I think the "war on women" meme of the Democrats has blown up in their faces in the person of Wendy Davis. Her fifteen minutes are over, except as a warning. There is only one person in the country who takes Huckabee's presidential candidacy seriously: Huckabee. Then again, maybe he doesn't either. There are a lot of reasons why I think HIllary Clinton will not become President. Monica Lewinsky is not one of them. Finally, if Meet the Depressed is dying because David Gregory is a Democrat stooge, what's the point of taking him seriously. I suspect none of this will matter as Obamacare sinks into a morass. It's awfully hard to change the subject when you are stuck in the mud of your own making.

Unknown said...

Humperdink - a grand idea.
Cigars for everyone.

n.n said...


You can't. That's why Lewinsky was discarded. That's why Sheehan was discarded with Obama's expansion of overseas "man made" disasters. That's why Timmy was discarded after liberal fiscal policies became a public concern.

They recycle people to freshen the air in their ivory towers. Unfortunately, it works when accompanied with the proper "education". Well, that and promises of rainbows and pots of gold, and, of course, condoms and abortion, to sooth the dissonant mind. Condoms when he's just not into you. Abortion when there is a fluke of conception.

donald said...

On its face, it's cruelly honest.

n.n said...


Sunday Funnies. A laugh a day, keeps the doctor away, and medical reform viable. Yeah, that's it. They are entertaining people, hoping that widespread gaiety will reduce demand for medical services, and thereby improve the potential of Obamacare solvency.

Humperdink said...

n. n. I agree Paul would not stoop to that level.

Paul could end each of his answers with "At this point, what difference does it make?"

I really think Hillary is way, way overrated. She is going need significant help, which of course, she will get. Hoping it won't be enough.

Unknown said...

The closet stuffed with Hillary and Bill's skeletons will be opened again. Of course the media will stand guard in front of the door, pushing against the mess as they whistle.

One little morsel can be distorted into an over-blown controversy-- while rape, black eyes, sexed-up interns, a burned American Embassy, a dead ambassador, a video lie scapegoat, general ineptitude and incompetence can and will be swept under the rug by the David Gregory's.

No matter. The Clinton closet will be opened again.

Bruce Hayden said...

What I find interesting is how the left, and in these cases, their punditry, like Gregory, mischaracterize and take out of context what Republicans say. I have heard, multiple times, what Gov Huckuleberry said, and it really isn't offensive. He very specifically said that that was what the Democrats say, and it wasn't what he said. But, the quote was taken out of context, and only the bad part of it was repeated. But, it is what the Dems say about women, that they need their free contraceptives.

Unfortunately, I was sucked into watching the Sunday talk shows, and watched Gregory and Rand, and only in leftist minds did Gregory get the best of Rand. The latter wouldn't take the bait. But, even more humorous was watching a pundit trying to play gotcha with Ted Cruz. Ain't gonna happen. With a couple of refusing to accept the pundit's proposition, and sticking to his facts and talking points, Cruz left his interviewer sputtering. Luckily for him though, he got to interview Chuckie Schumer next...

Anonymous said...

Just remember, every time Hillary flashes a "V sign" during her presidential campaign in 2016, it will be code for Vote for the Vagina.

n.n said...

April Apple:

No, don't do it. Keep the closet door closed. What happens in the closet, should stay in the closet. We need to rise above our competitor's muckraking, real, manufactured, and exaggerated, and discuss the issues on their merits. That's the only possibility of ever realizing positive progress. I think normal people would prefer it that way.

garage mahal said...

Republicans sure have a way with teh ladies.

RichardS said...

As long as human beings remain human, how one says something will matter as much, and often more than what one says.

I teach my students two lessons, therefore. One: understand that that's how most people are most of the time.
Two: learn to look past tone to seek truth.

Individuals are capable of ignoring how something sounds and focusing on what is said. But I rather doubt a majority of us will ever do that.

RichardS said...

"Sexual harassment law is serious, and it matters."
True. But the Lewinsky case shows that critics of the law, as written, were not wrong that it could lead to arbitrary prosecution.

Hence the irony of Clinton's story: Had he not signed the law, there would have been no discovery in the Paula Jones case, which created the Lewinsky case, etc.
And the second irony: Clinton got sympathy from the American people because he was suffering under a law that many/ most Americans regarded, not without reason, as arbitrary.

That sexual harassment is a wrong, does not mean the bill passed against it was a fitting response.

Michael said...

Will it be ok for Hil to have sex with her interns? A question that should be asked.

There is no war on women and never has been jnless you count the feminist assault on women or the Democrat's quickly won war on black women.

Seeing Red said...

You listen you don't hear that's why global warming/climate change vs man-made gw & stem cell research vs. embryonic stem cell research get muddled. Whatever happened to the democrat nuance schtick?

Kirk Parker said...


"I don't think Paul would stoop to their level; but, that would be a funny scene. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. He could use it as a pointer to better choices."

I agree, on both counts.

How about channeling R.R., instead? "There you go again!"

Michael K said...

"“I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”

Nina Burleigh

I thought it was Margaret Carlson. Maybe they really were lined up.

garage, I was amused to hear my 23 year old daughter on a rant yesterday about the left, she is a big fan of a web site called Chicks on the Right. She graduated from college last May and has a good job with full benefits and makes more than her 33 year sister with a couple of degrees.

Maybe there is hope. She is more right wing than I am. I wonder if that is a trend. Without the single women, you guys are toast.

Michael K said...

"Will it be ok for Hil to have sex with her interns? A question that should be asked. "

I think Hillary is monogamous. With Huna.

sinz52 said...

"This line of reasoning raises the issue of sexual liaisons between bosses and their underlings generally. If women are not helpless victims, then perhaps the entire issue needs to be revisited. "

In the corporate world, the woman who tries to "sleep her way to the top" is legendary.

And in Hollywood, the "casting couch" is legendary too.

These ploys last only as long as the woman's patrons--the bosses or producers she slept with--are still there to look after her. Once they're gone, the woman's female co-workers will show her the error of her ways.

Roughcoat said...

I'm quite content to shut up about women. I hope that women will do the same.

rhhardin said...

We could solve all this by eliminating the women's right to vote, which was a mistake in the first place.

sinz52 said...

Inga said, "The Republican Party does no want to be inclusive to libidinous women. "

The GOP likes libidinous women who are married and who put that libido to good use.

Like Mrs. Duggar. Devout Christian. 19 kids in 22 years.

But the Christian base of the GOP does not like single women with active sex lives. Over on National Review, Kathryn Jean Lopez (editor-at-large) has written column after column arguing that birth control has cheapened the sex act: Sex is meaningless unless a baby results from it.

Joe said...

This is a federal issue because the feds made it one. But why should it be a federal issue? It shouldn't except in the broadest, constitutional, sense.

Federalism works. Too bad most Democrats and Republicans politicians don't believe that.

Chuck said...

I report, you decide...

Althouse, on Huckabee's comment:
"birth control coverage implies that women 'cannot control their libido'."

Huckabee's more-complete comment:
"I think it’s time for Republicans to no longer accept listening to Democrats talk about a ‘War on Women.’ Because the fact is, the Republicans dont’ have a war on women. They have a war for women – for them to be empowered, to be something other than victims of their gender.

"Women I know are outraged that Democrats think that women are nothing more than helpless and hopeless creatures whose only goal in life is to have a government provide for their birth control medication. Women I know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything anyone else can do.

"Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That’s not a war on them, it’s a war for them. And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control, because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government, then so be it. Let’s take that discussion all across America, because women are far more than Democrats have made them to be. And women across America have to stand up and say, ‘Enough of that nonsense.’"

I'm Full of Soup said...

Too bad the Hildebeast was not on the panel too. She would have been sputtering and screeching at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if Christian women of the GOP abstain from sex when they are not ovulating? How about post menopausal women, do they think that they should abstain from sex with their husbands? It appears that the religious right still has a tremendous amount of influence on conservatives. I've heard some say that it's changing , but it doesn't appears so.

Seeing Red said...

According to an article in Slate that Insty linked to, outside of wealthy & white, the college hookup culture is on the decline. 2x a year? Why am I paying for others birth control again? Whir wealthy females can't take responsibility for 2-4 times a year?

garage mahal said...

Over on National Review, Kathryn Jean Lopez (editor-at-large) has written column after column arguing that birth control has cheapened the sex act:

What would Kathryn Jean Lopez know about sex acts? No offense, but let's be real.

Seeing Red said...

And since they're supposed to be coming out with a better condom and anal sex -- thank you Former rapist-in-chief Bill Clinton -- is on the rise what in the hell am I paying for?

Seeing Red said...

Can't control yourself can you GM? He if 9 children didn't u say once?

Seeing Red said...

He of

Seeing Red said...

We are in the 21st century it sounds like we're fighting 20th century issues.

Seeing Red said...

If this is a war on wealthy white women, it's about time for class warfare.

garage mahal said...

garage, I was amused to hear my 23 year old daughter on a rant yesterday about the left, she is a big fan of a web site called Chicks on the Right

I noticed the Chicks on the Right website reason for existing is "Because Conservatism Needs a Makeover".

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

"I noticed the Chicks on the Right website reason for existing is "Because Conservatism Needs a Makeover".

I agree and that makeover is underway. She and I agree that we are libertarians, maybe with a small L. I personally am prochoice and have performed abortions. I didn't like it but it should legal. Interestingly enough, there is a growing consensus even on the left that late term abortion should be limited. It is, after all illegal in Europe.

Some of the kids have mixed views. A niece who is an operating room nurse in Chicago voted for Obama but is pro-life.

I think the Democrats are going to have increasing trouble keeping those kids on the plantation. There will always be aging feminists like Inga who are still fighting wars won decades ago.

Obamacare will be a huge factor in the next few years.

Humperdink said...

Garage said: "What would Kathryn Jean Lopez know about sex acts? No offense, but let's be real."

That is offensive and sexist Garage. You surprise me. I thought only card carrying R's made such comments.

Seeing Red said...

Makeover or the faces that the media won't really let Americans see?

Anonymous said...

"Huckabee's more-complete comment:
"I think it’s time for Republicans to no longer accept listening to Democrats talk about a ‘War on Women.’ Because the fact is, the Republicans dont’ have a war on women."
Yeah right, bullshit. Forcing corpses to carry fetuses against the wishes ofhe family. Nation wide anti abortion legislation by Republican majority state governments.
"They have a war for women – for them to be empowered, to be something other than victims of their gender."
Really, how are Repulicans empowering women? Less pay for the same work?
"Women I know are outraged that Democrats think that women are nothing more than helpless and hopeless creatures whose only goal in life is to have a government provide for their birth control medication."
Yes, that might be conservative women. Women I know are outraged at the right wing shoving their regressive ideology down our throats. No woman I know feels that Democrats think that women are helpless or hopeless.
"Women I know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything anyone else can do."
So are many Democrat women and they certainly feel capable. Why even try to make women think that Democrats don't consider women capeable? Helping women who are in real need is not demeaning, it's a hand up, not a hand out. Such Christian hypocrisy.
"Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That’s not a war on them, it’s a war for them.
Pure bullshit.
" And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control, because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government, then so be it."
How incredibly insulting to women. Is this how the conservatives will get Asian, Black, Hispanic, single, young women to vote Republican? Really?
"Let’s take that discussion all across America, because women are far more than Democrats have made them to be.""
It isn't Democrats who demean women over and over again. Seems like foot in mouth disease runs rampant among Republican Congresscritters. And all of the above is why Huckabee's comment was worthy of ridicule.

steve w said...

I'd say they should answer every "War on Women" type question by pointing out the effects of overspending by the government on women and why THAT is the true "war on woman". Inflation, crowding out, running up against our limits of borrowing are all potential effects of the overspending by Democrats and the effect of any of them on women will be dire. Just keep banging this drum and maybe a few will get the message.

damikesc said...

Feminism is a blatantly asinine thing nowadays. And the more radical sects (the literally "kill all men" sects) are even worse, but at this point, feminism is a damned joke.

Feminism has infantilized women far worse than any man would have imagined possible.

If intentionally misquoting conservatives and arguing asinine points is all feminism has, then the entire group should likely kill itself off.

I want the next Republican President to attack the horrible discrimination boys receive in education. Every stat out there clearly shows boys are horrendously under-performing.

Force women to say that THEIR boys don't matter to them.

Anonymous said...

Inga, bless your heart.

Ms. Althouse...I haven't seen a response from you regarding the multiple posters who've called out your misunderstanding the Huckabee quote, to wit:
And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control, because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government, then so be it."

Clearly he is vocalizing the Democrats' viewpoint, not his own, about women.
I've seen no correction or even a response from you. Are you unwilling to face the possibility that you erred?

You're not turning into Inga, bless her heart, are you?

Anonymous said...

Overspending on women?

Tax breaks for the rich. Foreign wars of choice. Bailouts to Wall Street. Corporate welfare. Etc. etc. etc.

Blame women, that's the ticket, that'll win you elections every time. Go with it.

n.n said...

Michael K:

Pro-choice is pro-abortion. This issue cannot be resolved through waffling. However, the basic issue is not abortion, women's rights, or any of the other distractions. The question which must be answered by society is when, and by whose determination, does a human life acquire value? At some point a human life is regarded, albeit selectively, as more than a mere commodity, interchangeable and disposable.

Anonymous said...

You bought hope and change -- and you bought the war on women.
You're extremely bright. But somehow the light flickers there.

damikesc said...

Yeah right, bullshit. Forcing corpses to carry fetuses against the wishes ofhe family. Nation wide anti abortion legislation by Republican majority state governments.

Every single thing those laws propose are things YOU profess to have supported. Can you list the things these laws propose that you have not publicly expressed support for here?

Are you just full of shit?

Yes, I know, the question answers itself.

Really, how are Repulicans empowering women? Less pay for the same work?

Do you actually buy that line of horse shit?

I'll ask a question: If I owned a business and could pay women less for identical work, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I HIRE ANY MEN?

It's fucking illogical.

Jesus, pretend you know what you're talking about.

Yes, that might be conservative women. Women I know are outraged at the right wing shoving their regressive ideology down our throats. No woman I know feels that Democrats think that women are helpless or hopeless.

I see little reason to suspect women you know would have any more common sense than you seem to possess.

OK, you are incapable of securing birth control on your own (been a problem for decades, apparently). You're incapable of being held to the standard of a man (well, yeah, that seems obvious).

You mistake men pointing out how flawed a "human" you are with insulting all women. My wife, mom, and friends would be insulted to have somebody like you speaking for them. They are capable of doing things for their own.

So are many Democrat women and they certainly feel capable.

Democrat women disprove that repeatedly. Ok, they may FEEL they're capable, but their behavior and capabilities clearly show otherwise.

Why even try to make women think that Democrats don't consider women capeable?

Don't blame him that he notices trends that are lost on you.

Helping women who are in real need is not demeaning, it's a hand up, not a hand out. Such Christian hypocrisy.

Women REALLY had that much difficulty obtaining birth control that we had to destroy health insurance to help them?

I am baffled that so many women were on BC before the last year or so. It seems impossible if you ask Democrat...oh wait, I don't really socialize with Democrat women. I prefer competent people.

How incredibly insulting to women. Is this how the conservatives will get Asian, Black, Hispanic, single, young women to vote Republican? Really?

So, YOU might be incapable of doing anything with the state doing it for you, but hey, most women I know are self-sufficient. I sincerely hope your daughter doesn't take after you.

It isn't Democrats who demean women over and over again.

That you don't notice it would be sad if you were really intelligent.

That you don't see it doesn't speak well of you.

damikesc said...

Tax breaks for the rich. Foreign wars of choice. Bailouts to Wall Street. Corporate welfare. Etc. etc. etc.

You PASSIONATELY defend a President who did ALL of that.

Blame women, that's the ticket, that'll win you elections every time. Go with it.

Noting that you're a bit of a moron doesn't mean ALL women are morons.

I'd hate to think Althouse would want YOU speaking for her.

Anonymous said...

Clearly he is MISREPRESENTING Democrats' views on women, hoping some hapless people will believe him. He is very transparent, it is he and his fellow Republicans who think women are not savvy enough to buy it. He does what he accuses Democrats of doing.

Humperdink said...

Inga said: "It isn't Democrats who demean women over and over again."
See client#9 parade his spouse in front of the cameras for "moral" support.
See Anthony Weiner treat his spouse with utmost respect. *cough*
See Jesse Jackson's new organization "Operation Procreate" managed by his pregnant aide.
See John Edwards and his favorite videographer making ..... er .... movies, as his wife is dying of cancer.
See Kwame Kilpatrick and his mistress. Oh wait, you can't see him, he's in the pokey.

Anonymous said...


I speak for myself and other women who have expressed these sentiments to me, why would you even suggest I speak for Althouse. What a moronic statement.

Drago said...

Inga: "Clearly he is MISREPRESENTING Democrats' views on women.."


Inga takes time out from her continuous misrepresentations of republican/conservative positions to thoughtfully suggest that Huckabee is misrepresenting Democrats views on women.

It takes a complete and utter lack of self-awareness to support the dems.

Therefore, Inga is perfect in her current role.

damikesc said...

Gregory tries to drag Paul back to the question — whether the GOP should be talking about "women's health, women's bodies."

So, in noted criminal Gregory's world, should men make laws outlawing the rape of women?

After all, it doesn't really impact US too much.

Like the birth control issue, the sexual harassment issue is touchy, and Republicans seem to have a special knack for saying the wrong thing — or something that can be spun as the wrong thing — whenever they talk about women's bodies.

The "wrong" thing being the exact belief system of feminists until Clinton came into office.

Then came the "free grope" rule and all.

If young women are "conquering the world" (as Paul said), why not credit Monica Lewinsky with her conquest of the world's most powerful man?

We should praise a man who allowed a young girl to blow him? Is it a big feat for a woman to find a man willing to put his cock in her mouth? It doesn't seem like all that much of an impressive feat.

Do you admire the female students who fuck their professors? Or would you ostracize the professors for going along with that?

If the GOP wants to make an issue out of sexual harassment, hone it so that it really is good feminism, based in women's autonomy and equality.

Republicans should mock feminism as the blatantly hypocritical joke of a belief system that it has proven itself to be. They should also address the horrid treatment of boys in schools and colleges.

You know, Mike Huckabee was trying to use the idea of women's autonomy. He tried to say that Democrats are infantilizing women, but he botched it up badly. I can see that he was trying to be comical, stringing together ideas and using funny words like "Uncle Sugar" to refer to government as a giver of benefits, but he didn't have good control, and he didn't anticipate how another audience would be able to use it all against him.

He's being BLAMED because his opponents are intentionally misquoting and lying about him?

If I hack up one of your posts to show that you advocate killing of babies (and there are plenty of posts and one can cut and paste well enough that I could do it without a problem), would it be YOUR fault for saying something I could misconstrue intentionally.

I'm inclined to advise Republicans — if they want my advice — to just shut up about women, but I don't think they can,

Noted criminal Gregory kept bringing it up over and over. Hard to "Shut up about it" when the media decides they are going to pursue this no matter what.

Republicans should just start swearing, incessantly, for 10 minutes straight any time the topic is broached.

I watched Rand Paul very carefully, because I thought he might be close to figuring out how to retreat from the war on women.

There is no damned war on women. It isn't Republicans who decided that multiplying your deductible (which means you have no actual practical insurance) to give women "free" birth control was a good idea.

Gahrie said...

We could solve all this by eliminating the women's right to vote, which was a mistake in the first place.

I bet if someone went back and looked at all the warnings people opposed to the 19th Amendment made, that most of them came true.....

Paddy O said...

I find it interesting that some think Bill shouldn't be an issue in Hillary's campaign, but they think it's perfectly fine to drag out any random Republican nominee and make current leaders address whatever random quote the one time losing, primary nominee had to say.

Former President, current husband, who Hillary actively and aggressively defended is off limits. Man connected solely by political party affiliation is entirely relevant.

Curious that.

Drago said...

garage: "I noticed the Chicks on the Right website reason for existing is "Because Conservatism Needs a Makeover""


Says the side that refuses to call itself "liberal" anymore.

It's all about being "progressive"...until that one is used up and viola it will be back to liberal!!

Poor garage.

We can't turn into Greece fast enough for him.

Not to worry, I do believe we are headed there regardless.

damikesc said...

Clearly he is MISREPRESENTING Democrats' views on women

Nope. He is showing it clear as day. Democrats think you are too much of a blind moron to manage a bowel movement on your own.

If you AGREE with that, who am I to disagree?

hoping some hapless people will believe him.

Except every word he said was correct. The rubes who voted Obama will lap it up, but those voters aren't exactly rocket scientists.

Heck, they aren't exactly "able to properly wipe one's ass"

He is very transparent, it is he and his fellow Republicans who think women are not savvy enough to buy it.

He knows you aren't savvy enough to get it. You've shown that.

Women managed to get birth control before Obama. Shocking, I know.

Women managed to get jobs before Obama. I know, shocker.

Just because you feel you aren't able to do a damned thing without a man in the WH giving it to you doesn't mean all people have the same problem.

I speak for myself and other women who have expressed these sentiments to me, why would you even suggest I speak for Althouse. What a moronic statement.

You claim to speak for others.

Out of curiosity, which of these women ASKED you to do it?

I want to know because I want to have a list of women I can safely have no respect for.

I mean, you have no respect for you. Don't see why I assume you don't have a reason to think you're incapable.

damikesc said...

I find it interesting that some think Bill shouldn't be an issue in Hillary's campaign, but they think it's perfectly fine to drag out any random Republican nominee and make current leaders address whatever random quote the one time losing, primary nominee had to say.

No shit. How many Republicans were asked about Akin? Hell, they are STILL asked about him.

But asking a woman whose ONLY actual claim to office is the man she fucked and allowed to walk all over her about said man is beyond the pale and "sexist"?

Michael K said...

It's no use responding to Inga, except maybe to make fun of her.

" The question which must be answered by society is when, and by whose determination, does a human life acquire value? "

I'm not waffling. I think abortion should be legal and when it occurs, it takes a human life. Some intelligent feminist, maybe Paglia, said that a few years ago. Women are unique in that they are the life support system for a fetus that cannot live on its own. While that occurs, the woman should be, accepting that she is taking a human life, be able to have an abortion.

I was a medical student before abortion was legal in California and I saw young women die from illegal abortions. Maybe a rigid pro life person would that OK. Pay the ultimate price. I don't agree. After viability, and that is a moving target, he question changes and the child should be allowed to come term and be born and adopted if the mother doesn't want to accept responsibility.

Fools in the social work world have made adoption very difficult. When I was a surgery resident, in 1967, I operated on a baby that weighed 1 pound 10 ounces and she survived. I didn't know it until a couple of years later that that was the smallest baby ever to survive surgery. Two years later some guys in Florida got national publicity for operating on a kid that weighed 2 pounds 2 ounces.

I wanted to adopt that baby but she was a little fighter and was adopted quickly after she was old enough to go home. When she was 4 pounds, she could kick her way down to the end of the heated incubator. In those day, we didn't have respirators and neonatal ICUs. She was tough and is probably doing well somewhere at the age of 47. I wish I knew where.

It's a balance. Fools like Inga and "Abortion Barbie" are responding to voices in their heads. Not reality.

Seeing Red said...

Women aren't rich Inga? Women don't run corporations?

Anonymous said...

"We could solve all this by eliminating the women's right to vote, which was a mistake in the first place.

I bet if someone went back and looked at all the warnings people opposed to the 19th Amendment made, that most of them came true....."

1/26/14, 7:08 PM

Republicans should make this be the focus of their 2016 campaign! Go for it. That would show all those women just how much you respect them and how you only want to protect them from themselves because of you know... Uncontrollable Libido! It's a man's role afterall, no?

damikesc said...

Republicans should make this be the focus of their 2016 campaign! Go for it

Do you know who PASSED the Amendment in the first place?

That would show all those women just how much you respect them and how you only want to protect them from themselves because of you know... Uncontrollable Libido!

And you proved yourself to be a moron.

Huckabee said that Dems treat women like that and that Republicans oppose that treatment.

But OPPOSING that treatment is sexist.

damikesc said...

Women aren't rich Inga? Women don't run corporations?

No women SHE knows do.

Successful people don't often hang out with the self-admitted inept.

Anonymous said...

Who said they don't Seeing Red?

Gahrie said...

Republicans should make this be the focus of their 2016 campaign!

Of course that will never happen.

But I bet you I am right that the predictions of what will go wrong came true..........

I myself think that an America where the man went to work to support his family and the wife stayed home to raise the family was better for everyone individually and for the nation as a whole.

But hey, we've got a 50% divorce rate, 55 million abortions, illegitemate births rates over 70% for some sub groups, single mothers becoming the norm, and more people on welfare and disability than ever, so what do I know?

Anonymous said...

Inga hasn't been nailed this hard since her family reunion.

I meant that would explain a lot.

Unknown said...

----he might be close to figuring out how to retreat from the war on women. ---

What you should say is that he might be close to figuring out an effective counter attack.

Anonymous said...

Some of the stupider people here are still buying the lie that Democrats think women incapable of success. That is what you want to believe we think. You keep convincing yourself you have a clue about what Democrats think, you don't, but keep trying, it makes good sound bites to shoot down.

Seeing Red said...

I'm female and I'll argue women shoukdnt have the right to vote. Feminism has confirmed the stereotype women have been fighting against.

damikesc said...

Some of the stupider people here are still buying the lie that Democrats think women incapable of success.

They CLEARLY do. That you don't see that shows that they may have a point.

That is what you want to believe we think.

I don't think most Dem voters are capable of thinking as is. And most of them verify that.

You keep convincing yourself you have a clue about what Democrats think, you don't, but keep trying, it makes good sound bites to shoot down.

It is challenging for the sane to understand the thought process of the insane, but we always seek to do so.

Seeing Red said...

No Inga not incapable of success. Led around by their boobs and ovaries however. Hysterical shrieking harpies...

Revenant said...

Rand Paul is a rarity in politics: a good speaker who knows what he's talking about and can think on his feet.

I doubt the GOP establishment will let him get the nomination, but it'll be interesting to watch.

Michael K said...

"Some of the stupider people here are still buying the lie that Democrats think women incapable of success."

Well, we do have you as an example.

Anonymous said...

Seeing Red, I suggest you go with your feelings about women voting and stay home, don't vote.

Anonymous said...

Judging by the comments on this thread, I predict we Democrats will win by huge margins. It's all good.

Seeing Red said...

It's ironic the ideas the wants that feminists push for made women poorer.

In discussing Obamacare the lefties will sniff we need single pay or because the other advanced countries have it and we should, too! Those other advanced countries also have more modest restrictions on abortion. Suggest we follow some of those more modest advanced laws and watch the rabid dogs foam at the mouth.

damikesc said...

Seeing Red, I suggest you go with your feelings about women voting and stay home, don't vote.

Republicans aren't the ones who focus all of our attentions on your sex organs.

Nor are we the ones who rape women, perennially harass women while being applauded by our constituents, belie the entire CONCEPT of sexual harassment.

Nor are we the ones who feel you can't do a thing on your own.

The party that DOES think you are inept, in your eyes, supports women.

If women are as inept as you feel they are, perhaps voting should not be done by you.

Revenant said...

In fairness to Inga, Democrats think everybody is incapable of success, at least until a friendly government official helps them out. That's where that "you didn't build that" meme came from.

Seeing Red said...

Bwaaaaaa feelings. Nothing more than feelings!

Anonymous said...

My oh my, but you do prattle on.

Seeing Red said...

My agreement isn't based on feelings, Inga. It's observation, listening and life experience.

Unknown said...

---I'm wondering if Christian women of the GOP abstain from sex when they are not ovulating?

There's that infantile obsession with sex that we expect from Frau Inga.

Seeing Red said...

You came here to teach Inga and yet you still refuse to learn.

Unknown said...

----What would Kathryn Jean Lopez know about sex acts? No offense, but let's be real.

Right, because as Huckabee points out, you lefties think women are nothing but their lady parts.

Anonymous said...

OK Seeing Red, go with your listening and life experience and stay home. Thanks.

Seeing Red said...

What is your obsession with what other people do in their bedrooms Inga? That's so 20th century. I agree unknown, it's been pointed out many times before it's always about sex.

Seeing Red said...

Lolol. Always trying to disenfranchise those who don't agree with you.

Seeing Red said...

Huchabee didn't have to point out anything it's been lady parts 24/7/365 for years. For those who are younger when Clinton was running for president "I'm voting for Hillary's husband" was a popular button and she was our 1st co-president.

Anonymous said...

Inga said, "The Republican Party does not want to be inclusive to libidinous women. "
"The GOP likes libidinous women who are married and who put that libido to good use.

Like Mrs. Duggar. Devout Christian. 19 kids in 22 years.

But the Christian base of the GOP does not like single women with active sex lives. Over on National Review, Kathryn Jean Lopez (editor-at-large) has written column after column arguing that birth control has cheapened the sex act: Sex is meaningless unless a baby results from it."

1/26/14, 5:44 PM
Seeing Red,
This is what I was responding to. I don't actually care what the heck y'all do in your bedrooms.

damikesc said...

My oh my, but you do prattle on.

Except 1) I know what I'm talking about and 2) I'm not painfully dull.

What is your obsession with what other people do in their bedrooms Inga?

She believes the GOVERNMENT shouldn't be in your uterus --- but SHE can be there.

Seeing Red said...

If you don't care then don't bring it up.

damikesc said...

This is what I was responding to. I don't actually care what the heck y'all do in your bedrooms.

Sure. You just start attacking conservatives on what one person says?

Note, your party is opposed to people bringing up Bill in relation to Hillary.

Anonymous said...

"----What would Kathryn Jean Lopez know about sex acts? No offense, but let's be real."

"Right, because as Huckabee points out, you lefties think women are nothing but their lady parts."

1/26/14, 7:51 PM
Seeing Red, are you misattributing the first comment to me? It's not my comment.

Seeing Red said...

Or respond.

And great feminist Inga? Prattle? Really? Can't stop re in forcing a term that males used to describe females?

Seeing Red said...

No one will mistake you for Lopez.

Anonymous said...

Ah, now your'e just being tiresome and the thread has devolved into silliness. Time to watch Downton Abbey in peace.

Anonymous said...

And Dami, oh but you ARE painfully dull. Your comments actually sound like the whaa, whaa, whaa, in those Charlie Brown cartoons.

Seeing Red said...

I just realized the baton was passed from Steffi to Gregory.

Fen said...

Some intelligent feminist, maybe Paglia, said that a few years ago. Women are unique in that they are the life support system for a fetus that cannot live on its own. While that occurs, the woman should be, accepting that she is taking a human life, be able to have an abortion.

I think that was Naomi Wolf:

"Arguing for a new "pro-choice rhetoric," Wolf appeals for the termination of all euphemism and denial in the hope of securing to the pro-choice movement the essential "ethical core" that it has lacked. She believes it both a necessity and an obligation that there be "an abortion-rights movement willing publicly to mourn the evil - necessary evil though it may be - that is abortion." The movement's refusal to do so, she claims, has sacrificed a mass of political support; but more importantly, it has produced "a series of self-delusions, fibs, and evasions," forcing the men and women who are part of it to run the risk of losing what "can only be called [their] soul."


Inga represents the souless depravity Wolf worried about.

Fen said...

I find it interesting that some think Bill shouldn't be an issue in Hillary's campaign

I don't see how it can't. First Lady, NY Senator, Sec of State.. and she's best known as an expert on enabling the sexual abuse of her fellow democrat women (Jones, Lewinsky, Wiley).

Fen said...

I wonder how many other women were sexually harassed and assaulted to put her at this point in her life?

Fen said...

Ms. Althouse...I haven't seen a response from you regarding the multiple posters who've called out your misunderstanding the Huckabee quote,

And I doubt you will. I had a similar experience with her some years ago. She refused, not because she was right, but because she "didn't want to give [Fen] the satisfaction".

Douglas B. Levene said...

FWIW, I liked Rand Paul's little bit of jiujitsu with Gregory. "You want to talk about the war on women, great, let's start with Bill Clinton." That's a pitch-perfect answer, and so were the comments about women conquering the world. The whole "war on women" think is completely phony so it's best to respond with a completely phony response.

MadisonMan said...

And I doubt you will. I had a similar experience with her some years ago. She refused, not because she was right, but because she "didn't want to give [Fen] the satisfaction".

Bloggers write about what they want to write about, not about what you want them/tell them to write about.

Mark O said...

In the real world, Clinton would have been sued and fired. It's not empowering for a woman to be used as a sex object by her employer. If you think so, you should clearly say so and seek to have the laws changed.

But, if you excuse Clinton's behavior, because "Monica wanted it," or "everyone does it," you need to realize the moral position you have staked out and stand tall.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm Full of Soup said...

I think it is safe to assume Hillary has added Rand Paul to her little list.

Fen said...

And I doubt you will. I had a similar experience with her some years ago. She refused, not because she was right, but because she "didn't want to give [Fen] the satisfaction".

Bloggers write about what they want to write about, not about what you want them/tell them to write about.

Non sequitur. This has nothing do with telling anyone what they should write about. Its about Ann refusing to admit a mistake and correct it, not because it serves Truth or is the right thing to do, but because it might give some insignificant commenter satisfaction.

n.n said...


Wow! I was beginning to believe that they were either insane or devoid of a conscience. I have a new found respect for Wolf, even if I reject her justification of "a necessary evil". It is not, of course. Liberty is only suitable and possible for women and men capable of self-moderating, responsible behavior.

The fundamental difference between children and adults, is that the latter are assumed capable of greater impulse control, and willing to accept responsibility for their actions, in exchange for expanded liberty.

It is also welcome that at least some "progressives" recognize the inherent hypocrisy of the pro-choice position. A human life evolves from conception to death.

The question that society must answer is when and by whose determination does a human life acquire value? It clearly does not remain a commodity, except in underdeveloped societies. That type of thinking was rejected by civilized people with the abolition of slavery.

Abortion of wholly innocent human lives is a defining human rights issue. Its normalization is the defining human rights issue of the modern era. It represents an unprecedented destruction of human life, which is unmatched by any war or combination of wars. It degrades and devalues human life. It promotes a dissociation of behavior and consequences which circumvents natural and cultural feedbacks which mitigate mass corruption.

Wolf and her progressive allies need to come forward and propose firm criteria to assess the value of human life. Their rhetoric and other manipulation should be judged on its merits by people who are free from harassment of political and social activists. I would venture to say that there is nothing more meaningful than human life and the intrinsic value which we ascribe to it. If they disagree, which they clearly if hesitantly do, then they must present their arguments and stand in judgment before free men and women.

Saint Croix said...

Republicans seem to have a special knack for saying the wrong thing — or something that can be spun as the wrong thing — whenever they talk about women's bodies.

I always feel that these questions are code for abortion. Whenever liberals are talking about "women's health" or "women's bodies," they are talking about abortion. They are talking about abortion without being able to mention the word, or run photographs or videos of abortion. Television is a visual medium, and yet television hides and runs away from abortion.

The "war on women" meme is a silencing mechanism. You're not allowed to speak about abortion. If you do, you hate women. You want to maim and kill women. That's the subtext. Of course it's an absurd metaphor. We keep women out of war zones. Women do not sign up for the draft. Perhaps feminists ought to avoid war metaphors until they rectify this inequality.

Why this violent metaphor? Because pro-lifers are accusing feminists, and liberals in general, of killing babies. While the "war on women" is a metaphor, you can actually make a case that we have a "war on babies." After all, we have actual casualties, and "war" photographs that we want to hide from our people. If people see what "war" (i.e. abortion) is actually like, people might stop supporting the war.

I think Rand Paul is an extraordinary politician, and his use of humor is very smart. Ducking the "war on women" meme is very smart. In general you want to avoid declaring a war on the press.

But somebody ought to. Our press is an embarrassment. This "war on women" metaphor is itself a dodge. David Gregory can't talk about abortion, apparently. He has to use pathetic euphemisms. And the way liberals try to substitute birth control for abortion? Embarrassing. Liberals are so ashamed about abortion, they can't talk about it. I don't say Rand Paul should point this out. But it might be nice if Fox news did a little reporting on the war on babies.

Fen said...

I'm referring to her old comment policy that deemed only one type of racial slur worthy or deletion.

Pointing out the double standard only caused her to dig her heels in further.

Fen said...

Wow! I was beginning to believe that they were either insane or devoid of a conscience. I have a new found respect for Wolf

You should google her views on modern feminism. Short version: she believes its become farce.

Anonymous said...

Sorry St. Croix, women are not kept out of war zones. You are mistaken.

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