7:??: I'll do a little live-blogging... as suits my mood.
7:58 Central Time: I'm just settling in to watch. I've got everything TiVo'd and I'm scrolling along. Has it started yet? This last hour seems to be very Nancy Pelosi-oriented. I don't think this part is supposed to count for much. I'm fast-forwarding like mad. Ehghgd! It's Jimmy Carter!
8:19: Caroline Kennedy is a terrible speaker, but her speech makes me cry nonetheless.
8:30: We've seen a film about Teddy Kennedy. It focused on his love for the sea. He encounters the sea on a beautiful yacht, with his elite family. But he's dying. I don't know what to think. It's supposed to be about Barack Obama and the future of the Democratic Party, but I'm hearing bathos about the sea... and then there is this terribly rich man with his yacht. But we are called to celebrate him. He's dying. We see that in the tear that Maria Shriver brushes off her razor-sharp cheek. Ah, woe beyond politics! But now he's speaking. He wants health care for everyone.
8:35: "Barack Obama will close the book on ... straight against gay." Now, why would that be? I wonder. Teddy imbues Barack with powers.
9:48: "And that is why I love this country," says Michelle Obama.
9:58: Those kids are cute! "I love you, Daddy!"
7:12, next morning: I barely watched the post-Teddy stuff. Just not in the mood. I should check out Michelle's speech on line today. I did see the parading of the cute kids. It seemed pretty clear to me that the younger girl had been coached to cry out "I love you, Daddy" when she saw her father on the video screen, because she did it repeatedly. I think a kid behaving naturally would be really intimidated to find herself on the stage and would cling to the mother, who is there on the flesh. A big head of your father on a video screen in front of a huge audience is a very weird thing. I don't think it would make a little kid call out "I love you, Daddy." If she'd say anything, it would be to the mother: "Why is Daddy on the screen?"
Anyway, I see there are a lot of comments on this post, and that some of the commenters got mad at each other sometime around midnight. It's not easy, dropping in this morning, to figure out why. Did you drink too much blog? I'll just say I hope you all kiss and make up.
1 – 200 of 242 Newer› Newest»This picture on Glenn Reynolds site of the candidates kissing each other's wives:
1) Forget about "gay marriage". It's "Open Marriage" when the Dems are in!
2) Seriously though. Does anyone - anywhere - believe for even a second that these 4 people wouldn't get jiggy with a meange-a-quatre if they thought they could get away with it? They're Democrats, for goodness sake! No basic moral code to worry about.
I'm just wondering how long it will take the moonbats to accuse Reynolds of trying to scare up racist fears of miscegenation.
"Presidential contests are a different kettle of worms." - Wolf Blitzer
Oh ick. I've been watching it for all of five minutes and I already feel queasy. "Lexington & Concord ... Appomatox ... Selma, AL ... Denver, CO," oh good lord.
John and Ken (real audio) do a quick prediction, that it will be a series of unlikeable speakers that nobody wants to listen to, and the coverage ought to be about the same as is given to the garden channel, in a sane world.
Seriously though. Does anyone - anywhere - believe for even a second that these 4 people wouldn't get jiggy with a meange-a-quatre if they thought they could get away with it?
Nah. Biden looks like Jacob Marley minus the heavy chains. I don't think Michelle would go for that. Obama would take a shot at Jill only if Michelle lets him have his testicles back.
"Ehghgd! It's Jimmy Carter!"
Ably demonstrating why he is the elder idiot of the party. Asked by David Brooks if racism will play a part in the campaign, Carter replies that no, he thinks that the south will elect Obama. The lockstep message from Democrats throughout the last and next few months: you are presumptively a racist until you absolve yourself by voting for "Barack."
So this will be yet another sob thread bo hooing about being called racists when nobody on the thread is calling anyone a racist? I say look at it like being wiretapped. If you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about.
Weird! Watching Caroline Kennedy enter, I wonder: why does the Democratic Convention this year look an awful lot like a moderately tacky gameshow?
Garage, given that the charge was being levelled at people backing your preferred candidate just a few months ago, I'd expect more from you. Intellectually, I know I shouldn't care if generic democrat #29 thinks that I'm a racist, but I'm not, and I truly resent being told that I am because some half-weight half-term demagogue of a Senator and his swarm of smarmy surrogates think it's a cheap way to suppress dissent.
Ah, a tribute to Senator Kennedy, a man who has contributed more than most in politics: a walking argument for term limits. I honestly and truly hope he recovers fully from the cancer. I wouldn't wish that on anyone; dementia aside, I can't imagine much worse than a brain tumor. But I would prefer he recovered in retirement.
I'm live blogging over at my site, if anyone's interested! Feel free to comment.
Did Jimmy Carter really just call Obama a black "boy"?
I say look at it like being wiretapped. If you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about.
Would that make it ok to call women a bunch of whores? After all, the ones who don't actually trade sex for money have nothing to worry about.
Kennedy is practically creaming over the prospect of "breaking the deadlock." You sanguine about that, Ann? Filibuster proof Democratic Congress and a Democratic President?
Amy said...
"Did Jimmy Carter really just call Obama a black 'boy'?"
Carter can't be a racist; he's supporting Obama. He's purchased his absolution. Barack came in peace for all mankind so that if we believe in him, we shall be eternally* forgiven.
*Void where prohibited; offer applicable only until the next time he needs a vote.
Kennedy speaks and endorses the idea of going back to the moon. Kennedy ends and the music starts--Still the One. Huh? They're playing Obama's theme?
Would that make it ok to call women a bunch of whores? After all, the ones who don't actually trade sex for money have nothing to worry about.
No, it wouldn't be okay. But if you're not calling women whores you have nothing to worry about. You got something against being wiretapped or your internet being monitored?
Filibuster proof Democratic Congress and a Democratic President?
That's one thing that does give me pause when I consider who gets my vote.
Either party could cement their status as the majority party for good if they behaved responsibly when they got overwhelming majorities together with the Presidency. Too bad about that absolute power thing.
The commenters on this post thus far are a bunch of sourpusses.
It is magnificent to see Teddy Kennedy speaking to his party so powerfully, and so soon after his brain surgery.
I know I have now officially been alive too long. Does anyone else on earth remember what happened on the same weekend that we planted a flag on the moon?
Hint: Her name was Mary Jo.
It makes me kind of ill to hear T.K. speak of that weekend.
"It is magnificent to see Teddy Kennedy speaking to his party so powerfully, and so soon after his brain surgery."
Wow, do you have a hard-on, Eric?
I'm sure Mary Jo Kopechne would have loved to be at the convention to hear Teddy's magnificent speech as well...
I'm waiting on the DNC un-air-brushing Lyndon Johnson back into the picture.
Then I'll know they're interesting in recovering the South...
...of course you can go over to Sully's and see him tearing up over Ted's tragic story.
Classic Sully. Did the same about W until he fell out of love with him...
It's very inspiring to hear the speakers talking about caring for the least, reaching out to provide opportunity, including the excluded, equal rights, renewal, opportunity... And I kept mentally interjecting after each phrase....
"except for the unborn..."
"except for the unborn..."
"except for the unborn..."
The Democrats could own the prolife issue, it's really a natural for them, moreso in many ways than the GOP, which, truth to tell, has a lot of folks who really don't mind very much that those people are getting abortions. There is a significant segment of the GOP coalition is embarrassed by the prolife plank and wants it jettisoned.
Did Jimmy Carter really just call Obama a black "boy"?
He probably just got back from knocking a few back with Robert Byrd and it slipped out.
I just got home, and I expected BOKU commentary...but apparently, not much has gone on to get Althouse commenters' juices going.
I watched some of the convention, and commentary in my gym, but I missed the whole Caroline/Ted speeches.
Ah, Fox just showing Teddy speaking. Wow, his neck must be 2 shirt collars smaller.
Well, let's see what Mrs. Obama has to say. She'll have to sound more upbeat about America, but at the same time, make a case why her husband will change it (allegedly for the better).
You know what I want to hear JUST ONCE in the DNC speeches?
Some speaker, preferrably Obama himself, say something like:
"You know the best thing about America? Americans. Americans are the best people in the world, and America is the best country in the world."
Come on, Democrats! We know you have it in you.
Simon said...
Amy said...
"Did Jimmy Carter really just call Obama a black 'boy'?"
Carter can't be a racist…
Oh, I don’t know about that. Remember he claims his ancestors owned slaves so there may be a racist gene in is bones and DNA.
The headlines on my home page on Hillary’s convention keep stating that the Democrats seek peace. I did not know they were at war. I thought they were the anti-war party. Maybe Iraq was a mistake. We should have invaded the Democratic party instead. Jeez, what is it with these people. Did they sing Kumbayah, their national anthem yet? Did they pledge allegiance to Hillary yet? Have they made a human sacrifice to their new deity Algore? This is the party of misguided fools, idiots, mensa morons, and crepuscular cretins.
As to Kennedy’s wish for health care- only if it is the same kind he has; any doctor, any hospital, anytime, anyplace in the world. The same exact health care program that the Senate and House has. No less. Maybe even more, as they serve us; not the other way around. I hope he gets better, but I agree with Simon. He is the shining example of why we need term limits. Hopefully without pensions.
I am waiting for them to throw Clinton and Obama under the bus and nominate Barney for president and Mr. Rogers for VP. Hey, if fictional people and the dead can vote in largely Democratic areas, than they should be able to run for office. Mary Jo Kopechne could be attorney general.
garage mahal said...
I say look at it like being wiretapped. If you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about.
Um, wiretapping has nothing to do with with your actions. It only has to do with what you say. If you say nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about. Better yet, if you say nothing you have zero to worry about.
I have never understood how anyone could take class warriors like Ted Kennedy seriously. Living his life with a silver spoon in his mouth, and having his father help him out of his scrapes, whether that was killing Mary Jo, getting caught cheating at Harvard, or getting into law school. Then his brother's Senate seat was held open by a friend until he was old enough to accept it.
His populist economics have helped guarantee generations of poverty, and his tax policies seem designed to make sure that there is less competition for the choicest vacation spots.
I do feel sorry for his cancer and wish him a speedy recovery. But I still cannot see what was so noble about his life that deserves such a fawning tribute.
The Democrats could own the prolife issue, it's really a natural for them, moreso in many ways than the GOP
Not really Padre. At one time I was a Democrat but the scales fell from my eyes a long time ago. Almost 2 years ago Nancy Pelosi was cooing in the House Chamber how she's going to work so hard for the children except of course those that the mother chooses not to have.
While I always thought that the Dem party was all about caring for the poor and disadvantaged, I finally came to the conclusion that they really don't. It seems that every Democrat policy that is touted breeds dependence rather than empowerment and the 40+ year history and its result of the Great Society and the so-called War on Poverty pretty much justifies that sentiment.
which, truth to tell, has a lot of folks who really don't mind very much that those people are getting abortions.
And who would those people be?
Althouse wrote: It focused on his love for the sea.
Mary Gee wrote: Does anyone else on earth remember what happened on the same weekend that we planted a flag on the moon?
Well, you see, Teddy loves the sea. The rivers? Not so much....
I'm not lion.
In winter?
That Jack Schlossberg sure inherited the good Black-Irish hair genes. He's coming along nicely!
But I still cannot see what was so noble about his life that deserves such a fawning tribute.
There are very very few politicians to whom that statement does not apply. That's the problem with Ted Kennedy: he's a politician. The people in politics who actually deserve fawning tributes aren't remembered as politicians, they are remembered as leaders, or governors, or Presidents.
Thank you, and yes we can!
"I didn't see a ring in her hand...and then I made my move"
YES! This is what America wants to hear. Come on, spill it! Michelle looks like the kind who follows The Rules though, so no hanky panky on the first date.
That was very nicely done, the mum bit. What did you think?
Fr. Martin Fox said: "It's very inspiring to hear the speakers talking about caring for the least, reaching out to provide opportunity, including the excluded, equal rights, renewal, opportunity... And I kept mentally interjecting after each phrase....
"except for the unborn..."
"except for the unborn..."
"except for the unborn...""
Thank you. Thank you.
Some of those missing form the Dem's roll of honor include Bull Connor, George Wallace, Albert Gore, Sr., Robert Byrd and other civil rights luminaries.
Rhode Island got stuck up in the nosebleeds, which is where Delaware would be if not for Uncle Joe.
Sharp incisors -- she didn't have them as a little kid. What happened?
Having Ted Kennedy speak just proves that the Democratic party is the party of thieves, murderers, liars, cheats, scoundrels, drunkards, adulters, rapscallions, pirates- that sea thingy- skalliwags, and lowlifes of all kinds. A party that has nothing to offer but misery, poverty, and hopelessness. it is the party of the damned.
Now let's talk about some serious issues, like who is going to the world series.
Brit Hume making the point about Rhode Island -- ooh, Megan Kelly making the point that Rhode Island went to Clinton.
But previously, they mentioned that Rhode Island was stuck up there behind American Samoa.
But AS went to Obama, so no conspiracy theory.
"Go Beavers!"
Ick. Nothing else seems appropriate. And it's gonna get worse. Or is that possible? Yes, yes it is.
I'm picturing a carefully sculpted pyramid of dung, and at the pinnacle stand two tiny action figures: Joe the Yak and Captain Zero. "Anticipation" is playing in the background. The rancid structuce begins to sag...
Dude just said "Go Beavers!"
Sounds like a typical convention.
I'll tell you what -- if Obama is elected President, he might yet be the first Commander-in-Chief in a good long while WITHOUT sibling problems, or even brother-in-law problems.
Maya Soetero and Craig Robinson look like stand-up people. Whew.
Did I just hear the "Go Beavers!" yell?
Did they make a wrong turn going to the Hooters Convention?
I think the "Go Beavers!" thingy was a coded shout-out to WJC.
Oh wait, shucks. I forgot Barack's 101 brothers and sisters in over in Kenya, including dear old George -- still earning less than a dollar a day.
This is the most boring political convention on record, thus far. I already flipped to Girls Next Door on E before Michelle took the podium.
I think MO is going to announce that she's pregnant. It's Camelot all over again.
Did Michelle's brother just say"
Can't the guy pronounce strenGthen?
Speak English, damn-it!
What part of America did he grow up in?
Is this what we get if Barack wins - more barely intelligible graduates of our public school system?
You can take that one to the bank homey.
If they show Michael Phelan's mother I'm gonna puke. Seriously. They might show her. She was on Animal Planet this morning, being interviewed by a seal. A seal from a single-parent den. A disadvantaged sea mammal.
Did you hear that Americans?
With a mum and dad at home, especially if you're black, who moreover stayed together and worked for their family -- that's how you almost assure success.
Think of almost every successful black man, and you'll find a strong father at home.
From Michael Jordan to Bill Cosby to Tiger Woods, the key is the one dad, who cares about raising his kids.
Like Obama, in fact. You can't fault him for that.
LOL, Michael_H.
Yes, Ruth Anne, her voice is now on permanent tremolo.
It's making me sad.
Ya know, Trader Joe's sells some pretty good beer, for the price. I'm working through a sixer of Bohemian Lager tonight. Bohemian, because I am trying to identify with my dem brothers and sisters. Not the private jet dems, but the other ones outside. The stoner dems.
Why is she so shrill? Even when she's upbeat. Weird.
Eric Muller said...
"The commenters on this post thus far are a bunch of sourpusses."
Let's see how chipper you feel when one of the major political parties is calling you a racist for not voting for their woefully inadequate candidate for office, Eric. Talk about poisoning the well. You people are so desperate for power that there's not a depth you won't sink to. This "cry racism" campaign your party's stooped to is the political equivalent of the lonely senior paying a hooker to take his virginity.
"It is magnificent to see Teddy Kennedy speaking to his party so powerfully, and so soon after his brain surgery."
There's an obvious poor-taste joke here about how one clearly doesn't need a brain to suppot liberal policies.
I lost satellite signal on Fox. Anyone else?
suppot = support. I think that's enough chardonnay for the night.
If you had an overbite the size of Kansas, life would pretty much suck for you too, Ruth Anne.
"And that is why I love this country." I heard my wife howl with laughter form the other end of the house.
Is it me, or is this speech a full and total downer? Man oh Moses, this is a dirge.
Barak speaks: You know the best thing about America? It's not the turd world. Not yet. But we're working on it. With the steady influx of caca from brotha Ted's great '64 Immigration Fiasco we've been making continual progress flooding America with dreck. We're not there yet. But soon, soon brothas and sistas, the stench rising from the shitpile we're making of America will put a permanent smile of pure malicious glee on Michelle's murderous map.
Ruth Anne Adams said...
"God! Is it really that bad in their America?"
You have to keep in mind, these are (apparently) people who sit around waiting for a politician to come and give them hope. you know, deeply inadequate people. The kind of people Morpheus would have been referring to as "hopelessly inured" if he'd had the welfare state in mind rather than the matrix. Assuming, that is, there's a difference.
See that's (tremble) why (tremble) Barack is (tremble) is running.
...."end the war responsibly."
Note to Mrs. Obama. The war is coming to an end. We won, sorry to disappoint.
Hillary must be laughing her ASS off.
"9:48: 'And that is why I love this country,' says Michelle Obama."
For the first time in her adult life, you know.
Sounds like electrocution.
This is an awful speech. She makes happy feel sad.
I flipped back to the convention. I see that Michelle Obama is a complete phoney baloney. Barack better keep her off the stage as much as possible after this. I bet she even practiced these hand movements and lip bites in her mirror.
The first night of the convention is about over and for the first time all year I think McCain will win the election.
"Isn't she lovely?"
Only for the blind.
I miss Hubert Humphrey. That man could speak like none other.
"end the war responsibly"
Yeah, that was a good one, whatever happened to bring the troops home now?
I see that others here agree. This speech was terrible.
I don't know.
I thought the speech by M.O. was phoney as a three dollar bill, but it went over well, and I think it'll go over well with the folks who haven't heard her greatest hits already.
She loves her country, right? That's the main thing she had to say, and she said it.
Barack on satellite!
What he couldn't get seats? Oh he's in Kansas City. What a diss!
Barf. Smarmy family. Barack's in a hut somewhere, I think.
Caroline Kennedy must be thinking, "Even I wasn't this loud when I was a cute toddler in the White House".
"Barack Obama will close the book on ... straight against gay."
Really? Then why is he against gay marriage? Oh but of course, the book is closed when Barack closes it. I mean, the bastard can stop oceans from rising, he can sure as shit close any book he wants. Probably with his mind.
The girls are absolutely precious. I think Democrat Presidents have better kids than Republicans, actually.
Well, I'm mostly thinking of Patti Davis' Sex special on HBO. Oy.
She loves her country, right? That's the main thing she had to say, and she said it.
Is that the news out of the speech? She confirmed she doesn't hate America?
Sorry, I think this entire first night was a bust for Obama. The few people who could ensure the boredom were most likely feeling uncomfortable watching Michelle. Obama better hit it out of the park on Thursday.
If it weren't for Britt Hume, I think I'd never watch political shows. Except maybe to watch Dick Morris, who I will always see wearing a dog collar, walking on all fours and eating kibble.
"What he couldn't get seats? Oh he's in Kansas City. What a diss!"
Don't you know, he's going to make a triumphant entrance through the gates of Denver riding on an ass. And that ass's name is Joseph Biden.
Ben (The Tiger) said...
"She loves her country, right? That's the main thing she had to say, and she said it."
Well, Ben, she certainly said it.
Wow, Juan Williams of Fox News (the black NPR correspondent) is practically in tears.
I'd like to speak up in defense of apathy.
The worst part of the totalitarian states of the early-to-mid twentieth century is that they wouldn't allow you to be apathetic.
In a free country, you ought to be able to be apathetic.
(But of course, not in Obama's America -- because Barack will require you to work!)
Vic said: "Caroline Kennedy must be thinking, "Even I wasn't this loud when I was a cute toddler in the White House""
Nah. Caroline is thinking: "Lord, the crap I had to do in order to appointed ambassador next term."
And the fun is just beginning!
Driving home, I turned on the radio "live from Denver" and the first thing I heard was mumble mumble static, hiss,...Watergate! And then applause.
It's great to be an American :)
Britt Hume is retiring after this year. :(
He says there's no more gas in the tank, about his profession. I don't know who will take over, but he adds a special something to the Fox News anchor position.
LoafingOaf said...
"Obama better hit it out of the park on Thursday."
Those of you who are religious should pray fervently for rain. Pouring, cold, spirit-dampening, audience-dispersing rain.
Yes, good call. Caroline Kennedy will probably get the Ambassadorship to Ireland, following on her aunt Jean Smith's footsteps.
Don't forget Al Gore the 11th was quite a speed demon and a drinker
I originally read that as "a speed drinker and a demon" which sounds much cooler.
Insert "be" between "to" and "appointed" above. Sorry. Juan Williams made be all verklempt.
Random thought -- is it bad of me to have been reminded of this parody just now?
"I don't know who will take over, but he adds a special something to the Fox News anchor position."
That something special is jowls.
Hmm. I saw George McGovern on CNN with that "flesh"-coloured microphone, and thought, it looks awful. Makes him look like he's got a carbuncle on his face.
But I see all the Fox News commenters have the same mic.
(BTW, "flesh" used to be a tights/pantyhouse colour, but it was discontinued in the 90s. It was deemed racist)
On the other hand, if even the Canadian press is framing Michelle Obama's speech like this, maybe I'm overestimating its effect -- the BS detector of the average voter might be better than I expected...
LOL, Ben. The Dubya-Elvis looks like Paul Rudd.
Chris Wallace is saying what we are saying -- that this night was largely wasted. He was more upbeat about her speech, though he mentioned her fashion sense was more notable (implying, "than her speech").
Why is this first night over so quickly?
Her speech was maybe 25 minutes, if. Were they scared to let her talk?
I mean, it's only 10 PM in Denver. They needed to start off really strong, and I think they failed.
Given her past efforts, if I were a staffer of her husband's, I'd be afraid to let her talk...
Over on CNN they're discussing how James Carville said that Day One was wasted. For once I agree with Carville. It's amazing to me that Obama has four nights of such high profile coverage of his convention, and for the entire first night nothing of note happened.
The reason I say that Michelle should've put her imprint on the first night, is that the Convention is basically now about the Clintons, in nights 2 & 3.
It wasn't enough to counter that, and I don't think that's because of bad organisation. Michelle and Barack simply do not have the same political showmanship than do THAT duo.
Vics asked this question: "Why is this first night over so quickly?"
She then provided the answer: "...it's only 10 PM in Denver.
The bars are open, the hookers are on full alert, the lobbyists have credit cards. Yippee! the convention is in town.
For the first time in my adult life I'm really ashamed of half of my country.
[Chris Wallace] was more upbeat about her speech
I'm noticing on all the channels that no one wants to say anything negative about Michelle Obama. I think they're just being nice because they don't wanna seem like jerks for attacking the wife.
She's just like Hillary in 1992. And equally dislikeable.
I'm going to throw this out there. She's a lot like George Bush.
She thinks the process of politics is full of phoneys, and that she doesn't have to play the game.
I heard her being interviewed on NPR today (she said it was her first since arriving in Denver) and the NPR journalist asked,
"This is a big night for you?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
Click on the link, you'll hear her tone of voice. She means it jokingly, but for whatever reason, maybe she just gives out bad signals, she sounds arrogant and even cynical.
That's just like Bush, who suffers from this perception problem.
OOH! Krauthammer just said her speech and the kiddie show was incredibly "hokey".
like jerks for attacking the wife.
Well, I mean Obama said he'd knock down anyone who attacked his wife. You want to go mano-a-mano with that guy?
Just got back from working at an offsite, and cut off from it all. Missed the entire thing. Does that mean I missed anything?
(Yeah, I know, read the news, read the blogs, read the comments, etc. I will, at least scan a little. Just thought it would be fun to throw out there that ... about what went on this evening ... I know absolutely nothing!
Liberating, sorta.)
Charles Krauthammer is commenting on Fox. He may have the highest IQ of anyone on television, or in print for that matter. Always cogent and insightful. Read his Wiki bio - he's paralyzed and completed his Harvard MD while confined to a hospital.
Reader, oddly, the Althouse commenters agree with MSM commenters -- the first night of the DNC was a bust.
Krauthammer did say that Teddy finished his speech in incredibly moving fashion, but I didn't see that. I'll definitely catch the rerun later on.
Krauthammer rocks. Only George Will is a better off-the-cuff analyst than he is.
Anyone seen Trooper York this evening? We need to remind him that the NY Giants (they won the Super Bowl, yadda yadda) were defeated by the NY Jets last Saturday night. Brett Favre's NY Jets.
I was thinking the "Beijing thing" is why they might've retired Night 1 early.
People weren't about to stay up until the wee hours in the morning for more Michelle.
Well, Family Guy is on. I'll catch you guys later, or tomorrow for Night 2!
Since Hill will be on, we are almost guaranteed high octane drama.
Goody! Ciao. ;)
I played World of Warcraft tonight. Got my last piece of PvP gear and killed at least 200 Alliance characters. I feel that my time was well spent compared to watching Michelle Obama speak.
I am looking forward to seeing how the Clintons handle their moments on the podium.
Can't wait to hear Cindy McCain's speech next week!
Oh... wait... can she talk?
Reader - Here's aqn outline of what you missed.
Caroline Kennedy Schlossmann spoke and we were reminded of how old we now are.
Edward Moore Kennedy spoke and no lives were lost.
Michelle Obama spoke and we were all reminded of....how entertaining a first spouse William Jefferson Clinton would be.
The Obama parents and children were reunited on the big screen. They appeared to be awkward for a moment, and we felt awkward for seeing their discomfort.
The otherwise staid Juan Williams shed tears upon hearing Michelle Obama's speech.
Pundits on the Dem and Rep sides agree that the evening was a lost opportunity.
It was mostly a yawner. I hope they have cameras in the anarchist mosh pit outside.
You hear what you expect to hear.
You guys are so weird. The speech was fantastic. She was upbeat, confident, and she told a great American narrative.
The bubble of the Althouse comments zone is truly bizarre.
I'm sure you'll be cumming all over each other when Cindy Buffalo Chip McCain takes the stage...that is, if they even let her speak.
Favorite pandering moment of the night - Sen Tom Hadken trying to do sign language. Horrifically Bad!!!
And I feel a great amount of pity for anyone who happened to catch Nancy Pelosi's speech tonight. Double Horrifically Bad!!! Yes I suffered through it, which is why I can't spell anymore.
Well, I decided to stop in and see what everyone thought of the first night of the Convention. I figured there would be a decent amount of bitterness, resentment and vitriol on display mixed in with a few clever comments and observations in the comments page, and I was right. Ruth Anne Adams definitely led the pack this evening in showing an utter lack of class, but I suspect she leads the pack on that score in any place she goes on any given evening.
All and all, I'd say it was a pretty good night for the Democrats tonight. Not a show-stopper of an evening, but the first night of the Convention isn't supposed to be. It's the warm-up act for the big nights coming up.
Good night, all! Also, don't forget, racism is an utterly trivial and irrelevant issue in this country. All totally in the past, and no one should ever bring up the topic.
They aiming for the Log-cabin republicans in a big way. In a brave way actually.
You're all far too mean and peer-pressurey for me. I thought she was surprisingly good. Showing off for each other like high school, who can be meanest. Yecch.
I, for one, am glad that we're not on Beijing time anymore...I can get some sleep.
Well, I don't know. It would've worked for me. Due to the unfortunate effects of that health(!)-store energize thing-y I mentioned elsewhere, I ended up going on-site to work a couple-so hours later than planned, and therefore working there later, which is why I missed the whole thing tonight. Now it's smoothed out, and I'm wide awake with a good energy, but what the hell FOR, I ask you?
Sigh. That's reader_iam, for you. Whatever the reason, always just-this-much out of synch.
The hell!?!
(P.S. Thanks, michael_h, for taking me up on it!
I'm open to alternate summaries as well, as I wait for--I can only hope--an uninterrupted-by-commentary rerun or two, not that I'm holding my breath.)
even conservative blond bimbo laura ingrhamahamaham was just on Fox News saying complimentary things about michelle and saying it was a good speech and that democrats should feel proud.
More live-blogging for those who want to come over and fillet it.
The conservatives in this thread are being patriotic americans by continuing a strong American tradition of cynics and contrarians. We all know half of you....well not Rcpic or Revnant :D...WE ALL KNOW that half of you will vote for obama, because in 25 years you don't want to have to lie when you say, "I voted for the first black president of the united states"
It's like now...nobody ever says they disagreed with the civil rights amendment...nope...passed by 100% of support don'cha know...
It's healthy to bash the Hagiography a bit. But so far it's been pretty good propaganda, I look forward to hearing Rush tomorrow.
Went to baseball game thonigt so missed much.
1- Did Ted Kennedy really relive the moon landing drama (per Mary Gee's astonishment)?
2- He failed to say he missed that weekend cause he was drunk and caused a young lady to drown?
3- Jeff Tobin just said Michelle Obama was very similar to Hillary! Cause they both have careers.??!
Hoosier Daddy:
You asked me about my comment, and although this is rather late in the thread, I thought I should respond all the same...
My point was that there is a significant segment of pro-abortion Republicans, and a subset of those are people who see abortion helping problems arising from poverty--i.e., "those people" is poor and troubled people in other parts of town.
In fairness, there are non-Republicans who think that way too; my point was that this creates uneasiness in the so-called "prolife" GOP.
This race is over if voters like Madison Man and Ann Althouse are still undecided.
Plus I have seen folks like Geraldine Ferrano and Lanny Davis squirm when asked if they will vote for Obama!
The rout is on. Let's see if McCain can f it up.
Did John Kerry get a nose-job? Lord he is a bore, how could the democrats nominate him 4 years ago?...
I think the night belongs to Juan Williams and all the other black people who were moved and inspired by the sight.
So, the Dems get a one-night Get Out of Jail Free card from me.
OK, I see that some podcasts are available. Often, I prefer podcasts. In this case, the visual is desirable. But it's good to have the fall-back (and the just-listen later).
Thank you, Professor for this deep, probing, penetrating live-blogging, so rich with detail. Why, it's exactly as though I was right there!
How you have managed to get behind the observable action and expose what lies beyond the palpable excitement. Oh, the history that is being made right before my eyes!
You're all far too mean and peer-pressurey for me. I thought she was surprisingly good. Showing off for each other like high school, who can be meanest. Yecch.
Where do you get off saying that, Amba?
Did you hear the positive comments about Ted Kennedy, who sure as day if he weren't called Kennedy, would be serving in a prison cell somewhere in Massachusetts tonight instead of plaudits?
If there were jokey, they weren't nearly what they deserve in terms of opprobium.
Did you hear Ruth Anne praise Michelle Obama's kids -- the kids she trots out in a way that Bush 43 and Clinton 42 never did with their girls during their first conventions?
If you didn't like the way the comments section was turning out to be, you should've piped up.
Because unlike Kos, TalkLeft, MyDD, the commenters of all political stripes here actually have a heart, and are willing to give any side their fair due if they DESERVE IT.
You get no free rides from the Republicans here if you don't.
So take your less assholier-than-thou attitude and as Teresa Heinz Kerry once put it so eloquently, shove it.
3- Jeff Tobin just said Michelle Obama was very similar to Hillary! Cause they both have careers.??!
Speaking of Teresinha Ketchup, she said that Laura Bush had never held a job -- conveniently forgetting that she had been a teacher and a librarian before her marriage.
Actually, she didn't forget. It's just that in Heinz-Kerry world, as well as Mundo Obama, only Democratic ladies are independent, hard-working women. Republican ones are all Prozac'ed Stepford Wives.
Caroline Kennedy is the last surviving Kennedy with that family's dark magnetism. Her face is pinched with grief and anxiety and draws you in. Her words and her delivery are nothing special, but there is something stark and riveting in her presence....Ted Kennedy has escaped the tragedy of his brothers and his sad fate is only bathetic. His face is coarse and thick and mottled more by venality than grief. When I think of all the promise and charm of his brothers and contemplate how he wasted all that good will, it makes me sick. You got the sense of tragedy and will in Bobby's knitted brow and anxious eyes. He was a man built for great endeavours. In Ted's face there is only self-indulgence and pomp and bluster. He fulfilled his sad destiny at Chappaquidick. All the rest has been postscript.
Her words and her delivery are nothing special, but there is something stark and riveting in her presence....
It's because if there is one person in the Kennedy family, other than Rose Kennedy herself, who most suffered through the various horrific deaths of her family, it is Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg. She even found her cousin David's body, when he had OD'ed in that hotel in Palm Beach.
The woman is just a class act. The rest of the Kennedys should be so lucky.
As for Teddy, did you see this photo of him when recuperating from his plane accident?
The man was the best-looking of the 4 brothers, with the possible exception of Joe Jr.
Did Barney speak yet? I was doing something else. Did I miss that cute, lovable purple dinosauer? Did he sing his song? Did the Dimwitcrats hold hands and dance in a circle singing along? Are they all in love with each other yet? Will peace reign in Dimwitcrat land? WIll the fairy tale come alive?
Did Barak and Michelle put their hands on their hearts when Kumbayah was sung? Did they promise to buy the world a Coke?
William -- That was some solid writing. More like that, please.
less assholier-than-thou attitude and as Teresa Heinz Kerry once put it so eloquently, shove it.
What the hell?
actually have a heart, and are willing to give any side their fair due if they DESERVE IT
Annie has as much heart as any commenter here, and then some (more than I, for example), and she's proven herself, over and over, as MORE than willing to give any side its fair due--actually, pretty much ALL sides their fair due. A rare thing.
Nice caps. Guess that means Annie doesn't, in your mind. Fine. Room for all opinions on that, as in all, subjects. Doesn't mean I particularly respect the one you just happened to take, or that I don't think it demonstrates a limited information-set as regards Annie--in many ways, including certain interactions and relationships which, for those of whom are aware of them, render part of your comment outright laughable.
You did off-the-handle blunt tonight. Here, have it back.
P.S. -- No message deeper than that. I simply enjoyed the post.
Father Martin Fox-
There is a significant segment of the GOP coalition is embarrassed by the pro-life plank and wants it jettisoned.
You know what right here right now I'm going to tell you something no one would tell you in Church-
Almost every gal I know who had an abortion did it to spare the embarrassment or judgment of her Church going family, or of the judgment of the small 90% Catholic town.
Or the one Protestant gal's family drove her across the line to another state so that they could still show up at the Chapel.
Man I don't know how to write this without coming of angry or emotional but-you should read the one thread that Prof A had up about Jamie Lynn Spears.
I got reading that thing and I thought to myself...
Wow this sounds like Honor Killings except for in reverse-American Style. It is the unborn child that is killed to spare dishonoring the folks over and over again.
In reality-and I promise you this you'd do more to protect the unborn if you told YOUR parishioners next time they are talking ill of a girl that is braving out the nine months to do the right thing to be careful their daughters are not listening-because in my experience every time that was the issue.
Now I don't know why I met so many girls that ended up in that situation other than I moved around a lot and the most insecure girl might have been the ones I made friends with-but what absolutely embarrasses me is the Religious Right who seem hell bent on passing judgment and actually contributing to what they are wanting to solve.
Laws are not going to do that for you. If something doesn't originate from the will of the people-it's going to be extremely hard to enforce.
You'll have to pass it in every state and then you'd still create a black market in Canada.
You've got to get to these girls, be supportive of them, and let them know that in the long run nine months which at their age might seem like an eternity is not really that long. especially when they;ll have to bear the burden of their decision for the rest of their lives.
Instead I think the religious right would rather be in the business of passing judgment rather than actually policing their own back yards and really saving lives.
Man-and this comment of yours is patently unfair-
[...] than the GOP, which, truth to tell, has a lot of folks who really don't mind very much that those people are getting abortions.
Remember-it's the Democrat party that's pretty rock solid-on this issue-it's not even up for debate-I think you are hurling this stone in the completely wrong direction.
"Caroline Kennedy is a terrible speaker, but her speech makes me cry nonetheless"
Question: If you happen to be with someone who's crying for no really obvious reason, is it okay to laugh a little bit? Or would that be bad? Awkward!
1. Add up all the people who support Republicans because of guns or abortion.
2. Add up all the people who vote Republican but want to "jettison" anti-abortion or pro-gun.
Now, tell me: which sum is bigger?
Nice caps. Guess that means Annie doesn't, in your mind.
No, Reader. MICHELLE.
Caps again for you, just so that you can marvel at my absolutely lucid and livid reaction to Ruth Anne, myself and others being insulted.
I don't care about myself, I never do just in case you haven't noticed, but the insult to the other fine commenters here will not ever pass me by without a response in like kind.
Or would that be bad?
Bad, Chuck B. They could be remembering when their pet goldfish, Arty, passed away.
Peter v. Bella - Did Barney speak yet? I was doing something else. Did I miss that cute, lovable purple dinosauer?
I thought Barney Frank was a plump gay Jewish guy who kept male prostitutes in his basement, not a purple dinosaur.
He is supposed to speek later in the Convention.
I do call BS on one piece of Michelle Obama's speech. That she nobly left a top law firm where she could have had a stunning, megabucks career to instead serve the needy of Chicago.
I don't think Michelle fared very well at Sidley. She may have had the Harvard degree, but not the brains to last in such a competive, top-tier firm.
My evidence is she left Sidley, surrendered her law license in 1993, and never did law again as she became a diversity executive in patronage jobs for the Daley Machine then at U of Chicago as the "trailing spouse" that the "Friends of Obama" on the U of Chicago Board of Trustees kept in made-up part time executive jobs.
One would think, that if one was a Harvard doctor or lawyer or top engineer and decided against lucrative private employment - that they would use their education and special skills to "help the children! the children! and all the noble homeless and Southside poor.
Barack Obama fit the expected pattern and kept his law license to do legal activities on behalf of community efforts and people he backed, as have activist doctors that use their training and skills to help the unfortunate.
Michelle did not. She had a 4-year stint as a lawyer, after failing the Bar exam once, possibly twice. Then quit law 15 years ago, for a string of cushy jobs that required no executive skills or a law license.
That is fishy.
Cedarford -- Your hatred of Sammy Davis, Jr. must cause your head to spin.
No, it wouldn't be okay. But if you're not calling women whores you have nothing to worry about.
That doesn't make sense. You said being *called* a racist was like being wiretapped. The equivalent would be a woman being called a whore -- not the act of calling a woman a whore. By your logic, it should be fine to call women whores, as only the actual whores have reason to care.
You got something against being wiretapped or your internet being monitored?
It is somewhere on my list of irritating things the government does. That's a very long list, though, and it isn't anywhere near the top. :)
The bubble of the Althouse comments zone is truly bizarre.
As, apparently, are the opinions of Charles Krauthammer and James Carville?
when Cindy Buffalo Chip McCain takes the stage...that is, if they even let her speak.
You need to reign in that paranoia. She's scheduled for day three.
Seven Machos-
I suspect the fact that most states can't get Pro-Life laws on the books tells you something about the general electorate.
Oh dear. Things have turned predictably ugly. That doesn't bother me. I am in a charitable mood tonight, so all I have are a few simple, pleasant remarks. I'll then turn in, secure in the knowledge that I shall be subject to vitriol enough at tomorrow's R&D advisory group meeting.
Here is what I wrote two short hours ago in reaction to what I saw--
All this is perhaps as strange as I expected, but curiously more effective. I've never seen one of these Conventions on American television, only excerpts and bits on the news. It's pleasantly surprising to see what is a rather attractive infomercial, with lots of energy and good production values. This is NOT a Labour Party Conference of my childhood. Of course no political party does that sort of thing any longer in this media age. Thank God.
There's not much to add, except to say that Caroline Kennedy displayed an elegiac quality that didn't move me to tears, but moved me nevertheless. And her uncle did not seem like a dying man. Unbelievable he had brain surgery recently.
The Michelle Obama video was very effective, especially, as Victoria says, 'the mum bit.' In many ways, this made me, a rather dyspeptic foreigner, want to start waving the American red, white and blue.
All in all, a good start.
If this sounds as if I should write 'cheers,' I'm sorry to be in such a good humour. I shall do my best to correct that next time.
because in 25 years you don't want to have to lie when you say, "I voted for the first black president of the united states"
I would hope that 25 years from now the notion that you once voted for a man because of his skin color will be too shameful to admit, UWS. It is shameful enough today, after all.
Cedarford: You have a wealth of knowledge about the wives of candidates. I never knew that the white shoes did not fit Michelle and that she flunked her bar exam. On the other hand, she did pair up with a promising associate. You cannot really call her tenure there a story of failed ambition. There are different types of IQ. The ability to find and hold a suitable mate was, pre-feminism, the greatest skill set a woman could have. At any rate, she managed to find the levers of power and manipulate them to her advantage. The world is filled with people who scored 1600 on SAT and did far worse. She's plenty smart and just as hypocritical....I don't particularly warm to her (or Cindy for that matter), but she has kept her part of the bargain. She's obviously a good mother and good wife. I saw her speech tonight. She looked like she's had the attention of a personal trainer and style consultant. She looked good in a prepped way. Those people who take pride in Obama will take pride in her and her family.
Maybe I hit a sore spot on Victoria with that high-school-cool-competition bit. See, she was winning.
(She didn't stop by my place the day I quoted and referred to her as "the marvelous Victoria.")
Hate bears some strange fruit. Nipped in the bud this time.
William -
I am not objecting to her life or her getting a pack of powerful, wealthy people to give her patronage jobs.
I am objecting to her public claim that she nobly sacrificed a surefire career as a top lawyer to "help the unfortunate".
The evidence is that she belonged neither at Princeton or Harvard on her intellectual merits, barely got through Harvard Law. Failed one, possibly two Bar exams. Then dropped her law license after having only one job in law for 4 years, and never worked in law again after 1993.
That she married well and finagled her way into lucrative part-time jobs thanks to her benefactors? More power to her.
I don't generally think the candidate's spouse is important to how they rule. The Obamabots had put Michelle in a safe, undisclosed location the past 3 months after her mouth cost the campaign, and put back there again for the General Election....and like Hillary, I expect her to be mostly inconsequential as a First Lady, if Obama wins.
But I do think she needs to be called out on her bullshit.
If any of you can make through this without at least smirking you are inhuman.
After which you can resume the good struggle!
(She didn't stop by my place the day I quoted and referred to her as "the marvelous Victoria.")
Didn't see it, as I rarely check any other blog other than Althouse's (even to my shame, those blogs of my fellow commenters who I truly admire).
Perhaps in referring to me indirectly ("Victoria", "She") that is your way of diffusing an awkward situation. I'm treating it as such, even if that's not the case.
Let me just say that my blow-up towards you is finished. I don't hold grudges, nor do I continue with snark in unrelated threads. I find that all-too-common online habit fatiguing, as well as childish.
And therein lies the rub.
Here are some of the best commenters you can find online. Almost without exception, the core group of posters on Althouse offer amazing commentary, the likes of which I have only rarely seen in blogs.
Most of those of other blogs would merit your dismissive remarks, but instead you chose to fling them here, in this thread, today.
You found them tag-team like? Fair enough.
But you went further, and ended with a "yechh", and that was simply beyond the pale for me. Not for me, I state again. But in defence of what I consider an insult to my fellow commenters here, who know they cannot ever pipe up against you since they risk what Reader did in followup.
And for what? Because you found our comments puerile?
Did you see the praise for Maya Soetero and Craig Robinson?
Did you read the positive remarks for Michelle's mother's video?
Did you care to look at the credit to Democratic President's children?
Did you take ANY of that into account into your "yechh", as if you had been soiled by dreck by our collective responses?
If you did, it sure didn't come off that way.
Going up against a noted and favoured Althouse blogger is not for the faint-of-heart.
But as sure as I am sitting here, if I had gone to your blog and sniped about your commenters' remarks because I didn't care for them, I'd expect ME to be given the verbal lashing I just gave you.
Tomorrow, I fully intend on continuing my run of silly comments, and I fully expect others will add any kind of comment that pops into their heads, too.
Thank God. Althouse rocks.
The haters and race baiters were out in spades in the comments here. Let's just say that I think racial animus will probably sink Obama's campaign. Some day, a black or Mexican will be president of the United States, but that will happen most likely when the demographics change and the high latino birthrate overwhelm the caucasians. Mexico will probably reclaim this country that was so brutally stolen from them years ago. The dwindling number of white people will have to be rounded up and deported back to Europe FROM whence they came. That will include the artful Althouse dodger, Simon Dodd. Into the clutches of Bill Sikes you go, to have your irredemable soul brutalised, just as you'd like to see continued the brutalisation of America's working class under Pres. John McBush, and his billionaire dominatrix mistress wifie Cinderella McBush.
Absolutely one of the best cartoons ever!
Trumpit -- Quite a fantasy you have there. Indeed, that will be justice and no one's civil rights will be violated.
Good enough for Fred "Tex" Avery to make it twice, I believe.
I just watched bits of the earlier DNC moments I missed. I didn't see the "boy" comment by Carter. Only he and Mrs. Carter striding to the podium and waving to the crowd.
I found that queer.
Then Brian Williams explained that President Carter had also been invited to the 2000 DNC, and also just followed onstage after a video. No personal remarks to the assembly.
I'm guessing that a controversial one-termer, who furthermore embodies defeat and ineffectiveness like few other Presidents, either thinks he might hurt the candidate by a live speech, or wasn't given the chance TO speak in person.
This brings me to...President GW Bush.
Anyone know if HE is scheduled to give any remarks at the RNC next week?
That could be, well, tricky.
Blake: you are correct. The other was prior, and less polished.
Bush is getting the same night Carter got, Victoria. Actually that first night will be "action"-packed: Cheney, Schwarzenegger, Laura Bush, and even Joe "Spitballs" Lieberman.
You gotta wonder what they've got in the reserves for successive nights: Giuliani? Then who?
Oh, please. Risk anything I can do? Like most everyone and anything in the 'sphere, I'm little more than a gnat on rat's ass. Good grief. Risk what? Give me just one example of who truly would, much less could, think otherwise in context of the reality of the 'sphere.
And you're still missing context, anyhoo.
Whatever. The lady-descending thing ain't workin' on me in this particular situation, Victoria. Sorry. Chalk it up to a throwback to my unimpressed, individualist American roots. Which in other contexts you admire.
Guess context matters, now doesn't it?
Oh, and screw the "not for myself" shit. You're beginning to sound like one of those pernicious, "I'm doing it all for them, the little people" lefties.
For freakin' cryin' out loud.
I'm going to put in the 199th comment.
And I'm going to put in the 200th comment, effectively closing this thread. Call me a tyrant, but it's for the best.
No one look at that.
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