April 5, 2007

Another lazy afternoon in an Austin café.

I follow Chris into the Spider House:

Spider House

It's a pretty unusual café, built out of an old house that -- I guess -- had a lot of spiders in it when they moved in:

Spider House

There's lots of hilariously rusted, junky furniture in the yard:

Spider House

Spider House

But we seek out the shade over here under this makeshift roof:

Spider House

Bye for now:

Spider House

I've got to go.


MadisonMan said...

I'll wait for the pic of the lavatory.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

You're a whiz at this.

dave™© said...

I think a better title for this post would be "Another Wasted Afternoon of Binge Drinking, to be Followed by Another Embarassing Incoherent Screed on Video."

Maybe that's too long...

MadisonMan said...

I'm thinking that the Spiderhouse is not a place where you wear white shorts or white pants. None of those chairs look particulary clean. I hope son #2 -- he of the dark pants -- warned you ahead of time.

Mark Daniels said...

These pictures are so precious, I think I'm going to puke.

I imagine that the menu was precious too, ambience and fare all designed to clean out the wallets of upper middle class patrons.

Sorry, Ann, I go to places like this sometimes myself and even as I enjoy them find myself resenting the allure of their superfluity.


Jennifer said...

Is this the Paris Hilton cafe your son blogged a while back?

I'm LOL at I've got to go. Inspired?

hdhouse said...

did you happen to catch the young lady's name at the counter...

Bender R said...

I've never understood the appeal of peeing statues.

KCFleming said...

Aaaack. I couldn't eat there. No no no.

It would remind me too much of the play Lonely Planet, which involves Carl, "who has taken upon himself the mission of memorializing AIDS fatalities" by bringing a chair salvaged from the home of each friend who successively dies of AIDS during the play, until the room is all a-clutter. Get it???.

I wanted to slit my wrists after he brought in, what, chair number 274 or something. Ugh; that near-panic sensation. Trapped, trapped I tell you, in a pedantic and crushing sermon.

And I had quite forgotten about that experience. Well, until now. So thanks.

Anonymous said...

So, how was the food?

Maxine Weiss said...


The Place, not the People.

The zoning laws must be very different over there. Around here, they'd never get away with operating a restaurant in a residential area.

Peace, Maxine

rothmatisseko said...

SH is affordable, and it's punky students, not yuppies.

But JP's has better coffee, and Flightpath has better seating. Spyder/Spider House has the good people-watching (not that you'd know it from these pics). just my $.02.

Maxine Weiss said...

"punky students"

If I were opening up a cafe in a college town, I'd make it charming, delightful, and romantic.

I'd have a Wurlitzer jukebox, a gumball machine, sode fountain, oldtime malts and milkshakes, root beer floats, sundaes etc..

College is supposed to be a romantic, nostalgic time. Preppy.

I don't see much romance at "Spider House"

Love, Maxine

Ann Althouse said...

The food? I don't know. I had coffee.

hdhouse said...

I'm still waiting for information on the girl at the counter pretending to read.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well, in that case, how was the coffee? ;-)

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Hah! I've eaten there! It was good.

christie said...

I realize this is an old post, but it comes off as awfully pretentious. Spider House offers good vegetarian food, fair-trade coffee, and a full bar. If we wanted a "charming, delightful, and romantic" place, we would seek out a Denny's. It appeals to both yuppies, college students, professors, bums, and families alike.

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