They're talking about this scene — here — on Reddit, where somebody says, "The beauty of this scene is that I imagine it’s relatable for people on both sides of the political spectrum," and somebody else says, "Are right wingers watching White Lotus? I’d be surprised if."
Wayback Machine? Who voted for a senile candidate whose closest evaluator, a President, declared him prone to "F*cking Everything Up"?
I'll wait...
I haven't seen Lotus Season 3. I liked Season 1. Didn't like Season 2. I'm sure this scene accurately reflects the way most of our Entertainment Industry elite feel about Trump voters. Basically they're the enemy. Almost subhuman. Normal is being an atheist or going to synagogue, weird is going to chuch on sunday. Normal is voting liberal/left. Weird and strange is being a "Republican".
People, especially musicians, often asked me that question in 2016. Seldom in 2020. Not at all in 2024.
Remember when ex-FBI stooge Peter Strzok and his girlfriend went to Walmart in 2016, and said they could "Smell the Trump voters"? This reminds me of that. Snobby class hatred.
I'm always amazed at what conformist clowns people are. They don't think independently, but they follow the party line and expect everyone else to. I've met people who think they're "smart" and "well informed" because they believe everything they read in the newspaper or see on PBS/NPR.
The left work very hard to make it so that you cannot admit you might not vote for the corruptocrats.
OT: Woody Harrelson thinks Fauci is pure evil.
We agree.
Yes. Some very fine people can vote this way.
I watched the first installment. eh - it was so-so.
Didn't grab me enough to want to continue. Hollywood sucks.
Austin is not exactly Trump territory.
White woman actors talking about Trump. It'll be SO interesting.
I started Season One and wasn't engaged. Every "hip" show feels like it relies on sexual deviancy as its plot driver. Boring.
However, I haven't much liked "Reacher" after a bang-up first season, either. Pigeon-hole my viewing habits as you will.
The Woke infest Reddit
What is going on with Carrie Coon in that interview. She looks like she was terrified Leslie Bibb was going to say something... dangerous? career-wise
"The political position they are taking is quite dangerous for someone I love."
That sort of statement gets so tedious after a while. I normally try to meet people where they are and to try to understand why they might feel a certain way, but excessive "safetyism" makes that much harder to do.
The interesting twist would be one a Republican, one a Dem who voted for Trump, one who decided not to vote.
I will humblebrag here, I don’t know who the f these people are.
In Democratic-Soviet America - you will be made to hide your thoughts and feelings unless you are loyal to the Democratic-Soviets.
Good to see amdgRUMP back in teh saddle…
I saw the scene posted elsewhere. She's from Austin. Are there any Trump voters in Austin? LOL
I watched the first episode of Season 1, and all of the characters were so unpleasant I didn't want to spend any more time with them.
White Lotus is the one to watch if you fancy detestable characters - usually the white folks - living empty, materialistic lives.
I haven't watched White Lotus, but I've had exactly that kind of conversation with several liberal academic friends recently, specifically about DEI. I just couldn't take their insufferable and assumptive comments about it anymore.
The assumptive part of their position is of course that one must be racist or at least insensitive if you are against DEI. They simply can't comprehend that it is in fact an absurdly racist ideology itself. Not only in its vilification and maltreatment of white people but also in its "Great White Savior" inference of black/brown inferiority.
Lose the mumbo-jumbo ideology and unfair, counter-productive policies and outcomes of DEI and let's get to rational conversation about best strategies to educate and upskill those populations to assure future success for them. Yeah, let's have THAT conversation.
"Are right wingers watching White Lotus? I’d be surprised if."
It's a good idea to check one's writing for "Don't be silly, Maudie. Blacks don't ski" comments before posting, but we all make them anyway. In a country of 350 million all generalizations are likely to be untrue (including this one).
Mike White, the series creator, is something of a black swan himself, the gay son of a gay preacher father who wrote for Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson before coming out and becoming a gay activist. Maybe Mike knows both sides of the coin and isn't so quick to generalize or make assumptions about people's viewing habits based on their political opinions.
I liked Season One but couldn't take Season Two. Too much arch and snarky portrayal of snobbish elites can start to look like the work of snobbish, elite writers. Also, the Italian setting didn't work for me. The show is better when it's tropical or off the beaten path.
The Left lost their way a long time ago. May they wander in the political wilderness for generations to come!
An older co-worker got really weirded out when she heard I was a Republican. I was always straightforward about it and she felt she had to question me but couldn't really come up with anything could you?? And this was long before Trump.
I would have been happy to talk with her more about it but she was just stuck in that place, not hearing, just total cognitive dissonance.
They're all like that, no conversation about it, no learning, no real fun at all. And they cut you.
I like the way they answered that.
>I watched the first episode of Season 1, and all of the characters were so unpleasant I didn't want to spend any more time with them.<
Thank god for The Hallmark Channel, huh.
Joe Bar said...
I saw the scene posted elsewhere. She's from Austin. Are there any Trump voters in Austin? LOL
Joe Rogan is the only one I know of.
"The political position that they're taking is actually quite dangerous for someone they love"...
When the internment camps finally open, I hope Trump rounds up the Hollywood libtards first.
Funny that comment that has basically made up a Trump voter in their head- a Trump voter would never!
I have so many friends who have made hating Trump (and Bush before him) their whole personality.
Wife and I - "extreme right wingers" - just started season 3 this week after getting back from a 3-week overseas trip. We enjoyed Seasons 1 and 2. We watched this episode last night before the speech. I laughed because these Hollywood writers get everything so wrong about TX. Austin is probably the bluest city in TX. I think Travis County went about 70% for Harris. It would have made more sense if she was from Ft. Worth or one of the big suburban counties of Dallas or Houston.
One of my oldest friends - very liberal - would try to help me understand that my ideas were going to get me hurt socially. I kept telling her I don’t need her protection from that. I was fine with talking about any of it with anyone. If people didn’t like me for my views, that’s on them. She was traumatized simply by listening to me in these debates. She was so concerned I’d be hurt. I was insulted she had such a low opinion of me - thinking I was so fragile and that I had no awareness of how rough the waters were…. She didn’t realize how angry I was at the thought of not being able to chime in when I wanted to just because someone may disagree with me.
Travis County
With 99% of precincts reporting as of Wednesday morning, results show that 68.7% of voters in Travis County voted for Harris (398,253) and 29.4% voted for Trump (170,613).
It seems as some of these streamers run a decent first season before their intentions become true in Seasons 2 and 3. I guess it hooks some viewers. I just started Landman with Billy Bob Thornton -- I like almost everything with him in it -- and I hope it doesn't go down the Woke Hole later.
That's a great clip. The 2nd half was the interesting part for me.
This is a daily act we all deal with in our lives. Some in small doses, some in great big waves. I have friends who we've kinda made an unofficial pact with to simply not discuss politics. And when a comment inevitably flies out of one of their mouths, I either choose to let it go and move on, or...if I'm in a lousy mood, cut their heads off with my opinion and leave them lying on the restaurant floor. No...I just smile and tell them...not tonight.
I have family members who struggle with this. A friend who has lost contact with her son over this. And I know that many of my friends and relatives who hold the other opinion don't spend as much time reading about these things as I do. They're not dumb- not by any means. They're just busy. They have busy lives. They don't know the details of policies or history or geopolitics. I tend to think what they don't know could fill an arena, but what they know they know well: They hate Trump. And they viscerally hate the right, many not even sure why. Some are working on themselves, trying to get hold of themselves, like these women being interviewed sounded (in real life, not on the show).
But we're in a mess as a country. Too many people with too many entrenched worldviews who are not about to be moved. Certainly not by a 'discussion' over dinner in a restaurant.
They sound like they are in the bargaining stage of grief
Some of you watch this dreck?
Landman 👍 Marcus Bressler!
I suppose you could look at it as a modern version of Guess Who's Coming To Dinner.
I haven't watched White Lotus. Tried to start Season 1 twice.
Couldn't get through 10 minutes.
I vomit a bit when I hear things like "the political position they are taking is quite dangerous for someone I love." As if the most dangerous thing that could flow from a policy provision is that other people wouldn't embrace all the aspects of your life.
What about the mother and sisters of Laken Riley? You think they might find an open-borders, catch-and-release "political position" quite dangerous? What about the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker, who's been hounded relentlessly and forced to defend himself in court for a decade? What about the families that can't afford to heat their homes as a result of rampant inflation? What about the parents of children with chronic diseases? You think they might find some "political positions" "very dangerous" to "someone they love"?
Argue your case. This emotional blackmail is just tiresome BS.
The creative force behind White Lotus is Mike White. It has an Upstairs, Downstairs vibe in which the Entitled interact with the Wage Slaves. He does a great job of pulling away the fragile masks of the wealthy and successful to show you the actual persons underneath.
I, for one, have a lefty relative who refused to have her picture taken with my mother because the aged woman's Trump banner would be in the picture. Such brave. So honesty. And otherwise totally thoughtless and rude.
Tried to watch it once. Some alien zombies would have spiced it up.
I guess the Sex and City girls have aged out.
Bibb is holding up well at 50.
I do sympathize with (I almost typed, "feel sorry for," but I have come to hate the word "feel" and all its permutations) all the commenters who are required to interact with lefties and other lunatics at work or in their family. I have been blessed to be able to avoid all such people. Nobody in my family entertains such lunatic ideas. All are firmly grounded in reality. Well, all save my grandson's girlfriend, but she is polite and refrains from overt pronouncements, and we reciprocate by similarly holding our tongues. The part of the country in which I reside has also not reached the "personal is political" stage and we all seem to get along rather nicely and speak little of politics. But when that topic rears its ugly head, the comments are generally along the lines of a quickly uttered statement of support for Trump and MAGA. About the only place I encounter left-wing wags is on line, and they are easily avoided.
I've had heated debates and discussions with my step-brother on current events and other pertinent issues. He's very educated and knowledgeable. He introduced me to the writings of Ayn Rand way back when, now he's a staunch Democrat. Which is really puzzling to me. Now we just talk sports.
The point of putting her in Austin was plausible deniability -- yes she moved to Texas, but it's Austin, not TEXAS. She is assumed to have kept her liberal values and surrounded herself only with like-minded people, which is why the other two haven't cut her off as of yet.
People always take these things at face value. The show itself seems to relish in the idea of showing (mostly) liberal wealthy characters getting some sort of comeuppance.
There's a Southern family in which one of the sons is clearly gay (Mike White is gay so it's not a surprise that there are gay subplots almost every season) However in Season 2, the gays were the most detestable of the bunch.
R-voting White Lotus watcher here. I'm with Lazarus in that I enjoyed Season 1 but couldn't take Season 2. Back in business here in Season 3 with its perfect Thai setting.
What was wrong with Season 2 for me? First of all, I am attracted to White Lotus because I rather enjoy watching insufferable characters suffer the consequences of their flawed ways of being -- so long as there is someone in the story to root for a bit. Kind of like watching Succession, and only liking Cousin Greg! Season 2 had exactly no one to root for -- they were boringly hate-worthy, such that I didn't care what happened to any of them. On top of that, I simply could not stand gazing on the strangeness of manager Valentina's face.
Now in Season 3, I am enjoying watching the beatific staff members Gaitok and Mook navigate a potential young romance, watching snaggle-toothed, much-younger Chelsea expertly manage her very broken older boyfriend Rick, and semi-normal mid-teen son Lochlan as the foil for his execrable older brother, who is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger's son. The whole Ratliff family is good TV -- the unattractive American element (the wife introduced her family at the resort with reference to who was a Tar Heel vs who was a Blue Devil!) and the amusing plot around the FBI's swooping into unravel the titan-of-business dad's whole world while he's at a resort without cell phones. More please.
"The political position they are taking is quite dangerous for someone I love."
I don't see how unless your loved one is some form of criminal.
Anti-Trumpers say this stuff all the time and never explain how it's not just an hallucination.
MayBee said...
"Funny that comment that has basically made up a Trump voter in their head- a Trump voter would never!
I have so many friends who have made hating Trump (and Bush before him) their whole personality."
Like our usual suspects gadfly, Cook, Mark, the Coprophile, etal. They may be intelligent, but we'll never know because Trump has turned them into mouth breathers.
The beauty of this scene is that I imagine it’s relatable for people on both sides of the political spectrum,"
This strikes me as ridiculous. First there is no place in America where someone on the right would be stunned to discover a Dem voter existed. But most obviously on what planet would a Dem voter not make Trump hating a core part of their persona such that everyone would not know?
Am I reading this wrong such that she means the left identifies with the left and the right with the right rather than that it works both ways? Why would that be worth mentioning, wouldn't it be normal?
This stuff is alive and real. I have a high school friend--now in his early 80s who recently married for the third time. His second marriage ended when his wife died. He met his future 3rd wife and one of his first questions was "Do you hate Trump as much as I do?" She answered in the affirmative and matters proceeded. If she had answered in the negative he would dropped her like a hot potato.
Last night the new junior Senator from Michigan said she came from a mixed background --one parent a Democrat--the other a Republican. In days of yore couples could share differing political views without divorcing.
Never seen "White Lotus". I didn't know it was set in Austin.
Agree with Kate that new season of "Reacher" continues the downward trend on quality. I think it is because of the technique of showing you the events from a third person perspective and then showing what really happened. This frames Reacher as more of a bad guy that subsequent episodes don't improve. Seems like the typical Hollywood "let's show more nuance where good and bad is more grey".
I'm a Conservative (to the Left that equates to extreme right-winger) with no social media addictions so I'll ask, what's this White Lotus of which you speak? From the comments I'm pretty sure I'd hate it. BTW, Leland's comment on Reacher proves my personal rule, series which are really good in Season 1 aren't quite as good in 2 barely passable in 3 and unwatchable from there on.
Blogic puts it pretty well. Season 2 fell flat as only some of the stories worked for me, S3 once again has that Succession feel where there is no character to root for yet they are such perfect self parodies that the scenes have a perfection to them.
I thought this was fairly well done in the episode, that the later conversation seemed realistic.
My younger brother has had TDS since DJT broke Hillary. But in the past 45 days, he has become unhinged on Facebook. We are friends on FB now (leading up to last year's election) and made the promise never to comment on one another's FB Posts. So far, so good. It's easy for me because most of my political posts I have a definite audience assigned, so he never sees most of mine. But I fear for his BP and chances of a heart attack (he's 61, pretty overweight - on the edge of obesity - and drinks. I hope hating Trump doesn't kill him.
I'm a registered Republican and love White Lotus. I have depth and don't let politics seep into every aspect of my life.
"I watched the first episode of Season 1, and all of the characters were so unpleasant I didn't want to spend any more time with them."
Yes, they were unpleasant but in a comic way - TO ME. I can understand why others would be turned off. I said i liked season 1, but even that was a mixed bag. the younger characters were boring. The Gay Hotel manager and Jennifer Coolridge made the show funny. And mr. and mrs. Mossbacher.
The mother in law was the sort of person who you'd hate in real life, but find funny on a TV show.
Plus every HBO/Showtime show comes with profanity, anti-Christian remarks, and gratititous drug use and sex. They're normalizing drugs. that's the purpose. After titillating people with hetro sex and boob, they've now moved on to gay sex and showing men's ding-dongs. What's next? Trannies?
i'll bet the whole staff would vote for Trump, if they could, especially dealing with these priviliged adult babies.
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