March 12, 2025

"Steak 'n' Shake... we're very grateful to them for RFKing the fries. They turned me into a verb."


RCOCEAN II said...

Like RFK. Too bad he's with that massive bore Sean Hannity. I had to bump him up to 2x speed just to get through the intro. Anyway, peeps don't eat Hamburgers and fries because they want good health, its because they want good taste. So leave my unhealthy beef fat alone, Mr. secretary.

Danno said...

RFK should consider being "verbed" as a privilege.

Kit Carson said...

Buckminster Fuller: "I am not a thing—a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process—an integral function of the universe."

Danno said...

RCOcean, Hannity is always "verbose", as he has to stretch his material to consume the full hour. I haven't watched him in years for that reason.

RideSpaceMountain said...
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RideSpaceMountain said...

Tallow fries are delicious.

rehajm said...

Never been but there’s one in Reno. If there’s tallow fries, to quote Jules from Pulp Fiction I'm goin', that's all there is to it

rehajm said...

Verb is now a verb. RFKj was verbed…

FormerLawClerk said...

They turned JFK into a verb before it was cool.

MadisonMan said...

Danno, so you mean RFK was privileged by the verbing?

rehajm said...

…nobody will ever be rehajmed…

Peachy said...

Beef tallow sounds disgusting. It might be good - but you've just cut off anyone vegetarian who might want to order fries.

Peachy said...

what is wrong with seed oil?
I don't have grok - not really sure how to find grok.

rehajm said...

…but you've just cut off anyone vegetarian who might want to order fries.

…at the burger place. I looked at their menu…if we’re on a car trip Peachy I’m stopping at a sweetgreen for you…

Aggie said...

If God didn't want us to eat the animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

Eva Marie said...

@Peachy: You have an X account. On the bottom of the page there’s a little XI with GROK printed underneath. Click on that and ask any question.

mikee said...

As in much of life, moderation is the key to avoiding "poisoning" yourself with delicious, yummy, tallow-fried potatoes. If you can resist them enough to only eat them in moderation.

When is RFK going for high fructose corn syrup and losing the Iowa vote for the next Republican candidate for president?

Peachy said...

5 guys -- Their burgers are so-so.. but their fries are good. They don't fry any other fried meats in their oil - so the fries are not mixed in say - a gross fil-a-o-fish or cheap chicken-part death-nuggets.
btw- while I try to eat vegetarian and prefer it - I'm not a vegetarian. I still eat meat on occasion. Thank you, animal.

rehajm said...

‘Processed’ is the perfect word for a busybody movement/bureaucracy to use. Sufficiently vague to apply to just about anything. Veggies are processed when they’re picked off the vine or out of the ground, washed and sent to market. Processed. It’s a process…

RideSpaceMountain said...

Peachy said, "...vegetarian who might want to order fries."

Even among chlorophyl worshippers, heretics abound.

Peachy said...

Eva Marie - thank you.

Howard said...

Now that's a real accomplishment. Getting Tallow back into French fries. Fresh brisk whisk of spring in the air. Things are really looking Rosy. Wouldn't it be wonderful if McDonald's did that as well?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There's one down by Trader Joes and I think I'll boof it on the way home Saturday.

RCOCEAN II said...

:RCOcean, Hannity is always "verbose".

Yeah, he's verbose and talks very sloooowwwwly. Itd be fascinating to get Ben Shapiro's word count per sentence and compare to Hannity's.

RCOCEAN II said...

I just had a fast food burger and fries at a local slightly upscale chain. I couldn't taste the beef. Just the sauce. Scrapped off the sauce, and still very little taste.

Home cooked hamburgers far superior. Fries were OK. MacD's much better. BTW, total bill for coke, fries, and double hamburger was 17 dollars. Bidenflation.

Howard said...

I don't think there's any solid epidemiological science that proves seed oils are bad. Personally I suspect they may just be less bad than other worse things and so when calories are switched from worse to still bad but not as bad as that stuff then it looks like hey they're actually good for you.

My common sense read on oils and fats are you only want to consume oils and fats that are naturally highly concentrated in the oil and fat in nature and don't require a exhaustive highly industrialized manufacturing process in order to squeeze a teeny tiny bit of oil out of some dry plant.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Koot Katmandu said...

Tried to watch. I can just can not do Hannity.

Charlie Currie said...

McDonald's fries are engineered, chemically or otherwise, to taste better - additive. But, the were better before they weren't.

Wince said...

"...we're very grateful to them for RFKing the fries. They turned me into a verb."

Unlike RFK, this sleeve of fries is "packing heat" and ready for any potential assassin.

Peachy said...

From Grok:
Reasons Why Seed Oils Are Criticized
High in Omega-6 Fatty Acids:
Seed oils are rich in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly linoleic acid.

While omega-6 fats are essential, excessive consumption relative to omega-3 fatty acids can lead to an imbalance. The modern Western diet often has an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 10:1 or higher, compared to the ideal ratio of 4:1 or lower.

This imbalance is thought to promote inflammation, which may contribute to chronic diseases like heart disease, arthritis, and metabolic disorders."

Peachy said...

2. Oxidation and Instability:
Seed oils are high in PUFAs, which are prone to oxidation when exposed to heat, light, or air. Oxidized fats can form harmful compounds like free radicals, which may damage cells and contribute to inflammation and chronic diseases.

Repeated heating of seed oils (e.g., in deep frying) can further degrade the oil and produce toxic byproducts, such as aldehydes.

3. Processing and Refining:
Most seed oils are highly refined using chemical solvents (like hexane), bleaching, and deodorizing processes. These methods may leave trace amounts of chemicals or trans fats in the oil.

The refining process can also strip away natural antioxidants and nutrients, making the oil less stable and more prone to oxidation."

Peachy said...

4.Potential Links to Chronic Diseases:
Some studies suggest that diets high in omega-6 seed oils may be associated with increased risks of heart disease, obesity, and other metabolic conditions, though the evidence is mixed and often confounded by other dietary and lifestyle factors.

For example, seed oils are prevalent in ultra-processed foods, which are independently linked to poor health outcomes.

5. Environmental and Ethical Concerns:
The production of seed oils, particularly soybean and canola oil, is often associated with deforestation, monocropping, and heavy pesticide use, raising environmental concerns.

Some critics also argue that the industrialization of seed oil production prioritizes profit over health."
all from Grok. Interesting.
I say moderation might be a better choice. Forcing everyone to use beef tallow? Good luck.

Charlie Currie said...

Seed oils. There is not a lot of evidence that they are harmful. That's because no one was studying them - purposefully. Now there is. But, like cigarettes, if you look at the trends, there's a preponderance of circumstantial evidence. There are YouTube videos and websites showing the correlation between the increasing consumption of seed oils and metabolic disease. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Peachy said...

I think its important to thank the animal for dying so that I many be nourished.

Also - I would love it if we could make animal farming less brutal,,, and better for the animal's life ... and therefore OUR health as well. Also - stressed out animals don't taste good.

Charlie Currie said...

Seed oils - like all things the government advises, do the opposite. Don't eat butter - eat more butter. Don't eat saturated fat - eat more steak. Don't eat eggs - eat more eggs. Eat more fiber, fruits and vegetables - I don't eat any. Best health decision I've ever made.

Curious George said...

Mmmm Steak N Shake. A staple in college. None in Wisconsin sadly. There was one on Madison's East Towne Mall property, but they were open 24 hours and the town got sick of dealing with issues and took away their 24 hour license so they closed.

Peachy said...

Charlie Currie - lol. Indeed.

Marcus Bressler said...

Tallow fries are delicious. There are plenty of other places that veggie people can get seed oil fries. Sorta like gay wedding cakes.

RideSpaceMountain said...

You know what else is amazing? Lard fried potato chips. Utz brand used to make a lard-fried kettle chip, but I don't know if they still do and they are super hard to find...usually only showing up at fairs. They're amazing. Totally different flavor profile.

Lucille Ballers said...

Is this administration going to start wearing patches for various companies like NASCAR?

rehajm said...

Is this administration going to start wearing patches for various companies like NASCAR?

…now I want them to do it just to piss of their detractors. Also maybe sponsors help pay off a bit of the debt racked up from the previous management…

NKP said...

Also - I would love it if we could make animal farming less brutal,,, and better for the animal's life ...

I once sort of inadvertantly became a VP of a beef safety business in Kansas. The Defense Department and its contractors have nothing on the Ag Department and its main players. I never could have dreamed it.

I mention this because of interest expressed in humane animal practices in the food industry.

One of the most interesting people I became acquainted with was Temple Grandin. Just type her name in the search bar. She's written a lot of great stuff and was the subject of an award winning HBO bio-pic.

Peachy said...

NKP - I know all about Temple Grandin.
One of my former clients is in the cattle killing business. He uses her method - which to my limited understanding, is something to do with how they are shuffled into the building in a circular pattern, or something that keeps them clam, prior to their being killed.
Cattle slaughtering also uses a ton of water. (side note)
Also, because Temple is on the autism spectrum - highly functioning - she is a super star to my family.
(as my nephew has severe autism)
Several years ago - I was meeting with the cattle businessman, and he spoke to me all about his relationship with Temple and how they often speak on the phone. The next day - I happened to be at the airport, and saw her. It was incredible as she was just being talked about the day prior.
She was wearing her cowgirl outfit.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I asked the meat mgr. about the beef at my grocery a while back. He said the feed is different, it's been changed. Much leaner beef.
"Fat is flavor" is what the fellow who automated the burger line at Burger King to comply with the newer FDA cooking guidelines. FDA spec'ed "overcooked to perfection".

Bruce Hayden said...

“I don't think there's any solid epidemiological science that proves seed oils are bad. Personally I suspect they may just be less bad than other worse things and so when calories are switched from worse to still bad but not as bad as that stuff then it looks like hey they're actually good for you”

Last month my new GP told me to go off grains completely for a month. My A1C was inching back up (6.4, up from sub 6.0), and had several other indicators up from where they had been. Peachy above has more information about why seed oils are bad, but that is one of the big ones. We weren’t evolved to eat large quantities of grains. Human remains from antiquity show a significant deterioration in bones upon the introduction of grains into our diet. It wasn’t just some nuts here or there, but when the bulk of our nutrition started coming from grains. Species like bovines were evolved to subsist on grains. We weren’t.

As to keto - he told me to be careful of what seafood you eat. Farmed fish often are fed grains, and may also pick up (literally) garbage. Wild Caught fish eat what they were evolved to eat. My partner also has the problem that farmed fish often have an abundance of iodine, that she is allergic to.

Iman said...

OT but seems important:

“People close to White House believe JoeBiden increased federal spending by as much as $300 billion in his final months of his presidency to juice the economy and markets and help KamalaHarris get elected. That combined that with rolling over short term debt in order not to force rates on the all-important 10 year note (which consumers rates are priced off of) to spike higher, has left a balance sheet mess of epic proportions. They say this spending spree provides an insight into the mountain of debt and deficits that Trump must start to eliminate. Story developing.”

—— Charles Gasparino

Tina Trent said...

Nothing wrong with lard, in measure. I live on chicken foot stock. Very French. Don't knock it until you try it. And don't look at it very closely.

JaimeRoberto said...

"something to do with how they are shuffled into the building in a circular pattern, or something that keeps them clam, prior to their being killed."

Similarly, I read a book on casino design where they use similar circular patterns, or at least not straight lines and right angles, to lead gamblers to a different kind of slaughter.

NKP said...

Peachy, happy to know you're another Grandin fan. She's a superstar to more than a few families affected by autism.

I was shocked that my daughter, then a VP at Citi, was so familiar with her when I mentioned I had gotten her to support some initiative our company pitching to USDA.

My daughter's BFF and "Rabbi" in NYC's world of high finace, is the mother of twin autistic daughters.

Anyways, in spite of being a near "nobody", I've had the odd distinction of encountering a lot of hall-of-fame "somebodies".

Temple Grandin, I believe, is one of those people who was put on this earth to do good and she works at it every day of her life.

RNB said...

Once upon a time, I used to sorta-listen to Sean Hannity. Not really voluntarily. He was on the air at the time I was driving home from work. I could stand him for about fifteen minutes. He would hit the same talking points at the same time every afternoon. (A sarcastic reference to the 'wiping' of Hillary Clinton's hard drives chimed in at just about 3:45 p.m. every day.) I realized this was like listening to a giant, right-wing parrot and would tune away.

Kirk Parker said...

In some ways I stand in awe of Sean Hannity -- how did the guy come to be as successful as he is in his arena, while lacking any relevant skills?

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